Quote# 140920

It's a Wonderful Race, After All

by James Bronson (part 2)

"I don't understand. According to my recollections from Geography class, the great pyramids should be near this very spot. We ought to be able to see them from miles away," said George.

"Well, George, I'm sure your professors at the college never told you this, but the ancient Egyptians were not black or brown. They were Caucasians. The anthropologists who examined the Egyptian mummies confirmed this fact. There are no pyramids and no Sphinx either. And the Carthaginians were white too."

George became depressed, but he was determined to prove his beliefs. "What's in Europe?" he asked.

"Europe became populated by Huns and other Asiatic tribes. They've settled down a bit but life is much the same as it is in North America. A nomadic existence based on hunting and food gathering. No great cities, no science, no buildings, no culture, no fine art – just a hard daily struggle against life and the elements of nature. In a Europe without evil Whites, the Roman Empire never existed nor did the Greeks. There was no Renaissance either."

"Take me to Asia then. Surely the great civilizations of Persia, India, China, and Japan will suit me" George said. "Clarence, to the Taj Mahal please."

"The Taj Mahal?" replied the angel. "Don't you know that the ancient Persian and Indian civilizations were established by ancient Indo-European tribes who crossed the Himalayas? They are the ones who civilized India and built the Taj Mahal. Those are the great civilizations that Marco Polo, Columbus, and others were searching for. Did you know that Iran is Persian for "land of the Aryan?"

George said: "Don't tell me that the Indians were White men! That can't be. In the world I came from, I knew many Indians and they were not White!"

Clarence explained: "As the centuries passed, the Indo-Europeans who created Indian civilization intermarried with the native majorities who populated the Indian subcontinent. Gradually there were less and less evil White people until they faded out completely, along with the advanced civilization they had built. You will notice that there are still a few white-skinned and fair-haired Indians and Pakistanis around today -- in the world you came from that is.

George became worried. He knew he could never fit into the harsh primitive world he had been thrust into. Suddenly he thought of Japan. "Japan! I'll show you now Clarence. Take me to Japan. If the Japanese can make TVs and cameras then I'm sure I'll find a decent civilization that I can live in."

Clarence transported George to Japan. George observed that Japanese society was the most orderly, advanced and civil that he had seen, but it seemed as if almost everyone was a rice farmer, a fisherman, or a soldier. There were no cars, no skyscapers, no lights, no stereos, no sciences, no technologies, and no universities. It was a stagnant agricultural society that seemed to have reached its high water mark and was incapable of moving forward. George knew he could not live here either.

Clarence explained to George: "Even the industrious Japanese and Chinese peoples had to rely on the evil Europeans to build the modern Asia that you had in mind. In this world, Japan exists exactly as it did before Commodore Perry's American naval ships arrived in Japan in the 1850s. There's no industry, no technology, no Fuji film, no Sony, no Hitachi, no Panasonic, no Toyota, no Sushi bars, no baseball...none of the trappings or comforts of modern life. These things don't exist in Japan or anywhere else because Europeans weren't there to create them and share them with the rest of the world. Would you care for a bowl of rice George?"

George began to feel sick in both his body and his mind. Not only was he depressed, but exposure to the harsh elements of nature had left him physically ill. "Clarence, I seem to have contracted some type of sickness. I must have some anti-biotics."

"Anti-biotics? There's no...

"Oh shut up already! Then just take me back to the world as it was!"

"Sorry George. I'm not authorized to do that. Only my boss can make that call."

Clarence said to him: "You see George. Your father was right. You really had a wonderful race. Don't you see what a foolish mistake it is to be ashamed and guilty about your own people, and to let them die out? This is what the world would be like without the creative spark of Edison and Ford and Pasteur and Marconi. No great scientists, or mathematicians, or inventors or fine artists. No Archimedes, no Aristotle, no Socrates, no Alexander, no Renaissance, no Newton, no Kepler, no Goddard, no Mendel, no Tesla, no Faraday, no Guttenberg, no Shakespeare, no Dickens, no Twain, no Mozart, no Beethoven, no Davinci, no Michelangelo, no Galileo, no Copernicus. No Venice, no Paris, no Lisbon, no Madrid, no Zurich, no Berlin, no St. Petersburg, no Budapest, no Rome, no Milan, no Vienna, no London, no New York, no Rio, no Sydney. No orchestras, no museums, no universities, no hospitals, no libraries, no theaters, no radio, no books, no television, no electricity, no refrigeration, no heating, no plumbing, no houses, no steel, no stadiums, no vaccines, no cars, no planes, no trains, no ships, no dentists, no surgeons, no computers, no telephones, and most important - there's no creative genius to be found that could create and sustain such a high level of civilization. There's nothing for the people of this world to build upon. It's just a daily struggle for subsistence. It’s a brutal planet where the few people who aren't mired in eternal ignorance and darkness have reached their peak of civilization and are advancing no further."

Clarence went on to lecture the broken and depressed young man for seven days straight. He covered everything. History, science, economics, philosophy, art, literature, fine music, architecture, medicine, politics, agriculture, religion, and all the creations and contributions that the European peoples had made in every conceivable field of human endeavor. George listened closely to every word. He felt like a man who had been reborn.

After his lecture, Clarence the Angel floated away towards heaven. "I hope you have found all this to be educational, and I hope you have learned an important lesson. Enjoy your world, George!" mocked the departing angel.

George began to sob like a baby. It was the year 2003 and he was alone and hungry in a backwards world where Europeans had never existed. He cried out to the stars: "Please God. I see what a fool I've been. I understand now what my father was trying to tell me. I want to go back to the world that I came from. A world where Europeans not only existed, but blessed the rest of humanity world with their unique creative ability. I want to live in a civilized world. Please God!...take me back!...take me back!...Oh God....please."

Suddenly George was transported back to his college dormitory. Drunk with joy, George jumped into the showers before he could even take his clothes off!

Braveheart, Stormfront 4 Comments [10/15/2018 7:59:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140935

Re: When Asian Women Are Harassed for Marrying Non-Asian Men

One interesting thing she said in the article is that she was never attracted to Asian men because, growing up, the only Asians she knew were her relatives. That makes sense in a way but shows what can happen in multiracial societies and why we shouldn't have them.

That's an excuse for self hate. Asian women literally Worship White men like we are Gods. This Asian girl straight up stalked me in High School it was scary, I actually asked her why she wouldn't date her own kind and she made this motion with her fingers and said small cock.

East Asian women are the most self hating women in the World and the men are the most Beta men in the World. 99% of East Asian men don't know how to communicate in a normal way because their T levels are so low they always think about how to be "non confrontational , non offensive they can't even communicate."

Only new one Asian guy who wasn't a Nerd short, weak looking. He was a tall Chinese guy over 6' and lifted weights. He did fairly well with girls and he ended up in Finance.

Most Asian men can't get dates and live alone if they haven't brought wife from the home country or aren't part of a tight knight Ethnic community. I know of several Asian guys that are past 30 and still Single. I check their facebook to see if they are no longer single. Asians must be the group with highest sexless men in America hands down easily.

Her mudshark race traitor race mixing of s husband should be shunned by any sane white person

Mitch is a CUck married to an Ugly Asian woman. Didn't even have children with her. Just a Status seeking 3rd World Whore. There everywhere where I live.

All Ethnic women even Black, want to be with a White guy where I'm from. We are like Gods here. As long as you're over White, 5'10 and not deformed Ethnic women will literally throw themselves at your feet all day.

So I understand why White men sometimes marry Asian. I've seen many White men here married to East Asians or Curries. Not so much Latinas or Blacks because they generally don't go to College and do low status jobs even if they do. East Asians Worship Money and Status so they go well with some White guys.

Where I live the Best looking girls are Jewish because their Father's are Jewish Laywers, Doctors, Politicians, CEOs ect and they get the best looking White women.

I don't find East Asian women very attractive most have flat faces, slits for eyes, and no body. My friend says it's tighter and better and that looks don't matter that much as long as they aren't fat.

Some Jewish, Latinas and Persian girls can be very attractive. I'd prefer a White looking Persian or Latina to a Regular White American girl. Most White AMerican girls are fat and aren't attractive unless they are from the country. But those country folk just have a different culture than me.

Where I live the best looking girls are Jewish. Because their Fathers are Doctors, Laywers, CEOs, Politicians and get the best looking White women who want to marry up for Status.

Heidlerr, Stormfront 1 Comments [10/15/2018 8:04:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 140437

HERALD Sun cartoonist Mark Knight says he suspended his Twitter account overnight because of abuse towards his family over his cartoon of Serena Williams’ US Open tantrum.

Knight said he did it to protect his family and friends.

Australia’s finest cartoonist said while positive comments were outweighing negative, he chose to do it to stop family being abused.

Claims the account had been suspended by Twitter are wrong.

Knight has dismissed the global Twitter storm over his depiction of a tantrum-throwing Williams during the final of the US Open.

The Herald Sun’s veteran cartoonist says his portrayal was never about race or gender — rather the sporting superstar’s bad behaviour.

Knight’s take on Williams’ blow up showed the 23 Grand Slam winner spitting the dummy and stomping on her tennis racquet as the chair umpire told US Open champion Naomi Osaka in the background: “Can you just let her win.”

Mark Knight, Herald Sun 6 Comments [10/15/2018 7:50:31 AM]
Fundie Index: -2
Submitted By: TB Tabby

Quote# 140893

Do you honestly believe that YOU can defeat Islam ? We muslims will conquer the west and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. We won't defeat you by war or terrorist attacks, but through outbreeding you whites. We muslim have 7 to 8 children( Inshallah) per wife and once you add 3 wives you will end up with 21-24 children per muslim, where you whites barely have 1 child and maybe 1 dog. And this happens because you looted our lands in order to drive your $40k mercedes and buy more houses. Your wife and daughters will breed with us and wear headscarfs while we outbreed you from existence.

Um, no, the Nationalists are winning and your shit tribes will disappear, poop people.

Go sweat in the desert and wait like morons.

Anonymous, /pol/ 2 Comments [10/13/2018 8:30:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 140887

SciFi visions of the future are typically either a dystopian view that, to me, appear to be jewish victory scenarios or "Uptopian" visions of a post scarcity enlightenment that, to me, represent a goyish victory.

All jewish machinations and philosophies lead down the road of destruction and sterility. Homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, multiculturalism, communism, capitalism and usury, feminism, etc. These all need to be destroyed, disproven and demonized.

From there we can have a future where true altruism exists. The Donald Trumps of the world can use their great wealth and lifetime of knowledge to advance society without creating welfare traps. Through the concepts of NS truly great men can be chosen to lead. Character is built through struggle. That's why Happy Uncle's book was titled as it was. If we have a population smart enough to understand this and embrace this we can rise above the world of easy answers and easy living.

If not then the point of peak humanity will have been 70 years ago and we are riding the cycle of decline.

Perhaps in 1000 years we'll get to try again if we are smart enough to deactivate our nukes.

ForgottenNames, Reddit 2 Comments [10/12/2018 9:19:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140856

If there is a country in the world today that has 300 000 child slaves then it is a shithole country! Shithole= a very bad country, which Haiti is. But it isn't just a very bad country, it is a shit country. Korea is a bad country. Haiti is a SHITHOLE. Have you ever seen neighborhoods in Haiti, you can smell the dung from the picture... If we ridicule people who wave confederate flags because it allegedly glorifies slavery in 1860s, why should ANYONE defend Haiti? USA does NOT need Haiti. Haiti produces NOTHING. Don't get me wrong, I am sure that there are wonderful PEOPLE that originate from Haiti, but Haitian culture produces nothing... What neurological papers of essence come from Haitian Universities? NOTHING. Haiti needs USA. Haiti needs to be diplomatic around USA... Because USA is one of the best countries in the world. In terms of production, this CANNOT be questioned! In fact, it's not like the world would suffer if Haiti was governed by the USA!

Kingdamian1, RationalWiki 3 Comments [10/11/2018 3:51:43 AM]
Fundie Index: -3

Quote# 140849

You might think that all intelligent observers will be aware of this sustained Jewish support for Muslims and hostility towards Whites. But somehow both the support and the hostility escape the notice of philosemitic commentators like Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray, who rail against Muslim pathologies in the West and mournfully chronicle the suffering these inflict on Jews. Steyn has claimed that Jews are “on the receiving end” of Muslim violence. They aren’t: they’re on the enabling end of Muslim violence. It was their support for Third-World immigration that prevailed against the loudly expressed opposition of the White majority. And this happened not just in Britain, but also in America, France, Sweden, Australia and all other enriched Western nations.

Tobias Langdon, The Occidental Observer 1 Comments [10/9/2018 12:09:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140808

[Lyrics of the song "777"]

The media lies and they do it well
To spread out the whites mans apartheid hell
While they do the best they can
To protect the crimes in the promised land
We won´t forget those traitor scums
Who let these monkeys overcome
Seven flags people keeps on the fight
To protect and beware the white mans rights
The blacks are trying to break through
Change a great nation into a zoo

Prisoner number 4664
Has been released, he´s back in the war
How could them let him free?
The f****** leader of the ANC

Free, free from the cell
Let´s send him back to hell
Free, free from the cell
Let´s send him back to hell

They have to bee strong, gotta´ fight on
If they don´t want to end like a communist land

Dirlewanger, Flashlyrics 6 Comments [10/7/2018 1:15:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 140848

I’ve been ‘red-pilled’ (I hate saying that because I think it sounds dumb but whatever, everyone gets what it means) since I was like 11 or 12 when inquisitive me decided to research race and all that it entails. Ever since then I’ve felt like a character in one of those ‘emperor’s got no clothes’ type stories marveling at some insanity no one else really seems to notice.

I really like and have always liked history, and that’s what helped cue me in to the fact that things just aren’t normal. It’s not normal for women to demand the right to murder their unborn children as a sacred right (did you see those fucking videos from Ireland?). It’s not normal for us to be crammed into these massive, soulless metropolises (metropoles?) full of fumes and plastic and concrete and millions of people who don’t look or sound anything like you, whose faces are a bunch of uniform blurs. It’s not normal for governments to import millions of foreigners and castigate their own people for questioning it (didn’t some German politician just say Germany was a ‘nation of immigrants’? Jesus).

We’re not supposed to care about anything anymore. Not our families, not our peoples, not our values, barely even our friends.

If you don’t like your family, or if they try (God forbid) to reign in your idiocy and self-destructiveness? ‘Cut them off. They’re toxic. You don’t need them.’ (no I’m not advocating staying with truly abusive families, but you know what I mean). You’re not supposed to care about your race or people because ‘we’re all individuals’ and ‘you shouldn’t be proud of things you didn’t do’ or ‘race is a recent racist white colonial invention’. And maybe it’s true that people 2,000 years ago didn’t think in terms of ‘asian’ and ‘European’ and ‘African’, but they were Romans and Cherusci and Gauls and Han and that meant something. It was something you could hold on to. Something to ground you. Something to be a part of. Not anymore. It’s all about you. Be yourself. Do what makes you happy. I hate seeing that shit. It’s so atomizing. There are no more familial or ethnic bonds, just a bunch of little yous.

I feel adrift. I live in a very liberal milieu so it feels like I’m gritting my teeth and lying to everyone else and myself all of the time. I’m so sick of hearing friends and acquaintances complain that this or that breed of social degeneracy isn’t as tolerated as it should be. Not too long ago I remember hearing someone call someone else out for “slut-shaming”. What the fuck? How did we get to a point in society where it’s bad to shame someone for being a wanton whore who goes out and fucks a dozen guys and passes out drunk on a couch? For that matter, why is it bad to shame some useless sleaze who does nothing but fuck willing holes and brag about it to his friends like it’s a damn badge of honor?

And everyone’s always on some fucking drug or another. “Hold on, I’m gonna meet my hook-up.” “Great, are we gonna smoke?” “No, I haven’t tried it yet.” Maybe I can’t blame them for wanting to escape in some way from this horrible, mixed up nightmare pit we live in, but it’s not escape for them. They like this state of affairs. This is good.

Everything’s just so fake and atomized. I live on a college camps (God grant me strength) and I can’t go fifty feet without seeing some shitty poster for a progressive club or some fucking “black culture” union. I have to hear my friends blather on about how racist Trump is or how this is discriminatory or whatever the fuck
And at the center of this all is the race issue.

This is where I really get lost. I’m not white. I grew up around white people, all my friends as a kid were white, basically everyone I knew and cared about save my immediate family was white. I hardly even really registered the fact that I wasn’t white until I was almost a preteen.

And now I just feel so lost. I walk my campus or the street and I see this fucking throng of every conceivable race on the planet earth seething all around me. It just looks so out of place. It just feels so wrong. Like God grabbed the earth and shook it like a snow globe. I feel wrong. I don’t belong anywhere.

Maybe this sounds sycophantic or uncle tom-ish but I love Europeans. Like I said, I love history and especially European history, and I’ve always adored European culture. All of my close friends and associates are white. When I see the videos from Paris or London or whatever and you can walk blocks without seeing a single ethnic native it breaks my heart. I want Europeans and their traditions and histories to survive. I don’t want to see Berliner Dom sand-blasted to build a mosque.

And there’s where I come to an impossible cross-roads because I agree with you guys on pretty much everything but supporting your movement basically means supporting my own separation from this country and home that I love. Maybe I would do that because like I said, I love Europeans. Maybe that sounds pathetic, but they’ve been better and closer to me more than my ‘own’ race, so how can I feel otherwise? And it's because of that I'd rather die than go and start anew in some other land that's entirely alien to me.

But I can’t do an about-face and I can’t in good conscience support this international global order that wants to crush every last vestige of identity and solidarity and goodness out of the world.

Whenever I see news about rising right-wing/nationalist sentiment here or in Europe or wherever I become happy because I hope these people can wake up in time to save themselves from obliteration, but I also become sad because this isn’t a movement for me and it never will be.

I'm sorry if this is rambling or confusing. I didn't know where to post this and no one else would tell me anything but that I'm sick for not loving this fucking twisted parody of life that the elites have created for us. I'm having a really bad night. I don’t know. I wish I’d never been born. I wish I was dead. I can’t find peace anywhere in this world.

Thanks for listening.

PleaseDontKillGod, Reddit 2 Comments [10/9/2018 12:06:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 140832

I was at a college the other day and I crossed paths with a young good looking blond. She was walking in the direction of the basketball and football centers. She was looking at me and I thought, why are you looking at me? Go fuck a black guy. That's what your Jewish Gaylords want you to do.

Adolf Goldbergstein, VNN Forum 3 Comments [10/9/2018 11:38:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140817

Democracy is not going to save European nations nor will it save the United States. What? You think you're going to vote away millions of third world rapists and murderers? You think you're going to oust the systems in power that are trying to destroy western civilization and Europeans after they spent decades achieving the power they have now? Voting against them is pointless. They control the system itself.

Blood and fire will be the future. There's no avoiding it. We are no longer quarreling political differences across the whole of western civilization, it is now distinctions of morality and ethics. Their core intent is white extinction and many whites haven't quite grasped this reality yet either out of fear or denial, understandable given the societal conditioning they've been subjected to for decades. Don't bother with debate, they won't listen. They're animals. Don't put faith in democracy, it is precisely what they're counting on as they work to destroy you and everything you have

ToOurEnd, Reddit 4 Comments [10/7/2018 7:57:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 140810

Short story: Reflections on the New Year 2078, A Cautionary Tale

Well, it would be the year 2078 if Christianity still existed. But it was driven into extinction long ago, along with the White Race. In fact, nobody really knows what year it is, since only a handful of Jews can still read.

What do we see in the remains of America? Well, the first thing to notice is the burned out hulks of the cities. In 2078, all American cities look like Detroit did in 2018. After the purge of the Whites, the Negroes and Hispanics turned on each other, then after the Hispanics fled the Negroes killed the Asians, then the Negroes killed each other. The few Negroes who remained found out that it's awfully hard to grow food in a desert, so they fled.

What about the Jews, the ones who had encouraged the purging of the Whites? Well, the first Whites out of the cities attacked the Jew shtetls (homogenous Jew cities set up to preserve the Jew's racial and religious purity), inflicting a number of casualties before being defeated. When the Hispanics started showing up, the Jews realized that they were outnumbered, and fled to the highest mountains, where they built walled fortresses. By the time the Asians showed up, they had blocked off the gates, so as to block the weaknesses in the walls. The Jews are still there, in their fortresses, albeit far fewer of them than there were originally. In the old America, Jews had been bankers and businessmen, growing rich off the labor of the goyim. Walled off from the world in their "masadim", as they call the forts, they had to grow their own food. Most did not know how, and eventually died. The few that remain spend most of their time trying to fend off starvation. Despite the Torah's call for learning, most cannot read even their holy books. They rely on the rebbim, the religious leaders, to tell them what is in the books.

What of the rest of America? Well, the waves of city refugees eventually overwhelmed the farmers and destroyed the farms. Nothing is farmed in America now. There are wandering tribes of Negroes and Negro-Mulattoes, who live off the land. The last guns ceased to function a long time ago; the tribes use bows/arrows and spears to kill their prey, and are lucky to find edible plants here and there. They don't live much better than the Jews, actually.

As for the rest of the world, the sudden collapse of the American Empire caused the human race to turn on each other in a vicious wave of settling scores. The Americans stationed overseas by the US military were quickly done away with, then the locals fought each other. Israel was quickly overrun and destroyed. Russia and China broke up into a zillion little warring fiefdoms. Europe followed the same path as America, only the land there turned out to be so exhausted that no humans live there now. Africa returned to it's natural state. In fact, the Africans are probably the best off people on earth, since they were not that far from their hunter gatherer roots, and simply returned to them.

Nobody really knows, or cares, how many humans exist in 2078. 100 million, maybe. Few can read; the great libraries of Western Civilization were destroyed or fell into ruin long ago. Most of the great technologies invented by Whites have been forgotten too; without Whites to maintain them, they were abandoned. The Jews in their masadim have a few scraps of the old technologies; a solar panel, a wind turbine, that occasionally power an electric LED lightbulb or a two way radio that is occasionally used by the Jews to communicate between the masadim. The Jews also have a little medical knowledge; little things like putting alcohol on a cut to prevent infection. The rest of White Civilization has been utterly forgotten. Trucks and farm machinery are chunks of rust, the structures built by White Civilization are ruins. The wandering tribes of Negroes occasionally find shelter in a ruin of a farmhouse or barn. They lack the mental capacity to do anything as simple as wondering how the structure came to be. Gods built them, is how they describe it.

It took 70 years for Rome to go from empire to ruin, but at least more of Roman Civilization survived than of Western Civilization, and the smart Romans were able to flee beyond the chaos. With Western Civilization, there was nowhere to run, it was the first-and probably the last-true global collapse. By the time that Whites realized that the fate of humanity was in their hands, it was too late, and they were slaughtered to the last man. Without White People, the capacity of humans to build a new civilization sometime in the distant future is likely gone for good.

Sometimes the Jews ask each other, isn't this what the forefathers wanted, the men who lived so long ago and who wished for the final Jewish victory? Is this victory, huddled in brick huts behind thick walls on mountaintops, desperately trying to scratch food out of the rocks? Where is this "Israel" they spoke of, the Third Temple that would be built by the Moshiach? Where is Moshiach, the deity who would vanquish the Goyim? There is no answer, of course, and whenever a young boy asks, he is told to tend to the corn. Even the Jews have given up hope.

Scarhand, Stormfront 8 Comments [10/7/2018 1:17:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140795

John Derbyshire has rather pointedly described the fate of those who would criticize Jews in a remarkable exchange with Joey Kurtzman, a Jewish editor of the website Jewcy.com:

“So far as the consequences of ticking off Jews are concerned: … I was making particular reference to respectable rightwing journalism, most especially in the U.S. I can absolutely assure you that anyone who made general, mildly negative, remarks about Jews would NOT — not ever again — be published in the Wall Street Journal opinion pages, The Weekly Standard, National Review, The New York Sun, The New York Post, or The Washington Times. I know the actual people, the editors, involved here, and I can assert this confidently.”

I thought about this when reading Peter Brimelow’s speech at Michael Hart’s Preserving Western Civilization conference in early February. Brimelow runs the excellent racial realism site VDARE.com, an immigration reform site that champions the interests of the American majority — European-Americans.

For this, Brimelow and his writers have drawn the wrath of the mainstream and liberal left, particularly the SPLC — routinely referred to as the $PLC at VDARE. [Editorial note: The Occidental Observer announces that from now on it will shamelessly copy this wonderfully accurate designation.)

He has also been shunned by mainstream conservative publications such as National Review where he was once Senior Editor. Jonah Goldberg, who personifies the changing of the guard at NR after Brimelow left, referred to Brimelow as “a once-respected conservative voice.” As Brimelow notes, NR is “a once-conservative, now respected, magazine.” I’m sure that the $PLC couldn’t be happier that Jonah Goldberg and his ilk are ensconced at NR. Brimelow introduces the problem he sees the West facing, delivered in the form of an observation followed by a question:

This is a problem which we see throughout the Western world—an unprecedentedly huge influx of non-traditional immigration. The result of this is that every major Western nation will be a minority in its homeland in the foreseeable future. It takes less time in some places and more time in others, but the calculations can easily be made. . . .

What’s so amazing about this transformation is that it has no economic benefit for the traditional people of the Western nations that are voluntarily giving up their identity — and their political power. As Brimelow phrases it, the question then becomes “Why are these countries doing this to themselves if they are not benefiting their native-born — their own people?”

Photo: Peter Brimelow debating immigration, 10-2-2008.
We at TOO have little doubt about the main force behind these transformations: The organized Jewish community. These transformations have nothing to do with economics but everything to do with ethnic activism and identity politics.

There are hints of this in Brimelow’s talk, although it was probably impolitic for him to mention it given the strong participation of Jews at the conference. As noted by The Searchlight (an $PLC-like outfit in the UK that is now running a “Hope not hate” campaign against the BNP), the conference was “an attempt to create a new ideological pole friendlier to Jewish participation, but within the broader white nationalist movement. They would bind Islamophobia and nativism with scientific racism.” Not quite the way I’d say it, but you get the idea.

Brimelow points to the growing Jewish support for Democratic politics in America — despite their relative prosperity. Jews are an economic elite but their voting patterns much more resemble non-white minorities — they “earn like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans,” as Milton Himmelfarb phrased it.

Indeed, Brimelow notes that higher percentages of Jews voted for Obama than the average for other minorities (83% to 79%). Why this is so “is a good question and in some ways the most important question in the immigration debate. And I recommend it to you for further discussion.”

Never one to pass up an invitation like that, I would point out that from the time they came to the US in large numbers, Jews have had a very negative view of traditional Americans and their culture. As Elliott Abrams put it, the mainstream Jewish community “clings to what is at bottom a dark vision of America, as a land permeated with anti-Semitism and always on the verge of anti-Semitic outbursts.” As portrayed by the Jewish media, “Western civilization is … a failing, dying culture, but at worst it is … sick and evil compared to other cultures.” It’s all about identity politics.

Brimelow gets right down to brass tacks about one side of the equation—he discusses and defends the interests of whites.

Obama doesn’t have 43% of his appointees white Protestants, in fact I don’t think even 4% are white Protestants. So you have to ask yourself what’s going on here. How can the founding stock of the country have so completely lost control? They could reasonably regard the Obama administration as kind of an occupation government: a coalition of united minorities that succeeded inuniting the minoritiesand dividing the majority.

As fate would have it, this observation resonated with something I had just read about the way Bolsheviks had assumed power in 1917 at the beginning of the Soviet era. A shadowy Executive Committee ruled, and among those with power “more than half were Jewish socialists.” Native Russians did not even make up a quarter. One participant noted that “the most striking thing about the composition of the EC was the number of foreign elements.” The deaths of tens of millions of underrepresented white non-Jews followed. (The details of this genocide come from Nobel laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s two-volume study of Russian-Jewish relations, Two Hundred Years Together. Still lacking an English translation after seven years, Occidental Quarterly contributor F. Roger Devlin has worked from the French translation to provide a superb overview of Solzhenitsyn’s work. See The Occidental Quarterly Fall 2008 and Winter 2008-2009. Order here.)

Brimelow offered further room for discussion when last month he published Kevin MacDonald’s VDARE.com piece Memories Of Madison—My Life In The New Left. There MacDonald reiterated his argument that radical Jews of the 1960s “had destructive fantasies in which the revolution would result in ‘humiliation, dispossession, imprisonment or execution of the oppressors.’”

In particular, the dispossession component is being accomplished by support for massive non-traditional immigration. MacDonald argued that “Jewish activism on behalf of non-white immigration can be directly traced back to Jewish activists on the left.” Indeed, “Massive non-white immigration into Western societies has been a project of the Jewish left for pretty much the entire last century. The Jewish left has been the most influential component of the organized Jewish community. And even when a significant number of Jews defected from the left, giving rise to the neoconservative movement, they retained the traditional Jewish attitudes on immigration.” (Read MacDonald’s chapter on this phenomenon here).

As with Solzhenitsyn above, MacDonald connected such displacement of a native population with the genocide that occurred in the 1920s and 1930s in the Soviet Union. After the success of the Bolshevik Revolution, “Jewish radicals were able to actually carry out in the USSR the fantasies of the New Left Jewish radicals in the US—i.e., the ‘humiliation, dispossession, imprisonment or execution of the oppressors.’”

MacDonald is proposing that a substantial component of the Jewish activism in the area of immigration is motivated by aggressive hostility toward the European American majority. Another, more defensive explanation of why Jews have led immigration reform movements that favor non-whites is the belief that a less homogeneously white America will be less likely to give rise to a powerful anti-Semitic movement. In an oft-cited passage, Jewish activist Earl Raab wrote:

The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.

We [Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible— and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.

It seems likely that Raab’s wish to protect Jews is assured. After all, Jews are now famously dominant in media, government, academia and finance (for better or for worse).

Meanwhile, the rest of us Americans are left with many of the less pleasant aspects of diversity and non-white immigration, as last weekend’s news yet again drove home. As reported by CNN, a man wearing body armor used his car to block the rear door of an immigration services center, then entered the building and proceeded to murder thirteen people. “A federal law enforcement source identified the suspected gunman as Jiverly Wong. [The spokesman] said Wong, who was from Vietnam, was 41 and had changed his last name to Voong.”

I’m sure I’m not the only one who breathed a sigh of relief when it turned out that the shooter was not a white male. As VDARE’s Steve Sailer explained “You can imagine how the Mainstream Media was itching to start typing denunciations of hate-filled white male anti-immigration rednecks when the news came in today that 13 people had been shot dead at an immigration center.” Brimelow is even more pointed on this issue: “If the killer in the Binghamton immigration center massacre had been a white American, I have no doubt that much of the VDARE.COM Editorial Collective would be in police custody right now.”

What has thus far been left unexplained is why there is any immigration to a region that has been devastated economically since at least the 1970s. Even the New York Times recognized this in a story about an area where “the number of 25-to-34-year-old residents in the 52 counties north of Rockland and Putnam declined by more than 25 percent. In 13 counties that include cities like Buffalo, Syracuse and Binghamton, the population of young adults fell by more than 30 percent.” In a perverse side note, The Times adds that “population growth upstate might have lagged even more but for the influx of 21,000 prison inmates, who accounted for 30 percent of new residents.” Is this the kind of place that needs legions of new immigrants?

VDARE.com’s Brenda Walker today made the broader point clear:

The problem of rampaging immigrants is not guns or unfriendly Americans or conservative radio programs or VDARE.com. The problem is the strangely persistent myth among elites and the media that millions from Somalia and Iraq and Red China can be plunked into our unique society and be expected to get along like they were putting on a different coat. . . . Immigration as a marker of the imaginary one-worlder multicultural paradise has been a screaming failure. The symptoms are everywhere, from ethnic gangs to mass murder.

Someday someone might look into this phenomenon, for it seems to fit the pattern of dispossession of traditional Americans. According to one blog, the US State Department has adopted a policy to spread refugees out to small and middle-sized American cities and away from the traditional “gateway cities.” Research found that “eleven top cities that had the largest refugee populations as a percentage of the foreign born in the city” were:

Utica-Rome, NY
Fargo-Moorhead, ND-MN
Erie, PA
Binghamton, NY
Spokane, WA
Portland, ME
Lincoln, NE
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA
Burlington, VT
Manchester, NH
Des Moines, IA

Odd that all eleven of these cities are overwhelmingly white gentile locales.

When considering this crazy jumble of immigration situations I’ve described, casual observers may mutter that the system sure seems to be broken. But as I’ve stressed before, the problem is not that the system is broken; rather, the problem is that it is working as intended. Whereas Ms. Walker notes that “a homogenous nation evokes loyalty, stability and harmony,” the sad fact is that Jews in general detest these qualities in others. For Jews, homogeneous masses of white people reminds them of marching storm troopers with swastikas on their uniforms. As I wrote last year, “Jews instinctively fear and feel threatened by nationalistic, particularistic societies.”

To me the lesson seems clear: Majority white Americans need to develop a sense of solidarity and then act on their interests. This too was the lesson Solzhenitsyn drew from his experience in the Soviet gulag: “More compact or tribally-minded peoples managed to look out for one another in the harsh conditions of camp life, and so stood a better chance of survival.” Time is not on the side of traditional Americans, so let this be a minor wake up call. Are you willing to allow the Powers That Be to elect a new people and replace you? I know I’m not.

Chrisy58, Chrisy58's Weblog 4 Comments [10/5/2018 4:41:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 140753

Truly gruesome stuff. Now I don't know if that kind of violence will happen in a country that you truly built. A common theme above was that white people were recent guests in foreign lands. I am not saying it was wrong for them to be there, I am just pointing out the fact. On one level, I admire their willingness to go berserk in order to try to take back their homelands. If only Europeans had that sort of rage in them every now and again. Naturally we would never be as gruesome about it though, that much is obvious. On another level, if Europeans did that kind of violence, they'd be seen as terrorists, as opposed to these "freedom fighters", whom I'm sure every liberal western woman and her five cats think did the right thing.

How I see this playing out is that Canada is doing something unique in the world. Countries like the US and the UK have flooded the underclasses with a lot of Africans, Latinos and Indian sub-continentals. People who will fill the prisons, and work at McDonald's. Canada however has prioritized the highly-educated (on paper), and then made affirmative action country-wide. Trump has said that he wants the Canadian system that only takes in the "best". How it will play out here is that our upper class, the politicians our elites, the good jobs will fall to the high-IQ (on paper) Asians and Indians (and Jews). European Canadians are getting squeezed out from below by the Blacks and others, and squeezed out from above by the Asians. The takeover will continue peacefully, as we will just be completely squeezed out of mainstream society. The Jewish media will never report it, and the Asian politicians will never discuss it. At least in the USA, everyone knows how to avoid the underclasses, by moving to the suburbs, moving to a gated community, working in certain sectors, etc. But in Canada, the non-violent squeeze will only get worse, and I am personally more afraid of being pushed out of society (already feels that way) than any form of violence.

WhenInRome, Eurocanadian  1 Comments [10/2/2018 6:45:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140752

Majority of those so called countries were not sovereign states. No borders and no idea what they had for land mass until the European's made it so. You may be right about us invading and conquering other countries. One thing you forgot to point out is that those were completely different times unlike the soft and weak world people like you are in today. You are comparing apples to oranges. Any other race, religion or creed would have the done the exact thing the Europeans done, in fact probably worse. The only difference is we done it bigger and better then everyone else. Our intelligence and creativity are more superior then other races at the time.

Your argument has a superficial logic but the historical and cultural context is seriously flawed. The Europeans who invaded other lands did pretty much what cultures/nations had always done, but they were just better at it. The arrival of millions of immigrants to white nations today is not a result of imperialistic competition but part of a concerted ideological/political program to diversify white nations through the use of manipulation, censorship, and political coercion.

Basically you are saying that white citizens should allow their nations to be diversified because in the past white nations were too successful in their imperialistic competition. This is the logic of a typical SJW, though I understand this is what you were taught, and is not your fault for being indoctrinated rather than educated.

RD, Eurocanadian  3 Comments [10/3/2018 12:37:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 140745

Aryan man stands at the precipitous, the Magna Reconquista awaits, ...

Time is quickly running out on the jew and their co-subhuman mercenaries.

Subhumans that claim Aryans do not have a Natural Right to their Homelands will automatically forfeit their existence.

Phaedrus, VNN Forum 3 Comments [10/1/2018 5:07:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140763

There's a biological reality here. Things are different for men and they have different evolutionary drives. This is because a woman can have a single child per year while a man functionally has no limit. A man could conceivably have 50 children in a single year. This leads to the genders developing different behaviors. So really there isn't an issue so long as he doesn't commit to the non white woman and goes off to find a white woman to settle down with.
I get it. Either way, a new mulatto is born. But it's simply a fact that in nature it's the responsibility of men to spread his genes whilst it's the woman's responsibility to attract resources and nurture the resulting child. Given the difference in behavior, it should be the white women not wasting themselves and their limited resources on violent, low value aliens. Whilst white men procreating with non whites is essentially just a misfire.

Naxxremel, Reddit 1 Comments [10/3/2018 12:43:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 131219

(Uncle Coz): Disgusted. That's the word. The niggers are demanding, and getting their way, that all the memorials, statues, and history of the Confederate south be removed or destroyed. One by one our monuments and memorials have been removed. Now they want to destroy Stone Mountain, GA. What's next? Will the jig-a-boos demand that we take George Washington off the money because he owned slaves? Will we have to tear down the Washington monument in D.C.? I ask you fellow humans, where will this shit stop?

(Proudwhiteman): This is precisely why we need to install white leadership that will take the necessary steps to restore the correct balance of power. I.e., niggers in their place doing the menial labor jobs within their mental capabilities. Whites running the government and handling high-skill/administrative functions.

(jack2520): You are absolutely right! Whites should be running the government in any white-majority nation--and even places like the former Rhodesia and South Africa. When us whites ruled the roost, things were very good and crime and filth was quite low. Niggers were kept in their places and they knew not to act uppity. Nigger animals' mental capacities are not great. The average NAPA has an IQ of about 80; the average pure Africoon has an IQ of about 65.

(Peterbiltdriver): I am absolutely disgusted. Niggers are practically worshipped. It's truly sickening. Magic niggers on tv, explaining stuff to humans as though the themselves understand it, rather than reading a script. In the city 20 miles away, where we go to nigmart, a couple years ago there weren't many nigs at all, now there are plenty. It makes me sad, and wary. Niggers suck.

(Picaninny Rail): Pretty soon they will start burning books and re writing history, so all proof will be gone there, too. The Emancipation Proclamation will no longer be taught in school, because any reminder of slavery will probably be deemed offensive. Niggers will have a harder and harder time playing the race card. I love it!

Uncle Coz, Proudwhiteman, jack2520, Peterbiltdriver, and Picaninny Rail, Niggermania 2 Comments [9/3/2017 7:09:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132867


Some stupid congressman wanted slave reparations.
He listed slavery has being from 1600 to 1870 something.

In 1775, We sent the King of England a letter, declaring our independence.
That was the first act of treason
The second act of treason was several Northern states didn't like slavery,they despised it.
Many of the Northern states IMMEDIATELY passed Emancipation laws.
They said no more buying, selling, or trading of slaves.
If your slave has a child, then that child is a free person.
If a slave owner dies, his slave is set free.(Yes, It's a shame all states didn't do it).

In 1776 we were at war with Great Britain, and that war lasted to 1786.
George Washington became our first President of the United states in the 1788 Election and took office just like every other president in 1789.

1788 was the year the British flag was taken down from America, and the American flag raised.
This was the year we became a country.

In 1861 We went to war with the south to end that Slavery.
That's 72 years after we became a nation.
During that time half the Nation had slaves.
Hence, America averaged 36 years of slavery.
But those who want to argue.
I just proved America only had 72 years of it.
Then America traveled the world, to end slavery world wide.
That's why we have several Caribbean Islands has territories.
The Spanish American war of 1900.
We paid $25 Million dollars for those islands and then Free'd all the slaves at the signing of the Paris treaty.

America has always been a champion of freedom.
If a Black man really wants to know how smart he is? Just go visit Africa.
Thats where every Black person would be if they didn't get the gift of America.
Many of them would still be enslaved over there.

TheTruthNoOneWan ts, Topix 3 Comments [10/11/2017 1:08:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140734

I also hate jews, and any White person who is an enemy of the jews is automatically my friend. I can't stand muslims, but since they are the only ones fighting against the jews at the moment, I'll put up with them. I can't say the muslims are my friends, but I do applaud their anti-jewish activities.

three in one, Stormfront 3 Comments [10/1/2018 1:48:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140742

(This is an anti-Semitic "poem")

Feet to the fire - The Jew is a liar!
Sacrificing their own
to discredit Kavanaugh, Esquire.

Crazy liar, “no one is higher”
than a Jew worm would deceive to aspire.
But they are forever in the mire+
Their situation is dire!!!:/

If control is not established - who will be their sire..?
For a lowly scum of the earth
people who deny Jesus Christ - they will be the crier!+

For it’s become quite obvious & lame
their go to game to shame and to blame -it’s just more of the same.
To cry and lie
no matter who die
will barely, if ever raise their pitiful sigh!

Amazing that no one has ever tried to whack that mohel Soros!

Zionien, Real Jew News 3 Comments [10/1/2018 5:04:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140741

Psychopath / sociopath… have you noticed lying Kikes tend to use these words when they attack White politicians / celebrities etc they hate? Keep in mind that psychology is a Jewish concept. it is worth studying, though. Also keep in mind that 90% of psychiatrists are the Jews.

It is not "antisocial" when we reject their multicultural BS. Because it's against humanity. And about "Aggressiveness" - it is a masculine trait. not sociopathic. The reason why they say it's a sociopathic trait is because they hate masculinity. (hence calling it "toxic masculinity", promoting faggotry to turn White men into weak betas)

If the White person is actually a sociopath, that's because he / she is affected by drugs and other kinds of degeneracies. It's also possible that he / she is suffering from some kind of trauma. All Jews are sociopaths and a lot of non-Whites also seem to be.

The Kikes want all of us Whites to be qualified as psychopaths / sociopaths regardless of political views or class. Because they are psycho / socio-paths themselves, they want to ensure nobody is attacking them for what they really are. It's part of their anti-White agenda.

Skinhead Zack, VNN Forum 1 Comments [10/1/2018 5:02:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140744

The malformed head, lowset ears, large hooked nose and the other assorted deformations that afflict the jew are similar, but not exactly the same as one might observe due to interbreeding sometimes seen in other races. When we compare physiques of the Aryan to that of the jew we can easily see why they hate us. The jew has long known of their grotesque features and how other races shunned them for it.

And this is why, every fifth generation, and with a rabbi's blessing, it is permissable for a jew to breed outside their race. The periodic race mixing allows the jew to assimilate more readily into it's host nation and helps prevent the normally occurring grotesque jewish physical features from reaching monsterous proportions. We can only imagine the hideous beast that would be spawned by a line of jews that did not periodically infuse it's bloodline with human DNA.

brutus, VNN Forum 2 Comments [10/1/2018 5:06:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140707

The Mighty Dead: Why Homer Matters is an example of that non-fiction genre so reviled by the anti-White establishment: books that celebrate the European past and the rich and world-transforming culture that emerged from it. Foundational to this culture are the Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, which have long been pillars of the Western literary canon. While their place in intellectual life of the West has waned over the last century (casualties of the generalized decline of a now Jewish-dominated culture), they remain as alive as ever for many readers. For author Adam Nicolson, in addition to their imperishable literary value, the Homeric epics should matter to all Europeans because through them “Homer tells us how we became who we are.”[i]

Nicolson is an English writer and journalist known for his scholarly but passionately expressed works on history, landscape and literature. The grandson of noted (and controversial) writers Harold Nicolson and Vita Sackville-West, he recalls being taught Homer at school, where his fumbling knowledge of Greek meant “it was as if the poems were written in maths.” Today most schoolchildren are unlikely to get even that far — with the majority doubtless associating Homer with The Simpsons and its derisive Jewish caricature of the White American father.

Brenton Sanderson, The Occidental Observer 1 Comments [9/30/2018 11:35:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140714

How I see this playing out is that Canada is doing something unique in the world. Countries like the US and the UK have flooded the underclasses with a lot of Africans, Latinos and Indian sub-continentals. People who will fill the prisons, and work at McDonald's. Canada however has prioritized the highly-educated (on paper), and then made affirmative action country-wide. Trump has said that he wants the Canadian system that only takes in the "best". How it will play out here is that our upper class, the politicians our elites, the good jobs will fall to the high-IQ (on paper) Asians and Indians (and Jews). European Canadians are getting squeezed out from below by the Blacks and others, and squeezed out from above by the Asians. The takeover will continue peacefully, as we will just be completely squeezed out of mainstream society. The Jewish media will never report it, and the Asian politicians will never discuss it. At least in the USA, everyone knows how to avoid the underclasses, by moving to the suburbs, moving to a gated community, working in certain sectors, etc. But in Canada, the non-violent squeeze will only get worse, and I am personally more afraid of being pushed out of society (already feels that way) than any form of violence.

WhenInRome, Eurocanadian  3 Comments [9/30/2018 1:28:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 1