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Quote# 56422

Inter-racial dating will lead to our destruction.
that sounds extreme but you have to look at the matter a little closer.
dating your own kind is a matter of survival.
you dont see gorillas mating with chimpanzees or even sharing the same space.
we too should follow the laws of nature.
historically everytime the black man has been liberal about mating he has doomed himself.
Egypt, Moorish Spain, Dravidian India? are you familiar with that.
and why would you want a white person anyway. there biologically sick. thats not racism its science. if man is supposed to have melanin isnt something wrong if you’re melanin deficient?
Politically, interacial dating stops us from race based politics. some say thats good.
but raced base policies and attitudes wont disappear just because a few selfish blacks go outside the race.

kush, Interracial Dating In ‘09 16 Comments [1/24/2009 7:21:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 57169

All the blacks suddenly quit smoking pot and crack
All the black suddendly decided to get off welfare and get a job
All the blacks decided to go to school for the first time in years
All the blacks learned to speak proper English
All the blacks decided no to riot every time something does not go there way
All the blacks realize O.J. Simpson is really a murderer.....

Yes, this is a great day for change......God you guys are morons. NOTHING will change as blacks will be blacks no matter who is in office

Ilean, worldofwarcraft 19 Comments [1/22/2009 2:46:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By:

Quote# 57256

This dead shitskin Martian luther koon was born Jan 15th, but the traitors decided to make nigger day January 20th, to coincide
with future presidential inaugurations.

We can all forsee the coming media propaganda:
"The first niggerican-american president takes the oath office
on martian luther coon day. It's a great day for America,
a historic day in civil rights..."

The truth:
It will be a horrible day for White America. Chains of slavery, forged by anti-white vermin and white traitors will now be offically placed on all of white America. The master will now be the slave.

our world has turned upsidedown.

If buttercups buzz'd after the bee,
If boats were on land, churches on sea,
If ponies rode men and if grass ate the cows,
And cats should be chased into holes by the mouse,
If the mamas sold their babies
To the gypsies for half a crown;
If summer were spring and the other way round,
Then all the world would be upside down.

This genocidal war to exterminate every facet of White existence is brought to you by our eternal jewish enemies and their kosher conspirators in the Mass media.

The Martian Luther shitskinned holiday was signed into law in 1983 by Republican President Ronald Reagan, of all people. Reagan has provided another extremely obvious example of how the conservatives are just as sold out to the jew as the liberals.

How about a James Earl Ray Day for the great White Patriot
who put a bullet into the carcass of subhuman shitskin King?

Anonymous, Zog’s Nightmare 26 Comments [1/21/2009 8:05:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 57257

HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!

Yaako Warrior, slayer of shitskin moslems, Google Groups 20 Comments [1/21/2009 3:05:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 56861

I’m a GenX at 41 and I’ll tell you what instilled conservative values in me. We GenX kids were the kids who had to actually endure (during the 70’s) the social engineering created by the boomers in the 60’s. The forced busing still certainly sticks out in my mind. I have actually seen with my own eyes minority boys openly groping and fondling embarassed crying white girls in school and when the white kids tried to do something about it, chanting and gang fights broke out and then the cops showed up…and then on the news that night they were talking about how us white kids were causing trouble and being intolerant. Seen it with my own eyes and been there. I’ve seen with my own eyes a minority guy pull his pants down and urinate right in the school hallway in front of god and everybody.
But what I remember most in a geo-political sense was the impact of Jimmy Carter and how depressed everything seemed. The gas lines…everybody just seemed poor…the world was coming to and end crap.

And then Ronald Reagan was such a breath of fresh air. I will be forever grateful to his memory for saving us from whatever crap that was in the 70’s.

I dispise the counter-culture hippie crap…because I had to grow up under the power of such people.

stevden, bighollywood 16 Comments [1/21/2009 3:00:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 57028

If negroes are running wild, which they are, then the Klan can not be any kind of threat. If the Klan were running wild, then negroes would not be a threat. That's logic!

I was reading a civil rights article from 1939 about cases from the 1890s or something. Negroes wanting to ride in the same train car with whites. Considering the Oakland Bart train incident, more than 100 years and police still can't solve the negro question. But that black might be alive today if he had been in a segregated car and KNEW HIS PLACE. Well, it's probably good the black is dead, because he was a one man negro problem.

Curtis Stone, Vangaurd News Network Forum 15 Comments [1/21/2009 2:49:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 57237

Is it possible to be a white supremist, even though im not white?

i believe that the perfect male should be 6' tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, pure Aryan descent with no foreign contamination, and a good childhood upbringing raised by all white people. and i believe that he is genetically superior to all other, and he can be whatever he wants to be in life with very little resistance.

next in line are light brown hair, green eyes, hazel eyes, fair skin, still all Aryan descent, all caucasian with no foreign blood. still genetically superior but slightly worse than the first one. the first one is the ultimately genetically PERFECT man.. or woman.

and then there's italians, jews, mexicans, arabs, blacks, asians, which are all less than the above.

I believe in all that, but interestingly enough, im not even white, im one of the latter... but I BELIEVE in this. so am i a white supremist or not

Jon F, Yahoo! Answers 28 Comments [1/21/2009 2:47:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 56871

lol not all black men are big dumbass anyway they play with there dicks so much at a young age it stretches and by the time there preteen they start sucking on themselves and it further stretched. black guys are fags by nature thats how they spread AIDS to there women and the nation. stay away from those monkeys

lillysagit, youtube 17 Comments [1/21/2009 2:47:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: ravachol

Quote# 56712

If you want to decrease the drop out rate in Texas, you need to segregate the schools and develop an educational platform that best appeals to each racial type for their racial mind, and targeted towards their aptitude. Blacks and Mexicans are not as smart as whites, Jews and Asians so it would only make sense that the lower IQ groups would tend to drop out of High School more frequently.

hahajohnnyb, Pharyngula 15 Comments [1/21/2009 4:47:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 56615

[CTSTDT or RSTDT? Take your pick.]

Welcome to the Jew World Order.
Yes, virginia, there REALLY IS a jewish conspiracy to rule the world. Based primarily in the United States (New York), the European Union (London), and in Israel (Jerusalem), this International Jewish political, financial and military network of Terror and State Control works and exists for only ONE
REASON: to obtain and exercise Total Global Supremacy.

[email protected]

[email protected]Hate mail sent to kunstler.com 18 Comments [1/20/2009 2:20:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Russell

Quote# 56736

No. I mean a real breakdown.

I forgot to mention other possibilities: under the stress of the first real job [Obama]’s ever had, maybe he will revert to cocaine use, and his HIV will start acting up.

These are all things that Americans of goodwill can be praying for, for the good of the country.

Arthur McGowan, Free Republic 21 Comments [1/19/2009 11:56:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Space Helicopter

Quote# 56504

"why do whites dislike black names so much?"


NOWHITEGUILT, Topix 18 Comments [1/19/2009 8:22:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jax

Quote# 56532

Harold Ford lost so get over it.Slavery was the best thang? that could have ever happen to you black people in America.If it wasn't for slavery you would be back in africa with a bone sticking out ur nose and black women would be toppless with fruit on their heads.


professorwright, YouTube 16 Comments [1/19/2009 1:44:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: ninjacat

Quote# 56390

"Which article in the US Constitution can I find "free Iraqis" under?"

Why would it be there? The iraqis should burn

Username Hidden Due to Voting, Yahoo! Answers! 6 Comments [1/19/2009 1:33:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Jax

Quote# 56227

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Three men have been charged with hate crimes after they are said to have assaulted African-Americans in New York on Election Day when Barack Obama won the White House, authorities said Wednesday.

Investigators say the men used pipes and a collapsible police baton to assault some victims. They say the men also slammed their car into one person they mistook for an African-American, sending him into their windshield and landing him in the hospital in a coma.

Four people were targeted in the attacks, in which the men shouted profanities about Obama, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Brooklyn said.

3 racist asshats in New York, CNN.com 14 Comments [1/17/2009 5:07:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Dark_Lord_Prime

Quote# 56288

lmao, and the guy above me is stupid, im not worried about offending anyone especially your uptight ass, or niggers, or spicks or jews. its my right as an american to say those things and im damn proud. as for it looking like a "thug" ride, apparently none of you have seen a thug ride. a thug ride is a 94 buick mercury with rust spots. your not a thug if you have enough money to buy a brand new cadillac. btw, where do you live because im sure there are tons of things i could rip on your country.

levus, wired 12 Comments [1/17/2009 2:32:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By:

Quote# 56533

What the fuck, you moron. I'm not a nazi nor a skinhead but you're a retard, sir.
Most of skinhead nazis are trying to make their country a better place by their racist actions, I dont want any immigrants to Finland or niggers what so ever, you can take them to your country and soon you will see how your own race is a minority in their own country.

Arnoe, Last.fm 10 Comments [1/17/2009 2:26:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 56531

I honestly think deep down inside, every one has some racist in themself. K i'll admit im racist against indians. I think people with turbans, dots on their heads, people that talk like they work at 711, you know that weird accent that you can barely understand. I am not afraid to be racist, 99% of indians are all nerds, weak, skinny arms, skinny, no muscle, losers etc. The list goes on forever. Also, OMFG, they STINK! WTF do they bathe in curry every night, i mean seriously, holy crap, they stink! DAMNNN! tell me why you are racist against indians, if you are!

Thomas S, Yahoo! Answers 23 Comments [1/16/2009 2:49:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 56757

The Bell Curve has not been discredited, neither has IQ and the Wealth of Nations.

One thing that you people need to understand is that the Franz Boaz School of Social Anthropology was bunk from the beginning, it was nothing more than propaganda generated in unison with the Frankfurt School invention of Political Correctness. If you do your homework you will learn that all of these people were associated with Marxism and heavily influenced by it. They were also all Jews, with the exception of Marget Mead.

The Jews have a distinct cultural pattern of behavior, which is fully covered in "A Culture of Critique" and seems to be a trait in the Jewish population who are working on an entirely different level than us dumb goyim. Basically, Social Anthropology is a hoax that was designed to further Jewish group interests as well as cultural marxism.

hahajohnnyb, Pharyngula 7 Comments [1/16/2009 2:48:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 56877

Most people do not want any Gypsy camps near them for the very reasons these Gypsys' are complaining about. Puting them on sites in the outermost regions make sense so as to preserve all the hard working ,tax paying and honest citizens of this country from a life of absolute hell.

Charles, Daily Hate Mail 13 Comments [1/16/2009 2:46:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 56438

I assume that i am the only person that has an extreme hate and loathing for the half black liar, gay scumbag Barak Obitch?

misterbill, Topix 22 Comments [1/16/2009 2:44:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 56433

I know that people have various opinions on all of this, but you simply can't argue the fact that these were minorities acting like inner city welfare hogs on video for the whole world to see. You can call my comments racist if you want, but the best way for minorities to avoid this type of label is to start acting civilized for a while, stop slinging crack on the street corners, and stop having babies you can't support. Do this and you'd be amazed how no one cares what color your skin is. But since that doesn't seem to be the case and we all live in the world that your doing this stuff in, we'll just keep pointing the finger at you. Your are, after all, you're own worst enemy.

carlislepa, pennlive.com 11 Comments [1/16/2009 2:43:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 56146

What is the most annoying ethnic group?

Would definately have do be the black race.
I think most people view them as the most dispicable race on earth.

They committ about 90% of the rape,robberies and murder.
Yet, make only make up 14 % population.

Don't dare use the N-word around them. It doesn't matter if it's uttered by a 5 year old or a 90 year old grandmother. They'll want to break their jaw.

Have you ever seen a black who was humble ?
Me neither, they all got a line of 5hit.

This was a great country before they were allowed to work and go to school with whites. That should never have been allowed. They also should never have been allowed to play sports.

Maybe the whites will smarten up one of these days.

Chas, Yahoo! Answers 10 Comments [1/16/2009 2:39:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 56551

[14% of U.S. Adults can'r read]

Please break that number down a little and add catagories for inner-city blacks and illegal immigrants!

mplsconservative, Free Republic 8 Comments [1/16/2009 2:38:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 56194

You heard about the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were killed in Nazi Death Camps.

Did you hear about the "threatened holocaust" of 6 million Jews about 20 years earlier?

Probably not, even though a former Governor of New York wrote about it in 1919, because that early holocaust never became a best-seller.

In Glynn's article, we find that World War I ended "for everybody, but the Jew."

Glynn encourages the League of Nations to bring peace to the world, and he wants to "give justice to the Jew and other oppressed peoples".

However, this threatened Holocaust of 6 million Jews never became popular with the American or European public. Perhaps this is why the Zionists staged a new and improved version of the 6 million Holocaust during World War II. In this revised Holocaust, they made sure that some of the 6 million Jews were killed. This turned out to be the key to making the Holocaust a phenomenal success.

Daryl Bradford Smith, The French Connection 10 Comments [1/16/2009 2:38:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katsuro
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