Quote# 140265

Re: Couple of TiMs hogging the front row at "women-only" festival. Check the 3rd photo.

What's kinda odd is that they apparently allow "trans-men" to attend... so if they recognize the difference between "cis-men" and "trans-men", shouldn't they also naturally recognize the difference between "trans-women" and "cis-women"? I guess not...

Ok so trans men can attend, and so can women, trans women, non binaries, and agenders. So really only “cis” men are banned. If this kind of exclusion becomes more popular I can totally see “cis” men suing for gender discrimination. They are being barred from events just because of their “gender identity” and not for any good, material reason that is justifiable. In effect, these organisers have said “if you identify a certain way, and have this kind of gender identity, you can’t be trusted to behave yourself” which is discrimination. The non binary “males assigned at birth” , the men who are “females assigned at birth” , and the women who are “males assigned at birth” are all trusted to behave themselves but the men who are “males assigned at birth” aren’t allowed in?

A “cis man” could easily argue that he has the exact same gender identity as a “trans man”, and the exact same same as a “trans woman” and thus his exclusion is unfair and arbitrary. And so “cis men” can’t be banned from anything purely on the basis ‘of what gender they identify as.

Note I’ve used a lot of the kind of language they use so I’ve put it in scare quotes.

Transmen are where the wheels fall off the thing for a lot of people.

"Should transwomen automatically be put in the women's jail?" is a question many people reflexively answer yes to.

"Should transmen automatically be put in the men's jail?" gets some different responses.

Gee, it's almost like oppression is sex-based and you can't identify out of it.

The trans lobby argues that it is more appropriate to separate areas by gender identity as opposed to sex. I’m just pointing out that this may not even be legally feasible. What this means is that gender separated spaces may entirely cease to exist.

Typical colonizing TIMs.

Yeah no. TiMs can go fuck off.

some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 3 Comments [9/4/2018 2:31:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 140264

How many is okay?

In light of the revelations still being unearthed about the depravity that occurred within the Challenor house and the recent study that shows the increase in sexual assaults occurring in mixed sex changing rooms, I have realised the narrative has shifted.

Instead of women having to justify why they don’t want men in their safe spaces, the activists have to prove why they should. Women have never been anti-trans but pro-safeguarding. The Challoner case has proved that there will aways be depraved men ready to pounce, given half a chance, and we were clearly stating that.

So if you are still going to lie and say ‘trans women are women’ without acknowledging that trans no longer means transsexual, but includes a myriad of sexual fetishes, then we have the right to assume your motives are nefarious. And from now on we will. Every. Single. Time.

So before you jump on Twitter demanding that women allow male bodies into their safe spaces you must:

Prove that NOT ONE single extra rape or sexual assault will occur. Ever.

Explain to rape victims why they are being transphobic for being terrified of male bodies in their spaces.

Explain to every female why it’s ok that they will never be able to win at sports, because men have decided to cheat.

Explain why men should be on women’s shortlists?

Go on. Prove that there is absolutely no increase in risk. Because all I hear is how dangerous it is for trans in men’s spaces, but zero empathy for the sex that has had to factor in male violence, every second of every day since they were born.

Women have a right to set their own boundaries.

Women have a right to define woman.

Women spend their lives being told how to prevent their own rapes, but are deemed bigots when they try.

Well, we’re telling you now that we don’t believe men can actually become women. Telling us we must is gaslighting and abusive. I don’t subscribe to your bollocks gender religion. Gender (stereotypes) is a cancer and feminism is the chemo.

Watching the gender wars playing out, I have seen too many dangerous creepy perverts, living out their sexual fantasies. Sinister, women hating, fuckers preying on kids and abusing women. We knew men hated us and watching the dude bros defend the Buffalo Bills over women has confirmed this.

You call us TERFS and transphobes? We now know this means you are definitely either a misogynist, a rapist or a paedophile. Probably all three.

Anyone demanding women allow men into their changing rooms, toilets, refuges or prisons is a rapist. If it’s a woman saying it then she wants women to be raped and children to be abused. This is now fact.

You’ve labelled us to further your sick agenda. I’m throwing it back in your twisted little faces.

Any lawyers out there – you might want to offer your services to any victims of the illegal practice of mixed sex facilities and kids who have been experimented on by the trans-munchhausens.

Any politicians out there – we are watching. One more child or woman gets hurt because of your inability to defend females we will come for you so hard you won’t know what’s hit you.

Women are angry. We are defending our sisters and our cubs. Mess with us at your peril, perverts.

Angrybirdroar, Angrybirdroar.wordpress 5 Comments [9/4/2018 2:25:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 128596

[Note: OP's blog is down. Source link leads to an archived screenshot of the post.]

"To all women of the world,
If you've rejected me, I hate you. If we're just friends, our friendship is over. If we don't know each other, I will never offer you mere friendship. The friendship I've offered to your sex has been abused too much and for too long. I now spit at the concept. So I offer you two options and two options only: take this dick, or fuck off and die. Spread your legs, or go fall on a knife. Wet my prick, or eat a fucking bullet. In other words, if you don't want to fuck me, then stay out of my life forever. If you don't want to fuck me, I honestly couldn't care less if you died. Those are the only options you get. Those are the only options you deserve."

jtravisrolko, Tumblr 10 Comments [6/28/2017 1:26:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 140225

Feminists don't want to boss men around, or be in charge of everything, they simply want to be EQUAL in authority. Such ambitions for equality of authority with men is sinful.

Feminists wants EQUAL authority in the marriage, EQUAL authority in society, EQUAL authority in the church, et cetera ... it has become a curse upon America. The 52% divorce rate is a direct result of feminism. Feminism and women preachers are inseparable. Some people will argue that women can teach or preach to other women, but this idea is not found in the Bible. The Word of God clearly instructs wives to learn at home FROM THEIR HUSBAND. Unmarried women should ask their father, or their pastor. We need a revival of wifely submission and a proper attitude toward authority in our homes and churches.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 10 Comments [9/1/2018 12:24:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 133355

(From an article about sexual misconduct allegations against a Minnesota probation officer, Dennis Bresnahan)

Bloomer, who struggled to pronounce his last name, said he told her to sound out Dennis “Breast-in-Hand”.

Dennis Bresnahan, Star Tribune 7 Comments [10/23/2017 2:54:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Hu’s On First

Quote# 140181

[on trans men attracted to men]

Pity you didn’t read the article, or was the testosterone getting in your way?

"Snowflake culture is animated principally by misandry, the hatred of men, and specifically, white men. Women are the top dogs. It is a matriarchy seen through a glass darkly. Within it, some women seek to become alpha males in order to replace the real males the culture has removed."

That describes you perfectly. You are a misandrist female who thinks that she can replace men and play the role of a man. But you are conflicted because your innate sexual desire is for men (yes, sex drive is innate, like so much else.)

At a guess, you like to inflict pain on your (actually male) partner during the act of sex, because feminism has indoctrinated you to believe that all sex is rape and so your role, as a pseudo-man, is to rape men. That makes you a very sick puppy.

A female who is attracted to men is a heterosexual female. You are a transvestite heterosexual female whose transvestism extends to body modification. You are not a ‘gay male’ of any description whatsoever, because you are not male. You have XX chromosomes, end of debate.

So, you’re still not a man, you’re a woman with a major psychological issue, exacerbated by, if not derived from, the sick snowflake culture that you are a part of. You will never be a man. Deal with it.

Rod Fleming, Rod Fleming's World 5 Comments [9/2/2018 1:10:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140275

[They are reacting to a thread of people bitching about men having to register with the selective service]

Where the fuck are all the feminists?

Uhhh, not fighting to have more people forced to sign up to fight men’s wars. That’s where.

They dont want to be free from oppression, they want women to join them in it. Funny how that is. Typical male mindset though, either make everyone fix all your problems for you or make them suffer through them with you

lmao at pointing out them only bitching and moaning that feminists wont come save the day, even though its a MANS problem created by MEN.

Typical liberal feminism too: no fundamental change, just a certain amount of mostly legal 'equity' within the current system.

A lot of us feminists aren’t in the US, for starters. Go sort your own self-inflicted problems, war-mongering American men.

because everything is always women's fault.

lemme get this straight, though- war, that thing that men have been doing for a thousand years to rape, murder, and pillage with impunity, that thing that the united states' male-run government is currently propogating to enrich weapons and oil companies also run by men? we're supposed to pity them and fight their fights even though they hate us? nah, sort that one out amongst yourselves, you fucking monsters.

some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 4 Comments [9/4/2018 3:25:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 140238

Women who pursue careers over marriage and motherhood are blaspheming the Word of God.

Now, I'm not endorsing Islam, but concerning women, the Arab culture comes much closer to being right than the American feminist culture of bossy wives, women preachers and career women. Rebellious Americans consider a woman being required to dresses modestly a form of oppression. Albeit, the American lewd and nude culture has inspired generations of sexual immorality, abortion and homosexuality.

Arab women are required (it's not an option) to obey their husbands and remain silent. I love that. Call me what you want... the Word of God proclaims A MAN as the head of his home, A MAN as the pastor of the church, and A MAN as a preacher of God's Word. America's women are out of control—which is clearly seen in the abortion rate, the divorce rate, pornography, et cetera. The Word of God teaches that women are to remain SILENT in the churches.

David J.Stewart, Jesus Is Savior 7 Comments [9/3/2018 1:47:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: FSM

Quote# 140165

A women who does a man's job is a feminist. There's something very wrong with a woman police officer--who acts tough, works out with weights, carries a gun, talks tough to men, and has rough attitude. In fact, it disgusting to the name of femininity. There's nothing feminine about women cops, or women in the military. It's unbiblical, and wrong. This just proves how much Satan has warped people's minds in America, to where little girls are no longer growing up to be homemakers; but, to become plastic explosive experts, tank drivers, soldiers, trained to kill people.

She-men! Last I checked, 83 U.S. female soldiers had been sexually-assaulted in Iraq, not including the covered-up rape of Jessica Lynch. Women don't belong on the battle-field. Women don't belong in the military!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 11 Comments [8/29/2018 1:52:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 140191

Feminism has turned American women into monsters. Literally, it's nothing less than monstrous the way some wives turn against their husbands, savagely going after him in court like a predatory wild animal. America's court system is rigged, controlled by agendas, and as heathen as Satan. American courts do NOT recognize a husband's right as the head of his home and marriage. People are imperfect. No marriage is perfect. Women get pushy and emotional. Men get frustrated and upset. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then please stop reading because your not going to understand anything else. I hope you're not an idiot. If you are, get right with God. If you give God your heart, He'll comb the kinks out of your head.

I sincerely believe that a husband and wife should make a Christian commitment to each other, to never call the police on each other unless you want to see your marriage destroyed.

David J. Stewart, Love the Truth 15 Comments [9/1/2018 1:49:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140241

No, it is not the deepest taboo. That position is reserved for women controlling men.

You need to realize that this is the power dynamics to which even the Jewish male is a victim, even as he is manipulated into the role of world predator. The Jewish male is ubiquitously emotionally traumatized, stunted -a puppet of a hidden feminine elite which has controlled the world's civilizations since the ostensible fall of Matriarchy 6,000 years ago and the subsequent nominal inauguration of Patriarchy. The real truth, however, is that we never had real Patriarchy, only an unceasing series of pussy-whipped, codependent male marionettes. Alexander stands out as a rare exception, and look how far he got and what it took to demolish his legacy!.

You surely know the quote, which comes in various forms and is generally attributed to the Jesuits about "give me a child until he is seven…" However, nobody stops to reflect that EVERY child is controlled by women during the incredible impressionable period from birth onwards. These women surely do not know what deep emotional imperatives they are transmitting to "their" children, and the fathers generally butt out "realizing" that this is outside their field of competence. Well, is it? Or is this simply the biggest lie ever told?

And you deride homosexuality? Wise up, and assist instead in reclaiming true homosexuality which is far different from anything that is willing to let itself be associated with ridiculous terms such as 'gay' or 'queer' (or 'bög or 'pugga'). Investigate the warrior cultures of our pre-history, the Indo-European Männerbunde, their initiation rites, male bonding between men and boys in such contexts and Odin as the divine archetype of these warriors.

Halvor Raknes, VK 3 Comments [9/3/2018 1:55:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140190

The pill has repeatedly been called the greatest invention of the 20th Century and is said to be responsible for a third of the increase in women’s wages since the 1960s.

Coincidentally, it’s also been responsible for a third of the decrease in women’s lifetime fertility and lovability.

But contraceptive pills may have a darker side. As Pletzer wrote in 2014, when athletes take steroids we call it ‘doping’ – it’s considered abuse and strongly condemned by society. But we’re happy for millions of women to take these hormones every day, sometimes right through from puberty to menopause.

When you fuck with the laws of Nature, don’t be surprised when Nature fucks you back. The God of Biomechanics will not be denied for long.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 8 Comments [9/1/2018 1:48:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 140149

If you watched Kim Possible you are a cuck

-Protagonist is a feminist kailbait

-Female protagonist is portraited as smart, strong, dymanic, independant, capable

-Male protagonist is a weak, inefficient beta

-Chad doctor fucks his female employee

-Beta Ron is friendzoned by Kim

Watching this show is proof that you are low T and like to see empowered femcunts beating the crap out of men.

Uglyman, incels.me 14 Comments [8/28/2018 1:40:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140185

Transmen…are both real and men, however “unconventional” their path to manhood may be.

Transmen are not men, they are lesbians on steroids.

There is in fact only one category of true transsexual: highly feminine male homosexuals who present as women because their sexual desires make them feel like women. The others are all mental disorders.

As you say, a man with a micropenis is still a man. That is because he has XY chromosomes.

Rod Fleming, Rod Fleming's World 3 Comments [9/1/2018 1:39:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417

Quote# 140189

Re: How long do you think would Chads and Stacys last in our world?

Less than a day.

"Wait, why do people all of a sudden think that I act cringey?"

"Wait, why did it became so hard socialize all of a sudden?"

"Wait, why does it seem way harder now to get a good career going?"

"Wait, why do most people think they are better than me ?"

"Wait, why doesn't my personality attract the other gender anymore?"

"Wait, why does my mental health started to suffer?

"Wait, where did my huge circle of friends go?"

"Wait, why does life seem more like a burden now?"

Less than a day. Lets see what the average stacy does all day

1) post on social media? not possible anymore

2) get validation from orbiters? yeah you wish

3) fuck with chad? nope

4) meet up with becky friends? cant do that either

5) cheat through life without doing any work? cant do that as incel

I worked in the self-help industry for some time (I still kinda do), and I remember those normie gurus talking about resiliency and similar concepts made me mad as hell.

Of course you put a lot of energy and effort when you see results coming. Of course you find energy and effort when you go home to a nice wife, you go out with friends or you had positive socialization experiences in your youth.

Also it was fun how they all talked about empathy and listening, yet they weren't able to relate to people with serious difficulties, like uglies or people with no social abilities.

That's everybody. Their "empathy and listening" is at most some completely meaningless encouraging words so they can feel better about themselves and show that they are virtuous. For all of their preaching about "personality", normal people have the most revolting personalities of all. But I guess that's what they mean, just appear to be a good person, just put on an act.

Examples from one AskReddit thread. Face = Life.


Holy crap that's brutal. Face and height/frame = life.

I have this one fleece jacket I wear that makes my traps/shoulder area look a lot bigger and whenever I wear it I get treated 500x better than when I wear a plain shirt. I thought maybe it was just in my head until I decided to just wake up not even shower or brush my hair and wear it. Still got treated better than my most upbeat and energetic day without the 'shoulder fleece'. TLDR: A few inches on your shoulders and traps can determine if you are going to be treated like scum or like a blessing to humanity. Fuck people.

Gwenyth Paltrow blackpilled herself by accident during the filming of Shallow Hal

She had to occasionally walk around in public with the fat suit and she lamented how people seemed to avoid her rather than fawn over her because she’s Stacy.

She noticed how men would either laugh or look disgusted at her rather than staring like an idiot

And perhaps the darkest blackpill of them all (but somewhat positive compared to the others), she noticed how crew members who knew she was just Gwenyth Paltrow in a fat suit seemed less nervous to be around her than when she was her normal pretty self. The effect was that strong

The only reason we can trudge on is because we were born in it, molded by it.

A normalfag falling into incel status would either fall into heavy substance abuse or rope after a year or so.

some incels, r/Braincels 6 Comments [9/1/2018 1:47:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140107

Re: Where Does Organized Male Evil Come From?

I just got finished reading this article about the rapes of Rohingya women and the persecution and slaughter of their people: http://www.thejournal.ie/rohingya-rape-3745266-Dec2017/

I know it's not uplifting to read this stuff, but it's also important not to turn away.

I want to know what causes such organized male evil. It doesn't matter whether it's a dispute over territory or religion or ethnicity, it is men who do this in an organized fashion. It has always been men.

Is it as simple as "patriarchy?" Silvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch describes the creation of capitalist evil through the weaponization of men and male sexuality, the formal institution of patriarchy, the enslavement of women, and the colonial/imperial ventures of the new world order.

Although it's true almost no corner of the human world has gone untouched by the Western project of colonialism and imperialism, other cultures have their own ancient histories of warfare, bloodshed and male rule that predate Western history.

I know the advent of agriculture and the dawn of land ownership have been cited as the reason for growing institutionalization of patriarchy and subjugation of women and expansion of territory--but really--I struggle to understand how men can commit such horrific atrocities in an organized fashion. If women ruled the world, would we do this? Would we?

I have never given much credence to notions of biological determinism and I still don't; if men are like this by dint of nature as well as nurture the power of human socialization can change them. So far is has mainly been used to cement these violent, hierarchical tendencies it seems.

I just never used to believe there could be this fundamental difference between men and women where under the right circumstances men could join together to commit such atrocities in a way that women wouldn't. Is it because women have been stripped of their power that we don't see them band together to exercise it in such horrific fashion? Or is there really a fundamental, biological difference between us that makes men more susceptible to committing violence?

I also struggle with the connection between sex and committing violence so often seen within cultures and among mostly male individuals across the world. Is it male or is it masculine?

No it's not just as simple as patriarchy. I once believed that but now I don't. Men really are just more violent than women. Male sexuality is also very different than female sexuality (in general) and I don't think anybody could have socialized me into being interested in some of the crazy things they are interested in.

I think that the reason a lot of people dismiss these claims is because they are reminded of evolutionary psychology, which for the most part is not very scientific at all. But the thing is that just because things like "women are naturally better at cooking" are BS it doesn't mean that everything that sounds like evopsych is wrong. For example we know that male and female animals act differently. We know that males and females have different body types, hormone levels, and different ways of reproducing. Would it really be so insane to suggest there are mental differences too?

Now to be fair, I am not really sure if this is true, and none of us will be sure unless we have substantial evidence, but this is my personal theory. It just feels really obvious to me.

This was my point to another poster. To what extent can the behavior of other mammals, including our closest relatives chimpanzees and bonobos (pygmy chimpanzees) be interpreted to reflect on our own?

Not only the male correlation of sex and violence but specifically the far greater incidence of male sexual fetishes (about the same as the disproportionate ratio of male vs. female violence, 10 to 1) causes me to believe there's something more than socialization going on here. Scientists who study human sexuality say it has to do with a more intense focus from males as a group on sexuality in general, heightening fetishes. But how often do you hear of women who like to pretend to be baby boys and wear diapers? (Seriously?) And like to be burped and breastfed and rocked to sleep? (I would really like formal studies of how often these bizarre fetishes occur in males as compared to females. I wouldn't necessarily say it's a result of porn and therefore male domination arising from social reasons because how much of porn is men pretending to be infant girls and breastfeed? Please don't tell me).

I am not saying this to be in favor of gender or against it. "Gender" as we know it is a social construct. Any innate evolutionary differences in the sexes--say, of violent vs. pacifist, or systematizing (from, say, hunting more often than women in most prehistoric societies) vs. integration (from the greater social relations of gathering and building)--need not be our fate if detrimental. We are highly social animals almost entirely at the whim of our socialization, which has been civilizing in some respects but in others greatly lacking.

I agree that just because evolutionary psychology has become a crutch of sexist males it does not mean absolutely none of it is true. It's more important than ever we separate the wheat from the chaff.

Right, and it's important that people recognize radical feminism's criticism of gender actually does not contradict this existence of innate differences. We are all born into a society where we have to follow prescribed gender roles, and this social construct bleeds into all aspects of our lives and causes differences of its own. If some differences are innate this social construction makes them much more prominent and worse.

Also it doesn't mean that there is a distinct male or female brain, or that trans people really do have the brain of the opposite sex. Even if, hypothetically, a trans woman did actually act in ways that women are biologically supposed to, they are just proving that there is variation and a male can be that way too.

Lol at the downvotes. I also don't understand how butthurt men get about this subject. It is quite clearly true (unless you prefer "violence" to "evil" because you don't believe in imposing moral values on human actions), and I am merely asking why and where it comes from.

Humanity will never change until men reckon with their own and their fellow men's actions.

Ew. So many men came in caping for other men in response. I miss the days when this sub didn't have as many dudes hanging around. I'm sorry I can't engage your question properly but I just wanted to say that I've always appreciated your input on this sub.

fundamental biological differences. Sexual selection theory easily explains male violence. Watch some videos on organized warfare in some troops of chimpanzees.

Gonna leave this write up from notcisjustwoman here:

"Patriarchy pre-dates both the agricultural revolution and hunter-gatherer societies, because the basis of the oppression of women, indeed the very basis for oppression itself, is rape.

Male animals have been raping female animals since before the first humans, or even the first primates, appeared on earth. Events like the agricultural revolution codified male oppression of women into a more organized system, and religion has evolved over time to become an enforcer and moralizer of male violence, but neither of things things created patriarchy. Patriarchy began the first time a man raped a woman, and instead of being beaten to death by her tribal/family group, he was rewarded with fathership of her children.

It’s not comfortable even for most radical feminists to see this full and complete scope of the history of patriarchy, because it means that things are much more complicated than mere socialization, but it is a brutal truth we must confront in our analysis."

To expand upon this, here's a previous write up I did once I'd read notcisjustwoman's blog:

"I don't think this will make anyone feel better, but I've recently been thinking a lot about the various species of animals across this earth that have been known to rape...and it turns out most animal species have some form of rape. Ducks, squirrels, dolphins, dogs, gorillas, etc. all have observable males who rape and aggress females.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that aggressive males who rape will pass on their aggressive traits to their offspring that are conceived via rape. I don't think it's a stretch to say that male homo sapiens might be more likely to aggress and rape females since they inherited a tendancy towards violence from their male ancestors who were conceived via rape. (Reminder: I could be completely wrong about this!)

Does this make rape ok? NO!!!! Even if rape and aggressive sexual behavior is 'natural', 'natural' does not instantly equal something good or beneficial for a species. Homo sapiens dying of tooth decay at 22 is quite natural, but it's horrific and traumatizing for everyone involved.

All I'm saying is my understanding of men's GLOBAL and CONSTANT violence toward women became easier to understand once I started to think about sexual violence as an issue often found in primate species and not as something completely 100% culturally-bound.

Here's a link to a tumblr write-up that spawned my thoughts on this: http://notcisjustwoman.tumblr.com/post/175761393959/what-is-good-for-the-gander-is-not-always-good-for#notes

I've read about the extremely complex history of rape among animals of all kinds (they have highly evolved methods of rape--an actual sexual arms race between males and females, as females also evolved to try to avoid rape--in fact, some believe the reason we walk upright is because women first stood up to avoid greater vulnerability to gang rape from behind, and that these gang rapes were so violent many of the females of our prehistoric ancestors who did not stand up did not survive). The species in which pair-bonding and good fatherhood are the norm are not the norm.

There's a reason that male sperm in all species is a complex chemical cocktail. In humans it's designed to lull/drug the mate and bond females to males even at their own expense.

My gut feeling and experiences tell me notjustciswoman is right.

There's a reason rape as committed by men is so normalized and also so easy for men to commit. Behavioral scientists have discussed the not-so-mythical "rape switch" and posited that all or most men have one.

Reading stories of men's mass raiding/raping parties, I'm inclined to agree. (My own experience aligns with this as well. I have actually witnessed a man struggle with his own desire to rape when confronted with a woman highly vulnerable to it. He had a low "rape threshold" certainly, but I don't actually think it's all that unusual. I think human men--because human beings can feel remorse and regret--may struggle with what they have done or the harm they have caused, if society or the victim force them to reflect on this, but they still did it and wanted to do it anyway). Neither the normalization of rape nor its prevalence despite official messages all over the world that it's wrong would be so common if rape were not somehow natural to the males of this species.

I remember an author saying "we cannot deal with violence until we admit uncomfortable truths, such as the thrill of war." The same is true of rape/sexual abuse; there's no way we can combat it without understanding it, and understanding why some men like to do it even when it's officially discouraged, or why men as a class can be easily encouraged to commit it under the right circumstances, is, I think, important if we ever hope to combat it.

(And yes, the history of conquest and invasion in our species is the history of rape. There's a reason so many men in the world carry the same Y chromosome).

Some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 9 Comments [8/27/2018 3:00:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 139569

The glaring difference between the definition of "male" and "female" on Medicine Net

It's funny... until you realize that young women are being pressured to 'define their gender' and 'decide what pronouns to use.' As the qualifications for 'being a woman' get more obscure and complicated, women will be pressured to dis-identify with the label 'woman.'

What's even worse is that this is supposed to be a medical definition of 'female' - they aren't even limiting their revisionism to 'women' anymore.

Men are human.

We are non men.

We are whatever men say that we are. Men define us. We will never be permitted to define ourselves.

Scrolling further down that very same page:

" Women should be aware that they metabolize a number of drugs differently than men. In some cases and for some medications, the rate of metabolism may be slower, and in other cases, faster. It is, therefore, essential that women are well informed about the kinds and correct dosages of any drugs they are taking. "

But I suppose one can just "identify" out of those differences nowadays

A great example of the way that society defines male as the default and woman as some sort of “variation”, which in turn opens the door for every other thing not defined as clearly male to come under the female umbrella.

Wow, the thought police truly DGAF about trans men. So much of this movement is purely about sheltering and validating the precious, precious egos of narcissistic transwomen.

I'm thinking also of Cancer Research UK who changed all the wording on their website associated with cervical cancer and other women's illnesses, and left the wording on the men's cancers intact and straightforward.

Anyone got other instances like that? From this thread it seems like the Wikipedia page history for "woman" would be another good example of this. A few years ago the problem with that page was that it was full of misogynistic slurs listed as "synonyms" for "woman" while the page defining "man" was straightforward and scientific. It really does sometimes seem like the trans activists have stepped in to take over where the openly misogynistic dudebros have left off.

some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 2 Comments [8/7/2018 12:40:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140173

Re: Hey heterosexual radfems, how do you date men?

I don't date. It's much better for my emotional and physical health. I'm not lonely. I have friends. I have a dog. I have Netflix. At this point I'm so used to being in control of my own home, body, and time, I think trying to date someone who's been socialized his whole life to expect me to be his damn servant would just annoy the Hell out of me.

Not straight but I’d guess they pick the least worse or something? Besides those who think they boyfriend is different from all men.

I don't. Since the porn explosion, I haven't found a man who can fuck worth a damn and I don't need one for anything else.

Dating radfem is an oxymoron. As you've already pointed out all men are dangerous and you have to be constantly on guard and expect them to do some shit. Ie you waste a ton of emotional recourses to just be with a man, and wasting recourses on men and risking yourself is not really what radfem teaches you.

You're not "doomed" to be alone. Loneliness is not painful if you have female friends and see a person and friend in yourself. We're taught that we're nothing without men, that we're incomplete without relationship, that we're worthless if no one loves us in a dick way. Those are all lies to keep us depending on men. There are plenty other ways to bring excitement into your life that don't involve men

I agree with this. Dating/being in a relationship with/ marrying men are not feminist decisions. They can be choices that can improve your personal happiness but to try to reconcile them with feminism is futile imo

I don’t anymore. I did for many years, and the power imbalance always came out, the expectations and such like. I decided that I wasn’t sufficiently bothered to compromise on this (I like my own company, I have friends and family, I enjoy doing things alone). If I came across someone, and we hit it off, great. Otherwise, it’s not something I want that badly.

I know exactly one man in a relationship with a woman who seems to just act like a person in a relationship with another person, no politics or manipulation or threats to sense of identity or domestic ineptitude or whatever. He’s a grown up, and he just gets on with things when they need to be done, and he supports his wife and loves his children and supports and encourages them without respect to gender. One man. Out of every one I know.

So it’s possible, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

I've never dated a man and I'm worried about what would happen when I try. I learned that I'm still susceptible to manipulation by men, but I'm thankful it's only a friendship that I'm in and not a relationship because I'm not sure if I'd be able to quit it without being hurt first.

I know some women who take chances to date men, and even my 50yo mother hasn't learned all men are out to disappoint, manipulate and abuse. I'm not even sure how she justifies her choice at this point.

some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 5 Comments [8/29/2018 2:31:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 139978

Do you want to pounce on girls in public?

If I'm out and see an even halfway attractive girl my impulse is to grab her, tear her clothes off, feel her up, and slobber all over her fun bits.

It's a very real, very concrete urge. I have no interest in talking to girls, hanging out with them, or anything; all I want to do is tackle them on sight, then touch and taste their flesh.

So, are all guys like this?

The End, incels.me 8 Comments [8/22/2018 9:40:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 140103

Re: On how trans-identified men don't care about women or better the feminist movement in any tangible way

Like a nice little libfem, I used to think that men could be feminists. But it all falls apart when you stop looking at men as individuals and start looking at them as a group.

Men oppressed women for thousands of years based on biological sex. They STILL oppress women based on biological sex. But suddenly, because men see something that women have that they can't have, womanhood is redefined to be based on feelings.

Why do we need to respect men's feelings? Were they respecting women's feelings for the centuries where we weren't allowed to vote, own property, or have bodily autonomy? Do they respect women's feelings now?

If all this was happening a hundred years ago, they'd have complained about the women's suffrage movement being "exclusionary" because THEY were allowed to vote.

This is why it pisses me off when they use women’s issues (infertility, lack of periods) as a trump card to prove their non-existent arguments. Have they ever raised awareness for infertile women? Or spoken about the stigma women face when they are unable to conceive? When women’s issues are spoken about, they try to make it about them. Look at the abortion debate in Ireland, when TRAs were more upset that the campaign included the word “women” than the fact a woman in Ireland could go to PRISON for having bodily autonomy.

Some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 3 Comments [8/27/2018 2:32:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 140137

I think he was primarily speaking of the biological nature of the female half of the human species. They are built to care. In the same way they care for children, they care for the material in this world. Women are considered frivolous for this reason. They care about diamonds and pearls, they care about aesthetic beauty, they care about every last facet of a man so as to weigh his worth. They care about intelligence, strength, power, skill, etc. Caring cuts down to the bone of women whether they care for children or for money or material locations (Paris, etc)

It is this tendency to care for things that gives them desire, and, as the opposite of loyal (man), women are primarily concerned with themselves and their own interests. There is no true loyalty in the mind of a woman. There is only self-interest. Women see the weak and defective, and they care for them and then walk away. In their natural habit they would never let a weakling have sexual intercourse with them. This is the fundamental driver of evolution. Women are the gate keepers of sex. This is why Nietzsche considered them higher life-forms than men. They are so self-interested and manipulative that, on a certain level, they do not see others as human beings, they see tools to get things they want. A terribly feminine woman just wants admiration (something they care about) once they've got acceptance in a tribe.

They just want to be seen as a grand, superior life-form that is higher in rank than those around it. The rank matters because it is a measure of worth, and worth is something women care about. It's just will to power in action. Women use their ability to care to see every last bit of another human being, and they manipulate others to get what they need. Women don't even feel negative emotions in the same way that men do, their amygdala activates differently, so they are better at emotional recollection than emotional experience. It would be disadvantageous for women to really understand human emotion as it would be retard their ability to freely manipulate and use. For men have historically been nothing more than tools to women. If you pay attention, you'll find that women selfishly have kids even though they're well aware life is hell, and someday their children will suffer over what they've done.

Women are constantly leaving men for something superior. It's sad but true. You, of course, get exceptions to rules, but it's rare. This is probably what Lanza meant by selfish. They are not built that way through society. It is in their blood and bones to choose the superior life form and run with it. This is why so many mass-shooters hate women. They are aware of what they truly are, and it takes a sufficient amount of time in isolation to realize it. This is what Adam Lanza saw in his mother. "I want what I want, and you're coming whether you want to or not." This is what Adam thought about his mother as she forced him onto this earth, forced onto him her "love" so that he became weak in a brutal society, and then forced him out of his cocoon.

Women really are selfish. My father has seen it. I have seen it, and Adam Lanza has seen it... It can't be helped. They are highly evolved lifeforms that perpetuate the species, and they must be fundamentally cruel so it is driven forward.

Whysomangry, Columbine High School Massacre Discussion Forum 2 Comments [8/28/2018 1:35:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139952

Re: Finally let myself be completely naked in the women's locker room, and it was so incredibly liberating. • r/asktransgender

How on earth does no one see a problem with this? This guy is bragging about (1) hanging out in a women's locker room where women typically are naked and (2) upping the ante and subjecting said women to his dick.

And then all the comments are about how brave and badass he is, to force his dick on a bunch of naked women.

He says it's liberating to force his dick on women.

I'm hitting peak trans right now.

Two spot on comments from a trans identified person that were deleted:

I think it makes us look odd too because the association with trans women is that we do not like how we were born and when someone openly flaunts in a setting around a bunch of naked women it raises...questions.

Yeah disregard other peoples trauma just so you can feel validated! How great!

Yeah, that person is pretty astute. Whenever anyone brings up the question of self ID trans women exposing themselves the answer always is, we hate out dicks and don't want to look at them either!

I had a peak at his profile. He has also posted a full frontal nude recently on a sub for nudes (he was the only one I saw that wasn't anonymous/ face obscured). He's definitely a exhibitionist and likely getting off on showing people his dick.

Beyond the many, many selfies in skimpy attire (and heavy makeup, at weird angles he apparently considers flattering), what sticks out to me is the number of pre-transition selfies he has and shares. This is a person who is and always has been utterly obsessed with looking at himself. I am completely unsurprised that someone like this has escalated to forcing women to look at him naked. I am also unsurprised that the response from most of that sub is a mix of jealousy and admiration. Male socialization, 'i want people to 'admire' me, no matter how involuntary, behold my greatness (and you'd better fucking call it great)' is textbook.

This is why it correlates so heavily with narcissism. Narcissism will always be more prevalent in men than in women.

That is definitely the vibe I got -- he felt "liberated" ie, loved parading himself around in view of all these women -- like, it seemed like some kind of weird fantasy he had, to impose himself that way.

You can't do stuff like that at the office or the grocery store (unless you want to risk arrest). You need access to women's spaces, and to call yourself a "woman." Sickening.

Lol real women, no matter how great their bodies are, hate being naked in front of other women. No one struts around naked in the showers.

They're all fetishists.

They are doing this shit because it gets them off, and they are bullying society into accepting their inappropriate sexual behavior and fetish.

Some of them probably extra get off on making women physically uncomfortable too, and of course having the excuse of "but no I am woman too" let's them rationalize their abusive behavior.

The deleted comments from “transphobes” are actually from trans people who think this is not cool.

I feel bad for them, almost as much as I do for the targets of his exhibitionism. Violating women’s consent is part of how he gets his jollies, obviously, and he also doesn’t care about throwing other trans people under the bus as long as he gets attention. I think he is hoping it will blow up into a big controversy with him at the centre of it. What a vile, pathetic person.

That guy in your link that says he's making it harder for the rest of them to access our spaces. He's not wrong. But at least he's trying to police the penis-wagging.

That's exactly why I want to see this happen all over, ASAP.

We can talk until we're blue in the face about how this will effect us, but all that talk is doing nothing. We need women to see this firsthand. We need the public to be visibly educated on the realities of the situation.

They need to see the truth, that MtT want to keep their penises and want to shove their penises down our throats literally and figuratively.

various TERFs, r/GenderCritical 4 Comments [8/21/2018 12:17:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140168

My family doctor has mentioned and warned me about some baby crazy women digging used condoms out of the trash and inserting it into themselves. Between being falsely accused and that, I'm scared as hell in going into adulthood as a guy.

Explosivo1269, r/narcsinthewild 6 Comments [8/29/2018 2:00:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 140174

Re: AskTG eats itself over one mod telling the others not to flash their dicks in the women's change room.

It takes a while to figure out but essentially the AskTG flashers are now furious at mod Wannabkate for saying Enbie is a slur {hahahahahaha they can't even keep up with what's supposed to be offensive this week} and for telling the subreddit that you shouldn't flash your dicks at women in the change room.

Telling mentally deranged men to not flash their cocks at unsuspecting girls and women in the female change room is the height of discrimination and bigotry in [Current Year]. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

I'm honestly surprised Trumpsters haven't begun using this example (and the never ending list of trans fuckery) in an attempt to win the midterms. How many right wing autogynephiles does the GOP have donating to them?

Part of the compilation is a thread called

"[META] Trans Women Need Trans Women Mods - Can We Get Some?"

Affirm whatever we say! Now affirm it harder!

Who do they think has always been running that sub? Now they're aghast that occasionally they're disagreeing among themselves?

The assumption that it must be outsiders, meddlers, women deleting their posts is just so sad.

Everything is really so us-versus-them on that sub, and it leads to such a damaging, culty mentality.

Trans groups have been divisive for as long as I can remember. I remember making a post in a non-trans related group and a roving band of most likely self identified trans people dog piled on one of my posts where I said I didn't want my identity to just be "TRANS!" and that I wanted to be respected for being a good person.

In trans subreddits I usually get downvoted for saying that I am able to have a civil conversation here. Funny how much can be achieved when you don't go looking for a fight. Don't get me started on the thinly veiled, sometimes full on, death threats that are directed towards the people of this sub. Loving and tolerant my ass.

Your comment is so on, it is unbelievable how these men actually think.

"Telling mentally deranged men to not flash their cocks at unsuspecting girls and women in the female change room is the height of discrimination and bigotry in [Current Year]. Jesus. Fucking. Christ."

I think some of them just realized how many of them are there just to entertain themselves with tormenting unsuspecting women just out in public with their families. Normally, these men would have no right, opportunity or reason to legally flash a boner and stalk these frightened women around a locker room for a thrill

From what I’ve read they hate them for being against Nature and masculinity. And for entering young girls spaces. Only the incels seem to love da tranz. Rednecks seem to also hate incels.

There are plenty of right wing sites that post about trans insanity- the bl@ze, d@ily caller, etc. It’s yet another “men on the right see women (and children) as private property, men on the left see women as public property’ issue.

Right wingers don’t want those nasty pervs around their women, unless the pervs are GOP candidates or donors. Men can do whatever they want in their own home, of course. They also see it as a wedge issue to make liberals look crazy, which is unfortunately true.

Assuming you meant "private" in one of those, I completely agree.

Unfortunately true, I'm an avowed leftist and having to constantly argue with both left and right is exhausting, hell I even argue with centrists.

Can I make this job? At least I'd get payed.

The creepy guy who offers hormones to children doesn't think you should flash your dick fellas

Because women have the right to privacy from strange men and the right to not have dicks shoved in their faces at every opportunity? No, pffft! Of fucking course not! It's because it doesn't look good for the community. They have to wait for it to be legislated first and then everyone can get their rape on.

Does DrewiePaedo really think that laws allowing this shit aren't going to be revoked after complaints of girls being exposed to the microdick of pervs like "Autumn"?

Anyone have a link to the locker room post?

Edit: Okay, so I found it. And .... this:

"You notice how no one gets up in arms about trans men using the men's room? Because nobody actually gives a shit what goes on in men's rooms."

WHICH MEANS YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO USING THE MEN'S ROOM, DICKHEAD. But they're embarrassed of how they dress, so they won't change in there.

some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 3 Comments [8/29/2018 2:39:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138985

Chicago Tribune Article Today: "'Prison is not where women need to be': All-female task force wants to cut Illinois’ female prison population in half"

“Prisons were made for men, and they are made to traumatize,” said Celia Colon"


“Prisons were made for men, and they are made to traumatize,” said Celia Colon, who teared up after sharing with the group her history of abuse. “They were not made for healing.”

Traumatizing men is perfectly acceptable. Traumatizing women (who got to prison by traumatizing others) is not acceptable because...women are equal to men?

“Prison is not where women need to be,” said Benedict, a partner on the National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women, funded by the U.S. Department of Justice. “Even if prisons were highly functional places, they don’t belong there. It’s a train wreck, to be honest, a train wreck.”

If women commit felonies, then prison is exactly where they need to be. As a matter of fact, women commit felonies and gynocentric judges and prosecutors often REFUSE to send them to prison.

Margaret Byrne, an attorney who for 35 years has represented countless women who fought back against abusers, agreed. Many women call 911 to report the violent crime they’ve just committed on a partner, Byrne said, but they fail at proving the difficult self-defense theory in court.

Probably because you can't 'self-defense' a man while he's sleeping, or when his back is turned, or when he's not presenting an immediate and credible threat.

By the time she was 16 and living in South Chicago, Colon had drifted into gang life, drawn by its offer of support — and guns for protection.

“I saw a lot of hurt and bloodshed,” Colon, 42, told the other women gathered at the first meeting. “Things that are never gonna be erased. It does irreversible damage.”

You mean you validated cholos and gangbangers by giving them pussy.

Those who insist that they cannot be held responsible for their own actions, that they are merely leaves floating along the winds of economic circumstances, ore are victims of societal programming, should not enjoy the right to affect or influence public policy or the use of public money.

I've got a long list of articles where people try to argue for female criminals getting lenient sentences or no jail on the basis of being female. A long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long list. I guess this one can be added

I think part of why it's such a popular idea is because gynocentrism is prevalent in both of the main ideologies. Feminism says females are always the oppressed victim to the point where even female criminals are truly the victims and therefore prison is "victimizing" them again. Traditionalism stereotypes women as helpless, innocent, childlike, and basically too weak to be a threat; therefore she's not really responsible for any crime she commits

Both tend to perceive women as morally superior. Both tend to perceive the well-being of the female in any given situation (whether she's the victim or the perpetrator) as more important and more worthy or in need of being protected

Yep. And proof of your argument can be found from a statement made a hundred years ago by Chicago attorney Agnes McHugh. In 1906 she said, “A man-jury will not convict a woman murderer in this county, if the prosecutor is a man. I think this leniency may be traced to the chivalry latent in every man.”

Turns out that having a female prosecutor or judge or females on the jury doesn't make any difference.

I don't have any stats handy but it's possible that female accountability vis a vis the justice system has actually grown over the past few decades. In patriarchies the main female "sin" is adultery, which is often severely punished; but they get away with pretty much everything else. (In some primitive fundamentalist religious societies, "witchcraft" is also severely punished).

But I guess it was inevitable that after a brief flirtation with the idea of treating women as semi-adults, feminists wouldn't be able to resist exploiting gynocentrism to increase their privileges even more. But women are still supposed to be treated like equals somehow. Zero logic or sense of justice, as usual.

Generally, people look at the motives and background of female criminals whereas they just assume male criminals are uniquely evil.

This is why we need a mens movement.

various MRAs, r/MensRights 5 Comments [8/28/2018 12:09:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 1