Quote# 141862

Re: One of the best black pill summary videos about what the baby boomers took from us

I agree with most of this (minus the religious stuff).

Baby boomers are some of the most hypocritical and evil people on the planet. Full stop. Their very existence is a fucking sin. What they took from me is different from what was taken from you, but it still stands that they stole our fucking happiness from all of us.

They ransacked our economy, made ludacris college debt normal, made houses impossible to afford, jobs now have ridiculous requirements to complete to even have a chance at them, and the list goes on and on.

For my own mother (a baby boomer) didn't let me get treatment for my gender dysphoria when it would have fucking made a difference. She forced me into inceldom.

I normally don't do hate posts, but if I saw a baby boomer get what they deserve I would laugh in their fucking face and spit on them at the same time.

I'll be honest. I have some sympathy for women when bad things happen to them. I have zero for baby boomers.

ImprovingCel, r/Braincels 1 Comments [1/7/2019 4:57:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 136428

Naive young woman got a lesson that there is no such thing as a nice male "friend" who doesn't want sex, duh. And no amount of feminist propaganda will turn men into that fiction.
http://dailym.ai/2FIaq0l via @MailOnline

Eivind Berge, Twitter 8 Comments [2/4/2018 7:16:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Knight

Quote# 139783

I Think its Funny that Women Think Guys Care About Them

Women (Aka used up sluts) oftentimes feel convinced that their "boyfriend" loves them, which is funny. I hang out with a lot of different guys so I know them well.

Newsflash bitches: Guys dont care about you if they know youve fucked other men. Ive had these very conversations with multiple dudes. Its honestly hilarious how bitches are stupid enough to think that guys have feelings for them when in reality most men just see these sluts as sex objects.

You think any stable man sees a scantily clad slut "hooking up" with random fags at parties and feels his heart beating with opportunity? No, men see that and figure its something to bust a nut in, and maybe keep around for a short while if the sex is good. And then bitches cry and bemoan their life when they get pumped and dumped for the 11th time. Its honestly funny and entertaining.

ItheIthe, incels.me 7 Comments [8/13/2018 10:07:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 141869

Re: Millionaire betabux cucked for 20+ years into raising his roastie's 3 boys. The revalation was made when he found out that he was infertile since birth due to a genetic condition.

He raised them for over 20 years, to damn with genetics he's still their father. Why can't he do the adult thing and repair his relationship with the boys, why does he care so much about his genes, his name is being passed on anyway.

Can't he settle the matter quietly instead of dragging his children's names into the mud with him .

no, he's the guy that was tricked by a whore into babysitting and paying for all their shit

to damn with genetics he's still their father.

IT cucks in a nutshell.

just swallow the fact that you invested decades of your existence and resources in offspring that are not your own, bro.

Just be a literal cuck bro

That’s what you want, right? To never be held accountable. Well fuck you, he can do it, and he should do it. Thots like the whore these kids call mother need to be shamed publicly.

She should be held accountable for the deception... but he is just as descpicable wtf is he doing? Basically saying unless they came from my sperm, my "name" won't live on. Lmao what an arrogant prick what about all the other men who are infertile or gay couples who can't have their own children naturally

He raised them thinking they were his, but they’re not. They don’t contain his genetic material, so they’re not his kids. Every organism wants to spread their genes, that is the purpose of life. It’s selfish, yes. But so are all of us.

We aren't animals, we not to be more evolved.

Of course sweetheart, you’re special <3

Easy for the mother to say, maybe.

He got fucked over.

Bet the real dad is pissing himself laughing over all this.

Or sitting in fear wondering when his children/ex-lover are gonna knock on the door asking for money. Or if the scumbag is married wondering how this news may affect his family. Men need to learn to keep in their pants.

The men who can't keep it in their pants are also the ones getting laid.

It must be because they respect women and watch films with strong female protagonists.

some incels, r/Braincels 4 Comments [1/7/2019 5:29:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141870

Re: OMG dRaKe Is A pEdOpHiLe

A man attracted to a girl literally at the peak of her attractiveness?

Why, I never

Why is it so wrong to be attracted to fully developed women? Female puberty, the process of physical changes through which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction, ends at 14 according to science (https://www.girlshealth.gov/body/puberty/timing.html). Then why is it wrong to be sexually attracted to the visual image of girls aged 14+? In many developed western countries the age of consent is around that.

Jfl at Americans thinking 17 year olds are innocent children who barely know what a pee pee is.

It's not pedophilia to fuck 17 or even 14 year old. Any man who isn't attracted to 17 year old girl with big tits is a faggot.

some incels, r/Braincels 4 Comments [1/7/2019 5:29:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141881

Don't trans people at least have each other? I mean, an MtF and FtM look suitable, don't they? Or do they despise each other normally?

The most hilarious and revealing thing about degenerates is that despite their endless virtue signalling, sexually they are repulsed by each other (only lack of options will force them to date their own).

Gays and Trannies practically worship straight white masculine men.

Mgtow_Maester, r/Braincels 5 Comments [1/7/2019 5:31:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141884

I was at Walmart and overheard two girls talking, average 5s. One of them said “Seriously, I’ve NEVER been asked out.” The other one said something like “you know that’s not true!” Then the other girl said “Ok let me rephrase that. I’ve never been asked out by guys who matter.” I almost couldn’t believe my ears

My female teen cousin blackpilled me at the beach. She told me bullshit like "I will spend my life alone teehee". I said why and she replied "they are many guy who like me, but the guy I want don't"

Later at home she was talking with my mom and I heard my mom ask her if there was potential bf at the beach. She replied there was no good looking guy at all.

I saw good looking teen boys at the beach but she didn't.

What a fucking world.

LeTangue, r/Braincels 8 Comments [1/7/2019 5:31:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141856

[Highlights from their second thread on this article]

Re: Men are more disadvantaged than women in the UK, US and most of Europe, scientists claim

Because it's an awful measurement used.

It's certainly superior to that of the feminist WEC and UN indexes, which don't even taken into account areas in which males are behind females in a particular area. In fact the WEC index actually portrays female superiority as "more equal". So this is at least a step in the right direction.

However it's flawed. The paper doesn't really get into the institutional oppression of males in western nations and focuses mainly on health. It doesn't mention MGM, discrimination against boys in school, institutional discrimination against males in the family and criminal courts, the constant hate campaigns against males in the media, the demonization of male sexuality, discrimination against white men in the workplace, discrimination against homeless men in shelter access, complete lack of reproductive rights, curtailments of due process rights, paternity fraud, male victims of domestic and sexual violence etc. etc.

Basically it just scratches the surface. But yeah, still vastly superior to feminist attempts at measuring "gender equality", which are completely fraudulent if not downright bizarre.

Take some of this with a grain of salt.

no doubt men are disadvantaged in many areas, but some of their overall data is flawed.

take their example of saudi arabia:

The researchers said the gravest disadvantage facing men was often heath, particularly in countries with high levels of alcohol consumption, which tends to lower men’s lifespan.


For women, the disadvantages are strongly related to education.

one is not like the other, and comparing the two are dumb as shit.

for men, its our own faults that are holding back (in saudi arabia not else where). where as women's one is institutionalized

Males suffer institutional oppression in almost every area of western life. Boys can have their genitals legally mutilated, causing hundreds of deaths every year; boys suffer institutional discrimination in schools (see CH Sommers "The War Against Boys"; also we now known that female teachers mark boys down by an average of 20 percent for the same work); males in college are routinely denied due process rights when accused of some crime by a woman; entire departments in universities are devoted to demonizing males and male sexuality; countries like Canada are literally attempting to reverse due process in rape cases; "female only" scholarships and programs continue despite women making up a strong (and growing) majority on college campuses; men are twice as likely to be arrested and charged when they commit a crime and receive on average 60 percent longer prison sentences; male victims of sexual violence by women rarely receive justice; men are profiled as pedophiles when they want to work with children; white men suffer institutional discrimination in the workplace due to affirmative action and corporate "diversity" measures; males have zero reproductive rights; males routinely suffer discrimination in the family courts, and are sometimes denied access to their children due to false accusations (which are hardly ever punished); though men pay the majority of taxes (females have a net drain on the tax system) nearly all gender-specific programs by government cater to females; much more money is spent on female health care than male health care; male victims of domestic violence are routinely arrested for domestic violence; I could go on indefinitely.

So yeah, you have it exactly backwards. Women suffer from social issues, mostly based on their choices, but it is males that suffer institutional oppression.

The third world is a different ballgame. It's difficult to get accurate information in part because feminist organizations only concentrate on areas in which females are allegedly disadvantaged.

Even in "patriarchical" countries (eg Saudi Arabia) you can find clear evidence of male institutional oppression. Eg men being thrown in prison if they lose their job and can't support their wives; men being treated much more harshly by the criminal justice system (which, again, is an example of institutional discrimination); males being considered expendable (whether in wars or the workplace or even leisure activities -- eg until a few years ago in Saudi Arabia boys as young as 4 were forced to become "camel jockeys" and would frequently die as a result); male victims of sexual and domestic violence being completely ignored (in many cases the law doesn't even conceive of female sexual assault as a crime, even if the victim is if a boy); and so on.

The much higher rates of male alcoholism are undoubtedly related to institutional discrimination, not in every case, but many.

The world filled with female middle management is discriminating against the male gender. It is happening in the West because the rsst of the world has not filled its office management and HR departments with women. The lesson to learn here is that a woman is a sexist and by giving them power to decide who gets what they give to other women and let the men do without. It must end or chaos will ensue.

Woman have always been more privileged than men. They point to kings and act as if that represents men at large.

Let's not forget women by and large did not want the vote in the early 20th century because they didn't want that responsibility.

Let's also not forget that women are by and large more pro-life than men.

If you want your cause taken seriously, I wouldn't recommend saying stuff like this.

There are two types of people in this world.

Those who don't care about facts or realities, only the feeling or emotion conveyed.

Those who don't care about feeling or emotions conveyed, only the facts and realities.

Most men fall into that second group, whereas most women fall into the first. Someone once said for men communication is all about content, for women it's context. So this is what makes it hard for women to take MRAs seriously. We are all about conveying the facts that make people feel uncomfortable, and women don't like the fact that it makes them feel uncomfortable, so they ignore it. It doesn't change the fact that these are in fact facts. And I will never apologize for stating what is demonstrably true.

Probably because white women usurped affirmative action, meant for minorities who were historically oppressed, and are usually the most underqualified people found in the workplace.

Another reason could be because feminists successfully infiltrated HR departments nationwide and mostly focus on getting women into the board rooms and high level positions of Corporate America, a place they did not build.

If you want your cause taken seriously, I wouldn't recommend saying stuff like this.

The part about voting is actually true. Feminists were pushing for the right to vote, but many women were fighting against it, since it also meant they would be eligible to be drafted to war. Of course men ultimately protected them from that responsibility, and died by the millions while women stayed at home.

We did it boys! We beat feminism.

Yep. Just like we did in the mid-70s when we proved parity in DV/IPV./s

I can see feminists explaining that it's because of patriarchy and toxic masculinity.

some MRAs, r/MensRights 1 Comments [1/7/2019 4:51:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 141857

Re: Proposed Pennsylvania sentencing algorithm to use sex to determine sentencing

Thanks to Phyllis Schlafly it's still OK to discriminate by gender.

Only in one direction of course. They wouldn't dare apply the same actuarial risk analysis to health insurance, retirement, income tax etc.

Women are financial parasites.

The report literally notes that if they stop giving free "low risk" points to women for being women, then it results in more women being classified as high risk. They also note, incredulously, that the classifications for men (who receive no "low risk points") are unchanged.

Fucking idiots.

Two blatant

Removing gender has a marginal impact on the accuracy of the sentence risk assessment instrument. Overall, the accuracy rate is still moderate to strong and the accuracy of low and high risk predictions remain essentially the same. However, removing gender results in fewer females classified as low risk and more females classified as high risk.

This argument makes no sense. There are saying that men are more likely to be considered "high risk" because they are more likely to comment violent crimes, but this makes no sense because the individual factors of a case would be obviously evident during the trial. There isn't a need to calculate a risk

It's completely unfair because it would automatically apply to people regardless of their crime; so a man would have an automatically higher sentence even if he commits a non-violent crime. It's completely illogical and unjust.

The racial component, btw, is written as to increase the risk factor for white suspects, So really, this is written to maximum punishment and sentences for white males. White men will automatically receive the harshest possible treatment. However, of course, all men are affected by the male component. A man will be punished in court simply for being a man, regardless of circumstance.

Note how unnecessarily convoluted the language and wording are- this is done intentional to mask an intentionally bigoted and disingenuous idea. This is a stepping stone towards a dystopian and segregated society.

some MRAs, r/MensRights 1 Comments [1/7/2019 4:57:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 141805

Women-only music festival found guilty of discrimination

The Statement festival in Sweden found in breach of gender discrimination law

A Swedish event billed as “the world’s first major music festival for women, non-binary and transgender only” has been found in breach by Sweden’s discrimination ombudsman.

The inaugural Statement festival was held in Gothenburg in August following a successful crowdfunding campaign that raised 533,120SEK (€51,520). The ombudsman opened an investigation into the festival in July.

A new ruling said that although festival organisers did not enforce the “man-free” rule, since “no differentiation based on sex was made between visitors at entry”, the statements the company issued prior to the event “discouraged a certain group from attending the event”, breaching a law banning gender discrimination.

The ombudsman found that nobody suffered damage from the festival’s restrictions and no penalties will be imposed.

The organisers of Statement responded on Facebook: “It’s sad that what 5,000 women, non-binaries and transgender experienced as a life-changing festival made a few cis men lose it completely. The success of the Statement festival shows that is exactly what we need and the DO’s verdict doesn’t change this fact. Otherwise, we have no comments. We are busy changing the world.”

The ombusdman’s press officer, Class Lundstedt said: “It is important to point out what an infringement is. These [infringements relate to] statements made before the festival, that they wrote on their website. Still, we haven’t been able to prove that someone would have been discriminated against in connection with the implementation or that someone would have been rejected.”

“Clearly, we believe that sexual abuse, especially at festivals, is a serious problem. So we are looking forward to trying to correct this,” said Lundstedt. “However, it shouldn’t happen in a way that violates the law, which their statements in the media and their website [did].”

Statement festival was founded by comedian Emma Knyckare after a series of sexual assaults at Swedish music festivals, including four rapes and 23 sexual assaults at the 2017 edition of the country’s biggest music festival, Bråvalla, which led to the event’s cancellation in 2018.

Organisers described Statement as “a safe space for the people who want to attend a festival without feeling scared for their personal safety”, and said it would remain a protected space “until ALL men learn how to behave themselves”. – Guardian

Emma Knyckare, IrishTimes 12 Comments [1/2/2019 11:08:41 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 141824

I've worked with customers for years. And there's nothing more infuriating for a female than to be ignored. Not in a "you don't exist" way we guys are treated, but in a "you are the same as everyone else" way. Make them feel that they're nothing special. Negative attention is attention too. A dog destroys a pillow and gets yelled at. That gives him attention and validates his existance. Women are exactly the same.

I'm unattractive. I've always known that women act flirty or happy just to get a better deal from me. My woworkers always flirted back, laughed etc. I didn't do that. They're not going to fuck me. So why should I act like they would? I treated every female customer exactly the same as I did with a male. I ignored their physical appearance because there's no access to the boobs. I can look at boobs online. And every single one of them stopped smiling. Especially the older ones. Some got outright mad and frustrated. How dare that ugly guy ignore them? How did he not kneel down and praise them?

Try it out with your wageslave coworkers or customers and watch their reaction. Being ignored - especially by ugly guys - is the worst punishment for them. Insulting or hating them just gives them attention. And attention is everything to females.

de_throni, r/Braincels 7 Comments [1/4/2019 5:12:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 141833

Trans people can be T**E**R**Fs. That’s what transmedicalists are. They’re trans exclusionists who claim to be feminists. There are cis transmedicalists too but damn this fool is complacent.

Ben From BCZK, Twitter 3 Comments [1/5/2019 10:23:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141847

[Re: E3 2017 being opened to the general public]

Others, however, were hoping that this would be a short-lived exercise in pro-consumerism, hoping desperately that the legs of opportunity would close shut tight on gamers in years to come.

Other SJWs found it to be a mistake, a blasphemous call for the hydra of consumerism to emerge from the far corners of the interwebs; a stake to the heart of game journalism’s oligarchy; a raping of the gated clique that once controlled the foyer of information that lactated from the bulbous PR udders dangling from the publishers’ visceral bloat that drips begrudgingly through the sphincter of the media and out through the curdled lips of their blogs.

Gamers’ milky victory secreted onto the tongue of SJWs’ pride, languishing there like a badge of honor that can’t be rinsed away; all while the pole of ethics lodged its way down the orifice of corruption, filling the gaping hole with improved policies and updated disclosures, changing the landscape of media journalism forever.

Billy D, One Angry Gamer blog (via Archive.org) 4 Comments [1/5/2019 10:29:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TB Tabby

Quote# 141240

Last week in India a 23-year-old female student was brutally gang-raped by at least four males on a bus. She was admitted into the the hospital and listed in critical condition. The attack has caused public outrage and riots in Delhi, India...

India gang rape: Delhi bus driver held after attack
December 17, 2012

Indian police have arrested a bus driver in connection with the gang rape of a 23-year-old student on a city bus in the capital, Delhi. A police spokesman said other suspects had been identified from CCTV footage. The student and a male friend she was travelling with were beaten, stripped and thrown out of the bus in the attack on Sunday evening.

The attack has sparked outrage in Delhi, which is often seen as unsafe for women. The capital's rape figures are higher than for other Indian cities of comparable size, correspondents say.

Critical condition

The woman and her friend had boarded the bus from Munirka area and were on their way to Dwarka in south-west Delhi. They were returning after watching a film in a shopping centre in south Delhi, police said. The couple were attacked by "at least four men", police said. The couple have been admitted to hospital, where the woman is said to be in a critical condition.

On Monday, senior police officer Chhaya Sharma appealed to the public to help identify the owner of the bus. Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has promised "strict action" against those responsible.

SOURCE: 23-Year-Old Female Student Gang Raped In India

I heard an angry woman protestor in the news say, “It doesn't matter how women dress” in India, men shouldn't rape them regardless of how they dress. I agree that men ought to be men, regardless of external influences. But the reality of the situation is that men aren't always going to do the right thing. There are evil men and good men in every place in the world. Good and evil always co-exist. May I say, IT DOES MATTER HOW A WOMAN DRESSES!!!

Certainly all forms of abuse are wrong and sinful. I am not defending evil men who prey upon the weak and vulnerable. Those men in the preceding tragic news story should receive the death penalty for their crimes. My heart goes out to the victims. However, it is apparent from all the fuss over the way the woman was dressed that it was indeed an issue. In any society where women dress immodestly, sexual immorality is commonplace, as well as sexual crimes. Any idiot can figure it out. Yet, feminists demand their rights, wanting to dress like sluts and still safely walk down the street at 2 AM in the morning.

The Bible teaches in 1st Timothy 2:9 that women should dress in “modest apparel.” The word modest means “of good behavior.” Hence, the manner in which a woman dresses conveys a messages to others of the type of character she has. There's no way around it. If you dress whorishly, then men will think you are loose morally and don't posses a high moral standard. A full-length dress on the other hand, says that you care about morality. Women who dress modestly are laughed at, ridiculed, and made fun of by wicked people. The question is, do you want to please God? Revelation 4:11 says that we were all created to please God. Hebrews 11:6 teaches that only by faith can we please God. Faith is obeying the Bible. All that we do (or don't do) because we fear God is by faith. A lady who has faith in God (or not) shows it by the way she clothes herself. Clothing speaks 1,000 words. A woman who takes her clothes off to sell a music album cannot be trusted. She has shady character, willing to hurt others morally to make money. IT DOES MATTER HOW YOU DRESS!

In May of 2011 feminist women across America and Canada went ballistic, angry over a police officer's honest statement that immodestly dressed women invited attackers. Women who have been Americanized have unrealistic ideas of what freedom means, and how the real world works. America is absolutely plagued with sexual sins and heinous crimes because of the prevalence of lewd MTV music videos, filthy-minded television programming, sex-ed in public schools and sexual-suggestiveness advertising everywhere we turn these days. Fool-headed feminists don't listen to helpful police advice, just like they don't listen to God in the Bible.

The Lord commands all women to dress in modest apparel (1st Timothy 2:9). That means you if you're a woman. The Police chief in Delhi knows that women who dress immodestly attract the wrong kind of attention from men. Ridding the earth of men is not the answer; but women putting their clothes back on (and keeping them on) in public is good advice and certainly will reduce the level of sexual crimes. Women who demand the right to dress whorishly, but still don't want to be attacked, are living in a fantasy world. I'll bet the women who was gang raped will wear clothes from now on. It shouldn't have to cost a person something to realize that they were wrong, but that's life. We all learn things the hard way to some extent.

Taylor Swift Is Pulling On The Same Rope As The Devil

I saw a 60-minutes special yesterday featuring Taylor Swift. The interviewer called Taylor Swift “a spiritual leader” in America to millions of youth. Miss Swift agreed and said she feels that it's her responsibility to recognize her tremendous power of influence as a role model over kids today. I've been saying that for a long time, that is, that young rebels like Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry have a massive influence on children and teens today, especially young girls. “A SPIRITUAL LEADER”... that's exactly what 60-Minutes called her, and it's very true. 60-Minutes praised Taylor Swift for not ending up in the tabloids for wrong doing; yet Taylor Swift needs to be publicly reprimanded and exposed for exposing herself bodily in her music videos and concerts. One of Swift's most popular songs is titled, FEARLESS. Evidently Taylor Swift is FEARLESS, because she certainly doesn't fear the God of the Bible who told her to dress modestly (1st Timothy 2:9). It's all about the love of money (1st Timothy 6:10).

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 4 Comments [11/12/2018 12:35:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 141799

why choose men over women? what a man can provide you with that no woman can? a penis? unwanted pregnancies? do you really need those in your life?

qvlqu, Tumblr 7 Comments [1/2/2019 11:01:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 127799

In my compendium I have written a great deal about the deconstruction or absence of moral stands in Norway after 1968. That's a big problem, but I can't elaborate on it at this moment. The problem is that today we have ideals in Norway that are harmful for Norway, that will cause us great harm in our future. STDs and the sexual revolution are not analysed well enough. And that caused great problems in Norway and Europe.

The ideal is to have sex with as many strangers as possible. Rather than to idealize the nuclear family, that was the emphasis in Europe until the mid sixties, we focus on dissolving the nuclear family with all the problems it brings with it. For example the ideals of "Sex in the city", where Samantha and Carrie have sex with over one hundred men during the course of 100, 200 episodes of the series. It is these ideals that are presented to our sisters and daughters today. This is a sickness. These sick ideals must be censored and kept away from our society.

Now I'll get to the neglect of our duty towards our families and our nation. People receive education, they travel, they are 35 before they decide on having children. That is not a sustainable development. Women should start having children in their twenties. Our birth rate lies below the necessary minimum. I will not elaborate further on that.

Anders Breivik,  The Breivik Archive 7 Comments [6/7/2017 1:32:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: steve rocco

Quote# 141801

Just NPCmax Bro!

Daily reminder that all women are sociopaths

These are the same foids who served the Nazi's refreshments after they slaughtered jewish families.

Someone needs to make a gif of this:

The ending of Black Hawk Down, when the Pakistani troops are serving refreshments to the Americans, except it's foids serving them to the Nazis.

Would require a creative video-editing-cel to pull this off.

It's more horrifying then you think, just look outside and imagine a group of men in black military uniforms herding a buncha jewish familys behind some hedges, gunshots for a few hours then coming out covered in blood, dirt and completely wasted, with a line of blonde and equally jewish looking women waiting serving water, like some sort of high school football tradition.

Asian Foids would serve Hans Landa that dessert he loves eating after he massacres an entire family.

This is why the whole "women are attracted to men who get with other women" thing is bullshit. If a foid sees a short, overweight and unattractive neckbeard walking into a club with his arms around two babes, do you think shes going to want him? No, shes going to be repulsed, wonder how much he paid them, etc.

Just man up and pay for Chad's baby you fucking incels. You have your role in society and it's NOT sexual.

some incels, r/Braincels 5 Comments [1/2/2019 11:02:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141758

[Comments under "Merry Christmas to everyone who isn't a single mom"]

Hey, guess what? It's me again. And I've got something to say to you. Not every single mother was a prostitute. Some were rape victims. Though by your fucked up logic, that's basically consenting anyway. I don't care if you downvote me. It won't change the fact that you're an immoral sociopath.

Rape victims are sluts.

Tell me, why do you think that?

Because it’s true.

So, if you were raped, you'd be a slut? And before you argue, yes, men can be raped.

No we can't. lol

Wrong. You just say you can't because your deluded mind has made you THINK you're superior to all others, when in reality, you are just a piece of trash. And I take out the trash.

Posted by FagnarHairyBalls:

I'm the rapist, not the victim. Any man who gets raped is a beta subhuman.

FagnarHairyBalls, Reddit - r/AgainstSingleMothers 8 Comments [1/1/2019 2:15:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 141804

Male depression: Complete despair, no hope, future is nothing but pointless struggle just to survive alone. Deeply ingrained shame and humiliation, embarrassed to show his face in public because everyone sees what a pathetic failure he is. Puts a bullet in his head because life has literally gotten that bad.

Female depression: In a bad mood due to hangover from all the partying she did the last few nights, feeling lonely due to lack of a steady boyfriend since Chadlite dumped her for cheating on him a month ago. Spends a few hours alone and feels she isn't receiving the attention she is entitled to from prime males. Takes various measures on social media to acquire that attention. Usually starts by posting a "no-makeup" selfie to fish for compliments, but she gets less than 40 likes. Starts posting about her lifelong struggle with mental health and body image to drum up good publicity. Still not getting enough attention especially compared to that bitch Stacy who's getting over a hundred likes on all her vacation bikini pics even though she's a total slut and her boobs aren't even as big as they look in her selfies, ugh fucking bitch. Finally she sees that a sub5 orbiter had the fucking audacity to comment on her no-makeup selfie and that really sets her off. She takes a razor and makes some horizontal cuts on her wrist so she can "accidentally" let people see them to add a layer of mystery to her persona. She'll show them to the therapist Daddy pays for, and have them legitimized officially as a suicide attempt she can reference in the future when discussing her difficult life and mental health problems.

Mac Miller was known to be insecure. He coped with these troubles with substance abuse.

•Whorianna Grande quickly got with another guy after they broke up.

•One day on Twitter, she reported the gargantuan size of her new BFs cock which was likely an attempt at emasculating Miller.

•Miller already having issues and perhaps being heartbroken accidentally roped while coping on drugs.

The damage women inflict is insidious.


It is absolutely staggering how much women expect men to take care of their emotional and mental issues... whilst men are expected to just "man up" when faced with similar (or often worse) hardships.

Full disclosure: I was with a woman with depression for ... a long time... took care of her, tried to make her smile etc... in the end one time I broke down in a massive way (because I was seriously ill and thus exhausted), she went straight to Chad to tell him I was a pussy (I still have the logs of their conversations) then proceeded to fuck another Chad

Now imagine if a male celebrity dumped his depressed girlfriend and went on to fuck another Stacy in the most public way possible, and then she roped. The very same cunts on social media would absolutely SLAUGHTER him and ruin his reputation for millenia.

Ariana Grande's crimes against men are unforgivable. She is directly responsible for Mac Miller's death and she knows this so she writes some stupid ass song to pretend like she cared. She will burn in hell.

When a woman senses weakness in a man the caveman part of her brain signals that she, and most importantly her offspring, are at risk. Jfl at people that think billions of years of evolution can be erased by a couple thousand years of civilization.

"Women are worthless degenerate infants whose lives are so easy they bore themselves into a depression and you have to be her man servant until she decides to stop being a lazy fucking cunt. If you slave away hard enough she might not leave you for the next Chad who comes along!"

This is why you should never be sad or weak around a girl. Only be angry or show zero emotion. Always be selfish, narcissistic and psychopathic, but sprinkle in a bit of love to keep her hooked. Cheat on her. Fuck with her head. Do not provide for her outside of your cock.

Hell it would be more attractive to laugh at your girl for being depressed than it would be to be beta and take care of her.

Women need to be treated like children. This is basically well-known in species memory that they are irrational, retarded and insane by human standards. The problem emerged when we started patronizing these grown children and telling them they are grownups too.

some incels, r/Braincels 2 Comments [1/2/2019 11:03:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 126680

It is a horrible sin for a woman to reveal her nakedness in public by wearing a bikini. Many women dress in bikinis and then are paranoid that a lustful man may lust upon them. Some men get jealous and angry when other men look upon their wives, and rightfully so; but if those women would stop sinning and put some clothes on their nakedness, there would be nothing to lust upon. Lust requires an immodestly dressed woman to complete. A lustful man ought to have to guess and image what a woman's body looks like, but if you take your clothes off, then he doesn't have to imagine anything, because your nakedness is seen by him.

You are just as guilty of adultery as he is because you encouraged the sin of lust by your whorish attire (Matthew 5:28). Prostitutes wear more clothing than girls and women at the beach do in skimpy bikinis. Mamas are so stupid when they let their little girls run around in their underwear. Then those mothers freak out when a pedophile kidnaps and molests their child. What do you expect? You never know what is going on in a person's mind.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 15 Comments [4/26/2017 12:41:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 141791

The Unknowability of Beta Turd

An Alpha Asshole is a stone. His shape and properties are easily determined and do not change depending on his surroundings. You might not like a particular stone. It might not fit your particular stone criteria. However your assessment will in no way impact the stone. You can yell at, bite or kick the stone. The stone will remain unchanged.

In contrast, a Beta Nice Guy is a moist turd. Beta Turds take the shape of whatever stepped on them last. Their entire existence is contextual. When a woman goes on a date with a Beta Turd all of her questions will be met with attempts to conform to her expectations. At no point will she be able to get a solid definitive response from mushy turd man because Beta Turds are conformists.

This dynamic creates a crisis of authenticity. Not only is it difficult for people to definitively know Beta Turd but Beta Turds don't even know who they are themselves. Let's use Paul Elam a man who I personally believe to be the Creme De La Creme of Beta Turd as an example. Paul Elam spent years writing articles discussing masculinity and the uncaring manipulative nature of women. Then one day a pretty blond girl named Cassie Jay gave Paul Elam a call about a Red Pill Movie. Next thing you know, Paul Elam has thrown masculinity out the window and is crying on camera begging women to sympathize with his problems. So the question is: Who really is Paul Elam? What does he really believe? Does he think that women are manipulative whores incapable of empathy? Or does he believe that women should empathize with men's issues? He's taken both positions. Which one does he actually believe? Does he even know? All we can say conclusively is that Paul Elam is a mushy turd.

There is something inherently unpleasant and disconcerting about mushy Turd Men. The unnerving feeling is felt strongest by women who are naturally more suspicious then men due to their biological aversion to risk. Imagine you are a woman and your Beta husband hands you a dozen roses while telling you he loves you. Now did he really do it out of love or did he do it to manipulate you into sex? Is he apologizing for something? Is he going to ask for something in return? The inherent anxiety of unknowability destroys the feeling those roses could have created. Now imagine that you are a woman and that your uncaring Alpha jerkboy boyfriend just gave you a dozen roses. He isn't manipulating you into sex because he can cock blast your ladyhole whenever he wants. He isn't trying to influence your emotions because he doesn't give a fuck how you feel. He did it because he wanted to. When an Alpha gives roses they are roses. When a Beta gives roses they are a pretext.

The Manosphere mythos is that Alpha Jerkboys give women tingles. Discussion of the female perspective usually ends there, before the pity party starts playing it's greatest hits. The truth is far darker and more interesting. Women know themselves to be emotional impulsive and a danger to themselves. They know that without a man holding them accountable they are capable of anything from binging uncontrollably like a wild dog to giving themselves a Britney Spears haircut. The problem is that a Beta Turd can't tell a woman no. Like a child he is powerless to stop a woman from doing anything that she wants because he needs her approval to function. A Beta can't stop a woman from becoming her worst version of herself. Women know this and hate them for it.

Beta males are unreliable, undependable and unknowable. They'll tell you all about their fitness and diet regimen to gain your approval then they'll skip the gym and eat a burrito when you are safely out of sight. They'll let their wives and daughters slide deeper and deeper into degeneracy without saying a word. For a Beta it's easier to watch wifey choke on strange dick and daughter cam-whore herself then protect the dignity of the family with a firm No!

There is nothing noble or enviable about Beta Turds. They are not men. Men have thoughts, convictions and values that are held fast and only change for good reason. Betas are nothing more then what their environment tells them to be. Beta Turds deserve only suffering. Only suffering can teach a Beta to stand up for himself and say: No! Until you learn that lesson the stomping will go on indefinetly.

GayLubeOil, r/TheRedPill 4 Comments [1/1/2019 10:57:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141790

It isn't just on dads.

A few decades ago it became unacceptable for boys to excel in the STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) subjects and there has been intense focus on ensuring women get better results even if it means bringing down boys' marks in the process.

Which I find almost comical because boys who excel at STEM at school are usually on the end of some heavy physical beatings by boys who mostly rank each other on strength.

So you're now finding that weak boys are being physically assaulted by stronger boys, and they're being mentally punished by women who think it is unacceptable for a boy to be able to differentiate and integrate.

I do believe this multi-decade push to retard boys is showing considerable success - and yet feminists haven't stopped to congratulate themselves, the rhetoric is only getting stronger - too many boys in STEM! Must create female-only clubs to inspire girls in technology! No more men in STEM!

This is all academia bullshit and it filters its way out in professional industry. Sure, you’ll have to fight for a job through the idiotic HR folks guarding the job, but once you get in through the door anywhere, it becomes true competition again.

You’ll find very quickly that the women girls who were ushered through for nothing other than diversity numbers sink very quickly because they either 1) don’t like the work anyways (and all the congratulations and attention they were getting for “succeeding” are gone because no one cares that you did your job correctly) or 2) they aren’t even capable of doing the work correctly because they were never capable to begin with. When it comes to a job, I really don’t care what your genitalia is, I care if you can perform. Penis, vagina, or a surgically mutilated version of either, idgaf. I care if you can objectively perform. If you can’t, you will naturally be replaced by those who can.

Hang in there bud, it gets better and things fall into their natural order eventually. There aren’t very many femnazis in actual industry.

STEM industry like you describe quicky becomes a conveyer belt of failures, and management gets more desperate they promote the useless to one side to be "reportees" or "admins" and get guys to do the heavy lifting and all nighters to deliver. Effectively women sit easy on the bench with equal pay. Note I don't say guys are not useless but they usually get fired if they don't deliver. Theres always a bitch fest of maddness going on among the girls, forming clicks and getting each other thrown off the project regardless if they deserved it or not, and why majority of girls prefer working with guys only.

Can confirm. I work in a sales type position. I am also ALWAYS number one and provide more in the way of monetary profit for the organization than anyone but my immediate boss, the director. Still, there are HR SJWs who make just as much as me, six figures mind you, and detract value from the organization as far as I can tell. I bring the place about a million a year in new and sustained accounts, and get around ten percent of that depending on a myriad of complicated commissions and bonuses. I'm always under the gun trying to hit quotas and hit bonuses. It can be really stressful. My mornings consist of listening to them drink coffee and talk about whatever bullshit they're doing outside of work or hear about the latest office gossip about other people, all the while wishing they would just shut the fuck up so I can concentrate and get my work done.

It's fucked up. We could just bring on a bunch of people like me, fire off all those idiots and in theory make a shit ton more money. The problem with that is, the SJWs have infected everything so bad we would get a lawsuit against us for discrimination. Or, we would get slammed in the media so bad for being misogynistic and other people and places won't want our services no matter how good it is. Now, in my department there is competition and lazy, stupid people don't make it because they don't hit their quotas. I just think it is fucked up that I have to perform and produce or find something else to do. While these lazy fucks can drink coffee and chat for half the day and only do anything when we hire new people or some other sjw gets their panties in a twist. Then it's time for some good ol reprogramming via forced classes Clockwork Orange style. You will submit to the political correctness or be banished! Seriously though, it's fucked up.

I'm a finance major and this year a school sanctioned/funded "Women in Management Society" was allowed to operate.

Boys are literally prohibited from joining this club and the most twisted part of this crock in my opinion is that the school invites male CEO's of regional companies and lower level executives of major corps to come in and talk to the girls, and as you probably guessed it ... it's all males. Who are now put in the weird position of probably understanding the dichotomy of being a male and going to present to a womyn in mgmt student club but if they point it out and decline the invite....SEXIST MISOGYNIST

They had a networking/speaker event one night across the hallway from a class of mine so I literally walked in and the girls at the desk (who knew my name somehow?) tell me "lmao Returns what are you doingggg here ahahahahah, this is for girls only"

At that moment I knew what had to be done, and I exposed these morons for their idiocy by twisting everything that 2018 has to offer to their ears

"oh...Katie...I identify as a girl though"

"um haha okay Returns nice try"

"no no like... fine I'll tell you, I began hormone therapy 2 months ago, the "results" just haven't manifested yet, so I'm gonna go into your event now, it is 2018 after all, gender is a construct"

"........uh, uhm, like, ugh, okay, I don't really believe you but like uhm like fine"

"... this entire organization is pathetic and you guys should be ashamed of yourselves lmao (I audibly chortle)"

"see I knew there was no way you would've done that"

Then I turned a 180 and went to class, and Katie's friend sitting beside her at the registration desk slid into my DMs later that night

This society is fucking absurd, no way I'm bringing kids into it in 2028 years when it's bad enough as is now. Sad

some redpillers, r/TheRedPill 1 Comments [1/1/2019 10:57:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141789

In my early relationships, I'd always make promises I couldn't keep simply to avoid what I thought would make her sad. I thought she'd value my consideration of her feelings, instead they we're thrown in my face, and eroded attraction. Comfort tests are more important than some retards in the comments picked up.

They're the weapons used in the battle of emotional conquest. You keep failing these, she conquers, loses attraction and moves on.

They would ask me "Will you love me forever", "Do you look at other girls" previously I'd say "Yeah, ofcourse" or "No, never" thinking I'd just made her happy and avoided confrontation. Instead she'd start coming down with princess syndrome.

Now I simply say "I don't know how I'll feel next week, keep behaving and I'll keep loving you" or "Yes, ofcourse, I do"

It, was extremely uncomfortable to be this direct at first but It gets a lot easier. You don't have to say it in a mean way, just direct. Their "I need to win over his approval" mechanisms kick into overdrive, that's how you get rewarded.

Learn how to embrace direct answers, get comfortable doing it and never avoid confrontation in favor of comfort.

KeffirLime, r/TheRedPill 2 Comments [1/1/2019 10:57:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141780

Just read the Weekly Advice thread on r/IncelTears. Holy shit its pathetic

Every comment in there starts with "I'm 2x years old, and I'm not an incel but I've never kissed a girl, held hands, or had sex. What do I do?" They seem to not understand that you cant choose to be an incel - it's not your choice. "Incel" ideology that they claim is toxic is just the ideology of certain incels that talk online about their issues - you don't have to agree with ANY incel on their ideology, it doesnt change the fact that you are an incel if you want sex but haven't gotten it.

They politicize it intentionally so that they can hate us.

If they accepted that incel just means involuntarily celibate then they would realise that they are making fun of lonely people who cannot control what has happened to them.

So they instead tell you that you belong to a "hateful ideology" and that you must be a misogynist and a sexist and a Nazi and a whole load of other strawmen they assume about you just so that they can hate you. It's pathetic really.

Average IT poster giving you advice is a jew in an open relationship who lost his virginity late, is childfree and had a vasectomy cuz pregnancy promotes women's role as incubators and limits their freedoms, though his wife untied her tubes twice to carry tyrone's children. He's a badboy who fucks with rigid gender roles by wearing dresses and submitting to women.

ya guys got it all wrong. Imagine, if you will, a world where incel receives so much attention that people who fear they might be one flock to IT and other "services" to confirm they're not really a hateful incel beast. When they receive the consistent "work on yourself" messages and follow through to end up with zero results. THAT will be their awakening to the blackpill. "how many more years will I be working with this advice, getting nothing out of it, only to have wasted my time?", they'll say. IT is doing a great job recruiting the blackpills for braincels and that incelexperiments sub without either sub having to do a thing. That's why it got quarantined. The numbers kept going up in spite of the desire and pressure by reddit and literal fucking petitions



to close these places.

They want to protect their bluepill world and keep the status quo exactly where it is. Women/IT/reddit/theworld is literally Snowpiercer. Every one in their proper place.

but that creates the same problem as Islam:

new converts are a lot more radical and prone to extremism than those who slowly and naturally took the pill.

Cynical says: "extremists are useful idiots. For as bad as they are, their actions can be used to start a dialogue with moderates for a redress of issues."

The reason that moderates are called alt-right is because people haven't even begun to see extremism yet.

some incels, r/Braincels 2 Comments [1/1/2019 10:46:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141794

there is just something so (non-sexually) satisfying in seeing women get beaten or hurt.

It's the exact opposite for me. I take great sexual pleasure in abusing woman or directly causing them to experience intense physical or emotional trauma. One of my favorite memories of this is when I bullied a tomboy in middle school, and do I mean I bullied her.

I can greentext it if there's interest.

Greeeeeeentteeeeeext plez

knew this one girl growing up - cute, tomboyish, somewhat shy

would always follow me around, try to get in groups with me,etc in any classes we had together

she liked to hang out and play with the boys during recess and lunch, but would only pal around with cliques that had at least one other girl in them

one day after school she decides she wants to play with me and my group of only male friends for some reason

we're playing soccer as she comes running up to us

"Hey anon! Can I play soccer with you guys?"

"Sure, but you've gotta go fetch the ball for us."

since I've got it right there under my foot she's understandably confused

just as she's about to say something I punt it off into a creek near the field

one of my friends chuckles, the others don't really understand what's going on

they'll learn

she comes back with the ball 5 minutes later a bit drenched and short hair all messy from wading through the creek

despite that she's still got a joyful smile on her face

she tosses the ball back to me and I tell her to she's goalie for my team

as soon as she's in position I power kick the ball straight into her face

she's crying but not sobbing, just clutching her nose that's gushing out blood with this terrified look on her face

runs off the field without another word

my friends were confused and uncomfortable but ended up just brushing it off

apparently she told her mom that she "fell" so I never got in any trouble for it

decided I would make life hell for this girl as long as she went to school with me

would smack her in the back of the head as hard as I could and laugh every time I saw her

generally just tried to make her truly dread whenever I was around

valentine's day rolls around and she shows me these really well done handmade cards she made for her friends

during the school assembly while she wasn't looking I went through her backpack, tore up all the cards, and took the candy out of them

there was even one in there for me

could hear her crying to herself on the bus ride home that day

I didn't even eat the candy

she eventually transferred schools at the end of the school year and I haven't heard from her since

I savored each and every moment like a deliciously savory cut of meat

i hated this story. you're a retard.

You're welcome anon

Despite making it clear that you had absolutely no respect for her, she continued to make advances on you for whatever arbitrary childish reasons she had. People like this really disgust me.


I honestly thought this was gonna be bitch getting taught a valuable lesson.

But she did learn a valuable lesson, she learned not be a dumb bitch. At least that's how youngfag me rationalized it. But that's not why I did it anyway.

Did you at least fug her in the bagina?

No, but I vaguely recall manhandling and feeling her loli body up a few times.

unknown commenter, 8chan 10 Comments [1/1/2019 10:58:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 4