Quote# 101391
Don't like us? Do without us!
Think we are racists and haters? Do without us!
Think we are intolerant and biased? Do without us!
Think we are a disease and anti-Semitic? Do without us!
Believe we are unfair and stingy with the fruits of our culture? Do without us!
Don't make excuses to stay. After all these years of complaining these complainers forfeit their right to live in white countries.
We say to all those non-European factions shrilling about our unfairness, intolerance and racism - the perfect solution to your problems with white people is simple.
Do without us. Leave. Go somewhere that does not have all this hate and racism you claim we have. Such places should be plentiful since only white countries hold the distinction of being biased, prejudiced, unfair, intolerant and hate filled racists.
Will Asians treat Blacks better than Whites do?
Will Blacks treat Asians better than Whites do?
Will Hispanics treat Blacks and Asians better than Whites do?
Will Jews treat Asians, Blacks, Latinos, Muslims better than White people do? Will they treat Jews better than white people do? If they are more tolerant, less prejudiced, more generous, more fair than white people we say - go for it. Why hang around in white nations feeling oppressed and hated? These accusations about white countries are not unknown around the world. Yet, millions of non-whites are pouring in to white countries to live among us so-called racists so they can feel oppressed and hated and gripe about us. More Jews live in Christian America than anywhere. Every anti-Semitic white country has Jews. (The more power Jews have in our countries the more anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish) we become and that is the truth. When we find ourselves placed in a position where our sons fight and die in wars for the Jews and families must be against the survival of our race in order have jobs and earn a living you can bet we become anti Semitic.)
These non-white people want the things we produce, but they don't want
us. Life doesn't work that way. Somebody is missing a card in their deck. You can't get the golden egg without the goose that lays it. These folks want us to take them in, coddle them, take care of their every need, but get out of the way. We can't. We are the ones who lay the golden eggs. You can't have one without the other.
But these whiners can do something about their sensitive feelings. Do without us. Don't make excuses to stay. If we are as bad as claimed there is no excuse to stay. No one has to put up with us. They NEVER had to. That's the unreal part. No one ever had to put up with the White population. Not one month, not one week, not one day, not one second. Thus, skip the woeful tales as excuses to stay.
DO WITHOUT US. Just like you poured into our countries, leave! Pour yourselves OUT. From now on go away, leave and take your complaints with you, do without us.
Stormfront 10 Comments [6/8/2014 4:11:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 5