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Quote# 97096

This "[knockout] game" has been going on since shortly after obastard was elected in 2008. "We beez prezdint now!" It gets worse every day and certainly has made its way into the suburbs. Urban areas are far worse but by no means confining this savagery. Understanding that the justice department is being run by an enword is simply one more component in white situational awareness that all whites should practice no matter where they are. These people are feral savages and hate all whites. If we don't start shooting these cowards in self-defense whenever possible, we will become South Africa writ large.

Venus de Smilo, Where Liberty Dwells 8 Comments [10/18/2013 3:07:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 97085

I like the holy music in the background. Very appropriate. This was made at a time when our people were making telescopes, and grinding the lenses themselves... and attaching clocks and devices to them in order to do things like figure out the speed of light BACK THEN. Our race is without any doubt the most holy thing on Earth right now.

The idea that we are somehow all the same is the most unbelievable and monstrous weapon ever devised to destroy the future of humanity. I am 100% not even exaggerating when I say that this weapon, no -- this SEIGE ENGINE of utter nonsense (the ENTIRE current culture destroying the white race) is by far the most dangerous and destructive force on Earth right now. Nuclear weapons do not even compare.

The white gene-pool, and the superorganism it creates, is such a staggering departure in evolution from the dead-end, unconscious, and animalistic patterns of all other organisms on Earth that it is an unimaginable crime to even BEGIN to let it be destroyed. Yet here we are today with our genocide proceeding full-tilt -- ironically BECAUSE of all these other unconscious patterns and urges in other races. The fact that we have compassion, guilt, objectivity, makes us vulnerable -- the qualities that are being used to destroy us, the world cannot afford to lose. Our introspection and objectivity are divine qualities.

If someone destroys a great work of art everyone is appalled. The destruction of a great and beautiful, even holy work is something unimaginable -- yet people seem to care NOTHING for the CREATORS of this great beauty of the modern world -- it's arts and sciences. The people that do these things, the sublime genetics of the cave-painters, the truth-seekers, and the civilization-makers are what is truly important in the world in the long run. They are sublime and unspeakably beautiful products of evolution and inner striving to make something better through natural eugenics in our patterns, laws, and mores for hundreds of thousands of years -- NO, billions of years before that even! What work could compare to this?

This video struck me deeply -- it is LIKE US as a people! And the creator is at the inner wheel of the writing -- we translate the writing of the universe, the chords, colors, and prose of creation itself. We are the scientific children of the universe. Our pattern as a PEOPLE TOGETHER is a great engine on a divine path writing out what the patterns and meanings of the universe are. We must not perish. It is an unforgivable crime that the lesser here-and-now needs and desires of other races are taking precedence over our destiny as the holy race of objectivity and hope on Earth. The Earth will forever be plunged into darkness and lose meaning and hope if we are gone. This device is a holy symbol.

Spiralsun1, Stormfront 13 Comments [10/17/2013 3:41:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 97054

I know several people who will listen to Black Supremacist Reggae or Rap music, yet will actively protest against RAC, Skinhead and NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal) bands. This is, as you know Harbinger, due to years of brainwashing - that only whites can be racist, and that when non-whites are racist towards whites it is deserved for centuries of slavery and empire.

There is no even ground on the issue of identity and self-determination. The mainstream consensus of the Western World - pushed by 'the chosen ones' - is that Whites do not deserve to have a future. As you say, most whites believe this too.

Much of the white race deserves what's coming, but I dare say a minority of us do not. Indeed, I think there will be a breakaway segment in many European countries who will be prepared to do whatever it takes to preserve themselves. Whether this amounts to nothing more than an 'Amish' style parallel society or whether it becomes a bigger force is yet to be determined.

Steed, Eye of Woden 16 Comments [10/16/2013 3:28:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 97051

['VSU' refers to the Vietnamese Students Union at UCLA. Said union had lodged a complaint about racist messages posted around campus.]

My personal take is that the same person that wrote the VSU press release also wrote made the note. No hate crime towards a non-White has ever been proven real. They always do it themselves.


Mjodr, Stormfront 22 Comments [10/15/2013 3:38:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: aebars

Quote# 97035

You still don't get it.

Obama was put into office a second time by foreigners.

Buchanan even had a editorial on stating if the demographics were the same in 2012 as they were in 2008, Romney would have won by a larger landslide than Reagan did.

These foreigners allowed in by our government vote 3 to 1 democrat and most are no going to "see the light" as you say.

You're really not putting yourself in their shoes. What makes you think their values, goals, and ideals are anything like you are projecting on the "obots"?

In addition, speak with a few white leftists. They aren't even beginning to "see the light" either. They are just as staunchly pro-Obama as ever.

dmxinc, WND 17 Comments [10/14/2013 3:17:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 96997

Bearing in mind that Conan was an Aryan barbarian it beggars belief why a previously largely unknown Hawaiian Red Indian model called Jason Momoa was allowed to play the part! It beggars belief!
However if they can cast negroes in the role of Wagner`s Wotan why should we be surprised?
Only the Aryan must suffer such abuse and sacrilege. If another character from any other race were to be portrayed by an Aryan there would be accusations of `racism`. My advice is: avoid the 2011 Conan the Barbarian remake! Do not buy it and don`t bother watching it!


The first Conan film ie renown for its opening narration:

"Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And onto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!"


This narration for me marks the whole tone of the film, a titanic struggle between the Aryan barbarian Uebermensch and the negroid Thulsa Doom, the leader of the serpent cult. Conan`s final triumph and revenge comes with the decapitation of Doom at the end of the film.

Wotans Krieger, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 76 Comments [10/12/2013 3:25:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 96990

No the reason they got that way was thanks to progressive policies of european countries.Golden Dawn is trying to reverse the damage progressives have done to the economy.The EU has let million of primitive third world savages into the country and put them on welfare.They are in fact commiting genocide against their native european populations.The leaders of many european countries should be hanged.

t.soprano1, The Huffington Post 11 Comments [10/11/2013 1:46:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 96983

Yes, but then I am a racist, and have no fear of that word. I hope to see a resurgence of racism, scientific and otherwise, that will prevent the homogenization of the world and salvage the very special assets that have allowed Caucasians, and Caucasians only, to sustain high level civilizations over the last 500 years.
I have never understood the current prejudice against racism, a wise attitude that applies quality control over who is, or is not, allowed to benefit from a society constructed by white people.

Tito Purdue, The Washington Post 17 Comments [10/10/2013 3:41:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 96981

Balls Barry is Putin, word & deed.

It was the Kentucky Fried Kenyan that said Amurrica wasn't exceptional his first month in office on his Arab Tour when he went around kissing camel ass.

So why is everyone now pretending that Obloviot didn't say that shit just like Vlad?

Wyatt Junker, Where Liberty Dwells 11 Comments [10/10/2013 3:40:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 96978

If the asshole even attempts to do it, the grounds will exist for immediate impeachment. Will it happen? Hell, no.

Count on the Magic Nigga's autocratic increase to be some nominal amount so that he can go through the charade again in six months. The frequent debt "crises" are a political gold mine for the DemonicRATs to screech that the Pubs are starving children and denying granny her heart meds and ... and ... and ... They've been doing it for many years. It's as predictable as cauliflower farts. And the stupid, zero-information people, whose attention spans is only slightly higher than that of goldfish, buy the horseshit like it was new.

Aned across the briny deep, our allies and our enemies are laughing their asses off at what a pathetic joke America has become since The Black Guy was elected only because of his epidermal hue.

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 13 Comments [10/10/2013 3:39:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 96974

If you were black you would be in favor of [ObamaCare] also. Hey, it’s lots of free money comin their way. I wonder what their comments would have been if Obummer were White. BTW, when does the Congressional White Caucus meet?

“Beware of those who cry racism, for they are the true racists…”

Dr. 9, Moonbattery 7 Comments [10/10/2013 3:38:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96966

Declaring yourself "British" is a way for non-white immigrants to fit in on the census sheets, so the government can downplay the slow motion genocide happening in this country.

David _not the PM_ Cameron, BBC News 11 Comments [10/10/2013 3:15:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 96957

James Gifford, Saintly 70-Year-Old Victim of “Random” Black on White Violence

The Knockout Game, which enriches our more diverse neighborhoods with its robust ethnic multiculturalishness, has evidently claimed yet another victim. From Syracuse:

James Gifford, the 70-year-old man who was randomly attacked on Saturday, has died of his injuries, according to Syracuse Police. …

Romeo Williams, 18, has already been charged with assault in connection to the attack. Syracuse police and the Onondaga County District Attorney’s office will meet to decide what further charges to bring against Williams now that this is a homicide case.

Murder would be good for starters.

Print reports tend not to mention race unless it reflects well on liberal ideology — and it rarely does. Good thing we have video so we know why the attack occurred.

Otherwise random attacks on vulnerable whites by young blacks are sometimes called Polar Bear Hunting or the Knockout Game. Because of the media’s devotion to its politically correct narrative, it is difficult to determine the factor by which the frequency of these attacks has increased since the Passion of Saint Skittles. That propaganda campaign allowed the moonbats controlling the federal government and information establishment to whip low-information blacks into a homicidal frenzy by distorting and exploiting the justifiable homicide of Trayvon Martin.

Good thing incidents like this never make the national media, or others might get angry with substantially more justification.

Dave Blount, Moonbattery 14 Comments [10/9/2013 3:30:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96951

"Black people? Are you sure? Because both of the black people I know are sweet, intelligent, decent people. One's an old lady who works as a crossing guard at my son's school, and the other, Rafael, is a hard-working immigrant from the Dominican Republic."

To the sarcastic white person who knows the nice old black lady...

I know a few of those too. However, back in the 1960s, those nice, frail old black ladies were pooping out illegitimate thugs and ghettofying my neighborhood while demanding "civil rights" and forced school integration.

There are no innocent old blacks. They are just feeble with age, and mostly harmless. That was not the case when they were younger. I don't trust any of them.

Stop kissing black ass. The think you are weak when you prostrate yourself before them.

Anonymous, Stuff Black People Don't Like 13 Comments [10/9/2013 3:28:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96948

Black mothers (or white mothers) bring them into the world.

They, byproducts of the black community in Indianapolis, are the single reason murder exists in the city.

No future-time orientation.

No impulse control.

Low IQ.

People who try and blame a 'fatherless' culture absolve black women (or white women) from the equation; no one is forcing women to engage in relations with black men, thus to put the onus of black dysfunction on a lack of a father figure is an egregious assault on reason.

As is the attempt by the Indy Star to humanize the black individuals gunned down by other blacks in Indianapolis this year.


No Rev. Harrison, it's black children who are more violent, reverting back to a natural state no western makeup can hide anymore.

Thirty-five of the 36 blacks murdered (all by other blacks, the most pertinent fact of all) had police records.

Do not mourn their deaths.

Only mourn the death of the city of Indianapolis, another casualty of the black undertow.

The moral of the story is simple: no one is forcing black women (or white women) to have black children. Simply end all funding of the black undertow - cut off EBT, Section 8 Vouchers, Welfare, Public School (and free breakfast/lunch), and WIC - and the problem ends over night.

If you don't fund dysfunction (dysgenics), something else will materialize in its absence.

No, something will flourish.

It's called civilization.

Paul Kersey, Stuff Black People Don't Like 7 Comments [10/9/2013 3:15:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96947

P.s. We hear there may be 'oil' under and around the majority black island nation of cuba! If so, this is another reason why our enemies will try to prevent black rule in cuba!

The castro brothers must transfer power to the black cubans, or they should go!

JAH III, Assta Shakur Forum 5 Comments [10/9/2013 3:09:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 96920

Today, in a letter to the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT), the ACLU and United Sikhs called on state officials to investigate the harassment of a Sikh commercial truck driver pulled over early this year for a flat tire. After detaining Mr. Jageet Singh in January as he passed through Mississippi, the officers called him a "terrorist" and harassed and humiliated him because of his appearance and religious beliefs. As a devout Sikh, Mr. Singh wears a turban and carries a kirpan. A kirpan is a small, spiritual sword that is sheathed and sewn to the waistband. It is designed and worn as an article of faith, much as a cross is worn by devout Christians.

Contending, wrongly, that his kirpan was illegal, the officers demanded that Mr. Singh remove it. When Mr. Singh explained that he was a Sikh and that the kirpan was a sacred religious article, the officers laughed at him and mocked his religious beliefs. One officer declared that all Sikhs are "depraved" and "terrorists." They continued to taunt him, and forced Mr. Singh to circle his truck with his hands on his turban while they searched the vehicle. Finally, not content with this humiliation, they arrested him, claiming that Mr. Singh had refused to obey an officer's lawful command.

Mr. Singh's ordeal did not end with the MDOT. When he returned to Mississippi on March 26, 2013, for his court date at the Pike County Justice Court, he once again suffered humiliation, harassment, and discrimination because of his religious beliefs. Waiting for his attorney in the back of the courtroom, he was stunned when four Highway Patrol officers approached him and ordered him to leave the courtroom. The officers stated that Judge Aubrey Rimes had ordered them to eject Mr. Singh from the courtroom because he did not like Mr. Singh's turban. Moreover, they told Mr. Singh that Judge Rimes would punish him if he failed to remove his headdress.

When Mr. Singh's attorney went to Judge Rimes's chambers to inquire about the matter, he readily confirmed that he had expelled Mr. Singh from the courtroom because of his turban. He further stated that Mr. Singh would not be allowed to re-enter the courtroom unless he removed "that rag" from his head and threatened to call Mr. Singh last on the docket if he continued to wear the religious headdress.

Mississippi Highway Patrol and Judge Aubrey Rimes, ACLU Website 33 Comments [10/7/2013 3:43:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Mech610

Quote# 96904

What you won't hear, except from me, is that 'Let the good times roll' is an especially risky message for African-Americans. The plain fact is that they tend to possess poorer native judgment than members of better-educated groups. Thus they need stricter moral guidance from society. ... In contrast to New Orleans, there was only minimal looting after the horrendous 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan — because, when you get down to it, [the] Japanese aren't blacks.

Steve Sailer, VDARE 15 Comments [10/6/2013 5:41:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 96893

Nevada state assembly Republican Leader Pat Hickey said in a radio interview this week that the 2014 election will be good for Republicans because minorities and young voters won't turn out like they did in the 2012 presidential election.
"Probably where we had a million voters turn out in 2012, we'll have like 700,000," Hickey told a local conservative talk radio host on Tuesday. "A lot of minorities and a lot of younger people will not turn out in a non-presidential -- it's a great year for Republicans."

Pat Hickey, Washington Post 10 Comments [10/6/2013 5:37:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 96870

These thuggish [black] teens are a reflection of the way they were raised. They have been raised to hate White people and their little demigod in the White Hut is encouraging their ‘confrontational’ attitudes. With Eric the racist Holder in the just us department, these thug wannabes feel they will face no consequences for their thuggery. And they are apparently correct ... little barry bastard boy’s hatred of white people is now being lived out by those who worship his evil, fraudulent arrogance.

MHGinTN, Free Republic 10 Comments [10/4/2013 3:10:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96848

Hitler was far too lenient. He was merely expelling most jews from Germany. Not all jews, merely most jews. (The Red Cross knew and reported this before jews forced them to lie.) And he put many of the expelled to work in factories, which jews hated, of course, since they detest physical labor. Hitler had a vision of putting the expelled jews on the island of Madagascar to isolate them. But nearly throughout his 12 years as Germany’s top leader, he allowed White Germans who had jew spouses to keep their jew spouses along with their extended families in Germany. Very lenient.

As Adam Austin of SubvertedNation.com has argued, Hitler did nothing to solve the problem of the anti-human race defiling Earth. Hitler had the chance to make great progress in Europe, and he didn’t take it. (An Austin quote here.)

Hitler did not conduct mass-executions — even though he knew that jews were mass-murdering Whites, including Germans, in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and elsewhere.

Hitler did nothing to prevent the next generation of jews from infesting our countries and continuing their program of genociding us.

For example, Hitler could have ordered the simple surgery of sterilization for all jews capable of having children. That would have been “humanitarian” and would have been a giant step in a final solution to humanity’s historic problem.

During the war years, Adolf Hitler never had more than about 3 million jews under German control, yet the jews wail incessantly about “6 million” killed. In fact, the jew population increased during the war era, as reported by internationally agreed population reports (extensive info here). But the jew-controlled media do not share that news, do they?

So, on the most fundamental issue, Hitler and I disagree.

Hindsight is a great tool. We only have to look. In hindsight, I will not repeat Hitler’s mistakes.

I will not allow any jews to remain free in our country. (A reasonable definition of “jew” can be set, for example, as “anyone who has one jew parent or two jew grandparents.”)

We will execute the proven traitors. We will imprison and sterilize the second tier of criminal jews. And we will sterilize and expel all other jews.

That is a fair and just final solution — as much as one country can do.

That will stop the current generation of the anti-human race in its tracks in the USA. Other countries should do the same. Problem solved.

James Laffrey, Whites Will Win! 33 Comments [10/3/2013 3:22:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 37

Quote# 96846

I've known people of all political and spiritual persuasions in my life and one undeniable trend is that the ‘liberals’ among them do not want children. It is the moderates and conservative ones who desire families. This should give us hope for the future, because – whilst ‘white birth rates are dropping’ – we must also bear in mind that many whites are ‘liberal’ and that if they were to have children they would be raising yet more ‘liberals’ (intend on the destruction of our heritage through ignorance). So, when you think about it, this state of affairs should gradually – through successive generations – create an increasingly traditional/conservative minded Europe; even if the overall numbers drop.

We should aspire to ‘quality over quantity’. Speaking hypothetically, and simply, if we had 1 million traditionally-minded whites in a nation and 4 million ‘liberal’ whites; this is a more detrimental situation than having just 1 million traditionally-minded whites and no ‘liberal’ whites. Why? Because those 4 million ‘liberals’ are an army who will fill the roles reserved for them by the Zionist-controlled Establishment, and who will spend a lifetime working against the 1 million traditionally-minded whites.

Steed, Eye of Woden 8 Comments [10/3/2013 3:02:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 96835

[discussion about SNAP benefits]

Smme, I do wish the Eric Holders, J Jacksons and Al sharptons of this world would listen to you. I also wish the young black thugs killing white people would also listen to you. People with good intentions have been preaching the same old "song and dance" I'm hearing from you for decades. White people have been criticized and demeaned and told to be "color blind" and not even thing about race all the while the leaders of the black community were doing the exact opposite.

I'm sorry but, race does have something to do with it. It had something to do with it when blacks rioted because they didn't like the just verdict in the Zimmerman trial. Race had something to do with it when some black thugs murdered a white man then made the stupid claim they were just bored.

And last but by no means least RACE is the reason we have Barack H Obama in the White House. It is the only reason.

Race has everything to do with it.

WellNowDear, Political Outcast 10 Comments [10/2/2013 3:37:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
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