Quote# 141790
It isn't just on dads.
A few decades ago it became unacceptable for boys to excel in the STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) subjects and there has been intense focus on ensuring women get better results even if it means bringing down boys' marks in the process.
Which I find almost comical because boys who excel at STEM at school are usually on the end of some heavy physical beatings by boys who mostly rank each other on strength.
So you're now finding that weak boys are being physically assaulted by stronger boys, and they're being mentally punished by women who think it is unacceptable for a boy to be able to differentiate and integrate.
I do believe this multi-decade push to retard boys is showing considerable success - and yet feminists haven't stopped to congratulate themselves, the rhetoric is only getting stronger - too many boys in STEM! Must create female-only clubs to inspire girls in technology! No more men in STEM!
This is all academia bullshit and it filters its way out in professional industry. Sure, you’ll have to fight for a job through the idiotic HR folks guarding the job, but once you get in through the door anywhere, it becomes true competition again.
You’ll find very quickly that the women girls who were ushered through for nothing other than diversity numbers sink very quickly because they either 1) don’t like the work anyways (and all the congratulations and attention they were getting for “succeeding” are gone because no one cares that you did your job correctly) or 2) they aren’t even capable of doing the work correctly because they were never capable to begin with. When it comes to a job, I really don’t care what your genitalia is, I care if you can perform. Penis, vagina, or a surgically mutilated version of either, idgaf. I care if you can objectively perform. If you can’t, you will naturally be replaced by those who can.
Hang in there bud, it gets better and things fall into their natural order eventually. There aren’t very many femnazis in actual industry.
STEM industry like you describe quicky becomes a conveyer belt of failures, and management gets more desperate they promote the useless to one side to be "reportees" or "admins" and get guys to do the heavy lifting and all nighters to deliver. Effectively women sit easy on the bench with equal pay. Note I don't say guys are not useless but they usually get fired if they don't deliver. Theres always a bitch fest of maddness going on among the girls, forming clicks and getting each other thrown off the project regardless if they deserved it or not, and why majority of girls prefer working with guys only.
Can confirm. I work in a sales type position. I am also ALWAYS number one and provide more in the way of monetary profit for the organization than anyone but my immediate boss, the director. Still, there are HR SJWs who make just as much as me, six figures mind you, and detract value from the organization as far as I can tell. I bring the place about a million a year in new and sustained accounts, and get around ten percent of that depending on a myriad of complicated commissions and bonuses. I'm always under the gun trying to hit quotas and hit bonuses. It can be really stressful. My mornings consist of listening to them drink coffee and talk about whatever bullshit they're doing outside of work or hear about the latest office gossip about other people, all the while wishing they would just shut the fuck up so I can concentrate and get my work done.
It's fucked up. We could just bring on a bunch of people like me, fire off all those idiots and in theory make a shit ton more money. The problem with that is, the SJWs have infected everything so bad we would get a lawsuit against us for discrimination. Or, we would get slammed in the media so bad for being misogynistic and other people and places won't want our services no matter how good it is. Now, in my department there is competition and lazy, stupid people don't make it because they don't hit their quotas. I just think it is fucked up that I have to perform and produce or find something else to do. While these lazy fucks can drink coffee and chat for half the day and only do anything when we hire new people or some other sjw gets their panties in a twist. Then it's time for some good ol reprogramming via forced classes Clockwork Orange style. You will submit to the political correctness or be banished! Seriously though, it's fucked up.
I'm a finance major and this year a school sanctioned/funded "Women in Management Society" was allowed to operate.
Boys are literally prohibited from joining this club and the most twisted part of this crock in my opinion is that the school invites male CEO's of regional companies and lower level executives of major corps to come in and talk to the girls, and as you probably guessed it ... it's all males. Who are now put in the weird position of probably understanding the dichotomy of being a male and going to present to a womyn in mgmt student club but if they point it out and decline the invite....SEXIST MISOGYNIST
They had a networking/speaker event one night across the hallway from a class of mine so I literally walked in and the girls at the desk (who knew my name somehow?) tell me "lmao Returns what are you doingggg here ahahahahah, this is for girls only"
At that moment I knew what had to be done, and I exposed these morons for their idiocy by twisting everything that 2018 has to offer to their ears
"oh...Katie...I identify as a girl though"
"um haha okay Returns nice try"
"no no like... fine I'll tell you, I began hormone therapy 2 months ago, the "results" just haven't manifested yet, so I'm gonna go into your event now, it is 2018 after all, gender is a construct"
"........uh, uhm, like, ugh, okay, I don't really believe you but like uhm like fine"
"... this entire organization is pathetic and you guys should be ashamed of yourselves lmao (I audibly chortle)"
"see I knew there was no way you would've done that"
Then I turned a 180 and went to class, and Katie's friend sitting beside her at the registration desk slid into my DMs later that night
This society is fucking absurd, no way I'm bringing kids into it in 2028 years when it's bad enough as is now. Sad
some redpillers,
r/TheRedPill 1 Comments [1/1/2019 10:57:39 AM]
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