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Quote# 91119

The majority of Latino people in the USA are poor. They want more government handouts. This article is absolutely true. The majority favor the Robin Hood Plan. Take from the evil rich white colonizers and give to the sanctimonious poor brown and black people. Because everyone knows that poor people are all good people. They are all holy and spiritual. They are closer to God. And that rich people are all evil and of the devil. My husband worked in Mexico. No one demonizes the rich more than the poor people of Mexico. As far as they are all concerned every rich, white person in the USA is in the paid service of Satan himself while they are perfect little angels and the Lord has a "preferential option for the poor" in every Latino/Latina. Their "brand" of Christianity is Liberation Theology. GEt rid of all the evil rich white people so the poor brown people can rule the Kingdom of God. This is their theology and that is how they vote. If it is white and rich it is evil. They talk incessantly about this, are resentful and bitter and for the majority of them they would enjoy it if every white person was their pool boy instead of the other way around. They often laugh about how they should sit around by their own pools and spas and order little white boys around to cut their lawns. They want revenge not equality. Just write them all a check. They are entitled and owed since they are brown and poor.

shorelineliz, OneNewsNow 20 Comments [12/5/2012 4:25:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 91110

Time after time I have warned the readers of my blogs of the necessity of maintaining the purity of their racial blood lines, a sacred trust and an inheritance from our distant ancestors but also a duty to our yet unborn linear descendants. Blutschande is the most serious crime that an Aryan can commit against his race and folk and I hope that one day this crime will be recognised as such and punished accordingly once our peoples recover their freedom from the zionist yoke. The servants of the Demiurge lord of darkness understand that in this cosmic war in which we fight that our strongest possession is our blood or DNA as it is less prosaically termed, and they will do everything in their power to encourage Rassenmischung for by this process we destroy ourselves without a single gun being shot. It is the greatest form of treason that an Aryan could commit. By engaging in Blutschande they are spitting in the faces of their Folk, their ancestors and descendants, condemning the latter to eternal shame and disgrace. Therefore in the words of Der Meister Guido von List I appeal to my readers:"Your blood, your highest possession." Racial purity is the greatest gift that our ancestors have bestowed upon us and it is the most precious bequest that we can endow upon our descendants. For within the blood of the Aryan there lies the sacred quality of divinity. The Aryan is no mere human animal: we are nothing less than children of the Gods.

Wotans Krieger, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 20 Comments [12/5/2012 4:22:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 91109

I do not need to tell my readers repeatedly about the harm which christianity has inflicted upon our race: that is self evident. However christianity is directly responsible for Aryan peoples forgetting their divine ancestry. In particular the pre-christian Germanic peoples took it as self evident that they were children of the Gods. Not only were they graced with a God-like noble Nordic outward form but our mythology makes it clear that we are not merely the creation of the Gods but their literal offspring. Tuisto is the earth-born divine ancestor of the Germanic peoples who trace their lineage to Him via Mannus and His three sons who fathered the Ingaevones/Ingvaeones, Herminones/Hermiones and Istaevones/Istvaeones.


Alfred Rosenberg, the official philosopher of the Third Reich who was murdered by the western allies for his temerity of being a free thinker also believed in the divine ancestry of the Germanic peoples

Wotans Krieger, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 13 Comments [12/5/2012 4:22:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 91070

Every day it becomes harder to justify not joining Stormfront.

It's perfectly acceptable to be a black nationalist, but a white nationalist is evil. Why is that?

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 30 Comments [12/2/2012 5:02:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 91056

So let’s see: For 2 elections now, blacks voted for BO bc he was black.

Strangely, this figure also included Colin Powell.

Now what those election figures say is that blacks voted for racism and for polices of redistribution that amount to nothing more than a continual pilfering of the white man’s pocket.

This then, coupled with ever-increasing sporadic street violence, seems to constitute a de facto war against whitey.

So I guess I’m wondering if its not yet time to ask someone, maybe John Derbyshire— about when whites might also be permitted to speak openly about race.

Highway Hospital Student, Moonbattery 22 Comments [12/1/2012 5:23:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog
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