Quote# 138782

[Serious] If Girls are Attracted to Confidence, Then Sexual Harassment is Impossible.

Sexual Harassment 99% of the time is basically a guy hitting on a woman when she doesn't consider him attractive. To hit on a woman, even without indicators of interest, is a sign of confidence. Especially if he keeps pushing when the woman initially declines. If this scenario happened then the woman would fawn over his confidence despite bleak situation and fall in love with him. But that doesn't happen, because confidence doesn't make a man attractive out of nowhere. Otherwise having the confidence to rape a woman would make him the hottest man in the world, right?

Creep, incels.me 7 Comments [7/11/2018 3:33:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138737

The careers and lives of men like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby were completely destroyed by women. Their mistake was to seduce and have sex with women while being ugly as sin. If they were good-looking, none of these accusations would have ever been made. No woman accuses a good-looking man of rape or sexual harassment. Why did it take so long for them to make these accusations? It's because these women now feel ashamed of themselves for having to sleep with ugly men for career advancement; they didn't have a problem with it then because they were shallow money-hungry whores trying to make it (like all women at some point in their lives).

But in retrospect, the fact that they had to serve as sperm receptacles for low-quality men fills them with horror and rage. The only way they could avenge this injustice was by doing what every woman does when an ugly man either flirts with her or has sex with her: go to the authorities and scream rape or sexual harassment. This is also why date rape exists. A woman thinks the man she slept with last night was a little too ugly for her liking, so to punish him for his ugliness she calls the cops and accuses him of rape. The fact that women can easily make up accusations like this to destroy men's lives is merely an indication of the tremendous sex-based discrimination found in our judicial system, as well as all other facets of our modern society. This is all conveniently reinforced by the reigning police-state ideology of female supremacism.

As an ugly man, you don't have to flirt or have sex with women to risk having your life destroyed by them. The ugly man must remember that women are a hive mind, robotic creatures all possessing the same negative eugenic reproductive programming. If women see your ugly face, they'll automatically want to destroy you. In their primitive hive mind, you need to be culled. They'll deliberately make life hard for you, going out of their way to swear at you and make fun of you. Many of them will threaten you with violence, knowing that you can't do anything about it because women are surrounded by dominant males ready to signal reproductive fitness by smashing your face in. They'll even bar you from decent employment, forcing you to seek mediocre, ill-paying work instead. This is because all HR departments are controlled by women.

If you look at them or talk to them, they can have you beaten up by an army of (more) dominant males. Although losers, these men beta orbit virtually every female. Women can make up any accusation they want against you and have you thrown in jail, even if you do nothing to them. Why? Because female privilege. Women are also terrified of being impregnated by low-quality male sperm for obvious evolutionary reasons. An ugly man in close proximity to nubile females simply increases this terror felt by all women a hundredfold. When in the midst of this terror and rage, the woman's primitive hindbrain tells her that she must fight or flee. Because she inhabits a female supremacist society that caters to her every whim, no matter how ridiculous, her best option is to fight back and completely neutralize the threat before her.

Hatred_Incarnate, incels.me 4 Comments [7/10/2018 10:01:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138783

Sexual/Relationship Market: Male's value scale

Catergory : Range

Chad : 8.5/10 - 10/10

Chad-lite : 7.5/10 - 8.4/10

High- tier Normie: 6.5/10 - 7.4/10

Low-tier Normie: 5/10 - 6.4/10

High-tier Incel : 3.1/10 - 4.9/10

Subhuman: < 3.1/10

Your thoughts ...

Ninrod, incels.me 5 Comments [7/11/2018 2:13:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138718

So as you know Mike Vogel I guess confirmed that Scootaloo's "aunts" are pretty much dykes.

Honestly I'm not too worried about conservative backlash from right-wing family groups that will bash on Hasbro for this decision (this is kinda inevitable and do expect something like this to happen very soon).

I'm more worried about how the fandom itself will react. Obviously you have the /pol/acks that will scream "muh degeneracy". But a lot of people here will probably fail to take into account are the autistic SJW larps that will see this as some victory for social justice. (Wow, gay characters in a children's toy franchise. How stunning and brave of you. I mean you could help kids in Africa get access to food. But first world problems are more important.) I mean honestly if Hasbro decides to continue with this then eventually this fandom which is already seen as cancer by many will be seen as a stage 4 tumor just like the Steven Universe fandom or the worst case scenario the Rick and Morty fandom because of all the autists that will sperg out and show off how they are such a high IQ "intellectual" for watching a kid's T.V. show about magic equines.

I mean if you're happy that Hasbro is doing this then good for you and more power to you. But the way I see it if Hasbro and the show's staff aren't careful then there's a really good chance they will find themselves in the same awkward position as the freaking writers that work on Rick and Morty.

Anonymous, /mlp/ 3 Comments [7/10/2018 12:08:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138769

Things are only going to get worse. We're moving from a monogamous society to a polygamous one. Things will become more unstable going forward. Polygamous society's are inherently violent. Not only because completely untethered bored young men are a dangerous demographic but also because in a technological society beta rampages can become extremely bloody. Beta rampages such as those seen in Isla Vista and Toronto are becoming a pattern just like mass school shootings have since Columbine.

What happens when a highly intelligent and motivated sociopath decides to go on a beta rampage? A Brevik or a McVeigh character who is intelligent and motivated enough to do some real damage. So far the body count has been mercifully low.

Nor is society doing the right thing to try and placate and control these men.

These men are subject to dishonest advice and extremely condescending attitudes and in some cases are harassed and are having what few things they enjoy infringed on and destroyed by women. Many of those guys active on here if outed would likely be targeted by the outage mob and be fired from our jobs. In many countries men can not legally purchase sex to control their desires either. Meanwhile normies and feminists just drink from mugs saying male tears and complain about muh rape culture and objectifcation and other meaningless feminist buzz words.

I agree completely. Especially with being outed. Any time I write on here it's from behind around a VPN, 8 proxies, custom DNS servers and the Tor network. It's ridiculous that in a society built on free speech that a certain demographic can't express themselves. (The value of free speech to any crazy far leftists (I'm a liberal myself, not conservative) is for the poor to be able to escape poverty and shape the world to benefit themselves and to share their opinion on ANYTHING with others. Without that what else do they have? So keep fighting it because you're basically fucking yourselves in the long run. Oh wait, I forgot, most of your fathers are CEOs so you'll be fine.) Especially when one of the critiques of men is that they don't express themselves. "Only express yourself honestly if it's what we want to hear otherwise we'll literally ruin your life."

All the stuff you've written is dead on and used to be well known but everyone is behaving as if it's crazy. Usually governments start to shit themselves when young men start to become dissatisfied and start looking for solutions. It seems now that they just say "ew, those guys are just creeps and losers" thinking it'll socially shame others from becoming like that. Shame from females only works if guys have chances with the women doing the shaming. They've literally created a situation where these guys have nothing to lose. I'm trying to think of ways we can fix this without violating anyone's rights, mentioned it on another sub and just started getting sarcastic comments about sexism in return from so called liberals. They don't want to fix anything, they just want to dig a hole, throw their enemy into it and yell "NOW I'M TALLER THAN YOU! YOU'RE IN A HOLE!" No, shit for brains, nothing changed, you're still a bag of shit, just because you invented a reason to think someone else is a slightly smellier bag of shit doesn't suddenly make you desirable.

It'll all have to collapse at some point. There are too many of these young male groups getting together and just banning websites or blocking via the ISP isn't a solution. I think part of the root of this is the conflation between machismo and masculinity. There are basically zero healthy masculine role models in the mainstream. None. They can only be found online. It's because everyone seems to think that being masculine is the same as being macho, that it's a bad thing. (I think I remember some poll that found that really young boys feel ashamed to be masculine and male. What fucking kind of evil culture does that?) So it leaves half of the population in a weird, messed up position. Most guys are extremely unmanly which leaves women only seeing the hottest manly (inb4 "WHAT DOES "MANLY" MEAN? REEE") guys as attractive. I mean imagine a world where most women were pressured to act like guys and to only value masculine traits and hate femininity. You'd stop finding most of them attractive. That's the position a lot of women are in because of this anti-masculinity horse shit. Every single woman I know says they want a traditional life "eventually" but are scared to admit it in public "because it's sexist". Society is a complete mess of people behaving like animals while preaching to each other like (pseudo)intellectuals. The main problem with the left is that they like to pretend we're 100% rational yet they act in the exact opposite manner.


Can't I discuss these issues? I did experience them, you guys are completely right. I want to try to help to end this shit. People lying to little boys about "romance" is causing a stupid amount of anger and suffering. Girls get taught the truth about male sexuality so boys should be taught the truth about female sexuality.

commander_zoidberg & jeremyjimmy, r/Braincels 1 Comments [7/11/2018 11:10:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138735

I noticed that every girl ive worked with has had many sex partners or has a boy friend and still flirts with the other co workers. Its been a few so far. Literally they just flirt with the chad workers and try to get with them but meanwhile have a boy freind. All I'm saying here is that if every girl ive spoken to for a long time in person (co workers) is unloyal then i now expect it from the every girl.

Even the most unnattractive girl in the place gets with some very attractive guys its insane. One of them came to the store once and all the other girls were impressed. So think about it this way. If the most unnattractive girl gets with a attractive guy (who has a "serious relationship" with a hottie) then why would the low tier girls ever settle with low tier guys. Even the least slutty of them all who actually has morals and is a christian has had 3 chad boy friends in like 7 months. Funnily shes the one who critisize the other girls while telling me about how all girls these days are low key hoes (shes an instagram model so i trust her source).

She was telling me this and i was like "yeah all the girls who work here are kinda like that too, even you!" I had the evidence to back it up so she just laughed (because its true). Wow gg guys we lost, she just laughed it off because her hoeness is nothing compared to theirs so she didnt mind, what a culture . Tbh i consider some of theseco workers really cute but most of them are very thin and kinda nerdy, so in the eyes of the other guys who are attractive they probably arent considered anything worth their time. Crazy world we live in. Sometimes ill see girls pay for their boy friends in front of chad, i feel like this is a signal that shell drop him in an instant and doesnt need them.

I think the music is one of the main things to blame. All these people dont have morals or religion so they are raised morally by these idol musicians. As you can see the women pop stars are all 100 percent just being slutty. They dress a certain way and the music lyrics are just slutty no doubt. So basically to an average girl they hear this stuff and think "hey i guess this behavior is socially acceptable, i am with it, it lets me feel important". Nobody ever told them that its a bad thing. They just grow up thinking this is the way a women acts. Mind you my co workers are still between 17-19 they are the worst generation.

weak self esteem, incels.me 4 Comments [7/10/2018 10:00:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138768

[Blackpill] Even 1 YEAR OLDS AVOID unattractive people

Nuclear blackpill showing that human attractiveness is objective and hard-wired in our brains since we are born. Also unattractiveness is not only a hindrance to dating/sex life, but to all aspects of life:

SOURCE: Infant' Differential Social Responses to Attractive and Unattractive Faces.
Judith H. Langlois, Lori A. Roggman, and Loretta A. Ricser-Danner

Summary of the experiment:

60 one-year-old infants were recruited from the infant subject pool mantained by the Children's Research Laboratory at the University of Texas. All of the infants were full term, healthy, and from middle-class families. In this study, the infants interact with a stranger in pressence of their mother. Attractiveness of the stranger was manipulated by having thin, lifelike, latex theater masks constructed by a professional mask maker to be either attractive or unattractive.

he female stranger was an attractive woman, and a cast of her face served as the attractive mold. Alterationg to this basic mold to create the unattractive version of her face were based on previous research that identified measurements of facial features that predict ratings of attractiveness. Our goal was to make the stranger appear unattractive, but not appear abnormal or deformed in any way.

The results showed that infants preference for attractiveness extend beyond visual preferences. The infants more frequently avoided the stranger when she was unattractive than we she was attractive and they showed more negative emotion and distress in the unattractive than in the attractive condition. Furthermore, boys approached the female stranger more ofthen in the attractive than in the unattractive condition.

What's new in it? It's a damn proven point known to uglycels since Cretaceous era.

(Blackpill Dealer)
Yet bluepilled people still deny it and blame "lack of confidence". Just adding more actual proof to the blackpill.

babies and infants are a good indicator of a shit appearance. they are biologically hardwired to avoid those people and dont have the social graces to hide their disgust.

(Blackpill Dealer)
It basically shows that preference for attractive faces is not learnt or is subjective, as many people think.

Few years ago two girls that were like 8 or 9 knocked on my door to ask if I wanted my leaves raked for two dollars and when I opened the door they paused and looked at each other like "OMG" before hesitantly asking if I wanted my leaves raked, which I said no thanks. This is before I knew anything about blackpill or being incel and I was not bitter or pissed off at the time, was still coping by Gymcelling. So I was kind of confused after wondering why they seemed so freaked out and uncomfortable. I was clean shaven, had a hair cut, gymcelling in a good mood yet they acted like I was some creeper who never seen the sunlight in months. I was not, yet they reacted the way everyone feels around an ugly person, only being children they never learned to hide it yet.

But yeah, pretty obvious even before people have hit puberty or developed any sexuality, ugly is still weird to talk to and gives off a bad vibe for no reason other then being ugly.

What do you expect from them? They are the reason why suicide is deemed immoral and isn't already a fundamental right. They want us to suffer more. Younger generation of uglycels will come over listening to their bluepilled ideology only to be bullied so bad that they hate their existence. This is a propaganda to make our lives worse and our deaths painful.

"beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - normies

oh wait, nvm.

This is true

I remember when a legit 6 year old girl called me ugly a couple of years back. It tore me to pieces because I know that little girl was telling the truth as little kids rarely lie

I'm so ugly babies would learn to speak just to reject me if it were legal to approach them and I was an actual pedophile.

"Kill yourself, you're unfuckable" - how's that for baby's first words?

This black pill had the most impact on me tbh. The tinder and ethnic stuff was already apparent to me. But I always thought young kids didn't have this disgusting prejudice

Why would a young kid hang out with ugly people? Ugly genetics is a sign of deformity, disease, being raised in a inadaquate enviornment, etc. Its natural to avoid ugly people. It is what would save the tribe thousands of years ago.

(The End)
I've seen this all over the place too.

Whhhhhy won't this be shoved down all of our naysayers' throats? They think we are just lazy complainers; the evidence is right there in front of us - NO ONE wants to be around ugly people, much less fuck them! And with female hypergamy running wild ugly girls don't have to settle for ugly guys, and on top of that most women would rather be alone than with an ugly guy.

I feel like we could staple a book of scientific proof of the blackpill, page by page, onto a normie's forehead, and they would still somehow say that incels aren't finding girlfriends because they are not trying hard enough!

(Gone Coping)
My nieces don't like me carrying them

as my niece gets older she doesn't like me holding her anymore, truly fucking over

I think this would be the case no matter what you look like lol.

i mean she's still a toddler and enjoys being held by my mother and her parents

What did you expect of a baby? Babies are shit at living, the babies know that they can’t survive without a parent or guardian. So why would they come up to a person that appearance startles them?

various commenters, Incels.me 1 Comments [7/11/2018 11:10:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138099

Here is my vision of the ideal society for an incel. In this glorious world, females are strictly controlled they have no rights, educating them is banned and they are utilized to cook clean and provide pleasure as necessary. The government takes on an active role in regulating degenerate sexuality, in order to redress historical wrongs a system similar to affirmative action is devised for ugly incel males. The government gives ugly incels cushy high paying jobs in a variety of different administrative departments, which involves managing and controlling the people, all of these agents will work for at least 1 month at the department for the promotion of purity and will have 24/7 access to its female reserves.

What the department does is it regulates sexuality, censors porn, along with stones both adulterers and those who display lustful affections in public, which will be monitored by surveillance. How it regulates sexuality is by ensuring all females are made to wear chastity belts 24/7 from the age of 5, random inspections are done to ensure compliance, also neither the female nor her family would be able to remove the belt easily since the key would be held by the department. Females are also required to wear a shock collar from birth to which both the male members of the family and the government has control over to ensure its submissiveness.

Once a marriage has been arranged to a female it can get its belt removed by obtaining a marriage permit and then a sexual permit. For this the female will need to visit a department office branch accompanied by a male, wait for their turn then be interrogated for legalizing their marriage. Once they have received their marriage permit, the female is escorted to a room where the inspector removes the belt. He then takes both the female's anal and vaginal virginities if the female resists it will be shot beaten or shocked and denied the sexual permit. If the female is in the top 20% of attractiveness, the female will be knocked out and transported to the department's female reserves, and be denied the permit. Otherwise it will simply be returned to the male with a sexual permit.

Under this system ugly males have complete access to the female reserves consequently they gain pleasure from the hottest females, finally the lives of ugly males will be worthwhile we will be given the sexual rights we deserve.

Normie and attractive males also get submissive compliant females that cannot divorce rape their male masters. They may also take multiple wives which are not held in the female reserves. This program will be extremely effective if females are bred in high numbers in relation to males at a ratio similar to 10:1, so every normie or chad male can get multiple females and dispose of their wives freely once aged and hideous, while at the same time ugly incels are able to secure a portion of females in the reserves for their permanent pleasure.

universallyabhorred, Incelocalypse 8 Comments [6/15/2018 2:19:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138734

All men should be able to select a girl that is age 13 to be their wife. This girl will be required to live with you once shes 18. Once she is selected she will be forced to wear a chastity belt. Only you will have the key. Once she moves in you can then take her Virginity. From there on out any time your wife leaves the house alone she will have to wear the chastity belt. If a chad is seen flirting with her by law you should be able to kill said chad.

Incel Prime, incels.me 11 Comments [7/10/2018 10:00:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138770

Even lesbians admit there's no such thing as a "femcel"

IT blown into the next galaxy

Men are disposable trash

Very True.

This is the cucked world we live in boyos

You guys ever read about the chick who went undercover as a dude and fucking hated it?

And the only thing she liked about being a dude was the camarederie she had with other males that she couldn’t find with her girlfriends

I wish I were gay

Norah Vincent, author of "Self Made Man". She genuinely had to check herself into a mental hospital after living one month as a male. No, I'm not joking.

"She continued her emotional descent, and a week later, checked in to a hospital with severe depression. Identity, she concluded, was not something to play around with."

I couldn't find this in the article, but I remember from her book (bought it used because fuck roasties, even though she lived as a man for a little while she still wasn't blackpilled, just more aware) that the absolute best part was her going on dates.

She essentially said "When I went on dates as a lesbian, I'd get attention and they'd usually go well. When I went on dates as a man, despite being the same exact person personality-wise, the girls would always ignore me, caring more about their phones than me, and treat me with disdain. They'd also rarely ask questions about me as a human being, opting only to ask about my career. I'd also have to pay for everything, or get snarky looks."

It's been done to death and someone on the other side already did a comprehensive post on why it doesn't count because all her experiences are not real and just delusions brought on by her own internalized misogyny.

Funny seeing even women giving out the blackpill, only morons deny it at this point.

It is probably shaking their heads,she's lieing she's lieing it's really a man !! Crys in their soy

So can lesbians be incel?

Normies don't mind the truth as long as it's coming out of the mouth of a woman.

various commenters, r/Braincels 1 Comments [7/11/2018 11:10:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138730

Women hate creativity.

They want to be parasites. They're despotic and without the spatial awareness of understanding of being constructive. They're slaves to their hormones.
They filter by feeling, not by reason.
Twinkle twisters.

Eugeniker, Sluthate 6 Comments [7/10/2018 12:11:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138716

I feel legitimately bad for Scoots. She's being raised by two man-hating dykes and indoctrinated to be an ugly carpet muncher too.

Anonymous, /mlp/ 2 Comments [7/10/2018 12:08:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138739

(Note: This is an amalgam of three different comments)

You'd think that people from IncelTears would be more angered by these. They're complaining about their privilege.

Also what happened to them being able to gauge personality? I'm not an incel but the blackpill idea is like 90% dead on. I don't know why people are so dishonest and want men to be so unprepared as teens entering the dating world by feeding them endless lies about female nature. Women are completely prepared for what men will want from them and what drives them. Meanwhile the second anyone with any experiences starts to nail down female sexuality the entire western media starts bucking like a horse with a rubber band around it's balls.

edit: Also I haven't seen anyone make this point before but extremist feminists have done everything that they claim to hate about incels. Yet why aren't they going after them? There have been feminist murderers, terrorists and sites actually full of women aborting their male babies, planning evil shit to do to their male children and on and on it goes. I mean out in public women were saying "kill all men" on Twitter. Nobody really cared. In fact from my experience feminists have done a lot worse than incels. Most incels are just harmless guys venting about the lies they were told as children.


I know from personal experience about all this shit, then I found incels and saw that they have it all down to a science. I guess I'm "chad lite" on the ratings scale so even with crippling social anxiety would get girls and even my friends girls kept trying to fuck me which started to make me look down on them. (You hear comedians and musicians talk about this, married women trying to fuck them and just saying "so?" when they say "but you're married".) Then I went through a stage where I got really sick, lost all my physique and looked terrible. I'm not exaggerating when I say that women started treating me COMPLETELY different. They'd actually give me looks of disgust. My friends noticed too.

Then I got better, worked out, got everything back to how it was and suddenly strange girls are being nice again. One who was horrible to me even suddenly started asking a friend if I was single. It turned me into a complete pessimist. But if someone would've told me when I was younger the truth about female sexuality it wouldn't have bothered me at all. Girls being attracted to me would say I was funny and they liked that I had various talents. Meanwhile when I looked like shit they stopped laughing at my jokes and didn't care about my talent or intelligence. Weird huh?

Male sexuality is well known, it's part of our culture to understand it. Meanwhile female sexuality is shrowded in mystery and called "complicated". We're animals. It's not complicated. I fucking can't stand how men can't explore and discuss this stuff without all being called terrorists or something insane like that. Meanwhile feminists say "kill all men" feminists make bomb threats, murder people, cut men's dicks off and if you group them in with feminists you get the old no true Scotsman fallacy. "They're not true feminists." Oh right, then that one guy who said something about incels online isn't really an incel. It's all so frustrating. Yet they sit there with these puzzled looks, wondering why men are suddenly all being so mean. If it was women rising up like this they'd try to understand, look for the root cause and fix it, the cause of negative female behavior is always external. (Abusive father/husband/single motherhood is tough!) With men it's always internal. (Toxic masculinity/he's just evil/a psychopath etc.) But if it's guys then it's just inherent as if men can't be influenced by the outside world.

It's all so fucking petty and will have to come to a head somewhere. Things will HAVE to start moving back the other way because they're becoming too unstable. I was honestly stunned when I found out about groups like Incel Tears. They've found some of the most lonely, depressed people on Earth and are attacking them for making some offensive jokes. People in terrible situations cope with dark humor, it's pretty much well known. It really is just an excuse to bully these guys. I think all of this is instinctual and that people try to rationalize it afterwards. This is the case with almost all beliefs and behavior. People react based on emotion and animal instinct and then try to act rationally after the fact. People HATE weak guys, they mock them, people want to help weak women and women in need.

Like I remember asking a feminist what she thought about a 14 year old guy whose teacher raped him, got pregnant and had the child. He then had to pay child support at age 18. If he DIDN'T PAY HIS RAPIST HE'D GO TO PRISON. I got called a rape apologist. There's zero sympathy for men. Meanwhile Muslim women who get raped and imprisoned on the technicality of adultery are seen as victims who need to be saved. I want to save both yet I'm the fucking rape apologist. I'd love to know if there's any kind of science exploring how people react to men and women in various situations because I'm convinced that all of this insane behavior is to do with reproduction and protecting offspring in the past. None of it makes any sense in today's culture but it just FEELS wrong to say that so people hang onto it. It's all a fucking mess.


True. And those in the center just learn to become content with their existence and make themselves as busy as possible. It's like with depression. Depressed people perceive reality FAR more accurately then regular people. I guess the black pill would be depressed people and the blue pill regular people.

I think you might be right about things going too far. What I should've said is that if they don't move back they'll probably collapse which will fix things anyway. Awareness can still be raised, we see groups like MGTOW growing and also a curious thing that people overlook is a lot of chad lites and "normies" joining incel forums just to be able to post. There's a good reason for that, because most people have noticed this stuff but either haven't been able to put it into words or they feel like they have nobody to talk to about it.

You're right about experiencing both sides. I'd never really thought about this stuff until I got those disgusted looks. I guess it's similar to that experiment where that woman disguised herself as a man for a year or something and suddenly found out that most of what we're told about guys is bullshit and that she was treated like shit on sight by most women. I think she actually had to go to therapy afterwards lol.

I've been thinking of making a Youtube channel for a while. I've been interested in this stuff for years among other subjects so I might give it a go. I think I can present it in a way where regular people won't instantly switch off.

jeremyjimmy, r/Braincels 1 Comments [7/10/2018 10:01:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138717

Are pegasisters as degenerate as bronies, do they masturbate to ponies too? Or it's normal that grown women like ponies since that's what their childhood maybe was about? Is it normal for a grown up women to be a mlp fangirl? I thought its fine to see women like mlp, but I was told that apparently its also weird, but not as weird as bronies.

There aren't any actual girls in this fandom, anon.
All of them are either dykes, traps, or just tagged along with their boyfriends.

Anonymous, /mlp/ 3 Comments [7/10/2018 12:08:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138452

A study has proved that all female sex drives are either bi or gay; straight women are a myth.

This is kinda good news in a way. It means when I get female friends, we'll both like hentai of anime women because all women like other women.

It's no wonder female sexuality is so repressed. Women are all lusting after other women and society doesn't want to face that hard truth. Sadly, your desires don't define reality.

Yay for Yuri!

RetroSpriteResources, DeviantArt 5 Comments [7/8/2018 8:07:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 138488

For those who don't remember: The universe is made up of life feeding on life in order to survive. The universe also made a mechanism to determine when a female is able to breed, which is puberty, or the first period for those of you with lesser brains. As far back as humanity had existed we have bred at the age of puberty, which is natural. The social construct which all of you sheep are conditioned to believe as the magical "age of consent" Is a farcical notion that has been put in place to curb the amount of breeding humans do to prevent over population of the planet. It has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with resources. Open your eyes and stop being led by the nose. If one human of mature age (aka puberty) consents to a sexual interaction with another human being of mature age (puberty again) then who are you and to judge them? Inb4 some nutless wonder says "but teens can be manipulated!" An adult man or woman both can be manipulated into sex, it happens every day, especially at bars. so shut the fuck up and accept nature you lemming half wit humans.

Yes and back then men would just "mate" with any female they laid eyes on as well. They also use to crush eachothers skulls with clubs over mates, territory, food, and other shit.

And what exactly does this matter to my argument? People, especially men, still fight over mates. The only difference is that we have a society that it currently on a peak. Take away the electric, coal, gas powered economy and watch as your so called "civilized society" falls right back to instinct. Survival of the fittest. Your life and view point are born of conviniance but take a look at the animal kingdom, that is truly what life is about. Tell me that if your wife, husband, son or daughter was needing food, that you wouldn't kill another human to insure their survival. You are blind because you want to be. This universe is made of suffering, pain and surviving at any cost. Even the planets siphon life from their sun's, the plants the sun, the animals the plants, the animals the animals. Life HAS to consume life in order to live in this universe. So my point still stands, this world and this universe doesn't operate on your morality, it just that humans morality keeps society stable, that is until it over reaches due to emotional issues, such as "I don't want my daughter having sex!" But it's ok if your son has sex before the magical age of consent.

Metzindown, MMO Champion 2 Comments [7/8/2018 8:07:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138690

[Quote is two back-to-back comments]

Yes it does. One of the most important factors in resisting a concussion is muscular strength. Same with preventing injury in all sorts of other situations. Of course, there’s a tradeoff with higher mass, because heavier people fall harder and so on, but all else being equal strength absolutely does contribute to durability.

As an example, a young woman in Seattle was recently struck in the head and knocked out cold — by an egg!

I’ve been hit in the face with a line drive, kicked in the head, punched on the skull or in the face a number of times and the only thing that knocked me out was smashing my head into and breaking a car’s windshield in an accident that probably would have killed me if I’d been a woman. For the record, I was pretty strong when these things happened, but not out of the ordinary for a young, physically active guy trained in sports.

Women are much, much weaker than men. If you hit a normal man and a normal woman with equal force, it’s going to hurt the woman a lot more — this is something everyone should know by at least the age of twelve. I refused to play sports with girls past a certain age, because there was just no contest at all, and if I played as I would with a man they’d end up in the hospital.

Another thing that is too often left out of this debate is that men are not just stronger than women, but better in virtually every single measure of physical ability. So if there’s a woman who’s a freak of nature and able to outlift 90% of men, chances are that when compared to other men at her strength level she’ll be lacking in other measures of fitness such as speed, endurance, heat tolerance, agility, etc. When you consider the statistical likelihood of a woman being as good as an elite man at every single one of these measures the idea of a woman being a Navy Seal becomes laughable. I doubt there is one single woman on earth who could perform at the level of the average US elite special forces soldier in all his tasks. And no, trannies don’t count.


What a load of bullshit. My uncle’s a former top gun Navy F-14 pilot, and he was highly skeptical of women flying fighter planes from the beginning, so he opposed the clearance of the first female F-14 pilot to fly. His and other pilots’ objections were ignored, and she promptly crashed her plane into the side of an aircraft carrier, killing herself and the rio and destroying millions of dollars of equipment if I recall correctly.

Men don’t have “twisted emotions bouncing around inside [their] heads” — it’s just that they don’t want to have to go to war alongside people who do.

Bill P, Unz 8 Comments [7/9/2018 8:16:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138526

65% of primate males never reproduce

This is the future of humanity, they are returning us to the old way of a single chad fucking the entire tribe while the betas gather berries for him to eat.

Honestly I can see where this is going in the future. Each family unit being composed of 1 alpha male chad with a harem of 5 roasties. He basically fulfills the physical desires of the women, while there are 4 soy boys live in the family unit who fulfill their emotional desires and raise the alpha male's children. The soy boys are fed soy milk from birth instead of breast milk to ensure femininity and are castrated before they hit puberty like some form of modern day eunuchs.

This is a utopia for women. This is what they want. They concurrently get the alpha fucks with the Chad while they get the beta bucks from the soy boys.

Soon reproduction-Chads will make up less than 1% of the male pop. They'll basically serve as sperm banks in the feminist NWO.

You idiot, you think you are special? You think many of us don't have high paying jobs, eat healthy, go to the gym regularly? I bet on paper I am a better, more successful man than you in almost every way. But unlike you when the women start screaming for beta bucks in 5 years I will refuse to answer, because these women refused to acknowledge me now when I am youthful enough to enjoy the family I wish to have.

Chads and libtards are now at the service of femoids, that's how we the based high IQ guys get to be ignored and western civilization goes down. Nice post my man, solid thinking. Wish more people were like you, maybe that way we could recover the world and put femoids in there place

I will dedicate my life to reversing this trend: 65% of females will never fuck Chad. You want to make us suffer, then we will make you suffer! Incellah!

This is 100% the reason that so many religions have monogamy as a central rennet, religion is an incel creation to control women and chads for the betterment of humanity.

Thank fuck global warming and other destructive shit is going to destroy humanity before this happens...

various commenters, R/Braincels 3 Comments [7/3/2018 1:55:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138727

Getting a girlfriend will not solve our problems - we need relationship security

I am 25 and have never been on a date or been in any sort of relationship. If I got a girlfriend tomorrow, every night I would go to bed in fear that she will break up up with me. Why? 1) Women have more options than ever today, and if she breaks up with a guy today she can easily get a new boyfriend tomorrow. 2) If it took this long for me to get my first gf, it could very realistically be 10 years or more before I get my second gf and she will probably be significantly older than the first one.

You see, even if you get a gf, you have to deal with knowing the horrifying reality that all your gf has to do is snap her fingers and you are toast.

incel4life, incels.me 6 Comments [7/10/2018 12:11:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138728

[b][Blackpill] Yessss so progressive Saudi Arabia!!![/b]

What's next sexual freedom for all women in Saudi arabia?

(Police in Saudi Arabia gave out flowers for women driving for the first time)

FUSIO_SOULS , incels.me 1 Comments [7/10/2018 12:11:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138359

If you pass out - say, you are sunbathing on the beach and fall asleep - and I see you are unconscious, and rape you - you accept that it was irresponsible of you to fall asleep?

Blacking out drunk isn't the same as sleeping on the beach, unless you are a REAL deep sleeper. In which case I don't think you should be sleeping on the beach. :/

Do your coworkers have the right to run a train on your unconscious body?

I work with several guys that would do that when I'm conscious. >.> To be fair it would be, I hope, an accident.

Or does it only apply to alcohol?

We have a WINNER!!!

You knowingly put a substance into your body that has a side effect of making you unresponsive for long periods of time while in a place surrounded by people you don't know who are also imbibing the same substance.

If so, have you ever been very drunk? Where you would have been unable to resist, slurred your speech in your refusal so that it was unclear, or have you ever passed out while drunk?

Nope. You know why? BECAUSE I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO BE RAPED!!!! (even though I'm a guy it can still happen)

I get drowsy after half an ale, so I know it wouldn't take much for me to be out for a while.

Or it seems you're saying drinking alcohol is tantamount to 'consenting' to rape.

What we, or at least I, are saying is that when you put yourself in a situation where you are vulnerable you share part of the responsibility of what happened. It's not your fault that you get raped. No one should be raped, but if it does happen and you helped facilitate it then you should grow up an learn that your habits need to change. Drink with friends, drink at home. Don't got to frat parities or bars and get shit faced by yourself.

Templar 331, MMO Champion 2 Comments [7/8/2018 8:02:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 138454

A Montana woman broke into a man’s house with a machete, ordered him to take off his clothes and forced him to have sex with her, police said.

Samantha Ray Mears, 19, was charged Friday with two felonies — aggravated burglary and assault with a weapon — as well as several misdemeanors for the incident at her ex-boyfriend’s Great Falls home, according to the Great Falls Tribune.

Mears reportedly broke into her ex of seven years’ house Friday while he was away. When he returned, she confronted him with the large knife, demanded that he take off all his clothes and ordered him to lie on his bed.

Fearing bodily harm, the victim complied and she proceeded to remove her pants and climb on top of him.

Mears then began to engage him in sexual intercourse — all while still holding the machete.

When he tried to get her to stop, Mears refused and bit him on the arm, according to KFBB.

After she finished, she sat naked on the bed, brandishing the weapon. At that point, the victim was able to take several photos of her, which he turned over to the police as evidence.

When an argument ensued soon after, an enraged Mears ripped a piece of trim from the victim’s wall and deliberately urinated in his bed, according to KFBB.

The ex-boyfriend was able to alert the authorities after claiming he needed to call a friend, then escaping from the room to dial 911.

According to the Tribune, Mears was also arrested in April after a previous argument at the victim’s home where she grabbed his hair, hit him in the face and attempted to strangle him.

The state has also filed a restraining order against the defendant, according to KFBB.

Samantha Ray Mears, New York Post 8 Comments [7/8/2018 8:07:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 138692

Actually, no, I don’t think so. Not so many lesbos row, because it’s an exclusive sport that requires very high physical and psychological “wholesomeness” (genetic fitness in fact). I couldn’t stick with it myself because I don’t have the temperament. However, I will say that during that brief period of my life in which I lived with that extreme discipline I was healthier and got more done every day than I ever had before or since. But honestly it held no appeal aside from the feeling of being in extremely good shape. As someone who had played a lot of skill sports, I felt a certain degree of contempt for the discipline. In retrospect, that explains a lot about my life and personality.

Rowers are among the most stable and “solid” athletes of all, and have an amazing ability to sacrifice for the greater good without complaining (you know what I mean if you’ve ever finished a 2,000 meter race at full throttle — you feel like you’re about to expire toward the end). And what do they get for their effort? A ribbon or medal and the feeling of having been part of a team effort, and little else, and that’s enough for them. None of those hunter/killer rewards you get from striking someone out, putting a ball in the net, slamming a dunk or laying out some chump with a well-placed hit.

Lesbians generally don’t have that psychology. The women I’ve known who were elite rowers were like goddesses in their feminine physicality, and on top of it they were well-behaved and had a naturally holistic, communal and sacrificial attitude. Definitely not lesbian-like.

The only problem with female rowers is that they often end up somewhat beefier than most women, but that’s a relatively minor flaw all things considered. Doesn’t bother me so long as it’s in the right places.

Lesbians tend to excel in sports where the competition is personal and individual. Unlike normal women, lesbians thrill to the kill. And unlike men, they are deceptive by nature. Not a good combination.

Bill P, Unz 2 Comments [7/9/2018 8:19:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138640

Re: First ever transgender woman crowned Miss Universe Spain

Totally disrespectful to women in every way. This is how you truly know that LGBTQetc hates women. [...] hate women. Spain seems to have some real beauties. This is an insult to the entire nation.

(White gold)
The left has been encouraging women to be like men for a long time. Masculinity in women is praised. Now they have someone truly masculine, a real man! and he is praised as the height of womanly beauty!

He can be super skinny, tall and angular. Strong physically. It is what they have wanted in women models. They have the shape of boys anyway, but real women have to become anorexic to get that shape. He naturally has it. Just put fake breasts on him and he is what the fashion industry has said is the perfect female shape for decades.

We have transgender "boys" (girls pumped up with testosterone) and transgender "girls" (biological boys) beating normal girls in high school sports.

Girls are expected to share lockers and showers with transgender "girls" (biological boys).

A (((fashion))) magazine named Bruce Gender as "woman of the year."

Transgender "girls" (biological boys) have been featured as models for cosmetics.

Shows that this tranny BS is the real war on women.

These people are demons. The transgender has a gloating mocking face expression which is showing his feelings of triumphing over women by successfully impersonating them. Calling this behaviour "degeneracy" is not even beginning to express the vileness of the act and the putting down of real women.

An entire religion was formed by men for the purpose of debasing women. Why should we women be surprised that some men can't stand it that there is anything left in women which they cannot take away? We see them being allowed into women's washrooms also, we see women hating Muslims attack and abuse White women, all with the blessing of demonic males in power positions. This is the beginning of the end and goes far beyond just being a scandal.

I predict the Miss Universe contest will give the award to a transgender. Think of all the non-Whites, they've given the award to. Lots of liberal politics involved.

(Britannic Nationalist)
There is no war on women.

There is a war on Western civilisation and the people that built it. Sometimes (most of the time) men are the main victims, occasionally women are the main victims, depending on the specific thing in question. This transgenderism nonsense may result in women getting more of the thick end of the wedge than men but it isn't a 'war on women'. That's not its intent or purpose. It's a war on the very concept of gender, the idea of which is to further undermine Western civilisation.

This is so insulting. He's not a woman. Dressing up in a costume does not make you a woman. He will never know what it feels like to be a woman.

Liberals think blackface is insulting but somehow this deserves reverence?

various commenters, Stormfront 7 Comments [7/7/2018 8:59:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 138449

Am I just an anomaly or are most men incel?

If most men are incel then we shouldn't stand for this. We must stand up and take back our rightful place in society and not allow a rostie to chose who she is attracted to.

Livid, incels.me 5 Comments [7/8/2018 8:07:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie