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Quote# 102584

(Why is it Native Americans need help? Are they children?)

Basically yes, where I'm from they're considered welfare queens, drunks, and are well known to take puppies and beat them to death or light them on fire.

Aureolus, Stormfront.com 5 Comments [8/10/2014 3:49:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102570

During the 16 or so hours the students spend in a spiritual drinking game (students must drink every time Ramtha/Knight does), Knight will disparage Catholics, gay people, Mexicans, organic farmers, and Jews.

“Fuck God’s chosen people! I think they have earned enough cash to have paid their way out of the goddamned gas chambers by now,” she says as members of the audience snicker. There are also titters when she declares Mexicans “breed like rabbits” and are “poison,” that all gay men were once Catholic priests, and that organic farmers have questionable hygiene.

J. Z. Knight, Southern Poverty Law Center 3 Comments [8/10/2014 3:46:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 102566

Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks said that the Democratic Party is waging a “war on whites” during an interview with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham Monday.

Brooks, who has been dubbed a member of the “GOP deportation caucus” because of his opposition to the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, was responding to reporter Ron Fournier’s assertion that “the fastest growing voting bloc in this country [Hispanics] thinks the Republican Party hates them” and that the GOP “cannot be the party of the future beyond November, if you’re seen as the party of white people.”

“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party,” Brooks said. “And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else. It’s a part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008. He did it again in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things.”

Even Ingraham was made somewhat uncomfortable by his rherotic, saying “that characterization’s a little out there.”

“That is in effect what they’re doing, though,” he insisted. “That’s the political game they’re playing.”

“I just think that phraseology might not be the best choice,” Ingraham demurred.

Brooks also had some choice words for the Wall Street Journal, who he said need “to get their head screwed on right on this one.” WSJ published an op-ed harshly critical of the GOP on Sunday, warning that “A party whose preoccupation is deporting children is going to alienate many conservatives, never mind minority voters.”

“They need to be Americans,” Brooks shot back. “They need to be patriots. And they need to think about America first, and they need to think about American families first, but that seems to be the furthest thought from their mind.”

He also talked about the difficult week he and some of his fellow Republican congressmen had for opposing Speaker John Boehner’s immigration spending bill, which was so popular that it was withdrawn before it even came to a vote. (RELATED: Little Loved Immigration Bill Withdrawn By GOP)

“Those of us who were voting no under the circumstances–we caught a lot of angst and ire from the other [Republican] members, but that all flipped on Friday once we got a good bill,” he said, referring to the $694 million bill eventually passed by the House, “and all of a sudden the other member of the GOP conference were coming to us en masse and saying ‘you know, you were right, we didn’t realize that what we put out there had so many flaws in it, thank you for doing what you’re doing.’”

“The number one thing about any country is geography,” he said. “You’ve gotta have borders. And if you can’t secure your borders, you don’t have a country.”

Congressman Mo Brooks, dailycaller.com 3 Comments [8/10/2014 3:45:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102565


Native Americans, :DDD they are still trying to twist the story. Native American in most peoples minds equates to Indians. The first Americans (Native Americans) were White!!!

Of course the Indian has European roots. It is the remnant DNA left over from the women they took as slaves when they wiped out the first inhabitants of North America. This 'research' sounds like damage control to make it look like a White genocide didn't happen. Caucasians didn't come here with the Indian that came here weren't mixed blood. They killed off the first Native Americans. Look up the Indian lawsuits, and federal complicity in the destruction of the remains of Kenewick Man to cover their lie. When you find that one a dozen similar stories will be found. All with the Indian seeking to keep the truth from being told.

Now that science has made the truth undeniable, they are trying to confuse it with a half truth.

Oblakhan, Stormfront.com 3 Comments [8/10/2014 3:45:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102555

Exactly what is the racial composition of YOUR neighborhood, Dr. Lyubansky? Enquiring minds want to know. I'll wait, with baited breath, for you to get back to us on that since I look so good in blue! Although, if I could research that zip code, it would not shock me in the least to find that there are very few colorful urban types to "strengthen" your neighborhood through "diversity." That's the way you buttinsky social engineers operate. One rule for thee but not for me. Because you're special! The rules (even those you try to impose on everyone else) just do not apply to people like you!

I believe Benjamin is intelligent enough to know that Whites who move great distances to live in Lily-White enclaves don't like Non-Whites ... or they would live in racially diverse neighborhoods. (That is probably why he calls these areas "Whitopias"). He was sensitive enough to know that he was intruding himself on people who did not want his type around them. Especially Christian Identity which is the most vocal and, in the past, tended to be most violently opposed to having him around. That is why, when he crashed their party, he was probably gratified that they were polite to him rather than taking advantage of all those remote wooded areas to kill him and dispose of the body.

FYI, no matter how much you Miscegenation Maniacs like you love to equate Separatism with Supremacy, the two are vastly different. A separatist wants to love, live, work with, and employ his own. People like this aren't assigning another race an inferior status so they can enslave them. A supremacist philosophy is like a race of people who feel that all other races are inferior to them. They believe God has put them on the planet so they can slaughter, enslave, subjugate and live off of the labor of other races as they see fit. They title themselves things like the Master Race (Germans), the Covenant People (British Israelites). They themselves were inspired by ... surprise, surprise ... THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. Complete with a Messiah who is going to exterminate all gentiles who resist and give over 2,000 slaves to each Jew. Talk about supremacist philosophies, that sounds like a doozy, don't you agree, Dr. Lyubansky? Of course, you don't!

What dismays me more about Benjamin was this weird need of his to chase White people all over hell's half acre to find out where they had gone and what they were doing. Oh, yeah. Living in safe, clean, pleasant neighborhoods and playing golf. Oh, Lord! Clutch the pearls. I guess that means YOU and the other heroes of The Forces of Diversity need to step in and put a stop to allthat, don't you, Dr. Lyubansky?

However, I am mystified why YOU'RE so damned upset that White Christians are separating themselves from other people. Haven't Jewish liberals like you and your propaganda wing that thinly disguises itself as media, entertainment, and education decided that Whites are responsible for every evil in the modern world? Don't you feel better when such people aren't around flaunting their so-called White Privilege? Don't you feel safer that such evil people are staying far, far away from you? This separation anxiety you all seem to be suffering would be touching if it wasn't so damned creepy.

It seems to me that Moses forgot all the stone tablets when he came down to bring the Israelites the commandments of "G-d." He's plainly missed the one that had the following commandment on it:


Clytemnestra, Psychology Today 9 Comments [8/8/2014 3:19:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 102550

(I read a statistic that if there were no abortions in the USA, that there would be twice as many blacks as there currently are. That eliminated any lingering pro-life thoughts I might have had.)

But we're still being overrun, so the solution is the same in either case: We must expel them all and never let them in again. Once they are back in the jungle, I really don't care if they abort every baby they ever have again.

For Whites, however, The real problem with abortion is that it's legal when the fetus is a few weeks old and you don't know anything about them, and ILLEGAL when they reach twenty-five and have turned into a complete criminal libtard without whom the world would be a much better place. You can really tell a lot about liberals by noting that they oppose capital punishment for criminal scum (which is clearly self-preservation based), but have no problem at all with murdering babies. Seriously, I think that speaks volumes about what they really are inside: baby-killers who don't want to be punished for their crimes.

Fading Light, Stormfront.com 7 Comments [8/8/2014 3:16:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102549

Re: Obama Claims "Russia doesn't make anything"

I was trying to think of something smart and witty, but what can a person say when something so stupid is said.

1) he's a politician and politicians are known liars,
2) he's a leftist and lefties are mentally ill
3) he's a negro and negroes aren't smart to begin with, and
4) the media picked it up and the media is ZOGs propaganda organ.

Ekklesiatic, Stormfront.com 10 Comments [8/8/2014 3:16:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102537

My first rant.

I used to cite US foreign policy to blame for the amount of black immigrants in Italy at the moment, but the cinema and now its politics (Obama!?) also appears to have an effect and especially the obnoxious colonisation of the world media by Afro-American RAP.

It sometimes leads me to despair that we will drown in illegal immigration from Africa, South America and Asia. To walk around Milan you would be hard pressed to see a white person anywhere nowadays. And this is northern Italy, a previously Celtic region. The bus, tram and rail systems here are spewing to bursting point with them.

The worse thing about them is their arrogance. Black men automatically think that they indisputably desirable and that women are gullible garbage. I cant count the number of times that I am harassed in one day by black African men. And they do not go away.

There is no law here or anywhere however that will defend the rights of a uni educated white European women with 3000 years of classical history behind her, if she finds the attentions of an illiterate black native still fresh from rubbing camels feaces on his walls, vulgar and offensive and a total violation of her sensibilities. In fact, this is what appears to embellish the black ego. The potency of their ignorance and their potential to disgust, only the possibility that they inspire physical and mental revulsion is beyond their belief system: there is so much black culture on the media, and so many revolting white women (trash) who pander to their sleaze.

The joke is, how do you know a black man has just had sex. His eyes are red from the pepper spray. It is too true. And the threat is very real and no joke.

If booting out Hollywood means booting Hollywood Jews along with the Jiggy-Rap-$-harvesting black vulgarities they rode in, all well and good, and if that includes the gut churning perversion that is Madonna, even better - in fact I may write to Rome and insist on it. If there is one thing that Hollywood appears to approve of, that is black men and white women, Madonnna being the worst Italian traitor to classical culture that I can think of. She is the kind of Hollywood Jew that would kiss any colour of *ss if it meant making more $ for her. (what other type are there?)

Italian culture needs someone to stop it being seriously backended, de-evolved and colonised and wiped out for good. With Bossi in Parliament and what I hope to be a severe and growing discontent with the invasion of our lands and the dessimation of our white Celtic cutural heritage in the North, perhaps there is some hope, .....

DIONYSES, Stormfront.com 4 Comments [8/7/2014 3:05:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102535

My idea has always been to create a database of mudshark women (that anyone can submit info to), in particularly those who actually can defy their sense of sight, smell , and reasoning to fuck niggers. I think we should focus on those who go to other countries to commit bestiality, the "sex tourists", I can guarantee most of these perverts are very embarrassed of what they are doing, but also bringing up so many diseases and AIDS when they have "magical" sodomy with a down syndrome IQ Massai "warrior" .

You'd be shocked at how fast a large portion of white women zoophiles would stop dating negroes. The slight chance of social ostracization or risk of getting hang up calls will set them straight. They don't do this because they want to , the do it out of novelty and because they have a lot of money and are bored. Although the curiosity itself is gross, it would be like getting curious about what a bonobo's pussy feels like.

IF some kike calls it "racist" you can just argue that it has nothing to do with any moral dilemma, but rather is a resource for men since women who partake in this behavior are far more likely to be single mothers, have STD's , and be by and large generally immoral wiggers.

Joe Smith, VNN 6 Comments [8/7/2014 3:05:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 102523

Originally Posted by WhiteStation
Mainstream books point out how everyone across the globe does things better than whites.
The racists teach that whites are inferior to non-whites. They don't teach that non-whites are equal to whites, they teach that non-whites are better.

The facts speak otherwise.

That's why the racists seek to repress any mention of white accomplishments or any sense of white pride.

They use fake accusations of "white supremacy," attribute the accomplishments of whites to non-whites or quash all information and discussion.

We should continue to extoll the accomplishments of white people no matter what anyone says or does to stop it.

Fight the Racists, Stormfront 7 Comments [8/6/2014 3:05:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 102504

[This is the cached version of an article, titled "When Genocide is Permissible", posted and then taken down from The Times of Israel.]

Most of the reports coming from Gazan officials and leaders since the start of this operation have been either largely exaggerated or patently false. The truth is, it's not their fault, falsehood and deceit is part of the very fabric of who they are and that will never change. [...] What other way then is there to deal with an enemy of this nature other than obliterate them completely?

News anchors such as those from CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeera have not missed an opportunity to point out the majority of innocent civilians who have lost their lives as a result of this war. But anyone who lives with rocket launchers installed or terror tunnels burrowed in or around the vicinity of their home cannot be considered an innocent civilian.

Yochanan Gordon, The Times of Israel 11 Comments [8/5/2014 3:17:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102497

(HBD=human biodiversity=race realism)

My journey to the HBD world.

I immigrated to a small town in the Pacific Northwest in late seventies from southern China. The population of my town was mainly white people. Though in retrospect, they were very nice and tried very hard to accept me, I felt a sense of alienation. This alienation went along with the identity politics and equality meme of the democratic party. though I was always a fiscal conservative coming from China where one does not spend money that one does not have.

It was not until I came out to California in the late nineties that opened my eye to a different world. What struck me as odd and puzzling was the division of labor along racial and ethnic lines. The Chinese and the Indians are the engineers. Whites were generally the managers. Vietnamese dominated the hair salon business. The Cambodians were big in doughnut shops. The Sikhs were taking over the hotel and taxi businesses. The other puzzle was the permanent inability of the black people to get out of the slums and the amount of coddling that was given to them by the society in large.

Being an engineer, I can’t help but observed that Asians made up a large share of the engineering staff, but few management were Asian. I initially blamed the glass ceiling for the lack of Asians in management, but then I saw other immigrant groups, such as the Persians which did much better at cracking the “glass ceiling”. The publication of the Bell Curve and the subsequent controversy opened my eye to a different dimension and a different perspective. Then I stumbled on to other HBD type blogs like isteve which opened my eyes further. For the first time, all the puzzles that I had could be explained in a coherent way. Though the HBD theory that I formed still had a lot of question marks.

After reading work by Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn and others, I was able to fill most of the gaps I had on my HBD theory. At the same time, I was saddened to see that the leading civilization in our time, the West, is on a slow road to oblivion. In the U.S., the demographic trend is such that the die has already been cast. Europe is not far behind and hobbled by fragmentation and the flawed concept of a European Union. The impulse to help the weak and disadvantaged, which started off with good intentions, has now veered off into the absurd. The brutal suppression of any HBD discussions (Larry Summers, James Watson) made me realize that even in a supposedly free and democratic society, the media is incredibly managed. The truth is often sacrificed at the altar of dogma. Our public discourse given to the fears and prejudices of the masses. Given the democratic system we have in place, a spoil system along racial and sexual lines is inevitable and indeed, it is being born even as we speak. I owned some homes in the San Jose area after the prices plummeted during the housing melt down. The other day, I was renting one out, a black lady came to apply. The government is paying most of her rent. She showed up in a black late Mercedes SUV! It was worth more than the car that I drove. We are seeing people with their government food vouchers at Wholefoods buying luxury items that many hard working middle class choose to forgo, often sporting expensive handbags and such. But these kinds of scenes will be child’s play compared to the injustices that my kids will see when they started contributing to society.

I went down this road originally burdened by the weakness of my fellow Asians in America. Ironically, as I learned that Asians are not as weak as I thought, I am seeing the beginning of the end for the West, and it brings me no pleasure to find the answer that I was looking for.

Should have taken the blue pill.

John , The Slitty Eye 10 Comments [8/4/2014 3:21:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102495

Couldn’t agree more it’s actually quite pathetic maybe thats the reason why their own women aren’t even attracted to them because they see their men for the weak little submissive pussies they really are. When it comes to worshipping all things white the asian man takes the crown….

Let me conclude by saying this….the WORST thing Black people can do is to try and ally or try to form some kind of truce with these people. If theres one thing i’m sick of it’s black people constantly trying to form friendships with other races just because their not white. Brothers if you experience ANY kind of direct racism or discrimination from an asian it is your DUTY to be racist back if you put ur head down and try to shake theirhands and try to make friends with them then you’re a eununch, pussy and deserve to be lynched….

Thats why I always laugh when I hear about a black guy robbing some asian dude. Fuck those slanty eyed dickless faggots

LoStranger, DarkOneSon 8 Comments [8/4/2014 3:20:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 102489

Personally, I think as long as a Palestinian is left alive, Israel will be under attack.

I speak as a military strategist and anthropologist.

Israel has no choice but to murder them all, if it wants to survive.

The line of asymmetrical human obscenity within a civilization/tribe has been breeched.

Pluto, Daily Kos 13 Comments [8/4/2014 3:12:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 102487

In the future Jewmerica is going to gets its own version of the “Cast Lead” style cleanings via the Jew created and managed Department of Homoland Security.

The current border invasion is playing a part in the set up scenario.

If International Jewry continues unchecked here in Jewmerica, then neighborhoods and particularly small southern rural towns will be “Gazafied” and the primarily White resistors will get the kosher phosphorous treatment for clinging to their guns and resisting the noble immigrant invasion and other sins against Jewry.

Not today or tomorrow, but it will happen and will go nation-wide if we stay on the current path.

If Judentum places Hillary as the next Whore of Babylon President, then her role will be that of the “closer” who will crank up Jewry’s agenda to the levels described above.

If not her, then it will simply be some other kosher clown doing the bidding of The Synagogue of Satan.

Go right ahead all of you “Christian”-Zionists. Sit in your Jew worshiping churches and continue to bless Israhell.

Then expect to be “blessed” yourselves with the same kosher slaughter and enslavement that you have cheer leaded upon so many other people of the world.

The Elder of Zyklon-B, Real Jew News 8 Comments [8/4/2014 3:11:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102486

do you know who are we; we descend from nordic tribes, the same race which invented , conquered and made this modern world, but the only thing which we did wrong was to sympathize with the semi-humans,we should have never merged with them, today could have been a better day;this world is going black every day, in few years the great white race willbe a goner, the end of an epic run
dont get me wrong but we created intelligence, its a shame , the same people whom we taught claim us to be unjust; ha

maddox, Stormfront.org 5 Comments [8/4/2014 3:11:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102484

Are most Pick up "artists" Jewish?

I have also noticed this.

Here in California, LA especially, pick up artists particularly those who hang around the upper end neighborhoods are almost ALL Jewish. They tend to study up on it like it's an art, because they feel that they are "supposed" to be more popular with white women and wonder why they aren't. I think it's incredibly frustrating for them.

Eliot Roger as we know is Jewish and preyed on women at UC. He was the typical deluded type who thought that he was a gift to women and couldn't come to terms with the fact that he's actually scum of the earth. That inability to accept this fact made the violence and insanity come out.

There's an unspoken rule with girls here to just stay away from any PuA with the assumption that they are probably a degenerate anyway.

Osten, Stormfront.org 8 Comments [8/4/2014 3:09:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102451

A third of the women in the military are black. That is racist. And why do they need a National Association of Black Military Women? Is there a white association? Hell no!

Very Sad American, Free Republic 7 Comments [8/3/2014 6:25:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 102292

Responding to an article about Black residents leaving Austin

Between articles like these popping up near constantly and the rush of articles last week claiming that gay men are attacking black women and "stealing their cultural identity" I am just about tapped out on my sympathy to "racism".

I grew up in a small town that was very segregated. I was aware of racism and felt terrible about it. Now it is getting to the point that I don't care at all. I am tired of the "all white people are terrible" line of thought that permeates liberal spaces. My family immigrated from Germany to escape nazis. The other side of my family was Cherokee. None of my ancestors were slave owners and if they would have been, then that's not my fault.

Meanwhile I have to endure article after article, supposedly written by intelligent black thinkers, that tell me my very existence is racist.

You want to move to east austin? You are a racist gentrifier.

You want to move to the suburbs? You are a racist participating in white flight.

You have black friends? You are a racist collecting tokens.

Don't have black friends? You are a racist practicing ethic cleansing

Support affirmative action? You are a racist! You practice the racism of "lowered expectations" thinking the proud black race needs a helping hand and can't qualify on their own merits.

Don't support affirmative action? You're a racist! You are to scared to compete on a level playing field.

If you try to expand your horizons and immerse yourself in black culture? You're a racist! You are appropriating culture from the proud black woman!

If you don't know anything about black culture? You're a racist! You just like to whitewash society.

It's impossible to not be racist it seems, so I don't care anymore. The biggest killer of young black men are other black men. The biggest barrier to economic affluence and the greatest contributor to intergenerational poverty in the black community is the black cultures acceptance of ignorance and celebration of thug life. The most racist person I ever met was my black coworker Tatiana who used to get the shit beat out of her for getting good grades. That's right....doing well in school is considered "acting white", and as such she HATED "ignorant black people". But keep in mind....I never see articles from black writers saying how maybe black people need to step up and fix problems in their community. No...it's always the white mans fault.

And then let's not forget the brain trust that is the black feminist. In the 60s a bunch of gay drag queens got together and as a form of fighting back started to adopt speech and mannerisms over exaggerating females. Watch Paris is burning. The sashay. The "mmmhmmmm". The twirling of the head and rolling of the eyes? Gay men invented that. Then 50 years later an over indulged black woman says that gays actually stole that from HER people. And we need to cut it the hell out and get back in the closet.

Fuck her. Fuck people who say I am a racist simply because I exist. Why does the black intelligentsia of this country keep on alienating everyone and telling us we are evil and worthless? That right there should tell you how powerful black people have gotten. They now are secure enough that they don't care about allies. They shit on other minorities like the lgbt. And they insist they are the victims.

I am the most liberal person I know. I believe strongly in social justice. But I am so fucking sick of being called a racist.

Here, read the brilliance of the social justice warrior. This does more harm to liberal political causes then ann coulter and rush Limbaugh combined



Druidshift, Reddit: /r/Austin 22 Comments [8/2/2014 4:08:05 AM]
Fundie Index: -7

Quote# 102195

Arizona state Rep. and 1st district congressional candidate Adam Kwasman (R) rushed to the scene in Oracle, Ariz., on Tuesday to participate in protests against housing some of the thousands of undocumented immigrant children who have come across the border in recent weeks in a facility nearby. Kwasman was in the middle of a fiery speech about "Lady Justice" when he spotted a yellow school bus and dashed off with the protesters to greet it. He snapped a picture which he tweeted with he message "Bus coming in. This is not compassion. This is the abrogation of the rule of law."

"I was able to actually see some of the children in the buses and the fear on their faces. This is not compassion," Kwasman told 12 News reporter Brahm Resnik. There was just one problem: Those weren't undocumented kids. They were YMCA campers from the Marana Arizona school district. Kwasman later deleted his tweet, which was archived by the Sunlight Foundation's Politwoops Web site.

Adam Kwasman, Washington Post 6 Comments [8/2/2014 4:06:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102126

Indeed. And if the Native Americans choose to make a stink about it - I'm on their side. They should have killed every European the moment we set foot on their continent.

bobdevo, Daily Kos 8 Comments [8/2/2014 4:06:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102445

After looking at my past couple of paychecks I get more and more pissed off. Federal taxes, state taxes: going to fund Israel, jew wars, nigger welfare, spic welfare, importation of shitskins refugees. Then the shitskins and niggers use my money that I've paid through taxes to outbreed me

Medicare: Funding a bunch of old geezer assholes that sold out the generations beneath them. Beat my hero Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Didn't do a damn thing about illegal immigration, jew control of everything, Snival Wrongs act, etc. I'd just as soon see the fucktards die.

Social Security: See above. Old geezers getting what I've paid in and what I'll never see. Also funding the lives of disabled invalids

Then the other taxes of life: gas tax, sales tax, etc. I'm putting in far more than I'm getting out of work. It's gotten to the point where I might as well not even work anymore.

I'm funding my own genocide.

Bugger that. I'm seriously considering quitting my job and subsequently the workforce, forever. Sure, bring on the "You gots to have pride, White man! Work!" I don't give a shit about that. It's not worth it anymore. It physically pains me to think of my money earned going to niggers, jews, mudsharks, dotheads, guteaters, Pakis, Somalis, you name it.

Anyway the plan is to quit and try to live off the decent savings I have for as long as possible. For meals I'll be visiting soup kitchens and free sandwich trucks they have around here (already tried, it's not bad and it's free). I can definitely live on that. After I run out of cash, where do I sleep? Good question but who cares? At least I'm not funding my own extermination. I'd love to immigrate (legally of course! ) to Mexico and live off the grid but I'll make up plans as I go along.

The main thing is here's to one less White paying for his own genocide. I challenge others to think similarly.

Thad Charles, VNN 11 Comments [8/2/2014 4:03:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 102443

Admiring certain aspects of a government and people does not imply an endorsement of everything they do, and I certainly never said the North Korean government should be a model for the West.

I am not a collectivist, but that doesn’t stop be from admiring a foreign people and government who are. Asians have always been more collectivist in nature, it is both arrogant and ignorant to think they should adopt Western systems of governments.

Personally, I am not an individualist in the libertarian sense either. I think free markets, and capitalism as we know it need to go. I prefer the Fascist corporatism, or the something akin to the National Socialist model. Speaking in more general terms, I actually believe you can have both great individual freedom and collectivism simultaneously, though I don’t have the time and this is not the place to get into such matters. But these are just my preferences, and quite frankly they are irrelevant considering how far off we are from having the chance to implement them.

Greg Paulson, Counter Currents 8 Comments [8/1/2014 3:35:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102442

Yes, I am a white racialist, and I admire North Korea. Let me explain.

North Korea is not communist, plain and simple. Juche, the official state ideology of North Korea, can be roughly translated as “spirit of self-reliance.” Kim Jong Il, the Supreme Leader of North Korea, said the basis of Juche is the idea that “man is the master of everything and decides everything” [1]. Juche can also be understood as “always putting Korean things first.”[2] This is obviously more nationalist than communist. In 2009 North Korea officially stopped using the term communism to describe itself and removed it from the constitution. Additionally, they inserted the term “Songun” into the constitution, which emphasizes the powerful position of the North Korean military in the government, and posits that it is model for society to emulate.

The most common criticism of North Korea is that it spends a huge amount on its military while its people starve. The US government estimates that North Korea spends roughly a quarter of its GNP on the military.[3] This puts North Korea at the top of the list for proportional military spending. What people don’t seem to understand is that North Korea’s radical autarkist ideology—in other words, its refusal to bow to the international financial order (putting Korea first)—absolutely requires that national defense be put first. Without a powerful military North Korea could not exist. So yes, North Korea accepts what little aid it can get and has struggled to adequately feed some portions of its population, but that is the price of independence for them, and they are willing to pay it—and for that alone the North Koreans get my respect. Whatever you can say about the North Koreans, you cannot say they are weak. Their will is strong, and they seem willing to die to maintain their independence.

Another misconception is that North Korea is a puppet state somehow controlled by China. Although historically China had great influence on North Korea, the relationship has been strained in recent decades, and North Korea has made it clear that it is no puppet state. China continues to be North Korea’s sole ally because of lucrative trade,[4] historic friendship, and the fact that North Korea, were it desperate enough, could be very problematic for China. There is no doubt that China enjoys some influence, but North Korea remains a firmly independent nation. If this isn’t made clear enough by their ultra-nationalism, their ethnocentrism surely drives it home.

According to B. R. Myers, the North Korean ideology maintains that “the Korean people are too pure-blooded, and so too virtuous to survive in this evil world without a great parental leader.”[5] He also asserts that in addition to feeling that foreign races are inferior, the North Korean government “occasionally criticizes the Jews’ influence on world affairs.”[6] Following in the footsteps of hyper-nationalist movements of the past, the North Korean government has established the belief that its people are uniquely intelligent, strong-willed, and superior in many ways to foreign races. The Japanese (their close racial cousins), had very similar beliefs before being defeated in the Second World War. Myers actually believes the Koreans adopted their racial beliefs from the “fascist Japanese” during Japan’s occupation of Korea. Regardless of their claims of superiority, or from whom they might have borrowed it, the average North Korean IQ of 105 is one of the highest in the world.[7] South Korea is reported to have an average IQ one point higher, at 106, which is almost certainly due to the population having greater access to resources. Keep in mind the severe sanctions North Korea is operating under.

While I don’t agree with the extent of the state-control of the economy in North Korea (i.e. controlling consumption), I certainly have no loyalty to the capitalist system, which I see as racially corrosive, among other things. And let us not forget the whole reason the United States got involved in the Korean civil war was to defend (or impose) capitalism and by extension the ruling international financial order.

Essentially I admire North Korea because it is in direct opposition to the hostile ruling elite in the West and the globalist destruction of distinct peoples and nations. North Korea is the only ethno-nationalist state opposing the current world order, and as long as it exists, it will stand as an example (and a possible future ally) for ethnic and racial nationalists everywhere, especially those of us in the West who see the only hope for our people in the destruction of the current world order.

Greg Paulson, Counter Currents 9 Comments [8/1/2014 3:35:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102425

[Caricature depicting the Obamas as monkeys]

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child, Third Edge of the Sword 8 Comments [8/1/2014 3:28:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: JeanP
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