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Quote# 101400

Singapore does a lot better than Malaysia. But both do well because of the Chinese presence. Berkeley too... Vancouver too. Doesn't mean I think they should be everywhere on earth. Neither do I think if Africa reach 4.2 billion that they should be spread out over every continents. What is wrong with keeping people within some kind of borders which they'd call their nation? Why is it unjust?

Screaminjay, Skeptic Ink 5 Comments [6/9/2014 3:11:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 101396

To preserve a culture or a people or a religion, you need to have a certain amount of “unfair” intolerance. It’s ugly. It’s repulsive. But it’s necessary. You can’t just be intolerant to the bad illegal immigrants. You have to be intolerant to all of them. Otherwise, more will come.

Ask people in hundreds of neighborhoods who were tolerant when the first couple of black families moved in. These were good people, good neighbors. We should treat them kindly. But once the neighborhood was seen as open to blacks, more moved in. Cousins and some of the children of those nice parents sometimes weren’t so nice. A decade or two later and the neighborhood is destroyed. I wonder how many of those kind, tolerant whites hiding behind their doors wish that they had been a little less tolerant years before?

Death by Openness, Education Realist 8 Comments [6/8/2014 4:13:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 101395

Segregation was a form of affirmative action. The intent of the policy was to have good quality blacks ruling over ordinary blacks, analogous to the caliphate policy for dealing with ethnic diversity.

For which they needed black lawyers, black judges, black businessmen, etc – who needed, and received, protection from white competition.
Segregation manufactured a black middle class to govern ordinary blacks, a middle class that had real work to do, unlike the soul destroying makework done by today’s black middle class.

jamesd127, Education Realist 7 Comments [6/8/2014 4:12:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 101391

Don't like us? Do without us!
Think we are racists and haters? Do without us!
Think we are intolerant and biased? Do without us!
Think we are a disease and anti-Semitic? Do without us!
Believe we are unfair and stingy with the fruits of our culture? Do without us!

Don't make excuses to stay. After all these years of complaining these complainers forfeit their right to live in white countries.

We say to all those non-European factions shrilling about our unfairness, intolerance and racism - the perfect solution to your problems with white people is simple. Do without us. Leave. Go somewhere that does not have all this hate and racism you claim we have. Such places should be plentiful since only white countries hold the distinction of being biased, prejudiced, unfair, intolerant and hate filled racists.

Will Asians treat Blacks better than Whites do?
Will Blacks treat Asians better than Whites do?
Will Hispanics treat Blacks and Asians better than Whites do?
Will Jews treat Asians, Blacks, Latinos, Muslims better than White people do? Will they treat Jews better than white people do? If they are more tolerant, less prejudiced, more generous, more fair than white people we say - go for it. Why hang around in white nations feeling oppressed and hated? These accusations about white countries are not unknown around the world. Yet, millions of non-whites are pouring in to white countries to live among us so-called racists so they can feel oppressed and hated and gripe about us. More Jews live in Christian America than anywhere. Every anti-Semitic white country has Jews. (The more power Jews have in our countries the more anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish) we become and that is the truth. When we find ourselves placed in a position where our sons fight and die in wars for the Jews and families must be against the survival of our race in order have jobs and earn a living you can bet we become anti Semitic.)

These non-white people want the things we produce, but they don't want us. Life doesn't work that way. Somebody is missing a card in their deck. You can't get the golden egg without the goose that lays it. These folks want us to take them in, coddle them, take care of their every need, but get out of the way. We can't. We are the ones who lay the golden eggs. You can't have one without the other.

But these whiners can do something about their sensitive feelings. Do without us. Don't make excuses to stay. If we are as bad as claimed there is no excuse to stay. No one has to put up with us. They NEVER had to. That's the unreal part. No one ever had to put up with the White population. Not one month, not one week, not one day, not one second. Thus, skip the woeful tales as excuses to stay.

DO WITHOUT US. Just like you poured into our countries, leave! Pour yourselves OUT. From now on go away, leave and take your complaints with you, do without us.

Ginnar, Stormfront 10 Comments [6/8/2014 4:11:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 101383

Why is the media so racist towards white people?

I ask because blacks make up 12/13% of the population, but are in almost every other commercial. Why are white males always cast as dumb, old, ugly, balding, etc...

The answer is obvious, we are hiding from the truth. There are about 50 times more crime by blacks against whites especially rapes and sex crimes. Blacks are famous for forcing white women into prostitution. This happens even here in the UK. In every country blacks are high on the crime statistics and low on achievement. The media reports a very one sided view in order to make it look like blacks are no worse than anyone else.

This is the truth, but what's the bet this will be removed by some lefty racist BIGOT who thinks he has the right to 'censor' what he doesn't like no matter how true. But that will prove my point, they don't want the truth as that makes blacks look bad. Unless you choose this as the 'best answer' before it is sabotaged.

Richard, Yahoo Answers 4 Comments [6/8/2014 4:09:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 101376

At the moment, white culture outpaces yours in every metric, and your children flock in droves to our countries, cities, and neighborhoods.

But you'll keep living in your bubble of ignorance, supporting the ongoing genocide.

Genocide is any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Anchovy_Bon_Jovi, The Huffington Post 8 Comments [6/7/2014 4:55:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 101345

["There you go, mind you, it was a different world back in the 70's."]

You mean, before Feminism and general Political Correction took complete control!!

Yes, I remember, when a man could fondle a womans arse in a night club without being accused of sexual assult or treating women like sex objects, when you could call a Black Fellow, a Black Bastard, without the Thought Police suddenly springing out of the nearest brick work and bushes, to arrest you for Thought Crimes!!

Teutoburg Weald , Anglo-Saxon Foundation 12 Comments [6/6/2014 3:01:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 101342

"just 15 per cent in 2012 [disapproved of mixed marriage). It’s a record of change and growing acceptance to be proud of."


An inevitable consequence of which, however, is that our ancient (white) race of closely related European peoples will disappear into the Melting Pot of a globalised humanity.

What's to be "proud" of in that?

Did my father spend 6 years of his life helping to prevent the imposition of a German master race (despite being pretty Germanic himself), only for us to have a "mixed-race master race" imposed on us instead . . . ??

"Diversity" is Orwellian newspeak for the Global Melting Pot into which it is intended the despised, i.e. self-despising, white race will dissolve and disappear. Which according to state racial ideology, doesn't matter, because race is just a "social construct", only of importance to nasty "racists" like myself.

rogerhicks, Daily Telegraph 12 Comments [6/6/2014 2:57:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 101313

I continue to be amazed and aghast at the Jewish domination of the West and indeed the world.

Genocide, war in partially Christian Southern Sudan, lo, there are the Jews with a charity fund collecting $85.000.000 and none of it reaching those for whom it is intended.

Who owns the Peoples' Oil? Rothschild.

I see from Revelation 9, demons let out of the abyss led by Apollyon and Abaddon, Destroyer, Destruction. Every time a Jew moves world wide, even in Thailand, behind him or her are those many demons

Satan, their master/lord/god is using them for the destruction of our world and to destroy mankind.


I, part Anglo-Saxon, am disgusted with how the U.S. has blindly in its Christian heritage, followed wholeheartedly, the Jewish lies re being Semitics, Israel and God's people to such an extent that their nation has fallen to such a low level.

Such lies everywhere are obvious to intelligent watchers of CNN, BBB, ABC. What cheating by those cheats, now including Anglo Saxon Americans who grovel at the feet of the Masters, who one day will fall. It is decreed. When? Who knows.

In our time, may we never see much more of an escalation of their perversity, or strangle-hold on us all.

Hopefully, the much wrongly maligned Putin, is a David against that Goliath and Russia, our erstwhile enemy and also ally once, proves more than a match for that conglomerate of evil in some way, in Eurasia at least, including Australia.

Africa, South America? Poor souls, who will help them?

Hopefully, Ukraine is sorted out but what a worry for many there. A chocolate king as leader? Pity he would not melt away.

Irene Bonney, Real Jew News 11 Comments [6/4/2014 3:03:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101309

Geek=Replacement For Philosophy, Religion and Spirituality

Need to belong to a cult-like group with Sacred Scriptures and moral concerns for you to puzzle over but you don't want to be a cis-male scum reading Dead White Men? Look no further, this is the intellectual and spiritual pursuit for you! Any institution that falls will be taken over by a replacement and the old myths are replaced with the modern myth of the superhero. Be careful with this one, though. Lots of jews have had their hands in tainting this and much in the same way they foisted Christ-Insanity and a snarky nihilism masquerading as atheism on the Whites, lots of the superheros are Certified Kosher.

I just saw somebody quote Edmund Burke in that when rebels destroy an old social order, a new one steps in. Sports are for nationalists, politics for the intellectual, other pre-packaged identities like "redneck" are Certified Kosher ways to be White. But what about the romantics? The religious, the mystical, the spiritual? What about the people who will just never go in for sports, have rejected politics and don't want one of the other fads? Well, you have "geek."

Geek has really been pushed as a safe cultural identity, especially for Whites, for about 10 years. Look at the comic book movies and J.R.R. Tolkien movies and things like that. Look at shows like Big Bang Theory. I think that this was half by accident and half by design the replacement for religion.

As Whites rejected religion, they need romance and fantasy and conflict and heroes and villains and the "geek" stuff stepped in to fill the void.

It is kind of odd. I know many more people who would call themselves "geeks" or "dorks" now than 10 years ago when I was in high school. It is a Certified Kosher "cool" thing to label yourself now. I know very few people who would term themselves "very religious" or "deeply philosophical" but I know many self-styled geeks. Do you think this is accurate?

Hunter Morrow, VNN Forum 13 Comments [6/4/2014 3:03:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Scourge
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