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Quote# 142695

Re: Ideal world

i suppose i will start ?

I would consider an optimal world to be one where each race has its place, insofar as geography is concerned, and positive eugenics is practiced by all species-races. Trade and commerce may still happen between the species-races, but there would not be excessive migrations between the races. As such, there would not be a significant african-american or latino presence in america, and Europe would not be besieged by afro-arab muslim 'refugee warriors' who are hell-bent on geneseed warfare.

Thusly, America would be unswervingly majority white, the black slaves would have gone back to Africa during the jim crow era, native americans would have alot more reservations, in atleast afew more states, Europeans would stay firmly European, and Mexico wouldn't be so damn sore about losing the spanish-american war (and the american southwest states).

Also, in Africa, there would optimally be no Boer population, and no need for apartheid. The Africanoid species-race would either build its intelligence base, and thus develop some semblance of civilization which doesn't fall apart, or remain tribal.

European Gypsies would pull their heads out of their hind-ends, and either go back to India, and/or adopt an east-indian identity-culture, and stop being such back-birthed brigandts who are apparently driven to make endless trouble.

The Semitic species-races would optimally Not Exist to begin with, and therefore Judaism and Islam would never be developed. Paganisms of various sorts would be definitively more prominent. Perhaps Christianity would instead stem from Buddhism ?

Most to all of the sand of the Sahara desert, being that it is actually silt material, would likely be either slowly dumped back into the ocean, and allowed to fill out alot more beaches around the world. or would be put to being made glass, and therefore we would see alot more glass goods being produced.

In culture, there would be no (((Constant Leftist Push))), and so cultural mores would not really degenerate. As such, history would likely be vastly different. I suspect that Rome would not fall to Islamic blockades and jihad, so much as morph and transfer to one area or another, and change with the eras. As such, there would be no feudalist dark ages to have to re-develop from, and Mediterranean ethnicities would probably be alot less swarthy in genetic composition.

Architecture would still be largely dominated by beautiful and wholesome buildings, and i suspect that various forms of classical greco-roman, gothic, Art-Deco, semi-Modernist, and neo-futurist architecture (and everything in between ?) would compose the city landscapes. Postmodernism, Brutalist, and dada-ist architecture, without jewish factions to push them, would likewise not exist.

Technologically, Nikola Tesla (and/or inventors like him) would have been readily funded and not blacklisted and cast into poverty, bumped off, and all materials stolen by the military. Thusly, we might / would have had alot more technological progress, alot earlier.

cosmicgirl, Stormfront 6 Comments [3/7/2019 10:22:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 137602

Tough questions, for sure.

Typically speaking, given their suppressed frontal cortex, low IQ, simian features, and volatile temperament, there's no worthwhile communication any of them would impart to an intelligent individual. So I'd not worry about it, if I were you.

As far as telling apes from black people; if they're in the zoo behind a cage they're probably a monkey. If they're in the unemployment line getting Obama bucks or in the prison system they're blacks.

Hope this helps.

Jeff, Yahoo! Answers 3 Comments [3/31/2018 8:18:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Hu’s On First

Quote# 142825

The White race’s intelligence and behavior has been under intense selective pressure since late medieval times. These new environmental forces significantly increased White resilience in the face of adversity. The first of these was the Black Death that ravaged Europe from 1347 to 1351. As one of the most catastrophic pandemics in world history, it killed off one-third of Europe’s population. The evidence of bioarchaeology, drawn from skeletal analysis of burial remains from “Black Death” cemeteries, reveals that far from being random, the plague was very selective in its choice of victims (DeWitte, 2014). The weak and the elderly were at increased risk of infection. Given the strong correlation between poor health and IQ, the Whites who survived were much stronger, healthier and smarter than ever before. The dearth of peasant labor led to an increase in wages, rising living standards and the invention of labor-saving devices. This greater wealth and prosperity liberated many from the common drudgery of daily life. A century after the Black Death, the Renaissance scaled even greater heights of intellectual and artistic achievement.

The 17th century colonization of North America also subjected Whites to strong selective pressure. The first Englishmen to have disembarked on American soil had survived religious persecution in England as Puritans objecting to the “Roman idolatry” of Anglican ritual; they had survived the perilous transAtlantic voyage, unaffected by typhus or scurvy. In New England, the Puritans still had to contend with disease, the harsh winters and the “merciless Indian savages” that lay hiding in the primeval forests of the eastern seaboard. If the weak and unintelligent managed to survive the voyage, they would eventually be killed off by starvation or Indian tomahawk. This pattern of eugenic selection affected all English settlers, including those motivated by purely secular and commercial interests. By the end of the colonial period, the Anglo-Saxon in the Americas had emerged as one of the finest and most evolved specimens of the White race.

The purifying effects of eugenic selection had rapidly accelerated the evolution of Homo sapiens in Europe and North America: the fittest White men had always left behind the most offspring, but after the ravages of bubonic plague and the hardships of American colonization, their broods became larger, healthier and more intelligent. White men of lesser ability, if they were lucky enough to find mates, typically left behind few descendants, with fewer still managing to survive past childhood.

A significant increase in the population of intelligent Whites inevitably led to a rising per capita rate of innovation. This peaked in 1873, during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), but declined rapidly after that (Huebner, 2005). With the new science and technology, the White man was able to raise incomes, improve public health and increase longevity across the Western world. Eugenic selection for higher IQ made it possible for the White man to develop more sophisticated military technology. This far surpassed anything that had ever been developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans or even non-Whites. By century’s end, approximately 84% of the earth’s surface was controlled by the colonial empires of Western Europe. Intellectual and creative development had scaled such heights that Europe even gave birth to a race of intellectual supermen. These were the Victorian polymaths, who numbered among their ranks the colorful Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890). He was a man who excelled at every subject that commanded his undivided attention. He was a brilliant writer, scholar, explorer, geographer, translator, diplomat and swordsman. A master linguist, he spoke an astonishing 40 languages and dialects fluently. This period of continuous White evolutionary development wasn’t to last forever. By 1914, the golden age of White intellectual and creative superiority had come to an end.

II: Western Intellectual Decline from Late 19th Century to Present

The general intelligence of the Western industrialized nations has declined since late 19th century, according to a meta-analysis of over a dozen reaction time (RT) studies. A cognitive, but not an economic or thermodynamic, limit has apparently been reached. There are now fewer individuals with the intelligence to solve complex mathematical and engineering problems, which is why the rate of innovation has significantly decreased since 1873. “Genetic g” - g-factor in the absence of gene environment interaction - has decreased by 14 IQ points over the course of a century, at least in the Anglophone nations of the UK, USA, Canada and Australia. This means a decrease of 1.23 IQ points per decade (Woodley et al., 2013). To eliminate the possibility of overinflated RT latencies because of hardware and software lags (Woods et al., 2015), the meta-analytic findings were adjusted for lag time. The result was that the Victorians were still faster (and smarter) than modern Western populations (Woodley et al., 2015).

Measures of vocabulary, relatively insensitive to environmental influence because of greater overall gsaturation and heritability rate, provided additional evidence of superior Victorian intelligence. A study tracked WORDSUM item frequencies over the course of 150 years. For this, a database that stored 5.9 million texts from the 1500s to the present was used. The most difficult and therefore the most highly g-loaded WORDSUM items exhibited sharper declines in historical usage since mid-19th century, consistent with declines in “genetic g” observed among Western populations (Woodley et al., 2015).

After decades of “massive IQ gains,” cognitive reversals were observed in Norway (Sundet et al, 2004), Denmark (Teasdale & Owen, 2008), the Netherlands (Woodley & Meisenberg, 2013) and elsewhere. In one study, genes associated with educational attainment and cognitive ability had declined in frequency across birth cohorts in an Icelandic population. It was estimated that a loss of 0.3 IQ points per decade would substantially affect Iceland if allowed to continue for centuries (Kong et al., 2017). James Flynn, discoverer of the eponymous Flynn effect, has acknowledged the reversal of cognitive gains in certain Western countries, especially those of Scandinavia. At a 2017 conference hosted by the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), he admitted: “I have no doubt that there has been some deterioration of genetic quality for intelligence since late Victorian times.” Flynn has projected substantial losses of about 6 or even 7 IQ points for Scandinavia over a 30 year period. Such a reversal in intelligence would have catastrophic effects on the societies and economies of Scandinavia, now being flooded by hostile elites with Third World “migrants.”

A relevant question is: “If the post-WWII consensus acknowledges the existence of massive IQ gains over the last century, how does one explain cognitive reversal in the most industrialized nations?” This phenomenon is known as Cattell’s paradox and its solution is Woodley’s co-occurrence model. Although phenotypic intelligence has increased since WWII, genotypic intelligence has decreased. The anti-Flynn effect is really a “Jensen effect” because it has resulted in losses on psychometric g.

III: The Role of Dysgenic Selection in Western Intellectual Decline

Mass “immigration” from low-IQ regions of the globe, such as the Middle East, South Asia and Africa, have no doubt contributed to declines in the average intelligence of the West. In one recent study (Woodley et al., 2017), Third World “immigration” was associated with IQ declines in 13 different nations. High levels of Third World “immigration” are always significant predictors of Western cognitive decline; its most pronounced effects are on IQ subtest batteries with the highest g-loadings. Nevertheless, Third World “immigration” does not fully account for dysgenic selection among Western populations. Declines in genotypic intelligence occurred long before the advent of Third World “immigration,” which only partially explains the Western world’s declining IQ.

The greater fecundity of intelligent Whites, compared to the unintelligent, had always been the norm, especially since the 1400s. This changed during the Industrial Revolution; more intelligent Whites delayed having children until later in life, through a combination of abstinence and contraception, to further their educational aspirations and develop their innate potential. Medical breakthroughs significantly improved general health and nutrition, which prolonged human lifespans. This allowed less intelligent Whites to survive childhood and have significantly more children than those who were more intelligent. The rise of social welfare liberalism in the 20th century merely exacerbated this trend. As Western governments progressively taxed their wealthiest and most intelligent citizens, their wealth was unfortunately redistributed to less industrious and less intelligent members of the White race, who squandered the money as they multiplied recklessly.

More recent studies have shed further light on the negative correlation between intelligence and fertility. In one study, the higher the intelligence and socioeconomic status of adolescents, the lower their likelihood of having offspring. This dysgenic effect was more true of females than males, indicating that women become choosier the more wealth and status they accumulate (Reeve et al., 2013). Among adults, a negative correlation between intelligence and odds of parenthood was discovered; every 15 point increase in a woman’s childhood IQ would decrease a woman’s odds of parenthood by about 20% (Kanazawa, 2014). The female role in the transmission of intelligence is a substantial one because the genes for intelligence are X-chromosomal; if more intelligent women since the late Victorian period have had less children than the unintelligent, one can only expect a gradual decline in the national intelligence of Western populations.

Analysis of a large genealogical database revealed that Iceland’s national IQ had decreased over time because more intelligent Icelanders were having less children. Although IQ declines per decade were small, statistical significance is attained when viewed from an evolutionary timescale. Dysgenic fertility may potentially undermine Icelandic economy and society within a few centuries, unless it is reversed (Kong et al., 2017). Polygenic scores, which capture selection against g (such as dysgenic fertility or “immigration”), are the most significant predictors of the century-long decline in “heritable g” (Woodley et al., 2018). The “neurotoxin hypothesis,” like all environmental explanations, fails to adequately predict temporal trends in general intelligence because cognitive ability is under much stronger genetic than environmental control. The worst environmental deprivations (i.e. severe malnutrition) or the most costly and ambitious environmental interventions rarely, if ever have a lasting effect on heritable g.

Most experts in intelligence, cognitive ability and student achievement now attribute the anti-Flynn effect to dysgenic fertility, Third World “immigration” and worsening educational standards in Western countries; in contrast, they are far more unanimous among each other in attributing environmental causation to the Flynn effect, in striking agreement with Woodley’s co-occurrence model (Rindermann et al., 2016). Based on the evidence, Western intellectual decline is largely caused by a negative IQfertility gradient, with Third World “immigration” becoming an increasingly significant contributor as time goes on.

IV: The Road to “Idiocracy”

Nobel laureate William Shockley proposed a Voluntary Sterilization Bonus Plan (1972). He presented this as a “thought experiment.” This would be open to all members of the American public, regardless of “sex, race or welfare status.” For each IQ point under 100, the recipient was to be given $1000, as long as he or she was willing to undergo vasectomy or tubal ligation. This was not an original proposal, as it had been first suggested over 40 years ago by American journalist and scholar H.L. Mencken, albeit in a rather humorous context. What all of these proposals neglect, and what modern eugenicists have failed to acknowledge, is the obvious sex differential in contributions to dysgenic fertility, probably because of the natural sympathy that men typically have for the opposite sex.

The low-IQ male, unless he is among the 20% of males considered physically attractive, is permanently excluded from the sexual market. This is because of his lifelong inability to acquire the material resources that allow him to compensate for his genetic inferiority. On the other hand, the low-IQ female poses a far greater threat to the mental hygiene of Western populations, by virtue of her role as sexual selector. For the low-IQ female, there will always be large numbers of reasonably attractive males willing to satisfy her many sexual and financial needs. If the low-IQ male must be handsome or rich, the low-IQ female must only be of childbearing age if she wishes to attract a mate of fairly decent genetic quality. The Industrial Revolution brought with it substantial improvements in public health and nutrition, making it easier for low-IQ females to survive childhood, only to breed as much as possible throughout their reproductive years.

When, in 1869, Sir Francis Galton made his famous scientific prediction of declining Western intelligence based on anecdotal observation of changing Victorian demographics, what he really observed was more low-IQ females than ever before surviving childhood to satisfy their instinctive desire for maternity. This trend has continued without interruption to the present, making low-IQ females the primary driving force behind the dysgenic fertility that has resulted in declining general intelligence in Western industrialized nations. No successful eugenic policy can exist without taking this into full account. In order for Dr. Shockley’s proposal to have made any sense from an evolutionary perspective, the bonus for females should have been quadrupled or even quintupled for each IQ point under 100.

Into this volatile mixture was added feminism, a pernicious ideology that grants both unrestricted individual autonomy and reproductive choice to women who should not be allowed to breed for eugenic reasons. In recognizing that all women have the same rights, feminism reveals itself to be just as dangerous as the Third World “immigration” promoted by hostile elites. By encouraging low-IQ females to engage in promiscuity, march in “slut walks,” wear “pussy hats,” and breed prolifically - while high-IQ females delay parenthood because of their educational aspirations - feminism has merely accelerated the decline in general intelligence among Western populations, already well under way since the Industrial Revolution. As Whites get dumber, their “Western uniqueness,” including their high intelligence, creativity and ability to produce more geniuses than any other race of people, will disappear with them. This radical transformation of the underlying genetic structure of Western populations could take place within less than a 100 years. Few people recognize the fragility of Western intellectual gains because of selective pressures exerted by the Black Death in Medieval Europe and the 17th century colonization of North America. By undermining Western mental and racial hygiene, feminism threatens to return Whites to the way things were before the agricultural revolution of the Neolithic age.

Helmuth Nyborg, extrapolating from present trends and projecting them into the future, allows us to better visualize in concrete terms the post-apocalyptic scenario that awaits Western civilization (2011). He shows what happens when a racially homogeneous society like Denmark, with a population of over 5 million, is subjected to both “Internal Relaxation of Darwinian Selection” (IRDS), referring to the preservation and multiplication of the genetically disadvantaged, and “External Relaxation of Darwinian Selection” (ERDS), in reference to “super-fertile” Third World “replacement migration.”

When both internal and external relaxation are combined, “Double Relaxation of Darwinian Selection” (DRDS) is produced, a clear and unobstructed path to Western “idiocracy” in Denmark. By 2072, ethnic Danes will be reduced to 60% of the population, from a high of 97% in 1979; minority status will be reached by 2085. In 1979, Danish phenotypic IQ was 98, but by 2072, it is 93, having dropped 5 IQ points in less than a century. As national IQ decreases, Denmark will be gradually transformed into a Latin American “banana republic.” Ethnic Danes, demoralized by feminism and social welfare legislation, will have no choice but to acquiesce to the destruction of their own country. Significant damage to the economy and educational infrastructure are to be expected; a 5 point drop in Danish IQ means a 35% reduction in the nation’s GDP. Democracy will inevitably become unsustainable as average national IQ plummets below 90; it will be replaced by the authoritarian political culture and religious dogmatism found in Middle Eastern, African and Latin American societies.

Belief that “more White babies” are the answer to dysgenic fertility among Whites is just as dangerous and genocidal as the liberal belief that Third World “replacement migration” is “cultural enrichment.” Since low-IQ females leave behind more offspring than those of high IQ, more White births would reduce high-IQ females to an “endangered species.” This would intensify the “Internal Relaxation of Darwinian Selection” already occurring in Western populations. As Whites “devolve,” they will no longer be able to maintain their own Western industrialized societies. A demographic transition of such magnitude would transform Western Europe and North America, the Occidental heartland, into a cultural and biological extension of the Third World. Since women are loyal to wealth and power, but not race, one can expect genocidal levels of miscegenation between White females of low intelligence and the non-White foreigners who have dispossessed Whites and conquered the West.

To reverse the process of dysgenic selection, the White man must do three things:

He must get rid of the hostile elite.

He must forcibly repatriate all Third World “migrants,” including their descendants. Forced “remigration” is not an unrealistic policy; mass population transfers have been successfully carried out before, i.e. deportation of Germans, 1944-50, from Eastern and Central European countries to Germany and Austria.

If selective pressures in medieval Europe and colonial America led to the steady eugenic improvement of Western populations, making it possible for them to conquer 84% of the globe’s surface, only their re-emergence will reverse the dysgenic selection that has bedeviled the White race since the mid-19th century. This can only be accomplished through a rigorous application of classical eugenic principles.

If the White race is to survive, only its strongest and most intelligent members must be prepared for the harsh Darwinian struggle that lies ahead. Wasting precious resources on mental and genetic defectives is sheer pathological altruism. Race-conscious Whites have a collective interest in raising healthy and intelligent offspring, but no such interest can exist when it comes to those who are weak and unintelligent. They are “life unworthy of life”; even they would not consent to such a truncated and meager existence if given full possession of their normal faculties. From a White nationalist perspective, to bring such children into the world is selfish and morally irresponsible; they impose unnecessary fiscal burdens on Whites and use up resources that are better invested elsewhere.

The race-conscious White man is faced with a dilemma: because of liberal elite hostility to his own ethnic genetic interests, any program of eugenic enhancement would be outlawed under the current totalitarian leftist order; at the same time, he cannot simply wait out the elite-managed decline of Western civilization. In less than a few generations, most of his race may become drooling mental defectives, if they haven’t already miscegenated themselves out of existence into the burgeoning mass of Third World “migrants” who now infest his homeland. If he must take action, he must take it now, otherwise all is lost.

Race-conscious Whites must abandon all leftist-controlled urban areas to “live off the grid.” By colonizing relatively unpopulated areas of North America and Western Europe, the White man will return to a rustic existence, filling the countryside, the mountains, the forests, the tundra with Whites only settlements, similar to the Boer-only settlement of Orania in South Africa. Living the way his ancestors did centuries ago will ensure that no Third World “immigrant” follows him into the mountains or the wilderness. Self-imposed hardship will further intensify Darwinian selective pressure on Whites, jumpstarting the process of natural eugenic enhancement, just as it did during the early colonization of the Americas. Once race-conscious Whites have become sufficiently numerous, they must embark on a program of state-sponsored eugenics. This will be used to strengthen the White population until they are able to wrest control of North America and Western Europe from the hostile elites and their army of greedy “migrants.”

The new ethnostate will be constitutionally grounded on Aristotelian political philosophy and neoDarwinian biology; it will be a meritocracy based on eugenic principles. Eugenics, the scientific ideological core of the new White nationalism, is easily reconciled with the aristocratic political science of Aristotle; both are concerned with the development and formation of the best possible citizen, one along genetic and the other along characterological lines. Aristotelian philosophy is based on a linear hierarchical conception of reality; this overlaps with the dominance hierarchies of the animal kingdom and of all human socio-political organization. Furthermore, the capacity for superior moral development is improved substantially by superior genes. In an Aristotelian political order informed by eugenic principles, the state would ensure that all citizens have both the mental and physical capacity to live the good life. Mandatory genetic screening would be one of the conditions of citizenship; those at risk of transmitting hereditary diseases or conditions, such as criminality or low IQ, would undergo compulsory eugenic sterilization. Only the best and most virtuous citizens, the biologically and intellectually superior “aristoi” or natural-born aristocrats, would be the ones allowed total freedom of action in the political sphere.

In the ethnostate, the aristoi of the White race will determine who must give birth and who must be sterilized. These men are not petty bureaucrats, but aristocrats selected on the basis of health and IQ. Their sole task is the promotion of White racial survival, whatever the cost. For those who believe eugenic sterilization is barbarous and cruel, allowing the birth of children who suffer from mental retardation or cystic fibrosis is much, much worse. For this reason, only the healthiest, high-IQ females will be allowed to breed, even being massively incentivized to do so. Encouraging the natural increase of healthy, intelligent Whites, at the expense of the low IQ and genetically unfit, is the most White nationalist thing a White man can do for his race.

Some will necessarily object: “But state-sponsored eugenics will infringe on individual rights and freedoms!” This is a common, but groundless objection. The “right to procreate” is not an absolute. In 7 utilitarian ethics, rights are never ends in themselves; they exist to maximize the happiness of the greatest number and must be tempered by social obligation. Furthermore, not all men have the capacity for individual freedom. The Greek philosopher Aristotle recognized the existence of natural slavery because of the inability of some to reason autonomously, even though they may be responsive to reasoned instruction. Whether a man is free or not must be determined by his capacity to reason (for us, his IQ).

Legislation regulating some of the most intimate areas of our lives is hardly controversial; if we allow government to enforce this legislation, ostensibly in the interest of public safety, why not allow government to decide who gets to reproduce and who doesn’t? If the low IQ and genetically unfit are allowed to breed recklessly, as they do now, Western civilization will eventually be reduced to smoldering ruins. Unregulated breeding is far more dangerous than any black market specializing in the sale of illicit firearms or drugs. Society would be much safer if it allowed every citizen to acquire large arsenals of weapons without special licensing, but criminalized the marriage and procreation of the low IQ and genetically unfit.

If a large minority of race-conscious Whites emigrate, seceding from the leftist totalitarian state to independently pursue their own racial interests, reversal of dysgenic fertility and Third World “immigration” may be accomplished within a few generations. As race-conscious Whites strengthen their race through genetic enhancement, the totalitarian left will get weaker, forced to increasingly rely on low-IQ Whites and “migrants” for manpower. From their bases in the Pacific Northwest or Lapland, race-conscious Whites, stronger and more intelligent than ever before, would raid globalist-occupied territory, slowly enlarging their own dominions until the reconquest of North America and Western Europe has been completed. This is not without historical precedent. Medieval Spanish Christians, reduced to a small area of their own country, seized the emirates of Mohammedan Andalusia one by one, until the last emirate of Granada had been defeated, its Moorish inhabitants expelled from the Iberian peninsula in 1492.

Race-conscious Whites must live, think and breathe race, just as they did during the long and distinguished reign of Queen Victoria, when Whites were at the peak of their intellectual and artistic powers. In this age of drab multicultural uniformity, the White man’s race is his most formidable weapon, a thorn in the side of those who wish to replace him with the low IQ peasant masses of the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and Latin America. Nothing terrifies the hostile elites more than the prospect of encountering race-conscious White men bred for superior intellect and physical strength, able to aggressively pursue their own racial interests undeterred by elite and non-White hostility.

Ferdinand Bardamu, Eurocanadian 7 Comments [3/16/2019 6:00:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 101268

I hate that stupid sh*t. It's like they're trying to tell us, in the most blaringly obvious way possible, "Hey, look, here's a groid who represents 0.001% of the black population by being a Harvard graduate, will you accept them now? Oh, and 'them' includes the 99.999% who are loud, stinky apes, by the way! Enjoy watching your society fall flat on its face--err, I mean, enjoy the new multicultural, diverse America!"

Barf. And once they accomplish that, they'll try to spoon-feed us the idea that blacks are just the same--no, actually superior to Whites, as this repulsive Classmates.com ad unceremoniously attempts to suggest.

The White male on the far left is effectively emasculated by being placed in the "Friend Zone," the one on the far right is demonized (literally), and of course, Jamal McFriedchicken is the one who gets goo-goo eyes from probably both of the White women next to him. Wow. If I ever meet one of the Jew bozos who gets paid to come up with this crap, my fiance will have to pry my hands from the poor bastard's throat because I'll be strangling him.


Scratch that, my fiance would likely join in on the fun.

BluCollar, Stormfront 12 Comments [5/31/2014 4:52:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 142819

[Serious] Has the racepill made anyone here into racists?

I'm not going to poll this because there are just too many reasons for someone to be racist against another, but I mean like how one race is more desirable to foids than other races or how one race is completely ostracized from the dating market, does that vent any hatred you have towards that race, it can even be your race.

Take me for example: I used to have no problem with nordics since they've never really caused any trouble and nordic countries generally seem to be the happiest on Earth. After taking the racepill, I've been shaking in anger everyday at nordics. They're so happy because they're the most attractive race and thus have an easier time getting sex in most foreign countries, not to mention their sacking of rome sending all of europe into the dark ages. Everytime I hear that a sand niggercel slaughtered or raped some swedish foid, I do a little jig because that's one less potential chad she can bring into the world.

It sounds to me like you are not racist. You seem envious and want to be nordic.

Shit! I've been found out!

But tbh nah. I'm too narcisistic to envy them. I hate the fact that they exist in the age of communication where foids from my country can have access to them easily.
At my expense, if some nuke were to wipe them out, my reaction would be of indiferrence. Saying I hate nordics because I want to be them follows the same logic as saying incels hate foids because they want to be them.

Is this a joke? You are holding a grudge for one thousand years?

Yes, and I will continue to hate them for it. That action in and of itself threw all of Europe into the dark ages for centuries, had it not been that event, I could have probably been writing this rant on titan by now.

Not the same logic. You are a man who wants to eliminate another race of men to reduce competition (if I understand your post). This is different from men who hate women because of the unfair advantages they have because of their gender.
You freely admit that nordics are more successful than you. This is not racism. This is spiteful envy.

Consider that the Roman empire at this point was weak and prone to civil war. It was inevitable that they would be destroyed at some point. Blame the ineffective government before you blame the natural result of civilizational weakness.

Yes boyo. Anything that stands between me and achieving reproduction should be eliminated. How you somehow equate this to envy or want is a mystery to me. I am fine with my characteristics, I am fine with my abilities, when I look at the dating market and notice that there's a head at the top of the hierarchy, I WANT IT CUT OFF! Do you understand that JBW is most effective as a nordic? It can be applied in SEA, latin america, india and korea. 4/10 nordics can easily score with 9/10 foids because of their ethnicity, a foid is wasting their eggs for the 10% chance of getting some blue eyed blonde kid and when it inevitably doesn't happen and they end up with a lab experiment failure, those same kids grow up to become incels who don't even get a chance in the dating market. If 30% of one ethnicity's foids is getting failed hapas from one group of males, that's 15% of that ethnic foid's population lost! I know what you're going to say next "oh well that's the foids fault". Yes it is, it's in her programming that I'll never be able to control so instead of trying and failing to control it, I'm just going to cut off the thing she desires until she has no choice but to reproduce with me. Jfl at this 5 year old mentality of "oooh they hate us cause they ain't us!" Oh yeah bro! Every peasant revolt that's happened throughout history was because the peasants were raging they weren't born rich

voiceoftreason, Incels.is 1 Comments [3/16/2019 5:58:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 74220

[On a child who was crushed to death by an electronic gate]

You can hear the cha~ching of the ghetto lotto. The nigglet's mammy will be livin' like a classy 'lady' from here on out. The only thing that coon cares about is the fact that the gate is to a housing coonmunity built by a developer. Must be deep pockets. Insurance will have to pay, and that she~boon will be wearing purple mink and moving to Notting Hill before you know it. Shitting out a few more nigglets and dropping them off at buildings with electric gates on them.

ObongoLips, Chimpout 23 Comments [7/5/2010 6:31:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 121704

The Party of Lincoln may soon have someone who hates Abraham Lincoln representing it in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that Nolan West, a Republican legislative aide who is now running for an open seat in the Minnesota state legislature, has apologized for posting several messages on Facebook that praised the Confederacy and trashed Abraham Lincoln.

“I apologize for posting insensitive material,” West said in an e-mail to the Star Tribune. “I’ve taken those posts down because they do not reflect who I am or what I believe.”

And it seems there was a lot of insensitive material.

For example, to mark the 150th anniversary of Confederate President Jefferson Davis resigning from his post in the U.S. Senate, West posted a message attacking Lincoln as “the single worst president this country has ever seen.”

West even posted a message that read, “IT’S LYNCHING TIME!” on the eve of President Obama’s election in 2008.

The Star Tribune also notes that West “posted derogatory comments about women and gays,” which shouldn’t be surprising — after all, if you’re the kind of person who celebrates the existence of a slave state, you’re probably not all that sensitive to women’s and LGBT issues either.

West has since removed the posts from his Facebook feed, although he has signaled no willingness to drop out of the race at this point.

Nolan West, Raw Story 13 Comments [9/21/2016 6:03:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 85551

Here in NYC, this is called the “ghetto lottery”. Do something wrong, then sue whomever has the deepest pockets, and that’s almost always a govt. agency. What makes this different from other lottery’s is that they have no chance of losing. After drug dealing, it’s the 2nd largest industry in black communities.

BTW, where do they ever get those names?

A. Levy, Moonbattery 18 Comments [1/12/2012 8:03:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 142774

Transgender woman arrested for hate crime spree in NYC

A transgender woman has been arrested for a slew of random ambush attacks involving some form of chemical spray on unwitting passersby walking the New York City streets over the weekend.

Thomas J. Heard, who reportedly goes by “Tasha,” 37, was arrested after allegedly pulling a sharp object on someone in the Bronx. Police also believe, based on CCTV footage, that Heard was responsible for up to nine attacks using a pepper-spray-like substance in the Bronx area, though there may be more victims. Police have confirmed that the incidents are being viewed as hate crimes given that all of the victims were white.

A woman matching Heard’s appearance was then seen physically assaulting a woman, kicking her violently in the leg before spraying the victim and her boyfriend.

“All of the sudden, I hear this woman yell at me from behind, ‘I hate you, you expletive expletive!’” the woman told ABC 7. “I saw her pull something out of her pocket. I didn’t know if it was a gun, I didn’t know if it was a knife – I didn’t know what she had.”

Upon her arrest, police found her in possession of a pepper spray canister and a pair of scissors.

She has reportedly been charged with assault as a hate crime, menacing as a hate crime, harassment as a hate crime, and assault with criminal possession of a weapon. She is due to undergo a medical evaluation following her arraignment early on Monday. She will be held on a $30,000 bond.

“It lights up your whole face on fire,” Joshua Smith, another victim who was attacked on the way home from a doctor’s appointment, told CBS. “Your sinuses, your throat feels like it’s closing up. It’s rough.”

Police say a total of 11 white New Yorkers were attacked over the weekend but they have not definitively linked all of the incidents to Heard at the time of writing. Heard reportedly has up to 65 prior arrests, many for prostitution and assault.

Thomas J. Heard, RT.com 4 Comments [3/12/2019 4:03:16 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 88859

Affirmative action strikes again and robs the deserving White Russian girl, Viktoria Komova of her rightful gold. I feel so badly for the Viktoria. The negroid American did well, however. I think she did deserve a silver, but DEFINITELY not the gold.

It all came down to the final floor exercise. The negro, giving a good but not outstanding performance with some clear mistakes, was given a score of 15.133. Victoria, the Russian, gave an exquisite, perfect performance and, since she needed a score of 15.3 to win gold, the Anti-White judges gave Victoria a 15.100. Victoria deserved a 16.000 for her beautiful performance. A true injustice.

Unless the Olympic event result is based on time or countable goals or other such objective scores, the door opens for Anti-White racist lies. And that's what happened here.

Tenniel, Stormfront 18 Comments [8/10/2012 4:11:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 142809

New political party in Samoa proposes China immigration ban

A new political party in Samoa is driving a nationalistic campaign to ban future Chinese migrants to the country.

The Samoa First Party announced the policy last week, outraging some in the country's sizeable Chinese community.

Its deputy leader told local media he wanted to "repatriate" the Chinese out of Samoa, comments which were later withdrawn.

Party leader Unasa Iuni Sapolu says the official policy is to ban all Chinese migrants but she insists the party isn't racist.

"We must put Samoans as a priority. We can't held against ... once the Chinese come over they bring over the products, they are from a bigger, much bigger, billions and billions of population," she said.

Chinese-Samoan community member Ronna Lee said the "ridiculous" policy would make life harder for new migrants from China, who already face outrageous claims that they are taking over Samoa.

"Any politician who has policies that are based on bigotry and racism should not be given a platform to be a politician," she said, adding that racism was incompatible with Fa'aSamoa values of love and respect.

RNZ Pacific's correspondent in Apia, Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia, said hardline Samoa First policies were unlikely to gain traction with the government.

Samoa First Party politicians, RadioNZ 3 Comments [3/14/2019 5:31:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142810

Re: New Political Party in Samoa Proposes China Immigration Ban

(Andrea Daley Utronebel)
Great idea. What whites did to Hawaii is unconscionable. Diversity is the product of Imperialism. Hawaii used to belong to native Hawaiians. But white imperialists imposed Diversity on the natives by conquering and taking over territory. But whites did even worse by opening Hawaii to endless immigration. As a result the real native Hawaiians lost the land not only to whites but to Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, and everyone under the sun.

Long live Samoa. It should ban not only Chinese but whites. When whites take over a land, they use immigration to fill it up with the world. The natives lose out. Look at Latin America. Whites didn't just conquer the brown natives but brought over millions of Africans. So, brown natives lost out not only to whites but to blacks. And then, Latin elites even let in lots of Asians. Lots of Asians own huge plantations in Brazil and Peru.

(Joe Dixon)
If Whites had never colonized Hawaii, the Hawaiians would still be living in the stone age killing each other. If the Japanese had taken the islands, there would be no trace of the original inhabitants. They would've been bred out of existence or almost exterminated like the Japanese did to the Ainu in Hokkaido. The only thing that saved the Ainu were the Americans beating Japan in the war and introducing some more "liberal" ways of looking at indigenous peoples and their cultures. The Filipinos who were let in to work the sugar cane in Hawaii are the ancestors of the Polynesians and when they mix they produce more Polynesians. As for the Chinese and Japanese mixing with them, the result is offspring that aren't radically different from the original Polynesians. Whites have been very good to the original Hawaiians helping them to preserve their culture and even reserving an island for them to live on (Niihau) allowing them to live as they want. Not many Hawaiians would opt for this though, preferring the modern world's magic. What other race than whites would be kind enough to retain private ownership of an island (Niihau) and maintain it for over 100 years to preserve the culture of another race like the Scottish descended Robinsons have done? Here's the story of Niihau that's still privately owned today by the same family: https://www.portablepress.c...

Hawaii had a stable government before the US took it over. I don't know if it is better or worse now, but Hawaiians weren't like Abbos. They had a king and parliament and white nations recognised their sovereignty.

(Joe Dixon)
Hawaii had a kind of King or head chief but he was an absolute ruler. It wasn't until the first Europeans came along that a real government with a parliament was established. Did you know that the Hawaiians clubbed to death Captain Cook around 1778? He had a reputation for dealing fairly with the Hawaiian natives and had spent a number of winters there when he was exploring the western coasts of North America.

I was responding to the commenter above that claimed Hawaiians would still be living in the Stone Age if not for whites taking over. That obviously isn't true. Europeans obviously played a big role in Hawaii's development, and the indigenous monarchy relied on European settlers to help run things, but they had a pretty good thing going even before the US moved in.

Compare that to the indigenous in Australia; most of them are still not much better than they were before the Stone Age. They sexually abuse their own youth (this is the actual reason for the Northern Territory Intervention happened, not because whites had some hateful urge to destroy Aboriginal culture) and beat each other.

Polynesians are capable of running somewhat developed societies. The same is true of the Maori in New Zealand. Most of the indigenous peoples the British just conquered quite easily. The Maori, because they had a more developed society and were much better warriors than most the people the British came across, were actually made British subjects on equal grounds with the European settlers and New Zealand was officially a binational Anglo/Maori colony.

(Andrea Daley Utronebel)
But they would still own their island. Due to white immigration that led to Asian immigration, Hawaiians are minorities in their own homeland.

If you were a primitive white man, would you rather keep your homeland or be invaded by more civilized Chinese who give you medicine and stuff?

Given the current state of my country (Canada) I'm not sure Chinese annexation would be such a bad thing. Trudeau has made it law that people must be referred to by their preferred pronouns. I bet Xi Jinping would let me call Bruce Jenner 'he.'

(Andrea Daley Utronebel)
Chinese may be proud to be Chinese in China, but they are imitative and conformist dogs overseas. Notice that East Asians in US and Canada are among the biggest drones of PC. The fact is Chinese are coming to the West to GET AWAY from Chinese power. They want to be 'free' but fail to realize that freedom is dead in the West cuz of PC. As Chinese parents tell their kids to study hard and respect teachers, these kids will grow up to be super-pozzed.
Also, Chinese women want white men when they come to the West. As Chinese manhood gets no respect in the West, Chinese won't amount to much in the West.

Andrea Daley Utronebel, Joe Dixon, Newfoundlander, American Renaissance 1 Comments [3/14/2019 5:32:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142704

Perhaps Surprisingly, Indians REALLY Aren’t That Intelligent (On Average)

India is a confusing place. It is able to send hordes of extremely intelligent and highly-motivated scientists to the USA, yet its city centres are so chaotic that tourists have to pay street urchins to throw themselves into the road just so that they can cross it. The land of the Hindus is pursuing its own space program, yet vast areas of the country lack electricity, running water, and even people who can read. What does this say about Indian IQ?

The late J. Philippe Rushton gave an answer to this question back in 2007: Indians Aren’t That Intelligent (On Average). But much more evidence has since been developed.

A country’s average IQ is a massively important predictor of national accomplishment and national average living standards, as Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen showed in their seminal 2012 book Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences, as well as in their earlier book IQ and the Wealth of Nations.

For a few years now a German psychologist trained in political science called David Becker has been tracking down and collating every possible source that might permit assessment of any nation’s IQ. The young researcher, who is based at Chemnitz Technical University in East Germany (the city was known as Karl-Marx-Stadt under Communism) places all his research online so that those who criticise national IQ data can easily have their criticisms refuted. He clearly presents his methodology, in a way which Lynn did not, so that critics can see precisely what’s he’s done, how he’s done it and why: samples are rated for reliability, for example.

On this basis, Becker has also recalculated all of Richard Lynn’s much-denounced National IQs. Significantly, his calculations strongly correlate with Lynn’s—see the results at ViewOnIQ.org.

As part of this project, Becker has also updated and recalculated the Indian IQ, the most recent known study of which was published in 2015 [Gender Performance on Intelligence Quotient Test among Medical Students in a Government Medical College, By B. Uppu et al., IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2015]

Incredibly, considering all of the “Raj from The Big Bang Theory” types populating science departments at America’s top universities, Becker’s meta-analysis of 11 studies revises the Indian average IQ downwards. Lynn and Vanhanen calculated it to be 82.2, but Becker has found it to be a mere 76.24.

How can a country with an IQ only six points above that of Sub-Saharan Africa churn out scientists of such high calibre and even begin to take people into space?

The answer: it is not merely in the geographical sense that India is a subcontinent—defined as a large mass of land separated by mountains from the rest of the continent. It is also continent-like in terms of its population.

India and China both contain over a billion people, but in China those people are overwhelmingly of one ethnicity, Han, and speak one language, Mandarin. The situation in India could hardly be more different.

The national languages are Hindi and (still) English. However, there are at least 780 distinct languages spoken in India, with most—though not all—of these languages being associated with a distinct ethnic group, rather as is the case with languages in Europe. Around 78% of Indians, and especially those in the north, speak Indo-Aryan languages that are distantly related to English, such as Hindi (41% of India’s population), Bengali (8%), and Gujarati(4.4%). Most of rest, particularly those in the South, speak Dravidian languages, such as Telegu (7.1%), Tamil (5.9%) and Kannada (3.6%). Some even speak language “isolates” unrelated to any other known language.(See Wikipedia’s List of languages by number of native speakers in India.)

There are also about 225,000 Anglo-Indians—down from some 2 million at independence in 1947. These are native English speakers, and usually Christian, ultimately descended from a union between an English colonial and a (usually female) Indian. Over the centuries, Anglo-Indians have married each other, effectively creating an ethnic group .

India is divided into 29 states and 7 territories, many of these states are named after their dominant ethnic group and its language. And, crucially, there seem to be exceptional IQ differences between these states, paralleling the way in which southern India is rich and northern India is poor.

Richard Lynn and Indian psychologist Prateek Yadav explored differences in intelligence between Indian states in a study published in the leading journal Intelligence in 2015. [Differences in cognitive ability, per capita income, infant mortality, fertility and latitude across the states of India, By Richard Lynn & Prateek Yadav, Intelligence, 2015]. Drawing upon data from all 29 states plus 4 territories, they found a very clear pattern.

Southern India is markedly more intelligent than northern India; the correlation between latitude and their test of cognitive ability being -0.43. Even more significantly, coastal India is more intelligent than inland India, the correlation between closeness to coast and average intelligence being -0.60.

The most intelligent (on average) area is a territory called Daman and Dui, two islands that were part of Portugal’s historic Goa colony, seized by India in 1961. (American pundit Dinesh D’Souza is descended from Goanese converts to Catholicism). Unfortunately, the authors do not calculate IQ scores, merely presenting average scores on standardized school tests. These islands are followed, in average score, by Kerala, a southern coastal state. The least intelligent, and also poorest, India state is Bihar, an inland northern state, close to Bangladesh.

Helpfully, Lynn and Yadav tested a host of other variables, meaning they were able to reasonably hypothesize as to the causes of these differences. A key factor: Islam. Around 20% of India’s population is Muslim and the Muslims overwhelmingly live in the north. Indeed, the Muslims were politically dominant in northern India—building the Taj Mahal and other such achievements—until the British fully took control in the nineteenth century.

The correlation between the percentage of Muslims in a state and its intelligence was -0.32. The authors propose that a likely reason is inbreeding. Hindus tend not to marry cousins, but Muslims tend strongly to marry their cousins. Cousin marriage elevates the probability of double doses of mutant genes, meaning that the brain works less well, so intelligences starts to fall. The more inbreeding there is in a nation the lower its IQ tends to be [Inbreeding depression and IQ in a study of 72 countries, by Michael A. Woodley, Intelligence, 2009]

Coastal India, they suggest, is more intelligent because there will have been greater breeding with European traders. This is most obvious when we consider that the most intelligent part of India is two islands which were run by Portugal until 1961. (American pundit Dinesh D’Souza is descended from Goanese converts to Catholicism). We would also expect that ambitious and intelligent Indians born in the interior would be likely to migrate to the wealthy coastal towns. Intelligence predicts migration, as the eminent intelligence researcher Arthur Jensen noted in his 1998 book The g Factor.

It is perhaps no coincidence that the only Indian citizen to win a Nobel Prize in the hard sciences—Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (right)who took the Physics prize in 1930—was a Tamil from Madras. Madras is (where else?) on the southern coast.

It is India’s ethnic diversity which explains why it displays extremes: intellectual brilliance yet grinding poverty. This may be a problem for India, in that it is the population’s average intelligence—which predicts so much about the fate of nations. With its low average IQ, India is corrupt, unfair, and shambolic.

This is perhaps why so many highly intelligent Indians are desperate to come to the West—probably reducing India’s average IQ even further in the process, but certainly not improving the GOP’s chances.

Lance Welton, Unz 2 Comments [3/8/2019 11:35:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142722

[Comments under "Self driving cars worse at detecting dark skin"]

From CoconutCake:

Self-driving cars worse at detecting people with dark skin, study says - Business Insider

Look out, Ja'mal and La'quisha!

From Midwest:


CoconutCake and Midwest, Stormfront 1 Comments [3/10/2019 3:50:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142752

[Comments under "Jared vs. Jew"]

@Jack Halliday:
Seeing as we appear to be the topic of discussion here:
I am a member of AWD and we ARE in fact serious.

Wait a minute. You are a long time commenter here, right? That means that Cesar and the ideology of this blog really is having some serious influence with serious people. This is excellent news.

The AWD is not in Britain, but we appear to have the System Resistance Network, which from what I can tell, is inspired by James Mason and the AWD. Though I am more inclined to be sceptical about these groups, as up to this point, they have been talk talk talk.

Please, don’t mess this up, don’t be another Order, another Eugene Terreblanche. If we lose now I don’t think we will have another chance. For the love of all things holy – don’t rock the boat. Sink it this time. Be the iceberg.

I think you would need a total 3000 members to rape the System. What would you say to that?

Posted by Joseph Walsh:

There is an organization in Britain called Woden’s Folk which believes the leader Hitler prophesied he was paving the way for will appear in England. But before you write them off, remember the plan of the SRN appears to be to wait for the “inevitable” racial holy war lead by the Great White Leader Kalki who will lead the Last Battalion of Aryan warriors to victory over the hordes of untermensch.

So a lot of the strategy appears to be wait around until Kalki shows up. But Kalki might never show up and our race will simply go extinct. Time is running out, especially in the USA where Whites are a minority now or soon will be, and the only ‘plan’ there seems to be Harold Covington’s Northwest Front and the mass Alt-Right LARPing about an ethnostate. There’s AWD but they seem too small in number to affect change though I hope they can do something.

Posted by esotericisms:

Forgive my late response, I rarely get time to check notifs.
For one, yes, I am a long time commenter and Cesar’s writings have influenced my thought greatly.
Also, SRN is affiliated with AWD and I’ve spoken to their members, as far as I can tell they do take Siege to heart and are at the very least influenced by it to a significant degree, though I’m not sure if that’s official dogma.
As for the three thousand men I would agree completely. The real problem as of now is the many people who ‘support’ us but would not in a million years join.
These people are mostly Christians, of course.

Posted by Jack Halliday:

What problem do these cowardly whites present? How much of a burden will they be in preventing armed revolution?

The solution I see to this is “the frail whites will serve as prey to the Aryan predator.” Numbers don’t matter, just willpower and resources (guns, knives, bombs).

esotericisms, Jack Halliday and Joseph Walsh, The West’s Darkest Hour 4 Comments [3/11/2019 6:07:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 32349

Never ever trust a negro, no matter how well they come off to you in the beginning, because in the end he/she is a racist violent animal that will stab you in the back. I've been there, and I know what I'm talking about. The best way to be careful of the snake in the garden is to get rid of the snake, and that includes the "good" negroes like "Mr." Cosby.

Flaming Sword Of Truth, Stormfront 23 Comments [12/14/2007 1:17:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142727

I'm from 4chan, something important to say about Stormfront

I don't usually browse this site at all, but all I know is this site is where all nationalists/right-wingers from /pol/ originally came from. /pol/ and this site has becoming a massive influence on 4chan and imageboard culture in general. Not only that, /pol/ and Stromfront also influenced the mainstream social media site as well too. White nationalism became mainstream all thanks to /pol/ and Stormfront.

Now all you see on 4chan, the majority of users from all boards on 4chan claim themselves to be the "saviour of the western culture". Funny thing is /pol/ is a hated board from the rest of other boards from 4chan even though there's already dozens of nationalists on this site. White nationalism/rightism literally influenced 4chan, Reddit, YouTube, hell even teens/young alduts from Facebook, Youtube comment section, Instragam claim themselves to be nationalists all thanks to /pol/ and you guys.

Well 4chan is a center of internet sub-cultures so it makes sense how white nationalism became popular on the mainstream internet. At this point I though you guys were kind of freaks, but I realise that you were right all along, you spoke truth about the mainstream media and the government all along. You guys were actually right, the jews are ruling the world and they're trying to destroy us, Holocaust is actually a hoax, Hitler actually protected Europe against the zionist bankers.

At this point several months later after I started browisng and lurking /pol/, I realize that the you right-wingers/nationalists actually spoke the truth all along. Yes of course there's mass immigration and cultural marxism in all western countries, you guys were right all along. You people were the good guys all along and I already know it. White nationalism became a popular sub-culture on the mainstream internet and more and more people became open-minded. I mean look at the majority of videos promoting liberalism on YouTube, read the comment section and you see teens/young alduts become one of you started to understanding the world.

How does it make you feel that nationalism became popular on the internet and influenced 4chan and other mainstream websites. /pol/ has been flooding by shills and became a crappy board. I'm not really considered myself as a white nationalist, but I wanted to say to all the nationalists here, keep the good work and keep spread the truth.

Thank you /pol/

Sincerly fellow anon from 4chan

PestyWorlock, Stormfront 2 Comments [3/10/2019 3:53:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 74046

I have found alot of stupid nigger names reading the inmate roster of the county jail. I was looking to see when the nigger that killed someone I used to know was to go to court. I actually found one named DaLasOne, and one that was named NoSmoking. I also know a nurse that the niggers would ask for advice on what to name their spawn and after they heard a human name they liked they would just add letters to niggerfux it. She also has seen them misspell the names they picked out and just leave it so they wouldn't have to rewrite it. I found out the same thing happend to Oprah, they misspelled her name and just left it, I can't imagine how little you have to care about your child to not want them to have a real name. Niggers truly are horrible parents.

scottedward58, Niggermania 22 Comments [6/28/2010 5:38:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 95632

Before I start: Forgive me if this has already been addressed, and no, I am not advocating miscegenation.

The concept of "honorary whites" has been both a cultural and legal institution, cultural, in that you don't instinctively re-lock your car doors when driving through a Korean neighborhood as opposed to black, and legal, in that racially segregated white societies like the old South Africa considered East Asians white. While I'm not advocating the assimilation of non-whites (no matter how virtuous) into whitehood, nor vice-versa, I think that, especially in more diverse countries like here in the USA, it wouldn't hurt us to reach out to non-whites, who would be sympathetic to us. I may be the minority in this, but I personally believe that whites and, say, East Asians could coexist in a society together while remaining culturally and biologically independent.

For instance, I'm sure the Korean shop owners in the L.A. riots feel the same way about blacks as many of us do. I'm sure many hard-working entrepreneurial Asian immigrants starting from the bottom resent the gibs-me-dat given to blacks, as well as the usury and other financial crimes perpetrated by Jews.

Is this idea anathema to white nationalism?

Knjaz1798, Stormfront 13 Comments [7/23/2013 3:21:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Johnny Derp

Quote# 142696

Re: Ideal world

Well, i was mentioning the current problem of black africans killing off white south africans, which on the one hand is vehemently despicable, but on the other hand, i see it as atleast abit of a case of 'They kinda had it coming'.

In my opinion, Africa is undeniably for Africans, sociologically and genetically, and therefore, the Boers and other non-black colonists, really should not have settled there for the longer term, because they are a minority, in a continent that developed a species-race (or perhaps several ?) which is/are unabashedly psychotic, and repeatedly takes to hunting and killing minorities of any and all sorts.

Thusly, im not sure why the SA whites in the 90's, or even 2000's, did not take even a passing glance at the history and current events of black africans, decide to cut their losses however they could, and go ahead and literally get the FFFF out of Africa, while they still could, because it's unfortunately now very much come to the 'or die trying' part.

May I suggest you study some South African history. Visit Stormfront South Africa subfroum and read the threads there.

Whites lived in South Africa for 350+ years. When Whites first arrived in Suid Afrika, the land was barren and relatively unpopulated. Once Whites created civilization, it attracted non-whites from the north like moths are attracted to light at night.

For many White South Africans, it IS their home, and has been for over 350 years.

vikingcelt, Stormfront 3 Comments [3/7/2019 10:22:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 105003

Re: Barack Obama: Only Native Americans can legitimately object to immigration

Almost every country in history has engaged in a war over territory. This argument is getting old. The aboriginals of North America would have starved to death were it not for colonization. Now they live comfortably on the welfare we give to them.

Aboriginals are given every opportunity to succeed in a Canadian democracy-they seldom do.

Go ahead, elect an aboriginal as your local representative- he'll drive gas prices up by drinking the gas.

Dizzyheat, Stormfront.com 12 Comments [12/1/2014 5:46:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 142688

JTA — I initially had some sympathy for the creators of an anti-Semitic carnival float in Belgium.

Studying their CVs and past creations for the annual carnival of Aalst, I saw that they were a group of some 20 upstanding citizens — a fireman, a technician, an Education Ministry official and a police department employee, to name a few. They had invested countless unpaid hours to produce something they thought was beautiful but ended up horrifying viewers all over the world.

Their creation, which they unveiled Sunday at Belgium’s most celebrated carnival, featured two huge puppets depicting pink-clad Haredi Orthodox Jews. One of them leers while smoking a cigar, a rat perched on his shoulder. Against a synagogue facade, the puppets have money bags at their feet. A platform following the float carried revelers dressed like the puppets who danced to a song about “bulging coffers” and “Jews getting extra fat.”

The float unleashed a storm of impassioned condemnations. The Simon Wiesenthal Center called the display “sickening.” B’nai B’rith International termed it “disgusting.” Both umbrella groups of Belgian Jews filed a federal complaint for incitement against the group, called Vismooil’n, saying the float looked like Nazi propaganda.

Even the European Commission slammed the display, with a spokesperson saying “It is unthinkable that such imagery is being paraded on European streets 70 years after the Holocaust.”

So I called up the lyricist behind the float’s song, Pascal Soleme, to ask why the group chose to create such imagery and whether the members had anticipated how offensive it would be to Jews.

I had hoped to introduce some nuance to what was condemned universally as crass racism. Were the creators aware that they were trafficking in anti-Semitic tropes? Did they get carried away in the aesthetics of the float without really considering the content? Was there a level of irony or parody an outsider couldn’t understand?

But rather than offering real explanations, or even expressing any regret for the fallout or trying to acknowledge where it came from, Soleme doubled down. The 52-year-old father of three, who works for the Aalst Police Department, said he thought the float was funny and cited the support of his mayor.

“Mayor Christoph D’Haese totally has our backs, he told us we’ve done nothing wrong,” Soleme told me. D’Haese even told the group that his office would cover any fine imposed by the authorities, Selome said.

D’Haese defended the Vismooil’n group, saying on Tuesday that its float was not intended to offend and that “such things should be allowed at the Aalst Carnaval.” The event was added in 2010 to UNESCO’s list of events that contribute to the “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.”

Filip de Vidts, a technician and the secretary of Vismooil’n, referred me to D’Haese for a reaction. Treasurer Johan de Plecker, who works for the Education Ministry, did not reply to my request for an interview.

As for Soleme, he has “absolutely no regrets” about participating in the display.

“I think the people who are offended are living in the past, of the Holocaust, but this was about the present,” he said. “There was never any intention to insult anyone. It was a celebration of humor.”

The Jewish theme, he said, was “because we weren’t sure we’d be doing a 2020 tour [because of rising costs]. So that would mean we’d be taking a sabbatical, and it went on from there.”

Vismooil’n named the float “Sabbat Jaar,” or “sabbath year,” which in Dutch primarily refers to the shmittah, the biblical sabbatical year in which Jews are commanded not to work the land. But it can also mean a general sabbatical.

In an interview with a blogger covering the Aalst Carnaval, an unnamed spokesperson for the group offered a similar explanation. (The blogger has since deleted the text.)

“Everything has become so expensive, [we thought that] if we do 2019, there would be no more money left for next year. So we all went quiet until we smartly decided to go for the Sabbath Year and that was that. So simple,” the member said.

It was a telling quote, according to Joel Rubinfeld, the president of the Belgian League Against Anti-Semitism, or LBCA.

“Prices are rising, so who do they blame? The fat, greedy Jew,” he said.

On a Facebook page of carnival enthusiasts, the protests around the float prompted a flood of anti-Semitic humor.

One blamed “the sad Jews, closed off from the rest of society in Antwerp, who have no sense of humor.” Another referred to Jews as “dick cutters,” adding they are “whiners with sausages for ears and woolly curls on their heads.” Commenting on Jewish anger over the float, another wrote: “Later you wonder why Jew hatred is growing …”

Some commenters resented criticism of the float, calling it an attempt to impose political correctness in the Flemish Region, a federal state of Belgium whose local language is Flemish Dutch. Aalst is in the region.

“As we host those guests, we are forbidden to celebrate our own culture on our own land,” someone named Guido Schokaert wrote in the Facebook discussion.

The Aalst carnival case is the latest example of how quickly and thoroughly institutional anti-Semitism can corrupt upstanding institutions, like the Aalst Carnaval (or Britain’s Labour Party).

“The problem is not the carnival,” Rubinfeld said. “What’s happening in recent years at the carnival is a symptom of a wider problem, which is the return of 1930s anti-Semitism, alongside the upgraded version that we’ve become used to, that targets Israel as a substitute for Jews and visa versa.”

The Vismooil’n float is not the first time that this return manifested itself at the carnival, which is the local edition of celebrations that take place throughout parts of Europe and the Americas annually in anticipation of Lent, the 40-day period before Easter.

In 2013, a different group designed an Aalst carnival float resembling a Nazi railway wagon used to transport Jews to death camps. The designers of the float, which was meant as a protest against nationalist Flemish politicians, marched dressed as Nazi SS officers and Haredi Orthodox Jews. A poster on the wagon showed Flemish Belgian politicians dressed as Nazis and holding canisters labeled as containing Zyklon B, the poison used by the Nazis to exterminate Jews in the gas chambers.

And in 2009, at least two participants dressed up as Orthodox Jews with fake hooked noses, a yellow star on their chests and an Arab shawl around their shoulders.

The Aalst parade this year also featured a group called Forza Witkap, whose members came dressed in the white gowns and pointy hoods of the Ku Klux Klan. Led by the far-right politician Guy D’haeseleer, its float, designed to resemble a brewery, had a poster reading “Superior White Beer.” A participant, colorfully clothed and wearing blackface, handed out chocolate mousse to cheering spectators.

Alongside other forms of anti-Semitism, largely linked to Israel, classic forms have re-emerged in such apolitical settings as European soccer matches, music festivals, the rap scene and cultural events like the Aalst carnival.

By Wednesday, more than 1,880 people had signed a petition on the Change.org platform to have the Aalst Carnaval removed from the UNESCO list of heritage of humanity events.

“It doesn’t scare me because it’s my reality,” Rubinfeld said. “But I do think it’s time for UNESCO to pull the Aalst Carnival from its list of heritage events. There’s an institutional problem here.”

Vismooil’n and various other racists in Aalst, Times of Israel  1 Comments [3/7/2019 10:01:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 142691

Re: Duterte Stresses Desire to Rename Philippines

I wonder what Spain found when they first landed there?

that's what.

With EVERY society on Earth the white man encountered, the natives had weapons and carried them around everywhere and used them to pierce the hearts or bash in the heads of other tribes.

The anti white "progressives" act like the white conquistadors and other explorers just encountered the human equivalent of the 'Care Bears' wherever they went and just killed them out of pure malice.

Hubert Cumberdale, American Renaissance 1 Comments [3/7/2019 10:02:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 142669

Re: India only has enough ammunition to supply troops for ten days

I just read the trash written by one Maria Abi-Habib an obvious falistini in love with Pakistan. Maybe even an ISI agent. Who knows!! In any case an india hater. I would like to tell that uneducated uncultured woman (I am told she lives in India and enjoys Indian hospitality but love her uncultured terrorist cousins of Pakistan and hates India) a few facts
1. She need not worry about Indian armed forces’ capabilities but should worry about the possible dismantlement of her terrorist friends across the border and how many minutes’ammunition her brothers have got.
2. She does not realise that there was ongoing asymmetric warfare going against India by a failed nation of terrorists (her brothers) for decades thanks to the bastardy of Britain.
3. Because of our culture, (unlike her and her ilk), we tried to reason with pkistan and did all we can without success.
4. Pakis thought it was a weakness and continued and India now has said thus far and no further. We bombed the hell out of a terrorist camp. There were 300 phones active there before the attack and now none.
5. The Paks tried to retaliate and were sent off by IAF. The MIG-21 shot down an F-16. Poor woman does not seem to have understood its impact. As for “vintage” nature of MIG-21 these are the aircraft that achieved 5-1 kill against American F-16s at Cope India.
6. I also suggest that you speak to REAL lawmakers and not to idiots who got a seat because of progeniosis. I am sure, being what she is, she will have neither the wherewith all or ability to get into a debate.

this whole paper is aligned with discrediting India

This is just a british rag that is still upset that they can no longer loot India and is offering aid to UK because it is now worse than a third world Country so they have Arab slaves and Arab women with no intelligence ranting against India. Ask her a simple question "how many minutes’ fuel and ammunition her terrorist brothers have"?

India is playing a double game with America.India is still very close to Russia.It buys most of its arms from Russia.India is breaking American sanctions on Iran by trading in local currencies.India is also buying oil from Venezuela where America.

The handle itself show that this is a fake ID in all probability that of a Pakistani. There is no free game like what Pakistan is used to play. We have told America that we will not be cutting our defence ties with Russia and America is also welcome to trade with us. Similarly we have told the United States of America that we are not going to cut of the Irani and supply of oil. These were our conditions and it was accepted by the United States of America. We are not, unlike Pakistan, going with a begging bowl to anybody and everybody and then cheating them. Where are you next going to go to beg for money? Within a week Baluchistan will rise up. Iran will attack the terrorist facilities. Afghanistan will lay claim to North West Frontier province now called Khyber Paktunwa. MQM will rise up in Karachi. India will take over POK and Khyber Paktunwa. Then what will remain of Pakistan? Think.

Menon, The Independent 1 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142670

But in Britain, Jews and Muslims unite to condemn the White majority for its racism, xenophobia and majority supremacism. And while stern-eyed commentators like Rod Liddle and Mark Steyn will tirelessly condemn the junior side of the alliance, they don’t raise a squeak against the senior side. That is, they condemn Muslims but never mention Jews. They don’t even admit that there is an alliance between Jews and Muslims.

Well, there definitely is an alliance and commentators like Liddle and Steyn need to say so. All problems caused by Muslims in Britain, from the rape-gang horrors of Rotherham and Huddersfield to political corruption in Tower Hamlets and censorship-by-murder in Glasgow, are a direct consequence of Jewish influence on British politics. Muslims are in Britain because of Jews and are fully supported by Jews in their subversion and criminality. Tell MAMA and its mentor the CST will call those statements “hate,” but that’s exactly what you would expect. “Truth is Hate to Those Who Hate the Truth!”

Tobias Langdon, The Occidental Observer 5 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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