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Quote# 40870

Why did Obama vote against English as the National language of our Country?

Because silly goose he's tryin to change it to Arabic. So when he has his terrorist buddies over for tea they'll wont feel out of place geezz.

pred178, Yahoo! Answers 16 Comments [6/14/2008 2:05:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Doctor Fishcake

Quote# 40913

I support McCain, he's got a good head on his shoulders and he supports policies that I do but won't bring up because they are too controversial as already said. Not against muslims but Obama is muslim and that's just what we need (sarcastic) plus if Obama gets the presidency white people will become the minority in America and African Americans will become the dominant race no racism meant towards black people or muslims that's just my view on Obamas beliefs. I think John McCain has more life experience and military experience than Obama also.

Icedearth15876, http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/ 15 Comments [6/13/2008 2:05:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: John

Quote# 40856

"Originally Posted by CountArach -
Exactly. Races are only different if you let people define what a race is. If you remove skin color what is the difference?"

Excluding differences in IQ, not much.

PanzerJaeger, TheGuild (totalwar.org) 10 Comments [6/12/2008 9:14:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: m52nickerson

Quote# 40737

(In a thread about whether or not Alex Jones "covers up" for the Jews or not)

Jones is a liar about events in Germany, I don't doubt that for one minute. I believe that he hates Germans and that he may be a Jew. His wife is a Jew and his children are Jews. I have not watched the video, but if he does not mention that all Jews, regardless of background, believe in the filth of the Talmud and idolize the Talmud, then I say, take what he says with a grain of salt.

Coldstar, Stormfront 22 Comments [6/11/2008 10:21:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: ozznova

Quote# 40747

(on accusation he hates white people)
you just got here in March 2008 - you have no idea what was proven or dismissed here - the caucasian isn't human - the caucasian is a beast who was taught to stand up on 2 feet - within the group of people being called black, their are people who are white - this is not about skin color, but a mind set and purpose - among us humans is "THE BEAST" - and he influenced the world to follow his beast ways - and this is why there is so much death and destruction on this globe today - This Beast is hiding in and amongst the natural people of the earth - he takes whats natural and makes it unnatural - his process causes death and dis ease on a large scale - he make evil fair seeming - he makes war look cool - the caucasian or dead asian is the offspring of satan and he has proven this to us with the way he has handled his temporary power over the world

SUNNY WINTERS, Wu Tang Corp 10 Comments [6/11/2008 6:04:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Funkypants

Quote# 40741

What is today called the Middle East was a White Homeland until it was over run by blacks from Central Africa.

Lots of White Folks had to leave their White Homeland in the Middle East because there was simply no future there for their White Children.

Some of those folks did move directly to Europe, but some went to other White Homelands which were still White at that time, such as North Africa, Japan, China and North America. Later their surviving descendents had to evacuate those White Homelands for the same reason.

Today savages roam the ruins of great Civilizations White Folks built, not able to comprehend what a civilization is, or why anyone would desire to build one.

Only mongrels remain where Men once lived!

Those mongrels are the result of black Africans befriended by the same sort of Liberal Race Traitor we see today, and the White Children those Africans stole and raped. They were not very interested in White Women, as a full grown woman is strong enough to resist and cause injury; they preferred young children, and would typically cut their throat when they aged about 10 years as they become dangerous around then.

You wanted to know what the difference is, well that is the difference!

14words_of_truth, Stormfront 16 Comments [6/10/2008 10:07:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: ozznova

Quote# 40619

[Re: whether to support Barack Obama]

I believe you see it in wild too.

They eat there young...

I am Jewish...I will not vote for BO

HILL4PRES08, BlogHillary 9 Comments [6/9/2008 9:24:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 40533

Kyle knows that Barack Obama wasn't raised by Muslims, he was raised by the Man in the Big Yellow Hat.

Kyle Doegg, Facebook Status Update 20 Comments [6/7/2008 5:28:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By:

Quote# 40507

"The American Indian has done much better than most losing sides in armed conflict. They were given land and semi-autonomy, instead of being herded off of cliffs en masse, until they were nothing but a distant memory.

For an invading army, we did rather well by them as a whole. Much better than I would expect."

Bill, www.ielmira.com 41 Comments [6/6/2008 3:26:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 40508

"LOL. Indians lost, that means they either die or do what their conquers tell them to do. That is jsut the way of war, not nice or fair.

If the winners tell the losers not to do a dance, the losers don't do a dance, or they die.

This is just the way it is.

Indians have it so much better today, they had this land for 700 years or so, and didn't do much with it, at least they didn't do enough with it to stop other tribes (the evil white man) from coming here and taking it away form them. So long Dodo bird, it was nice knowing you.

How many tribes of indians were wiped out by other tribes of indians that we will never know about? As the winner, the white man wrote the history books. How cool is that?"

Bill, www.ielmira.com 10 Comments [6/6/2008 7:04:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 40509

"Either way, The evil white man won, that means the evil white man gets to do as he pleases. It would have behooved the red man to have used the vast resources of htis land mass to have fought off the evil white man, they didn't. Too bad for them, the history books will be written by the evil white man, and in those books, the red man will always have a feather in his hair.

As it should be."

Bill, www.ielmira.com 9 Comments [6/6/2008 6:53:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 40510

"As one of those ignorant what men, please educate me on the nobleness of the red man? They did to the mound people a more thorough job of extermination than we were able to do them (Because we were not as committed, maybe?) And the Mound people before the red man, did their part in taking over territory from an inferior race (inferior in my mind is one less able to adapt). The red man enjoyed the fruits of slavery as much as the white man and the black man did. Where, pray tell, is this red man nobility?

Oh, and the second some valuable resource is found on red man land, guess who's land it will be? You got it, the evil white man! How cool is that?"

Bill, www.ielmira.com 5 Comments [6/6/2008 4:07:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 40461

Well the gutless spineless democrats wont ask the question --------------- but I will -------------------- what will happen if he picks a black guy ------------- or say a Muslem to be his vice? ----------------- Curious minds would like to know

SamIsBackAgain, ABC News 10 Comments [6/5/2008 6:17:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By:

Quote# 40276

Ten things that you hate about muslims.

In no order.
1. The way that they smell- Why do they always smell of something if it is not curry its something else something sinister is it sh!t or B.O probily

2. There fast food. - Greasy slimey halal stuff something people dont touch until there pissed out of there mind. It smells the street out its truelly

3. There cloths. - Muslims always get insulted by the way we reacted to them but they think that its acceptable to walk around in there veils and pj style cloths. They wonder why we are "racist just look at them"

4. The fact that they own the fish and chip shops.- In cardiff i can think of about four fish and chip shops that are actaully own by white british people. There are hundreds of paki fish and chippies something that was once a good icon for Cardiff which isnt.

5. The fact they look down on white british people they think we are the total scum on the earth i have worked with pakies and the second you defend yourself your a racist!.

[Yes, that's the end of the list]

morgoth666, Stormfront UK 28 Comments [6/2/2008 1:27:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Frank

Quote# 40240

the problem here is that until the black society comes to grips with the fact that slavery in this country was not about racisim but about availability. That coupled with the "fact" (look it up) that most of the black sold into slavery were sold by their black captives in Africa. White hunting parties did not exist. The "slavetraders" showed up at the shore and purchased the slaves from other, more powerful, tribes of blacks. Racisim had nothing to do about it, it was just that they were available, just like the jews 2500 years ago. So until the "black" society comes to this realization that their "own" were responsible and not america, we will always have this divide.

odd2005, aol news 13 Comments [6/1/2008 7:00:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Arrogant Atheist
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