Quote# 140851

Feminism is a two-headed monster! The feminist movement is the brainchild of Communism, as is the homosexual movement and the civil rights movement. These "rights" groups have done exceedingly much to undermine America's moral integrity. After Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, his wife Coretta spent the remaining years of her life promoting homosexual rights. So much for their alleged Christian roots. Martin Luther King Jr. denied the deity of Jesus Christ, lived as a whoremonger, and was involved in at least 64 Communist fronts. Please read my recent article on The Dangers of Feminism, which addresses the Feminist/Communist connection. You may also want to read Feminist Theology, which is a clear indicator of just how insane feminism has become. Feminists hate the man's authority so much that they have even redefined God to include a feminine side (which is damnable heresy).

The entire American court system today is feminist biased. It is wicked in the sight of God that the American court system REFUSES to recognize a husband's Biblical RIGHT to "rule" over his wife (Genesis 3:16). Every husband has a God-given right to RULE over his wife. Yes, that means he has a right to track her time, and her friends, and her whereabouts, and her spending. A feminist loathes the thought of being accountable to a man. Feminist logic dictates that a wife is EQUAL in authority with her husband; but God says NO! A wife is commanded by God to OBEY her husband, just as Sara Obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. 1st Peter 3:6 states, "Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord..." There are victimized husbands all across America, who's rebellious wives divorced them, and now those poor men have to pay alimony. It is a sore evil in America when a wife can rebel against her husband year after year in a marriage, and then punish the husband further by taking him before a heathen judge to FORCE him to support her. Why should a husband have to support a lazy, irresponsible, and rebellious wife? Husbands have few rights in the American court system. If a man's wife decides not to obey him anymore--there is nothing he can do about it! This is horribly wrong. A rebellious wife needs to be punished by the courts, not rewarded.

Divorce is an evil sin, and God hates it (Malachi 2:16). Rebellious wives ought to be locked up in prison, not given alimony. No psychiatrist will ever diagnosis a wife as being "rebellious" against God or her husband. We live in a rebellious world (Ephesians 2:2; 1st John 5:19). Every day, millions of people are misdiagnosed. Drunks are said to be "sick." Rebellious wives are said to be "depressed." Homosexuality is called "genetic." Gambling is considered an "addiction." At what point does personal responsibility and character come into the picture? Much of what the feminist movement defines as "abuse" nowadays is perfectly acceptable behavior for a Biblical husband. For example: feminists teach women that it is abusive for a husband to track his wife's time. Not at all! Every husband has a right to know where his wife is at at any given time. The responsible working father and husband is under severe attack in America. Even "Christian" wives have been brainwashed by lying demonic feminist propaganda. "Christian" women are increasingly divorcing their husbands. Divorce is a horrible sin, and there are NO grounds for a divorce. Proverb 31:12 ought to be every Christian wife's life verse ... "She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 9 Comments [10/12/2018 6:16:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 140858

Metal Gear is just filled with tons of pointless bullshit drama and bits of female-supremacy faggotry. Another reasons why all women should just no exist and why Asians shouldn't be allowed to make games. Stop wasting your money and giving attention to this piece of shit franchise.

Rainbow_Frag, Kiwi Farms 8 Comments [10/11/2018 3:52:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 140868

A shit-faced drunk girl, a football star and a vigilante feminist. The makings of a fairy tale?

So back in August, in Steubenville, Ohio, a whole bunch of teenagers got together and did what teenagers will typically do when provided with tons of alcohol and little adult supervision: they got blackout drunk and acted like idiots.

People who will eventually need Ohio inpatient detoxification in the future.

One special girl, an honor roll student and athlete at a smaller, religious school joined the students from the local high school along with several close friends and had a wee bit too much to drink (that can happen). In fact, she got so drunk, she was slurring her words and stumbling about and eventually passed out cold and her friends packed her up safely in the back of someone’s car and drove her home and told her parents she must have the flu or something and she had a wicked headache the next morning and decided she was never drinking tequila again.

Oh, wait. Oops. No. That’s not what happened.

One special girl, an honor roll student and athlete at a smaller, religious school joined the students from the local high school and had a wee bit too much to drink (that can happen). In fact, she got so drunk, she was slurring her words and stumbling about and eventually passed out cold and APPARENTLY HAS NO FRIENDS OF ANY KIND.

This girl (you can find out her name if you like, but I’ll just call her Princess) somehow managed to find herself in the company of not just one, but TWO local football stars, who then proceeded to act like huge jerks, by taping themselves assaulting Princess, who was too drunk to protest and then posting the images on Twitter and sharing them using their phones.

Did I use the word “assault”? Yes, I did. What those boys did was clearly assault, but to describe it as “brutal rape” is a fucking insult to women who have been brutally raped. The boys deserve a slap and a good talking to about being decent human beings, but there is more to this story than is being reported. A whole bunch of things are being left out.

As Jezebel has noted, we wouldn’t even know about the story if it weren’t for a righteous blogger who decided that the “brutal rape” of the innocent Princess should result in some serious jail time for the boys involved. Vigilante feminism in action, where there is only one narrative, and only one possible outcome. The lady is 100% innocent and good, the young men are 100% evil and bad and the complete destruction of the boys lives is the only acceptable outcome, up to and including jail.

What is being left out? Oh, only the whole entire back story of history and psychology and deeply engrained motivations and desires. So Princess shows up at the party without a group of friends to protect her and drinks herself into catatonia.

Why doesn’t she have any friends? An honor roll student and an athlete and she has no friends? Bullshit. How about this? She went to a smaller religious school with a group of girls who know just what is going to happen at a testosterone fuelled drinking party loaded with football players and stayed home that night! Is that what happened? I don’t know, but if it did, it’s certainly a material fact. How can Princess claim she didn’t know what could possibly happen when her friends refused to accompany her? WHY would Princess go to a party without friends and then proceed to get blindly drunk?

Did she want to nail a football star?

football star

Bingo! And being a teenage girl, raised in a slut-walking feminist culture, she probably thought that giving herself some liquid courage and then blowing one of the players might land her a boyfriend. Wrong, Princess. It landed you a night with boys who had nothing but contempt for you. Jezebel and our vigilante feminist blogger would like people to think that the contempt the boys had for Princess is indicative of the hatred they have for all women, everywhere, all the time. Is it possible that the boys thought that Princess, specifically was a slut?

And so they treated her like one (surprise!). And for that they deserve some small punishment. Fingering a passed out, friendless, boyfriend-hunting slut and posting the pictures on Twitter was a revolting thing to do. Shame on those boys.

Everyone in this case behaved shamefully, but I take issue with the fact that only the boys are held legally or morally responsible for their actions. Deciding that ONLY the boys are responsible has some very damaging consequences. First of all, it’s completely infantilizing. Only men have responsibilities? Only men are held accountable? Only men can be charged criminally with sex crimes? At the very least, Princess should be up on charges of underage drinking, public intoxication and indecency. But no, she’s apparently just a victim and can’t be blamed for any aspect of what happened to her.

Second, it tells young women that it’s OK to go hunting high status males, to travel alone, to drink to the point of unconsciousness and to wake up the next morning with no memory and then place the BLAME on someone else. Hey look, shark infested waters! Let’s get super drunk, cover ourselves in fish blood and go swimming! What can go wrong?

How foolish. The fact that the boys in question were so utterly unfeeling and contemptuous towards Princess says something about them, to be certain. But it also says something about HER. And the fact is that no one’s life is going to be ruined by this, if we just leave things well enough alone. The boys have learned that there are limits to how callously they can act (no matter how slutty the girl) and hopefully, Princess has learned that heading out to drink with the big boys without some good friends to protect her from her own worst, most base impulses is also a bad idea.

But cue the vigilante feminist blogger. She won’t let this drop. She wants those boys ruined. Destroyed. Rotting in jail. Completely annihilated. One of the boys is countersuing for defamation, and good for him. But honestly, it doesn’t look good.

And that, my friends, is a problem. When young men, barely beyond childhood themselves are held responsible for their actions, but young women are not, we have tilted the field too far. I can’t imagine what kind of LAW could be passed to hold women accountable that wouldn’t be horrifically draconian and open to wide abuse. It has to be part of the culture. Women need to know that men are not women, and that they will respond in certain situations LIKE MEN.

How do young women protect themselves from men being men? They have friends. They travel in groups. They accept that their own decisions aren’t always going to be wise or accomplish what they hope to accomplish. THAT is girl power. Stick together ladies. If you end up shit-faced drunk at a football party chasing after boys way out of your league, you need some good solid girlfriends to take you home and tell your mom you suddenly came down with the flu.

If someone wants to post a picture of you barfing on Facebook, well, let them. Make sure your two besties are in the shot, holding back your hair and getting you to drink some water. No one ever charged their best friends for being friends.

And always remember, if you want to nab the star quarterback, you need to be a cheerleader. That’s how it works.

Lots of love,


Janet bloomfield, judgybitch 5 Comments [10/11/2018 4:03:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 140870

Brock Turner is a rapist but not the kind that frightens me.

A guy I train with told me a funny story about mixing martial arts with alcohol. Like me, he’s not really interested in martial arts as a sport, but more in terms of real world applicability. He’s a fighter more than an athlete. He was training with a group who felt the most likely environment in which they would encounter real violence would be a bar, and alcohol would likely be involved, so they convinced their sensei to run a simulation that involved everyone doing tequila shooters, to test their reflexes and muscle memories under the influence. Could they drink tequila and still be able to handle real world violence? They turned the lights down and the music way up, which is not that unusual for a dojo. Lots of stress drills are done in low light, noisy conditions.

And then guzzled tequila.

Everything started out fine. Everyone was jokey and boisterous and having fun with the drills and even singing along to the hokey death metal band. And then tequila 2.0 arrived. When the full effects kicked in, people started getting hurt. The fight took on a whole new dimension. Wrist locks got brutal. People didn’t notice their partners tapping out. Choke holds were a little too enthusiastic. No one waited for a secure hold before reaping. It was mayhem!

It’s funny to hear him tell the story, because from the outside it seems like a terrifying drunken brawl, and it was, but the fighters enjoyed every minute of it. It was fun. Sensei had to cut the class short because people were getting hurt. Being drunk, they didn’t really realize it, and were thoroughly enjoying themselves. The next day, people had bruises and sprains and fat lips and black eyes and swollen joints and stuff that should never happen except by pure accident when sparring. Someone even dropped a 12-6 elbow between his opponent’s shoulder blades, which is pretty much a nuclear elbow strike you don’t pull out lightly. It’s actually sort-of illegal in most martial arts, but perfectly acceptable in self-defense. The fighters agreed to never drunk spar again, although I suspect that was a very effective lesson in teaching them just how much alcohol impaired their ability to use proportional violence.

The real point is that while the sparring was happening, the fighters were having a blast. They were doing what they do: fighting. I’m sure getting out of bed the next day brought a few regrets home, but in the moment, it was fun. The whole story made me think of the Brock Turner case – the Stanford athlete convicted of sexually assaulting a drunk woman outside a fraternity.

Let’s get a few things out of the way right off the bat: do I think Brock Turner is a rapist?


Yes, I do. Turner claims he went outside with the woman and they were making out and I believe him. They were both drunk, but she was sloppy drunk and she passed out cold. Turner dragged her behind a dumpster, removed her panties, somehow managed to get rocks and dirt in her vagina, shoved his fingers in her, left her with scrapes and bruises and only stopped assaulting her when a couple guys noticed what he was up to, and then chased Turner down when he ran. Bystanders held Turner until police arrived.

Please note that this is exact opposite of feminist rape culture, in which rape is treated like a joke and condoned by the wider society. No one (except Turner’s father) thinks Turner’s action were amusing or acceptable. The Stanford police were involved right off the bat, the woman was found and taken to hospital, charges were laid and Turner was prosecuted successfully and sentenced to jail, even though the victim can’t remember a single thing about the incident. That doesn’t sound like condoning, celebrating or accepting rape to me. Or to Ashe Schow, who has written a nice explanation of rape culture as it relates to Brock Turner.

But of course, feminists are mad. They’re always mad. They’re mad at Brock because being sentenced to life isn’t harsh enough. Yes, you read that correctly. Turner got a life sentence. No, not in jail. He was sentenced to 6 months in jail, and will likely spend 3 months there, but he will spend the rest of his life on the Sex Offender Registry. That is punishment untempered by mercy, yet not punishment enough to satisfy feminists, ecstatic that they finally found an actual rape victim to get behind.

According to Emily Horowitz, who wrote Protecting Our Kids: How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us, sex offender registries don’t keep anyone safer. Speaking to Slate’s Christina Cauterucchi, Horowitz says. ‘Are sex offenders destined to reoffend? Not according to any research—sex offenders have lower recidivism rates than almost any other type of offender. Punishing [Turner] forever and destroying his life doesn’t make anyone safer.’

I’m sure you’ll be shocked to know that feminists don’t care. Read the comments. They want Turner to suffer for the rest of his life. They want him to pay for his idiocy for the rest of his life. They want revenge, not justice. It’s so rare for an actual, unambiguous rape victim to emerge, feminists are practically in shock. Whipping women up in frenzied fear, feminists have convinced almost 100K people to sign a petition to remove the judge who decided to temper Turner’s life sentence with reduced jail time. Justice must not have mercy? I’d be really careful with that demand, feminists. It could bite you in the ass, pretty easily.

The reality here is that Brock Turner is like the fighters who beat the shit out of each other while loaded. Turner has no reputation for being criminally sexually aggressive, but he is a predator. Like all athletes, he channels his natural desire to compete and triumph into a sport, and he was very good at winning. Competitors and predators come down to the same thing. No one wants to tie. It’s a zero sum game. I win. You lose. Civilization is the story of channeling this aspect of human nature into creation, rather than destruction. Brock Turner got drunk and behaved in a criminally foolish manner. An equivalent would be a drunk sparring partner who knocked his partner out and then kept hitting him. It crosses every line and deserves sanction and punishment.

Rapists like Turner don’t frighten me. Avoiding him is as simple as not getting black out drunk and refusing to go make out with him outside, in the dark. The trouble with feminist definitions of rape is that they confuse drunk couples who go outside and have mutually consensual sex, having fun in the moment, with actual rape. That is exactly what happened at Occidental College. Both individuals were drunk, both agreed to have sex, but she regretted it the next morning. If they had both been drunk, and agreed to spar, could she charge him with assault and battery the next day? Occidental says yes.

I say no.

People do stupid shit when they’re drunk. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, which is a key reason people like to drink it. But it doesn’t fundamentally change who you are as a person. The fighters my friend and I talked about did stupid stuff when fighting drunk they would never do sober, but none of them crossed the line into brutally beating an unconscious partner. It was just a kind of crazy, wild playfight that left a few people bruised and bleeding, but no criminal lines were crossed.

Most drunk sex, no matter how much one party or the other might regret it in the morning, is not rape.

What Turner did is rape.

Feminist definitions of regret=rape are now starting to trap women, too. When Rose grabbed herself a drunk guy and fucked him, she thought it was just a good time, had by all. And it was. In the moment. But when morning came and the guy saw he had just boned a fat chick, he turned campus rape laws on her and had Rose expelled.

This is nuts.

And awesome, at the same time. Turnabout is fair play, ladies. If you are going to expand the definition of rape to include sex one person regrets, you’re going to have to accept the uncomfortable truth that men make poor decisions when plastered, too, and stick their dicks in women they wouldn’t glance at twice when sober. If we’re going to call drunk sparring ‘assault’ and criminally prosecute it, any woman who downs a shooter and steps in the ring can be charged.

Is this really the world we want? Young men and women expelled from college, their futures blighted, because they got drunk and did something dumb? No one should be expelled from college for hooking up while drunk. Drunk sex is not rape. Rape is rape. It’s not that hard to tell the difference. Turner is a case study in campus rape. And even he doesn’t deserve a life sentence. He is extremely unlikely to reoffend.

Justice without mercy is cruelty. Is anyone surprised feminists are howling for exactly that when it comes to Turner, and by extension, all men accused of rape? The real danger here is that cruelty can be contagious. I sincerely hope the courts do not bow to the pressure of feminists and remove this judge. That will spread the contagion of feminism and we are already at critical mass.

Never forget that feminism is cancer.

What we really need are a few more fat bitches to get charged with rape. A few brave men are needed, to take one for the team. We need to show everyone the insanity of feminist ideals of ‘justice’.

Any volunteers?

Lots of love,


Janet bloomfield, judgybitch 3 Comments [10/11/2018 4:06:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140815

There’s not been a wave in decades. It’s more of a mass seizure...

It’s all so uncoordinated, poorly planned, horribly executed and they’ve got she-eep running around spouting shit that’s so far off of reality, it’s really quite breathtaking the lack of true knowledge, understanding or tolerance of any kind that they bang around like a headless bull (pardon me, cow, wouldn’t want to trigger one of the mentally-ill that plague our society) in a museum full of priceless pieces in a 10x10 storage locker.

I can’t take them seriously, not for a few decades.

Made up shit, flat out lies, already have the upper hand not equality on many subjects...yet they continue to bitch about the sky falling and to my amazement less and less aware of reality and less and less educated.

Indoctrination is what they’ve got....

They’re so rabid, they’re starting to choke themselves in many ways.

Keep it up “ladies”. (I use that term very loosely and in a sarcastic manner.)

I for one am sick of the shit that “political correctness” has brought.

Comedian said it best:

(May not be exact but...)

“Only in America, land of the free can you not be proud to be Military, White, straight and Male...they’ll lynch ya...”

BlackBoxInquiry, r/MensRights 3 Comments [10/11/2018 3:48:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140885

Woman wears clothing that invites men to look at her in a sexual way.
Woman struts her stuff to show off her body in an area that's not so safe.
Woman gets raped.

Sure, the guy is definitely at fault, but sometimes it takes two to make something happen. Maybe if women would dress a bit more conservatively, maybe if women wouldn't be showing off their body so much, maybe if women would watch what they're doing at parties and such, we'd see a lot less rapes.

Do you walk down the streets of the ghettos at night wearing an armani suit, and carrying a briefcase full of cash? Of course not. That'd be inviting a mugger to rob you blind. Do you park a Lamborghini and leave the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition in some dark parking lot at night? I would hope not.

So why on Earth would you want to wear skimpy clothing that invites men to lust over your body and then strut your stuff at some party where someone can drug you or grab you and make off with you and take what they want?

Doesn't matter if it is a robbery, rape, murder, there's the person who commits the crime... and then there's the person who the crime is committed against.

If the latter invites the former by being an easy target, or an attractive target, then the latter is partially contributing to the crime. Everybody has a responsibility to act maturely and in such a way that they are protecting themselves from such crime. Sometimes crime happens anyways even if you do take all the precautionary measures, but if you do something absolutely stupid and you become the victim of a crime... then yes, you're partially to blame for it.

"A woman shouldn't have to change her clothing because of lustful men!"

Ok, are you also saying that a rich man shouldn't have to change out of his armani suit before walking down the streets in a ghetto at night? lol.

Everybody is responsible for their own personal safety. This includes women and skimpy clothing. There's no reason to wear skimpy clothing other than to get men to lust after them. Is it really THAT big of a surprise when a woman who was wearing that trashy clothing gets raped? Now, obviously, if a woman was not wearing trashy clothing and still got raped... then no, she's not at fault (unless she did something else stupid, like drinking at a party or something) at all.

You can't just disregard personal safety and expect the rest of the world to conform to you. No, you must conform to it. If personal safety means not going down the ghetto streets at night wearing rich clothing and carrying money, then yes... that means you either have to not carry the money, not wear such rich-looking clothing, or take the long way to avoid the ghetto street. If you're a woman wanting to avoid being raped, then yes... you should not be wearing skimpy clothing and perhaps you should be avoiding parties and drinking. Perhaps if the woman in question weren't wearing trashy clothing, men might have a little more respect for her, eh?

Xaelai, MMO Champion 5 Comments [10/12/2018 9:17:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140833

The quimdoctrination has rapidly intensified of late. What’s next? Freak trannies reading pozzed children’s books to toddlers?

It looks like shitlibs need a lesson in basic human biology:

There are two sexes, male and female.

There is no such thing as “gender”, except as a grammatical term.

There is a male and female brain structure that affects our outlooks and preferences, and is responsible for our sex stereotyped behaviors. Our brains are biological and, along with our bodies, form our self-conception as man or woman. Our heart supplies blood to our brains and bodies; it isn’t the seat of “orientation”.

Trannies are mentally ill lsmv rejects.

A small minority of men are homosexual. A smaller minority of women are obligate lesbians. Likely the source of their miswired direction of desire is biological in nature.

Homosexuality is not the biological, social, nor Darwinian equal of heterosexuality. A simple “equivalency swap” thought experiment shows this: if we were all homosexuals, the human species would go extinct.

There is no such thing as social construction of sex. “Social construction” means we humans assign words to describe aspects of observable reality, so that we can effectively communicate with each other instead of speaking a language of one that no one else understands.

On average, men are masculine and women are feminine. Some men are less masculine; some women are less feminine, but the average sex-based differential remains.

Poopytalk won’t assuage the primal pain of raising a butch daughter or an effete son.

Bestiality is “natural”. So is the rare case of hermaphroditism. That doesn’t mean either should be taught to children as a social norm of equal validity to normal heterosexual mating and biology.

On that note, there really is a valid distinction between normal and abnormal.

Hope This Hurts.


I dunno, readers, how does a parent of sane mind get confronted with this vile freak agitprop and not head down to their kids’ school’s administrative offices and turn the inhabitants into thunderdome chattel?

PS Shekels to bagels, Soros agents have their crabbed fingerprints all over whatever front group is pushing this Satanic trash on American children.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 6 Comments [10/9/2018 11:40:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140816

Literally everything to do with having a victim complex and dragging men down off their pedestals and defeating the patriarchy. Like it's a fucking war now, except even the WOMEN don't envision themselves as strong enough to conquer the evils of masculinity. So literally you've NOT been oppressed, you've just realised you're shitter in a lot of ways than men so men need to behave less awesomely to compensate for your shitness. I say this as a 34 year old woman; FUCK feminism as it manifests today. I've literally contemplated suicide to get off this earth because nothing makes sense anymore.

Please don't quit this game yet. The earth needs smart people like you.

Nobody listens though. I've been called a 'traitor to my gender' for merely pointing out that false sexual assault claims by women DO happen. Just that is enough to cast me as either plain evil or just not 'smart enough' to realise all the ways my life has been inhibited by men; despite over three decades of personal experience to the contrary.

You can't reason with that level of vitriolic fanaticism.

I thought that was third wave, where’s the distinction

3rd wave = equality feminism, still irritating with the conflation of equal opportunity with equal outcome but still, generally geared towards positive social outcome for all, LGBT equality and acceptance, women should have the chance to earn the same income and status as any man

4th wave = JUSTICE feminism - FUCK MEN, MEN ARE TRASH, women deserve REPARATIONS above and beyond equality as punitive damages for all the horrid things men have done. The patriarchy must be crushed, men have NO inherent societal value or place beyond that of oppressors. The time of WOMEN has arrived.

LOL what? Women never envisioned themselves like that. They envisioned being "empowered." This is a code word meaning "I want other people to do yucky things for me exactly like before, but I'll pretend that they aren't men. We'll just take male taxpayer dollars instead of our husbands' dollars to subsidize our shitty career choices and also make up a zillion rules so that things in yucky penisy workland are less penisy and our feelings don't get hurt."

So you agree with me...?

I don't think 2nd wavers or women in general were ever "oppressed." There was just real social change back then. So yeah, I agree in that it's mostly just amped up man-hate now. They want the whole world to be vagina-friendly. Everywhere. But the victimhood thing was always there. The difference is that the modern snowflakes are angry that DESPITE the excessive feminization of the workplace (huge HR bureaucracy, parallel justice systems) earning money or accomplishing anything worthwhile outside of the home STILL requires being "masculine." The 2nd wavers were grateful just for the chance to act more masculine occasionally without becoming social outcasts. There were still wars. Crime rates were high. Cars had no power steering or brakes, and broke down often. Cell phones did not exist. A nuclear holocaust could break out at any moment. The world was a more dangerous place. They had a certain respect for masculinity and how it deals with the real physical world.

Agreed. That's really what saddens me now; if anything I see a world that needs more strong, honest, guiding male influence, especially within the younger generations. Instead this hyper feminised shit is ruining society and morality.

PhoebeDodgedShelby, r/MensRights 4 Comments [10/7/2018 6:33:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140770

He Stabbed A Woman More Than Thirty Times, Wins Billionaire Funded Legal Battle To Wear “Panties” In Prison

On Sunday, September 22, 2013, Reiyn (pronounced “reign”) Keohane, 19, stabbed a woman in the throat. Then he stabbed her again. And again, and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. In her chest he stabbed: again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, and more: over and over and over and over.

“More than thirty times” he stabbed her.

His victim was Caley Patrick, she was 23 years old, and was his roommate.

From ABC7:

“She ran from her apartment to her friends over there,” says neighbor Tayaba Barclay. “There was a trail of blood.”

Police say Patrick had been stabbed in the neck and chest.

According to neighbors, she was screaming, knocking on doors and begging for help.

“She said, ‘help me, help me; I’m dying,'” said neighbor John Boatright, “[She said] I’m going to die; please, don’t let me die.”

Boatright opened the door to Patrick’s desperate knock. He said Patrick was hunched over and covered in blood when he pulled her into his apartment.

“She lost a lot of blood and I was spazing,” recalled Boatright, “I said call 911, call 911.”

That is when his roommate, John Strickland, picked up his phone and dialed.

“When she collapsed right here she said ‘get me help, don’t let me die. I don’t want to die. He stabbed me’,” said John Strickland.

According to reports, Patrick said it was her roommate, Reiyn Keohane, that stabbed her.

“My lungs are feeling up; I can feel them filling up with blood,” Strickland said.

“They say if we hadn’t of found her she probably would have died,” said Boatright.

Patrick was rushed into surgery and is in critical condition.

Police arrested Keohane seven minutes away at his parent’s home.

Reports show Keohane had two knives and a loaded AR-15 magazine.”

Miraculously, Caley survived after emergency surgery, intensive care, and rehab. Her family and loved ones raised $1,200. at a benefit dinner. “Join us as we celebrate the survival and life of Caley!!”

Meanwhile, Reiyn Keohane was arrested at his parent’s house in possession of two knives and a loaded clip for an AR15. He pled No Contest to a second degree murder charge. There was no dinner for him. He didn’t need one, because he was a male who “identified as transgender”, and as such received representation and support from international multi-billionaire legal firm DLA Piper, as well as the ACLU.

Unlike the victim of the attack, who received nothing from nobody, the perpetrator has been gifted with countless thousands of dollars in billable hours in support of his affinity as a male for stereotypically sexy female undergarments.

According to trial documents Reiyn Keohane was placed on the off-label, FDA unapproved, high dose estrogen regime typically prescribed for transgender identifying males, by his “pediatric endocrinologist”, only six weeks before he stabbed roommate Caley again and again and again and again and again and again and etc.

This is the same transgender drug regime that ax attacker Evie Amanti tried to claim as a defense in his trial last month.

Reiyn Keohane had been strongly supported in his “transgender identity” by his family. His mother started her own organization in support of transgender youth, and personally helped her son shop for “lingerie”.

From the Bonita Springs Florida Weekly:

“That isolation is something that’s definitely been noticed by Carrie Keohane, co-founder of the Visuality support center for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth in Lee County.

“A lot of gays and lesbians don’t understand the transgender thing,” she says.

Ms. Keohane’s child was born a male, and at 16, legally changed his name to the androgynous Reiyn (sounds like rain). At first, he said he was gay, “and we said, ‘That’s OK. That’s no big deal.’”

When Ms. Keohane and her husband, James, found out that Reiyn actually felt like a girl inside, “We didn’t know what it meant, to be honest,” she says. “We were astonished. We knew Reiyn was very tormented. At that age, kids don’t talk to their parents about a lot of that … and sometimes, they’re not even sure.”

Now 19, Reiyn recently began taking hormones and transitioning into a female. It’s been a long journey to reach this fork in the road with their only child. The sad truth is that Reiyn has only one friend, Ms. Keohane says.

But Reiyn’s family is supportive. “My family and my husband’s family have been great. They accept Reiyn no matter how she shows up,” she says. They put her on their health insurance policy, and Ms. Keohane takes Reiyn shopping to offer guidance on makeup and clothing styles.

“It’s tricky taking Reiyn shopping. You get looks when you’re shopping in the lingerie department with your son,” says Ms. Keohane, and jokes that the easiest place to blend in is Walmart. “It’s been a wild ride.”

One might think the “wild ride” in the lingerie department had ended with the driver stabbing an innocent female victim over thirty times, but no, this would underestimate the global reach of the power of “panties” among men.

The international multi-billionaire law firm DLA Piper and the ACLU announced “Victory!” today: that Reiyn Keohane will be permitted to wear “panties” during his twelve year incarceration in a men’s prison. Because transgender.

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker cited the power of “panties” at least eight times in his decision [PDF] that men who stab women over thirty times must have the right to wear sexy lady clothes and force correctional officials to play along with their autogynephilic fantasies.

Gay website The Advocate celebrates his “victory”, never mentioning his victim or his crime.




GallusMag, Gender Trender 15 Comments [10/3/2018 1:01:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: pyro

Quote# 140748

I don’t see how hurting a person is OK in one situation and not the other. It doesn’t make any sense, consent doesn’t make something morally right suddenly. I could consent to do a shit ton of drugs, that doesn’t make it ok. All the men I’ve known who were into BDSM did not respect women. If you were an object during sex you were an object in every day life.

Why doesn’t anyone look at why the fuck is it always men who are in control and women who don’t have it? Typically men are the dominant figures. No pro-BDSM people look into why it’s like that. It’s ridiculous to pretend anyone who gets off on hurting women can also sympathize with women.

PynkPussyDiet, r/GenderCritical 9 Comments [10/3/2018 12:36:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140740

Typical day in the life of an average college girl in 2018

She wakes up at noon in the frat house, her orifices sore from the Chad train the night before. Before leaving she makes sure to blow the hottest Chad there and swallow his cum (that serves as her breakfast)

She checks her Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to find hundreds of new messages and thousands of new likes. Some from Chads but most from normies and bluepilled incels (whom she would rather be raped to death by Chad than spend 10 minutes getting coffee with) She decides to go to the library to study, but really she could always just wear a low cut top and give puppy dog eyes and get an A on the test. This is what she has been doing since middle school. While at the library she takes pictures of random incels sitting alone and actually studying and posts them on her Instagram. The pics get hundreds of comments from women, Chads, and normies about how ugly and pathetic they are.

She leaves the library after only about 20 minutes to go get some food. She goes to a restaurant and has her beta orbiters foot the entire bill. She notices a Chad busboy and starts eye fucking him. She takes him into the restroom and sucks his dick, his cum gets in her mouth and eyes.

After lunch she goes back to her dorm room or sorority house and takes a long nap. When she wakes up it is time to hit the frat houses for her nightly Chad trains. Up to 50 Chads at a time, sometimes as many as 100 in all of her orifices. Frat Chads, Chads from the lacrosse team, the football team, the basketball team etc. She also consumes mountains of cocaine and enough alcohol to kill an elephant and passes out at whatever frat house she happens to be at by 5 in the morning.

Rinse, wash, repeat.

DonkeyPunch, incels.me 28 Comments [10/1/2018 5:01:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140871

Emily Wells

I like your article and I was thinking “Wow. Finally a cis guy who gets it.” And then you went on your own little transphobic rage.

Blanchard simply goes from strength to strength, despite the efforts of delusional blokes in skirts like you, ‘Emily’.

I don’t give a fuck if you ‘respect’ my views or not: you are a man with a serious mental disorder who thinks he is a woman. I’ve as much interest in the local fruitcake who thinks he’s Napoleon ‘respecting’ me. Frankly, it might be more entertaining than the relentless grind of autogynephilic men like you, wallowing in self delusion, self-loathing and self-absorption.

Autogynephilic men like you need help, but not for one minute do I think that ‘transition’ will do so. You are a transvestite, please deal with it. Get your woman suit on and crack one off to the mirror.

Since gender is the outward expression of sexuality, these individuals naturally feel most comfortable as women, and those who do not transition, that is, gender-conforming homosexuals, suffer varying degrees of Gender Dysphoria. This is because Homosexual Gender Dysphoria is caused by a mismatch between sexuality and gender. (Non-homosexual Gender dysphoria in males, what you have, ‘Emily’, is the product of a narcissistic paraphilia called, wait for it, Autogynephilia.) You bear NO RELATIONSHIP to HSTS, so stop pretending you do.

It’s always so nice to hear from a bitter, self-loathing, transvestite autogynephile like you ‘Emily’; it reminds me of whom and what I am campaigning for — True Transsexuals, not brickies in tights. Have fun being a transvestite, but do not pretend to be transsexual or a woman. You cannot be these things. You’re a straight bloke in a frock with a severe mental disorder.

Rod Fleming, Rod Fleming's World 5 Comments [10/11/2018 4:08:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417

Quote# 140874

Unhinged C-SPAN Caller Says Rape Prevention 'Indoctrination' Destroyed The US Army

A C-SPAN caller on Sunday complained that the U.S. military was guilty of "indoctrination" because service members receive mandatory training on sexual assault prevention.

On Sunday's edition of Washington Journal, host Steve Scully invited calls from people who wanted to comment on the impact of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court.

In a call from in Georgia, "Kenneth" described himself as "an old retired Army sergeant major."

"And I want to tell you something," Kenneth began. "If you talk [about] the sexual stuff that's going on there [in D.C.] and that court was bad, you ought to see the U.S. Army now."

"Those women in Congress and in the Senate have absolutely destroyed the U.S. Army!" he continued. "Right now, you've got people going to classes like old Chinese Red Book classes. It's a mandatory -- it's mandatory! Everybody at Ft. Gordon for years now go to their 2-hour weekly indoctrination training to stop rape on post."

Kenneth griped that the "classes are mandatory" even though there are "not many" sexual assaults reported on base.

"And if you don't go, your career is over with," he bizarrely added. "And we have a problem now with overweight people afraid to say anything because they are afraid to be charged with being sexual harassers."

"So they don't say anything, they distance themselves from soldiers so that they don't have to come in contact with them," Kenneth concluded.

"Kenneth" From Georgia, Crooks and Liars 9 Comments [10/11/2018 1:47:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140804

The feminists (feminazis) have infiltrated movies and television. It has really become ridiculous. It's commonplace now on TV and in movies to see women giving men orders, leading armies, women commanders, women overpowering men, women leading the family, etc. I call them "she-men." It's just not reality. TV is a lie! The truth is that women need men. However, the feminists would lead us to believe that women don't need men at all. Such nonsense is kin to a car speeding off a cliff to sure destruction. The result is a massive lesbian community. Most homosexuals are women. God made men and women to fulfill different roles in life. Like it or not, men are natural leaders...women are not. I realize that some women can lead, but they are generally more like men than women. I believe that every woman should be as feminine as possible. There is something wrong with a woman who has lost her desire to be feminine. This is why I am against women being out on the battle-field fighting. Women don't belong on the battle-field. Women don't belong in Police cars driving around with guns. Women don't belong on a man's job. And by the way, no man should work in a nursery (a woman's job). That's just my opinion. We've got too many sweet men in society today, and too many rough women. Something is very wrong.

God created women to be mother's AT HOME, not to spend their child-bearing years in a "career." You don't need that bigger home or a second car, you need to be at home with your children (1st Timothy 5:14). Money will have meant nothing when your life is over.

Only on TV can a man get away with sexually-harassing a woman. In real life, a man who touches a woman is most likely going to end up in hot-water with a sexual-harassment complaint against him (or worse). Movies are very unrealistic these days.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 10 Comments [10/7/2018 10:10:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 140857

Only the ones with Drake in them are Uncharted games. Not that give-me-attention female bullshit. They REALLY went super ultra mega exceptional individual when they made that utter shit game. Women shouldn't be in any games or movies. They are just annoying pieces of useless shit.

Rainbow_Frag, Kiwi Farms 5 Comments [10/11/2018 3:52:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 140813

This is what I do not get.

I am not a Republican. I am against Trump. I do not support Black Lives Matter. I am against Israel's actions in Palestine. I condemn Russian invasion of Crimea.

But I think I am fully able to speak to my opponents and come away with sympathy and understanding of their position WITHOUT changing my own basic stance. I can condemn Israel's behavior and at the same time understand that they are acting based on an understandable conviction that they are in a state of war. I can oppose Russia's annexation while understanding the complex history behind it and the Russian fear of Nato encroachment and the need to regain the respect they feel they lost lately. I can loathe the Chinese massacre at Tianemen square, while also seeing that they were a symptom of liberalisation compared to the Mao period and that the alternative might well have been full-fledged civil conflict.

My point is this: Why have we not seen one single instance of a feminist looking into the MRM this way, coming out with a nuanced understanding while remaining a feminist? Not the radical kind, of course. This is particularly baffling because MOST of our interests are complementary: more rights for fathers, more investment in men's health, better education of boys, sympathy for male DV victims - all benefit women both directly and, through the men they love, indirectly. To me, the single most important factor behind the wage gap is that women take the main responsibility for children (before that, they now outearn men): fathers rights, shared custody (a feminist issue in Sweden, but vehemently opposed by NOW), paternal leave, and more male teachers would certainly free women up to focus on their careers and free men to be with their children, something perhaps not all of them want, but those who do face formidable obstacles (house husbands outside perhaps Scandinavia tell stories of daily ridicule and flagging respect from their wives).

Why in the world is that? Why is every person I know of who have taken a serious look at men's rights converting, although sometimes in spirit only, to MRM? CHS? Warren Farrel? Cassie Jaye? Are there other parallels I am missing? The only one that comes to mind for me are, say, KKK and neo-Nazis and maybe extreme right-wing religious fundamentalists in the US - those would indeed burst the limits of my tolerance. And of course, as a gay man, I am too personally invested to tolerate homophobia, although I also find most homophobia to stem from lack of interaction with gay people and be skin-deep - but then there are people like someone here telling me to take my ass cancer (sic) and fuck off (not that I take anything on such a forum personally; someone like that clearly has issues that have nothing to do with me).

svenskbitch, r/MensRights 3 Comments [10/7/2018 5:43:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140814

It’s sad that not even mainstream conservative pundits will give MRAs a platform. The Liberal Media Machine has chosen its side, but conservatives are too cowed and apathetic to take up the opposite banner.

While the MRA in me wants that to change, because it’s the quickest path to power for the movement, the liberal in me doesn’t want the added conflict of having to vote for Right wing politicians just to get action on these issues. I kind of hope the Left rights itself, gets out of its love affair with feminism and takes an egalitarian route that acknowledges men’s issues alongside those of women, ethnic minorities, gays, trans folk, etc.

Give up your liberalism. The left has abandoned you.

LOL, sure, I’ll just start denying global warming, giving Christianity special treatment, opposing gay and trans rights, and generally fighting my hardest to widen the already enormous rich-poor gap.

No thanks.

Global warming cannot be modeled and this there is reason to doubt it. It may be happening but there is no true scientific proof that can predict the future accurately yet.

Conservatives these days do not talk about gay rights and the like.

You have a rather simplistic view of modern conservatism and may want to further research it rather than LOLing. In any case, the modern left has abandoned men, rationale, and logic. #believeallwomen

fokm, r/MensRights 5 Comments [10/7/2018 5:45:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140846

Clarence Thomas faced similar accusations with Anita Hill, who was a liar. People, of course, still believe her anyway.

Secret Asshole, Kiwi Farms 5 Comments [10/9/2018 11:56:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140764

When a woman today says, “I'm not in a 'relationship' right now,”? what she's really saying is: “I've temporarily taken a break from my whoring around!”? I can tell you story after story, of young women who have ruined their lives by giving away their most prized possession, their virginity and honor, to some bum who, after getting the thrill he wanted, abandoned her! It is a story all too common! If that is you, may I kindly say in Christian love, I am sorry that that happened to you. Yes, you did it to yourself! You sinned! You were stupid! Sin is always STUPID! And we've all been stupid sometimes, haven't we? Yes, you have you dirty dog you, according to God's Word!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 13 Comments [10/3/2018 3:50:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 140799

Crying for Women = Staring for Men

Ladies have you ever just heard a story or watched a scene in a movie or television show and you have involuntary tears coming out of your eyes? In these moments your emotional response is completely involuntary and it just a natural response by your feminine nature to certain stimuli.

In the same exact way sometimes when a man sees a beautiful woman he may also experience an involuntary response to seeing her beauty – he may he may stare and he may even get erection simultaneously.

Women need to be taught that what I have just described is a normal masculine response to female beauty and this type of natural response to feminine beauty by men should never be criticized or looked down upon by women.

biblicalgenderroles, Biblical Gender Roles 12 Comments [10/6/2018 7:56:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 140738

Women are master manipulators our knowledge on the blackpill allowed us to see trough this, that's why foids are trying to make us public enemy's number one, well do it you fucking bitches, we will be the number one

JeffGoldblumInTheFly, incels.me 10 Comments [10/1/2018 1:53:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140689

Women will be led. It’s in their nature. They will be led by their husbands, by the government, or by the media.

Only one of those three will provide benevolent leadership.

In 2018 America, there is more government, more media, and fewer husbands. How’s this working out for us?

CH, Chateau Heartiste 7 Comments [9/29/2018 4:26:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140687

Women in domestic violence situations are not usually innocent women. They highly utilize police services just for attention only to change their minds once the cops actually try to do their jobs. They alienate their family. They sometimes goad their abusers into beating them because that is what they equate with "love". And they often put their children in harms' way to be physically, emotionally, and sexually abused as well by the abuser. They are not innocent victims.

UglyFatGirl, Lipstick Alley 4 Comments [9/29/2018 4:26:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140711

After being charged with two counts of rape for sexually assaulting two of his classmates while they were unconscious, 18-year-old David Becker was sentenced last week to just two years of probation without having to register as a sex offender by a judge in Massachusetts last week.

Honestly we treat rapists quite horribly in the US.

They did something wrong yes, but for most anyone with a criminal record they are met with such disdain that there isn't a 'Pay your debt to society and move on with life.'

It's funny, a lot of Liberals are out for blood against rapists, yet praise the European System with every lick of their words. Forgetting that a lot of European Countries treat rapists, murderers, and thieves with respect and actually rehabilitate.

...Also as far as rape goes this kid did a misdemeanor at BEST. He didn't penetrate them with his dick, it wasn't a violent sexual assault, he stuck his finger in a pussy or two while they were sleeping. I've seen more abuses against guys who end up passed out at a party.

Did you see the video of the guy duck taped to a chair and rolled all throughout the town?

This kid got probation, if anything I bet he'll be more careful with his finger.

[Quote]I dont know your sex, but if some dude finger blasted you or your wife/kid, you would be cool with it being a slap on the wrist misdemeanor?[quote]

I was a victim of sexual assault at a young age.

But I also know our prison system is an abhorrent abuse against human rights. It has become so disgusting with its use of prison labor as a cheap workforce that there's actually financial incentive to lock up people. Check out the Judge who literally locked up thousands of teenagers and was paid kickbacks by the prison system to do so. Great title 'Cash for Kids.'

We don't know all the facts but we can understand the following.

1. The girls were asleep, and woke up to him performing the act.

2. He is not going to their school/university.

3. David was 18, and while that doesn't determine innocence or guilt, it was definitely an act of youth.

Now the frustrating part, to me, is that they published his name. Whether or not he gets his record expunged, that name is up on google and will haunt him eternally.

We need to treat criminality as a disease that can be solved, not as an untreatable character flaw baked into the psyche.

See here's the really funny thing.

If a guy gets drunk and fucks a girl, and she gets pregnant, and wants to keep it. He's on the hook for life. Financially etc.

She has RAPED him of a future.

But that's not illegal, in fact, there's little recourse for him to not be financially screwed.

In fact, this one woman, had sex with a guy when he was 15, they got found out, it later turns out she's pregnant, has a child, and when he's like 21-22, working as a doctor or something, the state wants THOUSANDS of dollars of Child Support. FROM HIM.

That's a future, an entire future of hopes, dreams, soul searching, put on hold because a woman decided to have a child without his consent.

Yet the common knowledge is 'Don't stick your dick in crazy.' or 'It's your fault for getting her pregnant.'

Now I'm not saying that's worse than a woman being raped, I'm just saying, there are equivalent situations and challenges to both sexes. But only in the male scenarios are personal responsibilities looked at.

Let me put it this way, a woman never deserves to be raped or sexually assaulted. Just as a person never deserves to be hit by a car.

Yet if you drink to the point where you put yourself in harms way, like getting wasted and running in front of heavy traffic, regardless of the fault of harm, you still had a part in it.

Sherrimayin, MMO Champion 8 Comments [9/30/2018 1:27:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140695

Women making up claims of sexual assault is as old as men committing sexual assault itself. Both of these sins have occurred throughout history and our legal systems must recognize the very real possibility of both of these things occurring.

A lot of Ford’s defenders will say “Well she talked about him doing this way back in 2012 in a therapy session long before he became a nominee and there is documented proof of her making this claim to a therapist. Why would she make up the lie before ever knowing who would be President in four years or that he would nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court?”

Well first and foremost there is no documented proof of her making a claim that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape her. She never gave the therapist any names. Her husband alleges she told him afterwards that it was Brett Kavanaugh but spouses lie for each other so he is not a reliable witness.

So, this leaves us with two other likely possibilities of what actually happened. Ford could have been sexually assaulted by someone other than Brett Kavanaugh and she may not even remember who it was. But she chose to put Kavanaugh’s name in as her attacker when she saw him announced as Trump’s nominee because she wanted to stop him from being nominated.

An even worse scenario would be and could be that she made the entire event up in therapy as an excuse to deal with problems in her own marriage and then filled in Brett Kavanaugh’s name as the attacker as an added bonus. And of course, her loving husband supports her in her lies. This is a very real possibility as well.

But what about the second or third woman?

A second woman, Deborah Ramirez, has claimed that Brett Kavanaugh exposed himself in her face when he was Yale University. So, if we have two women accusing him then both these claims must true right? That is the sad standard for many in our society. If you can’t take the man down with one flawed accuser, just throw in another for good measure.

This second woman even admitted to not being sure it was Brett Kavanaugh who exposed himself to her until after a democratic lawyer helped coach her and convince her that it was.

Then of course we have the trashy lawyer Michael Avenatti claiming he has yet another woman making claims against Brett Kavanaugh.


Senator Mazie Hirono was partially right in some advice she gave to men the other night when she stated:

“I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change.”

The only part of her advice that was wrong was when she said “shut up”. I would simply change this part of her statement and give this advice to all men including Brett Kavanaugh in the face of the rampant misandry going on in American culture today:

“I just want to say to the men in this country: Speak up and step up. Do the right thing for a change.”

The Bible gives us as men this admonition:

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”

1 Corinthians 16:13

I was so pleased to see Brett Kavanaugh make the forceful defense he did in his interview with Martha MacCallum from Fox News. I was pleased to see him speak up and step up to the corrupt political forces that would see him step down.

I pray that God will give the Republican senators the wisdom to see that this is truly a smear campaign against a good man and a good judge and I hope they will have the courage to help him win this nomination.

biblicalgenerroles, Biblical Gender Roles 3 Comments [9/30/2018 3:16:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 1