Quote# 140598

When plain jane women misremember the details of an alleged sexual assault against them from decades ago, they will tend to fill in the perp blank with an hsmv chad lacrossist, because this satisfies their desire to be desired by high value men, aka “I’m so hot I made an alpha man lose control”.


The woman cries out that you’re victimizing her as she victimizes you.

ps I see Ace has been hanging around this blawg.

pps reminder from williamk that women aren’t constitutionally wired for higher order morality:

Women’s instincts are suited for status jockeying in 200 person tribes. Expecting higher ideals from them like truth and justice is a great folly of our age. Notice why she recanted: she realized peddling these lies beyond her dried up yoga foodie clique might make her look bad.

Serious question: how much better off would America be today if the 19th Amendment never existed?

CH, Chateau Heartiste 5 Comments [9/23/2018 11:56:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140426

Camillo, bonobo alpha male in the DRC, fathered 60% of the babies in his community

The blackpill literally transcends species. How can anyone not see the obvious conclusion that our current liberal culture on sexuality is leading us exactly to this.


Can’t deny that this is at the heart of evolved human sexuality. Only one man is needed to impregnate every woman in the village. Why would any woman want anyone but the most alpha?

Yeah mud hut level technology is pretty awesome. Fuck going to space and shit. Thank god for low-IQ alphas amirite?

He's not saying it's right he's just explaining how "alpha fucks beta bucks" works which normies deny.

Normies deny it today because they are still mentally living in the Victorian era of M'Lady fedora tipping. They refuse to acknowledge that their feminist horseshit is only making alphafux betabux more of a reality with each passing day. AFBB would have been socially unthinkable a few centuries ago, because that would imply descent into primitive behavior again.

Female sexuality is primitive and unless you shame and control female sexuality, we'll be back in the Stone Age again.

High IQ. Even sociologists have noted that non-mongomous societies are always more primitive and tribal than societies with strict socially enforced mongomy. We will slip back into mud hut tier society of we don't control female sexuality soon.


Blue Pill = Bonobo society = Matriarchy = Chad wins every time = Primitive stone age eat and fuck all day while 90% LDAR

Black Pill = Chimp society = Patriarchy = even lower ranked guys get action and it is in the interest of higher ranked guys to make sure lower ranked guys get action = We colonizing space and shit

Here, this completely proves my point that patriarchal Chimp society is far superior while bonobos remain primitive:

Chimps have entered the stone age in tool technology. BONOBOS HAVE NOT.

Wonder why the rest of the bonobo-cels haven't teamed up and revolted against the few in charge.

They usually do.

It's an ongoing game of politics where the betas will band together to overthrow the alpha.

The problem is that once they win, another man becomes the alpha and the cycle starts all over again.

Basically lesser apes spend all their time fighting each other for the distribution of sex,so nothing outside of eating, fucking and fighting gets done.

Hominids used to be like this but differentiate their selves through pair bonding. For modern humans, eventually all the males agreed upon a system of social stratification where every guy can get some woman, while the guy at the top gets slightly more women. This happened around the same time as agriculture.

Once men stopped fighting and competing for access to sex, they had free time and energy to focus on other things, like developing society, technology and religion.

Pair bonding results in civilization, pussy chasing the top 20% results in the collapse of society. Enjoy the decline, it's so over

some incels, r/Braincels 10 Comments [9/13/2018 2:18:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140546

(TRANSCRIPT of IMAGE: "I don't date incels" is INCELPHOBIC." "Excluding Incels from your dating pool isn't a harmless or innate preference, and it isn't a part of your sexual orientation". "It's an act stemming from bias that reinforces the oppression of Incels".)

A female's highest worth in this world is to assist incels, if spending time with them or even just complimenting them is enough to make them feel better then why not do so? At the end of the day, the highest purpose of the female is only to express admiration to those who need it, to build these men up. When you think about it incels are some of the most brilliant minds on Earth, it's usually the social outcast males who are the most intelligent. So they need to be appreciated more.

Be strong and rise above fellow subhumans. Males can be ostrasized, deformed, whatever but still have their brilliant minds. For it was men like incels who innovated and discovered, who conquered this Earth and gave us the privileges we have today. Females ought to give them some respect.

leftyincel, incels.me 15 Comments [9/20/2018 2:41:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135480

Alright bros. It’s time for some more feminist outrage comedy!

[link redacted]

Summary: For a long time, fat feminists have loved Mei from Overwatch because she looks fat. One of her new skins reveals that she isn’t actually fat. She just looked fat because she was wearing a snowsuit. Feminists are outraged, and so the manginas at Blizzard are changing Mei so that she actually is fat.


Look at the pic of Mei in the article. See that? That’s what curvy women actually look like.

Dear Fatasses: You are not “curvy”. Miss Hannah Minx is curvy. Mei is curvy … and she will remain curvy until Blizzard ruins her. You aren’t curvy if you are a thundering pile of slop with a triple chin.

In the meantime, let’s enjoy curvy Mei while she lasts.


Uintatherium, MGTOW 7 Comments [12/24/2017 9:51:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137804

Asylum is not gender neutral: the refugee crisis in Europe from a feminist perspective

What do you guys think about sex-based refugee policy? I recently participated in a panel discussion about violence against women, and one of the panelists mentioned the need for a refugee policy that favors women and children due to them being vulnerable populations.

I think it is also an interesting discussion in the context of the US, because we have many migrants (mainly women and children) who are escaping gang violence in Central America.

Should we prioritize asylum applications based on sex? How can we work as an international community to help women in conflict zones?

This is one of the few scenarios in which American men (in my experience) will actually acknowledge that this is a security issue for these women, and that their and their children's safety comes before that of single, able-bodied men. Though I cannot help but wonder if this mentality comes out of racism towards those men rather than a genuine concern for those women.

I 100% support allowing women and children in but not men. Wars are problems created for men, by men, and I have a hard time mustering up any sympathy for them.

I see this is marked as controversial, but we should be able to discuss male violence here, surely? I'm not a US native and come from a machismo culture, and that culture is here in the states where my fellow immigrants are but some of it is sanded down a generation later by the impact of US culture on us immigrants. Especially due to the impact (economic) on the women who may be single and working like me. I'm not speaking about traditions, cooking, important cultural or religious festivities because in the US all people are encouraged to keep such traditions, and we do! But that other non-tangible "man" culture (suddenly I can't find words to describe this in English please bear with my rambling), so I understand what you are talking about. Some cultures are more macho violent than others, and if I had a son here in the US today he may be influenced more by my home countries culture than US culture purely due to where I live and the social network we have in this neighbourhood. If some tough gang member types start influencing him as a teen, what can I put against that? Church? I'm personally not religious but my home country and family is very much so, so it would be an easy step to take. But what if the church is where the gang members recruit (don't laugh that has happened) It's something that needs to be addressed but I really don't have an inkling of a solution myself.

Hard. Personally, I suggest cultural adoption.

I mean, the culture of my birth country is rotten. There is not much to save, and there are risks in claiming it- like you said. Why bother keeping it?

So I suggest to drop all traditions/ cooking/important cultural and religious activities, and to replace them by those of the new country - changing religions if necessary. They are not much different anyway.

I know it looks like too much to ask, but I believe it is the best choice to make

Non-immigrant European women produce violent and/or oppressive males too. I'll wait for the defensive moms of sons to attack this post but I'm probably going to wait forever because apparently it's okay to say stuff like this about brown and black people on this sub

Why is it considered acceptable to observe sex-based crime statistics but not race-based ones? Both sex and race are immutable characteristics of birth.

My proposal would be to allow women and children in almost without question (perhaps some screening to make sure we're not admitting cartel lackeys or what-have-you). Once they're settled in, then the women can send for "their" men, which is in direct opposition to how immigration/asylum programs tend to work in practice. Very frequently it's the men who come over first and either send money to their families back home or send for them. In the case of refugees, the way it works in practice strikes me as particularly asinine because women and children are far more vulnerable in war zones and refugee camps than men are. They also run the risk of the door slamming shut after the men arrive and before the men can send for their families, which is happening in Europe as we speak.

various TERFs, r/GenderCritical 2 Comments [4/14/2018 11:09:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 139449

You can be an ally. You cannot be a feminist, that means having a voice in the fight for female liberation from male oppression. It makes no sense to give voice to men (the oppressors) in feminism (liberation from men)

Just like straight people can only be allies to the LGB. I'm bisexual, therefore those are my rights to fight for. You can be an ally. I'm white passing, but not white, so I do have a voice in ending institutional racism, but I need to always be mindful of my white passing privilege and I will never take up resources for PoC.

BlindNationality, r/Ask_Radical_Feminists 11 Comments [8/2/2018 3:15:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140490

This is common sense. Most people know this. It’s only the trans and their handmaidens who are trying to erase females as a biological sex who are clueless that this is not a hate crime. Heaven forbid a poor trans is faced with the biological proof that they claim to be something they can never be.

May Loo, GenderTrender 4 Comments [9/18/2018 2:55:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140373

[on trans men]

I know that for many, the greatest state of emergency will be what seems to be the almost unstoppable trend of lesbian women who are “transitioning”, and destroying their beautiful, healthy female bodies in the process – as well as erasing their lesbian herstory and identity.

I feel a deep sorrow for this state of affairs, and when I have read descriptions of what women put their bodies through, and the details of the surgeries that some go on to seek, my heart sinks at how self-hating, how female hating this is. It is misogyny written upon the bodies of women, and it is truly terrible.

The trend for “transgender children” is particularly horrifying and is evidence of how damaging the essentialist idea of “gender” that is promulgated by the Transgender cult is.

...male privilege and entitlement, in the guise of transgenderism, is driving a movement that has, and will continue to hurt all women as long as our voices are silent...

Naefearty, naefearty.wordpress.com 14 Comments [9/9/2018 6:16:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417

Quote# 140408

Typical. why not actually prevent a portion of said suicides by spreading eagle for a few thousand less fortunate incels? attentionwhoremaxxing in full effect once again...a foid couldn't care less.

khafail, incels.me 15 Comments [9/12/2018 1:45:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140423

blackpills dropped on the front page

The media always have lied abour women being the empathetic gender. It turned out men is the most honest gender of the 2. Talk about fake news that the media try to spread against men.

They don't have fucking empathy, they don't even feel love.

Men feel love and passion so much stronger than women do. A wife will lie, steal, cheat, abuse, etc to her husband and he will stick around and try to make it work. Even though he should leave, he will stay because he loves this woman. She is his everything. But a woman will dump him the split second a hotter guy smiles her way. It's fucking insane.

I have no doubt women cheat more, just from personal experience and experience of friends (And talking to women)

Loyalty is a male concept

Not necessarily. Look up the blackpill research on this. Women that are virgins going into marriage overwhelmingly stay loyal, and the marriage lasts both partners lifetime in more than 80% of cases. The more men the woman has been with before marriage, the greater the chance that the marriage ends in failure, to the point where it's basically guaranteed to fail if the woman has had a certain number of partners. Men don't pair bond through sex, but women do, so this makes a lot of sense. The more casual sex a woman has, the more her ability to pair bond gets burned out... So, if you want a happy marriage with a loyal grill who actually loves you; marry a virgin with an intact pair bonding ability. Sex will seal the partnership and you'll live happily together. Marry a 20+ body count sloot and sex will literally mean nothing to her and she'll feel no desire to remain loyal.

CelderSrolls & hello237878, r/Braincels 3 Comments [9/13/2018 2:12:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 140424

Incel IT mod doubts the importance of personality, is downvoted by his own forum: episode 3

would you enjoy being with someone that treats you like shit even though you found them physically attractive?

I dont know, lets ask all the girls who choose to stay in abusive relationships with Chad when they could leave him at any moment if they wanted to. Oh wait, actually lets not since your bullshit argument would just fall apart instantly. Fuck I hate IT

i have said this so many times recently. 60-80% of women in abusive relationships eventually return to their abuser and they return on average 7 times before finally leaving for good. not one person has tried to explain or refute this.




Or the girls who choose to stay in abusive relationships with Chad-lites who treat them like shit, despite having plenty of other, non-abusive, options ready and willing literally orbiting around them. Or girls who choose to enter into relationships with Chad-lites, specifically because of his abusive/toxic personality("oh, he treats women like shit, he must be high value!").

Like people don't do that all the time... The only reason I stayed with my terrible ex is because she was a super pawg. I just dealt with her bullshit best I could and just tried to smash regularly lol.

Females can only think of this manichean, beyond retarded and simplistic answer "but but would you be with someone who's good looking but with an aaaaawful personality ? " not only good looking men who have awful personality have success with women, but even if it was true that an extremely awful personality repulsed women, that doesn't show that good looks matter less or as much as personality.

Here is a legit comparison :

Someone who is average looking but with an awesome personality. Vs someone who is good looking vs an average/not bad not interresting personality.

And among those two, it's obvious who will attract women.

Going to extremes doesn't prove shit, "well i wouldn't chose chad if he has asperger and is a child rapist" doesn't prove that personality matters as much as look, just that some extremes rare cases of attributes can ruin even the huuuge advantage of looks

some incels, r/Braincels 5 Comments [9/13/2018 2:14:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 140418

being a bi radfem really is something else because deep down the only way you know you could be happy with a man is if, among other things, he doesn't watch porn and the only men who don't watch porn in 2018 are hardline trads who don't think women should vote

#radfem #radical feminism #bisexual #bisexuality #anti-porn #being bi is so nice in theory but men are trash #so you're female-exclusive but guess what a lot of lesbians aren't into bi girls #and it's tough to find bi women who aren't also... like that #you know what I mean #personal

felidame, Tumblr 10 Comments [9/13/2018 2:07:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 140425

IncelTears Incel mod loses hope.

I get rejected like 10 times a month. It's called "dating."

This is a pretty classic cognitive distortion. What the other person says is, "I am not attracted to you." What they hear is "You are not attractive." It's taking a non-personal thing intensely personally.

I know the classic incel response to this: "When it happens over and over, it's hard not to take personally." Well, I know some absurdly hot people. Like, stupid hot. They get rejected, flaked on, and ghosted constantly. This happens to everyone. You've just found a group of self-defeating people who reinforce the worst/most useless thoughts that pop into your head. You're victimizing yourself.

It’s understandable that some people even when very attractive get rejected from time to time. But 10 times a month is incel level depending on the amount of women he dates. If he’s asking 12 people on a date a month and getting rejected 10 times a month he’s not very good looking in general. If he’s asking 50 a month and being rejected 10 times he’s not very good looking either. If he’s asking 100 a month and getting rejected 10 times that’s understandable - but nobody has the time in their right mind to ask 100 people a month out on a date.

He clearly doesn’t understand dating and using rejection like it’s normal. If you’re hot you’ll get rejected maybe 5 times out of 100 people you ask on a date.

This is coming from experience as I’m a decently attractive person - I’ve never been rejected by a woman (since I turned 18, and probably haven’t been rejected 10 time in my lifetime) but some dates haven’t gone as far as two.

This idiot is tricking his brain with lies like ‘well hot people get flaked on’ yes they do, but not often like he’s making out. Or - he clearly doesn’t know what an attractive man looks like.

Ryanreyne, r/Braincels 3 Comments [9/13/2018 4:24:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140281

Re: Cops Say 13-Year-Old Boy Traumatized From Endless Sex With Hot Teacher

This kid wasn't traumatized, this is the dream of every 13 year old with a hot teacher. That doesn't make it ok, it still messed up. But this kid is anything but traumatized, he's going to talk about this for most of his life.

I have to agree. There is a double standard I acknowledge that but this kid is going to be bragging about this for the rest of his life. I'm not saying it's ok. The teacher is a weirdo and the parents are nuts.

I live in the town this happened, I never stop hearing coverage on it. According to every single one of the people who knew of there relationship, they say the boy sparked the start of this relationship.

The only thing that probably will traumatize him, is the abortion the teacher had with his child.

(T llama)
yer probably sick of this thread, but....

I think this falls under the fundamental difference between men and women. Or in this case boys and girls.

Was this 'wrong?' Yes.

Is this going to mess the boy up for life? Prolly not, especially as he encounters real women and not sexual predators. Your point that it can mess with this boys view of sex and women is correct, but speaking as a man, who was once a boy, I don't believe this isnt anything that wont get worked out in this boy's life as he grows up and meets strong female role models. Of course having a child at 13-14 yrs old is another discussion...

I won't say this was OK simply because the boy (IMO) is not messed up for life. I agree with you, there are laws to protect children and those laws are good ones; for boys and girls.

Not being a woman, i do believe in a world that glorifies and pushes women as objects (trump's experiences with women is a perfect example) i see how women (girls) are more vulnerable to this type of predatory behavior.

Again, this is just one of those things in life that can't be applied equally across the sexes. It was wrong. A child as a result is FUBAR but given it was a woman taking advantage of a boy, I'm less inclined to be bothered by it.

Take advantage of a 13yr old girl and i'll string you up myself. This might be considered sexist, but i still believe in women and children first....which is prolly sexist to some.

I think the difference of opinion, throughout this thread, is that some see this as a black and white issue and some of 'us' see this as a shade of gray.

If we are on a sinking ship; ill evacuate after women and children; not sure what would constitute a 'child' in that situation, but personally, 17 and younger. An 18 yr old guy may have to fight me for that last seat on the life boat;)

In 'this' situation, with some admittance of double standard (i wanted to say hippocrasy but cant seem to spell it;)) men see this different, even 13 yr old boys dealing with puberty; its different. Something a woman cannot understand as a man and vs versa.

'We' see this as an offense, but not as disgusting as if the sexes were reversed and 'I' believe that offense against a female of that age to be way worse.

Double standard. I admit it. But I am a guy. Was once a boy. Were you? Its one of those situations ya may have to yield to experience; as I would if the situation was reversed.

soon it will be the norm and any misgivings you and I have about it is moot. The leftists liberals are killing this country. Temoving any morals we have. Look at how they have changes the bathroom( restroom) by alowig boys in the girls restroom, lockers rooms and showers. WHF is going on with this country? It is time to say NO MORE . If you have the equipment of a male, your a male . It doesn't matter if you are wearing a skirt and lipstick. Use the mens room. ( unless of course your afraid your ass will be laughed at. If your a man and my daughter and or grand daughter is in womans restroom and you go in . You will be a woman when you come out..Enough is enough. Lets face it. If we don't stand up for our selves we are alone.

(stu magoo)
legally raped? as opposed to illegally raped? explain the difference please. never mind. every red blooded heterosexual 13 y/o boy would be bragging about this forever. that doesn't make it right for the teacher, but the kid being traumatized? please!

The month I turned 14, one of the 30'something married female chaperone's of our church youth group made me a man in the back of her van in the parking lot of a roller skating rink.

I never told an adult because I was afraid my parents would beat MY a... if they found out.

She and her husband owned a christian book store; let's just say folks were impressed with how much I liked to go to the christian book store; they were convinced I was going to be a a preacher. Such is not the behavior of a traumatized young boy.

It is every boys dream to be involved in a sex situation like that . No boy that age is a puritan. It is a natural feeling and urge and few young men ever get the chance to satisfy that natural urge. . Not even consider the legality of it. I damn sure would not have turned her down were it me when I was 13 if the opportunity presented it's self to me.. Neither would 99% of the men posting here. How many 13 year olds consider the law when ogling the scantly clothed women in magazines and on the street or in Walmart? Lets face it walking down the street in beach wear turns a lot of heads..Fires up the imagination. in young men.

various commenters, Daily Wire 23 Comments [9/5/2018 2:58:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140375

Dasho, Reddit 8 Comments [9/9/2018 9:13:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 140390

In 2004 a crazed wife (aka, The Blue-Eyed Butcher) in Houston, Texas, tied her alleged abusive husband to a bed, stabbed him to death from head-to-toe 193 times, and then the insane courts only required her to spend 10-years in prison. She buried the body beneath the house, which was discovered a week later. The family dog had gnawed his hand off. If that had been a man who murdered his wife, he'd been given the death penalty or life in prison at a minimum. Women are given unfair leniency in the court system. Stabbing someone to death 193 times in anger is not self-defense. There are countless Americans serving life sentences for first-time drug offences!!! Something is VERY wrong with America's hypocritical, biased and rigged court system.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 9 Comments [9/11/2018 11:42:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 132351

Yup. Welcome to womanhood. Last night one of my male friends interrupted me while I was about to start a story. I let him go for a little but when he kept ranting I just started up my story again.

"Thanks for interrupting, BB," he says. I'm like, "dude. You interrupted me first. You interrupt me all the time." He says he only interrupts people when what they have to say is less interesting. I'm like "sure. And anything a woman says is by default less interesting."

He objected and got pissy that I brought sex into it, so I asked the mixed gender group we were in to raise their hands if they could think of a time he'd interrupted them. Every single female hand went up.

Men suck. Sorry.

BoozeBabe, r/GenderCritical 3 Comments [9/30/2017 11:45:57 PM]
Fundie Index: -5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140350

80/20 is just what was recorded. I've been in the dating game for a long time as an attractive male and I would say the below average/average women go for the top 15%, and any girl above a 6/10 aims for the top 5% of males in the prime years (18-28 unless suavemaxed). Girls 7 and above online will go for the top 2% so don't even bother.

You need to keep in mind, this is just what was SURVEYED. Like there should be a second survey on the types of girls that do surveys. The average girl or girl on Tinder isn't going to sign up for a survey, mostly ugly girls with free time were probably the group. So yeah, the direct bottom tier of women still want the top 20% of males. And guess what, if they are patient enough.. they get it. Why would a thick out of shape chick want to 'settle' for a guy near her looksmatch when she can wait 3 days and fuck a stud. And because in the past couple decades in USA we've removed whore-shaming.. women are EMPOWERED to behave like this. Empowered to literally behave like sexual toddlers with toys. The hottest thing to most men is a girl who will kiss them passionately and show them love. The hottest thing to a woman? A brooding 6'2 guy in nightclub attire who will fuck her over a toilet in a nightclub, cum inside of her, and leave without a word. I'm sure if a female even read this she'd probably need to go rub one out. Fucking animals. I don't hate women, it's just the way it is.

I've had nights where I started finding a thick out of shape chick attractive because I hadn't jerked off in a few days and almost made mistakes, and I'm 31. Imagine a 21 year old Chad having the same thoughts with 3x my sex drive.. it's a brutal game but the pieces are already on the board.

The only thing a male can do is improve his dominant posture and eye contact, skin health, and muscle harmony. You'd be surprised what practicing dominant eye contact can do. Try it for a week- stare at everyone you meet and do not break gaze.

neckbeardsAhoy, r/Braincels 8 Comments [9/9/2018 12:44:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 140323

Women only watch sports or pretend to be into sports because watching strong, high status alpha chads and tyrones butt heads gives them flick-fuel for years. It's literally just a meat market for women, women do not have love for the sport, or competition, or camaraderie, or enthusiasm. They do it for Chad. Wether because they know Chad will be into the sport and it can help her land one, or because watching the men playing it gives her tingles, or both.

There are no female sports fans;only female Chad and Tyrone fans.

NotQuiteChadLite, incels.me 8 Comments [9/7/2018 2:05:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140336

Heloise Chung said:

Especially since we need more WOMEN in STEM fields. Way to tone police her enthusiasm @HomerHickham.

"We need more women in the STEM field."
Stupid gook, this isn't a woman. He literally said to suck his dick and balls.

This is what is going to happen thanks to these feminist retards: natal women will be locked out of everything and fucked up troons will take their places. It's like the suffrage movement never happen thanks to these brainless twats.

heathercho, Kiwi Farms 3 Comments [9/7/2018 2:16:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417

Quote# 140334

This may step on some ppl’s toes but like.. I hope bi men know that the biphobia women harbor against them is a product of misogyny (homophobia is a product of this as well ofc). Not to say that these women shouldn’t be held accountable for having these harmful beliefs but whenever I see bi men post about how women aren’t open to dating them I feel like they’re placing a lot of the blame on women and it’s just kinda hmmmmmmm

#yes i am a bi woman #i think a lot of bi men think theyre absolved from having sexist biases as well #just the vibe im picking up on

beb0t, Tumblr 2 Comments [9/7/2018 2:15:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 140276

Transgender Politics is the Easy Way Out

Anyone should be able to do whatever they want, regardless of the stereotypical confines of their biological sex, as long as it does not harm others.

This is a maxim that both liberal feminists and radical feminists would agree with. The solution should be to eliminate the stereotypical confines. However, this is not possible in 2018, so rather than try to move toward that end, liberal feminists have invented the concept of gender in an attempt to mitigate the effects of the stereotypes for certain fringe individuals (while paradoxically strengthening the stereotypes for society as a whole). The concept of transgender is a much easier pill for middle America to swallow than the possibility of gender confines being pointless nonsense.

Consider a hypothetical: a biological male working at a law firm decides to wear a skirt to work. Law is a rather conservative industry, so the dress code does not allow men to wear skirts. The attorney’s boss gets annoyed and asks him why he is wearing a skirt. The most earnest answer would be “because I want to, and the dress code is stupid,” but that is just going to anger the boss further, and interfering in such tedious office politics is not traditionally the end goal of many political movements. So the attorney instead says “because I am a woman, and women are allowed to wear skirts.” The boss doesn’t actually understand this either, but it doesn’t annoy him as much as the first answer would, and the political movement tells him “transwomen are women,” so he can carry on with his day silently wondering if he’s the only one not smart enough to see the emperor’s new clothes.

Therefore, the transgender movement is a way for the most feminine biological males to wear whatever they want wherever they want in 2018. Is this a laudable achievement? Sure. But should it come at the price of everyone else? Should “masculine-presenting” women be considered to be men, unless they tell us otherwise? Should children who don’t like the right color of clothes be injected with hormones? Probably not.

And then the liberal feminists get themselves tangled up in their own fake logic (or perhaps more cynically need to keep the coverup going so that no one catches on), so people who eschewed the stereotypical demands of yore—anyone from Dante Tex Gill to Joan of Arc—are labeled transgender instead of the true renegades who said “I want to, and the dress code is stupid.”

TheyCallMeRamon, r/GenderCritical 5 Comments [9/4/2018 3:27:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 140349

[on Jazz Jennings having SRS]

When did the gay rights movement stop being about letting people love who they want and start being about excising portions of a child’s innards to produce a fuckhole for men to use?

Shannon, My Only Path To Power 6 Comments [9/8/2018 9:15:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417

Quote# 140172

Re: Something I've noticed about transgender dating.

After I dumped my mtf boyfriend for becoming a woman when I'm straight I googled the situation out of curiosity. Maybe I'm biased but this is just something I've noticed. Whenever a wife/girlfriend describes her partner as being transgender people say "just take it one step at a time you may find you're still attracted". Yeah, okay if someone's straight they're NOT going to stay romantically or sexually attracted to someone who's transitioning to be female. *upturned eyes emojis*

But if it's a gay man who's partner is becoming MTF the answers tend to be more honest and practial "you're not compatible just be friends".

I hate to see sexism in absolutely everything but what else would it be?

They will say two things at the same time:

Trans women are women and if lesbians are not attracted to female penises they are not able to love all women, thus they are not true lezbians, but vagina fetishists who hate women in every shapes and forms.

Or trans women are women, if your husband becomes a woman you have to keep loving him, because he is the same person in a different body and love doesn't care, just learn to be a lesbian and change your identity and sexual orientation for love.

In both cases women need to ignore preferences, boundaries and sexual attraction to pander to his needs, lesbians need to become heterosexual and heteros need to become lesbians because his sexuality is more important.

Right, imagine the outcry if everyone just started saying "no, you're being a vagina fetisist, go sleep with that penis" to TIMs.

I remember going on one of the subs that discusses trans partners and the majority of posts by females (with a MtF partner) were talking about how they can be supportive to maintain the relationship. While the posts by males (with a FtM partner) were talking about how their dick will no longer get hard.

The burden on the partner is absurd, how can someone condemn natural and healthy sexual drive?

All the pressure to repress sexuality in name of a greater good is regressive. Ignore your feelings, thoughts, preferences and just be nice! Don't be yourself, be kind or you are a murderer, because this person is going to commit suicide unless you agree to everything.

Suddenly, a man or a woman needs to feel aroused by the representation of the opposite of their needs and ignore sexual organs.

What can possibly go wrong?

I wonder what would happen if lesbians just started openly and happily "indentifying" as vagina fetishists. Cos you're not allowed to ~kink shame, right? Of course I think I know what would happen...

"Trans women are women and if lesbians are not attracted to female penises they are not able to love all women, thus they are not true lezbians,"

i'm a bi guy and that's what a trans mod and a trans member over on a sub that shall not be named said to me, in a topic literally asking what the difference was between pan- and bisexuals. i said i'm only attracted to cis men and women and basically got attacked for saying that's bullshit because "you can't tell" who's trans and who's not.

please, get real. not even a majority of trans people are passing.

i've left that community because they're extremely toxic to anything outside of their extremely narrow definitions of sexuality. according to them, i'm either a fake bisexual, a wrong bisexual or i'm a flat out bigot. umk.

I wouldn't say that your partner "became a woman". Even with all the surgery in the world he will never be a woman - he'll never have a uterus or get pregnant or have XX chromosomes.

I think it's more apt to say that your male partner has decided to imitate a woman, and it's perfectly understandable to not be attracted to the female form if you are straight. Theres nothing that's going to change that and people who try and change your mind on that are delusional. If i tell a straight guy "oh just try being with a man, you could learn to enjoy it" I will get (rightly) yelled at because I'm trying to pressure someone into changing their views and preferences. Yet men do it to us all the time..

I'm a lesbian and I regularly get pressured to date TIMs or men. What TIMs do not understand though is that I'm attracted to women. Not men dressed as women. Breasts and a womanly form are just one aspect of that - I'm also attracted to someone who has gone through the same struggles as I have and has the same out look on the world. And you can never change that with surgery or medicine...

Just. More. Male. Bullshit.

Do you really think a gay man is going to keep a partner who doesn't have a penis anymore?

As a bisexual, I want to clear something up. I'm not just attracted to both men and women because of their appearance. Universally, confidence is seen as attractive. (Not cockiness or attention-seeking, just pure IamwhoIam confidence.) There are definitely people I meet who are typically attractive, yet lacking confidence, or worse, having too much confidence and too little education.

I have yet to meet a trans person that doesn't place their personal comfort aside or has enough self-esteem to have an awkward-free interaction. If I can't eat a meal with you as a friend, without you doing something that makes me uncomfortable, I'm never going to date you. That goes for the straight men, or gay women I'm interested in.

Living a lie of this is what men sound and look like or vice versa, is exhaustive. Being GNC myself, having PTSD, that's enough work for me to manage navigating life without conflict. Why would I take on someone else's self-esteem conflict, to enhance my life? I'm an adult. It is my responsibility to help myself, not save others.

AGPs need their long term partners to stick around because for the part, they are unappealing. If not flat out repulsive. One guy on Tumblr braved the storm and explained why he never transitioned: the Uncanny Valley. He rightly pointed out that trying to pretend to resemble something you clearly are not is creepy.

I think repulsive is a bit of a strong word but I do agree most transgender people don't pass from my experience (and I've met a LOT due to liberal acquaintances). Usually TIFs don't look the slightest but manly and TIMs are quite ugly and unappealing. Doesn't make them bad people but yeah.

No, it doesn't make them bad people but I stand by the word repulsive. Some of them really are disconcerting to look at, especially the huge older men squeezing into clothes meant for teenage girls.

I'm not using that word out of spite and I know it's a strong one, but I think it's important for people to understand why transition very rarely "works" the way you want it to.

I’d say repulsive is pretty accurate tbh

> okay if someone's straight they're NOT going to stay romantically or sexually attracted to someone who's transitioning to be female


Male can't transition to be female. They are still males, some of them decide to use hormones or cosmetic surgery to look more like women, some don't and identify as "butch" transwomen or say they don't have to change anything to be a woman.

You could perfectly still be attracted to a trans woman as a straight woman. The problem is if they physically transition as i suppose you are like most of us both attracted to primary and secondary sex characterisitics in people.

The one woman I know that this happened to stayed in the relationship (last I knew) but told me once that it was like there it was like there was another woman and that woman was more important to him.

It doesn't get better, you did the right thing. You are right as well that women don't generally find the 'new woman' attractive.

some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 3 Comments [8/29/2018 2:21:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 140270

Re: On how the only aspects of "womanhood" that are valued are the ones males can buy into

Yesssss thissssss

Wanna know when I felt most “like a woman”? I can tell you I sure wasn’t wearing makeup or heels or having a pillow fight. I wasn’t delicate in the slightest.

It was when I was pushing another human I had made out of my body. Oh yeah that.

and if you're not pushing a human out, or in the process of growing a human, you get a monthly reminder by your body (for at least 4 f!cking decades of your life!) that it had to tear down the nest it built just in case you set one to growing. I swear to god!! If men could experience a period ONCE they would leave us TF alone! That would be an end to the oppression because their pity would know no bounds, they'd experience massive shame at the treatment men have inflicted upon female humanity these long millennia. because then they'd realize nature already oppresses us just fine, thank you very much

My dad used to be really sweet about it and let me sleep a lot and he fed me eggs and ibuprofen and was just very kind when I was being shot down by my period. He also used to talk to women in the form of long, friendly, non-sexual conversations....But then, he never tried to become a woman. Maybe that's a connection.

I don't know about your theory but I think it's one of two options.

The first is that some of them are just gay men who in their formative years internalised gender roles. So since they like clothes, have a crush on a dude and their penis isnt a major erogenous zones they think they are girls. It's also sub conscious sexual strategy. There's a greater selection of partners for them if they can fake being a woman. In fact you now see them pushing the idea that genuine heterosexual males would knowingly copulate with a tim.

The second is that some of them are straight men who just have a weird fetishism of womanhood. They don't just want to have sex with women, they want to be them. This isn't dissimilar from the cannibals who get sexual gratification from eating their sexual partners. Bruce Jenner is the perfect example of this. He slowly turned himself into a male version of his wife and the closer he got to his goal the greater his resentment of her grew. Once he had completed his transition, he didn't just discard her, he tried to destroy her in the media. I'm convinced that in a different world, he would have murdered her. That would have been his version of a perfect conclusion.

I saw Graham Linehan retweeted a man suggesting something similar. It’s hard to empathise with this, as a woman, but it seemed to make sense to him and the other guy. And I suppose when you think about it, a lot of men do get INCREDIBLY uncomfortable when discussing ways in which men oppress women. Even decent guys don’t want to think about it. So I can kind of imagine how that discomfort might feed in to autogynephilia. Maybe when you feel like your desire is oppressive you want to be the object of desire instead of the subject.

It’s very hard to reconcile this with how misogynistic many TIMs are, though. But I suppose maybe they feel like they’re allowed to hate and bully women because they’re “women” too, and they’re more special and oppressed than any other kind of woman blah blah etc. And maybe it’s the most misogynistic and shitty of men who are most uncomfortable with themselves deep down so they transition to escape their own shittiness. Spoiler: they don’t escape it, they just found a different method than other misogynists to project their shittiness on to (actual) women.

actually this is the exact reason given when my ex came out as trans. he wanted to escape the role of oppressor. what a load of shit.

it's also an easy power grab. for example that asshat Hailey Heartless was a no one politically before and now everyone knows his name.

We have seen TIMs along with their Handmaidens, trying to dislocate all things female, from the definition of of woman, womanhood and female. I'm truly fascinated, in a psychologically clinical way, the TIMs asserting that they have Bloodless Periods. This a whole other level of Delusion.

Why on Earth did these Feminized White Men, think they could dictate WOMEN diminished our Womanhood, for their OBSESSIVE NARCISSISTIC NEED FOR THE VALIDATION OF THEIR GENDER IDENTITIES!!!!!

The minute these Prostate Havers and their Handmaidens said point blank that, "FEMALE BIOLOGY AND THE EXPERIENCES OF LIVING IN THE BODY, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WOMANHOOD" this Misogynistic, Homophobic and Racist Movement should have been REELED/REALED in to what it was supposed to be:

Lobbying and advocating for laws that reassert Civil Rights protections against various forms of discrimination.

They have framed as "A FIGHT FOR THEIR EXISTENCE" this is categorically A LIE.

And to make the claim there are plenty of Lesbians that will date and fuck them; Bisexual leaning women more like. If this were true the Cotton Ceiling War Against Lesbian Sexuality would have ended 5 years ago. Instead it's still continues, and we are at 7.5 year mark.

We need to build on the momentum, we currently have. We need to explain to the Civilian class of women--> not part of the Feminist or LGBTQ Communities, how White TIMs are engaged in the process of erasing their sex-based protections, in the name of attaining their Civil Rights

I have no way of knowing whether most pass or not. I’ve never seen a study. All I have is anecdotal evidence.

I've seen a lot of trans-identified males in real life as well as in photo & it's very rare for them to pass. The few who do pass visually are clockable as male as soon as you hear their voice, see their body shape, or see how large their bone structure is when they are next to a female person. This is not meant as an "insult" btw, bc there's nothing wrong with being a feminine male (as long as they arent sexist, etc...)

Transmisogyny is intrinsically illogical bc either the trans-ID'd male passes as female (and experiences some forms of misogyny) or he is clocked as male & faces homophobia/ transphobia/ whatever you wanna call hatred/ disgust against gnc males. It's the reason why drunk guys will sometimes hit on a trans-ID'd male, then the moment they find out he's actually male will scream things like "Fggot! Trnny!!" and sometimes resort to physical violence. That is NOT an example of misogyny bc it wouldn't happen to a female.

How would you know you saw a trans person if they did pass though?

I've never seen a trans-ID'd male who passes in real life, only in photos. There's just no getting around the differences in bone structure, voice, and movements between males and females when you observe people in real life. As someone who is involved in the natural sciences & figure drawing, it is easy to determine someone's natal sex & tell if they are trans or not.

edit: I mean, even when you look at the transpassing sub, few pass even in photo. It does a disservice to trans people to lie to them by telling them they pass when they don't. I see women and other trans people do this all the time & it makes me cringe, because it's so obviously.. not true. In fact, it comes across as cruel to lie to someone like that. It should be ok for people to look/ dress however they want without striving for the unattainable goal of passing completely as the opposite sex.

If a trans woman passes as female, what forms of misogyny would they not face? Honest question. Is it just from medical professionals who would know about someone’s private health details? If they pass, then why would it come up in conversation?

Side question, why does it matter if someone is facing violence due to misogyny or transphobia? Why put up one more barrier between people who have similar experiences under the same system?

It is impossible to say definitively whether or not most trans women can pass based on one person’s interaction with the public. You can definitely say that you’ve seen some trans people not passing. Why would anyone reveal their medical history to a stranger?

Jesus christ, seriously? They wouldn't face:

-limited birth control access, abortion access, reproductive rights battles

-the pain of pregnancy/ discrimination against pregnant women

-dying in childbirth

-the fear of becoming pregnant

-menstrual pain/ stigma/ menstrual huts

-female genital mutilation

-femicide/ sex selective abortion

-medical stigma against female health concerns like PCOS, uterine cysts, endometriosis, severe PMS, menopause, etc... (the list goes on & on)

-sex trafficking & rape (most men want to rape females, not trans-ID'd males)

-being sold as a child bride

-limited access to education bc of being female

-breast ironing

-bride burning

-foot binding (though this only happened to females in the past, as far as i know)

I'm leaving off so much more I can't think of right now. Trans men, nonbinary females, women.. we all face these issues based on what part of the world we live in. It matters whether someone faces misogyny vs. homophobia/ transphobia because those are different forms of oppression! By your same logic, we could include men who face racism under the branch of feminism because (as you said) "Why put up one more barrier between people who have similar experiences?"

FEMinism is the only political movement that is exclusively for FEMales. It's horrible that other people face different forms of oppression, but they can form their own movements to address their needs. Black women & black men both face racism but ONLY black women are welcome in feminism. Poor men & poor women are both economically oppressed, but ONLY the poor woman is welcome in feminism. A woman & a passing trans-ID'd male may both be catcalled, but ONLY the woman is welcome in feminism.

Trans-ID'd males are welcome to (and in fact, already have) formed their own political movements against the unique problems they face. It is narcissistic and unreasonable to demand that women dismantle the ONLY political movement that we have to ourselves. Can female people seriously have nothing to ourselves?Do we have to give in to every group who wants "in"? We can be allies with each other to overcome some similar problems we may face (if any), but we are not the same, and that distinction in lived reality matters.

Isn’t feminism for anyone who believes in the social, economic, and political equality of women? Everyone is welcome. That is a great point about not including everyone who is oppressed ever, but the type of oppression we are talking about is targeted at people who present as female. What I find disturbing by your response is that you aren’t inclusive. Why do you need to say that someone is not welcome if they are experiencing something as common as cat calling or workplace harassment? Would it be so bad if a trans woman was in your circle? Would you not feel safe? I don’t understand what benefit there is to being so specific in membership? It seems to me that it would be best to differentiate by who is suffering a type of discrimination. For example, a trans woman might be subject to being talked down to in public (there is a great TEDtalk by a trans woman who knows what it is like to walk around in society as an adult male and an adult female. She passes btw). A trans male might have not had access to birth control prior to transitioning. I would think both types of people would be welcome.

Feminism is Liberation of females from male oppression. We are already equal, stating that is redundant and offensive.

some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 6 Comments [9/4/2018 3:14:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 4