Quote# 89299
You are in MASSIVE TROUBLE! The mere mention of this labels you a Right Wing Racist, and a Neo Nazi.
Progressive Dogma states that: EVERYONE IS ABSOLUTELY EQUAL!
There is no such thing as a Bell Curve. All differences are cultural and equally valid.
East Asians can't be better at math than Western Europeans,
Jews can't be creative thinkers by heredity,
Western Europeans can't have a genetic predisposition toward technical generalism (Being able to take a variety of disparate facts and re-assemble them in a new fashion.),
Blacks and Amerinds KNEW about the wheel, the basic machines and large scale agriculture, but the chose not to use them because they were in tune with Gaia....
That's why it's Europe's fault that Africans are raping babies to stop AIDS, and that dozens of charities with millions of dollars and euros are required to provide clean wells for dictators that are banking billions in Switzerland.
Keep this in mind:
"The gun's Chinese, paid for by Russian rubles. The steel probably came from a West German factory built by French francs. Then it was flown out here to the Congo on a South African airline probably subsidized by The United States...
fark 25 Comments [9/2/2012 5:44:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 18