Quote# 137034

Sad thing that all the comments blame religion. It's not a religion problem, it's a NIGGER problem. Many fine humans have led congregations and most fine humans believe in God and morality. Niggers aren't human and therefore cannot grasp the human concept of morality. That's why every nigger preacher is just another nigger living on gibs.

OctaviusJackson, Niggermania 2 Comments [3/4/2018 12:15:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137026

Haha so much self hate, this is amusing. This is how left destroy America, by making whites hate themselves. White people have the richest and most developed cultures. Colonialism isn't part of the culture but it is part of human nature. The reason whites did it was because they were more developed. They already built ship and went to discover what was beyond the horizon. What they found there was great land occupied by "cultures" that didn't develop much since cavemen times. Of course they took it over. And rightfully so. America should stop promote the losers and make winners hate themselves. By promoting the winners you have a brighter future

WhiteAndProud, Terrain Cognition 11 Comments [3/4/2018 4:44:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 136963

Great article once again…

And isn’t also true that most of these alleged shootings or hoaxes are committed by the Jews themselves? Jewish operatives within U.S. intelligence, in coordination with MOSSAD, seem to be the likely culprits, and not these kids.

For why would any person, even a young man who was somewhat disturbed, carry out a mass shooting knowing his own life would be over when he was brought to justice?

Jews have been carrying out these kinds of crimes for centuries throughout the World. They committed the 9/11 attacks. It’s basically the same M.O. they have always had. They committed massacres throughout Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries to destabilize Europe and exterminate White European Christians.

They got away with most of it because of their control of World Finance and the media. With their World control, they can commit all of these crimes with impunity while they shamelessly blame others (these bogeymen could be anyone - “disturbed” kids supposedly on psychoactive drugs, Muslims, other nations/leaders, etc).

Americans will never give up their guns so the Jews would actually be smart to cut the crap because they are being exposed more and more here and elsewhere.

AJ, Real Jew News 2 Comments [3/1/2018 12:49:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136962

Trump is another patsy being used by Jews. The non-federal, non-reserve, never-audited “what’s the problem” Jew-owned private “central bank” & the illegal, never ratified by a single state “16th Amendment”-enabled Israel Revenue Service are nothing but Jew con games run on the “goyim.” if nobody pays, they will go away.

More 20th century explained for dummies:

Communism — the Jews own all the dachas, Mercedes and gold, and the “goyim” own NOTHING, because there is no “private property” for them, only for their Jew slave masters.

When they come for your guns, give them the bullets.

benzion kook, Real Jew News 5 Comments [3/1/2018 12:49:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136990

I really don't understand a black person who associate with white afrikaaners, engage in their activities and sees nothing wrong with it SMH.

PrinceGJZ, Twitter 2 Comments [3/1/2018 12:57:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137010

I notice that South Asians are much less conformist, less risk adverse, more bold, confrontational and more verbally competent than mongoloid asians on average.

enjoythedecline2043, Reddit 2 Comments [3/3/2018 7:29:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 136932

When I arrived at the commercial centre of Saint-Jaques, I crossed paths with a bearded black in djellaba, who seemed directly transplanted from a muslim country in Black Africa and that had no will to assimilate himself in France, like his clothes were proving.

But it's in the flunch that a scene happened that will make you go crazy.

After having put our appetizers and cutlery on our plates (the flunch is a restaurant with free service), we queued to the checkout to order our plates and pay for our meal.

In front of us there was a young black (in the 20-22 age range) who seemed healthy. When he arrived in front of the cashier, he presented to her a sheet of paper (of A4 format), divided in lines and columns. The left column indicated the day of the week and the three other columns had titles such as "breakfast", "lunch" and "dinner'.

The cashier wrote something in the check box for dinner in the day we were in and signed. After that she addressed herself with familiarity to the young Black, which proves that she saw him often in the restaurant :

- What do you want as your meal?

- Do you also want a dessert?

-Do you want bread?

- Do you want a drink?

- Try to come sooner tomorrow so that we can serve you before the restaurant is full.

Then I was shocked to see the young black taking his plate without paying anything!

Following the view of the young black, I saw him join two other black muslims (because, from the available data, 95% of the people who enter France illegally are Muslim) eat freely in the Flunch every morning, midday and evening due to this "magical" piece of paper.

Original French:
En arrivant dans la galerie commerciale du centre Saint-Jacques, nous avons ensuite croisé un Noir barbu en djellaba, qui semblait directement transplanté d’un pays musulman d’Afrique Noire, et qui n’avait visiblement aucune envie de s’assimiler en France, comme sa tenue le prouvait.

Mais c’est dans le Flunch qu’eut lieu la scène que je vais vous narrer.

Après avoir posé nos entrées et nos couverts sur nos plateaux (le Flunch est un restaurant en libre-service), nous avons fait la queue à la caisse pour commander nos plats et payer nos repas.

Devant nous se trouvait un jeune Noir (dans les 20-22 ans), visiblement en pleine santé. Arrivé devant la caissière, il lui présenta une feuille de papier (format A4), divisée en lignes et en colonnes. Dans la colonne de gauche étaient indiqués les jours de la semaine, et les trois autres colonnes portaient comme titres " petit-déjeuner ", " déjeuner " et " dîner ".

La caissière écrivit quelque chose dans la case " dîner " correspondant au jour en cours, et signa. Ensuite, elle s’adressa avec familiarité au jeune Noir, ce qui prouve qu’elle l’avait déjà souvent vu dans ce restaurant :

– Tu veux quoi comme plat ?

– Tu veux un dessert aussi ?

–Tu veux du pain ?

– Tu veux une boisson ?

– Tu veux un café ?

– Demain, essaie d’arriver un peu plus tôt, pour qu’on puisse te servir avant que le restaurant ne se remplisse.

Puis, à ma stupéfaction, le jeune Noir emporta son plateau, sans avoir payé quoi que ce soit !

Je compris alors que ce jeune Noir était un clandestin, qui mangeait gratuitement au Flunch depuis des semaines, puisque, sur le papier qu’il avait présenté à la caissière, toutes les cases précédant celle du dîner du jour en cours étaient remplies !

Suivant du regard le jeune Noir, je le vis rejoindre deux autres jeunes Noirs qui étaient déjà en train de manger à une table, et s’asseoir à côté d’eux, après leur avoir adressé la parole dans une langue africaine.

Ainsi, ces clandestins noirs, très probablement musulmans (puisque, selon les données disponibles, 95% des clandestins qui entrent illégalement en France sont musulmans), mangent gratuitement au
Flunch, chaque matin, chaque midi et chaque soir, grâce à cette feuille de papier " magique " !

Geneviève Clovis , Riposte Laïque 5 Comments [3/1/2018 6:56:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 136602

Nobody brown or black will walk away from my house. They will be carried and dumped in the street. I have NOTHING to share with those angry, lazy, entitled aholes. For the last 25 years I watched the unqualified and poorly educated of them get jobs they were NOT qualified for while highly skilled and intelligent white people were sent away. I also watched these same people do what ever they damn well chose, knowing full well that they could scream racism or discrimination and skate, no consequences for awful behavior or piss poor performance.

There was a time in my life, my first 60 years, when I absolutely did not have any negative feelings toward people of color. But, since the NIGGER was in office for 8 years, I watched minorities show their true colors as they jumped on the Obama “colored folks are victims” bandwagon. Well, all you idiots who saw that nigger as your mouth piece and savior, you will find no help or refuge from me.

jeff, Survival Dan 101 4 Comments [2/18/2018 11:16:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Hu’s On First

Quote# 136897

How do centipedes defend Trump's hideous fake tan? I'm really interested to know because I've only seen them ignore it or give some copout like about how the person asking is definitely a libtard or something.

We don’t care about his skin color. We care about his race. We also care about his intentions. His pro-Israel stance is disconcerning but his pro-America (pro American (European)) stance is very attractive.

Fuck doodooskins. Europeans are the best and the rest of you milkshake mistakes can go straight to hell. Lol! You faggots can’t even maintain a morality that includes improvement. You just fuck everything up when given free-reign over development.

Anonymous, /pol/ 3 Comments [2/25/2018 12:37:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 136873

A museum exhibit set to open this weekend at the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia and later this year at the American Jewish Historical Society in New York will focus on three historic events and their impact on Jews (evidently, no else really matters). The exhibit titled, “1917: How One Year Changed the World,” will feature America’s entry into World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the Balfour Declaration.

Though much of what this particular Slimes article tells of these three events is indeed accurate, the deception lies in what is omitted about this sad centennial. Let's dive in and see what we mean.

Slimes: The war and the revolution resulted in strict limits on immigration to the United States, reflecting a fear among Americans that unrest in Europe would spread to their country. The restrictions were not overtly aimed at Jews, but because the quotas from countries with high Jewish populations were tightened, fewer Jews were able to settle in the United States.

The Omission: The restrictions were aimed, in large part, at stopping the influx of Anarchists and Communists who had been causing problems in America since the 1880's. And it just so happened (surprise, surprise) that many of these subversive characters were of a certain ethnic group (cough cough).

Slimes: After the revolution, when the Bolsheviks came to power, and the xenophobia coalesced together and had the power to influence, that fear accelerated.

The Omission: The Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish affair. With the exception of front man Lenin (1/4 jew who spoke Yiddish), a review of the roster of Russia's leading Bolshevik killers reads like the guest list for a Russian-Jewish Bar Mitzvah -- Trotsky (Bronstein), Sverdlov, Dzerzhinsky, Litvinov (Wallach), Radek (Sobelsohn), Kamenev (Rosenfeld), Uritsky and many, many more.

The Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent bloodbath were Jewish --- no "ifs", no "ands" and no "buts" about it!

Slimes: As the United States was entering the war, there were concerns among Jews over the persecution of those still in Russia and Eastern Europe.

The Omission: Apart from the fact that the "persecution" TM of the chosenites was greatly exaggerated, it is important to note that the Communist movements of the other nations of Eastern Europe were also led by the usual suspects -- Bela Kun in Hungary; Max Goldstein in Romania: Rosa Luxembourg in Germany et al. It is understandable that the good Christian people of these nations might come to justifiably resent the Jewish-led drive for a Bolshevik Europe.

Slimes: Not all Jewish immigrants viewed the United States as a safe haven. A handful of documents highlight the little-known story of Boris Reinstein, who came from Russia and made a career as a druggist in Buffalo. His 1917 application for a passport is on display, as is his 1923 renunciation of his United States citizenship. Mr. Reinstein was a true believer in the Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet ideology and left his wife, Anna, to return to Russia, where he worked in the Library of the Marx, Lenin and Engels Institute.

Comment: An interesting and useful little truth gem which validates our points of argument. Thanks Slimes!

Slimes: The Balfour Declaration, meanwhile, expressed Britain’s support for a Jewish home in Palestine.

For Dr. Perelman and Rachel Lithgow, executive director of the American Jewish Historical Society, one gratifying coup was the loan of two draft versions of the Balfour Declaration from the financier Martin Franklin...This was the text that was forwarded to Lord Balfour and was used as the basis of the Balfour Declaration. Arthur James Balfour, for whom the declaration is named, was Britain’s foreign secretary. The final declaration, in the form of a letter dated Nov. 2, 1917, was sent to one of Britain’s most distinguished Jewish citizens, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild.

Ultimately, it said, in part: “His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.” The document also added that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”

Omission: Solid history, but the direct linkage between the Balfour Declaration and America's entry into World War I is oh-so-conveniently "forgotten" about.

125,000 American "doughboys" died a horrible death for Zionism and Globalism/Bolshevism.

A wealthy New Yorker named Benjamin Freedman, a former aide to Bernard Baruch, later split with his fellow Jewish millionaires and "blew the whistle" on The Balfour Declaration and Zionist treachery in general. Freedman, from a 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington:

"Let me show what happened while we were all asleep. .....
World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. ... There are few people here my age who remember that. Now that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. What happened?

Within two years Germany had won that war: not alone won it nominally, but won it actually. The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic Ocean, and Great Britain stood there without ammunition for her soldiers, stood there with one week's food supply facing her -- and after that, starvation.

At that time, the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting. They were picking up their toys and going home, they didn't want to play war anymore, they didn't like the Czar. And the Italian army had collapsed.

Now Germany -- not a shot had been fired on the German soil. Not an enemy soldier had crossed the border into Germany. And yet, here was Germany offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: “Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started.”

Well, England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that. Seriously! They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and -- I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn't believe what I'm saying is at all possible -- the Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.”

The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They [Zionists] told England: “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.”

In other words, they made this deal: “We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.”

Now England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody, as the United States would have to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It's absolutely absurd that Great Britain -- that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine -- should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war.

However, they made that promise, in October of 1916. And shortly after that -- I don't know how many here remember it -- the United States, which was almost totally pro-German -- totally pro-German -- because the newspapers here were controlled by Jews, the bankers were Jews, all the media of mass communications in this country were controlled by Jews, and they were pro-German because their people, in the majority of cases came from Germany, and they wanted to see Germany lick the Czar.

The Jews didn't like the Czar, and they didn't want Russia to win this war. So the German bankers -- the German-Jews -- Kuhn Loeb and the other big banking firms in the United States refused to finance France or England to the extent of one dollar. They stood aside and they said: “As long as France and England are tied up with Russia, not one cent!” But they poured money into Germany, they fought with Germany against Russia, trying to lick the Czarist regime.

Now those same Jews, when they saw the possibility of getting Palestine, they went to England and they made this deal. At that time, everything changed, like the traffic light that changes from red to green. Where the newspapers had been all pro-German, where they'd been telling the people of the difficulties that Germany was having fighting Great Britain commercially and in other respects, all of a sudden the Germans were no good. They were villains. They were Huns. They were shooting Red Cross nurses. They were cutting off babies' hands. And they were no good.

Well, shortly after that, Mr. Wilson declared war on Germany.

The Zionists in London sent these cables to the United States, to Justice Brandeis: “Go to work on President Wilson. We're getting from England what we want. Now you go to work, and you go to work on President Wilson and get the United States into the war." And that did happen. That's how the United States got into the war. We had no more interest in it; we had no more right to be in it than we have to be on the moon tonight instead of in this room.

Now the war -- World War One -- in which the United States participated had absolutely no reason to be our war. We went in there -- we were railroaded into it -- if I can be vulgar, we were suckered into -- that war merely so that the Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine. Now, that is something that the people in the United States have never been told. They never knew why we went into World War One. Now, what happened?

After we got into the war, the Zionists went to Great Britain and they said: “Well, we performed our part of the agreement. Let's have something in writing that shows that you are going to keep your bargain and give us Palestine after you win the war.” Because they didn't know whether the war would last another year or another ten years. So they started to work out a receipt. The receipt took the form of a letter, and it was worded in very cryptic language so that the world at large wouldn't know what it was all about. And that was called the Balfour Declaration.

The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain's promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon as a consideration for getting the United States into the war. So this great Balfour Declaration, that you hear so much about, is just as phony as a three dollar bill. And I don't think I could make it more emphatic than that."

That fateful history-altering year of 1917 was very bad for humanity. But it was very "good for the Jews" -- as the popular inside-the-Tribe saying goes (here) -- which is why the Jewish museums are commemorating its 100th anniversary. And that, dear reader, is some serious REAL history!

Jewish defector Benjamin Freedman spent a fortune, gave many speeches, and published several books trying to warn America about the Jewish Mafia.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read a fascinating article in the New York Times today which described a Jewish museum exhibit about 1917 -- a pivotal year in Jewish history.

Boobus Americanus 2: Oh. What happened in 1917?

Sugar: The %$#&*^@ &$#@ sstuck it up our collective rectumss good and hard with a three-fer --- Bolshevissm, Zionissm and Globalissm -- that'ss what frickin' happened!!!

Editor: (palm to face, shaking head, sighing)

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 3 Comments [2/24/2018 12:38:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 136925

It relieving when you imagine you are shitting on an Aussie.

You're literally the color of poop my man. Stay the fuck away from my country you disgusting animal.

You will never be a super power. You will continue to be stinky annoying little fucks till the day you die.

Anonymous, /pol/ 1 Comments [2/27/2018 8:32:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 136896

Think about this for a second. If roughly 40% of Gen-Z is non-White and a third of Gen-Z is faggotized then we are looking at an increasingly less brown future (no pun intended).

It is also further proof that doodooskins are much more susceptible to faggotry than Whites.

The unfortunate part is that (((they))) already understand this and are perfectly accepting of this fact by allowing the continual and ever slow process of allowing more and more desperate Turd worlders in to replace the dying population. They plan on doing this for as long as it is a viable for them.

Anonymous, /pol/ 2 Comments [2/25/2018 12:34:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 136731

I observe which companies are making commercials that pander to niggers, then I boycott them. I live in Canaduh but I see mostly US commercials. I've noticed that Unilever is a huge cheerleader for niggers. Certain products which used to be well-loved have been sold out to the nigger beast. Cheerios cereal is one example. Their commercials feature miscegenation (mixed race couples), white couples with a niglet, and one commercial features niggers dancing with their niglets. All of their commercials include nigger "hip-crap" music. In fact, most commercials for any product these days are driven by nigger bongos and chanting around a cauldron in the jungle.

Another phenomenon in ads these days is Magic Nigger Syndrome. This is nothing but a way for washed-up senile nigger actors to keep the cash rolling in after they blew them millions they were given for movies on Ripple, ho's and KFC. The usual suspooks include Samuel Jackscoon, Laurence Fishbreath and Morgan Friedcoon. Marketers will continue to prop these dried-up old coons in front of a camera long after they're dead. In some ads, the nigger slant is justified. I always laugh at the nigger-centric Febreze air freshener commercials. If any place needs air freshener, it's nigger barns.

Iraj, Niggermania 3 Comments [2/18/2018 7:43:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136856

This is very common. Niggers are given a high school "graduation" through ape-firmative action and social promotions. Where I am, in Washington DC, it costs about $30K/year for each "student" preK-12. A study a few years ago found that the niggers who "graduated" were, at the median, able to only preform at a 9.5 grade level--and keep in mind that this 9.5 grade level is scaled down to niggers. So the actual grade level in human terms is closer to 7th. The niggers in the audience go wild, crazy--as though they just watched the greatest achievement that their keeds will ever have. Well, I guess it is.

The TNB at graduations doesn't stop at high school. My sister went back to school for an additional nursing program at a community/technical school in Florida. Her nursing program was highly regarded, as well as a few of the technical programs and degrees in networking, computer programing, drafting & design, and the like. The school also had adult GED & High School programs as well. It was ridiculous to watch actual college graduates, like my sister, be in the same ceremony as boogie niggers in their late 20s and & early 30s getting GEDs. Most of the nursing graduates already had associates or even bachelor's degrees.

A few of the nurses I met through my sister were already practicing nurses and were now on track to becoming RNs and paramedics. One guy was a commissioned officer in the Florida National Guard. All of the real graduates had respectful applause. On the printed program, each graduate was listed by the degree and/or program course they completed, and each degree/program went though as a group. By the end, the adult HS & GED people walked across. All of a sudden the niggers went ape! It was astonishing that they were so "proud" of Lil' Ja-mee-qaan, who at the age of 28, was finally turning his life around and graduating from a community adult program with a GED! My dad was really upset by it. A large group of us went to a nice dinner afterwards and my mom had to keep shhhh-ing my dad from his curt remarks about how their real accomplishments were demeaned by the nigger shines.

Jigs&Libs, Niggermania 3 Comments [2/23/2018 4:23:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136860

Who were the earliest Native Americans? Why is the DNA results suppressed and the fossils hidden?
From this thread!
Thread: We Live In The Belly Of The Beast Hallucinating Human Life! (Page 2)

Many of you Caucasians don't know that you are children of APEP/Apophis the Lair of the white worm,leviathan,, parasite, typhonian Vampyre.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68652245

All flesh/black goo is from apophis/venom/leviathan/hellraiser's god of flesh etc.
Thread: Noah 2014 Decoded! "The Line of Adam and Eve and Noah is the Line of Satan!!!!"

Dont let the color/body spray painting deceive you. We all share the same fate here.

Thread: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Decoded! - Humans Meet Your Father/Celestial Black Goo Cannibal God!

No we're not and many of your people cause chaos where you go,because many of you are souless and it's no hate,but the truth. Just look at all the hate this message board spew about HUEmans daily.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68652245

Forgot to add i hear this propaganda from the native americans a lot.

They even put it in the aliens vs cowboys movie where the indian leader tells harrison ford

"White man brought evil to this land"

and he got slam dunked by harrison who replied

"Evil was already here!"

See all those human sacrifices they were doing as offerings to their sun god which is shown to our face in all of its gory in Apocalypto movie.

sacrifice scene apocalypto

And when you further research this it gets darker!

As like apocalypto showed those native american indian tribes werent killing their own kind in the human sacrifices they were doing for the sun snake ra/apophis but were using their captives, they would go to villages of people that were living in america before they arrived here, burn them destroy them, rape all women and abduct the men to be used in human sacrifices.

I had found videos on youtube with archaeologists and historians revealing of an even more ancient race was living in america before the asian/mongol native americans got here, and which race was completely genocided/wiped out by the native asian/mongol americans!
The archeologists were describing some very cruel ways that ancient race that predated native americans was genocided, like they were hunted into mountain caves, then the indian/mongol tribes would set the entrances on fire and had them suffocate alive inside etc.

This race they mentioned was white looking from the evidence and in the ancient paintings of native american human sacrifices the victim that was getting sacrificed was painted white as he was white.

Just found this video!

Ancient Caucasian Native American Mummy

From the video description
"Who were the earliest Native Americans? Why is the DNA results suppressed and the fossils hidden?"
From Kennewick man, to the Florida Bog mummies, to the Spirit cave Mummy, Caucasian mummies are found all over North and South America thousands of years earlier than any other Native American group (see Haplogroup X).


Whatever happened to the indian tribes by the europeans after could be seen as how the asians like to call it oh KARMA!

It's important for the white race to know this information as china that plans to invade occupy and genocide usa, canada etc which was revealed in the speech of chinese general chi haotian in 2005 they make themselves look like they will be the punishers of the white man and the liberators of the native americans that got their land stolen from them.

The white europeans doing to native americans what they did to the race that predated them i notice also to be and the pattern of "history repeats itself", and this makes the chinese plan to genocide america again high probable as i guess this american land we live on in fact the whole earth arena is programmed to keep on getting genocided/harvested over and over again.

These things i learned from my research long ago i put them behind, i dont hold any grudges as this proved my point


As is the flesh of satan/agent smith's black goo line.
Thread: Noah 2014 Decoded! "The Line of Adam and Eve and Noah is the Line of Satan!!!!"

That's why religion from the moment we are born it consider us sinners. As that's when we connect and contaminate/infect ourselves with the black goo disease that is the human flesh.

Religion tries through baptism to claim and symbolize the cleansing of the filthy black goo flesh but that water actually symbolizes the black goo/blackwater and our immersion to it.

KABOOM THE MOONS, Godlike Productions 3 Comments [2/23/2018 4:24:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 136855

So a couple of years ago, at my high school graduation, there was quite some tnb.

The graduation ceremony started with the school appointing this insanely uppity, sassy, BLM sheboon to give a speech about, "dem poleece beez rayciss n blah libes matta n sheit." I was getting very bored with this nigress ooking about her oppression (whilst being appointed above everyone else to give a graduation speech), so I turned around, and scanned the crowed. My fucking sjw English teacher was actually crying while this sheboon was ooking about how "she beez growin up in da projects n sheit, an dem poleece beez fukin wiffmuh daddy". This wasn't the even close to being biggest display of TNB, however. Everytime a stupid fucking nigger shucked across the stage, all the mammy sows in the audience would erupt into a chrous of ape screeching, even though the superintendent would ask them to please refrain from making any noise, other than respectful clapping.

Let me paint the picture, this disgusting, fat lipped babbon literally did a nigger dance on stage, with his pants clearly around his knees under the gown. I'm talking shuck-n-jiving all the way. The sound of fat nigger mammy sows ooking in the audience, "muh baybe beez gra-doo-atin'" was deafening. Another time, this sheboon, who looked exactly like a gorilla, did a stupid nigger dance on stage, while sticking her monkey tongue out, and flashing gang signs. Again the sound of mammies ooking was deafening. No joke, after every single nigger outburst, the freaking superintendent would walk up onto the stage, and polietely ask everyone in the audience to please be quiet and respectful, etc, and yet the ooking didn't even slow down.

While the niggers who barely passed high school got massive ooking and eeking, whenever a white or asian nerd who excelled at school, and actually deserved honor, walked the stage, it was fucking crickets. And if anyone is going to make the "they are just so emotional because they are the first in the family to graduate high school or whatever" argument, whenever a white trash or mexican person walked the stage (who very well may have been the first in their families to graduate), their families SOMEHOW were able to stay respectful, and simply clap in a reasonable manner.

I honestly don't care too much about niggers ruining the event. I personally think that the whole thing is just an excuse for people, and niggers, to feel good about their own mediocre acomplishments, and seek approval from others. Also, to anyone wondering why they didn't simply throw the mammies out, they would have called the local news station and chimped "dey beez rayciss"(no joke, theirs been several news sob-stories about nigger sows being thrown out of graduation ceremonies for ooking too loud, where they get framed as the horrible victims).

dtheman65, Niggermania 1 Comments [2/23/2018 4:23:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136840

We've killed more Jews than every other race combined many times over. Not saying that is something to be proud of but we are definitely not the "worker bees" of the Jews.

Every race does their bidding to some extent. Jews are using Muslims to attack Europe, using blacks to promote degeneracy and shitty ghetto culture etc.

Most white people don't give a shit about Asia and despite what you might think most white guys don't give a shit about Asian women (I know I don't) and want to stick to our own.

DonkeyPunch, incels.me 6 Comments [2/22/2018 1:03:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136819

The Jews obviously believe there are lots of dumbbells in Goyburg - and are doing their all to keep it that way. Unfortunately, we give them ammunition. I remember reading once about actors who were confronted by people who thought they were actually the characters they played on TV or the big screen. Larry Hagman, who played evil JR Ewing on Dallas was a particular target of this stupidity. Denver Pyle, who played the sheriff in the movie Bonnie and Clyde, had to wear a disguise for a while whenever he went out.

None of this is lost on the Jews. Looking at it from the Jews’ POV they probably think of it as a form of “Jewdo,” using their adversaries’ own stupidity to throw them to the ground. Hence their never ending efforts to cultivate gullible liberal types: crybabies, womyn, myn, Blacks….

But there’s stupidity of this sort on our side of the aisle too: people who foolishly think Trump and/or “The Generals” are going to come riding up on white horses to save them. Sorry bud, it ain’t gonna happen. Rather than foolishly looking for men to come save you, get on your knees and beg Jesus to save you, He’s stronger than the world; but mankind gives him little to work with. In the end He WILL win - and win big. But as always there will be a body count first.

Citizenfitz, Real Jew News 2 Comments [2/21/2018 7:19:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136818

I can see Israel being annihilated in a matter of days but that doesn’t solve the problem. Until the rich Jewish banking families are separated from their money, in whole family units, like the Jews did to the Romanovs, the wars will continue. Money from New York destroyed Germany in WW2 before there was ever a state of Israel.

I am suprised that Middle Eastern Arab countries don’t go after the big jewish banking families hiding in their safe havens and tropical islands in the west. The jews have been killing the Iranians and the Arabs all the time. A book was just published listung 2,800 Jewish murders.

I have actually been waiting for the light bulb to go on in the Arab world, and thought maybe the Sherman murders in Toronto, any maybe other rich Jew murders in recent years, were related to the start of a Jewish cull but maybe my gut instincts are wrong.

The reason the US is trying to keep a base in Syria is to control the oil wells to keep the cash from the wells going to Assad from the wells the state owns. You would think the people suffering under the Jewish yoke in all countries would see the solution to world peace does not need big wars that kill lots of people - just financial surgical removals.

Ted Gorsline, Real Jew News 3 Comments [2/21/2018 7:19:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136783

The Florida school shootings did not happen for lack of gun control. They happened because of refusal to enforce law and maintain order when blacks and hispanics attack white children.

Back in 2015 I said:

> Difficult to say what will happen to Mestizos and Indios. In Mexico, the old gods walk again, but this has not happened in the US,

Well now the Old Gods have walked from Mexico to Florida, and spoken to Nikolas Cruz.

Nicolas Cruz had a long history of violence, menace, evil, and madness. And, of course, the school’s response was:

> “We do, as teachers, everything that we possibly can to help them”

Maybe when someone hears voices commanding him to terrible things and willfully chooses to obey those voices, it is time to think about not about helping him, but helping those near him.

But, instead:

> that harsh approach fell out of favor amid concerns that it was funneling too many young people — and particularly black and Hispanic students — into the juvenile justice system.

When a fat feminist who is hitting the wall complains that group of white males have an unhealthy attitude to women, does anyone say “We should do, as teachers, everything that we possibly can to help them”. No, they say “Let us throw the book at them, and not worry whether these accusations are true, false, or even remotely believable.”

When white males are accused of misbehavior, everyone has total confidence in the effectiveness of swift and harsh penalties, which should not be slowed down by old fashioned concerns about evidence or guilt. When a bunch of white males get together for some purpose that does not involve fucking each other, they are automatically suspected of being an evil terrorist organization.

> In recent years, Broward schools became a leader in the national move toward a different kind of discipline — one that would not just punish students, but also would help them address the root causes of their misbehavior. Such policies aim to combat what is known as the “school-to-prison pipeline,” giving teenagers a chance to stick with their education rather than get derailed, often permanently, by criminal charges.

In other words, a free pass for blacks and Hispanics to attack people at random, while if a white kid nibbles a slice of bread into the shape of a gun, the social workers get called to take him from his parents.

Blacks attack kids to take lunch money and such, without much regard for race, religion, ethnicity or social class. They are dangerous to everyone near them, ingroup or outgroup. Education and culture has little effect. Harvard blacks almost as dangerous as ghetto blacks. Blacks are more responsive to effective law enforcement than whites, thus black misbehavior is always a symptom of refusal to enforce the law on blacks.

But in Mexico, killings are generally human sacrifices of outgroup members to the old gods. People say they are drug cartel related, but this is politically correct bullshit. War is good for business only if someone else is paying for it. War is bad for business if you are paying for it. If a black drug gang commits mass murder, it is because they are doing it for business reasons but are incompetent at business. If a Mexican drug cartel in Mexico commits mass murder, they are murdering members of the a near outgroup because they hear the voices of the Old Gods. The black drug gang commits murders because too stupid to find a peaceful resolution of a business dispute. The Mexican drug gang commits mass murders because listening to demons.

And now the voices of old gods have been heard in Florida.

Jim, Jim's Blog 11 Comments [2/20/2018 1:07:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 136820

Jewish politicians and policemen from New York and California want to take the guns away from Christian, conservative, hetero white males.

The United States Constitution is a toothless, rat-bag piece of toilet paper without guns to back it up, and the Jews know it.

That’s why all the young men with leadership potential are becoming “felonized.”

Uylleses, Real Jew News 5 Comments [2/21/2018 7:19:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136750

(Title: "It's important for this community to realize the Holocaust was a hoax.")

What an arch-fabrication it is, what degree of absolute treachery, one that exceeds all limits of human deceit and corruption, that is this claim that there was an actual Holocaust against European Jews. It was a Holocaust which supposedly occurred during World War II, where Jews were not only targeted, for instance, for displacement and deportation but also gassed and burned to death, ‘because of their faith.’ It’s all a fake. Who can prove otherwise? See the real nature of WWII-era European Jewry. They were never oppressed. Rather, they were the great oppressors of the land in every way conceivable:

In his interview with Ernst Zundell, the scholarly R. Dommergue, Jewish professor, said it was a total fake. He proved prophetic and died a man of absolute truth.The Professor had sound reason for his position. According to official Red Cross records the numbers of people, all people, who died in German concentration, actually, work or holding camps, was some 270,000. That’s throughout the entire war, including those who died of communicable diseases such as typhus (rampant towards the end of the war) and cholera. What happened to the six million? Where were they killed? If they didn’t die, as is obvious, in the holding camps, then, what happened to them? Moreover, since there weren’t even six million Jews in all of Europe at that time, then, how did the extras die? Did they import them from Khazaria? Yet, wait a minute. It can’t be. Really, the Germans didn’t target the Jews after all? Weren’t those Nazi’s exceedingly brutal? Sure they were, right. In times of war the Germans were the barbarians. Despite this claim history vindicates them. Instead, it was the arch-cruel and terminally corrupt Khazars who proved to be the true barbarians and who were responsible for the mass slaughter of the innocent, including mass killings in Germany, Russia, Poland, and more. The Zionist criminals used the war as the leveraging point to drive their plot home, which was the near complete imperialistic conquest of Palestine. The social strife they created led to the basis for mass emigration of European Jewry from their homes to Middle Eastern land. Without the war, an occupied Palestine would have never occurred. It was also the means by which well-placed Zionists and also low-level operatives could enrich themselves through theft, not only of the land of the Palestinian people but also through the usurpation of the assets and wealth of European nations. So, Hollywood-style Jewry imposed the fake: upon the whole, unsuspecting world.

“Boo-hoo, poor Jews. See what happened to them. Just because they were Jews they were tormented, tortured, killed, even gassed alive.” Sure they were, right. Plenty of evidence for it, too.

There is no need to revise anything. The facts are already there. It is merely a matter of republishing the information or uncovering it, then disseminating it. Facts are facts. Equally, fakes are fakes. The fact is there was no Holocaust against European, even Russian, Jewry. That was a hoax. What is fact is that it was both European and Russian Jewry who committed the Holocaust: against the gullible, vulnerable goy and the equally gullible, vulnerable Islamic people. It was they who paid the price in blood and far, being subjected to great tyranny in the land – the real victims of any ‘holocaust,’ not the Zionists. How much control has been exerted, how much money stolen, how many funds/assets purged, all because of a treacherous, arch-Zionist lie. It’s the lie of the Holocaust, and it is a “fake,” just as Professor Dommergue had made so abundantly clear. Zundel, among others, is not the anti-Semite. The anti-Semites are the Zionists, proven by their treachery, their plots, their schemes, and their actions.

CommunistFighter, /r/morbidquestions 8 Comments [2/18/2018 5:48:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Man Called True

Quote# 129963

Under the ruinous reign of the sodomite couple of Mr. and Mr. Obongo, the Jewish-inspired War on Whites had reached levels of political assertiveness never before seen nor imagined. There were the insults of "White people" which were openly uttered by the deviant duo; the visits to the White House by members of the New Black Panther Party and Black Lives Matter domestic terror groups; the erection of the 30-feet tall statue of Marxist Loser King in Washington DC; the incitement of violence against "racist" TM local police departments; the exalting of the Irreverend Al Charlatan to unofficial adviser-to-the-President status; the public abolition of the Confederate flag throughout much of the South; the announced 2020 replacement of the great Andrew Jackson with a head-shot of Aunt Jemima, er, Harriet Tubman for the $20 bill; and the popularization of the ridiculous new term, "White privilege" TM.

The Marxist War on Whites had never been out in the open like it is now.

Now comes word of the latest in-your-face insult to the good and gentle White people of Dixie -- a monument to the rapists and murderers who were lynched during the days when men were men. We know, we know -- they were all just innocent Black lads who "dindu nuffin" more than get caught innocently, momentarily and furtively glancing at some pretty White girl from a mile away (rolling eyes sarcastically).

Were there some isolated cases of vigilante justice gone awry -- in which an innocent man may have been lynched? It's quite possible. But let's cut the commie crap and tell the whole truth about the lynch mobs which acted between the post-Civil War period and say, 1930. The 4,000 or so deserving recipients of the rope - about 20% of whom were White - got what was coming to them. As a matter of fact, there were also cases of righteous Black mobs lynching Black criminals! (here)

Of course, don't expect the Marxist agitators or their Black front-men behind the Equal Justice Initiative to divulge these historical contexual truths. No, the weak-minded, teary-eyed suckers who will flock to this upcoming eye-sore will be told how 4,000 "dindu nuffins" were killed by big bad White "racists" TM with names like Bubba, Jethro and Billy Bob. That ought to do wonders for "race relations" TM in America!

“Our goal isn’t to be divisive,” says Bryan Stevenson, the director of the Equal Justice Initiative. “Our goal is just to get people to confront the truth of our past with some more courage.” ---- "Not divisive," eh Bryan? Yeah, sure.

Bryan Stevenson (above) intends to peddle a false version of Southern history -- one that contradicts what was accurately portrayed in the classic silent film, Birth of a Nation. Many White women were indeed raped and even murdered. The culprits (be they Black or White) were then lynched by angry mobs of men with balls.

Project Director Stevenson has more communist credentials that you can shake a hammer & sickle at. He is described as a "human rights" TM lawyer, a "social justice" TM activist, a professor at NYU, and a recipient of awards from the Globalist Carnegie and MacArthur foundations. In regard to his race-baiting monument to mendacity, we don't have to read much further to discover who else is buttering Mr. Stevenson's cornbread.

From the article:

"The museum and memorial project, for which Mr. Stevenson said he had raised about 40 percent of a projected $20 million, is the latest and most ambitious undertaking in a continuing effort by Mr. Stevenson to change public awareness of the nation’s racial history. Contributors to the project include the Ford Foundation and Google."

A $20 million dollar super structure to honor rapists and murderers? Wow! With cash from the Ford Foundation and Google, eh Stevenson? Goodness gracious. It doesn't get any more New World Orderish than that. Ah, show us the shekels Lyin' Bryan, show us the shekels.

Let's all gang up on the dispossessed White Boys of America!

Ford Foundation's Black President Darren Walker, Google's Indian CEO Sundar Pichai, and Google's Jewish co-founder Sergei Brin are among the big backers behind the anti-White obscenity which will be built in Alabama.

From the article:

"The memorial will be contain a four-sided gallery of 801 suspended six-foot columns, representing a county where a lynching took place and etched with the name of the person or people lynched."

Need we ask if any of the names of the raped and the murdered will be etched anywhere near the memorial? And speaking of raped and murdered -- we can only guess at how many innocent White people will, over the course of time, be attacked by some of the excitable and inciteable "dindu nuffins" who will surely be dragged to this incendiary monument as part of school field trips. Pour enough hatred into a young man's head and heart, and soon enough he will act upon it. That's the plan, and Stevenson and his bosses bloody damn well know it -- as do the seditious scribblers at Sulzberger's Slimes.

Dear God --- make this evil madness stop already, make it stop.

The sadistic rapist-murderer Leo Frank (cough cough) will no doubt be listed among the phony martyrs of the new monument. In 1913, Frank raped, battered and strangled 13-year old Mary Phagan. When certain interests (cough cough) managed to intervene and spare him from the death penalty, the men of Atlanta stormed the prison and lynched low-life Leo from a tree in 1915. His death inspired the establishment of the Jewish ADL (Anti-Defamation League) -- which has always maintained, quite ironically, that the real culprit was a Black man.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times today about a large monument that is going to be built in Alabama. It will memorialize all the innocent Black victims of lynching.

Boobus Americanus 2: I'd like to see that when it is completed. It's important for the South to finally own up to its past.

Sugar: "Rape!!! Rape!!!"

Editor: Sugar, stop being a clown and focus on your commentary, please.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 1 Comments [7/31/2017 12:19:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 136606

White people not welcome: Costa Rican ‘healing’ retreat offers women of color a break from caucasians

The getaway location in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, has banned white people
Guests enjoy yoga, meditation and vegan food in the retreat run by Andrea X
Founder Andrea X thinks white people should be banned from owning passports
She 'completely cut out white people' from her life due to 'damage' they caused

A female-only retreat in Costa Rica is offering women of color the chance of a break from white people.

Andrea X, who created Women of Color Healing Retreat in Puerto Viejo, said she has 'completely cut out white people' from her life, saying 'they have caused enough damage'.

Guests enjoy yoga, meditation and vegan food in an environment free from what the founder calls micro-aggressions and passive-aggressiveness that exists in the US.

Andrea X said she decided one day to completely 'eliminate' white people from her personal life.

She said her life became 'much more breezy', and even said white people shouldn't be given passports due to how destructive they are.

'They are here,' she said, 'They are everywhere. I feel white people shouldn't even have passports.

'I have no tips for white people. Let us have our space.

'Let us have our room and hang out with other white people - you've done enough damage.'

Andrea X's retreat allows women to spend 10 days in her company, discussing the frustrations of life in the US.

Many, including Alexis Bromley from Omaha, Nebraska, used the trip to detox from what was described as constant racism in the US.

She said everyday judgement means she feels more at home in foreign countries than in her home state.

And with Donald Trump as President, the women said the issue is getting worse rather than better.

'It's hard in Nebraska, because it's a red state,' Ms Bromley told Vice.

The Republican has divided the country, in the opinion of those who stayed at the retreat, saying

The idea in Costa Rica is to effectively create a black nation, according to Andrea X, which would cater exclusively to people of color.

She said: 'It will be a community of just black people living here.

Andrea X, Daily Mail 7 Comments [2/19/2018 8:56:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 136780

this is the kind of movie audience that should've been shot instead of dark knight rises. fucking kangz can't be trusted not to act like monkeys

Jeff Joestar, Twitter 1 Comments [2/20/2018 1:05:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 3