Quote# 129208
FAIR WARNING: if you're a woman who has extremely thin skin please don't read any further: you WILL get offended. If you think you can handle what follows - then proceed at your own risk.
When you live like a whore by sharing your body with any and every guy that strikes your interest - don't get mad when you end up with the whore's reward! You asked for it!
The whore's reward consists of children out of wedlock, emotional trauma and instability, the inability to be with just one man long term, multi-penis syndrome, mental problems, and being highly undesirable for marriage.
What's multi-penis syndrome? That's when you find yourself wondering if the guy you just met has a penis large enough to fulfill your sexual desires. That's a whore's problem! Only whores worry about that kind of mess!
Because had you done things God's way your husband's penis would be the ONLY penis you've ever experienced! Owning dildos and sex toys are also symptoms of multi-penis syndrome.
A lot of women are right now suffering the consequences from living like outright whores during their younger years. They spurned Godly wise counsel from the scriptures, believing the Bible was old-fashioned and outdated. And did their own thing instead.
Now they are eating the fruits of what they've sown. And many are unhappy with the bitter taste. They can't get married, can't maintain a long term relationship leading to marriage, can't meet a quality guy, and only seem to hook up with men who want to use their bodies for semen target practice.
See, God didn't give me wisdom to help EVERY women out there. I don't know what the struggles of single Chinese migrant women are.
But He did give me wisdom to help a specific type of woman: the ones this post is referring to, who threw away their golden opportunities in their younger years and are now reaping the rewards for their poor choices later in life.
I can definitely help THOSE women because I know exactly what their problems are. I know precisely what's holding many of you back from getting married. The problem is that this is the most stubbornly obstinate group of women on the planet!
Though I can help them, many of them are so scared and jaded they prefer instead to sling insults and to fight, rendering helping them a virtual impossibility.
I'm at the point now where all the help I'm willing to give on this topic is found in my relationship ebook. And if you're not willing to read that, I'm not willing to do anything else for you. Just wallow in your own self-made misery like a pig rolling in its own slop.
Truth is: until you repent for living a whore's life, most of you who want to be married but aren't yet - never will be.
Doesn't matter how Christian, educated, smart, pretty, bougie, college degreed, sorority pledged or intelligent you think you are: there will always be a consequence for violating Godly principles. Especially as it relates to sex.
You cannot cheat or beat God's system! God's way works: always has and always will. God's system is His Kingdom. It's an eternal kingdom that predates humanity and Earth itself. We are not wiser or smarter than God is. This is why His way continues to prevail like a mountain, while everything else crumbles around it.
The cure is simple: humble yourselves. So many of you are yet still arrogant and unrepentant. I can see it in the comment streams on my page whenever I promote my relationship ebook for women.
Women who are chronically single will immediately flood the comment stream pretending they have the answers; when they obviously do not. They can't be humble enough to just quietly get the ebook. Instead they have to pretend like they know what to do: when apparently if they did its not even working for them.
Here's some more truth for you to digest: Many of you don't have as much time to get right as you might think. The older you get the less chances you'll have to be seen by single men as anyone worth getting married to.
Younger guys will only tend to want to have sex with you: including the ones you meet at church! And older guys think you're full of too much baggage to seriously bother with, so they're overlooking you for marriage in favor of the younger women.
You're in a precarious predicament if you truly want to get married some day. You really don't have the luxury of time on your side anymore.
There is a glimmer of hope in all of this - my ebook Saved Sexy And Still Single: Why Christian Women Can't Get Married Even Though They Love God. For many of you its your only ray of hope, and your absolute last chance. You should've read it first! Could've been married by now.
Get it, read it and be humble enough to let the Spirit of God use it to heal what's broken in your life. Link is in the comment section below.
Mack Major,
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