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Quote# 102005

(Do we have a common goal with Muslims?)

No. Muslims suck, plain and simple. At least with Israel, you have an advanced, civilized country that isn't stoning women for wearing blue jeans, even if they do suck a lot of money from our governments.

The answer is no. Negative. Muslims suck. I probably hate them more than any other group out there.

Imwhiteyourwrong, Stormfront.com 9 Comments [7/10/2014 3:29:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102004

Why are liberal women so stupid?

I just made a post about how happy I am to have found this forum on the Introductions page. As you can see I am a proud blonde and blue eyed girl and I can't imagine having a non WHITE man as my partner. My best friend, also a beautiful white girl, does not understand my beliefs and think that I am racist. Maybe as a sort of response or jealousy to my popularity among white men, she chose to date a black guy. What was the result? Well, one week ago she called me crying telling me that her boyfriend had raped her a month and a half ago and now she is PREGNANT. When she told this black animal this information, he DUMPED HER. She came crying to me and I said "I told you so" and we got into a huge fight. Now we are no longer friends.

I cannot understand why people can be so utterly brainLESS when FACTS are staring them in the face and happening TO them. Is our nation going to be taken from us? Are we going to be raped and killed by savages?

Osten, Stormfront.com 12 Comments [7/10/2014 3:05:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102003

How to avoid sitting next to Blacks on plane?

Has anyone had this experience?

Another reason why I'm never travelling to Africa or the third world again is who I'm sitting next to. Currently every airline except KLM doesn't allow customers to select who they're sitting next to and those are only flights between Europe and US. Its ok If your travelling in groups or 3 or 4+ where you take up the whole row, but I travel with my sister alone and after a tiring journey of packing and weighing bags, travelling to the airport, going through customs only to be chatted by a goddamned ******, is.....not something I want to happen again.

The only answer is probably to avoid travelling to developing countries?

devineatheist, Stormfront.com 13 Comments [7/10/2014 3:04:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101999

The Jews push Homosexual deviancy to limit White Gentile Populations, while at the same time collecting more money from deviants in Marriage Taxes as well as mocking for lord Jesus Christ.

They are guilty of genocide against Gentiles because of their undeclared mercenary war against us. This consists of excessive agendas to push Birth Control, Abortion, deviant relationships, brainwash of our youth and the evisceration of the faith of Western Christianity.

They have the mark of Satan in their eyes, looks and actions.

They do not accept remorse for their material lives on earth, because they do not believe in God but instead their vile race. This means they will burn in hell for their crimes, end of story.

Grif, Real Jew News 8 Comments [7/9/2014 3:36:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101998

Superbowl Sunday has become one completely Jew-owned and produced circus which has unfortunately become a national obsession. This event borders on a civil "holiday" of gluttony, excessive drinking, gambling, and unending Jewish commercialism.

The now gullible American public were once mostly White European Christians and much more aware of the danger of International Jewry's degenerate nation wrecking ways.

The Jewish subversion and monopolistic takeover of the entertainment industry has allowed hideously ugly Jews like Ken Ehrlich to "orchestrate" one decadent production after another, which over decades has debased our sense of traditional morality.

After years of yucking it up in front of the electronic synagogue and movie theater, Americans have become accustomed to the mass debauchery of homosexuality, homo-marriage, hyper-sexualization, and heavy Jewish promotion of miscegenation.

America can not, and will not survive this depraved Talmudic agenda.


Continue to condone and be "entertained" by this Talmudic filth, and you and your children will suffer utter slavery, persecution, ritual sacrifice, and starvation under a Jewish scripted Marxist system of communistic Hell on earth.


Unplug the Talmudvision, warn anyone who will listen to you, turn to Christ Our Holy Savior, and yes, prepare to FIGHT.

If someone asks you what Jesus would do, tell them that turning over tables and chasing Jews with whips is not out of the question.

Christ was a real mensch who took on Talmudic Jewry and showed us the way.

If you are not prepared to fight this filth, then you are not worthy of survival and deserve the psychopathic hell headed your way like a "dark horse."

The Elder of Zyklon-B, Real Jew News 11 Comments [7/9/2014 3:36:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101997

Given such succinct Commandments how is it that the biggest fags and jammers and rammers of fag filth in all its guises are the apparently pious (and apostate) Jew?

Got some faggery, any faggery, and you’ll find a Jew at the forefront banging the drum and undoubtably the bodily waste pipe of some unfortunate soul (probably quite literally) roped into their sick delusions. And not forgetting their hordes of cheerleaders.


Luckily we know its soul destroying poison, but we must pity the poor souls who have fallen for their depraved human rights and equality (what with, groaning brute beasts and masturbating apes? Though God and Christ DO love His blessed creatures, bless um.) speil.


The more faggery the better if it hastens our Lord being revealed in all His Glory, to judge righteously on behalf of the orphans, the poor, needy and the infirm and to shame the evildoers.

Let them run to their idols on that fateful day, let them hide in the clefts in the rocks begging the mountains to fall on them and hide them from the face of Him upon His throne and the wrath of the Lamb!

But they won’t be able to hide or resist, our Heavenly Father knows all their secret places and who or what can hope to stand against the wrath of an angy God?


Oh but being just a ‘normal Joe’, this whole filth thing makes me sick…

Phil UK, Real Jew News 8 Comments [7/9/2014 3:36:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101985

I'm going to tell you the reason why they want to destroy the white race:

Jealousy and fear.

Whites have always been the most beautiful, intelligent and hardworking people on the planet. We have invented everything that has made even a small impact on the development of human civilization. Our ladies especially are the most beautiful and have been the target for slavery for many millennia. We lead the world in art, music, philosophy, science and engineering. If we had continued to flourish we would have surely have lead the world into a totally new era of beauty and enlightenment, which is something that the dark, twisted and evil forces do not want to see.

Imagine if the world was without a single non white. It would be paradise everywhere and these "people" cannot stomach that thought so they have to destroy it with their violence and oppression and hate.

This is the basic reason why they push all of these complete lies on us, they forged a whole set of new and fake standards to hurt us and many of us, including my ex "friends" have bought it all.

Osten, Stormfront.com 10 Comments [7/9/2014 3:03:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101968

Not that it is feasibleto "kick" each out, but let's examine the cause and effect of kicking out each.
Mexicans: We'd see a reduction in social service expenditures. School over crowding decreases as does the jail population and with it so does other venues of the justice system. Street violence also goes down, as done vandalism and the costs associated with preventing such.

As with the post antebellum period, devoid of Mexican "slaves" innovation, particularly farm innovation, would jump ahead to meet the demand.

Negores: Here we'd see the biggest reduction in tax expenditures. When coupled with the departure of mexians, crime levels would drop to pre-WW2 levels, as would all the costs associated with policing, prosecuting, and incarcerating these crime prone creatures.

No longer attempting to educating those with lower IQs in pretending they are smart as others, education levels would rise to pre-civil rights levels. Social entitlement expenditures would likewise drop to pre-ww2 levels, resulting in a reduction in national debt and increased funding for scientific projections such as space exploration.

Whites would fill the tech jobs current occupied by H1B visa Indian Wage slaves. Deprived of these limited thinking, and American Business would once again lead the way in innovation. When coupled with the reduction in the both Negroes and Mexicans, we would see a technology boom similar to those post WW2 years (when we had less numbers of all three).

Many Pakistanis also undeservedly fill tech jobs, so the ripple from kicking out Indians would expand. The biggest change would be in small business, an area dominated by Paiki, supported by government diversity programs. Many small businesses would change from being Paki dominated to once again being white owned. Flush with money saved from reduction in not funding the sloth prone Negro and uneducated Mexican, and with Diversity programs gone the way of the Dodo, the SBA would once again provide whites with government loans to replace the business shut down by the return of Paki's to their home country.


But, you forgot one set of non-whites, the one responsible for demanding the social entitlement network that is bankrupting our nation; the one who dismantled immigration berries to non-whites; the one who demands privileged treatment for non-whites; the one who champions the cause of homosexuality, of liberalism, of feminism. The one who sparked the indulgent sexual revolution. The one who controls media, business, and the medical industries.

With the expulsion of Mexicans, blacks, Indians, Pakistanis, so too must the Jews go, more so than the others.


Mexicans bring crime, violence, and disease. They swamp our schools, abuse our social entitlement system. They contribute less than they consume.

Like the Mexicans, the indulgent toddler that is the negro also brings crime & violence; swamp our schools; abuse our social entitlement system, in numbers far greater than their meager 13%.

Indians dump down and stagnate the tech industry.

And, thanks to jewish influences, Pakis received small business assistance at greater rates than native born Americans.

Lord Jim, Stormfront.com 12 Comments [7/8/2014 3:29:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101966


The Jew has made itself the enemy of every living creature on Earth (including all of Nature which Jewish Corporations harm without respect or regard).

As to America, White Folks were here for many thousands of years before the first Asian savage (Indian) set foot here. My own ancestors were right here. The invading savages attempted to wipe us all out for thousands of years, but never managed to do so.

In my lifetime, a lot of archaeological evidence of this has surfaced, and the truth continues to make itself known.

It should be obvious anyway: America is not in Asia, and Asians are not native to America.


Nechtan's reply : I'm not saying that it's impossible that whites were here in N. America thousands of years before mongoloid stock indians. I have read some of the evidence on these findings but I have to say that I'm not convinced. I like to have all my chips in before I jump on a bandwagon, so on this for me the verdict is still out. That being said, I also question and have my doubts that modern Caucasian man's DNA can be traced back to a root ancestor in southern Africa.. As far as my own family tree goes, I know that they came from different parts of Europe ( Scotland, Germany, Italy ) and were definitely not from a long line of Africans or N. American Caucasian indigenous stock.

14words_of_truth & Nechtan, Stormfront.com 11 Comments [7/8/2014 3:28:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101964

The country that is entirely self-sufficient for water, oil, gas and food will be strong and the master of the others but must be aware that it must defend such resources from those who lack them. This is part of the geopolitical power struggle that we see today between the decaying and increasingly deracinated 'west' whose leader is himself a mulatto and the fairly traditional Eurasian east, led by Russia.

The homosexual and the mulatto are seen today in the 'west' as being the ideal human type. "One world", they cry, "one race" and "one sex". This is the vile and poisonous ideology which is masqueraded today as "British values" or "human ethical standards". Well, we reject them! Those countries who do not subscribe to these 'liberal' values find that their 'aid' is suddenly cut off, showing us in stark terms what the real motivation behind world figures such as Cameron and Obama truly is.

Ancient Aryan prophecies warn that racial miscegenation, homosexuality and gender confusion are signs of the current final age in this cycle, the Kali Yuga, the Wolf Age.

Wotans Krieger, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 20 Comments [7/8/2014 3:27:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 101963

If you disagreed with a random petty law in your country, you wouldn't attack the cop for enforcing it! You would go to the federal courts and challenge them! From the top down, not from the bottom up...

In the same sense, the source for the stereotypes of Jews, immigrants, etc. are coming from the TV! Think about it. How much crap do you see on TV that makes you angry? And WHO is running the show behind the scenes! The liberal Jew. That's who. Television, by NATURE, is a liberal beast. It HAS to be. You either please everybody or you go under. Same with politics.


When television starts emitting facts, such as "three youths attacked a young man today" instead of "three black males participated in the beating of a young white male today in what appears to be a racially motivated attack" then you know something is up.

The Jews and behavioral psychologists have been conspiring since the 60's to keep America in line with the help of the boob tube.

If we can't at least present our argument in an adult, civilized fashion, we are doomed. We do that by the creation of our own channel that doesn't cater to foreigners, and states ALL the facts of any event it presents, unapologetically.

"But what about the commercials? No company is going to want to be affiliated with us." I didn't say slander other races. I said present facts. Besides, we have BET (Black Entertainment Television), don't we?

If we allow the stereotype of a "creative, yet historically oppressed" Jew to continue, this will be a never ending loop of insanity. Stop associating the sad piano music with poor, starving African. Stop portraying them as cool in the United States, while the white man is portrayed as the nerd. They're not starving in the United States, and we're not to be mocked just because we are intelligent. Every sitcom on TV makes fun of masculinity. It's become synonymous with "second rate retard" when compared to the average woman, which is nearly always presented as "sensible, intuitive, and commanding". I see many people complaining, but few coming up with suggestions.

This, in my opinion, is our only option, folks.

ringmaster88 , Stormfront 5 Comments [7/8/2014 3:26:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Ultimate Paragon

Quote# 101949

If already exists a Communist Control Act of 1954, why could not be a ZIONIST CONTROL ACT?

Jews, together with “Christian” Zionists and collaborators, have to be radically separated from the State (Congress, Supreme Court, State Department, etc).


We the people, we need to tear down this Menorah from the White House. This will be the sign of America recovering.

All together, UNITE, for a ZIONIST CONTROL ACT!

Mario Herrera Twitter:@norightsforyou?

Mario Herrera, Real Jew News 5 Comments [7/7/2014 3:52:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101947

America is a zombie under the spell of Jews.

It looks like at least 40% of the people (progressives, dullards, and apathetic slurpy drinkers) in zombie America have forgotten the The Declaration of Independence.

All we have to do is remove the cancer and uphold this powerful, living document and shove it in their faces. Just read the following all the time:

It becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth (FREEDOM FROM JEWISH CONTROL Of the NWO), and retake our “certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The Jews are guilty of revoking the above and therefore will receive the justice issued to those guilty of high treason.

Griff, Real Jew News 7 Comments [7/7/2014 3:51:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101928

You are right. After the Soviet Union fell all things of value were sold off to the highest bidder. You, yourself could buy a Mig 29 if you had the cash. The Jews coveted all major industries, mines, oil facilities, etc. So what did they do? Did they work real hard, keep their noses clean and buy those assets? No. They borrowed the money from friends in Israel and Wall Street and got all those assets for pennies on the dollar, if that. But being Jews, this was not enough. Money itself is not enough for Jews. Jews use money to buy power. Why? Because power guarantees security and more than anything else (after money) Jews crave security. Think of security as the power to keep what they have stolen and you will be on the right track.

Putin. Putin does not hate Jews outright but he knows Jews for what they are, all of their strengths and weaknesses. When the Jews overstepped themselves as they always do, Putin was there to apprehend them and he did just that. But that is not the real story. The real story is the way the Jewish World and especially the Jewish World in Israel and the USA reacted. They accused Putin of being a Nazi, etc. Relations between the US and Russia got worse, a reset was needed. But even that did not satisfy the Israelis. This is because Putin jailed a Yukos Oil Jew after he uncovered a plot to reopen the old Tehran to Haifa oil pipeline built during the Shaw's time. During the Iraq War Cheney and Halliburtion were going to pump the Iraqi oil and let Iraq have the money (according to International law) but charge Iraq for the pipeline built and maintained by Halliburtion. Two American or Western oil companies were to partner with Yukos. Israel, refining in Haifa, was going to keep all the oil they wanted for their military and the rest sold to European markets. One problem, they forgot to get Putin's OK. When Cheney found out about the head Yukos Jew being in jail and the deal down the toilet, he was furious. So started the war between Putin and the Neocons.

The Neocons are so stupid. Once they had pissed Putin off he backed Iran against Israel and made sure the US did not bomb Iran. Putin thwarted the US invasion of Syria for the same reasons. Israel, meanwhile, went crazy as they see Hezbullah, Syria and Iran as far more dangerous enemies than ISIS or Al Quaeda. Israel enlisted its lacky the USA against these forces but to no avail. The American people had finally had enough of fighting Israel's enemies. After all, the previous great threat to Israel was Saddam and America flushed one trillion dollars down the toilet removing Saddam and got no benefit. Only Israel benefited.

So here is the world today: Israel, Saudi Arabia supply ISIS because ISIS will, in their minds, defeat Assad. Israel and the Saudis try to enlist America in this cause but Putin unmasks their attempts at each turn. This is why America is being asked by John McCain and the Neocons as well as Obama and the democratic Neocon Collaborators (Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, etc.) to fund ISIS in Syria but fight ISIS in Iraq. Nobody is going for this. Putin is winning. And since Putin's interests coincide with the majority of American's interests, we are winning against the forces of Zion for the first time.

Mr.Alexi, Stormfront.com 5 Comments [7/7/2014 3:28:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101926

Germans are (or were) the greatest people in the history of earth. The cream of the human crop. Unparalleled in both physical and mental proficiency.

Einstein was smart but you're right. He didn't create anything new. He copied what Ethnic Germans and non-Jewish Germans discovered and made it his own.

Hurin Thalion, Stormfront.com 9 Comments [7/7/2014 3:16:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101918

ha ha typical lib answers, talk to former libs in cal that got robbed, beaten or worse, they sure don't sell that way now. as far as destruction people are waking up and seeing the er of ways look at France may be to late for england, the aa we have here is like a cancer I mean how can you give the 3nd or third best a position of authority without harming your company. It is insane, they say it's due to racism but honestly like the dela in boston none of them could pass the test yet got the jobs and even over the handicapped white guy. Look at that town in New York where Holder forced them by suing to give the jobs to the applicants that could even score a 60 on a test. That city had to spend $600 grand for some company to come in and fix the tests so idiots could pass it. That's smart
Eric have half wits running around with guns and in authority, sounds like reconstruction days again.

But sadly it is all over as they have had the media control to brow beat you, but not country or company can survive by putting less qualified and people who don't' have a clue into positions all it does in bring the quality down. granted countries that were forced to do this like South Africa, well their capital is the murder capital of the world the South Afrikaners just have their own private army and control of the nukes and let the rest kill each other that's what the libs wanted and they got it sad.. It's sad as many minorities do want to just live but when you live in an area where there is not law hey who you going to support in the open.

sadly FBI stats show how they attack and harm each other and others. You can look at this it's interesting that of the close to million interracial assaults 95% were one race on all the others and it wasn't whites.

It's like the colleges here and junior colleges 95% are going on grants and it's a waste as they could be taught a trade they can use. Why is obama wanting everyone to go to school, other than to have the banks loan the cash, when there are no jobs, other than keeping unemployment down. We know what can happen wiki jamie gorelick she was in on the housing market deal and in the justice department creating the wall and would not allow fbi to go into that guys computer which had all the info on 911 and barry wanted her to be head of fbi, once again the evil Republicans democrat shot his deal down. LOL

Pat Buchanan wrote a book about this 12 years ago and he is right, before long the boat will start ti sink. We need to clam up and sort out things now. but first get rid of this administration that doesn't follow the law and is openly biased.

Too bad the creators of ows have a different agenda as they could join and should have already with tea Party to make more of a difference, but trust fun babies are a different breed. Not sure if trollin (g) or serious but it doesn't matter facts are facts. lOL Have a great 2011!

RJ, Yahoo Answers 9 Comments [7/6/2014 2:51:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 101917

To all the members of this forum: Thank you!!!! I have learnt so much about the dark hands behind the curtain of manipulation that is plaguing America today. I have never felt so liberated than when I realized that Jews are the real cause of all the terrible experiences that have happened to me through my modelling career.

I now truly understand why, even though white women are undeniably the most beautiful humans aesthetically (tho whether other races can be properly classified as human is like open to discussion imo), we are being pushed out of magazines and ads at an alarming rate. It is because the Jewish propaganda machine wants to push their multicult mentality on us by hailing these mongrels as "edgy" and "hip". But most importantly, Jews want to control the males of our population through one big thing: SEX.

Our sex obsessed culture is what is really bringing us down, pushed by the Jewish media machine. This machine exploits the basic male desire to have sex. Once white men accept mongrel or non white women as "sexy", then they become so much more easy to manipulate because you can market anything or any stupid idea to them through this method.

But I wanna tell every white man who visits this board:


Having worked in the fashion industry for quite a few years let me tell you the truth: White women are the only ones who don't need a ton of airbrushing and make up to look beautiful in fashion shoots. Non whites and mixed women are always buried under a mountain of powder and foundation to - guess what? Look WHITER. That's right. Underneath white liberal male's supposed hots for "ethnic" women, still lies the REAL desire for WHITE WOMEN. But this desire is being warped and twisted by JEWS to make you think that this beauty is something non-whites share. Well guess what, it's NOT.

If you are still a real white man, then own up to yourself that you actually LOVE WHITE WOMEN. You want to breed with us. You want to preserve and love us. You want to make America great and white again.

Feel free to argue with me, I'm up for it cos I've done it a million times with my ex 'friends', liberal douchebags.

Osten, Stormfront.com 12 Comments [7/6/2014 2:51:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101818

There is such a fundamental difference between Whites and absolutely everybody else, it's easy to believe that the White race came originally from some other part of space. There's a lot of archaeological evidence around the world showing the work of very advanced societies that simply disappeared and none of those races occupying those areas now, or for centuries, could ever have accomplished any of it.

Heading for space and wherever that home used to be may turn out to be our best option one day. Maybe that has something to do with why our present Administration in the USA is pulling all the money out of space programs: because non-whites couldn't it. But there's a more sinister aspect to that: non-whites don't really want any of us to 'escape;' they want to kill us all. I have for decades held the private belief that if we don't deal with them once and for all, starting with those infesting our own countries, we shall be prevented from taking off anywhere ever again. What non-whites cannot do, they don't really want anybody else doing it either. We'd better work fast and find a way to 'phone home.'

ApricotMallow, Stormfront.com 7 Comments [7/6/2014 2:36:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101779

Possible European White State Proposal
This is my possible proposal that I hope to see fulfilled one day if our nations continue to ethnically cleanse us and our numbers decrease. This proposal is entirely possible to achieve.

This proposal is modeled after how the Jewish state was created which was through Jews all over the world converging on Palestine with guns and conquering the land even though it was still under the control of Britain. This proposal is also inspired by the ISIS who hopes to achieve a Sunni Nationalist Islamic state.

I'd like to state that our enemies have gotten control of all major media outlets. They control the educational system in which they indoctrinate our people whether it be through public schools or colleges. This is why intellectuals tend to lean toward Liberalism. I should know, I am still in High School and have been very observant of the school curriculum. This also explains why your children often lean toward Liberal beliefs. The Liberal Leftist who are the enemies of our people, who are socially backwards are misguided and deceived. You know the same phrases, the same propaganda methods they use that have destroyed our nations, and deceived our people into embracing their own self destruction.

That is why I am proposing this idea for a possible new nation in a relative empty but fertile land. The land in the western world is infertile to growing white nationalist beliefs that is why we must find a new land for our ideology or else rick being destroyed. I know some of you hope that the tide will change in the future, but I tell you by then it will be too late. Some of you might be unwilling since you are deeply connected to your land but I urge you to consider this proposal.

In the far East of Russia, North of the nation of Japan there is an island under the control of Russia. It is named Sakhalin Island. It's a rather large island with very fertile land. Though as there are so few people living there(under 1 million, compared that to Japan which is about the same size with a population of 130 million) the land is quite under-developed. Which I think works in our favor. I believe Russia if we converge on the island and occupy it we might be able to negotiate independence from Russia. Our ideology and Russia share something in common that Putin and Russia emphasizes, that is we share a common enemy. The ideological beliefs of the western world. The same beliefs that Russia and Russian people have often showed their disgust for and the main reasons why Russia passed the anti-gay propaganda law. In addition, I don't think Russia would want bloodshed. I imagine there would be millions of us and do not think Russia would be willingly to start a war to eliminate millions of people. I think the UN would be critical as well even though we are nationalist.

The Sakhalin Island:

If our people, politically those who are nationalist oriented, continue to be pushed and ethnically cleansed I recommend this idea as a last resort. If this is successful we will be able to finally secure a homeland for our children, and a nation where we can free from persecution, united in brotherhood.

Here is pictures of the Sakhalin Land and it's geographically, a place where our people can feel at home. Where we can build in peace.


I propose this plan because many of you do not know the beliefs of the youth. They are very Liberal oriented, they are brainwashed. If we do not initiate proposals and plans like these our people will face certain destruction.

MenacetoSociety, Stormfront.com 15 Comments [7/6/2014 2:36:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101896

Thank to all of you for your wonderful support over the years!

I will have have a bit of a special show today on my 64th Birthday (how the time passes!) share some of things I've learned over the years, and talk about the future of our Movement.

You can connect up to the show live over the internet or if you have a cell phone, you can conveniently call the network number at 11 Am eastern time and listen to the show right over your cell phone wherever you are.

Thanks again, and I hope your are as excited as I am about the new full-color, Illustrated Protocols of Zion that is close to printing. We still must raise some significant funds, before we give the printing go ahead but I think that this new book will be the most convincing, motivating book in existence exposing the ultimate threat to European Mankind and indeed every people on Earth.

The only path to the preservation of our people is the overthrowing the Jewish extremist tyranny over the governments, media, banking and ultimately expunging their poisons from the hearts and minds of our people.

Without that victory, no other lasting victory is truly possible. When our people understand that simply truth, we will be on our way to not only our survival and freedom, but to the stars!


Dr. David Duke

David Duke, Stormfront.com 4 Comments [7/6/2014 2:14:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101881

Anyway, libertarianism does nothing to preserve the white race, so it's just more degenerate genocidal anti-white jew garbage.

Peace Through Stormfront, Stormfront.com 6 Comments [7/5/2014 4:39:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101880

We have made a genuine effort to understand Jews, their value system and their religion by inviting them to provide expert opinion on peculiar aspects of Jewish culture that we don’t seem to be able to understand.

But ladies and gentlemen—they wouldn’t talk!

Meanwhile, we came up with another question: Why do Jewish religious texts and holidays often glorify massacres of the innocent?

The Passover celebrates murder of every firstborn son in Egypt, from Pharaoh’s, to that of the female slave and even cattle! Except, of course, Jewish first-born sons, who were “passed over”.

What kind of people would murder children and then elevate that horrible act into one of their biggest holidays?

When they conquered Canaanite towns and cities, such as Jericho, Jews murdered every human being, men, women and children, including their cattle. Then they bragged about it in the Torah!

Murdering goyim children comes completely natural to Jews!

In the Massacre of the Innocent, Jewish King Herod ordered the execution of all young boys in the vicinity of Bethlehem, so as to avoid the loss of his throne to a newborn King. If an opportunity presents itself, Jews will murder [and, of course, ritually rape] their own children too!

Purim celebrates the murder of Haman and his sons. Traditional holiday food consists of pastries in the shape of Haman’s ears [Hamantaschen or Oznei Haman]. Does that seem normal to you?

white_usa_, Stormfront.com 9 Comments [7/5/2014 4:38:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101875

You are part of a tribe of racist fanatics who created words that separate every human being on the face of the planet from your tribe by comparing them to creepy crawly creatures who were placed on Earth to be your slaves.
When this is pointed out, the typically reaction is to cringe in sudden indignation.
You fiegn surprise that such lowly beasts possess the intelect to discover your hatred for them as if your pseudo cleverness is enough to keep it concealed.
One thing a jew can't do with a straight face is to accuse others of bigotry and racial bias.
You are a jew, your religious teachings dictate your contempt for all outsiders.
At least the other races hate out of personal experience with individuals.
They haven't been instructed by Holy teachers to be racially motivated paranoid bigots.

eyzwydopen, Stormfront.com 8 Comments [7/5/2014 4:33:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101870

I think we are to the point where they need to start paying us back. They didn’t suffer slavery and we aren’t the slavers. Those were different times. Their own people started slave trading before the white man ever did. Get over it, stop whining, act respectable and stop being wienie babies in the name of greed.

jsanders2001, Free Republic 6 Comments [7/5/2014 4:31:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 101863

(NOTE: Part of a larger post)

The pillars of the pro-White cause... here's my take:

1) The uncompromising preservation of racially White societies, which exclude all other races, within the current territories currently recognized as White nations:
All of Europe (includes Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia), Siberia, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and southern Brazil. Further additions once "clean-ups" are done can include Anatolia and Eastern Thrace (today's Turkey) for the Greeks, and Kazakhstan for the Russians.

This principle tells a very important message: NO FALLING BACK. No "Pacific Northwest", no "permanently abandoning big cities to the non-Whites", no... all our territory is inalienable.

2) The uncompromising preservation of the White family as the only acceptable social unit just above the individual. That means that the ONLY valid definition of a White family = father, mother and children. Of course re-built families can exist, and single mothers are to be helped by their fellow White citizens since, frankly, **** happens and not all couples work out, but those are normal happenings. ]

2.1.) Based on the definitions of principle 2, the condemnation of White folks who DECIDE not to have children at all for financial or social advantages, and the taxation of those people as social punishment ("They want to avoid having kids so they can make a lot of money, we'll take that money surplus and a bit more").

2.2.) Based on the definitions of principle 2, the condemnation and total exclusion of all people who declare themselves or act like faggots, lesbians or other deviants such as "transgenders", "transsexuals", "transvestites", and others who can be regrouped in the category of transformers. The physical annihilation of all pro-fag groups, marches, parades, clubs and other gathering places and lobbies. The exile or execution of repeat offenders.

3) The principle of religious tolerance within the bounds of traditionally White culture. Christianity in all its forms (except "Judeo-Christianity"), original European paganism (Roman, Greek, Slavic, Celtic/Druidic, Germanic, Dacian, etc.), various Eastern beliefs which stem from original White civilizations and are personal in nature (Vedic/Hindu beliefs, Buddhism), and finally Agnosticism/Atheism.

3.1) As a counterpart to point 3, the uncompromising rejection of all invasive non-White religions and lifestyles, all financial scams disguised as religions, and various cults which seek to suppress an individual's position in White society. Examples of proscribed religions & pseudo-religions include Islam, Judaism, Judeo-Christianity, Scientology, and various suicidal and/or personality cult groups.

4) The establishment of an economic system based on White self-sufficiency. By this I mean Whites trading with other Whites and being independent of the non-White world in all except a few secondary resources. By secondary resources I mean diamonds, cocoa, coffee, some spices, which can be obtained though very limited trading with a few non-White nations.

4.1) As a counterpart to point 4, the condemnation and arrest of all those guilty of destroying White economies for their own personal profit, by practicing outsourcing and other treasonous actions guided only be greed.

5) The creation of societies in which every adult individual who has finished his studies/training works for a living, cannot depend on the state for hand-outs, and is a member of a whole greater than himself. The preservation of individual responsibilities, but balanced with collective duties and the creation of a true sense of community, where all help those whom fate has hurt in one way or another (for example, if your house burns down, we all get together and work to rebuild it).

6) The elimination of the stagnant dinosaur that is socialist bureaucracy, and its criminal counterpart, crooked workers' unions and student associations. The replacement of such a system with a much leaner White government based on providing high-quality services to the population, maintaining infrastructure, protecting the borders, giving an economic nudge in this or that direction if necessary, and encouraging research and technological innovation.

I may have missed things, so please, everyone, contribute and give ideas.

Gilamut, Stormfront.com 11 Comments [7/5/2014 4:25:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN
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