Quote# 139820

The ungodly Walt Disney corporation (an Illuminati family) glorifies shacking-up and “relationships” (a key word for fornication). When a woman says she's, “not in a relationship right now,” what she really means is that she is taking a time-out from her whoring around. She is a whore! I say that kindly. She goes from one bum to the next! Any man who would have premarital sex is a bum! Ladies, you can do better than that! You find you a godly man who cares about you enough to put a ring on your finger and commit himself only to you for life, before letting him have the good stuff!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 2 Comments [8/28/2018 12:31:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 140140

Feminism is more deadly than arsenic, the AIDS virus and the Bubonic Plague all combined. The same fool that will laugh at what I just said is likely also a supporter of abortion rights. Abortion has killed far more people than arsenic, the AIDS virus and the Bubonic Plague ever have. It is estimated worldwide that 400,000,000 children have been murdered by abortion!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 5 Comments [8/28/2018 1:35:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 140147

If I had had had sex at least once with a woman from my country then I would have some confidence and I would enroll to a post graduate in my country. Not being a virgin would motivate me to try and find another girl.

But since I'm a disgraced virgin, I'm too embarassed to stay in my country and do a post graduate here. I will be nothing but a loser, a ghost, women won't give fuck for a subhuman incel. This fact was what led me to choose a postgraduate in a foreign country. The shame will be much less since I will be in a completely different society. Stranger among strangers.

It costs a shit load of money to study abroad but I didn't have another choice if I wanted to maintain my NEET lifestyle. Even my parents have accpeted that women from my ethnic group will never like me so they encouraged me to leave the country. So I basically, just gave up. There was no point staying home as a sub 6 asocial male, there was nothing left for me here.

Uglyman, incels.me 7 Comments [8/28/2018 1:39:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140101

Re: Misandry in Action: 'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash

It's not fake news, but it is old news. She might still be a piece of shit even, but going back a few years to find headlines isn't changing hearts and minds.

It's proof that back then feminists did this. The suspicion was right.

They've escalated the hatred so much in the last 3 years that I guarantee this is common practice among feminist human shit.

There is the question of what is a men's rights position on gender selective abortion?

Is it acceptable to demand financial abortion without considering the complexities of social imbalance?

The answer to that question is simple. The gender of the child doesn't matter, it should still be a mans choice whether he wants to be a part of that life or not, inclusive of financial and legal obligation. No matter how you dice the 'abortion' issue between the genders, the man in all current scenarios is a slave to some woman he probably didn't want a child with.

Some MRAs, r/MensRights 9 Comments [8/27/2018 2:28:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140125

"I once stayed for a few weeks in an apartment complex in the Boston area that had a large number of well-dressed but extremely skinny teenaged girls with supercilious expressions. I finally figured out that one floor of the building was home to a residential treatment center for anorexia."

In other words kids are stupid and should have decisions made for them by their parents. Not always, just most of the time. Long live paternalism.

PS tumblr is turning your daughter into a tranny

Jason Liu, Unz 5 Comments [8/28/2018 12:54:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 140098

Re: Fertility in Europe: If the woman wants to have a baby and the man disagrees, the likelihood is only about one-third compared to when the couple agrees. If it is the man who wants the baby and the woman disagrees, the probability of having a child is indistinguishable from zero.

Holy crap. There are a few condom users but I don't really see any other explanation other than at least 1/3 of women lie about birth control.

If they agree, they agree.

If the woman doesn't want to carry a child to term, I hope we can all agree the chances of her doing so should approach zero.

So is the 1/3 when the man disagrees the problem? And would some sort of paternal opt-out option be an agreeable remedy?

No, a jail sentence for the woman for trapping the man as well as an opt out would be acceptable.

She should also have to pay damages.

Or just be force opted out of taking child support from the father, ever.

Not good enough. They've been abusing the law, we should do it back.

"I as a male am traumatized by the lack of trust and care shown by my partner in doing this to me, it has affected my mental state severely"

I think damages are more than fair considering the mental effects of having this kind of thing happen to you.

If he has an opt-out, he has no basis for "damages." I actually favor that as a legal choice.

What your proposing basically lets men press charges and sue women for getting the women pregnant. That's...got too many problems to even really tackle.

Not really, it brings things back to being equal.

They should pay emotional distress damages equal to child support for 18 years as well as all the other consequences.

It's basically just what happens to men now, but reversed.

I think it's perfect. Everything should just be reversed, let's see how women like the "equality" they promote when they're suffering it.

That's not only obviously unfair, it takes everything people fear about false rape allegations and puts it into the extreme. It's hard for me not to think this is actually just some idea of getting revenge on women for that issue.

Even if we put all of that aside, the nominal purpose of child support is to support the child. You're now putting the kid in a position where they're stuck with a parent whom you're rendering broke by virtue of essentially the same legal mechanism designed to make sure they're provided for.

That you think that's "perfect" kind of makes it seem like you're missing the most important part of the whole equation: the welfare of the kids themselves.

It's funny how much you don't like your hypocrisy pushed back at you.

Feminism thinks "we'll push for as much injustice as we can, if we lose they won't do it back, they'll just make it equal"

It's funny how women selectively care about a child's welfare when it suits them. You sure didn't care when you wrote the Tender Years crap.

"my child needs money for its welfare"

proceeds to buy handbags and makeup

Even now, you divorce good men who've done nothing wrong, and we've all seen how single mother kids turn out :)

If you cared about the child's welfare you wouldn't be supportive of the system as it is now.

Plus how many women actually use the child support money on the child?

What is the "tender years crap"? For that matter, who is the "you" that you're speaking to?

Yeah, it's not like kids cost money or anything. You want to talk about radical change to the system including a more robust public safety net to provide for kids whose parents are dirt poor in exchange for eliminating child support? Sure. I'm down.

But it kind of seems like you're talking to someone else entirely right now.

It's amazing how feminists have a selective memory of what their movement has done.

That would be the idea that women should have full custody of a child during their "tender years" up to 4. This was banned as it contradicted the 14th Amendment but was then rebranded as "best interest of the child" still giving heavy bias to the mother (despite what we know about children raised by only a mother)

You as in feminist lower than dirt "activists" that claim to be doing what's right despite mounting evidence that what you're doing will result in societal collapse when everyone gives up on women.

I don't support any social programs. They're just a way to send men's tax money to women.

some MRAs, r/MensRights 5 Comments [8/27/2018 2:26:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140009

Years ago, I had sex with my friend's much younger sister and it set her on a path to becoming a huge slut

Before anything else, let me just give you the story of what happened. I was 16 at the time, so was my friend. Me, the friend, and another girl were at the friend's house and thought we were alone. We were fucking around and watching porn on her computer and laughing about it and shit like that. We came to a video of a girl eating out another girl in front of a whole party. We watched that one for like a half hour and we all thought it was hot. We joked about it and "reenacted it", like not actually eating pussy but licking our shorts and just being stupid like that. Anyway, later that day I was alone with the friend's sister and she told me she was watching us the whole time and she loved it. She told me she wanted us to do what the girls in the video were doing. I guess she asked me cause she knew i was bi and a pretty big slut anyway.

I dont know why exactly, but I was fucking excited about it. I thought it was going to be a lot of fun teaching this girl about licking pussy. So I got some good porn together later and gave it to her and told her to watch it and get comfortable with it and get comfortable with herself and we'd talk later. Apparently she watched that stuff every night for a week and just devoured it. She talked to me a week later and said she had the house to herself for a whole weekend. Her parents, sisters, and brother were all away at different places and her parents were ok leaving her for 2 days alone.

So we had our chance and I came over Saturday at like noon. We watched some of the porn together and talked about it and made sure she was comfortable and excited, and she definitely was. Over the next hour or so we kissed, made out, got naked, and I let her do and look at whatever she wanted. Eventually, she wanted to get her mouth on my pussy and I walked her through how to eat me out. After some coaching, she was able to get me to orgasm and she was so fucking happy. She wanted me to do the same to her and I did for a bit but for some reason couldn't get her to orgasm. Maybe she was just nervous or whatever. It was a crazy day.

After all that, she started the habit of making out with all her girl friends, because it was fun or sexy or for attention or whatever. She loved the attention from boys a little too much and started having sex way more than a girl her age should and she's not slowing down to this day. Her sis still has no idea what turned her sister into a bi slut at that age.

And I didn't mean to leave her age to the end but I just realized i didn't say it. That day was a week before her 12th birthday. Maybe you think I'm a monster or twisted perv right now and fuck maybe I am. I don't know. I feel kinda bad about the whole thing but honestly I think i feel worse about the fact that i don't feel as bad as i should about it. I'm a little worried i'm really messed up and want to hear other people tell me what they think.

tiffmck, reddit 4 Comments [8/23/2018 8:29:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 139448

They can be feminist allies but never a feminist. There are plenty of reasons, too many to list. Here are a few main reasons,

They never experienced what women experienced. They are biologically different. They often think about their own gains, but selfishness is a tool of survival of the fittest and natural selection, all humans are selfish. That is a major reason they cannot be a feminist.

Trust issues are the number 1 obstacle from accepting males as feminists, it's difficult to accept a male as an ally, even harder to accept a male as a feminist.The word feminism comes from feminine and ism. It's female centric. There are no rules and laws to govern what a male feminist can or cannot do. We need a sovereign state / land for that.

Feminism is a lifestyle, you cannot turn it on or off easily. Males don't have the equipment and social atmosphere to engage in feminist conversations. Women are generally uncomfortable with men when we disagree with them, they might get angry or upset and that makes honest conversations difficult.

Most male feminists expect women to pay half in financial expenses, but women are at disadvantage, males should pay more than half. Male feminists are within a female-centric group, they must agree with female ideas to keep the male feminist label.

valerieisfun, r/Ask_Radical_Feminists 5 Comments [8/2/2018 3:15:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140102

Peak trans-ing so hard right now.

I've commented on here a bit while I've been trying to figure out what I really think. I tried accepting the trans thing, I really did. I was even down with the idea that trans women are women, just not female. But I've had it. I just visited r/terfisaslur, and urgh I've just had it with;

The narcissism. The attempt to escape criticism for bad typically male behaviour. The desire to reinforce the misogynistic sexual caricature of a woman. The drama seeking. The victimhood mentality. The demand to cross women's boundaries. The homophobia and misogyny towards lesbians. The complete disregard for biological fact. The complete disregard for any question/criticism. The complete disregard for how changing your sex legally completely skews any data on violence predominantly perpetrated by men against women. A big fucking deal in my opinion. And the god damn new speak.

So hello, I'm officially on your side as of right now.

annnnonpopo, r/GenderCritical 4 Comments [8/27/2018 2:29:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140105

Cultures that have ‘third genders’ don’t prove transgenderism is either ubiquitous or progressive

When homophobic cultures are embracing transgenderism, we need to question its so-called “progressiveness.”

Last year, Pakistan started issuing passports with a third gender category marked by an “X”. In March, the country took things a step further and passed legislation allowing people to change their sex on legal documents, based on self-identification. Now, people can officially self-identify as male, female, or neither on government-issued ID documents, meaning an individual born male can now be issued a female passport. Al Jazeera reports:

“The law guarantees citizens the right to express their gender as they wish, and to a gender identity that is defined as ‘a person’s innermost and individual sense of self as male, female or a blend of both, or neither; that can correspond or not to the sex assigned at birth.'”

The law has been celebrated by many as a progressive victory. Amnesty International’s Pakistan researcher Rabia Mehmood told Al Jazeera that the implementation of the bill “is crucial to ensure [trans-identified people] can live their lives with dignity and respect.” While this might indeed seem like a step forward to some, an important detail brings up questions: despite Pakistan’s apparent embrace of trans-identified people, homosexuality remains criminalized in the country. What liberals and progressives who support this kind of legislation have failed to ask themselves is why transgender politics are being embraced by conservative and regressive regimes like those in Pakistan and Iran.

Trans activists claim that transgenderism has existed throughout history. To prove that “gender identity” is not a modern invention, they point to non-Western societies where, historically, more than two genders have been culturally accepted. This claim is rarely subjected to critical analysis. A feminist analysis is ignored in favour of a superficial analysis of race and colonialism that goes as follows: if a third gender exists in non-Western, non-white societies, the “sex binary” must be a colonialist Western concept that has been imposed on all of us.

But while a third gender really does exist in some societies, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these non-Western views of sex and gender roles are anti-sexist, nor does it mean the application of this idea to Western societies is automatically progressive.

If you compare India’s transgender population to Pakistan’s, you’ll notice an interesting similarity: an overwhelming majority are males. Hijra, as they are called in India, are men or boys pressured to become women on misogynistic grounds: these males love hanging out with women, help women with domestic work, have features that are considered “feminine,” or are suspected of being homosexual. They are often castrated and aren’t allowed to marry or own property. While they may be called upon to bless newborns and celebrate marriages, society generally shuns them and they are rejected by their ashamed families. Seen as accursed, they are given a ritual, religious purpose to counterbalance their ungodly condition. They often become dancers and prostitutes and, like in Pakistan, have to seek the guardianship of a guru (who essentially functions as their pimp) in order to avoid homelessness.

One Pakistani man named Zara tells The Guardian:

“I was born with a very small male organ. Inside, my feelings are female… I want to live like a woman, cook and do domestic work.”

The implication is that a small penis and a preference for “woman’s work” mean that Zara is not sufficiently masculine, and therefore not male.

A homosexual male born as Iman but calling himself Marie featured in a BBC documentary, Iran’s sex change solution, consulted several psychotherapists, some of whom “worked underground.” One suggested pills (of an unspecified nature), another electric shock treatment. Eventually, one doctor told Iman that he could “change [his] gender” and said he needed to start hormone therapy. After a while, another doctor encouraged him to take a step further and undergo surgery. “The doctor told me that with the surgery he could change the two per cent male features but he said he could not change the 98 per cent female features to be male,” Iman says. It is very probable that the surgery included removal of his genitals. As a boy, Iman was bullied for having soft features and was frequently told he looked “like a girl.” After being pressured to start hormones to emphasize his “feminine” features, Iman noticed that he started to grow breasts and that his body hair was thinning. There is little doubt as to what the doctor referred to when he mentioned his remaining “two per cent male features”… Iman says he felt “damaged,” physically. “What I saw was frightening and abnormal,” he adds.

Iran doesn’t traditionally have any concept of a third gender, but the arguments towards the acceptance of transgenderism are the same as in India or Pakistan: when men don’t conform to gender roles related to masculinity and heterosexuality, they are told they are not men at all. In countries like India or Pakistan, religious beliefs about the “balance” between male and female play a role in how women and men are treated. There are many stories about “hermaphrodites” or tales about eunuchs. Men who fail to conform are told they have a female soul and hold a special spiritual position. But in Iran, the religious explanation is non-existent: instead, men like Iman are told that they need medical treatment.

Those who claim transgenderism is universal will also bring up Indigenous societies to show that “male” and “female” are simply rigid inventions of Western, colonial culture, offering “third genders” and “two spirit” people as proof of this. “Native cultures” are glamourized as gender-fluid utopias that European, Christian, colonial conquest destroyed, imposing a rigid two-gender system instead. It is true that as part of the Christianization and colonization process, missionaries profoundly changed the social dynamics between men and women. Children were uprooted from their cultural and social spheres and sent to residential schools, where they were taught Victorian values and morality regarding men and women’s place in North American societies. Indigenous people were subjected to different social codes than those they’d grown up with. Their appearance, for instance, was refashioned: boys couldn’t have long hair because it was considered feminine — they had to wear suits, while girls needed to keep their hair tied at all times and wear dresses. But it would be false to presume that Indigenous societies — which are not at all homogenous — regarded gender (in its contemporary definition) as an instrument for self-expression. This assumes all of these cultures accepted the liberal notion of individual choice and freedom popularized in the aftermath of the American Revolution. But modern notions of individualism, self-expression, and self-realization were were not likely present in pre-colonial Indigenous societies.

The Navajo, for example, have a traditional third gender class called “nadleeh.” While, today, the term is applied to both trans-identified males and females, it originally referred exclusively to males. According to an essay by Wesley Thomas in the book, Two-Spirit People, “Navajo Cultural Constructions of Gender and Sexuality,” men who showed proclivities for traditionally female activities such as weaving, cooking, and raising children, became nadleeh.

Thomas writes, “From the Navajo view, until the turn of the century, males who demonstrated characteristics of the opposite gender were known to fulfill their roles as nadleeh.” He argues that the Navajo recognized “gender diversity” pre-colonization:

“Multiple genders were part of the norm in the Navajo culture before the 1890s. From the 1890s until the 1930s dramatic changes took place in the lives of Navajos because of exposure to, and constant pressures from, Western culture — not the least of which was the imposition of Christianity…

… Due to the influence of Western culture and Christianity, which attempt to eradicate gender diversity, the pressure still exists.”

However, he also points out that gender roles still existed in Navajo society:

“The traditional social gender system, although based initially on biological sex, divides people into categories based on several criteria: sex-linked occupation, behaviors, and roles. ‘Sex-linked occupation’ refers to expected work specializations associated with being female or male. ‘Sex-linked behaviors’ include body language, speech style and voice pitch, clothing and other adornment, and those aspects of ceremonial activities that are sex-linked (e.g., women wear shawls in dancing and men do not; men use gourd rattles during dances and women do not). Women’s sex-linked activities include those associated with childrearing, cooking and serving meals, making pottery and baskets, and doing or overseeing other work associated with everyday aspects of the domestic sphere. For men, getting wood, preparing cooking fires, building homes, hunting, planting and harvesting various vegetables, and doing or overseeing work associated with the ceremonial aspects of everyday life are appropriate. A nadleeh mixes various aspects of the behaviors, activities, and occupations of both females and males.”

Traditionally, the Navajo believed that the power of creation belonged to women. It is safe to say that they never believed that nadleeh — “feminine males” — were actually women, because they didn’t have the ability to bear children. They were regarded as feminine on the basis of social occupations but were not called women — azdaa — in the Navajo language. Society was organized on the principle of collective work divided by men and women on account of their physiological differences — women’s activities, for example, were based on their reproductive capacity and status as life-givers.

In this case, the concept of nadleeh cannot be understood as “gender identity” or gender/sex dysphoria, as it was related to social occupations and behaviors connected to sex. While the Navajo are one of the most documented Indigenous cultures, many others are not so well-documented and it therefore seems inappropriate to impose modern notions of “gender diversity,” “gender identity,” or, generally, our own concepts of gender, as we understand it today, in Western cultures.

It also is misguided to assume that non-Western, non-white “third genders” necessarily shatter the gender binary. The existence of other “gender” castes shouldn’t be assumed to challenge the “sex/gender binary” — they need to be examined within their own cultural and political contexts, from a feminist perspective.

The fact that those placed in this “third” gender category are usually males raises another red flag. It suggests that, while men can be downgraded to the status of females, women cannot rise up to the status of men. Being associated with femininity is such a disgrace that men are socially emasculated and physically mutilated. This is pure misogyny. The media remain blind to the evidence, claiming to be puzzled that these supposedly “progressive” gender identity politics are being adopted by otherwise conservative societies that are hostile and violent to women and gay people.

In The Guardian, Memphis Barker writes:

“One reason for the growing acceptance of the trans community springs from an unlikely source — Pakistan’s mullahs. The Council of Islamic Ideology, a government body that has deemed nine-year-old girls old enough to marry and approves the right of men to ‘lightly’ beat their wives, has offered some support to trans rights.”

Of course, in reality, this “support” is only for misogyny.

So blinded by our own Western views on transgender politics — certain we are on “the right side of history” — we can’t see how these ideas could be harmful. Our critical minds have been paralyzed, and fear of backlash has caused us to avoid asking questions. Despite what so many would like to believe, transgender ideology, no matter how and where it is promoted, has put women and gay people in danger all around the world.

CÉCILIA LÉPINE, Feminist Current 1 Comments [8/27/2018 2:48:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140074

Soon libfems will begin selectively aborting fetuses with vaginas and exalting fetuses with penises, in the name of progress.

But you will be ostracized when you call it sexism or misogyny because “biology doesn’t mean it was a girl or female, you bigoted TERF.”

You think I’m crazy, but it’s already happened before.

Arab societies used to bury baby girls as soon as they were born. We all know Asian societies killed baby girls as well.

People try to tell us that it’s because “women weren’t as valued” which is true, but have you ever thought about it deeper than that?

The truth is that these societies were at PEAK liberalism.

Men are offended by the existence of women. Always have been, always will be. At peak progressiveness men kill off women, the more innocent the girl the better, and no one is more innocent than a baby.

Being born a female is literally a CRIME in the male psyche. Most women do not know or understand this. It’s why men hate us. Because we are born female.

Hope_doesnt_exist, /r/GenderCritical 8 Comments [8/25/2018 3:42:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: pyro

Quote# 140106

Re: Cultures that have ‘third genders’ don’t prove transgenderism is either ubiquitous or progressive

There's a lot of "noble savage" romanticism in trans ideology. They don't respect these cultures enough to learn anything in depth about them. They just want what they want out of it,

It looks more like a barbaric practice of mainly men that don't embrace a sexist toxic form of masculinity to set them apart from women, but see themselves as non-men. it is enforced in the hierarchy of a male system.

Women that don't feel like women can just be killed by their family.

That's been my conclusion from reading about the vast majority of third gender cultures. It's infuriating when libfems try to justify transgenderism with it, when it's clear they know nothing about the practices or the cultures.

And how many of these "third genders" treated the person as a member of the opposite sex? Unless they were treated identically to members of the opposite sex, it's not comparable to modern trans.

They say "Transwomen are women", not "transwomen are a third category/transwomen are a category of biological males".

Having extra genders doesn't make any sense unless the culture already had a rigid gender role binary. Not to mention the implication that being gay or GNC makes you a less valid or valuable member of your sex so you get tossed into the "non-man" category. None of these cultures viewed GNC men the same as actual women, and certainly not the same as being biologically female. Were they even allowed to have relationships or marriages with other men? Just because this is better than how they'd be treated in most cultures influenced by Abrahamic religions, that doesn't mean all these tribes lived in progressive, queer-affirming, sex-positive intersectional feminist utopias. /eyeroll?

I'm no anthropologist so feel free to chime in with any evidence to the contrary, but it seems like a lot of "third genders" are just for males. What did they do with the lesbians or transmen?

Married off and repeatedly impregnated is my guess.

Some TERFs, r/GenderCritical 3 Comments [8/27/2018 2:50:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 140104

Males should never work as gynecologists or anything with female exclusive health issues

Excuse my language but I'm so fucking furious I just want to scream out loud. I saw a post on Facebook where a woman described what she had to go through at the gynecologist. This is what she wrote

I was at an gynecological examination for an abortion, the nurse had a male apprentice with her. I was too afraid to say anything even though I felt uncomfortable. During the exam he put two fingers inside of me like the nurse already did meanwhile he asks "is it okay if I also examine you by the way". When I said no he laughed at me and said "well, now it's too late". I felt so humiliated and little.

Now tell me, why the fuck do we even allow men to work as or study to gynecologists? Considering how men are socialised, it's a very strange career choice for a man and I can't help to think that there is ALWAYS a ulterior move behind. I heard so many horror stories from women who had appointments with male gynecologists where they flirted or made comments about their vagina, in other words, sexual harassment. How the fuck are we supposed to feel safe with male gynecologists?! My first appointment with a gynecologist was also really horrible, he was extremely rude and he asked me if I ever had sex, when I said yes he said that then I shouldn't be afraid of the exam since I already been penetrated. When I told him that I only had sex with women he said that it doesn't count and that I am a virgin. It is first now I realise that this was just extremely creepy and whether I had PIV sex or not had NOTHING to do with my current problems at the time!!!

Also, why the fuck should men who don't have any idea what it's like to be a woman, who have never felt period cramps so painful that you just lay in a fetal position on your bed crying, work with treating women who have endometrios? Women with endometrios are almost never even taken serious by male doctors, I heard so many horror stories from women here as well who just heard that they should go home, put a warm wheat pillow on their stomach and take an aspirin (which also leads me to the question if these men are really this stupid or just do this because they enjoy the fact that women feel pain).

Men should not be allowed to work in healthcare with female exclusive issues! I hope I'm not alone thinking this.

InstantCoffee_, r/GenderCritical 3 Comments [8/27/2018 2:34:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 140066

That's how trannies in general are. They're invariably self-hating losers who have nothing going on in their lives so they imagine transitioning as a way to reinvent themselves. They also have to imagine persecution because in reality nobody gives a shit about them.

GaryPotter, Kiwi Farms 4 Comments [8/25/2018 11:25:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 139982

Polygamist upset with govt move to raise minimum marriage age

KOTA BARU: A 41-year-old rubber trader, who caused widespread outcry for marrying a Thai girl 30 years his junior, has expressed regret over the government’s plan to set the minimum marriage age for women to 18.

“My marriage has affected everyone and prompted the government to increase the minimum marriage (for women). I feel really bad,” he told the New Straits Times Press when contacted today.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail last month said the government would amend the Child Act 2016 and the Islamic Family Enactment to raise the minimum marriage age for women from 16 to 18.

This came after the couple’s marriage was exposed on June 18 when his second wife took to Facebook and posted about the couple’s solemnisation at a mosque in Thailand’s Muslim-majority south in Narathiwat province.

This has sparked an outrage among Malaysians, with many calling for action to be taken against the man and that the minimum legal marriage age to be increased in an effort to curb child marriages.

According to the Islamic Family Law Enactment, the minimum legal age for marriage is 18 for male and 16 for female.

The man was fined RM1,800 by Gua Musang Lower Syariah Court today for marrying without approval and also getting into a polygamous marriage without consent.

The child bride returned to Thailand earlier this month after “immense pressure from Malaysian media”, a senior Thai official was quoted as saying on Aug 11.

The 11-year-old, who is undergoing mental health counselling because of the intense level of attention, is believed to be the trader’s third wife.

“It has been almost two weeks since I saw her face and all I can do is look at our wedding picture whenever I miss my third wife,” the trader told NSTP.

He said his longing for his young wife, known only as Ayu, intensified today as neighbours celebrated Aidiladha with their loved ones.

“I spoke with her over the phone but I still miss her very much. All I have left are our pictures together, which I keep with me all the time,” he said.

The trader said the girl, who is currently under the care of the local social welfare department, was happy and in good health.

“My wife told me not to worry about her safety because her parents are staying close to her.

“I was also informed that her parents will bring her back to their hometown in Narathiwat today,” he said, adding that he has no plans to look for his young wife anytime soon.

Meanwhile, the controversial marriage has prompted the Narathiwat Islamic Religious Council (MAIN) to tighten regulations on marriages involving Malaysians, especially those in polygamous relationships.

“After this, couples must provide to the kadi (judge) a letter from their respective religious authorities allowing a person to marry a polygamist before the (marriage) ceremony can be held.

“This is to ensure that problems do not arise after the marriage,” the source said.

Anonymous, New Straits Times 4 Comments [8/22/2018 9:42:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 138615

8 Factors That Are Destroying Healthy Relationships Between Men And Women

Corey is an iconoclast and the author of 'Man's Fight for Existence'. He believes that the key to life is for men to honour their primal nature. Visit his new website at primalexistence.com

Most men, even if they’re still swimming in ocean of blue pills, have some awareness that something has gone awry with the relationship between men and women. Statistics prove this as well as divorce has been epidemic for a while now with record-number of children growing up with single parent around the world while young people are having less sex than before. And whether you be a feminist or part of the manosphere, I think both sides can agree on one thing: that a war between the sexes have been heating up in the recent years.

Why is all this happening? While men and women tend to play the blame game to avoid taking any responsibility, there are greater forces at play. The fact is, the continuing transformation of our society is making the antagonism between the sexes inevitable. Feminism is just a symptom, not the cause of our problems.

Before we look at why today’s sex relations are in a dismal state, consider the single factor that makes relationships prosper: Mutuality based on different but compatible roles.

All relationships work best when two parties have something different to share for their mutual benefit. For example, humans and horses have enjoyed a close relationship together throughout history (unlike, say, humans and bears). The relationship works because in exchange for food, protection, and care that humans provide, the horses offer themselves as transportation.

The relationship between men and women was also mutually beneficial for the entirety of human existence with men offering their services in exchange for having the women bear their children. But now, with the advent of modern society and its conditions, things have changed drastically.

1. “Equality”

At least these men had their male privilege.

“Equality” for women is the most abominable lie to have ever perpetuated on mankind.

Men have always provided for women. Men hunted for food, labored to build everything, and fought battles to defend their tribe. To say that men oppressed women throughout history is an insult to all those who sacrificed themselves in the factories, the coal mines, and the trenches. If women didn’t have certain rights that feminists like to cherry-pick, it’s because women weren’t drafted to fight wars. In exchange for their toil, the only thing men asked of women was to be supportive in their roles as wives and mothers.

But fast-forward to today, now that women have “achieved” social and political “equality” and even various advantages just for being born a female, many women today no longer feel that it’s necessary to exchange values with men for mutuality. It’s like when humans developed automobiles and didn’t need horses anymore. The difference is, humans and horses don’t need to be together; men and women do.

However, men’s sexual desire—which is greater than that of females—is still alive and kicking. So what we have today is a situation where women have gotten their social equality while sexual inequality persists for men (which is why many men choose to give up sex entirely to level the playing field). This is what happens when you standardize human beings into economic units.

2. Education and career over family

Stressed out from balancing between work and family? Yup, it’s the men’s fault that you tried to do both.

To maintain their advantage over men, women today are dedicating themselves to their education and career. Western women, in particular, have been so thoroughly sold on the idea of status and consumerist orgy that they are no longer interested in relationships. More and more women today are delaying marriage (if not outright rejecting it). And when they do get married, they are using it as a means to trap men into donating their sperm and cash, only to bail out when they want to.

3. Slut culture

Wow, what an achievement! I’m sure your failed parents are just as proud.

The advent of contraception and the decimation of whatever feminine decency that was left has turned the vast majority of young Western women into drunken sluts. The increasing number of sluts is diminishing the availability of quality women that men want to start a family with and has social implications for the society as a whole.

4. Government supplanting men

The only way women were able to “liberate” themselves from their supposed oppressors was by latching themselves on to a new alpha provider: the government. As said before, men form relationships with women by exchanging values, with his strength to provide and protect being his greatest asset. But now, the government (along with corporations and education system) fulfills those roles that men previously occupied. And not only that, but the government is deeply involved in the affairs of marriage, sending professional white-knights to extort and arrest men who’ve been used up and thrown away by women.

It also doesn’t help that the government is increasingly monopolizing violence, one of the most important value that a man possesses. And that leads to my next point.

5. Too few wars, too many men

I doubt these men had to think of ways to entertain women like a monkey to get their attention.

The recurring theme across patriarchal societies of the past and present are violence and warfare. And the most commonly associated traits of masculinity are also traits of warriors such as strength, bravery, aggression, discipline, and so on. It’s quite simple: the more violent the environment is, the more masculine men become. And the more conflicts and wars there are, the more the women depend on men—thus keeping the collective value of male population high.

It’s no coincidence that Western societies have started to feminize as they endured decades of relative peace since the end of WWII. The lack of warfare also means that there are now more young men per woman (practically 1 to 1) than there normally would have been under a warring society. Excess of men—who are also emasculated and feminized—means that the collective value of average men has dropped to a historical low, upsetting the balance of sexual marketplace in the process. Only the top 5-10% of men with the warrior traits and wealth are able to enjoy a semblance of a balanced relationship with women—and even they have to play the game.

6. The decimation of Western women

Declining marriage rates? Don’t worry, some simps will try to put a ring on their fingers.

Many Western women have been corrupted by our toxic materialist society. They are fatter, uglier, more narcissistic, more entitled, hedonistic, superficial, less faithful, and seem to think that having bitch attitude makes them hip. Women can afford to stoop low because their sex drive isn’t the same as men’s, while they couldn’t care less for love and companionship when they’re too busy with their travels and careers.

And because of all the thirsty men, women’s collective sexual market value hardly suffers while the value of those who are merely average becomes inflated beyond their real value. You only need to check out the gross discrepancies between the sexes in dating sites and apps to see how bad things are.

7. Anti-male culture

Men are all rapists waiting to be hatched out of their facade, men merely uttering a word to a woman is a harassment, men are always “mansplaining” to women, men are insecure cry-babies, men open their legs too much when they sit, men and their toxic masculinity need to be controlled, men have to do more for women, men are dominating in tech fields because of sexism, men shouldn’t say this, men shouldn’t do that, etc, etc… And of course, if men push back, they’re “misogynists.”

And we’re we still wondering why relationships are getting harder to form these days?

8. Lack of shared values

As social beings, we humans need more than economic incentives and passions to form a relationship for a family to prosper. There must be shared values.

With traditional family values under constant attack from all directions, the bonding between males and females have been reduced to mere hook-ups and economic unions. To make matters worse, many from both sides are resorting to predatory behaviors to exploit one another for either money (for women) or sex (for men), augmenting the distrust between the two sexes. Others, who either don’t want to play games or have become overtly hostile to the opposite sex, have given up on relationships entirely. This is the end result of atomization and extreme individualism under a system that destroys all values for the sake of economic advancement.


The destruction of sex relationship is having a negative effect on society as a whole and is transforming the demographic landscape of many Western nations. Unlike what the aesthetically-challenged feminists and the man-children crying their own way believe, men and women are not adversaries. You don’t have to be a traditionalist to see that the sex relations have gone awry due to the development of modern society and its destructive cultures.

Many Western men have already checked out or gone out to find traditional women elsewhere. But that is merely adapting to the situation; it doesn’t solve the problem at a societal level. The continuing antagonism of the sexes will eventually spread around the world. Unless the current course is somehow reversed, we can only wait and see how far the damage will run its course.

Corey Savage , Return of Kings 9 Comments [8/23/2018 2:09:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139907

Could deepfakes be a partial solution in the future

As we know, foids are obsessed with showing off. You can find their photos anywhere so obtaining the material wouldn't be hard. This deepfakes thing that made the news ages ago could be a potential solution to combat women and their degenerate activities. Not only would it diminish their individual value after you create any custom material using their image, but it could also be used to blackmail or embarrass them. An absolute bonus is that foids would never in their life want us to have real visual material of them getting fucked, they hate knowing we think about them during fap time as it is. Considering you'd have hundreds of thousands of bodies to choose from, it not being their body wouldn't matter so much.

If I had a computer good enough, i'd probably look more into it and would probably use it to intimidate, blackmail or embarrass some roasties whenever possible. It would be good to mix it up, instead of using something like a knife or a machete to threaten these whores, I could just use CGI shit every now and then to humiliate and degrade them even more than they already do so themselves.

FrailPaleStaleMale, incels.me 7 Comments [8/18/2018 2:59:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 140029

An open letter to my friend who thinks transwomen are women

I recently sent you an article by a lesbian who has been documenting homophobia within trans activism. You, my otherwise compassionate, patient and warm friend, replied with “sorry, not interested”. You told me that you didn’t want to read an article which referred to transwomen as ‘male’. You said that transwomen suffer from an “accident at birth” — transwomen are women born in the wrong body.

Seeing my principled friend (with a first-class undergraduate and a masters degree) actively adopt such a bizarre, anti-materialist and anti-scientific position really worries me. How can ‘you’ be ‘born into’ a body? You are a body. The ‘born in the wrong body’ idea goes beyond poststructuralist ideas about gender onto quasi-religious terrain. How can anyone have an innate, pre-experience knowledge of what it means to be the other sex? What does that even entail? Being male or female refers to your reproductive sex. To argue otherwise is akin to arguing for gendered souls.

Still, you talk about ‘gender identity’ —an innate sense of whether someone is male or female. Where is the evidence for this? How do we measure it? What does it mean? Even if we were to accept that a part of your brain could get ‘mixed up’ into an ‘incorrectly’ sexed body, why would ‘gender identity’ override all other physical indicators of whether you are male or female? Why would your subjective sense of self ever be privileged over objective physicality in this way? Transgender is not a medical diagnosis. Gender dysphoria is a psychological condition, characterised by dissatisfaction with your sexed body and/or assigned gender role. The science behind what causes gender dysphoria is inconclusive, but it is likely caused by different biopsychosocial factors which are unique to each trans person. Gender dysphoria has not been proven to have one ‘cause’ (an ‘accident at birth’ leading to being ‘born in the wrong body’) — there is no normative standard of ‘feeling like a woman’ or ‘feeling like a man’.

Despite this, children who ‘identify’ as the other sex are being given puberty blockers and cross sex hormones. The systematic medicalisation of gender non-conforming children should be an unthinkable practice. Little girls are too young to understand that wanting short hair, having crushes on other girls and enjoying football doesn’t make you a boy trapped in a girls body. Studies suggest that 80% of gender dysphoric children desist and grow up to be lesbian, gay or bisexual. One reason why older lesbians are so outspoken (“TERFs”) is because they recognise that they could easily have been ‘transed’ had they been children today. One reason why mothers are so outspoken (“TERFs”) is because they know children and their fickleness well.

We are meant to simultaneously believe that gender identity is fixed at around four years old (thus justifying medical intervention in children) but also that trans people don’t all struggle with a lifelong dissatisfaction with their ‘gender’ (thus widening the ‘trans umbrella’ for ‘inclusivity’). How are we to explain ‘genderfluid’, ‘non-binary’ or ‘agender’ identities? If gender has the potential to be fluid, or to change over time, or to not exist, what justification do we have in making permanent changes to a child’s body? Feminists see this practice as being based in gender essentialism?—?a concept you otherwise recognise and reject. What do you make of Jazz Jennings’ book, ‘I am Jazz’, which opens with “for as long as I can remember, my favourite colour has been pink”? She goes on to argue that “I have a girl brain, but a boy body. This is called transgender”. This book is being read in schools in an effort to educate children about what being trans means.

Jazz’ case is interesting, and certainly complexifies issues around sex and gender?—?to what extent can Jazz be considered ‘a man’ if she has never been allowed to go through male puberty? How could it be reasonable to expect Jazz to use male spaces? These are conversations we need to have. But Jazz is a very rare case. ‘Transgender’ is an umbrella term coined in the 1990s to unite a variety of gender non-conforming experiences. What was once ‘transsexual’ is now ‘transgender’. What was once ‘transvestite’ is also ‘transgender’. Both Jazz Jennings and Eddie Izzard have the same claim to the term ‘woman’, because ‘woman’ has been extended to mean ‘anyone who identifies as a woman’ (which I guess excludes me, then). Where do you draw the line? Being ‘trans’ is no longer characterised by the material state of having surgically changed your body, but is now characterised by an immaterial, subjective sense of self. Is Danielle Muscato a woman? How about Stonewall activist, Alex Drummond? Again, where do you draw the line? Is it based on ‘passing’? Do women have to look a certain way? What about Jess Bradley, NUS trans spokesperson, who has been suspended from their position for allegedly flashing ‘her’ erect penis in public? Is this a female crime? Are we as a society prepared to accept that it is now possible for a woman to flash her erect penis in public? To extend this further: are we to now accept the possibility of a woman raping another woman with her penis? If nothing else, this is a huge assault on female solidarity and trust. This may be a crude comparison, and I apologise, but consider other animals: would surgically transplanting the feathers of a male peacock onto a female peacock make the latter male? Of course not. Would castrating and shaving the mane of a male lion make him female? Of course not. So why do we accept that surgery has the power to change sex in human beings?

Having said this, we are told by organisations like Stonewall that trans people who do not undergo surgical interventions are still, in all senses, the other sex. This is absurd. What definition of ‘female’ includes the only sex she is not? The female mammal is characterised by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa). No female mammal can fertilize female gametes. No father is a woman. No man is a woman. A woman is an adult human female. Definitions are, necessarily, exclusionary.

Still, in efforts to be more ‘inclusive’, organisations like Bloody Good Period and Cancer Research are reducing women to their biological functions with terms like “menstruators” and “everyone with a cervix”, respectively. Using such passive terms is explicit dehumanisation: other female animals have cervixes and can menstruate. Perhaps the most Orwellian act of ‘inclusivity’ comes from Healthline, who refer to vaginas as “front holes” in sex-education material. This is clearly offensive and ridiculous. You know this. Yet any woman who protests the erasure of ‘woman’ as a meaningful category is smeared as a ‘TERF’. Women who claim ‘women don’t have penises’ are being investigated by the police for hate crime. This is a laughably grotesque form of sexist injustice. As a leftist, surely you can’t defend this.

These new ideas about gender disproportionately affect women who have their own specific spaces, shortlists and movements. These were created not only to promote solidarity and to address historical disadvantages, but also to safeguard against male violence. The absurd climax of gender activism is that male sex offenders are now being housed in female prisons because they ‘identify’ as women. It seems obvious to me not to lock sex offenders in a space with powerless women, but, again, arguing this position gets you smeared with the slur ‘TERF’ (a term I wish you’d stop using). This may be an uncomfortable truth, but around half of UK trans prisoners are incarcerated for sexual crimes (including rape and paedophilia). This is not to argue that all transwomen are sexually violent, merely to point out that this is over double the 19% figure for sexual violence across the prison population as a whole. Why is this? These are questions we need to be free to ask, alongside many other questions: why are gender identity clinics seeing such dramatic increases in teenage girls with mental health issues and autism? Yet events organised by women to discuss these issues are being systematically shut down. Do you defend this assault on women’s democratic right to free speech and assembly?

I know you have many trans friends, some I know and am also very fond of. I understand that you have seen them struggle and that you naturally want to defend them. As with any feminist position, I am not attacking any individual male or denying their struggles. I am trying to objectively point to facts. Someone told me that in taking a gender-critical position, I am viewing trans people as “either mentally ill or immoral” and that this is cruel and unfair. I sympathise with their point, but this isn’t my position. This reminded me of CS Lewis’ argument that Jesus was either Lunatic, Liar, or Lord. Like CS Lewis, this activist excluded another possibility: simply being mistaken, which is where I sit. I worry that a lot of young trans people have misread their gender dysphoria as signalling that they are literally the other sex. But “Trans Women Are Women” was meant to be compassion, not truth.

Tanith Lloyd, Medium 3 Comments [8/23/2018 12:57:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 139991

[LifeFuel]JFL: Void sleepwalks off of a balcony after meeting up with 5 random chads to be gang sexed
final moments of British holidaymaker Kirsty Maxwell, 27, show her return from hen do then lie in bed... two hours before she fell to her death from Benidorm hotel balcony

• CCTV footage has captured the final moments of British woman Kirsty Maxwell
• She is filmed staggering along a corridor in the Payma Apartments in Benidorm
• The newly released footage was taken hours before she plunged to her death
• The chilling video has been aired on a BBC documentary called Killed Abroad

The real suicidefuel is that her husband is like a 6-7/10 and basically her inbred Anglo-gene looksmatch. And she was getting gangbanged to death and now her betabux husband has to stand up for her after her death. JFL at this existence. This is what ascension looks like boys.

please tell me theres footage somewhere of this cavernous roastie splattering on the pavement :feelskek:

Submitter's note: According to the article, the five men from whose balcony the woman fell do not seem to have interacted with her much. No mention of gangbangs. Yes, they are making juicy scandalous embellishments to the bloody Daily Mail!

Various incels, incels.me 3 Comments [8/22/2018 9:47:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139977

Normies say Tinder is not real life. I think otherwise.

Normies always say that "Tinder is not real life". I have one thing to say. If I left swipe a girl on Tinder then that means she is so ugly that I do not even want to date/fuck her. Otherwise I would definitely swipe right. Swiping left is equivalent to rejecting a girl who might have been interested in meeting me. But I dislike her so much that I don't care about that. And I am sure no one on this forum will left swipe a girl who they want to date in the future. Would you? However, foids only swipe the best looking males right as we all know. What about the other ones? They don't give a fuck about them. They don't care if those guys have a good personality or shower 10 times a day.

But what happens in real life? Do all foids get the chads/chadlites they were swiping right earlier? Somebody who was not worth your time earlier is now your bf/betabuxx or whatever. How can they agree to spend time with someone that they were so repulsed by earlier that they didn't even give them a chance(swiped left)? When I go to the bars and gogos in Thailand, there are many girls inside. There are some I would not want to take to my hotel. Why? Coz I don't find them attractive. And I am pretty sure I would not date those women irl too. Any girl that I would date is definitely attractive enough in my book that I won't rule her out. Ruling someone out is an extreme thing. That means they are so undesirable that I don't want anything to do with them.

Let us say you go to a candy shop. To decide which candy you want to buy you chose to try them first. (Since candies are things to eat you can't just look at them and pick). You find that some candies taste awful. You don't want to buy them. You take the ones you like and then you leave. Tomorrow let us say you go back to the same shop to buy more candies. But this time only the candies that you earlier rejected for tasting bad are available, rest are out of stock. What will you do? Will you buy those candies? If you buy those candies then you are just forced to do so. And you will always despise the taste. And you will wish that you get the tasty candies.

This is what applies to women too. They might chose to settle with betabuxes and ugly men for status/money or just coz they can't find anyone else. But these men are like the candies with bad taste they rejected earlier. But then normies might say that most foids are only looking for hookups etc and not serious dates or long term partners on Tinder. Well that just proves that Alpha fuxx and Beta buxx is true. In any case, normies are wrong. Tinder shows your true worth as a partner. If you are not getting matches on Tinder then that indeed means that you are undesirable and any relationship you get will be betabuxxing.

11Gaijin, incels.me 1 Comments [8/22/2018 9:40:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139980

IT cuck father of a hole doesn't understand the bigger picture

This cuck of a father fails to realize what's in front of his face. Incels are barely a danger to his precious hole. In fact she will be the aggressor. She will demonize us because of our gender and our looks. She may end up fat and condemn anyone who dares not date her because of fat but will only go for a man 6'0" and up. Either way, she will end up a stuck up cum dumpster. She will be a hole passed around by numerous men during school, college, thereafter up until she settles for a betabuxx.

He should be worried about his daughter's inevitable actions in the future, not the assumed actions of people she will avoid anyway. He should be concerned that by the time her 20th birthday comes around, she will have likely swallowed pints of semen and will have lost her pair bonding abilities due to promiscuity. She will have manipulated and actively sought to ruin the lives of people she doesn't even know purely based on the way they look. Something that isn't acceptable anywhere else in society unless its directed towards an ugly short male. He fails to see that women aren't condemned because of their gender, modern femenism and SJW faggotry has made women celebrated and therefore can do no wrong. Don't forget, as far as society is concerned, men being raped/murdered is funny and just something that happens. Women being raped/murdered makes people lose their shit.

FrailPaleStaleMale, incels.me 5 Comments [8/22/2018 9:41:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139872

Women's Rights Are Destroying America!

Feminism, the "right to commit adultery," is an abomination before God!

- Granting women legal rights precipitated a fifty fold increase in the US divorce rate.

- Implementing the "family law act of 1970" caused the divorce rate to jump almost 40% in just one year.

- 21 million Americans died as a direct result of this increased divorce rate, including one million divorce related suicides and one million divorce related homicides in the 20th Century alone.

- 8 million of these deaths were due solely to the 44% increase in the premature mortality rate of the children of divorce.

- Altogether, feminists cost 55,000,000 American Lives in the Twentieth Century.

- Our divorce rate is four times higher than countries like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan--and Afghanistan!

- Feminism, the "right to commit adultery", is an abomination before God!

In the four minutes it will take you to read this page, eighteen more fellow Americans will be divorced, and nine will die as a direct result of that divorce, which means that giving American women legal rights was tantamount to mass genocide. The US Surgeon General reports that divorce is a bigger health risk to men than smoking tobacco. The Centers for Disease Control report that divorce triples the risk of suicide. Twelve different scholarly studies demonstrate that divorce significantly increases the premature mortality of fathers, mothers, and the children of divorce.

Divorce and illegitimacy put almost half of the nation's children in fatherless households where they are up to 73 times more likely to be fatally abused. One child of divorce dies prematurely for each 15 divorces in the US. The increased divorce rate in the US killed 21 million Americans in the 20th Century alone. Each additional one hundred divorces nationwide parallels five additional suicides, ten additional murders, twenty additional rapes, and three hundred more men in prison. The fifty fold increase in the US divorce rate paralleled a ten fold increase in the murder rate and a seventeen fold increase in the incarceration rate.

Divorce contributed to the increase in the percent of US managers and administrators who are women from 19% to 43%, which decreased the purchasing power of the average American family by two thirds. It caused a $7 trillion increase education spending at the same time that SAT Scores decreased 98 points, putting the US DEAD LAST in TIMSS. It contributed to the US having the industrial world's only negative Personal Savings rate, reducing the net worth of the average American household to a negative $77,000 each. It contributed to our record high personal and corporate bankruptcy filings.

Worldwide, each additional one hundred divorces parallels two additional suicides, one additional murder, six additional rapes, thirty three additional armed robberies, and puts one hundred more men in prison.

Feminism, the "right to commit adultery", the unwarranted demand for legal rights for women, the root cause of divorce, an abomination before God, must be outlawed and female criminals must be punished. Blind dumb feminists cannot point to one single economic or social statistic with pride and say "It was all worth it".

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 7 Comments [8/17/2018 11:14:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 139954

The government punishes married couples in dozens of ways financially for getting married (including at tax-time, those receiving disability benefits, if your spouse receives state care, et cetera). In every state, by law, the government is a legal 3rd party entity in all licensed marriages. Yes, you are also married to the state!

In addition, the feminist LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) courts these days unfairly crucify men in divorce court. Lesbian judges are common now. Women don't think reasonably when they do men's jobs, because they were created by God to be emotional, submissive and sweet. So instead women become cruel and unjust in men's roles. Men on the other hand were created by God to be decisive, logical and to dominate. Feminism errantly teaches women to recognize a man's natural desire to dominate as being “abusive.” If you have a controlling father or husband, you ought to thank God that he is being the man God created him to be. There's no dog any more territorial than a man.

A man by nature wants to know who, what, where, when, how and why. That's his God-given right over his own wife, children and property. Why do you think Karl Marx (real Jewish name, Mordecai Levi) said that he could sum up Communism with one statement: Abolition of private property! Do you know why? It's because if you don't own any land, then you have no rights over that land or what happens on that land. Land ownership equals rights. Every real man wants to own his own land and be the boss of his property. The divorce rate has skyrocketed in America because of women's rights, because God-ordained masculine authority is viewed by feminists as oppressive. Yet, feminist hypocrites portray women on TV as being authoritative over men, and women who are able to physically over-powering men. It's not reality.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 10 Comments [8/21/2018 12:19:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 139761

A 14-year-old Afghan mother washing her new baby

I'm gonna play devil's advocate and defend Afghan culture. Here come the downvotes.

14 years old is not the same there as it here. Their whole whole conception of what it means to be an adult and a child are completely different than ours. They don't have arbitrary lines defining when it's ok to vote (18), to drive (16), to drink (21), etc... because they don't have any of those things. They also don't have mandatory public school or college like we do, so they don't see a 14 year old as a "child" like we do. A 12 year old girl probably has all the same responsibilities in a household as an adult woman would have because she has nothing else to do. Now, I'm not defending sex with pre-pubescent girls, but if you want to understand what they're thinking, you have to understand their surroundings.

This can't be blamed completely on Islam. This type of thing is also partly (in my opinion, mostly) due to living in a tribal culture with no real law, institutions, media, education, etc... If you go to any backwards tribal culture you will see things that horrify you. I personally think the stuff that goes on in China is much more horrifying than this.

It's common to hear Westerners say things like that men over there "hate" women, "oppress" women, etc... You can disagree with how men treat women over there, but in their mind they think they are protecting and loving women. Now, once again, you can disagree with what they're doing, but ascribing it to evil motivations is wrong in my opinion.

I may be wrong, but this type of thing isn't common. I think this only happens in the most rural, uneducated, tribal areas. Educated city dwellers don't live like this, so it's not right to stereotype their entire region based on stuff like this.

Here's my most controversial defense: women are ready to have sex when they hit puberty. They're gonna do it no matter what. The American way is to have sex with people your own age clandestinely, oftentimes without your parents knowing or approving, and teenage pregnancy and disease is rampant here. At least there when they hit puberty they enter into a "loving" (you can obviously judge for yourself how loving those marriages are) relationship with a committed partner with approval from their friends and family. Girls in America get dumped a million times before they are 25, have sex with multiple partners, suffer emotional damage and self-esteem issues, etc... I'm not saying the way they do it is better, but it does have some positives that we overlook because we are so confident our way is better.

ChocolateHead, reddit 5 Comments [8/13/2018 10:02:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 139829

Saying fat women count toward lays is like saying offline bots count toward win rate.

Fat. Women. Don't. Count.

Why do men care about n counts? Sure, sex feels good, but men don't feel like they've accomplished anything when they fuck a whale or a escort. Why is this? SImple: deep down, what men really want, is to conquer other men. They want to feel like they overcame other man in getting a girl. Basically incel theory will tell you this. In 2018 expecially, no women are single. You have to mog her current bf such that she either fades him out or fades you in, or just cheats. This is what validation is all about: your genes winning over other mens'.

This brings us to fat women. If you're a sub 8 and take a marginally decent photo of yourself, nearly 100% of your matches will be fat women. If you go on okcupid, nearly 75-80% of women on the platform are fat. This is simply because of all the things women can do to themselves, being fat is pretty much the only death sentence that shuts them out of that top 20% of men window. Trigger Warning: Breaking with conventional incel orthodoxy

Nearly any man, so long as he doesn't have significant deformations (3+/10) can get a fat girl. Those pudgy doughy girls you see walking around with the scraggy redditbois? This is proof. Sure, fat women have SOME standards, and rarely fuck their looksmatch. However, if you aren't totally irredeemable and aren't mentally unstable, there is a fat woman who will fuck you. BUT THIS DOES NOT COUNT. Saying picking this low hanging fruit counts toward lays is like going to a fighting game tournament, having never won a match, and saying you're a good player because you beat bots all the time.

To put it simply: because fat women generally havn't tasted Chad, they havn't unlocked the full power of their hypergamy. They WILL date a 4/10 whose a decent enough guy. But this guy hasn't actu

wandercamp, incels.me 10 Comments [8/15/2018 1:27:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep