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Quote# 142671

[Comments under "“What if I had won?" Pro-Hitler, anti-Semitic flyer having been distribued by third parties during the NGO forum of the World Conference against Racism ("Durban I"). Durban, South Africa. 2001."]

It's anti-zionist and not anti-semitic.

Pretty sure saying you wish Hitler won is pretty anti semitic too, considering what that entails.

From logicblocks:

Some people would argue that the holocaust never happened or not as bad as we are led to believe.

logicblocks, Reddit - r/PropagandaPosters 5 Comments [3/6/2019 12:53:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142659

[Email sent to Rupa Huq MP, a Labour MP of South Asian origin, who supports a second referendum on Brexit]

I suggest you return to Bangladesh to ponder your life if you do not come to your senses over Brexit shortly.

You are a miserable, stinking, filthy EU whore, not to put too fine a point on it.

You should abandon your new referendum anti democratic rhetoric and either vote for the Government Deal or not obstruct a no deal exit.

In the latter scenario you would, of course, find yourself free to press for whatever you wanted. Otherwise you might potentially be killed in a civil war in which many would die. You - and your anti Brexit types - will be to blame should you persist.

Thank you.

John, Twitter  4 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142649

An MP who led the revolt against anti-Semitism in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party has been branded a ‘Jew whore’ who should burn ‘in the ovens’.

Joan Ryan, who quit Labour last month in protest at the party’s ‘culture of anti-Semitism’, called in police after receiving two separate death threats in the wake of her defection.

One was an unstamped handwritten note delivered to Ms Ryan’s Commons office on Friday which branded her a ‘****-sucking Jewish c*** who defected to Israel’ who should be raped and ‘set on fire’,

The other letter, received at the MP’s constituency office in North London on Thursday, said: ‘Stop telling lies about Jeremy Corbyn - he is a decent man, you lying Jew whore. You need to be shoved right back in the ovens’.

Ms Ryan has also passed to Scotland Yard the registration number of a black car that was parked near her constituency office with three men inside last week. She fears they were placing her under surveillance.

Ms Ryan, 63, is not Jewish but has been an outspoken critic of the party’s handling of the anti-Semitism crisis.

She left Labour last month to join the new Independent Group in protest at Mr Corbyn’s failure to tackle the issue.

Various antisemites, Mail on Sunday via Twitter  2 Comments [3/6/2019 12:51:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142645

How much more enrichment will it take for Minnesota to turn red?

Funny how GoodWhites flip when exposed to diversity.

RobertTaylor, Unz 2 Comments [3/6/2019 12:51:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 142665

Re: The Black population of the world will double in the next 23 years

I always believed that and was worried about it. Now it is coming true. I have always had some kind of futuristic vision about things which turned into reality.

I am thinking that perhaps many black baby girls were aborted and only the males were kept alive, this along with the agenda of homosexuality and black on white rape is only too convenient.

Sinister minds surely have pulled the strings.

Coldstar, Stormfront 1 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 142642

Re: Black female university journalist writes that it's racist for White males to exclusively date White females

Where are all of these white men who only date or prefer white women? I seriously doubt any white man ever told her that he only dates white women.

I see white men with black women all the time where I live. It's the latest trendy interracial couple and has been on the rise for about 10 years in my town.

As for this idiot and her whining.

At the root of your exclusion of women of color from your dating pool

All white men should exclude 'women of color' form their dating pool.

Further, straying from white women as your partners of choice could have dastardly consequences that result in the dilution of your family and your own perceived whiteness.

Yes, racemixing will kill off white people. White people need to see that the only thing dating or marrying interracial will do is result in the death of European people. Any white person who doesn't see this or doesn't care is an idiot.

And perceived whiteness? No you fool. European people exist genetically like any other race.

and white privilege is as valuable as gold in a country overflowing with Trump apologists and white resentment.

There you go again getting hung up on this fictional non-existent white privilege and blaming it for why white men choose to date white women. In your stupid ignorant mind the only reason any white man would ever prefer white women is because of white privilege.

Many women of color are encouraged from a young age to use skin-lightening creams, use apps to make their eyes wider and conform to white societal standards of beauty. The entire world is tied into this white privilege.

Boohoo cry me a damn river. Black women are the ones who choose to adhere to these beauty standards. No one forced them to. You black women only whine about white beauty standards because you know that 'black is beautiful' is a bunch of bull**** and an attempt to make black women feel better. There is a very good reason that a whole entire industry exist around making the hair of black women look nothing like real black African hair. And that's because black women know that that black peoples hair is complete crap and they have to change it to look nothing like their natural hair. Don't blame white people for the beauty standards you choose to copy.

Saying that you prefer certain women to others not only reinforces stereotypes about women of color, but white women too. Arguing that you prefer white women based on the presuppositions that white women are inherently more beautiful, passive, kind or financially-stable is — you guessed it — racist!

And not only is it racist, but it’s insincere.

Who cares what black women think is racist? They think everything they don't like or agree with is racist.

It's not a stereotype to say that white women are more beautiful, kind and passive than black women. It's the truth most of the time.

And black women are the last people on earth who should be complaining about stereotyping people or being insincere.

So she's trying to nag and White-Guilt some poor sucker into dating and/or marrying her. Yeah right.

And it'll probably work. I have no doubt some wimpy white male loser will date her. I see it all the time where I live. I can't go anywhere now without seeing some loser white male wimp out with his hideously ugly black girlfriend.

Black females have like a triple race card they play. They get mad when White men won’t date them. They get mad when Black men pretend to like them and then bang them but then leave immediately and turn them into single mothers. They get mad when Black men date White women. But when a Black woman is somehow able to date a White man, they oooohh and aaahhh over it like it is the most amazing thing on earth, because they know that the best a person can get for themselves is a White. Black women (and men too, but mostly women) were the most hysterical about Meghan Markle marrying Prince Harry. It was all they talked about on Twitter for months. They think that just because we have now broken some kind of magical race barrier because a sheboon married a White prince, that somehow this fantasy can possibly happen for them too. They believe that maybe White men may be more open to dating them now because of Prince Harry. But that was a one time fluke, and Harry most likely has undetected tumors or cysts in his brain that caused a severe lapse in judgement. Either way. They are already having marital problems, even the lying Jew press admits it here and there. I don’t expect them to last more than five years, even though they are now unfortunately having a kid together. Blacks are even saying on Twitter that they hope the kid comes out really dark skinned, just to rub some more crap into the Royal family’s face. They really can’t get over this psychotic love and hate thing they feel for us.

Black females are a bunch of hypocrites. When it's white women dating black men they whine about how white women are stealing black men from black women. As if black men can't decide who they want to date and have to be manipulated into dating white women. But when it's black women dating white men that's ok, not a problem at all.

They see black women dating and marrying white men as a way to get back at white women who they can't stand, as a way to push black women as being better, more attractive and more desirable than white women and as a way to get their filthy hands on the white man's bank account. For black women dating or marrying white men is about revenge and money.

Some white men will go along with this and date or marry black women, if only because it makes white men look progressive and anti racist. Throwing their genetics into a pile of dung all so they can be seen as progressive and get liberal and multicultural brownie points.

It’s already being said that if a man doesn’t date a “transgender woman” he’s a bigot and transphobic.
When You Say “I Would Never Date A Trans Person,” It’s Transphobic. Here’s Why.

I would never date a guy who dated anyone transgender. Eww! That's just nasty. But if white men are stupid enough to date black women then dating trannys is just right around the corner. That will be the next dating trend. Men dating girly dudes instead of real women.

SnowWhiteQueen, Stormfront 5 Comments [3/2/2019 3:40:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142650

[From "Our Friend, Jim Crow"]

They say that, “History is written by the victors,” and there is no clearer case for that view than the current belief about Jim Crow laws, the Jim Crow era, and what were then known as restrictive covenants. The history of America, my history, has been re-written and falsified to please those who worship in the temple of multiculturalism.

In contemporary America, Jim Crow is seen as a product of hate, of racism, and of blind bigotry. But being a member of the last generation of “boomers” to have benefited from Jim Crow, I have a very different take on the “official” history of segregation and restrictive covenants. Yes, I benefited from Jim Crow, as did most of my race and my community. Jim Crow laws kept us safe, by keeping the nefarious Negro in his place and on his own side of town; the Negro part of town.

XMjLkXj First, let’s start with the history, the real history of Jim Crow segregation.

Both before and after the civil war, our ancestors realized that they had a problem: a Negro problem. The Negro, with few exceptions, did not possess the IQ and necessary temperament to be civilized and brought into the fold of White, Western European civilization. Various plans were discussed to repatriate the Negro back to his ancestral home in Africa. However, the cost, both in terms of money and political capital, was too high for such a venture, so the Negro was never “shipped back to Africa.” In light of these realities that our ancestors faced, there was really only one appropriate course of action; given the circumstances of post-reconstruction America.

The only viable course of action, that would protect the majority white population was legal and social segregation: i.e. Jim Crow laws. There was simply no other choice with so many Negroes in America and the well-documented Negro propensity to violence and crime, especially the rape of white women.


When I was a young boy, the “colored only” and “white only” signs were already being taken down in my hometown. However, my step-father’s family lived in the mountains of East Tennessee, and I vividly remember a sign when we visited there in 1968 that said, “Whites Only! Coloreds Not Welcome!”

I remember that sign. But in my hometown, by 1968 the Jim Crow signs had all been taken down thanks to President Johnson’s Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Federal troops with armored units enforcing that law from the barrel of a gun.

So why do I call Jim Crow laws, “our friend?”

Although the signs were being taken down when I was a kid, the police and those in authority still enforced the “spirit” of Jim Crow, if the not the actual segregation laws itself.

How did the police do this?

When I was a kid, whenever the police saw a car full of Negroes in OUR neighborhood at night, they were pulled over and questioned. If the Negroes had no good reason for being in OUR neighborhood, or had criminal convictions, or gave the cops any problem, they were pulled out the car and beaten with batons, “blackjacks” (leather saps with lead centers, designed for beating suspects) or even pistol-whipped with their service revolvers. (Smith & Wesson .38 caliber revolvers at the time.)

Alabama Protest Against Desegregation

So how did this make OUR neighborhoods safe?

Well, the Negro who received a good beating from the police (OUR police, a 99% white police force ) for being in the wrong neighborhood, OUR neighborhood, a white neighborhood, soon learned that he and his “homies” could not just drive into a white neighborhood looking for white victims to rob, rape, and murder. The police in my hometown even in the late 1960s, still enforced an “unofficial Jim Crow” which had the effect of sending an unmistakable message to Negro community on the other side of town. (A side of town, that we NEVER ventured into; it was way too dangerous.)

With each traffic stop, with every questioning of Negroes, the police in OUR town sent the message, “We are watching. Stay on your side of town. If we catch you in a white neighborhood, you will go to the hospital and then to jail. We will use lethal force to protect white neighborhoods. You are not welcome here. Stay away from white people.”

Yes, our friend, Jim Crow, kept our communities safe in the face of the Negro menace and his ability to move from community to community. Jim Crow segregation was the only answer because it was not feasible to deport the Negro en masse back to Africa. Sadly, with non-stop lawsuits against police departments by the justice department and all the diversity pimps like the ADL and SPLC, even the “spirit” of Jim Crow is no longer enforced. Which is why you cannot walk the streets at night: the nefarious Negro has chewed through his leash and threatens the civilization that took him into its bosom. Only a restoration of Jim Crow laws, or the deportation of the Negro en masse back to Africa will make us safe again.

Martin Kohl, New Ulm Nordic 9 Comments [3/4/2019 5:01:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142588

"For us to hold this party together things have got to change. There’s almost a sort of crisis for the soul of the Labour Party now," Tom Watson told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show.

"Of course Jeremy needs to understand that if we’re going to be in No10 that he needs to change the Labour Party.

"We have got to eradicate anti-Semitism, anti-Jewish racism in all its forms.

"This week I have had 50 complaints of anti-Semitism from my party colleagues which I shared with Jeremy.

"I think he needs to take a personal lead on examining those cases and, if necessary, recommend to our NEC what has to be done.

"The test for him as leader is to eradicate anti-Semitism. It is not Labour Party members who will be the judge of that, it is the British Jewish community.

"I think he understands now that if he is ever to be prime minister he needs to rebuild that trust."

The 50 cases sent to Jeremy Corbyn by Tom Watson are understood to include:

A person accused of claiming Jews' "double dealing, back stabbing, cheating chilling coldness has always only one outcome".
A person accused of claiming Jews "pervert democracy in the UK" and calling for the Board of Deputies to be a proscribed terror group.
A person accused of describing Hitler as an "illegitimate Rothschild" and saying of the Holocaust "the figures don't add up".
A person accused of claiming "Jews murder people and children".
A person accused of saying of Jewish MPs Ruth Smeeth and Louise Ellman "don’t know what runs through their veins, not human blood".
Allies of Mr Watson claim all the complaints involve people who were members at the time of the comments, and it is currently "unclear" how the cases were resolved and whether those accused were suspended or expelled.

It comes after eight MPs walked out of Labour this week and joined the Independent Group. Over the weekend, several Labour councillors have also quit the party.

Labour Party members , The Mirror  3 Comments [2/25/2019 5:17:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142629

[From "Stormer, Volume 76: The Yellow Vests March Upon a Synagogue"]

Every day I read about what is happening in France and I sleep easier knowing that the Jews are going to pay for their wickedness in at least one major developed nation.

Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace
The event, which brought together 1,300 people at the height, was peppered with incidents throughout the day, first in the European Parliament, then at the station where the police were hit by jets of projectiles (including firecrackers), and on the edge of the Great Synagogue where racist and anti-Semitic remarks were made.

They marched on a huge regional synagogue and started screaming “youpin” (French for kike) at yid passerby.

It’s happening.

[Drawing of persons burning on the stake]

This thing is a pogrom in slow motion. It’s going to boil over any day now, and the evil Jews will be subject to discipline for the first time since the forties.

I’m glad of the assistance I’ve been able to offer the French with infrastructure, logistics, and policy tips. I’m glad that they got to learn from the failures of the American alt-right. This kind of work has immense value. But I can also get pretty bitter and angry about the opportunity loss in the United States. I did not sign up to this thing to save France. I signed up to Make America Great Again.

The French did everything right. They mobilized a mass movement by refusing to have centralized leaders or spokesmen. They chose a neutral symbol, the vest, and based their movement not out of any specific ideology or policy point, but mutual dissatisfaction with the Democratic establishment. This is how a mass street movement gets done. If Trump voters would simply put on their MAGA caps and start engaging in this kind of behavior at places Democrats congregate we’d have all of Trump’s campaign promises achieved by year’s end– or a massive civil war in which we’d have the pretext to exterminate Democrats wholesale.

Why couldn’t we do this? Where did we go wrong? How did the American ring wing dissident movement collapse in a circus of trailer trash stereotypes? The more I examine the realities of where the alt-right went all wrong, I come to the conclusion that the problem is we are spiritually barren. We were incapable of expelling false prophets primarily because we rejected proper authority within our own hearts. We are adrift, a people rootless. If you have no connection to the divine, you start looking for idols. If you start looking for idols, you’ll quickly find them in many things like podcasters with too much to say and too little wisdom backing it, or narcissistic fools chosen as “leaders” for you by a hostile media elite. You’ll do anything, even if it is to the detriment of your stated ideology or philosophy, as long as other people around you are telling you it is a good idea. Plenty of people on the right engage in social signaling too, and it is usually even dumber than when liberals do it.

Daily Stormer author and unnamed Strasbourg Yellow Vests, Daily Stormer 3 Comments [3/2/2019 3:38:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142617

[From "Happy Thanksgiving/Columbus Day"]

As usual, we celebrate turkey day in Canada by scoffing at pro-Injun activists and their baseless attacks on Chris Columbus, the man who made our modern world the wonder it was (and could be again).

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child, The Third Edge of the Sword 7 Comments [3/1/2019 8:04:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142604

Re: Chinese migrants spark a backlash in the Philippines

Pinoys are stupid people. They got screwed by the whites for centuries and yet still hold them with high regard. Really a sado masochistic lot. Their women gets sexually exploited and they love it. What a trash people.

And i have many problems with filipino maids over here. They are worse than indonesians yet demand higher pay and more off days.

If these filipino workers are any good, why are they unemployed, yet the Chinese can get jobs? The clear answer is, the pinoys are useless.

chatwave, Asia Times 4 Comments [2/27/2019 3:33:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 87668

My Catholic faith is in my blood, it was passed down in the blood, but my blood is that of the Caucasian, the European, the American.
The “faith” of the Vatican is now the same “faith” of the communist jew. We are all to be integrated and race-mixed and we are to support open borders, and bow down to the jew commies who unleashes the africans on us.
This is treason against us– not faith.
The Light of Christ (not the jewish jesus), The Holy Spirit, Redemption and Salvation was given to the white race.
If the pope loves the africans so much, he should undo all the electrical wiring and plumbing in the vatican and castel gandolfo, and the pedophile priests can spray graffiti on all the art and all the treasures in the vatican and castel gandolfo, and the pope and his priests can go live in the darkness with the africans, and go fuck african boys up the ass in the jungle. See how far they get with the africans.
How dare the vatican do this to Italy, to Europe, to America.

Joe, Occidental Dissent 24 Comments [6/5/2012 2:54:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 131651

My grandma is now in her 90s, but when she was a sprightly 77 when my grandpa died (both of my grandpas were victims of '60s nigger armed robberies in Gary, IN) we had to move her on my dad's, aunt's and uncle's dime out of niggertown since shitbeast nigger grease apes had driven my grandma's home value down to $13K in 1997. My grandma was having monthly nigger break-ins and was knocked down once and her basset hound thwarted one rape ape.

In addition to the hundreds of property crimes degenerate niggers have coonmitted against all my extended family I particularly loathe what subhuman nigger ground apes put my grandma through.

Thus, I will always be keen to point out what the most courageous and brave nigger yard ape warrior does to elderly victims on walkers, canes or scooters. Damn these vile niggerbeast chimps to hell. And make Liberal nigger-worshippers move rape ape niggers into spare bedrooms, à la the proposed "American Program Exchanging Section8", or A.P.E.S.

Maker, Chimpmania 3 Comments [9/14/2017 1:38:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 142566

There is something wrong with african languages

We all know that some languages are ''weird'' to us. In my opinion English is a strange language. One of the reasons why I think this is because of the way English people use ''do''. You may say, ''don't do that.'' But you just said ''do'' twice. Why could you not just say ''do not that'', or ''don't that''? Other than that English is fine. Conclusion: other people's languages are weird to us because we didn't grow up with it.

But now look at African languages. When compared with the rest of the world they are uniform and possess a ''sameness'' which strikes me as robotic and stagnant. Let me demonstrate by showing you what Non-African looks like compared to African:

We will start with Asian languages. They are highly phonetically diverse. Some have CV syllable type only (Japanese), which means that for the most part they only allow syllables to end in a vowel, no consonant clusters. Others like Tibetan have lots and lots of consonants clusters and endings. See here:

Tibetan chants:





Notice ''DOR'', ''ZHAB'', ''TSHÄL'', ''CHIG'', and ''TSÖL''.

Tibetan words/phrases: Khedrand ming Gangyin? (What is your name), khye-rang yin-ji-kay gyab thub gi yo pe? (Can you speak English?), gyur-tog (change), thug-je (compassion), tson-pa (diligence), dru (boat), khor-sum (tricycle).

As you can see, Tibetan allows many types of syllables, just like English. It has many vowels, 8 to be exact (Standard Tibetan - Wikipedia).

Now let's take a look at the Mongolian language:

Modern Khalkha mongolian has 14 vowels. Here are a few mongolian sentences-

'bid-nij uulz-san ter sajhan zaluu-gaas c'

'Dorž bagš maan'

'ter hel-eh-güj-geer üün-ijg bic-sen šüü'

Mongolian allows words to end in the r sound and is syllabically diverse, like Tibetan. Korean, Khmer, and Cantonese are all the same way-


'mnoussa teangoasa kaetamk mean seripheap ning pheap smae knea knong setthi ning sechakdeithlaithnaur. mnoussa krobroub sotthote mean vichearonanhnhean ning satesambochonhnh haey trauv br pru td champoh knea towvinhtowmk knong smartei reaban knea chea bangobaaun.'

Korean (read Korean phonology - Wikipedia

'Modeun Ingan-eun Tae-eonal ttaebuteo Jayuroumyeo Geu Jon-eomgwa Gwonrie Iss-eo Dongdeunghada. Ingan-eun Cheonbujeog-euro Iseong-gwa Yangsim-eul Bu-yeobad-ass-eumyeo Seoro Hyungje-ae-ui Jeongsin-euro Haengdongha-yeo-yahanda.'


'Yan6yan6 saang1cheut1 lai4 jau6hai6 ji6yau4 ge3, hai2 joon1yim4 toong4 koon4lei5 seuhng6 yat1leuht6 ping4dang2. Keuhi5dei6 geuhi6yau5 lei5sing3 toong4 leuhng4sam1, yi4che3 ying1goi1 yoong6 hing1dai6gaan1 ge3 gwaan1hai6 lai6 woo6seuhng1 deuhi3doi6.'

Now finally we can move on to African languages-

Virtually EVERY SINGLE african language has a 5-7 ''Italian'' vowel system of i, e, u, o, and a, with generally no consonant clusters allowed, and no closed syllables. Here is Zulu:

''Thina, bantu baseNingizimu Afrika,''
''Siyakukhumbula ukucekelwa phansi kwamalungelo okwenzeka eminyakeni eyadlula; ''
''Sibungaza labo abahluphekela ubulungiswa nenkululeko kulo mhlaba wethu; ''
''Sihlonipha labo abasebenzela ukwakha nokuthuthukisa izwe lethu; futhi ''
''Sikholelwa ekutheni iNingizimu Afrika ingeyabo bonke abahlala kuyo, sibumbene nakuba singafani.''

Notes: dl is not a consonant cluster, and nt is not considered one.


'Watu wote wamezaliwa huru, hadhi na haki zao ni sawa. Wote wamejaliwa akili na dhamiri, hivyo yapasa watendeane kindugu.'


'Nkosi, sikelel' iAfrika;'
'Maluphakamis' uphondo lwayo;'
'Yiva imithandazo yethu'
'Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo.'


Lord, bless Africa;
May her horn rise high up;
Hear Thou our prayers
Lord, bless us, your family.


'Bantu nyonso, na mbutukulu kevwandaka na kimpwanza ya bawu, ngenda mpe baluve ya mutindu mosi. Mayela na mbanzulu je na bawu, ni yawu yina bafwana kusalasana na bumpangi.'


'Vanhu hinkwavo va tswariwa va tshunxekile naswona va ringanile eka tifanelo na xindzhuti. Va havaxerile miehleketo na tshiriti kumbe ku tiva xo biha ni xta kahle nakambe va fanele va kombana moya wa vukwavo.'


'Batho botlhe ba tsetswe ba gololosegile le go lekalekana ka seriti le ditshwanelo. Ba abetswe go akanya le maikutlo, mme ba tshwanetse go direlana ka mowa wa bokaulengwe.'


'Bato nyonso na mbotama bazali nzomi pe bakokani na limemya pe makoki. Bazali na mayele pe base, geli kofanda na bondeko okati na bango.'


'Vhathu vho?he vha bebwa vhe na mbofholowo nahone vha tshi lingana siani ?a tshirunzi na pfanelo. Vhathu vho?he vho ?ewa mihumbulo na mvalo ngauralo vha tea u konou farana sa vhathu vhathihi.'


'Bantu bonsu badi baledibwa badikadile ne badi ne makokeshi amwe. Badi ne lungenyi lwa bumuntu ne kondo ka moyo, badi ne bwa kwenzelangana malu mu buwetu.'

The few African languages that diverge from this annoying pattern are Fang, Wolof, and Ewe. Wolof considering its contact with European languages may not count.

Why couldn't African languages evolve beyond this pattern? And slang is even MORE primitive than this, if that's possible. I bet even Khoisan languages have more to offer than this. What do you think?

To find more things that make African languages weird, read one of the comments in this article, Differences Between Negroids and Other Races | Lumine Boreali

I know that some of you may look at Tibetan or Cantonese and scoff, because to you it's all "chig chog". But the fact is that there is greater diversity of phonotactics amoungst Sino-Tibetan languages and Mongloid languages in general than in the Niger-Congo family.

Compare Japanese to Mandarin and you will see. Does this look like "ching chong"?

"Subete no ningen wa, umarenagara ni ****e jiyu de ari, katsu, songen to kenri to ni tsuite byodo de aru. Ningen wa, risei to ryoshin to o sazukerarete ori, tagai ni doho no seishinn o motte kodo shinakereba naranai."

And you may say, "But Japanese looks like African language." That's where your wrong, many vowels are actually silent in Japanese.

African languages rarely have mute or lax vowels.

And what boggles my mind is that there is more diversity in the Sinitic family alone than in all Niger-Congo families combined.

The real prize however belongs to Ameridian families, who have so much differences even in closley related specimens. Look at Arapaho, Nuxalk, Kwatiutl, Blackfoot, Hopi, Quechua, Yucatec, Nahuatl etc. It's beautiful.

Kuraver, Stormfront 6 Comments [2/24/2019 2:32:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 129497

[From "Rightwiki talk:Community portal", section "Will NatAll75 get Kimmo Alm'd?"]

@A Wyatt Man:
The recent edits (http://en.metapedia.org/m/index.php?title=Adolf_Hitler&action=historysubmit&diff=397011&oldid=397008 ) on Metapedia concerning Adolf Hitler seem to indicate that they are going into an anti-Hitler direction, as explained by the main bureaucrat Upplysning on the talk page of Adolf Hitler on Metapedia (See: http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Talk:Adolf_Hitler where the following is written "...that Hitler's actions were good. Lots of pro-Europeans that are not National Socialists disagree. "). Several positive-sounding statements about Adolf Hitler were removed from Metapedia's article on Adolf Hitler:


Thanks for this trenchant analysis. I notice NatAll75 is reducing activity and may be disillusioned. If one here can contact him that's good, otherwise it's not hard to infiltrate a sockpuppet and suggest a move.

He already knows about us since January (http://en.metapedia.org/m/index.php?title=User_talk:Upplysning&diff=next&oldid=387026 ). He is of course welcome here.

I noticed he's not deleting or blanking as many of the articles we wrote as he used to. He deleted thousands.

Yes he did many wrong deletions. He deleted for example the article Perihelion, a crucial concept related to Einstein's plagiarism (Einstein plagiarized Gerber's equation, which is a formula for the shift in perihelion). If NatAll75 joins us, he has to accept that we are not narrow-minded, that we deal with a broad spectre of topics, not just things related to the National Alliance, William Pierce or Cosmotheism, but that we also have articles about Einstein, the moon landings, Christianity and various other topics.

From A Wyatt Man:

Metapedia appears to be run by Mossad and it's as if they blackmailed the people behind it. Nat85 has not long ago been going around removing stuff about how the Rothschild family pressured Britain into helping them create Israel. Cicero is the only person there adding content (which Kimmo is always deleting) and would be the best choice if we can get him.

Mussert, A Wyatt Man and Mikemikev, Rightpedia 35 Comments [7/19/2017 9:38:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 130310

Niggers couldn't tell you how the electrons course through their sail fones. Yet they ride the wave of human invention, exploiting it in every way. They don't make the bus, but they destroy the bus that carries their miserable ass. They don't grow, transport, refrigerate, or market food, but that does not stop them from gorging.

They could never create social media, but they use it to riot and create chaos. Their chimp-like mind is too preoccupied with their damn bling and noise, their withered soul is too vulgar and irreverent to pause to notice the grandeur of nature. Natural beauty is merely a convenient backdrop, stained by a garish sheboon hellfie-selfie.

Coon's Bluff, Niggermania 3 Comments [8/10/2017 3:22:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 142568

[Part 1]

Morality and Abstract Thinking – How Africans may differ from Westerners from Amren.com

I am an American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology.

It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.

What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans.

My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages. In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language. “You can’t say that,” they explained. “All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?” “Nope; just ‘up’.” In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.

A few years later, in Nairobi, I learned something else about African languages when two women expressed surprise at my English dictionary. “Isn’t English your language?” they asked. “Yes,” I said. “It’s my only language.” “Then why do you need a dictionary?”

They were puzzled that I needed a dictionary, and I was puzzled by their puzzlement. I explained that there are times when you hear a word you’re not sure about and so you look it up. “But if English is your language,” they asked, “how can there be words you don’t know?” “What?” I said. “No one knows all the words of his language.”

I have concluded that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.

“But we know all the words of Kikuyu; every Kikuyu does,” they replied. I was even more surprised, but gradually it dawned on me that since their language is entirely oral, it exists only in the minds of Kikuyu speakers. Since there is a limit to what the human brain can retain, the overall size of the language remains more or less constant. A written language, on the other hand, existing as it does partly in the millions of pages of the written word, grows far beyond the capacity of anyone to know it in its entirety. But if the size of a language is limited, it follows that the number of concepts it contains will also be limited and hence that both language and thinking will be impoverished.

African languages were, of necessity, sufficient in their pre-colonial context. They are impoverished only by contrast to Western languages and in an Africa trying to emulate the West. While numerous dictionaries have been compiled between Euro­pean and African languages, there are few dictionaries within a single African language, precisely because native speakers have no need for them. I did find a Zulu-Zulu dictionary, but it was a small-format paperback of 252 pages.

My queries into Zulu began when I rang the African Language Department at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and spoke to a white guy. Did “precision” exist in the Zulu language prior to European contact? “Oh,” he said, “that’s a very Eurocentric question!” and simply wouldn’t answer. I rang again, spoke to another white guy, and got a virtually identical response.

So I called the University of South Africa, a large correspondence university in Pretoria, and spoke to a young black guy. As has so often been my experience in Africa, we hit it off from the start. He understood my interest in Zulu and found my questions of great interest. He explained that the Zulu word for “precision” means “to make like a straight line.” Was this part of indigenous Zulu? No; this was added by the compilers of the dictionary.

But, he assured me, it was otherwise for “promise.” I was skeptical. How about “obligation?” We both had the same dictionary (English-Zulu, Zulu-English Dictionary, published by Witwatersrand University Press in 1958), and looked it up. The Zulu entry means “as if to bind one’s feet.” He said that was not indigenous but was added by the compilers. But if Zulu didn’t have the concept of obligation, how could it have the concept of a promise, since a promise is simply the oral undertaking of an obligation? I was interested in this, I said, because Africans often failed to keep promises and never apologized—as if this didn’t warrant an apology.

A light bulb seemed to go on in his mind. Yes, he said; in fact, the Zulu word for promise—isithembiso—is not the correct word. When a black person “promises” he means “maybe I will and maybe I won’t.” But, I said, this makes nonsense of promising, the very purpose of which is to bind one to a course of action. When one is not sure he can do something he may say, “I will try but I can’t promise.” He said he’d heard whites say that and had never understood it till now. As a young Romanian friend so aptly summed it up, when a black person “promises” he means “I’ll try.”

The failure to keep promises is therefore not a language problem. It is hard to believe that after living with whites for so long they would not learn the correct meaning, and it is too much of a coincidence that the same phenomenon is found in Nigeria, Kenya and Papua New Guinea, where I have also lived. It is much more likely that Africans generally lack the very concept and hence cannot give the word its correct meaning. This would seem to indicate some difference in intellectual capacity.

Note the Zulu entry for obligation: “as if to bind one’s feet.” An obligation binds you, but it does so morally, not physically. It is an abstract concept, which is why there is no word for it in Zulu. So what did the authors of the dictionary do? They took this abstract concept and made it concrete. Feet, rope, and tying are all tangible and observable, and therefore things all blacks will understand, whereas many will not understand what an obligation is. The fact that they had to define it in this way is, by itself, compelling evidence for my conclusion that Zulu thought has few abstract concepts and indirect evidence for the view that Africans may be deficient in abstract thinking.

Abstract thinking

Abstract entities do not exist in space or time; they are typically intangible and can’t be perceived by the senses. They are often things that do not exist. “What would happen if everyone threw rubbish everywhere?” refers to something we hope will not happen, but we can still think about it.

Everything we observe with our senses occurs in time and everything we see exists in space; yet we can perceive neither time nor space with our senses, but only with the mind. Precision is also abstract; while we can see and touch things made with precision, precision itself can only be perceived by the mind.

How do we acquire abstract concepts? Is it enough to make things with precision in order to have the concept of precision? Africans make excellent carvings, made with precision, so why isn’t the concept in their language? To have this concept we must not only do things with precision but must be aware of this phenomenon and then give it a name.

How, for example, do we acquire such concepts as belief and doubt? We all have beliefs; even animals do. When a dog wags its tail on hearing his master’s footsteps, it believes he is coming. But it has no concept of belief because it has no awareness that it has this belief and so no awareness of belief per se. In short, it has no self-consciousness, and thus is not aware of its own mental states.

It has long seemed to me that blacks tend to lack self-awareness. If such awareness is necessary for developing abstract concepts it is not surprising that African languages have so few abstract terms. A lack of self-awareness—or introspection—has advantages. In my experience neurotic behavior, characterized by excessive and unhealthy self-consciousness, is uncommon among blacks. I am also confident that sexual dysfunction, which is characterized by excessive self-consciousness, is less common among blacks than whites.

Time is another abstract concept with which Africans seem to have difficulties. I began to wonder about this in 1998. Several Africans drove up in a car and parked right in front of mine, blocking it. “Hey,” I said, “you can’t park here.” “Oh, are you about to leave?” they asked in a perfectly polite and friendly way. “No,” I said, “but I might later. Park over there”—and they did.

While the possibility that I might want to leave later was obvious to me, their thinking seemed to encompass only the here and now: “If you’re leaving right now we understand, but otherwise, what’s the problem?” I had other such encounters and the key question always seemed to be, “Are you leaving now?” The future, after all, does not exist. It will exist, but doesn’t exist now. People who have difficulty thinking of things that do not exist will ipso facto have difficulty thinking about the future.

It appears that the Zulu word for “future”—isikhati—is the same as the word for time, as well as for space. Realistically, this means that these concepts probably do not exist in Zulu thought. It also appears that there is no word for the past—meaning, the time preceding the present. The past did exist, but no longer exists. Hence, people who may have problems thinking of things that do not exist will have trouble thinking of the past as well as the future.

This has an obvious bearing on such sentiments as gratitude and loyalty, which I have long noticed are uncommon among Africans. We feel gratitude for things that happened in the past, but for those with little sense of the past such feelings are less likely to arise.

Why did it take me more than 20 years to notice all of this? I think it is because our assumptions about time are so deeply rooted that we are not even aware of making them and hence the possibility that others may not share them simply does not occur to us. And so we don’t see it, even when the evidence is staring us in the face.

Gedaliah Braun, halcyoninitiative.wordpress.com 4 Comments [2/24/2019 2:32:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 142569

[Part 2]

Mathematics and maintenance

I quote from an article in the South African press about the problems blacks have with mathematics:

“[Xhosa] is a language where polygon and plane have the same definition … where concepts like triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon are defined by only one word.” (“Finding New Languages for Maths and Science,” Star [Johannesburg], July 24, 2002, p. 8.)

More accurately, these concepts simply do not exist in Xhosa, which, along with Zulu, is one of the two most widely spoken languages in South Africa. In America, blacks are said to have a “tendency to approximate space, numbers and time instead of aiming for complete accuracy.” (Star, June 8, 1988, p.10.) In other words, they are also poor at math. Notice the identical triumvirate—space, numbers, and time. Is it just a coincidence that these three highly abstract concepts are the ones with which blacks — everywhere — seem to have such difficulties?

The entry in the Zulu dictionary for “number,” by the way — ningi — means “numerous,” which is not at all the same as the concept of number. It is clear, therefore, that there is no concept of number in Zulu.

White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about ten years later that power outages began, which eventually reached crisis proportions. The principle reason for this is simply lack of maintenance on the generating equipment. Maintenance is future-oriented, and the Zulu entry in the dictionary for it is ondla, which means: “1. Nourish, rear; bring up; 2. Keep an eye on; watch (your crop).” In short, there is no such thing as maintenance in Zulu thought, and it would be hard to argue that this is wholly unrelated to the fact that when people throughout Africa say “nothing works,” it is only an exaggeration.

The New York Times reports that New York City is considering a plan (since implemented) aimed at getting blacks to “do well on standardized tests and to show up for class,” by paying them to do these things and that could “earn [them] as much as $500 a year.” Students would get money for regular school attendance, every book they read, doing well on tests, and sometimes just for taking them. Parents would be paid for “keeping a full-time job … having health insurance … and attending parent-teacher conferences.” (Jennifer Medina, “Schools Plan to Pay Cash for Marks,” New York Times, June 19, 2007.)

The clear implication is that blacks are not very motivated. Motivation involves thinking about the future and hence about things that do not exist. Given black deficiencies in this regard, it is not surprising that they would be lacking in motivation, and having to prod them in this way is further evidence for such a deficiency.

The Zulu entry for “motivate” is banga, under which we find “1. Make, cause, produce something unpleasant; … to cause trouble . … 2. Contend over a claim; … fight over inheritance; … 3. Make for, aim at, journey towards … .” Yet when I ask Africans what banga means, they have no idea. In fact, no Zulu word could refer to motivation for the simple reason that there is no such concept in Zulu; and if there is no such concept there cannot be a word for it. This helps explain the need to pay blacks to behave as if they were motivated.

The same New York Times article quotes Darwin Davis of the Urban League as “caution[ing] that the … money being offered [for attending class] was relatively paltry … and wondering … how many tests students would need to pass to buy the latest video game.”

Instead of being shamed by the very need for such a plan, this black activist complains that the payments aren’t enough! If he really is unaware how his remarks will strike most readers, he is morally obtuse, but his views may reflect a common understanding among blacks of what morality is: not something internalized but something others enforce from the outside. Hence his complaint that paying children to do things they should be motivated to do on their own is that they are not being paid enough.

In this context, I recall some remarkable discoveries by the late American linguist, William Stewart, who spent many years in Senegal studying local languages. Whereas Western cultures internalize norms—“Don’t do that!” for a child, eventually becomes “I mustn’t do that” for an adult—African cultures do not. They rely entirely on external controls on behavior from tribal elders and other sources of authority. When Africans were detribalized, these external constraints disappeared, and since there never were internal constraints, the results were crime, drugs, promiscuity, etc. Where there have been other forms of control—as in white-ruled South Africa, colonial Africa, or the segregated American South—this behavior was kept within tolerable limits. But when even these controls disappear there is often unbridled violence.

Stewart apparently never asked why African cultures did not internalize norms, that is, why they never developed moral consciousness, but it is unlikely that this was just a historical accident. More likely, it was the result of deficiencies in abstract thinking ability.

One explanation for this lack of abstract thinking, including the diminished understanding of time, is that Africans evolved in a climate where they could live day to day without having to think ahead. They never developed this ability because they had no need for it. Whites, on the other hand, evolved under circumstances in which they had to consider what would happen if they didn’t build stout houses and store enough fuel and food for the winter. For them it was sink or swim.

Surprising confirmation of Stewart’s ideas can be found in the May/June 2006 issue of the Boston Review, a typically liberal publication. In “Do the Right Thing: Cognitive Science’s Search for a Common Morality,” Rebecca Saxe distinguishes between “conventional” and “moral” rules. Conventional rules are supported by authorities but can be changed; moral rules, on the other hand, are not based on conventional authority and are not subject to change. “Even three-year-old children … distinguish between moral and conventional transgressions,” she writes. The only exception, according to James Blair of the National Institutes of Health, are psychopaths, who exhibit “persistent aggressive behavior.” For them, all rules are based only on external authority, in whose absence “anything is permissible.” The conclusion drawn from this is that “healthy individuals in all cultures respect the distinction between conventional … and moral [rules].”

However, in the same article, another anthropologist argues that “the special status of moral rules cannot be part of human nature, but is … just … an artifact of Western values.” Anita Jacobson-Widding, writing of her experiences among the Manyika of Zimbabwe, says:

“I tried to find a word that would correspond to the English concept of ‘morality.’ I explained what I meant by asking my informants to describe the norms for good behavior toward other people. The answer was unanimous. The word for this was tsika. But when I asked my bilingual informants to translate tsika into English, they said that it was ‘good manners’ …”

She concluded that because good manners are clearly conventional rather than moral rules, the Manyika simply did not have a concept of morality. But how would one explain this absence? Miss Jacobson-Widding’s explanation is the typical nonsense that could come only from a so-called intellectual: “the concept of morality does not exist.” The far more likely explanation is that the concept of morality, while otherwise universal, is enfeebled in cultures that have a deficiency in abstract thinking.

According to now-discredited folk wisdom, blacks are “children in adult bodies,” but there may be some foundation to this view. The average African adult has the raw IQ score of the average 11-year-old white child. This is about the age at which white children begin to internalize morality and no longer need such strong external enforcers.

Gedaliah Braun, halcyoninitiative.wordpress.com 2 Comments [2/24/2019 2:32:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 142570

[Part 3]

Gruesome cruelty

Another aspect of African behavior that liberals do their best to ignore but that nevertheless requires an explanation is gratuitous cruelty. A reviewer of Driving South, a 1993 book by David Robbins, writes:

“A Cape social worker sees elements that revel in violence … It’s like a cult which has embraced a lot of people who otherwise appear normal. … At the slightest provocation their blood-lust is aroused. And then they want to see death, and they jeer and mock at the suffering involved, especially the suffering of a slow and agonizing death.” (Citizen [Johannesburg], July 12, 1993, p.6.)

There is something so unspeakably vile about this, something so beyond depravity, that the human brain recoils. This is not merely the absence of human empathy, but the positive enjoyment of human suffering, all the more so when it is “slow and agonizing.” Can you imagine jeering at and mocking someone in such horrible agony?

During the apartheid era, black activists used to kill traitors and enemies by “necklacing” them. An old tire was put around the victim’s neck, filled with gasoline, and—but it is best to let an eye-witness describe what happened next:

“The petrol-filled tyre is jammed on your shoulders and a lighter is placed within reach . … Your fingers are broken, needles are pushed up your nose and you are tortured until you put the lighter to the petrol yourself.” (Citizen; “SA’s New Nazis,” August 10, 1993, p.18.)

The author of an article in the Chicago Tribune, describing the equally gruesome way the Hutu killed Tutsi in the Burundi massacres, marveled at “the ecstasy of killing, the lust for blood; this is the most horrible thought. It’s beyond my reach.” (“Hutu Killers Danced In Blood Of Victims, Videotapes Show,” Chicago Tribune, September 14, 1995, p.8.) The lack of any moral sense is further evidenced by their having videotaped their crimes, “apparently want[ing] to record … [them] for posterity.” Unlike war criminals, who hid their deeds, these people apparently took pride in their work.

In 1993, Amy Biehl, a 26-year-old American on a Fulbright scholarship, was living in South Africa, where she spent most of her time in black townships helping blacks. One day when she was driving three African friends home, young blacks stopped the car, dragged her out, and killed her because she was white. A retired senior South African judge, Rex van Schalkwyk, in his 1998 book One Miracle is Not Enough, quotes from a newspaper report on the trial of her killers: “Supporters of the three men accused of murdering [her] … burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain.” This behavior, Van Schalkwyk wrote, “is impossible to explain in terms accessible to rational minds.” (pp. 188-89.)

These incidents and the responses they evoke—“the human brain recoils,” “beyond my reach,” “impossible to explain to rational minds” — represent a pattern of behavior and thinking that cannot be wished away, and offer additional support for my claim that Africans are deficient in moral consciousness.

I have long suspected that the idea of rape is not the same in Africa as elsewhere, and now I find confirmation of this in Newsweek:

“According to a three-year study [in Johannesburg] … more than half of the young people interviewed — both male and female — believe that forcing sex with someone you know does not constitute sexual violence … [T]he casual manner in which South African teens discuss coercive relationships and unprotected sex is staggering.” (Tom Masland, “Breaking The Silence,” Newsweek, July 9, 2000.)

Clearly, many blacks do not think rape is anything to be ashamed of.

The Newsweek author is puzzled by widespread behavior that is known to lead to AIDS, asking “Why has the safe-sex effort failed so abjectly?” Well, aside from their profoundly different attitudes towards sex and violence and their heightened libido, a major factor could be their diminished concept of time and reduced ability to think ahead.

Nevertheless, I was still surprised by what I found in the Zulu dictionary. The main entry for rape reads: “1. Act hurriedly; … 2. Be greedy. 3. Rob, plunder, … take [possessions] by force.” While these entries may be related to our concept of rape, there is one small problem: there is no reference to sexual intercourse! In a male-dominated culture, where saying “no” is often not an option (as confirmed by the study just mentioned), “taking sex by force” is not really part of the African mental calculus. Rape clearly has a moral dimension, but perhaps not to Africans. To the extent they do not consider coerced sex to be wrong, then, by our conception, they cannot consider it rape because rape is wrong. If such behavior isn’t wrong it isn’t rape.

An article about gang rape in the left-wing British paper, the Guardian, confirms this when it quotes a young black woman: “The thing is, they [black men] don’t see it as rape, as us being forced. They just see it as pleasure for them.” (Rose George, “They Don’t See it as Rape. They Just See it as Pleasure for Them,” June 5, 2004.) A similar attitude seems to be shared among some American blacks who casually refer to gang rape as “running a train.” (Nathan McCall, Makes Me Wanna Holler, Vintage Books, 1995.)

If the African understanding of rape is far afield, so may be their idea of romance or love. I recently watched a South African television program about having sex for money. Of the several women in the audience who spoke up, not a single one questioned the morality of this behavior. Indeed, one plaintively asked, “Why else would I have sex with a man?”

From the casual way in which Africans throw around the word “love,” I suspect their understanding of it is, at best, childish. I suspect the notion is alien to Africans, and I would be surprised if things are very different among American blacks. Africans hear whites speak of “love” and try to give it a meaning from within their own conceptual repertoire. The result is a child’s conception of this deepest of human emotions, probably similar to their misunderstanding of the nature of a promise.

I recently located a document that was dictated to me by a young African woman in June 1993. She called it her “story,” and the final paragraph is a poignant illustration of what to Europeans would seem to be a limited understanding of love:

“On my way from school, I met a boy. And he proposed me. His name was Mokone. He tell me that he love me. And then I tell him I will give him his answer next week. At night I was crazy about him. I was always thinking about him.”

Moral blindness

Whenever I taught ethics I used the example of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French Army who was convicted of treason in 1894 even though the authorities knew he was innocent. Admitting their mistake, it was said, would have a disastrous effect on military morale and would cause great social unrest. I would in turn argue that certain things are intrinsically wrong and not just because of their consequences. Even if the results of freeing Dreyfus would be much worse than keeping him in prison, he must be freed, because it is unjust to keep an innocent man in prison.

To my amazement, an entire class in Kenya said without hesitation that he should not be freed. Call me dense if you want, but it was 20 years before the full significance of this began to dawn on me.

Africans, I believe, may generally lack the concepts of subjunctivity and counterfactuality. Subjunctivity is conveyed in such statements as, “What would you have done if I hadn’t showed up?” This is contrary to fact because I did show up, and it is now impossible for me not to have shown up. We are asking someone to imagine what he would have done if something that didn’t happen (and now couldn’t happen) had happened. This requires self-consciousness, and I have already described blacks’ possible deficiency in this respect. It is obvious that animals, for example, cannot think counterfactually, because of their complete lack of self-awareness.

When someone I know tried to persuade his African workers to contribute to a health insurance policy, they asked “What’s it for?” “Well, if you have an accident, it would pay for the hospital.” Their response was immediate: “But boss, we didn’t have an accident!” “Yes, but what if you did?” Reply? “We didn’t have an accident!” End of story.

Interestingly, blacks do plan for funerals, for although an accident is only a risk, death is a certainty. (The Zulu entries for “risk” are “danger” and “a slippery surface.”) Given the frequent all-or-nothing nature of black thinking, if it’s not certain you will have an accident, then you will not have an accident. Furthermore, death is concrete and observable: We see people grow old and die. Africans tend to be aware of time when it is manifested in the concrete and observable.

One of the pivotal ideas underpinning morality is the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. “How would you feel if someone stole everything you owned? Well, that’s how he would feel if you robbed him.” The subjunctivity here is obvious. But if Africans may generally lack this concept, they will have difficulty in understanding the Golden Rule and, to that extent, in understanding morality.

If this is true we might also expect their capacity for human empathy to be diminished, and this is suggested in the examples cited above. After all, how do we empathize? When we hear about things like “necklacing” we instinctively — and unconsciously — think: “How would I feel if I were that person?” Of course I am not and cannot be that person, but to imagine being that person gives us valuable moral “information:” that we wouldn’t want this to happen to us and so we shouldn’t want it to happen to others. To the extent people are deficient in such abstract thinking, they will be deficient in moral understanding and hence in human empathy—which is what we tend to find in Africans.

In his 1990 book Devil’s Night, Ze’ev Chafets quotes a black woman speaking about the problems of Detroit: “I know some people won’t like this, but whenever you get a whole lot of black people, you’re gonna have problems. Blacks are ignorant and rude.” (pp. 76-77.)

If some Africans cannot clearly imagine what their own rude behavior feels like to others—in other words, if they cannot put themselves in the other person’s shoes—they will be incapable of understanding what rudeness is. For them, what we call rude may be normal and therefore, from their perspective, not really rude. Africans may therefore not be offended by behavior we would consider rude — not keeping appointments, for example. One might even conjecture that African cruelty is not the same as white cruelty, since Africans may not be fully aware of the nature of their behavior, whereas such awareness is an essential part of “real” cruelty.

I am hardly the only one to notice this obliviousness to others that sometimes characterizes black behavior. Walt Harrington, a white liberal married to a light-skinned black, makes some surprising admissions in his 1994 book, Crossings: A White Man’s Journey Into Black America:

“I notice a small car … in the distance. Suddenly … a bag of garbage flies out its window . … I think, I’ll bet they’re blacks. Over the years I’ve noticed more blacks littering than whites. I hate to admit this because it is a prejudice. But as I pass the car, I see that my reflex was correct—[they are blacks].

“[As I pull] into a McDonald’s drive-through … [I see that] the car in front of me had four black[s] in it. Again … my mind made its unconscious calculation: We’ll be sitting here forever while these people decide what to order. I literally shook my head . … My God, my kids are half black! But then the kicker: we waited and waited and waited. Each of the four … leaned out the window and ordered individually. The order was changed several times. We sat and sat, and I again shook my head, this time at the conundrum that is race in America.

“I knew that the buried sentiment that had made me predict this disorganization … was … racist. … But my prediction was right.” (pp. 234-35.)

Africans also tend to litter. To understand this we must ask why whites don’t litter, at least not as much. We ask ourselves: “What would happen if everyone threw rubbish everywhere? It would be a mess. So you shouldn’t do it!” Blacks’ possible deficiency in abstract thinking makes such reasoning more difficult, so any behavior requiring such thinking is less likely to develop in their cultures. Even after living for generations in societies where such thinking is commonplace, many may still fail to absorb it.

It should go without saying that my observations about Africans are generalizations. I am not saying that none has the capacity for abstract thought or moral understanding. I am speaking of tendencies and averages, which leave room for many exceptions.

To what extent do my observations about Africans apply to American blacks? American blacks have an average IQ of 85, which is a full 15 points higher than the African average of 70. The capacity for abstract thought is unquestionably correlated with intelligence, and so we can expect American blacks generally to exceed Africans in these respects.

Still, American blacks show many of the traits so striking among Africans: low mathematical ability, diminished abstract reasoning, high crime rates, a short time-horizon, rudeness, littering, etc. If I had lived only among American blacks and not among Africans, I might never have reached the conclusions I have, but the more extreme behavior among Africans makes it easier to perceive the same tendencies among American blacks.

Gedaliah Braun, halcyoninitiative.wordpress.com 1 Comments [2/24/2019 2:32:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 142571

Re: Black female university journalist writes that it's racist for White males to exclusively date White females

Just another black that wants a white man but can't get one so she's playing the race card.....whitey must be racist for not wanting the most disgusting excuse for a human being.

She is the one that is racist for not wanting a black fella or rather even the black fella's don't want her...racist

Black females have like a triple race card they play. They get mad when White men won’t date them. They get mad when Black men pretend to like them and then bang them but then leave immediately and turn them into single mothers. They get mad when Black men date White women. But when a Black woman is somehow able to date a White man, they oooohh and aaahhh over it like it is the most amazing thing on earth, because they know that the best a person can get for themselves is a White. Black women (and men too, but mostly women) were the most hysterical about Meghan Markle marrying Prince Harry. It was all they talked about on Twitter for months. They think that just because we have now broken some kind of magical race barrier because a sheboon married a White prince, that somehow this fantasy can possibly happen for them too. They believe that maybe White men may be more open to dating them now because of Prince Harry. But that was a one time fluke, and Harry most likely has undetected tumors or cysts in his brain that caused a severe lapse in judgement. Either way. They are already having marital problems, even the lying Jew press admits it here and there. I don’t expect them to last more than five years, even though they are now unfortunately having a kid together. Blacks are even saying on Twitter that they hope the kid comes out really dark skinned, just to rub some more crap into the Royal family’s face. They really can’t get over this psychotic love and hate thing they feel for us.

HollyDolly, Stormfront 4 Comments [2/24/2019 2:32:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 142575

A university student from Bath and a London teenager are among those involved with a UK version of a violent American neo-Nazi group linked to five murders, a BBC investigation has found.

A propaganda image placed online by the British group suggests Prince Harry is a "race traitor" and should be shot.

Private messages between members show the leader stating that police officers should be raped and killed.

Evidence suggests the leader is Andrew Dymock, 21. He denies wrongdoing.

The BBC has seen evidence he set up the new British group known as the Sonnenkrieg Division.

Mr Dymock, who is originally from Bath and whose father is a dentistry professor, has been studying at university in Wales.

A key propagandist - responsible for designing extremist material - is said to be Oskar Koczorowski from west London, who is only 17 years old.

He did not respond to a request for comment.


The chat logs include senior members of the Atomwaffen Division, a nihilistic American organisation that encourages terrorism and says civilisation needs to be smashed in order to build a national socialist state.

The group promotes a dystopian ideology it calls "universal order" which lionises Adolf Hitler, the murderous cult leader Charles Manson, and the veteran neo-Nazi ideologue James Mason, who provides regular diatribes for a website run by Atomwaffen members.


Messages from the gaming server include correspondence about the creation of the Sonnenkrieg Division.

"Blitzy" described Sonnenkrieg as "full on Universal Order" and "atomwaffen with less guns".

He also discussed his plans to travel to the US to meet Atomwaffen members in person.

In one exchange, he stated "kill all police officers" and said they should be "raped to death".

The BBC has obtained evidence that "Blitzy" is Mr Dymock, and that he and Mr Koczorowski, who uses a separate pseudonym, both placed Sonnenkrieg propaganda into the chats.

Violent images posted by the group on social media state "fill your heart with hate" and glorify the Norwegian terrorist and mass murderer Anders Breivik.

One image suggests that Prince Harry should be shot for marrying someone of mixed race and exclaims "see ya later race traitor".

A further image, showing a female hanging from a noose, states that white women who date non-white men should be killed.

Mr Koczorowski posted images of himself wearing an Atomwaffen top near Parliament and a video of a British flag being burnt.

It is thought Sonnenkrieg has no more than 10-15 members in the UK and some European countries.


Other private messages show some neo-Nazis claiming they have encouraged young women to engage in acts of self-harm along with pictures of the mutilation and criticism of the women concerned.

It is understood that Mr Dymock has been questioned by police over alleged sexual offences against a teenage girl.

Images, allegedly shared by Mr Dymock with his associates and later placed online, show a swastika and runic symbols cut into a girl's naked body and - in another image - Mr Dymock appears to brandish a book by James Mason in the air as she lies on the floor.

The bed seen in the images is consistent with the background in a picture posted by "Blitzy" and another of Mr Dymock himself.

It is understood that both Mr Dymock and Mr Koczorowski were previously involved with the neo-Nazi group System Resistance Network, which can be linked to acts of racist vandalism in as many as 10 UK cities.

The BBC has been told that Mr Koczorowski was a pre-ban member of National Action, which became the first extreme-right organisation to be outlawed in the UK since the war when it was proscribed under terrorism legislation in December 2016.

Andrew Dymock, Oskar Koczorowski and other Sonnenkrieg Division members, BBC 4 Comments [2/24/2019 2:35:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142594

Jewish banking barons and interest

For years Jewish banking barons have subjugated goyim into interest slavery, embezzling hardworking goyim from their money. By sucking the hard working goy dry, the jew has not only impoverished the goy in a financial sense, but in a spiritual sense also, for the goy saw his own life earnings been taken away by sneaky little hooknosed rats. Finally, after impoverishing the poor goyim, the jew is able to effectively propagate his demonic-inspired beliefs like women's liberation and sodomy.

Stay woke guys and refuse interest loans

St. Incel, incels.is 7 Comments [2/25/2019 11:31:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 99997

I am sick of seeing so many white nationalists who think it's okay to admire non-white culture. You guys are walking down a slippery slope.
First, it's "Don't worry. I still prefer whites. I just like to experience other cultures. I'm still a WN." The next thing you know, you're a beta loser weeaboo who's humping a plastic waifu doll you ordered from Japan.

More seriously, I'm surprised that no white person here figured out that the Jews run anime shows. Are you guys really that blind? How could you not see such blatant leftist propaganda in those shows?
You don't believe me? You think the japs hate jews and would never sell their souls? Well, let's do a cursory analysis on popular anime shows and compare them to the leftist agenda shall we?

Dragon Ball Z: Some Saiyan-being from another planet comes to earth, breeds with humans (Race-mixing) and has a mixed-raced son who is more powerful than he is.
Inuyasha: Story about some half-breed demon. Author tries to make breeding with humans and demons "cool".
Pokemon: You can breed different species of pokemon to create a "better" pokemon. Brainwashes little kids into thinking that mixing with others outside of their race will produce healthier offsprings.

Many many more examples.

The next time you watch anime on your computer or TV, always remember that you're doing white culture a disservice. It's like cheating on your wife.

AnimeIsForLosers, Stormfront 46 Comments [3/16/2014 5:00:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 142574

(Hey, it's a trifecta!)

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles reacted angrily on his “TruNews” program last night to the news that the Trump administration is “launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it’s still illegal to be gay,” by calling out the evangelical advisers who surround the president for refusing to speak out against this plan. Ultimately, he blamed the entire thing on the Jews.

Saying that he is “very, very upset” with Trump, Wiles called out Trump’s evangelical advisers and challenged them to stand up in opposition to this effort, predicting that they won’t do so because all they really care about is protecting Israel.

“Now, what is the evangelical base going to do?” Wiles asked. “He’s got an evangelical board of advisers … What are you going to do about it? You’ve got access to the White House, are you going to speak out?”

“I dare you,” he continued. “I challenge you. Or will you be silent? What are you going to do, because you silence is complicity. Are you afraid to tell President Trump the truth? Will you tell him that you will withhold political support if he goes down this route? Because I think the Christians should tell him, ‘You go this way, we’re out, you’re on your own.'”

Warning Trump that “God cannot bless your administration” because it is “promoting something that God says is an abomination,” Wiles, who is deeply anti-Semitic and dedicates many of his programs to railing against Israel and the Jews, predicted that Trump’s evangelical advisers would hold their tongues on this issue because Israel is their top priority.

“The real reason they won’t say anything is because the real agenda is Israel,” he said. “They’re not going to jeopardize their standing with the White House to get things done for Israel. That’s the real reason.”

Wiles went on to declare that “the Jews” are ultimately behind this push and the Trump administration is simply doing what it is told because the Jews “control Washington” and have “control of the Trump administration.”

“Donald Trump is owned by the Jews,” he said. “That’s the truth.”

Rick Wiles, Right Wing Watch 2 Comments [2/24/2019 2:35:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Kuyohashi

Quote# 142567

Re: Israel Is Having Far More Babies Than Any Other Developed Country

Ethnic identity and solidarity. Patriarchy, esp among the Orthodox who have most children. Social-Nationalism where the elites feel closer to national folk than to elites around the world. A nation that tells each person that they are precious member and citizen of the state bound by blood, culture, and history than an expendable economic unit to be replaced by foreigners. A tempered elitism that says even though people should strive to succeed and move up, they should regard their national kin as fellow brothers and comrades than ‘losers’ and ‘trash'(to feed with opioids). A national elite that is autonomous than cuckily in service of another elite(that is actually hostile).

In Minnesota, idiot Scandinavian Americans are cheering that they elected the first non-white Muslim woman to be a Congressman. In Ireland, they cheer their first homo hindu prime minister. I don’t think Jews will cheer for the first Palestinian leader of Israel. Yes, a first! a first! A first Palestinian leader of Israel!!!! Nah, I think Jews want to keep it a nation ruled by Jews forever and ever.


Now, imagine if some Polish Catholics enter Israel as immigrants. Suppose these Polish Catholics are hyper-pushy and have an IQ of 150. Though only 2% of the population, suppose they take over Israeli banking, media, academia, and etc. Suppose they buy up Israeli politicians and tell them to repeat ‘diversity is our strength’ and welcome a future in which Jews will be a minority. Suppose these Polish Catholics control media and make TV shows about the evils of Nakba and Zionist oppression of Palestinians and fill Jewish kids with ‘Jewish guilt’. Suppose they make endless movies about Holodomor and Jewish involvement in communism and deaths of millions and erect Slavocaust momuments all over Israel. Suppose endless commercials and shows on TV tell Jewish women that Jewish men are dorky losers and patriarchal oppressors and that Jewish girls should go with Muslim, black, Palestinian, and Iranian men and have mixed-race babies who are Muslim or Christian than Jewish. Suppose most Israeli politicians are cucks like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and suck up to Polish Catholics minority elites. Suppose Polish Catholics tell Jewish elites to look down on Jewish working class as losers who should be drugged and killed off with opioids. And if any Jewish elite person shows any sympathy or expresses any solidarity with Jewish masses, it is denounced as ‘racism’ and ‘Jewish supremacism’. OMG, how care Jewish elites care more for Jewish masses than side with Polish minority elite globalists.

Hmmm… I wonder what would happen to Israel.

Andrea Daley Utronebel, American Renaissance 1 Comments [2/24/2019 2:32:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
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