Quote# 141783

This goddamn argument hurts my brain every time.

what would you rahter have - no food at all or shitty food? try starving your whole life and you'll gladly take even the shitties food but we get nothing. NOTHING. maybe someday we'll get the leftovers that have been chewed and spit out by some chad and we're supposed to gladly eat it...

i'd rather have ugly pussy show interest in me than none at all but since that fucking dating shit came along every slut on this earth rates herself a million times higher than she actually is worth.

and i will NEVER have sympathy or feel bad for womyn that get dick pics. oh boo fucking hoo!
if you don't want them just stop looking at them. at least you have options... we have nothing.

mmisere, r/Braincels 2 Comments [1/1/2019 10:53:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141782

Foid Tries to Prove Blackpill Wrong, ONLY TO PROVE THE BLACKPILL

Looks don’t matter Stupid incels... I dated a guy because he was hot even though he was abusive.....

Can IQ be negative?


that chad made this slut degrade herself sexually and all it took was some shitty poems and pretending to be schizo hahaha

>held my mouth open with tooth picks and came inside

>made me act like a dog on the floor


I cannot believe this is real. I just cannot. Its the most pristine example of meme gender ever seen.

He was such an asshole I broke up with him after 2 weeks

For 6 months he abused me and I couldnt tell before other people had to convince me he had a bad personality

For some reason I think this story doesn't make me sound like a complete retard

This is a joke right? Self awareness seems to be entirely non existent

various commenters, r/Braincels 2 Comments [1/1/2019 10:48:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 141785

What i've learned from cold approaching over 350 women

What i've learned from cold approaching over 350 women
Past 5-6 months I’ve probably cold approached around 300-400 girls

Things I've learned:

1. Cougars go for young men because they missed out on hypergamy at a young age. Due to FOMO (Fear of missing out)

2. Cold approaching women at college parties, Clubs is as easy as ever. I cant remember a time i got rejected once. I simply go up to her ask her whatever vibe i feel from her. They will never be angry or mad at you or turn you off. In fact women are more than willing to give you their snapchat if you ask. Ive learned that rejection comes from them giving you their social media but never opening your stories ONCE. they simply just used you for validation.

3. Location is very important part in where you cold approach you have a way better success rate @ parties, clubs, and bars but places like the grocery store, shopping, a park will catch a women off guard and she will be creeped out. But when you display high value she then will be interested to hear what else you have to say and honestly its not worth the effort i hate giving girls free validation and attention. my success rate at parties was 9/10. outside of that environment 2-3/10. Las Vegas is probably the easiest place in the world to game and cold approach. Law 4: Always say less than necessary

4. The cure to stop being a beta (which 85-90% of men in the USA suffer from) is to take action and boost your testosterone by lifting heavy ass weights 4-5x a week. Women are attracted to masculine as men are attracted to feminine women. So do whatever it takes to boost your test (I don't advice steroids or TRT). Eat healthy fats (avocados, grass fed beef, eggs, almonds, etc) lift, lift, lift, avoid soy, stop watching porn, and stop fapping everyday. Its proven fact that your testosterone gets a small boost when you stop fapping for a week. Before TRP i was 60% alpha 40% beta and how i cured my betaness was going to the gym 5-6x a week. Instead of being the average guy to make excuses and complain I went out and did the work and what i sowed i reaped. Law 25: Re-create yourself

5. As i got more experience it became very very easy to spot out damaged goods, alpha widows, and BPD. These girls are the empty ones who post nudes or sexual pics on social media or are constantly seeking validation to fill the emptiness. These girls are usually the ones with tattoos, wear lots of make up (to hide the insecurities), wear tight clothes and try to reveal as much as possible, the bigger the hoop earning the bigger the hoe, they give you the thousand cock stare, they have piercings outside of their ears, they talk about their exes, they post on social media EVERYDAY. Damage pair bond is real and its affecting the younger generation more than ever and its because everything is become accepted and apps like tinder dont help, Hollywood music artist like Cardi B & Nicki Minaj promote the dominate female and how being a whore is how to get ahead. The divorce rate in the last 10 years is up 60% and its only going to grow higher.

6. Men SMV doesn't peak till 40. I'm in my mid 20s and i know that if i was in my early 20s i wouldn't be able to have this much success due to my facial features (women like masclinality) so my advice to the young men out here know you are super blessed to discover TRP at a young age. As you see i approach this many women and i dont feel anything special about it. Just like how rich people say money doesnt bring you happiness its the same with women. I didnt find a wife or someone who can raise my kids so i gained nothing out of this. So focus on becoming your best version of yourself, try out monk mode, hit the gym, read as much as you can, learn the stock market and cryptocurrency cycles. When you go out and have fun dont just game girls go out and befriend bros. read as much of the TRP as you can, find a spiritual life, and find balance. Dont rely on anything like drugs,alcohol,women to bring you happiness because its all temporary. Law 29: Plan all the way to the end

7. Young women are more damaged as ever. Pick your poison 1 Hot 2 Single 3 Sane. You can only pick 2

8. If you meet a girl and make plans with her and she flakes ghost her and dont even bother watching her stories or trying to get in contact with her and watch her hamster spin. If she sees youre high value she will hit you back up (FOMO). this works especially with high ego, low attention span millennial girls. (Law 8: Make other people come to you – use bait if necessary)

9. When your friends or others see your success with women they will start treating you like a god. But they are just using you for what you can provide and offer(clout chasers). Dont be confused and think they are your friends they are your enemy. (Crab in a bucket) Drop your loser friends (beta males) Low-T attitudes are contagious. Being friends with emasculated men that are pussy-whipped and passive is toxic. The same goes for your friends that do nothing but drink beer and watch sports highlights on the weekends. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and high-T men have high-T friends Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends, learn to use enemies

10. Women are more attracted to you when they see you with other girls. It hamsters in their brain what does she see in him? I don’t really know how to put this in words but it’s true

Please don't forget to read Part 1 I commented it below.

My background and stats. African/Caribbean.. in my mid 20s, Live in the liberal SF Bay Area, 6'0..

To those asking how do i know i approach this much? My snapchat stories went from 40 views to 300s and majority of the people i added were females.

PLEASE PLEASE READ 48 LAWS OF POWER. Become the Machiavellian women desire. Jesus Christ is King! Happy holidays to you and your family!

Auxfite, r/TheRedPill 2 Comments [1/1/2019 10:53:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 141786

"also, women don't reach their sexual prime until age 32."

K lol. Enjoy your "hot milf sex", I'll enjoy 18 to 22 year old women in their physical prime. Honestly if you consider fucking a 32 year old anything less than shameful I don't know what you're doing on this sub. Milf hunters are like chubby chasers... They convince themselves it's their preference, not the only thing available to them.

ExcellentStudio, r/TheRedPill 3 Comments [1/1/2019 10:55:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141787

Chatting Her Up: Beta Bait, With a Side of Nuked Hamster

In fairness, this was more of a tactical nuke, but the message conveyed was important.

So was out with a dancer this week.1 She comfort tests me with some beta bait.

Her: "Will you still love me if I get fat?"

Now, the beta move is to offer her loads of comfort about how, ofc, you would always wuv her, forever and ever, no matter what, yada, yada, even if she devolved into some form of Bridge Troll.2 Because that's what Billy Betafags and Nice GuysTM do.

But, ofc, I didn't do that. I could have gone with something more abstract like "Still love you? I don't love you now," but that would have been less to the point. So with a look of half-disgust and half-confusion, I said:


I don't think a man had been that direct with her before. Plus I was looking at her with an expression of "surely you can't be that retarded?" on my face. She was a bit (only mildly) shocked, and I waited for it to pass and said, "Men care about this" and I made an hourglass shape in the air with my hands. "You have a lovely body. Don't waste it by getting fat."

This was met with a rapid-fire torrent of her qualifying herself to me about how she'd never get fat, and I shouldn't worry about it, etc., etc. I replied, "Good girl," and the conversation moved on.

The point here is that you should (a) maintain frame, (b) reject beta bait, and (c) set proper expectations. That last thing is important and carries more (pardon the pun) weight that you would think. My OLTR1 mentioned in a conversation that I'd told her once that by 26 her beauty would have faded and the bloom would be off the rose, as it were. Now, I said that to her more than a year ago, but it stuck with her, and has helped guide her behavior - I said it in the context of her drinking more alcohol than she "should", etc.3 so I effectively "dreaded" her, but I did have her best interests in mind. Mine also, ofc, because I like her pretty, and don't want her to waste it, stupidly, on things like too much booze, cigs or drugs (she neither smokes nor does drugs and understands that either of those would be an immediate "dump-able" offense.) Women should be taught to fear the WallSPLAT! and to do all that they can to forestall their arrival at it.

Am I a mean or callous guy? Probably, but my girls don't turn into fatties because I've given them too much comfort, either. If that makes me a bad guy, I'm fine with it. Also, it's in their interest, not just mine, for them to maintain their looks. So that makes me a giver. /s


Reject "beta bait". If she says stuff that's clearly designed to get you to tell her how pretty, or smart, or charming she is, or is "fishing for compliments", then that's beta bait.

Maintain frame. You lead, she follows, no exceptions.

Feminine women respond to, and do better under, masculine leadership. Set proper expectations. Praise proper behavior. Impose discipline when necessary.

Now go forth and SLAY!

VasiliyZaitzev, r/TheRedPill 3 Comments [1/1/2019 10:55:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141725

Facilitating the ongoing existence of single mothers is the ultimate form of cuckoldry. I just can't imagine how someone would willingly raise someone else's child.

OnlyTrueCels, r/Braincels 8 Comments [12/28/2018 11:59:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141727

Tons of the top tier stacy thots during highschool (like the 9/10 or 10/10 stacies with DD and IG model asses) all dated guys that were 19-22 and were chad as fuck. One girl was 16 and was dating a giga chad 20-year-old guy that always picked her up from school in his Lexus sports car. Tons of people knew and no one really ever gave her shit about it or called him a creep because he was a chad.

If it was a 20-year-old guy and she was dating him because he was rich, then teachers and other people would've been stepping in and intervening. But since it was chad literally having underage sex where teachers and many people knew about it, no one cares and nothing happens.

He ended up cheating on her btw.

The ONLY TIME a guy will ever cheat on a girl is when it's a chad. Men never cheat, it's always the female and then somehow men are always the cheaters??? I literally cannot name a single person that I know who got cheated on where they were the ones who cheated. Every single person I know who has broken up with someone over cheating, it was the girl cheating. All stories of people cheating at my school? It was the girl cheating. The few occasional times you hear about a guy cheating? The 6'4" turbo chad football lacrosse basketball player. All of the girls talk about it, then they still continue to date and fuck him...

Sub8IsIncel, r/Braincels 4 Comments [12/28/2018 12:01:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141741

This can't be real

I can't stop laughing. Is that from a parody sub?

This came from IT.

Why am I not surprised?

I started visiting here BECAUSE of IT. It was similar to how I used to hang out with feminists and they used to demonize certain people to such a crazy degree that I had to check them out for myself. Then I quickly learned that I'd been lied to.

A lot of IT users are just gloating normies, but its a safe zone for numales to just....Numale out you know? It's like they have a BDSM kink but don't keep it in the bedroom (even though they are just as incel as the rest of us). It's just sad. They are willing to be doormats to get spat on by a Landwhale. Appalling.

Yeah, that was one of the things that creeped me out about them. They were all obviously unhealthily obsessed with you guys. They all obviously never had any experience with women too. You guys are WAY more accurate when it comes to analyzing women and reality.

I get the feeling that all the really, really low IQ incels end up hanging out at IT.

pooltrait, r/Braincels 1 Comments [12/30/2018 11:02:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141743

Thats nice and all, but its not just shitty people who have a height bias. Literally everyone has a height bias. You may say you dont but you do.

And its not just “Chads and Stacies” that act like this. I get you’re trying to help but you arent really. Its the same old tired useless “advice” people give to prop themselves up and feel like they helped when they didnt do anything.

Although i respect you coming in here as a rare open-minded normie, it's clear you don't understand the sentiment of this post. We live in a world where uncontrollable genetic attributes are fetishized and exclusively sought after, and those lacking them are damned to a life of solitude and misery. If the 5'1 and 5'5 stacies of this post were approached by men of the exact same height, their chances would unequivocally marginal compared to their 6 foot counterparts. Despite this truth, these are the same women that perpetuate gaslighten illusions in our society that bullshit like "personality" are the difference makers.

Man do i fucking admire people like you who are blissful unaware of these struggles; get to peer in here like it's the damn zoo, then in a couple of hours head back home to the society we're ostracized from. Telling incels not let these unspoken truths and barriers define us are useless platitudes. It'd be like telling blacks in the 20's to not let racists define you when Jim Crow laws dictate every aspect of their lives.

I do implore you to read the posts and comments here and hear our stories. If only it were so black and white. For many, it's much easier to slander anyone who speaks out as bitter, misogynistic virgins, rather than acknowledge a broken, hypocritic system that causes unprecedented suffering for those who dont fit narrow standards. Don't be one of them.

A1M2E21 & Everydaysmisery, r/Braincels 1 Comments [12/30/2018 11:02:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141744

I'm not an incel in case you try to dismiss what I say by calling me that but these guys, as far as I can tell, object to the fact that women claim, repeatedly to the point of absurdity, that looks don't matter, height doesn't matter and they're only attracted to "deep" traits like intelligence and humor. Yet they then go around showing off about their boyfriend's physical traits. (They also object to men judging women based on their weight and height, one of which is a choice and if a guy showed off about how tiny and skinny his girlfriend is I doubt you'd have any trouble realizing what's wrong with showing off.)

The truth is that looks obviously matter but if you bring it up in a group of people they act like you're talking complete nonsense and if you bring it up online they act the same way. In fact, on an old account I wrote on some relationship sub (about what men and women find attractive) what, in my experience, I thought women were attracted to and almost got banned. The funny thing was that 2 of those women that berated me ended up pm-ing me and ended up sexting with me after I sent pics. They both said "I thought you were gonna be some fat ugly guy" and then the next message from one was "going to bed now... naked".

When you experience stuff like that AFTER a woman says she is attracted to looks and intelligence then it makes you realize how much bullshit society pedals. So in that context it becomes annoying to incels. They've been misled about what women find attractive. They were given false hope. It's some evil shit when you really think about it.

pooltrait, r/Braincels 2 Comments [12/30/2018 11:02:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141745

Yeah, grass is always greener. Were I taller, I’d feel 100% better knowing that’s one thing I’ll never have to be insecure about haha. I’m a high-tier normie, in my opinion. I’ve had sex with 4 girls and I’m barely 15 so I’m not a cel by any means, and even as a notcel and sitting at 5’10” I can’t help but feel absolutely inferior and just a worse choice than 6 footers. I’m also becoming fatcel, so if I gymmaxx I could probably shoot up and become a chadlite. Where I am is 3 times better than any oldcel could hope for, yet I am so unfulfilled because of my height, I can’t help but feel nothing but fear and sorrow when I imagine how life must be as an incel.

Feels great to know promiscous children stumble in my only santuary for nothing more than a cheap ego boaster. I promise you will never be able to even IMAGINE life as an incel, yet alone a trucel. Count that as a blessing and stick to browsing here frankly. Your fleeting teenage insecurities are our existential crisises, and as such your pity means fuck all to us.

Everydaysmisery, r/Braincels 2 Comments [12/30/2018 11:03:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 138966

[Context: Infamous Lolcow ADF/Isabel Araujo/Ahuviya Harel/Phil apparently got SRS surgery, this is in a KF thread about a picture of the results 7 weeks post-op. A few other posters show some ignorance, but this guy was the most fundie about it]

Why in society have we come to accept instead of helping people with body dis-morphia through mental stability, instead we give in to these unnatural desires to mutilate their genitals? What is this madness?

[on the next page]
Are you telling me that turning your dick inside out into your guts is not the most natural sounding vagina? What are you a Nazi?

[now a couple pages later a user called NoFeline Says]
Isn't Phil's made out of a piece of his colon? Yeah. Despite how nasty that sounds, it's much less of a horror show than inverting the penis...and the botch-jobs on that are much, much worse.

[To which our fundie says]
Are you so desentizied or "tolerant" that you find inverted your penis and mutilating it NOT botching your fucking body?

[bananaliquerelips says]
unpopular opinion (I guess) but its an okay vagina for a fake one. At first glance it doesn't appear abnormal. upon further inspection, sure, but once anyone gets to 4th base if thats not what they're expecting then they're deluded.

it does look smelly though. douche daily is my advice.

[Zippy responds]
How about not mutilating your genitals because of a mental illness? How about that?

[User Ginger Piglet quotes Zippy]
For people who are TRUE AND HONEST trans, i.e. not Phil, and suffer from actual gender dysphoria, this is the treatment for that illness. However because of its very nature (viz. this thread), that's why they have piles of "gatekeeping" in front of it.

[Zippy posts again]
The treatment is to lead to life that most likely will make your mental state worse than before, look I was liberal and "free-thinking" like you once, but it's common sense that this is in their head. They are the sex they are born with and that will never change.

[GP again]
If you are Phil, or one of the many other transtrenders we cover, yes. However. The trans people that actually put the effort in to pass and go through all the steps and so forth are generally fairly well adjusted.

Basically, if you want to gauge how truly and honestly trans someone is, think about this - how quickly can I clock them? The shorter a time it takes, the more likely they are to screech at some quack until he wolverine-claws a segment out their groin.

[ZZ again, getting more agitated]
You people are insane, you have given these mentally ill people the go through to fuck up their lives forever because you think sex is a social construct. Will someone just nuke the Western world already?

[A moderator named Ravenor shows up, quoting Piglet]
There is also the Kiwi Statistic, we have a disproportionate number of Transpeople involved in the forums who are active and respected members of the community we don't hate transpeople far from it, we just have a distate for people using being Trans as an excuse for doing a runner from responsibility or accountability.

[ZZ again, this time getting sassy with the mod]
Kiwifarms has a disproportionate amount of crazy people? Who woulda thunk?

But yeah to state for the record I don't "hate" trannies, I just think they are insane and they created this disgusting degenerate culture that has even poisoned children. That you can just be whatever sex you want because there was that one time you put on a dress, or you play with boys toys. I hope they get actual help instead of these horrible procedures.

ZippyZoopa, Kiwifarms 4 Comments [7/18/2018 3:28:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125354

The sad truth is, most men are vampires and will suck the life out of you.

sunsanunes , Feminist Current 29 Comments [3/13/2017 7:59:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138619


I dont get why people get so defensive when I say I am not into guys who look feminine, like flowerboys?

Hi everyone... I'm going on a rant here for a bit.

i don't think flowerboys are good representation for AM and I don't understand why so many Asians rally behind this? What good is that going to do? As an Asian woman who only date Asian men, I like AM who look normal and masculine and not someone who look like white girls. I hate seeing AM masking or ruining their masculine features with this gross style, like putting on lots of makeup or having plastic surgery. White guys can do this because they don't look very manly to begin with so it is not a lot of effort for them. AM gotta go to the very extreme if they wanna look feminine. I hope this fad fades away soon.

They've have been duped into believing that femininity is inherent to Asian culture so we should embrace and celebrate it, despite plenty of evidence of the contrary.

Like I pointed out in the other thread the article defending this harmful trend even admitted that for the longest time it's always considered sissy and effeminate for AM to put on makeup. Looking at many of the Vietnamese heroes throughout the history of Vietnam and in Vietnamese folklores for example, the male heroes are always portray as strong, rugged, masculine. It's abundantly clear that effeminacy isn't inherently to our culture.

We need to stop letting the West claim masculinity as it is something that they own. It's an extremely foolish and self-defeating mentality that's giving our enemies even more ammo

Some Asian media even go further and make thing worse by constantly promoting this trend, not knowing or not caring how deterimental it's going to be in the long run for AM.

THe Asian race has Masculine faces in general even the women have it.

I've also been with latinas.......mmmm wonder why

OMG...who are you?? You're officially my favorite chick on all of Asian reddit now, lol.

As someone who is kind of athletic, I can't picture myself with any guy that obsessed with looking pale and pretty. I just can't. Not only would it be kind of sad if I'm able to squat more weight than the guy, but as someone who runs and swims almost everyday, I think the fun would be absolutely ruined if I ask him to go swim with me at the beach and he's too deathly afraid of getting a tan or ruining his beautiful skin.

But even if I wasn't athletic or outdoorsy, I still can't picture being with a guy more feminine than me. I think dudes like Keni Styles or Daniel Dae Kim are, by far, more my speed, because they look like they're able to defend me if needed...instead of the other way around, lol.

yes! i soooo agree with you. men must be able to protect and defend us. i work out too and so is my boyfriend lol and i would not want a guy who is weaker than me. i want to feel care for and to be protected by my man. yes, Keni styles & daniel daekim >>>> girly man all day, every day.

You basically says what every woman wants lol. Only insecure guys would downvote this cuz they know they can't stack up


men must be able to protect and defend us.

Basic human instinct. It's insane that so many Asians can't grasp this basic fact and push this effeminate culture (as if we weren't emasculated enough by popular media and powerful societies).

The vast majority of women are not attracted to feminine men. The vast majority of men do not respect feminine men.

Asian men who argue for alternative masculinity are cop outs.

Nothing wrong with that lol. It's just these SJW uncle chans automatically think your talking down on Asian men as if we were born with a k-pop look.

the k-pop look is a recent trend starting after the war with Japan.

It was controlled and approved by the U.S. GOV and agents like Johnny Kitagawa who is a gay pedophile that was born in California. He took the Westtern broadway musical and pushed his westernized feminized Man ideal to Asia and drilled it in the populace with his gov't backing.

No one liked it at first. Most people in East Asia liked Rock and american JAzz music ect.

It's just boy bands on steroids with no other musical styles promoted.

US gov't loved it because the East Asian populace was filled with starved,hungry and angry man. It pacified them and feminized them. Leaving all the masculine duties to the good ole U.S. army. No harm no foul right???

Except girls don't like guys with makeup. Jesus I cannot for the life of me understand how can some AMs think that looking literally like a girl is attractive and that women are attracted to it. Honestly who needs Hollywood to castrate us when we are already doing the work for them. It's mindblogging beyond belief.

various commenters, r/Aznidentity 3 Comments [7/6/2018 8:04:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 136200

Sri Lanka lifts alcohol ban for women - and then quickly restores it

Women in Sri Lanka have long been banned from buying alcohol and working in bars and liquor stores. The government lifted the ban, only to reverse its decision less than a week later.

Sri Lanka woman holding up a tea cocktail

Sri Lanka reimposed a nearly four-decade old ban on women buying alcohol on Sunday, only days after Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera said the ban was over.

"I spoke with the finance minister... prime minister, and several other ministers and asked them to cancel [the lifting of the ban] immediately," President Maithripala Sirisena said at an election rally.

The dominantly Buddhist nation of 21 million is preparing for local elections in February.

Women have been banned from purchasing alcohol and working in places that produce or sell it, such as bars and liquor stores, since 1979.

Harming 'Buddhist values'?

The nation's finance ministry announced the lifting of the ban last week, apparently responding to the pressure from the Sri Lankan tourist industry, who requested the change in order to allow female foreign tourists to buy alcohol. The finance ministry also extended bar hours.

At the same time, the authorities kept the legal restriction from selling alcohol to police and security forces members in uniform.

"The idea was to restore gender neutrality," ministry spokesman Ali Hassen said on Wednesday.

Opposition politicians criticized the move, however, saying it would threaten the nation's Buddhist values. The National Movement for Consumer Rights Protection also accused the finance minister of encouraging drinking, and urged President Sirisena to restore the restrictions.

The Sunday order to keep the ban said that Sirisena was committed to values such as freedom, morality and democracy.

Sri Lankan government, Deutsche Welle 5 Comments [1/26/2018 1:48:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 130886

The male is a biological accident: the y(male) gene is an incomplete x(female) gene, that is, has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion.... To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

Valerie Solanas, SCUM Manifesto 5 Comments [8/28/2017 9:34:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 90914

Feminism is as institutionalized as death and taxes. More women have drivers licenses in the US than men.

keyster, The Spearhead 48 Comments [11/22/2012 4:30:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 51

Quote# 141691

Santa came twice that year ;)


Reminder that this is so common, that some first world countries have made it illegal for a man to get a paternity test.

Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State has described the law's purpose as upholding the "French regime of filiation" and preserving "the peace of families."

Men are literally raised to misunderstand the cruel nature of females for the benefit of society and women. Most men are brainwashed to believe that “women are wonderful”, and cannot and are not willing to actually bring themselves to critically observe women or hold them accountable for very much.

Women only care about power and status. Men love women, women see men as tools for achieving status. So many women cheat it’s crazy. Hypergamy is undeniable, females are sociopaths by nature. Women literally cannot love men in a romantic way.


People were lied to from the start - back when they were kids man. Thats why IT exists and why this “blackpill” is so hard for people to swallow. Its fucking crazy to normal people or people with mental deficiencies to come to the realization that everything they were told as a kid was a fucking lie. They also dont have the first hand experience to back this claim up that the ugly/undesirable men here have. Come to think of it, even I, a 5’4” manlet had a hard time coming to the harsh reality of the world. I got lucky in highschool one time, it cant be true! People, or women specifically, totally arent that shallow! News flash young me - they are.

When you take a second to think about it, all of this is basic common sense. No one here has “galactic IQ” or whatever. The only reason it seems that way is because everyone was raised from the start to believe that women were great, they were “the fair gender” shit like that. Obviously that couldnt be further from the truth, so why bother worrying about it? Its like chasing a non existant unicorn.

The saddest realization is that if any of you guys ever “ascend”, its still not even worth it. There is no point for an average-ugly man to get married in todays society. Once you realize this, that college degree you spent so much time and effort chasing is worthless. You dont fucking need that much money if you’re going to live on your own. Its all a sham. Fuck this world, I would have rather not been born at all.

Watchwhattheydo & A1M2E21, r/Braincels 7 Comments [12/25/2018 2:52:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141708

Can we talk about how cucked is 4chan now ?

Seriously,i'll never thought back then you'll get banned for insulting a roastie on 4chan but now here we are !

4chan been cucked mate. there is no good forum on the internet for people like us.

r9k doesn't even hate women

r9k is long gone. It's mostly traps and ledditors left now

You're realizing this just now?

i realized before but it seems that no one care.

4chan sucks after jewt betrayed everyone

Exodusfags were right again

It was probably a dude.

Hence the ban.

Various incels, r/Braincels 6 Comments [12/26/2018 11:13:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 141717

Having a daughter

Imagine you're baking a cake. You spend hours doing research, looking up tutorials and buying all the most expensive ingredients to make sure it will be the best cake ever made.

After you're done you decide to give it to a man who you believe is worthy of your cake. He has a good job, a great personality, he regularly donates to charity and he spends his weekends helping out in homeless shelters.

Before you can give him the cake, some random college fratboys decide to take the cake off you and spend the next couple of days rubbing their dicks off your cake and jizzing all over it until it's only a shadow of its former self.

This is what having a daughter in the 21st century looks like.

Euphoric_Scarcity, r/Braincels 14 Comments [12/27/2018 1:26:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 141646

(bolding in original)

Vaginas are absolutely gross. Sex is primitive. Women should NOT be pursued (SRS)

Vaginas are gross. They stink, they are unaesthetic. There is nothing pleasing about them whatsoever. By the age of 20 the average vagina is so beaten up it's unrecognizable. Now lets get down to sex, sex is primitive. The act of sex is uncivilized if it's outside of a strong relationship. Females should NOT have sex outside of long term relationships and at most should have 1-2 partners their entire life. Sadly this isn't the case these days and females would rather take 400 alpha male cocks by the time she decides to settle down at the age of 70. Let me tell you this right now, any female that has had one 1-night-stand (JUST ONE) is a primitive vile ape with no self-control, period. In essence females should not be pursued.

HITMENSPARADISE, Bodybuilding.com Forums 13 Comments [12/20/2018 12:34:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141648

When no self-actualization process, no higher value and no collective achievements exist anymore because of the collapse of cultural norms, individuals tend to base their whole existence and build their ego around the fulfillment of their animalistic needs. On a biological level, this is what happens when the stress factor is removed from a species; individuals tend to excessively act on their animalistic urges (namely their two fundamental imperatives: sex and eating) and will discard anything that would prevent them from reaching these goals. It's precisely what happened in the mouse utopia experiment. It led mice in the experiment to become violent among males in order to have sex, and led females to have sex all the time, killing their babies, eating other mice and developing deviant sexual practices. In 2018 humans, this leads to abortions on a massive scale, cuckolding and pegging, as well as the end of every cultural norm that would hinder women's ability to act on their animalistic urges. This is why fat acceptance and female sex positivity are a sociocultural necessity for modern females.

The comment of this post is a symptom of this phenomenon. These people deny every cultural norm that allowed every advanced civilization, throughout the world and history, to exist. Virginity is an imperative in order to have proper pair-bonding, and thus a strong family unit that is the basis of human societies. But these people don't think of such things, they just constantly think about their animalistic needs and build their egos and their new culture around them in order to avoid becoming totally insane.

What they don't understand is that incels who post on this subreddit are, for a good part at least, aiming for self-actualization and fulfilled lives. They rightly consider that sex in itself with a whore (be it a prostitute or a modern female that starts to become Chads cumdumps in high school for validation and attention) would not help them achieving what civilized men strive for: self-realization through family construction. Self-actualization through discovering their ability to be a proper provider for a woman who they love and that respects them. An incel resents society because his "looks counterpart" of today will never be able to be such a woman precisely because of their lack of virginity and hence of pair-bonding.

By pushing this sex-positivity and denying the inherent virtue of virginity denying men and women a fulfilled life, degrading everyone in the process, these people destroy lives for selfish and animalistic reasons. They will shame incels for their current subhuman status, but it is them who are leaving humanity.

Critical-Rationalist, r/Braincels 10 Comments [12/20/2018 12:35:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 138131

Thought experient about brainwashing females

I had a thought that females are highly receptive to their surroundings, so it should in theory be possible to brainwash any female into finding you attractive (brainwash means that you BECOME her surroundings). The problem is that it's difficult to brainwash a female, because once she leaves and snaps back to reality (here friends "knock some sense" into her), she realizes you were brainwashing her and she ghosts you.

So I set up a thought experiments:

Imagine you kidnap a young beautiful 18yo girl and chain her to your basement. You keep her chained up, and initially she hates you for it, but you keep treating her well, acting like a father figure to her, buy gifts for her, talk about her feelings with her, tell her she's a wonderful person and kiss her. Then after a year passes by, tell her you are setting her free. Before you unchain her you tell her "I'm setting you free. You can go outside, walk around town, and do what you need to do. If you want to report me and have me sent to prison, I will understand completely. But if you want to come back, we can live together as a married couple and raise a family." and let her out the door. Don't you think in some cases the girl would want to stay with you?

OmegaKV, Incelocalypse 9 Comments [6/16/2018 3:29:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 141673

>have 2 rich aunties
>neither of them have kids so they're pretty clueless
>one is lesbian with gambling and drug problem, let's call her #1, other one is some ex Stacy who is fucking weird as fuck and has mental issues and married some ugly old fat dude to get rich, let's call her #2
>Never see them because my mom hates them, mom starts talking to them both again when I'm about 9 yrs old
>#2 is trying to build a relationship with us so I get excited as shit for Christmas thinking she'll buy me a PS2 with some WWE games like I hinted at or a bike or something cool and expensive like that
>Christmas arrives oh hells yeah.jpg
>"here you go, anon :)"
>it's a fucking Winnie the Pooh toothbrush, toothpaste and some Enid Blyton books
>fucking scream and cry, she has a small mental breakdown and cries too
>go to #1's, her weird gf is there but it's okay because it probably means double presents as gf is desperate to be accepted into the family
>both of them are on 6 figure incomes so have the same expectations
>"merry Christmas anon, we hope you like it :)"
>...a plastic bag of shitty RAISIN cookies and a fucking yoyo
>autism tantrum episode, call them disgusting dykes and make my mom take me home
>she gets mad at them both since we're dirt poor and after a few more weeks they're not talking again
>last year, theyre talking again
>#2 doesn't buy me anything, but I'm okay with it because of the emotional meltdown
>#1 buys me a present
>...it's a fucking yoyo again and a copy of the Hunger Games

Fuck extended relatives who buy you kid's shit every Christmas. Fuck them.

Anonymous, /r9k/ 11 Comments [12/25/2018 2:43:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 139134

I think you have got it. The thing is I think you are feeling that this failure on my part to agree with you is based on some kind of dislike or whatever. It is just based in fact. I know what males are and I know what females are. And the vast, vast majority of the world conforms to this basic biological principle, with a very small number of people with medical conditions which vary. Males are socialized in our society in a different way and have different bodies to us, reproductively. Private areas like toilets and changing rooms (locker rooms) hospitals, medical wards etc are generally segregated by sex for the protection of females.

My understanding of these basic principles is just a fact and most people would, I feel sure, agree if they even guessed these basic truths were up for debate. What it does not mean is anything negative. I care about trans people, I know trans people, I want trans people to be safe, I want everyone to be safe. I honestly, honestly do. Males have a much, much higher rate of offending in violent and sexual crime than women. So any man who says he is a woman, is not female. He is a man who says this about himself. Now, I am not required by law to simply accept or believe what any person tells me about themselves.

If the law is changed to mean I need to believe any man who tells me he is now female like me, it will be a travesty. It will lead to danger for natal females and. I think, it will lead to a backlash against trans people, which I most certainly do not want. It does not mean I hate or dislike anyone. It means I do not believe you can change sex, and that is based on biology. I am genuinely sorry this is so difficult for a number of people but we cannot re-order society and ignore serious safeguarding issues because some people are uncomfortable in their sexed bodies. There are lots of trans people who understand this and agree with this position. This position is not anti-trans.

Italiangreyhound, Mumsnet 6 Comments [7/24/2018 9:43:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie