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Quote# 102913

Obastard's deep psychosis is obvious to anyone whose lips are not cyanoacrylically bonded to the Magic Niqqer's ass cheeks. He is quite literally insane. Narcissism and megalomania are not leadership qualities. He needs to be deposed and institutionalized for the sake of America.

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 12 Comments [8/24/2014 7:01:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 102911

More thoughts for us White people.

It is not just enough to work with and socialize only with White people, which is what I do, but I won't even talk to non-Whites.

When I get that Indian accent on the phone (Cow, not Buffalo) I either hang up or get racial with them. I mimic the stupid way they talk. That rat-a-tat-tat chopped up English, if you can call it English.

It's funny that they give themselves British names. "Hel-oh, this is William Argyl Harrington. How may I help yooou?"

They ALWAYS get my last name wrong and I have to say it over and over the them. Even these talented 12% of their population (I give them 2% over the Negro, their darkie cousins) can't remember my simple ENGLISH name.

Then the phone call really goes to hell since I call them by a real Indian (Curry, not Tobacco) name like Punjab or Neru or Ghandi. That really gets them pissed since they, like the negro, want to be White and can't stand being brown skinned little ground monkeys. They think if they have a fake British phone-name, Ashley, Madison, or Elizabeth, then they can play-act being a White Woman while on the phone. It must be hell - not being White.

Sick bunch of mud people, aren't they?

Here is a recent example for me. I keep getting junk mail from my bank to refinance my home. The junk mail has the same name every month that I get one and it has the name Jennifer XXXXX. So, I finally decide to visit this person, while driving by the bank, and what do I find? A f'n Indian lady (mango, not maze). I smile (force it) and don't bother setting up a time for any meeting. I refuse to do business with somebody inferior to me.

Centurion, Stuff black people dont likw 18 Comments [8/24/2014 7:00:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 102897

For what little good it does, I just called my DC representative's office and gave them some thoughts on the Ferguson shooting.

1. It's a mass media feeding frenzy.

2. Where's the mass media when Whites get murdered by Blacks?

2. Who owns the mass media?

3. It ain't the Eskimos.

4. Divide and conquer.

If enough of us start calling in, at least the Jews will start having to shell out more shekels to buy their loyalty.

Citizenfitz, Real Jew News 7 Comments [8/23/2014 3:39:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102894

It's time for the White Gentiles along with non-white gentiles to come together and take back the "Jewified" countries before more innocent lives are destroyed and/or lost all over the world.

All Jews must be restricted from journalism and ownership of any type of media. A 2-3 % share would be apropos.

This would become the foundational process to begin to heal America - as a similar tactic could be applied to Government, Finance, Education etc.

The Jews have gone too far. 2500+ years of this crap and we still haven't learned. It is time for "110 and that's the end." America is the new "Wiemar Republic" only on a "grander scale" and this is unacceptable.

After dealing with the "media" issue, Usury must be abolished and the ill-gotten wealth of all the Jews (and their Shabbos Goy partners) confiscated and returned to the people.

I figure that over $5,000,000 has been "stolen" from my family alone in the past 100 years, since the inception of the FED. This number is in today's dollars and is on the "low end" - it could be as high as $15,000,000. These are staggering figures.

Our world could be heaven but the antithetical Jew has made it hell. They are surely the spawn of the Devil.

Why doesn't the "little Jew" speak up? For they are but pawns and they are blind and their conscience won't let them, it's in "their blood."

What a shame!

They are surely different (in their thought process, brain process - 180 degrees opposite) than Caucasians. The Blacks must wake up too and realize the damage that has been inflicted upon their race by the wily Jew.

The Chosen Ones, Real Jew News 6 Comments [8/23/2014 3:38:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102884

After murdering 50,000,000 American babies by abortion, we now have 50,000,000 illegal foreigners coming into our country to make up the missing workforce. Unfortunately, they are so poor that they're also eating with our food stamps, saturating our hurting schools with non-English-speaking students, living in free Section-8 housing, are getting promoted over citizen's kids because of racial profiling, are bankrupting our hospitals and then blame American citizens for all their problems.

So what we have here are foreigners illegally sneaking into America without any honor, milking the system to rob legitimate hard working American citizens via welfare payouts, committing one-third of all crimes in the U.S., and then blaming America's citizens for their homeland's problems. Talk about ungrateful. I'm tired of hearing paid off stooges like Sean Hannity say that Americans won't do the work which illegals are willing to do. The truth of the matter is that American citizens can't survive on $2 an hour. We do you think 10-20 illegals pile together in rented apartments? That's the only way they can survive. And what do they do with the rest of the money, they buy booze, booze and more booze. Not all of them; but a majority of the Hispanic immigrants in America that I've seen are drunks. We have lost our country. There is no border. No language. No honor. No culture. No class. No morals. No economy. No jobs. No government. Sad!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 5 Comments [8/23/2014 3:33:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102878

[On Pat Buchanan article "Is Ferguson Our Future?"]

Of course this is our future.....and it's only going to get worse. The fragmentation of the country, our communities is accelerating and there's no slowing it down. I don't look at these rioters as people or even fellow Americans......I see them as the enemy.

If the day ever comes that the welfare checks stop coming these riots will spill into white neighborhoods, hopefully liberal neighborhoods. It's my deepest hope they get to feel first hand what their policies have wrought.

whiteshark, WND 3 Comments [8/23/2014 3:29:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 102871

First off, I agree that Jews are not white, regardless of how white they look. If you identify as a Jew, you are part of a seperate people with a seperate heritage and seperate interests. Jews have no stake in preserving white civilization. It is not in accordance with their interests.

But many people on this board claim to have something called Jewdar. They believe they can tell a Jew apart from a white gentile in all cases. I do not think it helps our cause to make false and hyperbolic statements so I am gonna call BS on this.

Of course many Jews do embody the stereotypical Jew image. Big curved nose, Jewfro hair, long thin faces, et cetera. But what about those who do not embody this image?

Does anyone on this board honestly, without any BS, claim that they could identify Robert Downey Jr or Gwyneth Paltrow as Jews if they were not specifically informed of their Jewish identity?

Admit it, Jewdar is BS. There are a considerable number of Jews, maybe a minority, maybe only 10 to 30 percent, but still a considerable number, who look so much like us that they are indistinguishable in terms of sheer appearance. After all, the goal of the Jew is largely to blend into society while maintaining a seperate identity. If they were sucessfully blending in, they would have to look like us. Many of them have suceeded.

I do not get how it helps our cause to maintain the myth that some of us have a magical Jewdar power in which they can tell even the most white-looking Jew apart from a true European white gentile. I call BS on this.

Abstrakt, Stormfront.com 9 Comments [8/22/2014 3:20:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102870

(NOTE:One guy asked why they support racial separatism. This is one of responses.)

It's painfully obvious.

A human being lives at one place at one time. He or she does not inhabit the entire world. Rather, almost all humans live their entire lives within a few miles of one spot. When they do migrate, they proceed to live the remainders of their lives within a few miles of the new spot. Each of us inhabits a bit of land on the Earth.

If you live on the land -- as settled, civilized men have done for millennia -- you have a "home land" where is situated your home on the land. All around you are your close and distant relatives, who descend from the same stock, migrate to the same region, and settle on the same land. Your neighbors form a natural, biological community of humans. This biological unit undergoes evolution to adapt to the local climate. Each of us cohabits a region of land with our kith and kin.

You don't have a "home land" if you don't live on the land. White people were thrown off the land over the last few centuries of mercantile capitalism. White children became a genetically impure mishmash of wandering jews and gypsies. Our neighbors are, at the very least, of similar crossbreeds of different varieties of Homo Sapiens Europeanus, if not from completely different subspecies altogether. We have no homeland to return to -- if for no other reason, we each have recent ancestors from many different home lands. The modern upheaval of whole populations causes each of us to be dispossessed of our homelands and every other physical, biological, and cultural artifact of our heritage. The fundamentals of human community are completely overturned by the society of money.

Uprooted by one after another ancient to modern regime, landless family lines either acquire a home or drift willy-nilly over the generations until they perish. However, as with packs of wild dogs, no one wants them to reproduce with their purebreds. The more any individual is mixed, the more that individual is shunned. Mixed individuals grow up to see their only hope in using money to gain advantage -- to further destroy human community and dance over its grave. Loose associations of mongrel hominids roaming the Earth are an extreme danger to civilized man.

The solution for whites is crystal clear: expel nonwhites from our midst, return to the land, and stop using the sword-substitute of money that destroys whomever it touches. After some dozens or hundreds of generations, we will again adapt to the local climates we inhabit. We will regain a reproductive and socioeconomic advantage over the far-away nonwhites. Whites will again be extremely difficult to defeat and uproot from our homes and lands.

All white is all right, Stormfront.com 7 Comments [8/22/2014 3:15:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102859

Very few non-Jews get to be billionaires these days. Jews conspire to take over companies e.g. as they took over the New York Times by first boycotting advertising.

If a non-Jew gets that far, they realise that they have to bow to Jew power. Look at Bill Gates. He got f*cked by the EU (Jew controlled and created by Jews) until he bent over, said he would give away all his wealth (to Jew causes) and started to spend his time with Jew lover Warren Buffet. Now the EU don't bother him.

Mr Punch, Stormfront.com 5 Comments [8/22/2014 3:10:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102858

Will the black community ever take responsibility for their own problems?

I know you libs will call me racist but I'm not! One of my friends is black and I want to fix the black community.
The black community always blames white people for their problems! Drug issues in the black community? It must be whitie's fault! So they go beat up a white person. Also it is worth pointing out that the black community embraces the disgusting "music" style called "rap" which encourages drugs, violence, sex and violence against whites.
Blacks overwhelmingly voted for Obama soley because of his race. They think he's their homie. The average black is on welfare, has no job and has a 8th grade education. That is just sad. The black community needs to admit that de honkiez aren't responsible for their own issues and admit that Obama isn't their homie and reject rap music. Who agrees?

Kaykay, Yahoo! Answers 7 Comments [8/22/2014 3:10:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Juicifur

Quote# 102855

Close your eyes…

Could you imagine if traditionalist whites adopted some of the tactics of ghetto blacks? A martial people, over-represented in the military and law enforcement, skilled in the use of firearms. Imagine what organized bands of such people could accomplish when engaged in civil disobedience. They could easily take control of vital economic choke points (energy, agriculture, transport), and shut down the Economy. They could infiltrate and neutralize the the military. Pursuing their own interests, they could bend the federal government to their whims, and carve out a space of their own…

You can’t? Well, neither can I. Brazil is the best case scenario, Zimbabwe the worst.

northern refugee, The Kakistocracy 10 Comments [8/21/2014 3:31:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 102853

Organized cheating on academic tests takes place all the time in Asian countries; accounts of wholesale cheating in China have received mainstream press attention, but it’s common throughout the region. The most common methodology involves students using mobile phones or small radio transceivers with earpieces to get test answers from someone located nearby who has copies of the tests, stolen or obtained through bribery from teachers and school administrators.

In the few instances in which teachers try to stop students from cheating (probably because the parents in question hadn’t paid the requisite bribes, or because the local government feels the need to make an example due to press mentions of rampant cheating in their areas), there’s generally a bad reaction from parents.

Note that parents are saying, “We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat.” In Asian societies, where parents routinely are expected to pay bribes to school administrators and teachers in order to ensure that their children are admitted to schools, and that they receive passing grades, this sort of perverse logic is actually valid, within that context.

My guess is that a substantial number of the children involved in this cheating scandal are Asian, and that their families knew or suspected that the ‘tutor’ they hired planned on employing the same kind of espionage-like methods to ensure that their children received passing grades. Cheating amongst Asian students in the United States is widespread, and is a reflection of their cultural values. (See here, here and here.)

The fact that the parents of a child implicated in the scandal above lawyered up, instead of shaming their child into coming clean, suggests to me that this family is Asian. My parents would have forced me to confess and to take the consequences of my actions, had I done such a thing; when I explain that to Asians, at first they don’t believe me, and then when I persist, they think my parents must have been crazy, as they themselves would do anything and everything to protect a family member from the consequences of his actions for any crime up to and including murder.

Anti-Globalist, The Thinking Housewife 3 Comments [8/21/2014 3:29:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102848

One must understand that Negroids (anthropological terminology, but you can call me racist if it makes you feel better) have always been used as biological weapons of mass destruction against White societies.

Die Juden are kicking their long running programs into high gear right now as they are highly anxious to usher in their end game scenarios.

The Blacks and other third world invaders are going to play a major role in the final take down of Western White traditional culture and existence.

This and the IDF Talmudically trained militarized police forces increasingly supervised by Jew-run Homoland Security provide a combo plate appetizer the main course of chaos and marshal law.

The above thoughts are addressed in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

International Jewry has formulated a two front biological attack. While Negroidal criminal behavior is nurtured and encouraged by Jewry, they have been simultaneously inculcating miscegenation into their politically correct agendas upon White societies.

This has been building steam since the mid to late 60s, but Jewry has kicked the race mixing agenda into high gear within the last ten years. One can now see the "fruit" of this Talmudically designed agenda every time one ventures out into public places in Jewmerica. It is especially noticeable whenever one turns on the talmudvision set.

The Elder of Zyklon-B, Real Jew News 9 Comments [8/21/2014 3:28:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102846

[This is in response to an article on the shooting of Michael Brown.]

It's apparent that the Khazars want some kind of race war and for everyone to start shooting at each other or shooting at the cops so they can clamp down, declare martial law and confiscate all guns.

The Jews know they can't take peoples' guns without a good excuse, so they're trying desperately to embellish or manufacture one in their MSM press.

Until they get all the guns they also know they can't take over the country and round everyone up.

Chris, Real Jew News 6 Comments [8/21/2014 3:28:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102841

We recently discussed the notion that only the rich wield influence over the geography of America’s policy direction. As events in Missouri amply display, that’s not entirely true. So untrue that perhaps the earlier thesis requires what should now be the standard disclaimer for all societal analysis: who/whom supersedes all prior contentions. Poor and middle class whites are ignored utterly by policy makers. Destitute, economically parasitic blacks…are not.

And why this is so could not be more obvious. When whites are ignored, they grumble sotto voce and are then subsequently fired for racism when a liberal howler monkey overhears. When blacks are ignored, skulls fracture, goods flee their aisles, black panthers supplant city officials at the podium, buildings spontaneously combust, and whites are investigated for “civil rights” infractions. The “if then” equations are so rudimentary that even most politicians can understand: keep blacks placated at all costs. This, unfortunately, being a solution with finite capacity, though infinite demand.

And, as in all other aspects of life, conservatives stumble along 18 moves behind their opponents. How many times I have read now complaints that “blacks say nothing about blacks killing other blacks!” Of course they say nothing about it, you flighty flag wavers. Whatever they do among themselves, you may not harm a black regardless of circumstance. *They, of course, do not hold themselves to a reciprocal standard. Unlike you, they care not a whit about some disintegrating parchment in the National Archives. They understand the Law of Rule implicitly. They are neither constitutionalists nor colorblind. They are openly, unapologetically racist. They have no qualms chanting for your death. And despite suffering a significant IQ deficit, they are unceremoniously kicking your ass around and off the planet. As I have asserted before, natural selection favors not the smartest or strongest–but the least delusional. And delusion seems to be our civilization’s chief export in this terminal stage.

And so where will this proceed? Obviously law enforcement officers are going to grow wary to the point of refusal in confronting recalcitrant black criminals. Who would do otherwise? The Ferguson police officer faces not career, but life ruination. This will be a lesson well remembered. I would imagine many future scenes of blacks looting businesses at their leisure as police wheel about, sirens blazing, to arrest the white jaywalker across the street. We will have two-tier law enforcement as rigid as our university matriculation standards.

What can be learned? Whites are going to have to stand up for something beyond their favorite all-black football team. The confrontation at the Bundy Ranch might prove to be a useful model. Be loud, be public, don’t back down, and above all record everything. Of course any agitators will be forced to endure the most lethal ordnance in society’s quiver–being called racist. And everything will depend upon their capacity to weather such a fusillade of crippling barbs from implacable enemies. Perhaps in this they can take heart, counsel, and several cases of filched beer, from the Ferguson protestors.

The Administration, The Kakistocracy 4 Comments [8/21/2014 3:26:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 102836

Islamic-Jewish Unity – Muslims agree to be buried with Evil Rotten Baby-Killing Jews

Muslims portray their doctrine as a complete all-encompassing ‘Weltanschauung’ having all the answers to all the problems. Muslims don’t even regard Jews to be a race, and accept Jews who convert. The Jewish Problem can never be solved if the racial reality is denied.

Islamic leaders even demand to be buried in the same ground as Jews… JEWS! If soil has been defiled by the disgusting vile corpses of members of the depraved Jewish race, that soil must be incinerated or cast into the surface of the Sun. Even after all Jews have been destroyed in the future cleansing, we must make sure that all Jewish DNA is completely eradicated. Otherwise, some evil scientist might get the idea of bringing Jews back to life through cloning using filthy Jew chromosomes from some dead Jew cadaver. If we allow that to happen, we will be back in square one.

CrushZion, Crush Zion! 10 Comments [8/21/2014 3:21:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 102833

The Eloi tax
Lion of the Blogosphere wishes Lawrence Auster were still around to comment on the fourteen-year old youth who slashed his 24-year old math teacher's throat and dumped her body in the woods.

Lion doesn't exactly recall how Lawrence Auster used to refer to these sorts of crimes but I do. He called these cases the Eloi tax, a tax "paid by liberals living under liberal rule who are so naive (or so deeply ideologically committed) as to take their liberalism straight. Meaning that they neglect to make unprincipled exceptions for themselves in order to protect themselves from the dreadful personal consequences of liberalism consistently applied." ("Eloi" were the hapless human prey from H.G. Wells's novella The Time Machine).

Thus, devout, idealistic Colleen Ritzer asks her hulking fourteen-year old student to stay after class for remedial help. After all, what harm could possibly result from being alone in a large, empty building with a bigger, stronger Dominican* male--how dare you even think such thoughts, you evil racist.

Pattern recognition evolved as a skill set over thousands of years to enable humans and other animals to assess and avoid threats based on limited information. A woman should have all sorts of alarm bells going off inside her head about being alone with a much bigger and stronger male with demonstrably low IQ and high T (fourteen and 6' 2"?).

Unfortunately, pattern recognition was educated right out of Miss Ritzer's head so she won't be passing on her genes.

* - Phillip Chism appears to be of mixed white-Dominican parentage.

The Anti-Gnostic, The Anti-Gnostic 4 Comments [8/21/2014 3:20:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 102823

With the World Cup now resolved to its final, there’s hardly an athletic event to pique my interest until the 2017 Maccabiah Games. Though one imagines by that breathless summer all American residential structures will be designated as public accommodations, and thus subject to the wise progressions of Latina jurisprudence.

So I anticipate the pleasant trill of mariachi music emanating from the penumbras of my east wing, where seven formerly itinerant families from Guadalajara will have taken root. Those dulcet tones will offer a compelling score for those dramatic moments when my public accommodation–or heretofore “home”–is disturbed by peals of Spanish braying. This a nightly occurrence when the pregnant teenaged daughter of my neighbor/roommates is visited by her boyfriend, recently invigorated by MS-13 induction and a pint of 10-peso mescal. Of course tempers will tend to flare in the unairconditioned summers of rolling brown-outs. And so how refreshing in contrast will be the cool stainless steel of his revolver as it is used mischievously to wipe the nervous grease from my gringo brow.

But I’ve gotten a bit ahead of myself.

Let’s talk about the freedom of association. It would seem fundamental to any raft of liberties that a man could select his own associations by whimsy. Who one chooses to lavish with their presence is hardly a matter requiring explanation, unless it is to spouse or God. But this is modern America, and it has been a long time since you heard someone of sober mind say earnestly, “It’s a free country.”

So it’s strange to imagine that what must have been so obvious as to not warrant mention wasn’t actually developed as explicit legal doctrine in America until the 1950s. This as an appeasement to black agitations for self-organization–or something like that . What emerged from the cases put before our most eminent tribunal is that people do have a right to organize and join associations of like-minded others.

That seems reasonable. So a group of men can create a formal association, establish membership parameters of their choosing, police those boundaries stringently, and refuse entry or interaction with those outside these boundaries. No, don’t be ridiculous. That’s discrimination, and it’s illegal. See freedom of association means you may associate with (for example) blacks, browns, yellows, and taupe. Non-discrimination means you will associate with them. That’s what freedom is all about: helping you make difficult decisions. Though if you remain unconvinced that certain non-associations are impermissible, just try to establish an organization for jews, blacks, amerinds, or asians only. Well, perhaps that’s not the best example.

Though now that we understand some working concepts, who is familiar with the Freedom of Association in Westchester County, New York? Here is one article. And here is another. Basically, a county took the Faustian bargain of federal handouts and subsequently learned that their tree-lined residential suburbs didn’t feature nearly enough low rent apartments and Section 8 gunfire. Uh-oh.

According to the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD, contemptuously) Westchester county does have its rights. It has the right to spend at least $51 million dollars to build 750 units of housing for lower income people in 31 so-called eligible or mostly white communities by the end of 2016. We all understand to whom “lower income” euphemistically refers. Though stipulating that these units will specifically be targeting “mostly white communities” is quite a stark fang baring from the government. Not only will you build them housing, you’ll build it right beside you.

And there it is: forced integration, busing for after school…and you pay the bill. This is dispossession at the personal level. It is a once flaccid totalitarianism becoming pleasantly engorged. It is taking your community, your home value, and your social capital and shitting it out on the sidewalk. Why? Raysis, that’s why. And it will remain why until either a people or the piety that binds them has lost everything.

Though back to 2017…Once HUD has peremptorily rezoned your house as multi-family and an impressive immigrant caravan disgorges its clown-car inventory with housing vouchers in hand, will you recall your freedoms of association? Perhaps an old mariachi tune well help.

The Administration, The Kakistocracy 9 Comments [8/20/2014 2:40:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102822

Now If diversity were inherently good, inherently valuable, inherently wonderful, why would we have to have the highly-paid profession know as 'diversity consultant' to manage it? Things that are inherently good, to enjoy them, or to make the most of them, you don't need a consultant. You don't need a consultant to make the most out of good-tasting food, beautiful weather, the affection of your friends. Those are inherently good things. Diversity required consultants because diversity is hard. Diversity is difficult. It's because it's difficult for people to try to work, to act, and live together with people are are unlike themselves.

Jared Taylor, Goodreads 9 Comments [8/20/2014 2:38:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 102821

*fundie here is trying to pick on leftists by parodying their talking points, or something*

As a follow-on from the previous entry, the Washington Post just reported on more racial violence in Iraq stemming from the Jim Crow policies of the Yazidi hate-group. Excerpts below.

"DAHUK, Iraq — Extremist fighters have killed more than 80 men and detained hundreds of women in a Yazidi village, Yazidis and Kurdish officials said Saturday, offering a reminder that the ancient minority sect is still at risk despite President Obama’s conclusion that the threat had passed for those stranded on Mount Sinjar.

Islamic State militants drove into the village of Kocho, about 15 miles southwest of the town of Sinjar, on Friday, following a week-long siege in which the al-Qaeda inspired group demanded that residents convert to Islam or face death, said the reports, which could not be independently verified.

The men were rounded up and executed, while the women were taken to an undisclosed location, according to Ziad Sinjar, a pesh merga commander based on the edge of Mount Sinjar, citing the accounts of villagers nearby. Six men were injured but survived, and managed to escape to a nearby village where they are being sheltered by sympathetic local Sunni Iraqis, he said. One of them told him that 84 Yazidi men were lined up and shot and that more than 300 women were taken away.

Yazidi activists and Kurdish officials said at least 80 men were killed and hundreds of women taken away after the fighters entered the village shortly after 1 pm on Friday."

Though unnecessary, we should state the obvious: this is how the Fright-Wing noise machine operates. Notice the designation of the ISIS community as “extremist” when it is in fact they who are marginalized in Iraqi society and Yazidis who are the segregationists.

The fact is that Iraq is a large country and sometimes 80 men are put against the wall and shot. These are random youth robberies gone wrong. To even attempt to pin blame on an ISIS community that itself already suffers so much violence is outrageous. We should be thinking of how to end the cycle of poverty that traps these young men in a world without hope. We should be providing education and opportunity to Iraq’s most at-risk.

Suggesting the existence of a “Yazidi knock-out game” serves no purpose other than to perpetuate a hateful racial stereotype that has no place in modern Iraq.

Many in the ISIS community feel the Yazidis don’t even care about them. Aside from discriminatory housing practices, ISIS civil-rights leaders complain that Yazidis routinely pass them over in hiring and promotional opportunities. One glance at the shocking figures of ISIS under representation will quickly validate the assertion.

Instead of inflaming ancient hatreds by rumor mongering of alleged “massacres,” Yazidi leaders should instead be working to integrate the ISIS people and bring them out of the shadows. And that seems to be the greatest struggle of all. Because at this point the Yazidis have not yet learned to be multicultural. That can be a difficult transition for those with ingrained notions of bigotry. But without that transition, the Yazidi people will not survive.

Peace in both Iraq and the Middle East as a whole hinges entirely on the rejection of segregation and an embrace of diversity. It is only when Jew, Alawite, Shia, Yazidi, Sunni, Christian, and Kurd are living house to house and side by side that harmony will finally come to this scarred land.

The Administration, The Kakistocracy 7 Comments [8/20/2014 2:38:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

The "Any Minute Now" Award

Quote# 102816

Someday, maybe soon, white men will rise up and show you why they've dominated the earth for most of history.

For most of you minorities who keep shitting your blackness on us whites, you seem to forget the core of your grievance was that WHITEY IS A BAD MOTHERFUCKER.

Someday soon, we may live up to our heritage, because I am sure fucking tired of being blamed for every other colour's problems in the world.... and if we are such badasses, maybe you shouldn't provoke us so much!

Just a small suggestion.

My sympathy for non-whites is less than zero. You want to anhialate us, quite obviously... do you ever wonder what will happen if we take your threats seriously?

We didn't actually get where we are by accident. Why on earth should we continue to indulge you, those who want us dead? God help you, if we really are as bad of muddafukkers as you clame.

Jeb, Return of Kings 16 Comments [8/20/2014 2:36:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 102810

Jews like to think of themselves as “intelligent way above average,” but their overpresentation on universities can easily be explained by tribal behaviour (Jews only select other Jews for university positions) and creation of absurd images of superior Jewish intellligent people, like the notorious plagiarist Albert Einstein, whos only talent seemed to be to exploit the ideas and talents of others (typical Jewish btw).

Superior Jewish intelligence and culture is just another myth Jews like to believe in.

The constant lying about “Hamas did this to themselves,” and “we only defend ourselves,” where does it end? With the total Jewish armageddon of the entire planet, since all non-Jews are enemies of Jews?

The leader of ISIS is the Jew Elliot Shimon, the Arabic spring was a Mossad operation (like the Bengazi rebellion financed by mossad spy Bernard Henri Levy, etc …).

9-11 was a Mossad operation, so we are all programmed by the Jewish Zionist world to destroy ourselves, brothers against brothers, men against women in cultural destruction, race against race, faith against faith.

The Jews have lots of fun spinning their ultra negative intrigues to defeat all non Jews.

I refuse to be an ignorant and exploited Goy once and for all, I just refuse playing their game, I escape from their web of lies that form a mental prison for all Goys. I am not free yet, since I live in the matrix of brainwashed goys, but it is a matter of time and patience.

Koen, Real Jew News 19 Comments [8/19/2014 3:27:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102808

Who was it that raped and murdered some 40M white Europeans from 1918 - 1949?

Who was it that raped and murdered some 2,000,000 Germans between 1941 - 1945?

Who is it that created the multicultural movement to destroy the White race?



Whether inbred with Europeans or not, the mentality of the Devil resides with the same people it has for several thousand years - well before the Khazarian story ever began.

Close examination of the spirit of biblical Jews - before Khazarian adoption of Judaism - and close examination of the spirit of today's Jews will always draw the same conclusion: they are of the same spirit.

To blame Jewish conduct on so-called Khazarian influence is to deny blatant history. Keep in mind, the Khazarian story is primarily promulgated and circulated by Jews and many choose to believe that all of a sudden - they are telling the truth.

They were liars yesterday, they're liars today, they'll be liars tomorrow - nothing new under the sun.

Kalin, Real Jew News 10 Comments [8/19/2014 3:26:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102807

Jew brainwashing is pervasive. Many people do not seem to be aware that Jews are behind all the "new age" and "neo pagan" garbage, though some are aware they are behind "Satanism" and atheism.

As always, the fake names help to disguise the reality, as with communism, Bolshevism, spiritualism, and a host of other "isms", including Satanism. "Anton LaVey" sounds more exotic than Aaron Levine, doesn't it? Karl Marx sounds more German than Moses Mordechai Levi? John Calvin more innocuous than Jacob Cohen? Etcetera...

Brother Nathanael names the names, which is essential to understanding not only who particularly is in control, but also their M.O.- deception.

Laskarina, Real Jew News 10 Comments [8/19/2014 3:25:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102803

So with supply and demand then, fewer males means females must compete more. More needly and willing females means males don’t need to be as commited or marry. It seems that that would have a negative effect on population numbers.

So queerness really supports the white genocide agenda of the anti-white global elites.

Awareness of the ongoing genocide of white people is an idea whose time has come.

savethechildren, Anatoly Karlin 4 Comments [8/19/2014 3:12:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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