Quote# 135384

The men used this same tactic on us back in the day over pornography. If Feminists oppose porn we are prudes who oppose freedom just like the right wing men who want to strip women of their rights and make us chattel again. Fact is the men on the left and the right have been arguing for generations over how best to position the boot on our neck.

Trans identified males are putting on the ultimate male dominance display and authoritarians are using it to promote their own misogynist interests. A belief in transubstantiation makes it possible to hire all white men and call it a diverse work force.

thebewilderness, Mumsnet 3 Comments [12/21/2017 11:53:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 141639

Girls complain that they can’t get a boyfriend but they’re also the same girls who advocate for the #MeToo movement. #BelieveAllWomen is ruining 21st century dating.

Very accurate.

Kathy Zhu, Twitter 9 Comments [12/20/2018 12:32:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 141643

Re: Two young Scandinavian girls from Denmark and Norway found eith thtoats cut in Morocco; suspect arrested

This is the consequence of FEMINISM.

How many times does this have to happen before Feminism is considered a threat to public safety?

Girl after girl, woman after woman, murdered travelling in Third World countries by Third Worlders because they believed themselves to be indestructible after swallowing the Feminist lie of female independence.

There is NO SUCH THING AS FEMALE INDEPENDENCE. Women need men for protection and appreciation and children for happiness and health.

TheHH, Stormfront 5 Comments [12/20/2018 12:33:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 141645

I never know whether to laugh or cry when filling these questionnaires

I have a cousin who was caught having sex at school at age 12 when I was a KHV at 20. He's currently serving time for abusing his (different) girlfriend and neglecting the child they had together. My friends and family still wonder why I'm depressed.

As bad as I feel now, I can't imagine a year or so in minimum security could make me feel much worse. I've been struggling with mental illness and feeling like a subhuman piece of trash for over a decade now. I could think of worse trades.

The $64,000 Question is: Would my cousin trade places with me to get out of jail if he knew that it meant giving up his status as a Chad?

RaphaelTisserand, r/Braincels 6 Comments [12/20/2018 12:34:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 141343

Many incels are neurally incompatible with the female personality

This is a topic which has earned some coverage in a lot of the 'proto-blackpill' manosphere communities of their day, and some which relate to it here, but I think it might be worth encapsulating into a more poignant declaration. That is, to address the seeming disparity ( From an outsider's perspective ) between the idealistic yearning to the harsh reality and bring them into reconciliation.

And that is, many of the men who are in the incel demographic ( And I say many because you can still be incel and possess a heavily neurotypical mindset or adhere to certain Bluepilled doctrines ) are both neurodivergent enough, introspective enough and wise enough ( regardless of cognitive ability ) to automatically set themselves completely apart from the spectrum of coexistence with femininity. More succinctly, hypergamy and unattractiveness aside, they just don't have what it takes to put up with the myriad faults of female nature and wouldn't actually be able to find common ground with women even while passing initial mate selection, despite instinctively yearning for the sex or affection.

In a Chad's body, they would be forced to emulate the lifestyle of the exalted Redpiller ideal, the plate-spinner, who pumps and dumps yet never settles down because he is disillusioned with women's behavior as people ( for good reason ) and can't really tolerate all the nonsense or immorality that comes with 'committing' or trying to love one. The 'girlfriend' of his dreams his a mirage, an organism that does not actually exist on earth, a unicorn that acts like a man, not like an actual homo sapiens female.

But let's elaborate more on what that female personality is, and why most of the incels who are, and I'm searching for a term which is actually hard to put into words here - who are ruminative ( a synonym of wise, actually ), not as impulsive, who find themselves operating in a mindset of taking a few minutes in any new situation to existentially ponder the meaning, consequences and rightfulness of their own decisions and those of others ( Something which is predominantly an atypical masculine and non-feminine approach by the way, just look at the gender of most philosophers ), if you find yourself resonating with that, then it is very likely that you will not resonate with femininity under any circumstance.

Any so-called 'potential partner' is going to be predictively broken up with just by witnessing her actions for a minute, before it even has to come to it physically, just like a calculator has the results to your math equation before you even finish going through the motions. The gap between masculinity and femininity is wide enough that keep in mind, even among NPC's, normies, with only a tinge of 'positive masculinity' at it's finest and a flat 0 at Wisdom score, it is still the number 1 factor in the breakup rates of couples and why they change relationships like socks. Whether it be the man realizing he's being used as a status object and getting sick of it or the woman deciding he isn't good enough for her anymore, they just either didn't have the foresight to see it or they never actually cared and well long-term plate spinning ( Or Chad-fishing ). Look at how surprised some of the participants in say, Jersey Shore are, when their relationship which was built on superficial normie trash breaks down over superficial normie trash. Does it surprise anyone else? Here's a secret for the smug women and bluepillers reading this - you are merely one level above them. Your superficial relationships founded on social status, body language, 'ambitions' and looks ( as much as you hate to admit it ) are just one tiny iteration above tan spray and club swagger.

Now let's elaborate more on what is female personality and why it's so discordant to any man who can't bring himself down to it's level. First of all, when I say female personality, I mean it - there is literally just one, it is, contrary to all protestations, a monolith. You know who's the chief proponent of this theory? Women. Every time a woman tells you "You don't understand what women want", or "No woman is ever going to touch you with a 10-foot of stick if you do X" and "Women like a man who is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" and "You creep women out when..", they're all confirming it. I bring it up to them every single time that they make an affirmative statement about women, and they always remain speechless.

Liking one horror movie over the other or preferring hiking over Netflix, being a ballerina or psychologist, wearing this crop-top instead of those short-shorts, political alignment, religion, none of these are necessarily core personality differences. You could manufacture a robot that does all of the above combined, programming to vote and to recite lines from books ( AKA female ideology and spirituality ) included. When it comes to truly 'groundbreaking' distinctions, AWALT. All the female dating profiles on reddit might as well be procedurally generated templates of each other, starkly separate from the male ones. When it comes to opinions, when is the last time that the women of AskWomen, of TrollX, of IT, of CreepyPM's, of Tumblr, anywhere, had a major debate or fracture over something to the extent male demographics do? What's the number of women coming here, or to ForeverAlone, or to Men'sRights ( While there are female MRA's like the HoneyBadgers, check out the ratio between female MRA's to male feminists ) or to MGTOW in order to get our perspective things in a non-confrontational way to the same extent men visit even the most radical female spaces to offer their whiteknighting support? When was the last time female IT users disagree with each other about men's role in the universe? When was the last time a woman went 'Nobody wants to date an X' and instead of getting 5000 upvotes and 'yu go gurl' from other women, got a debate from other women instead, similarly to how there are always men who would be willing to say they wouldn't mind something in a woman that even most people would, including extreme insecurities or mental illnesses or weight or clinginess or what have you? Ein gender, Ein matriarchy, Ein hamster.

Well, is the unified female monolith at least a force of goodness? It is not. Let us actually skip over the known and rehashed attributes of hypergamy, superficiality, manipulativeness, capriciousness, solipsism and frivolity which have earned femininity the scathing rebukes it's received from pretty much almost every society to ever walk the earth until the point where they leveraged sex in order to shame everyone from even thinking about doing it. Let's focus on how women perceive themselves to be on their 'best behavior', which, you might be surprised to find out, is not at all working in their favor coming as it is from a brain so philosophically bankrupt and so out of tune with the evolutionary higher faculties of ( And I don't mean intelligence, that is what they think it means, because they can't grasp it ) mankind that it doesn't realize why would anyone reject it's framework.

Pardon me in advance for the upcoming rant, but one can't really enter the female mindspace properly without it - "I want a man who has his shit together! You better have some ambitions, you better have some accomplishments if you want to be with me! I WANT ( I want I want I want I want I wannnnnnt ) a guy who isn't afraid to take what he wants, who is assertive and dominant and aggressive when he needs to be, don't be a fucking doormat, don't be NEEDY ew, although I myself am insecure about my body and need someone to motivate me for the gym and baby me in my DD/lg fetish teehee, oh and for god's sake have some SOCIAL GRACES. Be confident and charming, don't you know how important social graces are? I want a functional man, not a boy, you have to know what you're doing."

Speaking of the monolith, can you find any female profile on r4r which isn't like that in whole or in part, in spirit if not in the explicit and intentionally highlighted priorities? Try it. Now, the average woman looks at the above and thinks to herself "Yass queen SLAY", this is peak performance to her. She considers this to be the most wholesome, deep, reasonable attitude humanly attainable. Thanks to the decadent evil empire and gynocentric atmosphere that we've been under the spell of for a long time now, maybe even you might fail to see the absolute sewage that underlines the gung-ho tirade at first glance.

You know what I see? I seen an application for a sycophantic leech, not a love interest. A total obsession with materialistic, external pursuits and one's position in the societal rat race due to incapability of actually loving anyone for who they are as opposed to what they do, and seeing them as 'success objects' in the same vein that women complain of men only evaluating them as 'sex objects'. I see a total bratty, undeveloped obsession with one of philosophy's biggest vices ( Big surprise, remember the role of women in morality and philosophy? ) - judging a book by it's cover rather than it's content and caring to an extreme length about how someone says something as opposed to what they're saying, which is part and parcel of hindbrain herd behavior. Women are under the impression that their fanatic obsession in that regard is a virtue, and that a good man is one who adapts to it rather than discounts it. It is not, there's a reason why it doesn't figure so prominently in men's dating profiles. And finally, yet another glaring whimsical and infantile female habit which they credit to their superiority - the lack of willingness to give someone any leeway or acceptance whatsoever, to put principle and ideal above ego and feelings, once again, a cornerstone of advanced morality. And once again, something that almost every man instinctively does for women. Put aside the 'muh social skills' ( Or more correctly, women skills, because they're the only ones demanding all the crazy eggshell-stepping ) and 'muh assertiveness', and put themselves in the shoes of the other side, and try to find goodness at the most fundamental level that it really matters, because they have this non-Darwinian sensation and guideline deep down inside of "I should be magnanimous moreso than I am judgemental". Does that ever happen? You can tell from the dating profiles, the answer is obviously not. And that's what makes the female personality what it is.

And this is just one sliver of the grander shit-show. Plenty has been written about the shit-tests even once you're already in a relationship, the double standards, the branch-swinging if you ever fail the shit-test, the mental games, and all for what - the craved female submission state, which let me emphasize, is not 'love' in any sense. The condition which is reached whereupon the female has deemed you to be a successful status/gene leeching target and begins feigning ( Naturally she'll say it isn't feigned, until you stop being Chad to her, and become her "abusive and toxic ex" ) all the sticky affection and sexual favors associated with the 'positive' aspects of female personality, like a colorful and inviting carnivorous plant attracting a fly inside. But any incel which understands the entire process, upon it's carnal pros and philosophical cons, is also one who will never be compatible with a woman, even if he attained physical desirability.

Liptusg, r/Braincels 9 Comments [12/19/2018 11:02:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141582


Again, it makes sense.


Smart guy: "Pursuing women is literally not worth the effort, when you consider that

Each individual woman has 20-50 guys also pursuing her.

They have little to offer you besides a warm soft body and the ability to have sex with them.

They'll only have sex with you in the first place after you've satisfied them in every other area.

Even if they DO have sex with you, you need to please HER before you can enjoy yourself, or the deal's off.

They are not charismatic enough to pursue them for their compnaionship.

They will likely nag you and make your life miserable, instead of adding to your life.

You'll have to be the one to put in all the effort in the relationship, or else she'll just easily find a better guy, among the said 20-50 guys interested in her."

Can anyone please Bluepill me on this?:

A) What exactly do women have to offer besides a soft body and a body to have sex with?

b) Why exactly should a guy pursue a woman if he's gotta be the one to put in all the effort?

Its the same as asking if men have anything more to offer then a body to cuddle and a dick to ride.

Except men generally have AT LEAST some level of charisma, or else they wouldnt get women in the first place. It's not like men can just put literally 0 effort and pick from all the people offering to date them, like women can. As a guy with a lot of male and female friends: no it isn't. Men are far and away more interesting, varied, and engaging than women are. That doesn't mean I hate women or that there aren't women I love to be around. Actually two of my best friends are female. But if you disengage your emotions and just look at cold hard reality, men contribute to the depth and breadth of humanity far more than women do. Pretty much all pursuits and fields, whether photography, investing, snowboarding, or studying the Roman Empire, are dominated by men. This is not a coincidence. Men are deeper, more active, and more adventurous.

DebatesNotBans, r/Braincels 4 Comments [12/20/2018 11:42:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141633

In most of the world (Latin America, Mediterranean, Asia, Arab world, etc.) and even in the US among many blacks, it's not considered gay if you're on top. Meaning if you get a blowjob from another guy, or fukk another guy, he's the phag, not you. This used to be common knowledge even in the US and Western Europe among the working class, except that these nations are now rich and there's no more working class. And middle class people don't think this way.

But it's true, and it's obvious. That's why there are still insults like "sukk my dick" and stuff like that, that's where they come from.

Fukking or getting a blowjob from another guy means you dominate him and he's a bish.

MiamiSunburst, BodyBuilding.com 5 Comments [12/20/2018 12:30:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 141542

The basics of Reaction need to be stated, and they need to be stated in a way that excludes our enemies, because we are seeing a whole lot of people saying “Hail fellow reactionary”, who are clearly hostile to us, and not hostile the media/academic/judicial elite that we seek to overthrow, blaming various groups that tend to be allied or sympathetic to reaction for the problems caused by our holier than thou elite, urging reactionaries that the real enemy is group X, where X is anyone who is plausibly an ally or likely to become one.

So, starting with the concepts most likely to offend: The reactionary red pill on women. Which are also concepts that have practical application even while our enemies rule. Next articles in the Reaction 101 series will be more directly political and have less individual application in daily life.

Emancipation was a bad idea. Feral women behave badly and are psychologically disturbed. They need to be redeemed by becoming the property of some man. Women are psychologically maladapted to independence and equality

In any marriage or long term relationship, the woman will endlessly launch physical, emotional, and legal power struggles against her husband or boyfriend, shit tests, which power struggles she wants to lose.

If she wins, she will break up, looking for someone who can conquer her. You just have to win. If the only way to win without going to jail is to send her away, send her away and go dark. But she would rather you beat her. You have to wear the pants. This is the PUA analysis of negs and shit tests, applied to long term relationships.

Women are maladapted to equality. That women find male apes sexually attractive and men do not find female apes sexually attractive indicates that among those humans that whites and east asians are descended from, females have not been allowed to make sexual choices since the days we looked rather like apes. Since female sexual choice is quite common, we should conclude that groups that allowed women sexual choice failed to reproduce or suffered dysgenesis, and perished.

In order to reproduce, and particularly in order to reproduce the white and east Asian ancestral environment, in a cold climate with severe winters that require food and shelter over winter, husbands and wives need cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, and if you have free women, you get defect/defect equilibrium. To impose cooperate/cooperate requires external coercion, in particular that women have to be stuck with the first guy that they have sex with, and are not permitted to be permanently on the prowl to trade up throughout their fertile years.

When allowed to be permanently on the prowl, they tend to practice serial monogamy until around thirty or so when their eggs start running out.

All businesses with women in power are destroyed, unless they are the beneficiaries of some state favor that artificially keeps them in business. Female executives are only useful if under the authority of a sexy alpha male, otherwise they turn on the shareholders, the employees, and the customers, perceiving them as betas.

Subjective personal observation: All sexual harassment complaints result from horny women shit testing terrified men, and then getting frustrated because the terrified men fail their shit tests. This personal observation is statistically confirmed by the fact that a far larger proportion of women complain about sexual harassment in workplaces where the women substantially outnumber the men. There has never been one complaint of sexual harassment against me, and if sexual harassment complaints resulted from social justice warriors tell us constitutes sexual harassment, there would have been a pile of them.

Subjective personal observation: All rape complaints are false and all rape convictions are false, not because real rapes do not happen, but because women do not really mind real rapes and fail to complain. This personal observation is confirmed by the University of Virginia complaints process: The university of Virginia dealt with a big pile of rape and sex complaints, and dismissed every single one without disciplinary action. So Rolling Stone investigated them looking for poster girls and trouble, came up empty.

Men and women very much want to form families and want those families to last into their old age. My wife was eighteen in my eyes all her years, except near to the very end, and even though I sometimes have some pleasant youthful female companionship, I still sometimes find myself shaking and weeping when I remember my wife.

If you look at any successful family, no one is equal. Dad is in charge, mum picks up the socks. In principle, it is possible to form families in a society where men and women are equal, by freely contracting out of equality, but in practice, it is hard, and I see how hard it is for my sons. We have prisoners dilemma with few iterations, so the natural equilibrium between men and women is defect/defect. To prevent defect/defect, to ensure cooperate/cooperate, requires heavy handed coercive intervention by state, family, and society, and this heavy handed coercion necessarily bears far more heavily on women than on men. If you want a society where men and women know sexual love, or if you want a society which has above replacement total fertility rate, women just cannot be allowed to follow their pussies. And this requires a lot of supervision and coercion, primarily keeping women under control, rather than keeping men under control. For most women this requires that they be subject to the potential threat of physical discipline by the men in their lives. For a great many women, this requires that they be subject to the actuality of physical discipline by the men in their lives. So women should never have been emancipated, and some “violence against women” is legitimate, proper, and proportionate. Women, like children and dogs, need discipline and supervision and are never happy if they do not get them. A spoiled child, or a spoiled woman, or a spoiled dog, is never happy. The dog and the woman bark all the time.

Further, sexual impulses set in in girls at a disturbingly early age, usually well before puberty thought there is a great deal of variance, while male sexual impulses set in at puberty, as reliable as clockwork.

Ever greater vigilance against pedophiles” is like telling a chicken farmer he should not fence or cage his chickens, but instead should make the world safe for his chickens to wander wherever they please. When nine year old girls go to an Ariana Grande concert without being accompanied and supervised by male kin, they are going there to get nailed. Restraints on female sexuality have to restrain females, have to be oppressive to women, because being oppressive to men is not likely to work, and is conspicuously and spectacularly failing to work.

The family law of the Old Testament got it right, and modernity is surrealistically deluded, and flat in my face insane. I see in front of my nose stuff that no one else sees, so either I am insane or the world is, and the statistics are strangely consistent with me being sane, and difficult to reconcile with the world being sane. If you are using words for human things and human conduct that the people of the Old Testament had no words for, chances are you are using words for things that have no real existence, anticoncepts, words that are lies, that you are speaking madness and delusion.

The family law and family institutions dictated in Deuteronomy and depicted in the Book of Proverbs lasted for thousands of years. Our current social order is extremely recent. Within living memory, within my memory, it has changed radically in ways that are horrifying, tragic, and terrifying, and everyone is acting like this is normal and nothing is wrong.

Modernity is for me like one of those horror movies where one character sees monsters and another character does not, and you wonder if the monsters are real or just delusion, until you see someone get eaten by a monster. And I see people getting eaten by monsters, in the sense of transparently false rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, sexual harassment et cetera charges, and I also see people who tell me men have nothing to fear, because women never lie, while women have much to fear because they so very very much dislike rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, and sexual harassment. But I also see these men acting terrified, while I am bolder than any of those men who supposedly believe that men have nothing to fear. In part of their minds they must see what I see, because I see their fear, and in part of their minds, the part that speaks and constructs a narrative, they do not see what I see, even though it is right in front of them.

Women get angry because they do not get the supervision, command, and guidance that they crave. Sometimes this anger turns inward, as with cutting and other self destructive acts, and sometimes it turns outward. She feels really badly treated, because she has in fact been really badly treated, but because the real causes of her discontent are unthinkable, she concludes she has been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted, when in fact her mistreatment was lack of sexual assault, lack of a strong hand to discipline her.

Jim, Jim's Blog 7 Comments [12/19/2018 11:12:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141477

Men with anime women as avatars should be put on a list by the government and then the government should come to their houses and order them to 'come with us to answer some questions it will only take twenty minutes' and then instead of taking them somewhere to ask them some questions they put them on a train to a black site facility in Ohio and direct them into small hermetically sealed rooms and mass murder them with poison gas and I don't particularly care if the gas is all that poisonous they could use carbon monoxide or chloramine or even just wood smoke I don't even give a shit as long as the job gets done because men with anime women as avatars aren't really even men anymore and the world would be better off without them in it.

Dynastia, Kiwi Farms 21 Comments [12/7/2018 11:45:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 141579

Re: Survey results released December 10/18: 76 percent of Australians - both men and women - say men are victims of sexism

Typical feminist propaganda article. Where to begin? Let's see...

The survey painted a complex picture of gender equality, with 76 per cent of men and women saying men are victims of sexism, and 45 per cent of men and women believing that feminism has gone "too far" – despite the survey also finding that 60 per cent young women in Australia have suffered gender inequality, from sexual harassment to workplace discrimination.

Funny how after the survey reveals the percentage who feels that men experience sexism, and that feminism has gone too far, the author still states, "despite" and then citing the percentage of women who have suffered gender inequality. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but what is the purpose of the "despite"? Is the author implying that because women are suffering gender inequality, people feeling that men experience sexism is somehow something that should not make sense? This seems like an example of zero sum game mentality. "Because women face shit, people feeling that men face shit is wrong."

Let's continue.

One factor is the dramatic economic changes fuelled by globalisation which has created a growing male underclass who are not sharing the fruits of prosperity. These men are doing it tough, and for them – she believes feminism can be an easy scapegoat. However, their plight is the result of fundamental economic changes, not feminism, Dr. Lumby points out, citing the disappearance of the traditional blue-collar manufacturing and mining base in her hometown of Newcastle.

Ah the old, "feminism is good, guys, I swear!" mantra.

These men would be better off demanding action from political leaders for better labour rights and conditions, but alarmingly, politicians around the world are increasingly exploiting the politics of male grievance for electoral gain.

What does she have to say about politicians who do the same for female grievance? "Brave", would be my guess. No acknowledgment of issues tat needed to be addressed, either. So of course she is surprised when politicians find out that there is some ground here that be run upon, and maybe improve the lives of their constituents.

Some are increasingly prey to not just the darker side of social media which legitimises and amplifies the politics of male resentment – she cites the incel movement and the more radical fringes of the Men’s Right movement - but the rise of charismatic speakers such as Canadian academic Jordan Peterson. For all its positive campaigns such #MeToo, social media can also “sharpen differences and this creates echo chambers.”

Nice analysis lol. So after guys getting told their voice doesn't matter, and #believeallwomen and all that jazz, she's shocked they retreat to the only spaces where they don't get told that they're useless and not needed? And not only that, but she can still put the blame on those movements as if they started this shitstorm. Give me a break. Again, no word on the negatives of #metoo. She still thinks it's a perfect thing that happened.

So why then do almost half of both men and women believe feminism has gone “too far”, according to the survey? Dr Lumby believes that this has a lot to do with how people define the label “feminist” - many associate it with radicalism and man-hating.

I wonder why. Again, no introspection on the feminism movement in the real world. She is able to pinpoint the extremes of men's groups, but not feminism, no that's untouchable! "Feminism is perfect" mentality is still strong here.

Dr. Lumby believes the negative view of feminism is part of wider backlash against the strides made by women and other minorities in recent years, spearheaded by disenfranchised men claiming reverse discrimination. This growing culture of victimhood is built on male resentment over being forced to share power, she believes. To them, giving slices of a pie to others – women, people of colour, migrants, asylum-seekers – means less pie for them. This is despite men still dominating the levers of power, be it in politics or the corporate world, she points out.

And she knows this, how? Has she asked those people and did they state that they don't want to give up a slice of their pie? Nice projection. This is a shaming tactic, to make people think that the backlash is because they're racist or sexist or whatever. No sources, no evidence, just wild claims all around. This is your feminism in media, folks.

Men may have workplace challenges but they don’t face “the fundamental structural discrimination that is structured into the workplace and our world. Women deal with [it], people of colour deal with [it]. It’s not ad hoc.”

"You may have issues, but we are still more oppressed, so we have priority. kthnx bye." Look, the professor of the survey is not totally stupid, she is able to recognise some things that are happening in the real world.

It’s a tough time to be a young man, she says.

So why then is to so hard to ask why? And investigate why? Instead of making bogus claims about men being sexist and racist, she could have gone deeper and maybe, and I know this is a weird thing to do but, ask men for their thoughts instead of putting hers into their minds?

Arthas_Greyjoy, r/MensRights 3 Comments [12/20/2018 11:41:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141558

JFL when you know that this relationship is only alive because the husband remains alpha. This man knows his shit. He compliments other women in front of his wife and punishes her for not following his sexual demands. If he stopped being "misogynistic" and started being subservient to his wife, she'd leave him in a heartbeat.

This lady is pretending that this sickens her because she's probably been infected with feminism and is now being pulled in two directions. Her natural and true female side loves her husband's so-called misogyny while her feminist-addled side believes that she SHOULD be hating her husband for doing this and that all she wants is a nice beta male.

So the correct way to keep a girlfriend isn’t to treat her as an equal and as a companion, but as a sex toy.


This is just evil.

Nobody said to use her as a sex toy. The point is to remain dominant/alpha and focusing on yourself. The husband just does his thing and doesn't revolve around his wife like a beta orbiter cuck. This keeps her interested in him.

How many times have we heard of wives/gfs cheating on their super caring husband/bf because of the fact that he was too "boring". And by boring they mean he was too nice and pretty much acted like a servant to the woman, caving in to her every command and orbiting her. This shit is so fucking COMMON it's unreal.

It’s evil that the women require you to be a total shithead to keep her interested. I’m not even talking about acting like an insanely subservient beta, but just like a normal person. As in being loving and caring but also assertive when needed. And that isn’t attractive, either.

Lmao at people telling you to care for your partner. When in reality she is only good for her pussy.

It’s like having a girlfriend or wife is completely pointless. Having a partner is useless.

We legit have to tell/train men NOT TO BE TOO NICE in order to get women. I mean what in the fuck. We have to teach men to not be nice and how to act like assholes in order to get women. Why? Why can't we just be nice? If being nice and kind to women made them like you, then men would gladly be nice and caring sweethearts since that is us by default.

Why is the world like this?

Because that is what women want deep down. They don’t want an equal partner. They don’t want to be in a relationship where both parties take care of each other’s needs. They don’t want to offer emotional support to their boyfriend. They just want to be dominated and be treated like some side chick. It’s better to not care than it is to care. I almost wonder if it is more sexually attractive to laugh at your girlfriend or ignore her when she’s crying than it is to comfort her or ask her what’s wrong.

I used to try to put myself in women's shoes to understand their way of thinking. But now I realize that that's pointless because their minds don't function the same as us.

I would LOVE a caring and gentle relationship. Just imagine being kind, loving and loyal to your gf, and having her reciprocate that. An incel can only dream. When one of you breaks down due to some pain or depression, you don't see them as weak, you support them through it. You love each other unconditionally.

This world could've been such a beautiful adventure. The potential it had ... all gone to waste.

Oh, and sorry for calling you gay. I thought you were some IT fag trying to misconstrue being alpha in the relationship as a male as evil. I thought you meant like what the husband was doing was evil or something.

Nah you’re good. It’s evil that women require men to be alpha.

Take_Me_Back_Please & Former-Incel-User, r/Braincels 4 Comments [12/19/2018 11:15:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141609

Damn, my younger sister (16) and I recently had a heart to heart. I'm Muslim and naturally we're pretty reserved and protective of our women folk but she was sick and I was stressed and for the first time I said fuck it and talked to her as an adult. We started talking about high school and the isolation we sometimes feel.

The conversation invariably turned to gender and I opened up to my sister about my thoughts on women; how privileged they seem, how rude, how hypocritical they are. Surprisingly my sister agreed. She then dropped a bomb on me:

Apparently women are actually extremely envious of men. She's hung out with all girl and all guy groups and she told me how much more fun and exciting an all guy group is. She said that most girls don't enjoy doing any of what they do most of the time and that 90% of the 'hanging out' is completely unnecessary bullshit. Every woman sees how free and creative men are from a distance and they realize that they have NONE of that in them. So invariably they feel eternally left out, and so they will manipulate, gain control, and then destroy whatever dynamic the men have going on. Jealousy is a defining feature of what it means to be a woman.

What was it the Bible said? Women will always live in envy of her husband something something?

samurai96, r/Braincels 1 Comments [12/20/2018 12:20:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 141612

[Image transcript: Inevitably, some dumb cunt pops up to make the claim that "oh, you're just ignoring all the women who don't fit your hypothesis just so you can be right." That's wrong, because it's literally the opposite: I WANT to be wrong about this. An independent woman who can think for herself is the only type of woman I'm attracted to. OF COURSE I want her to exist. OF COURSE I want her to be real. Do you think it's fun thinking the entire opposite gender is dumb, shallow, and whoreish, and that the only level-headed, personable, rational women in the world are fictional and don't really exist? It's not. It hurts to live like that.

Every single woman I come across, I desperately hope that she's independent, rational, and doesn't let her personality completely revolve around one superficial thing (e.g. the fact that she's a woman, her race, her hobbies, an ideology, and so on). I don't do this because I want to get with her, I do this because it would give me hope that other women like her are out there, and that my depressing outlook was mercifully wrong. I haven't found one yet and I'm getting worried. I don't think these things because I hate women, I think these things because I love women, and I want them to be the good people I know they can theoretically be. Why aren't you?]

Unknown channer, 4chan 2 Comments [12/20/2018 12:24:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141628

I dont identify as incel\robot, but I have lurked\contributed to the scene for many, many years now.

Throughout the years, I've gathered some female """friends""" I occasionally hang out and talk about anime\games with. I achieved this through my extremely good personality and understanding of (socially retaraded) women in general.

One girl in particular stood out, however. Over the many years I'd known her, she would drop "hints" of interest. One time, she said she "came to classe sjust to see me", and at a few points, we got to casually discussing how life would be like if we got married. Point being, she said a LOT of intimate shit to subtly show interest.

I had met this girl when I was in middle school, and I had known her for over 10 years at this point. One day, she seemed especially in a romanatic mood, so I confidently asked her out romantically, and she quickly accepted.

A few days later, she was telling me about how she told all her friends about "us". Here's the kicker: About one week after her accepting, she said she wanted to "call this off". She wanted to stop being "official". We havent spoken or seen each other IRL since.

And that was it. Over 10 years of her showing increasingly higher levels of interest. Over 10 years of "building rapport", for about 7 days of being "official", before she -for some reason no doubt unrelated to looks- decided she didnt want it anymore. This didnt exactly phase me though, as I had already digested hundreds of Blackpills. (And I could very easily see this coming)

So, that's my [Looks + Personality] score. 10years x 52weeks = 520 weeks of building rapport for 1 week of GF. That's a 1/520 = ~0.192% "Rapport-to-relationship" ratio. Not even 1\5th of a percent. Beautiful.

MORAL OF THE STORY: You can have THE best personality in the world, and you can MAYBE find a few women who are slightly more interesting than a brick wall. But if your looks arent good enough, they'll NEVER want a relationship with you. Even the ugliest, least physically and mentally attractive women will think you're disgusting to be with. All that personality you've built will mean NOTHING once she looks at your fucking face and body and decides you're "not good enough".

I'm not even mad at this point. I just think they're being retarded. They could be happy with someone they actually connect with, but "OH NO WAIT HOLD UP, the guy's physical appearence isnt 8\10+, so ewwwwww!"

OR, maybe I'm completely wrong. CMV, IT lurkers. I'm listening.

Edit: Oh and please forgive my massive wall of text. I'm fucking stupid, please be patient.

DebatesNotBans, r/Braincels 5 Comments [12/20/2018 12:28:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141635

a girl I am friends with tells me reguarly about male advances towards her. it is even worse than tinder. she got once a 70 dollar tip from a cuck at her work. then she gets presents from her male patients. regularly asked for her number, invited to diner, her taxi gets paid and what not. i told her women have it so easy, she just giggled. she know it is true.

it was such a suicide fuel to hear her tell the stories she experiences nearly on a daily basis. because no matter what you do, it is nothing out of the extraordinary to her. you are just stroking her ego and she enjoys the perks, but the cuck she forgets

Imagine being able to get 70 dollars just for existing in someone's presence for a little bit of time. I thought I had a pretty good day once when I found a muddy dollar on the ground.

This is why men and women cannot be equal. You shove them into school together, tell them that their lives will be great and fun and they will look back on their youth with fondness, and then once puberty strikes it becomes clear that Chad, girls, and low tier males live in completely different worlds. They force the low tier males to be around the Chads and the girls that get everything so easily. They have relationships starting at 14. They get jobs easily. They have friends and go out and have fun every week. Sex and romance becomes as regular as eating to them. Meanwhile the low tier males get none of these things. The low tier male patiently waits thinking that he may just be a 'late bloomer'. But once the low tier male hits his 20s and has yet to even hold hands with a girl the blackpill starts to set in. He may try to reject it and cling to his delusions about how he just needs to work on himself and a girl will like him. But in the recesses of his mind he remembers that Chad never worked on himself even once and was getting attention from girls when he was 14. He'll remember the fact that he kept overhearing, or being told by supposed female friends, how girls hate many things about their boyfriends and complain about them constantly, but they stay with their boyfriends. Then his mind will piece together the common factors of all these boys and the blackpill will take a firmer grasp upon his mind, branching outwards towards his conscious thoughts.

Equality is a lie.

evilcel, r/Braincels 2 Comments [12/20/2018 12:31:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 141499

Any idiot knows that men are sexually aroused by SIGHT. This is the great danger of women wearing pants. Lest you think this a trifle matter, Jesus condemned the lusts of the heart as being equivalent to ADULTERY in Matthew 5:28, “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Maybe you don't care, but God does. Immodestly dressed women cause men to lust. Sadly, many women enjoy such sensual attraction, making them feel good about themselves; but that is a very shallow and selfish attitude to have, and sinful I might add. John 12:43 tells us to seek the praise of God, not men.

There are godly men who are trying to maintain clean minds, and you're helping to hurt them spiritually. God will hold every woman accountable for EVERY lust she intentionally caused in men by her immodest apparel.

In 1921, Margaret C. Worthington, writing for the Moody Bible Institute Monthly, compared current immodest women's apparel to “grave clothes,” worn by the dead in the tomb. (SOURCE: Moody Bible Institute Monthly; October 1921: #617) That was back in 1921! My how times have changed. Immodest clothing destroys a woman's natural modesty. It also ruins men's morals. The Playboy (Homo) Sexual Revolution has indoctrinated American men to view women as mere sex objects, a form of entertainment. In other words, sex just for the sake of sex, which is the basis of homosexuality, incest and pedophilia.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 18 Comments [12/15/2018 1:24:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 140391

Does anyone else feel sad for women who are trying to be male?

I went in AskTG and there's a few FtM posts that just make me so sad. I hated being female from 11-14 fuck actually I only started liking being a woman after discovering this sub and radical feminism. Around 11 I went through a phase where I told people call me by a boy's name and cut off my hair. I got mad when boys my age called me male though (they were dicks though).

I feel like so many of these girls describe the powerlessness all women feel. All women want to be treated as male. All women hate being female (the way society treats us, period issues, dealing with doctors) so I really feel for FtM who describe wanting to be male. It's just really really sad that society has beaten so many of us down to the point we can't even identify with our own bodies.

It sucks that FtM feel like they can't come to our sub cause we're hateful in their minds.

Could we make a stickied post directly for FtM? Basically saying what GC women stand for, what radical feminism is, maybe something supportive? I like that this sub is combative and does encourage discussion (arguments) but maybe in the stickied post we can avoid posts saying they should fight for women's rights instead of dipping out of the gender.

Idk. It just made me sad because I understand FtM and many don't see that we do. Thoughts?

I mean, as an infertile woman with menstrual issues, I can understand how a uterus feels like a timebomb. As a trauma survivor, I understand the desire to be invisible and walk unmolested by even the male gaze.

But as a spiritual feminist, no, that's where I get lost. Because some here might think it ridiculous or magical thinking or reinforcing the ladyfeels, but I am a creature tied to the moon, to the ebb and flow of the tides, who can read energy, and that is absolutely biological and not my social conditioning. I see SO many TIMs trying to colonize witchcraft and it urks me, because I know they cannot feel how we know why the moon goes dark and full. To be a woman is to know mystery. Anyone on birth control is somewhat divorced from this experience.

I also don't understand the TIFs obsessions to be gay men. It's wierd af to me, to be appropriating their culture and it's like the TIFs want to be simultaneously liked for being campy and attractive, but hold on to that sassybitchcard and avoid the confrontation of being an assertive female. Gay mens' obsession with appearance is just as shallow as a woman obsessed with makeup and clothes. They're just conscripted for assumed consensual anal.

I'm trying to be as understanding as I can, but I don't understand people who try to make fantasy reality. We ALL live with limitations and weaknesses. Some people view that as a challenge to overcome them, some embrace them as a Christian duty to bear, some ignore them to their detriment. The overwhelming amount of trans folks obsessed with porn and anime says they are people detached from universal human emotion.

PynkPussyDiet & ChewMyMeatForYou, r/GenderCritical 8 Comments [9/10/2018 3:52:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141620

You're not DOING something wrong, you're BEING something wrong

I am not responsible for inheriting shortness

I am not responsible for inheriting an ugly face

I am not responsible for inheriting neuroticism

I am not responsible for inheriting a squeaky voice

I am not responsible for inheriting baldness

These were all given to me by genetics and random chance. They are unchangeable.

I didn't choose them, so I'm not responsible for the results they produce. I don't worry about what foids think any more because I didn't cause this mess and there is nothing I can do. Early retirement and a realdoll are the best I can do with what I've been given.

Even personality itself has a big genetic component. Sure, it can change depending on environment (like physical fitness). But your levels of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness are innate to an extent. Being naturally high inhib and shy will always hinder your social skills. Just as being short with a weak frame always makes you look bad redgardless of how much you lift.

Also, because we're ugly, less people put time into us and we seldom get an opportunity to improve our personalities. It's even worse if you have autism or social anxiety, more stuff that we can never be cured of.

wakandaANDweedBITCH & JucheforWhitePeople, r/Braincels 1 Comments [12/20/2018 12:27:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141571

The meme gender strikes again. Another one for the collection.

Women aren't retarded, this is simply their biological directive. Naturally women select mates on a fine balance between resources and physical fitness, so they might select a less attractive male if he has great intelligence or works really hard resulting in more resources to take care of her and her children. This is what advanced human society since the dawn of humanity and caused people to invent great things, because hard work had a biological objective of reproduction.

The welfare state eliminated the need for a resource provider since the state forcefully steals resources from beta men. Then the only thing left for women to select a mate on is physical fitness. Since men do not have a selection mechanism ( they just try to impregnate as many women as possible ) women hold all the power in relationship dynamics. The result is that for the first time in history there is a downward genetic drift in intelligence and other secondary factors that do not communicate immediate genetic fitness.

Modern society tries to replace the reward of hard work ( reproduction ) with useless tat like a Nintendo Switch. But the delusion won't last forever, men are becoming increasingly angry. Generations of men are waking up to the impending genetic death of their entire lineage and there is nothing they can do about it in the current system that exploits working men.

Your real enemy isn't women, your enemy is the welfare state. And the only way to protest this is to stop working and just become a welfare leech to help the system collapse. Why would you work and contribute taxes towards a system that causes your suffering and genetic demise?

*Naturally women select mates on a fine balance between resources and physical fitness*

I agree, but what makes girls retarded is that they emotionally process a guy’s lms as his personality. So in a lot of their minds when a guy that fits their requirements walks by, they feel not just physically attracted, but they feel compelled to see his personality in the best possible way. The opposite is equally true. So, like in another top post right now, when women see a guy with less attractive traits they assume he’s a worse person or less happy ect.

Women want to have their cake and eat it to: they not only want the attractive guy, but even more, they want to feel like they are choosing for personality (because that makes them feel like they themselves must be a good person) so they see in him whatever it takes feel that way.

*Your real enemy isn’t women, your enemy is the welfare state*

I disagree. You are taking responsibility off of women’s shoulders. I see where you are coming from in that the welfare state increased hypergamy, but ultimately it revealed the truth: women don’t love men how we thought they did; It has been revealed *through their choices as a group, that women are biologically driven to care for looks more than personality at levels that dwarf men’s care for women appearance vs their personality.

The idea that women cared so much for personality was a mistaken belief. They still have the ability to choose for themselves what they want, and that’s not a loving partner so much as a status trophy.

The welfare state that has revealed women’s nature has allowed men to see women for how they really are: they are whores for good looking men and status, they don’t love like men do. I definitely wouldn’t want to be with a woman that’s with me for my resources. FUCK THAT. I would give my all for a girl that loved me for me, but society has exposed the fact that women don’t love the man, they love the tingles sexual dimorphism gives them, and they love the status a man’s looks and money can give them over other girls.

Paying attention to females in this society has opened many and an increasing amount of guys’ eyes to the truth: women aren’t as worth it as previous generations of men believed. Modern society and “the welfare state” revealed that women never loved us like we thought in the first place. They were always just using us.

depressedshortteen, r/Braincels 1 Comments [12/20/2018 11:08:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141522

As a 6ft 3 guy, am I no longer allowed to put my arms around any girlfriend I have who is likely to be shorter than me?

Maybe equality now means surgically enhancing women to get over natural differences in height?

What's next, hand holding signifies 'ownership'? Buying a gift signifies ownership? Opening a door signifies ownership?

No wonder men are confused by this ever changing dictatorial thought. The stakes are always stacked in favour of the feminists as they get to decide what is right and wrong. Get it wrong and you're done for.

LBukem, The Guardian comments 9 Comments [12/17/2018 11:08:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141521

"Third wave feminists" essentially took the Mysogeny Textbook and inverted it, replacing "man" by "woman" and vice versa. The last thing they want is a world where people feel at ease with each other, consider each other as fellow human beings. The wall separating the genders is for them even more significant than for the moribund male sexists. And any movement across the wall, any act of friendship or complicity or easy-going contact, is for them high treason.

In Latin world (where, historically and today, women thrived more) it is usual for friends meeting to embrace (yes, man-on-man as well). But the role model for Third-Wave feminists is Victorian rigidity and prudishness. They are the worst enemies of female progress this side of religious fundamentalism.

SOMuffin, The Guardian comments 7 Comments [12/17/2018 11:08:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 141524

Have you ever said “hi” to a female in passing just as a reflex and she says “I have a boyfriend” like he’s a f~~~ing PURSE?? Women talk about their boyfriends and husbands like he’s a goddam accessory. “Yeah he’s a moron… but he’s MY moron”. MY ring. MY dress. MY wedding. MY baby. MY boyfriend. ME ME ME ownership of property and people. Helen, honey. Just shut your mouth.

Being able to call someone “MINE” like property and slavery is a woman at her show-stopping BEST.

Keymaster, MGTOW 11 Comments [12/17/2018 11:11:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141080

Anyone who tells you they hate incels because of "misogyny" is lying.

As a low-value male, people are disgusted by your very existence. Everything they do is an attempt to get you out of their mind.

Just look at ForeverAlone during its early days. Certainly a bluepilled sub by today's standards, but they were the punching bags of Reddit. No accusations of promoting violence, no quarantine, no shitty news articles blaming them all for a terrorist attack, but they were still insulted and considered an embarassment to Reddit anyway. People want you to shut up about your problems so they don't have to hear it, even if you aren't directly speaking to them.

And guess what happened when incels posted "rope threads"? You guessed it, a bunch of disingenuous normies who don't really give a shit about them, and would tell an incel to fuck off if he had ever approached them in real life. It lets the normie feel like he helped, thus allowing him to clear his conscience, but incels can see right through it after a lifetime of outright hostility.

People don't hate incels because of "misogyny". They hate incels because they remind people of the more uncomfortable truths of life- some people will just get screwed over because of factors they can't control, you can't guarantee getting anything you want just by trying over and over again. When confronted with a threat to the just world fallacy, they will do anything to try and get you to shut up and stop complaining.

And now that they have the long-sought-after opportunity to dismiss us all as evil rapist murderers, you can bet they're gonna take it.

21cell, r/Braincels 6 Comments [11/4/2018 11:43:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141520

[Re. men putting their arm around women's shoulders]

Trust me, it's an annoying form of territorial pissing.

I, and many others, don't trust you. If you think it is always "territorial pissing" then you're miserable and misanthropic. The people viewing it always as such are the ones doing the territorial pissing - feminists marking other women, and how and what they think, as their territory.

You can't speak for all the men who do it, nor the women who they have their arms around. As is obvious from the comments, plenty of men do it affectionately, and many women like it.

ionetranq, The Guardian comments 5 Comments [12/17/2018 11:07:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 141469

[From "Skull-Crushed Hoe Consented to Negro Gang Sex – Skull Status: Crushed Anyway LOL"]

Last week, I wrote about Hannah Cornelius, a hot blond aristocratic college girl in South Africa who was gang-raped by negros, who then crushed her head with a big rock and then stabbed her in the neck.

Now, shawking new details have emerged:

She consented.

However, this did not stop them from smashing her skull anyway – for the lulz.

Imagine my shawk.

A 21-year-old student murdered in South Africa told her attackers they could have sex with her if they let her go afterwards, one of her attackers claimed.

Gotta admit, she had a good sense of humor for a whore.


She was serious?

She thought there was a chance those niggers wouldn’t kill her after raping her? Or… uhh… consensually group-sexing her as freely loving adults. Or, one adult and four simians.

Consensual bestiality?


There’s video footage from Hannah’s encounter with the nigger gang:

As you can see, that was no time for a woman to be outside. What was she doing?

Whoring around, of course.

Parsons told the court that the gang wanted to steal the car but things escalated when they realised Hannah and Cheslin were still inside.

But the men allegedly used a massive 82lb rock, which was preciously shown in court, to smash in her skull.

One thing lead to the other and next thing they knew they were dropping a big rock into a girl’s skull.

You have to understand these niggers, man. Shit happens.

Are you really gonna blame them? It was late at night man, the girl practically wrapped herself up as a gift. If you leave a hundred dollars unattended on the floor, can you blame people for picking them up?



This useless whore can still be redeemed.

But she needs your help.

Add captions, make some lulz for a bro.


lol jk – she’s beyond redemption.

Octavio Rivera, Daily Stormer 8 Comments [12/7/2018 11:24:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: JeanP