Quote# 140660

While most married men view porn you may directly contribute to your husband viewing it more by neglecting your physical appearance. If you gain an excessive amount of weight or fail to properly groom yourself or wear nice clothes your husband may look more to porn than he normally would for the feminine beauty that he is naturally designed to crave.

Even if you take great care about your physical appearance if you are harsh, critical, disrespectful or less than fully receptive to your husband’s sexual advances he may view more porn than he would have otherwise. Most women fail to realize that men do not view porn only because of the bodies of these women or the sex acts themselves. Many men also view porn because of the enthusiasm these women show toward sexually pleasing the man they are with.

Even if you as a Christian wife take great care of your appearance and you willingly and enthusiastically have great sex with your husband he may still look at porn. I refer you back to hard truth number 2 about men and their sexuality – men are designed by God with a capacity for polygyny. So this means even if your husband is thrilled with you in all these areas he will still be drawn to enjoy the view of a variety of women’s bodies.

Even if you deny most or all of the hard truths I have just stated the Bible nowhere gives you the right to deny you husband sex because is he doing something sinful. Remember that the same Bible which you believe says men viewing any kind of porn or thinking sexual thoughts of other women is wrong also says very clearly that a woman may not deny her husband sexually.

Even if you deny most or all of the hard truths I have just stated your husband is NOT accountable to you for his thought life or his actions. Even if you feel he is being disobedient to God in his porn use you are not his spiritual authority and you have no authority to confront him in this spiritual matter.

biblicalgenderroles, Biblical Gender Roles 11 Comments [9/27/2018 4:03:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 140688

The Sex Gap will be yuge in the midterm elections. I predict yuger than any previous election. And we can finally have that national conversation about repealing the 19th.

Heartiste, Gab 5 Comments [9/29/2018 4:26:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140683

I want to share with you the tragic account of a struggling marriage. Here's a poor guy who goes to work every day faithfully to support his family. His wife stays at home and is supposed to be a “homemaker” (I never liked the term “housewife” because she's not married to the house).

The man's wife has a problem... several problems. She doesn't clean the house. She lies all the time. She hides things from her husband. She slanders him on the phone while he's at work. She is unreliable and irresponsible.


The psychiatrists are worthless, doing absolutely nothing to help the woman. Her husband is tired and at the end of his rope, he doesn't know where to turn for help. His wife runs out the door for hours at a time every time he mentions anything negative concerning her lack of responsibility. She goes out in the middle of winter, barefoot in the snow, her feet are numb when her panic attack finally breaks. She is driving her husband nuts. Her husband is missing work because of problems at home with his wife. He tries not to get angry at her, but he is human and can only take so much.

He says mean things which he shouldn't say. Her overwhelming fear triggers more panic attacks and she leaves for weeks at a time, he has no idea where she's at. He is always sorry for getting angry at her, but living with her is the most frustrating thing he has ever tried to do. He counsels with others... some advise him to file for divorce... others advise him to take her for more "professional" help. Her mind is unstable. He is tired. She is predictably unpredictable. The marriage is on the rocks.


The father is worried she's going to take his children away in her foolishness, and they'll end up in a heathen court system that caters to rebellious women. Many father's and husbands are living in fear these days because of the brutal onslaught by the rigged court system. The system wants divorces (which mean broken families). Once in the court system, the judge and lawyers take complete control. The couple has no say in the outcome. THERE WILL BE A DIVORCE. The judge and lawyers are required by law to follow rules set by the New World Order, which operates from New York city. Judges are evil to the core in today's system. It's all about money and state control over the children.

His wife told him she wanted to find a new psychiatrist. She didn't drive a car so she asked her husband to drive her to the appointments. For three months her husband drove her to the appointments, dropped her off, and then came back an hour later to get her. We'll, he should have went with her because it turned out that there was NO DOCTOR in the first place. The man's wife made it all up for fear that she was going to be committed to a mental institution. She aimlessly wandered around for an hour each time, waiting for her husband to come back to get her. Once the man's wife found herself on a public transportation bus and didn't know how she got there.

One day she gave her husband a drink. He guzzled the drink down and then noticed soap suds in the glass (with a horrible aftertaste taste in his mouth). She had failed to rinse the Ajax dishwashing detergent out of the glass. Would you be upset? On another occasion the poor guy had food poisoning from eating one of her salads. She was just a walking accident everywhere she went, and her poor husband suffered day and night because of it.

The husband's wife doesn't want to kiss him, saying she doesn't like "mushy kisses." The poor man is frustrated with his wife's lack of desire for sensuality or sex. She tells her psychiatrist that she has no feelings for her husband. She openly admits to her husband that she has been cold-hearted for the past several years. Yet, she continues to be as cold as ice. He gets angry at her sometimes when he sees a pretty woman, feeling like he's been cheated in life. His wife won't spend five minutes in front of a mirror to pretty herself up for him. She just doesn't care.

He gives her a credit card and encourages her to buy whatever she needs to pretty herself up. She doesn't do it. He asks her to buy a book on "How to be Sensual." She won't order it. After several fights, she orders it, but then she won't read it. After several more fights, she finally reads it but won't try any of it. It's a constant uphill battle for the poor husband, fighting tooth-and-nail all the way to get his wife to be a wife. Then she leaves him when he gets angry with her. After 18 1/2 years of marriage she meets a religious feminist who influences her to divorce. That's always the answer of feminists... divorce, divorce, divorce!

Whereas the couple went down into the abyss of life's problems together, a helping hand from a meddling serpent pulls the wife out to move onto greener pastures. The husband is left on a sinking ship and drowns in his burdens and afflictions. The wife goes her merry way with her new friends, saying she doesn't love her husband anymore. It wasn't love, because loveth never faileth. There's no such thing as “I used to love you.” Either you loved then and still do now, and you don't now and never did to begin with! For anyone who's ever been abandoned by a loved one, divorce is the most painful experience in the world. There is nothing any more cruel than to forsake and abandon someone who trusted you with their life, love and future. Woe unto those who file for divorce!

The husband is devastated and refuses to sign the divorce agreement. The lawyer threatens that the judge is a lesbian and feminist who will likely take his children away if he doesn't sign. The lawyer threatens there will be lengthy and costly litigation, and ultimately the wife will get her divorce anyway, because one way or another the judge will give it to her. His wife gets a free lawyer for making allegations of abuse, but it costs him over $50,000 in legal expenses for an expensive lawyer.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 7 Comments [9/29/2018 4:24:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140709

quit trying to equate this to a forced rape of the vagina with a dick or other foreign object. this is pathetic play and to call it rape, what a fucking slap in the face to people that have really been thru rape. you dont want you little pussy played with, dont fall asleep drunk. as much their fault as his. there i said it, since nobody else has the balls.

oh and if this was my daughter i would be thankful she wasnt raped and this probably taught her a valuable lesson in life. win win situation if you know how to live life correctly and learn from your mistakes.

Oxymoronic, MMO Champion 3 Comments [9/30/2018 1:24:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140710

how did the women know they was raped if there fucking unconcious, sounds like more typical female false rape claims to me

Suicidalguy83, MMO Champion 3 Comments [9/30/2018 1:24:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140686

Transcript of the image: friendly reminder

a transwoman is a male with a female brain.

a transman is a female with a male brain.

all "women" who commit violent crimes have male brains, whether they admit it or not.

all "men" who commit violent crimes have female brains, whether they admit it or not.

real women are not violent.

real men are.

there are no exceptions.

#men #women #transmen #transwomen #yesallmen #misandry #male #female #killallmen #feminism #feminist #anti men

unknown radfem, Tumblr 4 Comments [9/29/2018 4:25:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 140706

[On a man fingering unconscious girls]

Yeah, he should probably go to jail for a few months or be fined heavily. But his actions are not critically destructive, and it would be injustice for his life to be ruined. He didn't kill anyone. He poked a couple of vaginas. The fact that he was charged with rape is already a stretch, as much as I am personally disgusted by his archetype.

Undervers, MMO Champion 1 Comments [9/30/2018 11:34:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140668

Reasons why people believe in the female sex offender charade

Whatever their reasons, people do not believe that women can sexually abuse because it is true. As I have resoundingly pointed out, it is logically impossible, given the core beliefs and values that I hold, for women to sexually abuse boys. In this post I will examine possible reason for why people believe, or say they believe that women can be sexual abusers despite the obvious falsehood of this proposition.

- Virtue signaling. Now that it is established as politically correct to believe in female-perpetrated sexual abuse, that in itself will make a lot of people say it just because it increases their status. It is a classic case of the emperor's new clothes -- social status counts more than perceptions and one tends to say what powerful people want to hear.

- It follows from other strongly held beliefs. I am thinking of feminists who posit that the sexes are equal, which is how we got into this mess. Once it is axiomatic to you that there cannot be any sex differences, women must be able to do everything men can no matter how absurd, and so female sexual acts must be equivalent to male abuse despite no one ever feeling it. This is similar to how some physicists feel compelled to believe in the multiverse. Neither phenomenon can ever be observed, but one must believe in it for the sake of consistency.

- Projection. Women project their own sexual feelings (or lack of them) onto males, honestly not realizing how different we are. Notice that women are by far the most vociferous proponents of the female sex offender charade, as well as inventing it, and we often hear that "abuse" was accused only because a boy's mother egged him on. Men used to keep such lunacy in check, and it can thus be seen as a nasty side effect of giving women too much political power.

- Their paycheck depends on it. Is a policeman, prosecutor, judge, school administrator, therapist or journalist going to go with his instincts, which if expressed will get him instantly fired, or what brings home the bacon and furthers his career? The choice is dishonorable, but understandable. These figures will almost always follow the profits. The same goes for accusers and their families who stand to gain from suing the school etc., in which case greed is the proper name of the sin.

- Thoughtlessness and going with the flow. I know I am special because I have thought and read extensively about sexual abuse, and there are doubtless people who give it little thought. I am sure I hold irrational beliefs on some other subjects myself, perhaps some of them equally ridiculous as the assertion that women can sexually abuse boys. But I wouldn't know, because I don't examine these views critically, and there isn't enough time in anybody's life to think critically and research the facts about everything. This is probably the most excusable excuse, but it can't remain excusable for long if you are made to think about the topic.

- Socially acceptable misogyny. To label a woman as "sex offender" is to declare open season for any hate anyone wishes to heap on her, and this being the sole remaining politically correct way to hate women, naturally it will attract misogynists. This hate is so strong in some men that they will pathetically deny their own sexual nature as boys in favor of claiming abuse, and this applies to accusers as well as bystanders. Thus you have grown men spouting the lie that they didn't want to have sex with their female teachers in school, or that they were "abused" if they did. I am willing to accept that their hate is stronger than their sex drive, but they were most assuredly not abused, because that would require a consensus reality in which I could intuitively partake and not just a false and self-serving belief. This doesn't even have to be misogyny, but the same kind of misanthropic malice that causes a person to jump on the bandwagon and participate in any old witch-hunt or lynching. Vigilante pedophile hunters are cut from this cloth.

Insofar as people believe in the myth that women can be sexual abusers, how do they justify it to themselves?

- The aversive experience delusion. We all know that boys want sex, but somehow, for the purposes of expressing an opinion on female "abusers," this knowledge is blocked out and replaced with the message promulgated by the theatrics of feminist abuse hysteria. They may be laboring under the delusion that "children" are asexual, never mind their own memory to the contrary. And the "teacher or similar status = abusive power differential" myth is a powerful destroyer of common sense. All it takes is a mumbo-jumbo explanation like that and a lot of people's minds go blank and ready to be filled with whatever authority tells them. This is similar to how the "rape is about power rather than sex" canard got established. It sounds like a sophisticated thing to say, so having heard it all his life from intelligent-sounding people, the man in the street will parrot it even though it bears zero resemblance to how he feels his own sexuality works.

- The more pseudo-sophisticated explanations. Some true believers will admit that boys go through all the motions and feelings of wanting and enjoying sex, but then all this is somehow made irrelevant by a metaphysical layer that still makes it abuse. Or it is believed that some kind of "trauma" will surface later. Of course this is gibberish unless you go out of your way to brainwash boys into thinking they have been abused -- which is to say actually abusing them -- but it is an explanation for how these dimwitted minds work.

- Misguided equality or an MRA tactic. Some men understand that the female sex offender charade is completely or mostly nonsense, but they want to punish these women anyway just to be "equal" or get even or convince women that the hateful sex laws were a bad idea (which never happens). This belief is common among men who have partially opened their eyes to the abuses of feminism, including a lot of self-styled "MRAs," but of course they are no such thing.

- The irrelevant harm theory. This is also common among "MRAs," who will want to punish women not for sex itself, which they know is harmless, but consequences such as child support. They may have a point, but this should be dealt with by reforming child support laws rather than pretending that women can rape or sexually abuse boys. Apparently they lack the imagination to do anything but go along with the feminists on 99% of issues.

If you look at the comment section below any news article about supposed female sexual abusers, wherever comments are unmoderated, it is always teeming with men who express disbelief that it can be abuse or say they wish they had been so lucky themselves. So this is one issue where male sexualists are decidedly not alone. I would say we represent the true majority, but those who promote the female sex offender charade wield disproportionate power, enough to make it the law of the land for now. This is a horribly wrong situation that we need to change, gentlemen. As male sexualist activists we must never forget to stand up for women accused of sexual abuse as well, because we know this charade is every bit as absurd and odious as any historical witch-hunt and even more troubling than the hateful persecution we face ourselves.

Eivind Berge, Eivind Berge's Blog 1 Comments [9/29/2018 4:17:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140647

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. As a Muslim woman born and raised in UK I see a lot of Muslims who are falling into the trap of Shaitan and the West.

They are following the Western or Modern or Feminist standards of women's rights and are failing to understand that Islam gives women rights and we don't need feminism. And that feminism is a disease. It teaches you to hate and bash men and makes claims that women and men are the same. We are not the same. We are different to men, mentally, physically and emotionalmy. Yes in the sight of Allah we are equal in terms of righteousness. Remember, different isn't bad. Women do things that men can't do and men do things that women can't do. You compliment one another.

Women are so adamant on proving that they are equal to men that in the process they are losing their femininity. And men are becoming effeminate. Many of our Muslim sister's have sadly fallen into the trap of FEMINISM and are actively recruiting other Muslims to join them. We as a Muslim Ummah need to put an END to this. We need to be vocal and stand up these feminist Muslim women and the Muslim men that support their campaign. What are your thoughts?

Muslimahghuraba, Ummah 10 Comments [9/26/2018 3:44:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140650

She is in my class and gave me her number to study and get coffee after I asked her for it.

I didn't do the reading so scrambled to find the answers online, found a website with every single one for the whole class.

I never have to do the reading and just need to study the tests after I'm done with them now.

I at first thought, I better text that qt girl right away and let her know! She will think I'm a nice guy.

Then I remembered I don't help girls that I'm not fucking. So I quashed that thought and will never let her know unless she starts dating me for real.

Zesto, incels.me 10 Comments [9/27/2018 2:33:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140607

UTOPIA: what would a women’s society look like?

I haven’t been writing in a while, and it’s not because I don’t like writing any more but things have accelerated elsewhere in my life and I can’t be involved everywhere at once. As this isn’t paid work, obviously I can’t afford to put blogging first.

Anyway, there are still many posts waiting to be finished. In the meantime, I’ll start another one.

I often muse about all the things that we’d need to change about patriarchy if we abolished men’s rule over women and the earth. Everything and every single aspect of social organisation is so much the opposite of how it should be, it’s dizzying to even begin to think about all the things we should stop / change.

Mostly it’s about men stopping from doing harm. But stopping men isn’t enough because beyond that there is the entire world to relearn, to heal, and our entire society to rebuild. We would be faced with the immense task of replacing all the misogynist, genocidal, biocidal practices men have ordered our society with for eons. So many of us now are acculturated, cut from land, nature and from one another.

If we managed to overcome men’s tyranny over us, how would we rebuild our world? I just want to throw some ideas here that I often come across these days. I dream for concrete, down-to-earth, simple and easily applicable measures of stepping out of patriarchy into a female-loving, biophilic world. This isn’t by any means a realistic plan of how to achieve it, but just reading it makes me feel happy. It makes it feel more real, more possible. Enjoy!


Men’s position in society

Before we do anything, the very first measure to adopt is to take all men out of all positions of decision-making immediately, and actually out of any kind of social, professional position whatsoever.

Major serial killers, serial torturers, pimps, pornographers, severe domestic abusers, serial rapists, genocide planners, biocide planners and pedocriminals across the world will simply be euthanised: the decisions will be taken by women in a mass world tribunal for patriarchal crimes. This is by far the best solution, and is the most legitimate, ethical way of reducing male population to more reasonable levels. Such men would otherwise forever pose a threat to women, children, animals, the earth and society as a whole, and we know they have no chance of ceasing their violent behaviour after having reached such an advanced stage of sadism and sociopathy. It would be reckless to spend space, resources and energy in keeping them alive in prisons.

All of men’s (alive and euthanised) belongings, property, resources and land will be confiscated from men and handed back to female care and supervision – property rights over land will be abolished. You can’t own land!

All men at least above 15 (or younger if very asocial) should live separately from women and children, on their own in small huts or studios, isolated from one another and scattered around so that women can keep an eye on them (they should never be in groups or packs, that would be illegal). So it would also be illegal for male adults to impose their presence on females, girls and children. Men would have to care for themselves on their own: food, laundry, etc. No male above his age of puberty would be allowed to receive any kind of service from a female. Their life expectancy would probably drop to the age of 40, but that’s how things should be. Women’s life expectancy without men would rise to 130 years at least.

PIV would be illegal too of course, as well as the initiation of any verbal or physical contact to women and girls or boy children, unless solicited by a woman for specific matters. I’m not sure what to do about boy children. Obviously you know my opinion, but let’s say that’s up to the mother to decide what she wants to do before he turns of age to leave the female family circle.

In order to keep all men and post-pubescent boys busy, we’d send them to clean up the vast amounts of detritus, pollution and toxic wastes men have littered and almost killed the world with. Much of the damage to the earth is irreversible, however with a great deal of effort and genius, women will find sustainable, natural and simple ways of healing a lot of the damage men have caused, and send men off to do the dirty work. No man will be allowed to take any decision without female guidance. We know what happens when men decide on their own! DISASTER.

Family, child-raising and reproduction

Fathers’ rights will cease to exist. There is no such thing as fatherhood — as we all know, it’s a myth. Men will necessarily lose all and any power to dominate and control women’s reproductive capacities.

It’s the inalienable right of each woman to control every phase of her reproduction and life creation. Abortion will be possible at any stage of pregnancy, however there will hardly be such a thing as undesired pregnancy since there won’t be any men forcing pregnancies on us any more. Abortion will nonetheless be recognised for the trauma, mutilation and loss of life that it is. The number of children and human population will naturally decrease to sustainable levels, so will the number of males born. Women will be free to experiment parthenogenesis or procreation with two female eggs.

The nuclear family will be abolished, in particular the parent’s property rights and absolute power over her child. Children will be considered as persons in need for autonomy and all form of punishment, authority or educational manipulation over children will equally be abolished. Raising and caring for children will be a collective responsibility for women, and motherhood / childcare and especially capacity to be empathetic towards children will be taken very seriously, as something that needs to be (re)learned and studied over years before being fully competent for this immense task.

Schools as we know them as punitive reclusion centres for grooming into male domination and female subordination (as well as selection system for elite executors of patriarchal institutions) will be abolished. Boys would definitely not be around the girls, certainly not most of the time, and never beyond the age of puberty. And obviously no adult male would be allowed near children.

There will be no such thing as “teachers” with positions of authority over children. “Guiders” could learn also from the children or students as much the students from them. We’d learn anything we’d want from languages to sciences to art to music to medicine to building to witchcraft to swimming (etc) without restriction of age or time, as long as it’s adapted to our capacities, level and availability. Learning would be autonomous, with guidance when needed, instead of enforced and dictated. They’d be no need for external reward, marking or punishment because the process of learning in itself is so rewarding and fascinating that it’s self-sufficient. Anyway I could go on and on, non-patriarchal learning is truly riveting.

Social structures between women.

All relationships of authority, domination and subordination will be abolished between all women of all ages. We will be able to recognise each other’s strengths, expertise, guidance and capacities (or lack of) without it implying superiority, inferiority, veneration or lack of respect. We would find each other beautiful. We would live our friendships, love and affection for women unhindered.


All oppressive male institutions will be abolished after men have been retrieved from them. We obviously won’t keep these institutions. They will return to the nothingness that they belong, just as a distant, bad memory.


No more military, no more army, no more wars! It would be illegal for men to hold weapons. Global peace would be the immediate consequence. Most weapons will be destroyed (or recycled into something else), such as weapons of mass destruction, anti-personnel mines, tanks, machine guns, all manners of terrestrial, marine and air-bombers, and all the many disgusting things men have invented. For the remaining weapons such as guns or blades, women will hold exclusive right of use over them in order to defend ourselves from men, from the risk of them taking power over us again.


States, borders, nations, laws would be abolished and totally dispensed with. Laws mentioning the number of prohibited acts will be kept for men only. Women do not need laws to contain ourselves. Laws were created by the male elite to protect their property from other men. Laws are rigid and static, that’s because their purpose is to hold existing patriarchal powers in place. Our own society would be in constant evolution, improvement, creative renewal, yet grounded in reality and adapted to our needs and circumstances.

Women would be able to move freely.

Societal structures and decision-making assemblies wouldn’t exceed roughly 300 women (representing no more than themselves). Keeping numbers low for cooperation is important because the greater the size of the unit, the more horizontal cooperation becomes difficult and requires vertical hierarchy. Possibilities for peaceful, cooperative organisation between women are infinite – as long as they respect the individual integrity of every female – the group should never weigh over the individual but be a source for support and efficient organisation of collective life and space. There could easily be associations of exchange between different groups and peoples in order for women to cooperate regionally and globally where necessary. There would be no limit in age of participation in decision-making for women and girls, which means adapting the format to different ages and capacities.


Men would be permanently banned from any kind of medical practice. All woman-hating, genocidal institutions such as gynecology, psychiatry, obstetrics, big pharma, the torture of living beings in the name of “scientific experimentation” will be banned. Men’s fragmented, objectifying, sadistic view the human body will be part of history, replaced by biophilic medicine. Medical science will no longer be monopolised by a small elite but available to all at any age where appropriate. The (female) doctor’s role will be to guide the patient in her own healing, never to exercise authority over her or take decisions at her expense. Special healing spaces (where surgery is necessary, etc) will be so nice, warm and welcoming that just being there will make you feel better. The soul and life conditions of a person will always be considered part of the body, and symptoms will always be understood in a holistic way. There will be no more chemical, synthetic and toxic products with often worse side effects than the illness itself it claims to heal.

Perfect health would be the normal state of women anyway, as we will learn by experience and observation what we should eat and do to stay healthy at all seasons and times. Most women will have rediscovered our healing, divination and extra-sensory communication powers.


Patriarchal religions will crumble down with men’s oppressive system. Religious ideologies, along with its hierarchies and vacuous rituals will cease to exist. I believe a woman’s world would be spiritual. Spiritual connection isn’t based on faith but on critical observation and experience, on a real personal connection to the elements, beings and spirits that surround us, and on the real magnetic power of beings.

Economy (tied to ecology):

Obviously, Slavery, men’s exploitation of women, men’s capitalist systems will be abolished too. The most important aspect of male economy is that it’s based on men’s competitive accumulation of resources (by killing, destroying, commodifying, taking control over, extracting the greatest possible amount of life) and based on production of poisonous, addictive, programmed obsolescent goods — in order to win the patriarchal game of achieving greater domination over women and girls.

This necrophilic relationship to the world and the environment will be abolished, to be replaced by biophilic ecological and economic principles. This will encompass every single process of our life activities, from house building, to food consumption, to communication, travelling, furniture making, cooking, etc. They will have to be carefully designed and thought out in a way as to never endanger the survival of any species, never pollute any environment, never require the use of poisonous, non-recyclable materials, never to require indentured labour or exploitation in order to be maintained. This would obviously impact the nature and scale of our activities. “Work” (exploitation and division of labour) as we know it would disappear. It would be the responsibility of each individual or group to sustain herself more or less autonomously.

We should learn to observe our environment and deeply understand the interconnectedness of all beings around us, as well our own impact before deciding whether or how to transform it. Our lives have no more or no less value than those of a rabbit, fly, tree, plant, fish, seashell or stone. For instance, if we pick leaves of some plants, it’s important not to rip the whole plant off, to take only parts of it so it can grow again. Or to only take a few plants (or seashells, whatever) where there are many, so to respect the survival of the species where it is settled. If we cut trees to build our house, replant them. There are also infinite ways of making the most of materials for energy, food or production while using it as efficiently as possible. Building houses in ways that don’t require heating in winter or cooling in the summer. It is now widely known that energy such as electricity can be infinitely renewable if we use wind power, magnetic power, water power… And everything can be made DIY.

We will learn to be autonomous again and make our own clothes, food, furniture, houses, soaps, detergent products – or maybe someone else will make them but most things can be handmade and it’s so much more rewarding.

In a biophilic world, nothing is garbage, nothing is pollution. Everything is conceived so as to be part of a life cycle. This doesn’t mean we should keep the same toothbrush for 50 years or never improve on our machines, technology and infrastructure, but there’s no such thing as a dump, or toxic spilling. All materials should be harmless, recyclable or biodegradable, given back the earth if we no longer need them.

Industrial agriculture and farming:

Genetic modification of plants, pesticides, monoculture, field ploughing and consequent aridification of the land will be considered criminal. Our right to self-sustenance would no more be confiscated by mega food corporations – as they will no longer exist.

Agriculture should always be small-scale, local, and as much as possible be modelled on wildlife, self-growing / self-renewing conditions (the less work and intervention, the better), and especially be conceived so as to nourish and sustain rather than deplete wildlife and environmental balance. Again, possibilities are infinite, we have so much to learn.

And seriously, killing animals you’ve raised yourself in a farm or keeping animals enclosed is cruel. I’m for the liberation of all farm and domestic animals. It’s up to them to decide whether they want to live with us or not, and they should be able to come and go freely. Maybe after a few decades, after the human population has stalled, male population has decreased, and after we’ve made serious efforts for reforestation and restoration of wildlife on the earth, it would probably be fairer to hunt animals occasionally. Right now, given the extinction rate of animal species, I find it criminal to hunt or fish. We don’t need to eat that much meat anyway.

Witchwind, Witchwind.wordpress 22 Comments [9/23/2018 4:54:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 140651

It's the male instinct to have sex with as many women as possible, any way possible. Just because women don't want to have sex with me, doesn't mean I don't want to have sex with them. But you will never see me grab a woman's ass at the grocery store and start fucking her. There's laws against that which represses that instinct.

Yet, the female sexual instinct is not similarly repressed. Their instinct is to have sex with the most dominant/good looking/criminal males they can possibly find. That shouldn't be allowed. Queue some fat landwhale or effeminate numale telling me it's not comparable, because in the first instance I am violating someone's consent and therefore their rights but in the case of females, they are not violating anyone's rights because "muhh freedom of association". WRONG. Let's explain why:

So let's say at some point I get tired of paying taxes and I just stop completely. Most people(with the exception of anarcho-capitalists) would say that's a crime and that I should go to jail for it. But who am I really hurting by not paying my taxes? Not the government-they don't need my money, so there has to be another reason why people would want me thrown in jail. It's because people know that some portion of tax money goes to supporting infrastructure and the needs of people like healthcare, the police force, jobs, etc. So by not paying my taxes, I'm not hurting one particular person but society as a whole.

Similarly, the female is not hurting any one individual when she chases degenerate men like criminals and douchebags. Nor is she hurting any one individual when she chases highly attractive or powerful men, but society at large. When women are whores for evil men, they empower them and hurt good men by depriving them of much needed affection. Further, men will themselves seek to emulate evil behavior to be sexually successful, making the situation even worse. When they are whores for only attractive men, they skew the natural equilibrium. Eventually, there is an inflated sense of despair and resentment in society, not to mention degeneracy, and society itself will collapse.

mangoboy, incels.me 6 Comments [9/26/2018 9:29:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140448

LOL no surprise. Women have no morals and can't follow rules clearly without 'emotions' getting in the way. Women infantry = weaker military

digitalEarthling, r/MGTOW 11 Comments [9/14/2018 3:24:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140449

GOP will hold the Senate.

House race too close to call. Newly elected reps will be either Fuggernaut Freakazoids from the coasts or pro-Trump Dems.

If the House flips, blame suburban married White women and urban single White women. These dumb traitorous broads can’t resist the siren song of the lying scumbag Fake News media. The ZOGbeat of anti-Trump hysteria is taking its toll on the weaker sex.

As I’ve been saying for a while, our unregulated womenfolk will be the end of our nation. 2018 may seal the deal.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 14 Comments [9/14/2018 3:25:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 140487

this world was created by men. go outside and look around. everything you see was put there by a man. every luxury you experience is there because of men. every sip of water you drink from a tap was possible because of men. every brick you see was placed by men, almost every item you own to make your life better is there because of the blood, sweat and tears of generations of men working hard to create the world you live in today. and who are the people who enjoy the fruits of our labour the most? women.

what have women been able to contribute which is comparable to that of men? and yet there are women's rights protests demanding equality between the sexes and an end to the patriarchy. and it is men who have been weak enough to let this happen. women do not deserve equality. equality is earned. not given.

MaxZM98, incels.me 13 Comments [9/18/2018 2:53:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140488

Oh no, a female rubbed her ass on my crotch, my life is ruined.

It's funny how ridiculous it sounds when genders are reversed. Gender equality is such a joke.

Women don't want to be harassed, ok. Be always accompanied by your father, brother or husband, dress modestly and there you go.

Mainländer, incels.me 10 Comments [9/18/2018 2:53:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140489

Are females the main reason for terrorist radicalization?

"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth." I'm an atheist, but I'm finally starting to understand that the purpose of religion is to keep female hypergamy under control. How can women expect a man to suffer his entire life and deny his strongest biological impulses while they form harems around the hottest men? How can they expect us to slave away for NOTHING while Chad has women lining up for the opportunity to suck his cock dry? Female hypergamy is the greatest injustice of the 21st century.

Slavery was abolished because one human should not rule over another human. Women have turned this fight for "equality" into a fight for DOMINANCE. They want to rule over us and lock us down in the mines to support their lavish lifestyle while they forget that we even exist. I can't imagine a man turning insane and throwing his life away if he had a loving woman in his life. Tall, white men have taken all their women, so their only choice is JIHAD so they can finally get a woman in Heaven.

Potbellypos, incels.me 8 Comments [9/18/2018 2:55:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140534

(in response to an article about a trans woman who says that there are times and places where sexual objectification is fine and that, in those places, she WANTS to be objectified. For extra fundie points, note how many of them have ironic names.)

PhenomenalWoman: (because you're mentally ill)

OrganizedJen: They need to get some mental help. You are not a woman. That is why you are not objectified like we are.
They know you're a fucking man!

ashbee: Only a man would say that.

YoungBougieBlac: These people need mental treatment. [...] I'm tired of them including "people of color" in their arguments. Stop comparing trans and being black period full stop

wecarealot: Because you're a fucking man. Of course men think sexual objectification is fine because they're usually the ones doing it. And in this case, this person wants to be objectified because they feel they're a woman inside even though they're biologically male.

Corgi: Trans women stay wanting to believe that they are no different from people born female. Everything regular women find harmful and degrading they find empowering because it validates their identity. We all know they need constant 24/7 validation.

LazyDaisy: it's even worse because here you are, a marginalized identity putting forth this image and promoting this culture that's rampant among transwomen that them being sexually desired makes them "accepted" or even coveted in society and that somehow they'll replace ciswomen because they're sought for sexually. No. Get help, now. You're only doing a disservice to yourself and other transwomen by promoting your sexual objectification as something positive.

cosmiclatte: They're weird as hell. Literally everything bio women can't stand they love and envy us for. Most women hate being cat called because it's rude and they know that there's a possiblity they could be sexually assaulted but trans/non binary people that are jealous of females see it as a sign of admiration.

Unnie: This person is clearly MALE because only MEN don't find an issue with viewing women as sex objects.

coolgirlia: Only a man would think that the essence of being a woman is being sexually oppressed.

BambiGambino: Everything about the trans-movement advocates for violence against women and the silencing of our issues because they're transphobia and offensive.

LaDela: it doesn't surprise me that a mentally ill male-bodied trans "woman" would feel this way. Most of them feel this way. People like this are a danger to the public and especially to biological women.

talkign2much: This "wanting to be sexually objectified" is male thinking. He can't deny his maleness. He's a damn fool. Why did I bother reading this mess? I need a shot of mango juice to calm down and forget about reading about this fool.

Dr.Girlfriend: How is he qualified to talk about women's issues when he can't even get pretending right?

80sIcons: Women do not like being objectified. But he's a man and has no idea on what it's like to be a woman.

JenThePen: Only a man would say or think this.

Duckieee: only a biological born male would think this is acceptable. You might have the female body parts and pronouns but you still clearly have the mentality of a man.

Terry Mcginnis: I'm not surprised that a man thinks it's okay to look at others as sub-human and see only value in a person's look. This is why I subscribe to terfism.

locacoca: This just in: men don't know what objectification is, never have, never will and also they don't know anything about feminism.

These wypipo also think their argument is valid if they stick 'white, cis, able-bodied' in front of everything then woc and disabled women must think "Oh they must be right" because we have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

BotswanaB: He wishes straight men would objectify him like they do with real women.

Fetty Queen: Of course she wants to be objectified. She may have cut her dick off but she still has a male brain and men think this type of behavior is a compliment.

GeorgeSorrows: These people don't realize that biological sex is not just a matter of chromosomes. Sex has such a heavy influence on human physiology and that includes BRAIN physiology. IN GENERAL men and women don't process their environment the same way. That is, we may get to the same destination, but our pathways there will differ. This is not a matter of personality and socialization but a matter of BIOLOGY. Transwomen will still think like men.
The SRY gene expressed on the Y-chromosome makes SRY protein which is expressed in the testicles and in the BRAIN. Male brains differ from female brains
This is a FACT

IngaLou: Spoken like a true man! It seems like I never hear all these dumb things from transmen.

But I'm sure that's just a coincidence, right?

Various TERFs, Lipstick Alley 9 Comments [9/20/2018 2:31:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 140559

This has been going on for a while now. Teachers and professors from across the country have been making their way to national headlines by making ludicrous claims on how women should behave/dress/live. It seems like this exclusive club of sexist academics is ever growing.

Not too long ago, a professor from Kozhikode ridiculed female students in his college for revealing their breasts like "slices of watermelon". Before that, a college principal from Mumbai said PCOS -- polycystic ovary syndrome -- happens to women who dress like men. Even before that, a nursing school in Kollam district forbade its female students to lock doors while changing, for they were worried that the girls were up to "lesbian sex".

Now, a teacher from Kerala claims that women who wear jeans -- wait for it -- give birth to transgender children.

Meet Rajith Kumar, a botany lecturer at Kalady's Sree Sankara College, who has a long history of coming up with sexist and homophobic theories. This is what this 'doctor' said on a live TV show recently:

"...a woman who dresses up like a man, what will be the character of the child she gives birth to? These children are called 'transgenders' or 'napumsakam'. Hijra,".
- Rajith Kumar

There's more...

A report on The News Minute points out that Rajith Kumar had stressed that "good" children are born to men and women who dress and live as men and women (whatever that means):

"When a woman degrades her womanhood and a man degrades his manhood, the girl born to them is man-like. The child this girl later gives birth to will be a transgender."
- Dr Rajith Kumar

That's not all. 'Doctor' Rajith Kumar also believes that autistic children are born to 'rebel' men and women, especially women who wear jeans.

Rajith Kumar , India Today  8 Comments [9/20/2018 2:48:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 140579

Fed Up TIF

I think I hit peak trans when I saw someone say that TIMs should be allowed to feel uncomfortable around and avoid TIFs but the other way around is "transmisogyny". How are we any kind of threat to them? Why should they be allowed to avoid us but we can't do the same when we feel uncomfortable with them?

I have severe body dysphoria that I struggle with every day but I am sick and tired of people coddling TIMs who tower over me in size and strength and could probably snap my neck. I also disagree with the idea that there's no such a thing as female or male socialization. Obviously people who were raised a certain way will think that way. It's not rocket science. I know that I was raised to be a perfect daughter and fed every line in the book about how to act and behave long before I came to identify as trans. It's bullsh*t.

I'm just fed up. :/ Sorry if this comes across as stupid or something. I just needed a place to vent without being fed to the wolves.

I used to babysit frequently and ever since I learned about female and male socialization I'd see it absolutely everywhere, even from the most "progressive" of families. The most obvious example being a girl whose parents held her behavior to a much higher standard than her brother's, who was free to be loud and roughhouse much of the time.

A lot of trans seem to believe that TIMs should be in female prisons, if only for their own safety (nevermind that of real women, who don't matter apparently). Ask them if they think TIFs belong in male prisons and that's when they suddenly realize that women are put in danger by the opposite sex, regardless of gender identity. That is not to say that I think TIMs are safe in male spaces, but rather that they can't identify out of the threat they pose to women any more than a TIF can identify out of sex based oppression.

It's a really obvious double standard.

I'm sorry things are tough for you right now and I hope you have a better day soon.

pobox1880 & stellarmoth, r/GenderCritical 5 Comments [9/21/2018 4:43:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140581

I don't trust all men on one basis: male socialization, which applies to all of them. To differing degrees and in different ways, sure, but still. Male socialization teaches them to look to women as inferior, as servile, as the ones to blame for their own actions toward them, as fleshy sex toys for their benefit, to be predators of women, to get the most they can for themselves short of it being unacceptable, to be blind to suffering in favor of "rational" principle, to be complicit and overlook the brutality and arrogance of their own group.

Then, it even goes as far as to have them suppress and shame their own emotions, so that they will remain effective as oppressors who will refrain from turning against their own group, who tends to even be shitty to them. No, he's not really a nice guy if he watches porn, and absolutely so if he is protective of his porn habits. If your boyfriend only considers the problem of it to be how its technically cheating to him, he either hasn't realized or doesn't care about the real problem of it.

I can only come to start trying to trust men who hate men themselves, which of course comes down to what the cult of masculinity demanded he himself become. However, even they have to be questioned on whether they are actual traitors to men or if they are simply that cunning to win your trust to then betray you personally. After all, the abusers who get the farthest are those who did the most in their power to avoid being recognized as one.

Candentia, r/GenderCritical 6 Comments [9/21/2018 4:44:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140588

pedophilia and faggotry go hand in hand. both are worthy of death. when Jesus rules, fags will be killed by the state, women will lose the vote and people will be ruled over with a rod of iron. man is so stupid to think they know how to rule themselves.

Andrew Lucero Jr., YouTube 6 Comments [9/22/2018 3:46:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417

Quote# 140603

She didn’t cry out, make a scene or even tell her friends that night. The “he covered my mouth” part is the feeble lie – the fig leaf so to speak – that allows her and her supporters to claim that her allegation, if something resembling it actually happened, constitutes assault. But it is a transparent fabrication, because she says that she got out and said nothing.

Maybe, and more likely in my view, Kavanaugh rejected her advances, or never noticed her in the first place. Women can and often do concoct fantasies about the objects of their desire ravishing them, and they often sound a lot like this Kavanaugh story. A common theme is that the man uses force, but the force does not rise to the level used in actual rapes. For example, “he took me in his strong arms, and looked into my eyes with a passionate gaze; I felt my ability to resist slipping away as he removed my blouse, I would have cried out to preserve my honor, but he placed his hand over my mouth” instead of “he grabbed me by my throat and threatened to kill me if I made a sound, my eyes were wide open in terror, I tried to scream but he squeezed so hard I couldn’t make a sound and it felt like my eyes would pop out of my head, then after stunning me with a blow to the face, he displayed a knife and told me to shut up and take my clothes off or he’d gut me like a fish.”

Bill P, Unz 8 Comments [9/23/2018 4:51:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 140626

[Blackpill] Roasties will begin murdering incels en-masse in the near future

Based on pure logic and deductive reasoning, I have predicted the following events:

A priori:
1. It is legal in America to kill if you feel threatened (Stand your ground laws)
2. Feeling threatened is subjective.
3. Roasties are a privileged class. Her word is accepted as fact. The burden of proof falls upon us to prove whatever she says wrong.
4. Roasties are repulsed by incels. We invoke strong feelings of dread and fear in them by appearance alone.
5. Roasties are emotional creatures.
6. Guns allow killing easy regardless of physical strength.
7. The incel movement is becoming mainstream.
8. Roasties require validation and will do anything to get it

The following sequence of events will occur
1. Incelistani warriors will form a terror cell.
2. The incel rebellion will begin. Hundreds of roastie lives will be.
3. The identities of the warriors will be released to the public.
4. The incel movement will become extremely mainstream.
5. Roasties will now fear incels even more, and start buying guns.
6. Some low-inhib roasties will begin shooting incels on sight in southern states with stand your ground laws.
7. Those low-inhib roasties will be praised as heros for defending themselves all over social media
8. Roasties will begin slaying incels en-masse to get media praise and constant validation
9. Incels will begin fighting back and retaliating. This will worsen the situation for us and create a negative feedback loop.
10. Stand your ground laws will spread throughout America and the world
11. Incels will be slain en-masse all over the world.

What will happen next you ask? That's maybe a topic for another thread.

f1rem0th, incels.me 13 Comments [9/25/2018 1:18:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140627

try this pickup line currycels

Hi. As a woman who’s constantly trying to understand the incel mindset, why isn’t the Indian man going for Indian women? Why Caucasian women? Thanks.

Because the curry whores are becoming just like the asian whores, only going for white chad. This leaves currycels and ricecels with no one left

Okay, but what about Indian/Asian women who aren’t whores?

Non existant. We live in a society with white people everywhere. These women are always going to choose the white man instead of their own race. The only reason you see asians with asians or indians with indians is because they were unable to get a white man because most white men are able to get other white women. The ones who don't resort to brown or asian girls, leaving almost no white incels. Whitecel is volcel unless you're gigamanlet, literally deformed, or gigamentalcel. I see sub5'8 fat neckbeard white men with asian foids all the time. A lot of white guys I know also claim they get attention from these asian or curry foids a lot. Now, if these women would choose a lower tier white guy rather than a higher tier brown or asian dude, where does that leave us, the lower tier ethnics? Inceldom

Okay, so does that mean that inceldom is a product of American society? I ask because although I’m fat, I have a few Indian female friends (I live in the UK) who have only dated/married Indian men. One of my Indian friends is fairly attractive (I’d rate her 7/10) and she’s dating a short, balding guy. He’s Indian. She loves him because he’s awesome to her. Another friend is Caucasian actually, she married her Indian boyfriend last year. He’s not ugly but not spectacularly attractive either. Balding a bit and shorter than she is, I’d rate him 6/10 and her 8/10. They went to uni together and have similar incomes. So forgive me if I’m not quite seeing your point here. And thanks for responding.

As debunked on this sub many times, exceptions are not the rule. "I've seen -x happen irl therefore x is not a real problem". Statistics show that Indian and Asian men are among the lowest rated in attractiveness. Most of these issues stem from the ideals of the west being enforced onto ethnics. The whole "White Beauty"ideal and skin whitening craze among asians and indians contributes to this problem. Indian men are just as guilty of this. They chase white women a lot, especially the FOBs. The only difference is they usually aren't able to get with them, while the Indian women are able to (or at least have a higher chance to because they are women and there are no shortages of desperate white men). Combine this with hypergamous western society, and as a result you get this. Want proof? Go to r/uwaterloo. This is a subreddit for a Canadian university which is overwhelmingly Asian. Every other thread is someone complaining about how they are miserable and lonely

Incelebrategoodtimes, r/Braincels 2 Comments [9/25/2018 1:19:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 2