Quote# 139042

You guys need to seriously view women below men, if you haven't already.

I see it in the misogyny posts, but in other posts you inadvertently reveal your lack of sincerity through feelings of inferiority to women. Please understand that we are right. Women are not on the same plane of existence of men. They are below us. Inferior.

As Dawkins would say women are "survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes." They are designed to reproduce with the most attractive or dominant man to maximize the replication and survival of their genetic material. Men have the same genetic programming but most men have the ability to reach higher states of consciousness that go outside this primitive dance. I'm talking about shamans, monks, the dali lama, witch doctors, gnostics, etc etc. Women don't have this same capability and there is no major religion that has allowed women to take part in their ceremonies.

The jews say a prayer every morning that goes

"Blessed are you, Hashem, King of the Universe, for not having made me a Gentile."

"Blessed are you, Hashem, King of the Universe, for not having made me a slave."

Blessed are you, Hashem, King of the Universe, for not having made me a woman."

VileGeneticTrash, incels.me 3 Comments [7/21/2018 1:57:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139027

They are most likely just trying to eliminate all shame in western cultures. Shame (i.e. being held accountable for your actions) feels bad. Women operate on feelings alone - it is all that matters to them when making a decision. Since shame feels bad, women feel bad whenever people are shamed for degeneracy (such as premarital sex or cheating).

tl;dr females support homosexuality for the same reason they support sex-positivity, body-positivity, etc.

VisVoi, incels.me 4 Comments [7/21/2018 10:51:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 126526

JOBLESS? Blame women!!


Women fought tooth and nail to have the opportunity to work just like men and any man who said women should stay at home with the kids was called a sexist who wanted to chain women to the stove.

Women entered the work force doubling the labour force while reducing its worth - wages haven't moved up since 70s but the cost of living has resulting in two income house holds becoming the norm.

Women realise work isn't fun and want to retire 30 years earlier in their 30s and play house but realise they need a man whose income can support a family - they can't find one so they blame men for being losers.

No. Women created this situation and are now reaping their rewards.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 12 Comments [4/21/2017 11:06:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 139043

They are inferior. That said I would trade life with Stacy in a heartbeat and lesbianmaxx

Being a foid means everything is handed to you.

NEETAndTidy, incels.me 3 Comments [7/21/2018 1:57:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139039

I would have refused to believe young women who called themselves Christians who wanted to marry a spiritually-minded man. As an ordained minister, I have witnessed time after time how Church Girls choose the Bad Boys over the Good Guys. I was a Good Guy. I was never a Bad Boy. I have never been drunk. I have never used drugs. I have never fornicated. I was told numerous times by such a Christian woman that I was the most honorable man that she had ever known - yet such a woman rarely would date me even once, much less twice.

Such did not find me boring; such loved to spend time with me. But such did not want me as a romantic interest. Most of the women I sought to court married males who merely attended church and went through the motions in order to capture a nice wife; several of those trophies are now divorced - once, sometimes twice. Some of them became abused spouses by these counterfeit Christians. Meanwhile, I remain an adult virgin, since my profession of faith denies me fornication as an outlet.

I live in a culture that mocks virginity, especially in a male. (My virility was mocked - both behind my back, and to my face - by some of the above pew warmers, when they realized that I was actually chaste.) I came across a self-published book years ago:

“How Women Choose Men: Why Nice Guys Finish Last”. It is neither vulgar nor derogatory: It is simply honest. His thesis is simple: Do not listen to what women say; watch what women do. Women consistently marry what are in the vernacular called assholes. (This includes some of the ordained men I have known.) They do so because they equate such men with dominance and confidence; they do so because they equate such men with animal virility; they do so because they equate such men with a challenge that requires to be reformed; they do so because they equate Christian virtue with a lack of ambition.

I think in particular that they see a real Christian man as both no challenge and too much of a challenge: A real Christian man does not need to be reformed and redeemed by a woman’s carnal love; yet a real Christian man will challenge a woman to live up to her highest Christian commitment. That is a lose/lose proposition to a fallen female. In short, they do so because they are sinful. Women are every bit as sinful and corrupt as men. Every bit. I assume I will be denounced for my admitted - at times - bitterness. So be it. As I said, I am being candid.

YogicCowboy, Free Republic 6 Comments [7/21/2018 12:30:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139035

Yeah, young whites are already getting out of cities and forming their own communities. Gentrification is too expensive for them, especially if they want to have kids.

Some of them are starting or trying to start intentional communities, and coming up with all sorts of complicated schemes to try to ensure they live with like-minded people.

Personally, I think a lot of them are naive and highly unlikely to succeed, but I sympathize.

The real key to successful communities is not the communes the idealistic ones tend to envision, but rather old fashioned fraternally organized, faith-based communities, AKA patriarchy.

Bill P, Unz 1 Comments [7/21/2018 12:28:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 139009

the difference between wlw and straight men is that we see women as women. not sexual objects. and we see their bodies as bodies. not sexual objects. and that's the tea!

#lesbian #gay #bi #bisexual #wlw #women #straight #men #lgbt

kennedylesbian, Tumblr 2 Comments [7/21/2018 4:01:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 138984

Barack Obama says "men have been getting on my nerves lately" asks "what's wrong with us?"

I tried to archive this garbage, but it didn't take.

“Women in particular, by the way, I want you to get more involved,” he said. “Because men have been getting on my nerves lately.”

Really? Because I'm practically in love with you.

Obama made the remark during a speech to the African Leadership Academy. “Everyday I read the newspaper and just think like ‘Brothers, what’s wrong with you guys? What’s wrong with us? We’re violent, we’re bullying. Just not handling our business,” he said.

Yes, let's learn from Barack Obama about violence and bullying.



Obama added Wednesday that “empowering more women” will “lead to some better policies.”

I disagree.

At one point during Obama's first term he was bombing 7 different countries at once. While radical leftists and some right-libertarians remained true to their anti-war principles, most Democrats suddenly stopped caring simply because a Democrat was in office. A similar thing happened under George W. Bush, when many Republicans suddenly stopped caring about constitutional protections. Tribalism is a helluva drug.

Like many male feminists Obama may just be projecting his own deviant sexual thoughts onto men as a whole. More likely he is simply a psychopath (like most politicians) and doesn't care one way or the other -- he's just being PC. In any case it's striking that the some of the most powerful MEN in the world are now making explicitly misandric comments in public even as virtually every major institution has become anti-male. Quite the "patriarchy" we have here.

Actually I think it's wrong to compare feminist societies to patriarchies; under patriarchies women are subject to paternalistic sexism, but they still have a number of profound privileges that males lack (being protected for example). Feminist societies produce no privileges whatsoever for males, and seek to eliminate all dignity from the lives of men and boys.

I found it very difficult to understand why the U.S. re-elected that piece of garbage.

Obama will go down in history as the worst president the U.S. ever had, bar none.

This upsets me.

With influenceable boys watching no less. Boys who grow up to be men will somehow be "inconvenient".

What the fuck is that.

Are we "getting on your nerves lately" Obama?

Is it because we like to assert fact or logic into our conversations?

Is it because we disagree with your disingenuous "1 in 5" debacle?

Is it because we pointed out the truth about the "wage gap"?

What a terrible, disingenuous, pandering shithead comment to make.

If a world leader had said that about women, it would be National news. It would spark a revolt. It would be "proof" of the "patriarchy".

Obama and the Democrats continue to disappoint.

various MRAs, r/MensRights 5 Comments [7/19/2018 2:04:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138986

Woman tries to hang her child and grievously injures many in her attempt to flee. Is completely let off the hook because "her children need her"

Well she can murder them while still inside her, it's her body. After they're out, it's still her right, they came from her body. There are university professors which argue that murdering babies, ones that have been born, is moral. Feminists agree. Hillary Clinton was all for it.

She's proven by her behaviour she is not safe around children, and will try to murder them even though they are innocent, and yet the judge thinks they need to be together. WTF are they smoking!?!?

They're smoking good ol' gynocentric bias. It's a hell of a drug kids.

Well, you saw the picture of her crying in court. What was the judge supposed to do? Hold her responsible?

To be fair, the claim isn't just "she's a woman" they are claiming abuse and mental illness nullify any ulterior motive.

"Karia’s young adult son from a previous marriage, Denys, wrote a letter to the court alleging that his father was abusive to Karia over many years since he met her and married her through a Ukrainian agency. He wrote that he would “menace” her with a gun and commit other acts of physical abuse"

At least according to her son and his audio recordings in this Star Tribune article that was posted here hours ago.


According to that logic, anyone can try to murder children and not go to prison as long as they have experienced some abuse in their life...

That was the premise of a recent article advocating that women shouldn't go to prison because most crimes committed by women are a response to past abuses... the implication being that guys commit crimes because they're inherently evil.


Misandric BS. The truth is that most people who commit crimes have probably had abuse at some point in their history.

Written by the Gulag Guardian, no less. What a surprise.

Fuck that shit. I can see it being relevant if she murdered the dude who allegedly abused her, but she tied a noose around a child's neck and hung him up to die. I don't care what other people have done to you, if you hang a fucking child you should rot in prison forever.

This kind of thing honestly pisses me off more than anything

I posted about it here before, but when I was 5, my parents separated and my mother was given custody automatically, even though my dad was also trying to get custody and despite the fact that my mother was convicted for sexually abusing my dad, since he was 13-years-old when I was born, 12 when my mother got pregnant. Needless to say, my life with her was a living Hell

Anyone who hurts or abuses a child has already proven herself to be a danger to children, so obviously is an unfit parent. It's common sense that should go without saying. Yet this bullshit "children belong with their mothers" and "women are naturally good with kids" is so deeply ingrained that even pieces of shit like this cunt and my mother are allowed to raise children

Meanwhile, good men are being denied even joint custody

Oh good! So, if a woman ever did that to my son and I killed her, then I wouldn’t be sentenced to any prison because my son needs me. Amiright?


I think this is not necessarily about men’s rights but rather about the justice system being fucked up. This goes far beyond „women get more sympathy from judges“, I don’t think it happened just because she’s a woman

Give me an example where something like this happened to a man. Give me one example where a man gets murderously violent at his child and then gets mercy because his kids need their dad.

I don't know of any such examples, but I remember multiple cases similar to this where the accused/guilty is a woman.

various MRAs, r/MensRights 2 Comments [7/19/2018 2:07:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138938

Incels as a solution to the Drake Equation

Most of you have probably been exposed to the concept that is the Drake Equation. All of the variables that contribute to the probability of the number of intelligent civilizations in the Universe capable of radio transmission, etc. etc. From this has been been generalized the notion of the Great Filter to account for the seemingly non-existence of detectable alien life forms. What if incels are this Great Filter? In every life form on Earth that reproduces sexually, there tends to be a power imbalance between the sexes, favoring one or the other as selected for by the environment and evolution over great time periods. In humanity, this phenomena waxes and wanes over much shorter time periods with the changing conditions of our civilizations, accelerated by the plasticity of language, culture and other higher-order emergent social structures. During the early stages of civilization, life is difficult and this favors the traits of men. As men build civilization and develop or rediscover technology, life becomes easier and ultimately leads to women being given the advantage.

What if every late-stage alien civilization that procreates through sexual reproduction and has advanced to the point of early space travel snuffs itself out due to neglecting the needs of its incels, who either effectively pull out the rungs holding up civilization causing an immediate collapse and/or are persecuted to the point of being rounded up and killed, resulting in a civilizational plateau and slow dysgenic decline (as civilization is geared entirely to the short term needs and desires of the female sex and ugly & dumb 5/10s ride imprisoned Chad's cock) from which there is no recovery? We see localized evidence of this in our own history, such as the Bronze Age Collapse and the Mycenians, for example.

I'm not sure what can be done about this. I don't think we can escape this trap politically, at least here in the West. We can do it technologically through AI/robot companions, eugenics, genetic engineering, but here we see feminists encroaching on this field through political means of control.

What options do we have? What strategies can we adopt

mviper, incels.me 5 Comments [7/17/2018 3:46:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138940

Virginity age meter for male and femoid

Virgin under 11: Fine. If you're not virgin here it's because your village priest raped you.
Virgin between 11-13: Unless you're giga Chad it's normal
Virgin between 13-16: It's not over yet, even most normies are virgin at this age but if you haven't even kissed you should worry.
Virgin between 16-18: You're getting late, average males lose their virginity at this ages
Virgin between 18-21: Pretty much over
Virgin older than 21: OVER FOREVER

Virgin under than 11: Fine. If you're not virgin here it's because your uncle raped you
Virgin between 11-13: Mostly Stacys and ghetto bitches lose their virginity at this age
Virgin between 13-15: Average femoid loses their virginity at this age so you're late
Virgin between 16-18: You're ugly or have 0 social skills but don't worry some desperate dude will fuck you
Virgin older than 18: Error 404 not found

thespanishcel, incels.me 7 Comments [7/17/2018 3:48:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138963

First of all women have been given the same rights as men in modern society. But the problem is they can't handle responsibility. When something doesn't go right women blame the patriarchy. But it was men that gave the vote to you. You'll never accept that women are inferiour. If we gave planet earth to women and all men left to mars or colonised some planet in the future, the would probably go back to stone age. I'm not joking. Where are all the scientist women?? If you continue this disrespect of man's achievements you only strengthen our arguments for why we need to make women obsolete using technology. (ie automation)?

It's illegal for women to abort without PERMISSION from the FATHER where I live :). I love how you think getting pregnant means women invented physics LOL, btw you carry the baby but the DNA is half of the man's who impregnates the woman. So nice fucking try. I bet you think men should have to pay for half of the abortion when you think it's all the woman's choice and body? Do you have any capacity to understand philosophy or is that part of your brain taken up by shoes and makeup??

YOYOYO meneayem, YouTube 2 Comments [7/18/2018 3:03:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138962

Best of matriarchy: relative peaceful village living. No electricity, no modern conveniences... no modern man made inventions, life expectancy short...

Best of patriarchy: you go to the moon.

Seriously, you shouldn't hold this dieing sub culture on a pedestal. It's nothing to be proud of.?

It reminds me of chimpanzees and bonobos. Chimps are patriarchal, larger, more intelligent, and live longer than bonobos. While bonobos are a hair away from extinction. The only reason bonobos and their matriarchal ways have ever even existed is because there is a river separating the two. If a chimp troop ever made contact with a bonobo troop it would be a slaughter. Even without violence, the bonobos wouldnt be able to compete with the chimps. Matriarchy.?

Dragon, YouTube 5 Comments [7/18/2018 3:02:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138912

Why would a girl want an ugly face between their legs? A female will crush their own son with their thighs during childbirth if he is sufficiently ugly, the fuck do you think they will do to a complete stranger?

Why do you keep mentioning he is a tyrone? You saw his pic?

He is black and thus Tyrone.

(Emphasis added)

VisVoy, incels.me 6 Comments [7/16/2018 7:38:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138937

Why do people reject the blackpill, and when will they accept it?

People want to fuck beautiful people. Even ugly people want to fuck beautiful people. Everyone seems to accept this part.

What the mainstream cannot accept is that women only want to fuck beautiful people, and that women would rather go without sex than to fuck someone ugly. They only accept ugly guys for money and security. This, to me, is obvious. I figured out all of this before I heard of the blackpill.

Is this some catastrophic idea? It's plainly evident that some people have all the money, while others have none; it shouldn't be anymore hard to accept that the same disparity is also true of sex-partners.

Maybe women lie to themselves so well about their nature, that they can convince men of that lie too (the soul-mate idea). Maybe this type of all-or-nothing sex distribution has not been this intense in western society for a long time, and people are slow to catch on to the paradigm shift. Maybe people feel uncomfortable equating sex with money.

When do you think the blackpill will be accepted by the mainstream?

The End, incels.me 3 Comments [7/17/2018 3:46:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138926

Now High Schools are teaching young girls that the difference between "flirting" and "sexual harassment" is totally based on how it makes a woman feel. ie: If Chad talks with her = Flirting, If Incel talks with her = Sexual Harassment.

"Just put yourself out there, bro! Just go and try with her, you got nothing to lose except your virginity, haha!"

Go to jail for sexual harassment

I mean that was always the case, but to see it become official teaching material... just fucking unreal.

imprison whoever wrote this

How can anybody deny the blackpill now? Just approach females bro, it's a numbers game bro.

I think any woman would feel insulted by me speaking to her. I’m 5’4 and ugly as hell, if I talk to a woman she thinks that I think I have a shot with her. That means she’s genetically inferior and within my reach. I shouldn’t even talk to women according to this chart.

Incel: Hello, may i say you look absolutely stunning today.

Her: You feel bad that a genetic subhuman complemented you.

Chad: Ayy girl bring that phat ass ova here!

Her: You feel good that a chad noticed your booty.

Wtf is wrong with this society. It's all getting worse and worse by the minute.

I can feel the equality in this book, boys!

Wow.. soon it will be a federal crime for an ugly male like me to approach women at all.

various commenters, r/Braincels 7 Comments [7/16/2018 12:59:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138944

MGTOWs are destroying the roasties and cuck on /pol/
I noticed on /pol/ recently (at 4chan not 8chan), there are more and more guys who are going MGTOW and are even blacpilled incels who are going their own way (like me). Great news, since /pol/ is very influence, far more so than pretty much any subreddit and far more than Sluthate or any other incel site.

With luck the number of blackpilled men who are incel or MGTOW and know the truth about women will accelerate, as social media has allowed women to show their true nature and completely destroyed blupilled ideology that women want nice, caring guys. And completely destroyed cuckservative ideology that guys should just get married and start a family with some thot who can accuse you of rape with no proof and get you sent to prison for years, or fuck outside the marriage, get knocked up and then ask the husband to pay child support for a kid that isn't even his for 18 years.

Soon these feminist and cuckservative pussy worshipping SIMPS will run out of bluepilled cucks to exploit. Soon being MGTOW or incel will be a point of PRIDE (it already is for me) rather than targets of derision and degradation as they are for so much of modern, liberal, feminist, western, multicultural society. LONG LIVE MGTOW!! And also blackpilled incels who are spreading the truth about bitches, you just need to swallow the final blackpill that getting married/dating women is not worth it in the long run, especially if you're an omega male who women don't like.

dsar9012, Sluthate 1 Comments [7/17/2018 8:42:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138872

One of the best, most liberating feelings you can get as a feminist is to just stop giving your father the respect he doesn’t deserve but you’ve been conditioned to give him since childhood.

Fathers are our first oppressors. They’re the men who value us less because we weren’t born with a dick so we won’t pass on their lineage. They react to our births with disappointment, they raise us feeling burdened by our existence. Fathers teach daughters that we don’t deserve as much as our brothers do, that we come second. Fathers destroy our hopes and dreams by telling us how we were born to be sweet and nurturing, that our emotional feminine brains ensure we won’t be as great at science or math as a boy would be.

Fathers rely on us for emotional support, especially as we get older, but they’re also the first men to teach us how much our feelings don’t matter, that we “should” be feeling a different way, that we are “hysterical” and “over emotional”. Our fathers teach us to accept being dismissed, to disrespect ourselves, to disconnect ourselves from our own interpretation of reality and rely on a male opinion.

Fathers abuse our mothers and set up our low expectations for male behavior. Fathers teach us what level of abuse is acceptable. Fathers teach us to prioritize males.

Stop giving this man the respect he doesn’t deserve after what he did to you.

respectthefemalebody, Tumblr 6 Comments [7/15/2018 6:48:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138886

Sugarstacies are the polar opposite of Incels

The disparity in life experience is maddening a lot of the time, but this one takes the cake, in my opinion.

Most of us have lived our life in almost complete isolation. We not only have a hard time finding a woman, but also finding friends. People hate being around us so much, that we're fired, or ostracized heavily at work. If people could pay us to go away for ever, they would probably do that. I don't even like talking to people because I feel like I'm bothering them.

Meanwhile a Sugarstacy has never had trouble finding friends or men. She realizes the effect she has on people, and is liked so much that the thought occurs to her "People love me so much, I should be paid for my company." Imagine being fed so much validation all your life, that you have the *arrogance* to even have the thought in the first place, but then to *actually act on it*??? Once they act on it and start getting paid to go on dates, they have achieved the ultimate validation.

I remember when I still tried, I would be careful with every word I used, worried I would say the wrong thing. But these women? They can be the most selfish person ever and insist on gifts and money. I'm so lonely and disliked, that I would never in a million years have the thought to demand compensation for my company.

TheIncelStaresBack, incels.me 4 Comments [7/15/2018 8:38:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138916

Re: Benevolent Sexism Attractive To Women, Study Shows

Just a comment to posters, why post studies without a comment of your own?

The purpose of the following observations is to situate what counts as benevolent sexism, according to the study's authors. The purpose of the study is to meet research into what is called benevolent sexism (the definition of which the authors may or may not agree with), with "parental investment theory."

However, the definition of "benevolent sexism" is eye-watering.

The following is quoted in the article, word for word from the study.

“Hostile sexism (HS) encompasses overtly prejudiced attitudes, whereas benevolent sexism (BS) involves subjectively positive attitudes (e.g., “women should be cherished and protected by men”), chivalrous behaviors, and attempts to achieve intimacy with women.”

Benevolent sexism includes attempts to achieve intimacy with women. This is either an Andrea Dworking-style, "all sex is rape" definition of sexism, that categorically places normal gendered behavior into a politically hostile ghetto (of rape or sexism), or it's a very poorly worded definition on the part of the study's authors.

There isn't a single example of benevolent sexism offered in the introduction that would situate the author's definition. It moves immediately to supposed consequences of BS (a convenient short-hand).

Here are the studies in support of this idea:

Dardenne, B., Dumont, M., & Bollier, T. (2007). Insidious dangers of benevolent sexism: Consequences for women’s performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 764-779. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.93.5.764

Glick, P., & Fiske, S. T. (1996). The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 491-512. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.70.3.491

I don't have access to this literature to see how their work grounds this definition.

Here are some examples found in the "Supplemental Materials" section at the end of the study:

Study 1a, BS condition

He feels that, no matter how accomplished he is, he is not truly complete as a person without the love of a woman. He thinks that a woman should be set on pedestal by her man. He is convinced that in general women are more pure than men and they tend to have a superior moral sensibility. Mark thinks that women should be cherished and protected by men. In case of a disaster or emergency situation, he thinks that women should be helped before men.

Study 1a, non-BS condition

He feels that he can be truly complete as a person without the love of a woman, especially if he is personally accomplished. He doesn't think that a woman should be set on pedestal by her man. He is convinced that neither sex is superior with respect to purity or moral sensibility. He thinks that women should not necessarily be cherished or protected by men. In case of a disaster or emergency situation, he thinks that a person's sex should not be a factor determining who is helped first.

Despite the “romantic” undertone, researchers noted, benevolent sexism still reinforces the notion that women are inferior.

In Study 2a, we find BS in how a man might help a woman. The study participants were offered two men, Robert and John, who were identical in every way, except in particular behaviors:

Robert/John and John/Robert are both colleagues of yours. You have got to know them both a bit because you have often worked in pairs with one or the other and you have attended a few meetings and short business trips with each of them. They both look about the same physically and they are both about as competent at their job as each other.

You have noticed that they behave slightly differently at times though. For example, on one occasion when you were attending a short business trip with Robert/John, you had to get from a train station to the hotel where your conference meeting was being held. The taxi had not turned up so you decided you had to walk in order to get there in time. It was December and it was very cold. [BS condition] After saying something about how cold it was, Robert/John took his coat off and gave it to you, even though he only had a thin suit jacket on underneath. On another occasion later that same month, you had been on another short business trip with John/Robert. It was still very cold and you were walking from the train station back to your office and it was about the same distance you had to walk in the cold last time. [non-BS condition] After saying something about how cold it was, John/Robert, who was wearing a thin suit jacket under his coat, did not offer to give you his coat.

Reading into this, I assume "attempts to achieve intimacy with women" means "attempts to charm women (into intimacy) by giving them preferential treatment."


What feminism-driven research is attempting to do, which the authors of these studies is disrupting, is to position the preferential treatment of women as politically damaging treatment. This is actually a position I tend to agree with. I personally believe men's preferential treatment of women makes them weaker, lazy, less desperate to achieve success, thus less successful.

The problem is that feminism allows women to problematize the preferential treatment shown to them (turning a prima facie positive into a subtle negative), while benefiting from preferential treatment. It's grabbing resources, attention, and affirmation from men, while punishing men for offering those resources, attention, and affirmation, packaging it up as a form of political oppression (patriarchy), which men are solely responsible for.

Studies like this cut through the nonsense. It says: benevolent sexism may have negative consequences, but it's desired by women:

We propose an alternative explanation drawn from evolutionary and sociocultural theories on mate preferences: women find BS men attractive because BS attitudes and behaviors signal that a man is willing to invest.

If women express this unconscious bias toward BS men, even when they have conscious knowledge of the supposed negative effects of BS upon women politically, feminists can no longer claim BS is a product of male supremacy. It is a joint product of deep reproductive politics, for which women must take their share of the responsibility, as they take their share of the benefits of being placed on the pedestal.

As always,

feminism == equality + pedestal =/= equality.

personally believe men's preferential treatment of women makes them weaker, lazy, less desperate to achieve success, thus less successful

Not doing so appears to cause PMS though.

feminism == equality + pedestal =/= equality

I guess we can shorten that to feminism ? equality.

Women will always be on the pedestal because men are hardwired to care for women and women are not hardwired for reciprocity. Instead, they are hardwired to exploit and to be unwilling to settle with a partner of lower rank. (The alternative would also be unstable anyway as a stronger male in her mating pool would be able to threaten her decision if she decided for a weaker male.)

So the patriarchy is exactly a means of counteracting this innate anti-(beta)-male bias; it is basically egalitarianism. It basically artificially makes men more attractive by rituals, affirmative action (e.g. boys-only domains/clubs), strict rank enforcement and economic dependence such that women more likely feel like actually having a valuable/high-status partner. This should also allow women to experience more orgasms in a monogamous society as they orgasm more the higher the economic status and confidence of their partner is. Not doing so should theoretically make monogamous bonds unstable and we are indeed seeing a growing divorce rates. Another prediction is that more men should be rendered unable to impress a woman by their relative socioeconomic rank; and fewer males should be motivated by classical courtship and incentives for achievements of founding a family, both of which should reduce overall reduce cultural drive, which we are likely seeing too (incels, Hikikomoris, opioid crisis; though all of those have an economic component).

Now, one might expect the negative utility listed above might have been canceled out by the utility of an improvement of women's lives, but it looks like feminism has not even made women happier as career-oriented women seem to often find themselves in positions in which they are not very satisfied because they cannot find a satisfying mate or because their career conflicts with motherhood. I also suspect feminism even increases BS, because men are being raised to be so agreeable, intimidated and soft that they fulfill any wishes. There is positive utility in shape of increased economic productivity, but it's questionable to which extent that has actually made us happier. Positive emotion is mostly associated with goal pursuit (cocaine, emphatemine), and as goals are becoming diffuse, gender-incompatible or unattainable, it obviously makes us less happy.


That said, the study posted by OP surprised me since even self-described feminists preferred the explicitly sexist hypothetical male.

Some women are sneaky like that. I think it is a result of the lack of true female-male or female-female competition. We are seeing the same in the lack of true competition due to declining economic growth in the West: things start to become corrupt, improper and sneaky because the free market does not eliminate behavior and assumptions that are misaligned with reality. The raise of bullshit jobs. Women are basically chronically in this position because they are mostly always desired by men for their reproductive organs largely irrespective of their behavior and assumptions. Which does not mean that this expresses in all women to pathological degree or that men do not have their own gender-specific pathologies, but feminism, even though it probably had the intention of improving this has actually made it worse by making men more feminine/agreeable and by eliminating corrective feedback targeted at women.

hirayama_ronin & SophisticatedBean, r/BlackPillScience 4 Comments [7/16/2018 12:52:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138892

Dickpill is underrated

We know we are incels and we are not slaying et al, but when the action comes, how will a dick smaller than 6'' satisfy a woman? It Will likely not

See, the average penis isn't capable of sarisfying a woman to the fullest, and even when having 6''ish, women as always want more, and Will always praise 7''s and 8''s like Gods

The point that I'm trying to make here is that most people should know It never even began, because most Will never truly satisfy a woman, want more? Her ex-chad-bf probably had a bigger cock, most probably she Will always remember the sensation and thus never be satisfied with anything under really

Men need looks, height, money, status and dick, and most of them lack all even, JFL at this live

averageblokecel, incels.me 8 Comments [7/15/2018 8:39:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138906

The thing I hate the most about women...is that to them, the most attractive traits are things that men cannot change: Height. Race. Hair (type). Facial bones. Frame. Eye Color. These are things that cannot be changed without devoting thousands of dollars into potentially life threatening surgery.

Meanwhile, women literally only need to be relatively slim (even a little chubby) to get attention from men. They'll deny it all day long saying how "weight isn't a choice" and "muh body positivity", but anyone who's done a few seconds of research into fat loss knows that these morons are making excuses for laziness.

Women have it so fucking easy it's a joke. This right here is why I'll never have any sympathy for fat women, either. Only a handful of men are considered attractive to women, and the reason for that is because they're attracted to the traits that men cannot change. Only a handful of men were lucky enough to be born with the traits that women find desirable. Pass me the fucking rope.

genetic_scrap, r/Braincels 7 Comments [7/16/2018 7:38:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138910

Thank god i'm incel and not a beta provider

Rest assured, she let Chad fuck her in the ass, just one hour after matching on tinder. While her beta provider/husband will have to wine and dine her 3 times before he might go in for a kiss.

(I!'m glad I partied and did crazy shit when I was super young cause now all I wanna do is be a wife, make cute babies and just have a beautiful life")

BlackOpsIIcel, incels.me 2 Comments [7/16/2018 7:38:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138917

my girlfriend of a little over a year was raped 3 or 4 years before I met her. I didn't know for a while until she mentioned it to me once, and she explained that she was drugged at a party and raped. She knows who did it and never pressed charges or took any action against him because she was so ashamed.

I love her to death. I don't think any differently of her and the intimacy issues that come from her experience are minor enough for us to work through without any real problems. But god damn to I not want to find that son of a bitch and choke the life out of him with my bare hands, whispering her name into his ears so he remembers and realizes why he's dying by my hands.

This will probably get buried but it was kind of cathartic for me to get this out, I've never really talked to anyone about it.

She probably give him the "come on", while she was inhibited, then realised it was wrong, and decided to tell a lie instead of facing up to her own cheating.

Be careful - it happens more than you might think, and then some innocent bro gets a beating he didn't deserve.

SarahC, Reddit 8 Comments [7/16/2018 12:53:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 138913

(On cunnilingus)

(Evil Genius)
Eating pussy is so cucked lmao, I'd still do it though if it got me laid.

Girls are supposed to be the ones putting their mouths on our genitals.

No, girls are submissive and only likes to serve(chad only).

Evil Genius, Leucosticte and EyesSoCold, incels.me 9 Comments [7/16/2018 7:38:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep