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Quote# 114524

my white neighbor (psych! all my neighbors are white) is blasting hip hop and I am deciding whether to go pound on his door and yell “HAVEN’T YOU PEOPLE TAKEN ENOUGH”

alder-knight, Tumblr 12 Comments [11/19/2015 3:45:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 114498

20 years ago Europe was like us, without many terrorist attacks and all that, and now theyre overload with muslims and they're TOTALLY gonna do the same thing to us if we dont say no to immigration. They'll Repopulate our country with their "religion" and erase our culture. They say they are hiding from war but they're actually bringing it in the countries that are trying to help them. With that much immigrants we're in deep shit.

Anonymous , All the Candian Politics  8 Comments [11/18/2015 4:08:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 114495

If anything, the possibility that there are many smart blacks should be all the more reason why whites should keep black Africans out of the West.
It’s like the apes became all the more threatening when a smart one appeared among them in CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. These smart Igbos are gonna come to the West, gain elite power, and lead the dumb negroes against whites. Also, these igbo negro men will use white wombs to create a race of mulattoes to rule over whites and blacks. Hell with mulattos hatched by race traitor scum bitches.
It will mean more blacks will enter elite institutions of the West, take more white women, and take more powerful positions in all walks of society and then use their power to steer the West toward more pro-African positions. Let Africa be pro-Africa and let blacks be pro-black.

West and whites should be pro-west and pro-white, and this means seeing the black race as the #1 enemy of the white race. A race is sound only when it holds onto its homeland and when the women of the race respect their own men and feel it is an honor to use their wombs to produce children of her own race.
But with all these Negroes in the West, we got jungle fever and white women using wombs to produce disgusting mulatto obama-babies. We have white women who feel proud to have mulatto babies growing in their bellies while black men put their hands on the belly. What kind of white male with any pride could tolerate such foulness?

We have white boys beaten up by black kids in schools. We have white guys turned into disgusting cuckolds and wussy-ass maggots. White guys are gonna become to the Negro what yellow guys have become to non-yellows in America. Do white guys wanna be second-rate males in their own homeland?

If this negro writer is right and there are plenty of smart negroes, it is all the worse for the white race that needs to wake up to the threat posed by ghastly negroes.

The Priss Factory, The Unz Review 8 Comments [11/18/2015 4:08:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 114465

The blood of the 100+ people dead today lies in the hands of the jews

Yes, you, the jews who call anyone who wants to protect their nation and preserve their people "nazis" and "anti-semites" and support jailing them or making them lose their jobs, the jews who go out and protest for "open borders", who like to hold hands with multiculturalism to show you're not racist, you have the blood of the innocents killed today in your hands. Hope your conscience weights heavily on you tonight when you go to bed, but then again I doubt you have an actual conscience to begin with.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 7 Comments [11/17/2015 4:15:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 114462

Did you ever consider why the white man never looked back once he set foot in this country? What gave him the drive to march across this land, and transform it into the greatest country the world has ever known? White men turned villages into towns, towns into cities, cities into states, and states into a powerful and prosperous nation. Do you really believe that the founding fathers had any idea they were giving birth to something so great?

Before I move on, let me say that I’m not interested in the argument that the white man stole this country from the Indians. I don’t mean to offend my Native American brothers and sisters, but it comes down to logic. If you are not strong enough to defend your land, those with superior weapons will take it. The white man had no problem coming in with guns versus your arrows. Was it fair? No way. But, sometimes that’s how nations are born, and it is the natural result of war and conquest.

God was also in control during the American Revolution and apparently decided it was time for the Native Americans to move aside, to make way for His bigger plan of making this country the greatest ever.

As America grew, so did the churches. Whether you black folks know it or not, it was white people who introduced you to the Gospel and the Bible. Black folks, you should thank God, for you were a part of this country from the beginning; He made you a citizen from the start.

Robert Campbell, Rapture Ready 10 Comments [11/16/2015 3:47:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: solomongrundy

Quote# 114442

Playing Three-Dimensional Chess: Why White Nationalists Should Consider Voting for Bernie Sanders
Some here may be ancient enough to remember the original Star Trek television series back in the 1960s. During their downtime, the crew members were occasionally shown playing a version of three-dimensional chess. It is like traditional chess, only exponentially more complex.

That is what the Jews are doing: they are playing three-dimensional chess. They have strategies within strategies within strategies. They pursue multiple options simultaneously: if one gets blocked, they just shift to another one. They organize in depth, and have layer after layer of defensive positions. Above all they think ahead, not just one or two moves, but a dozen or 20.

Compare their strategic sophistication with that of the pitiful White Nationalist movement: while the Jews are playing three-dimensional chess, WNs are struggling to play a basic game of checkers.

The Jews control all of the presidential candidates: no matter who gets the nomination, or who is elected, it does not matter--they win, because all of the candidates are in one way or another under their thumb or in their corner. The whole System is rigged: the only choice you have is to vote for a pro-Jewish candidate. Heads they win, tails you lose!

But many naïve, well-meaning White Nationalists cannot see this. They believe in the fundamental integrity of an electoral system that is completely corrupt--completely Jewed.

With their checkers-like primitive strategizing, they think that the Jews have allowed for an option in which they, the Jews, might possibly lose. The Jew slides Hillary Clinton across the board; they want to slide Donald Trump forward to block her. But the Jews are not playing checkers, they are playing three dimensional chess. The Trump maneuver is a trick bag, a trap to lure angry, racially-conscious White voters into a political dead end.

It has worked before: Barry Goldwater in 1964; George Wallace in 1968 and 1972; Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, then H. Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul and now on to Donald Trump. The goyim are stupid: they fall for the Trump maneuver every time. No wonder the Jews hold us in such contempt!

In a different thread, Stormfront member Il fascismo per i fascisti makes a modest proposal: he suggests that instead of voting for Trump, that White Nationalists vote for Bernie Sanders. He reasons that electing a White Anglo-Saxon candidate like Trump maintains the façade that White Americans are still in control. With an avowed Jewish Marxist like Sanders in the White House, the anti-White, Jewish nature of the Old Order would be openly revealed: it would be on display for all to see.

Now, personally, I, myself, am not going to vote for Bernie Sanders: I have never voted in a presidential election, and the first ballot that I cast will not be for Communist Jew. Beyond that, there is ZERO chance that Bernie the Red will be elected, anyway.

But I like the out-of-the-box thinking of Il fascismo per i fascisti. He is playing chess not checkers. His strategic approach is not quite as refined and sophisticated as that of the Jews: it is two-dimensional, rather than three dimensional.

But at least he is thinking more than one or two moves ahead.

We need more of that--and a whole lot less of the Pavlovian conditioning that controls the reactions of the pro-Trump crowd.

James Harting, Stormfront.com 16 Comments [11/15/2015 5:27:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 114425

I noticed it first about twenty five years ago. The stupidity being foisted on the population in the form of pop culture. Degeneracy and race mixing. Look at the Kardashians. They are where they are to promote race mixing. They are only on television to make race mixing with Negroid males look glamorous. Of course most Caucasians are smart enough to see the reality but the dumber fall for it and the media plays it up at every point. They try to reward race mixers. Commercials, television shows and just about every form of media. You will see mulattoes. No matter how unattractive or stupid the presence of the mulattoes seem, the Jewish advertising and entertainment industry refuses to change their obvious indoctrination attempt.

It is sad that the media attempts such indoctrination. Especially so when the Jews prattle on about how propaganda was used against them during WWII by the Nazi regime and yet they do the very same thing in the modern times in order to hurt people. They want to hurt Americans. The very country that helped them all those years ago. Know your enemy.

Anonymous Gossiper, Give Me Gossip 2 Comments [11/14/2015 9:36:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 114421

“One brave man makes a majority ”
……………Napoléon Bonaparte

No so called right wing or nationalist party will ever be allowed to take power in any white country.
… What all these parties lack is a an armed para-military wing that is willing to kill to advance,protect the white mans interest and for revenge against traitors and rats.
…Organised muscle comes before organised white political parties.
The muscle must be well trained, ruthless and very bold. When you can make your enemy fear you and I mean shit their pants type of fear then you can launch your political wing (party). The party will speak for the demands put forward by the muscle.
.. If these demands are not met the muscle (para-military) will continue to strike with covert military style attacks.
…..If you have no muscle and are not willing to kill to protect your interest then you will being sucking Jew cock and eating shit for the rest of your life. !
The next stage in the struggle will be the rise of the white para-militaries around the world.

“You want it back white man ? …then your going to have to kill for it. “

Honkey Tonk Man, Vanguard News Network 7 Comments [11/14/2015 9:22:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 114416

COLUMBIA, Mo. (Reuters) - Police arrested a 19-year-old white man on Wednesday on suspicion of making threats on social media to shoot black people at the University of Missouri's main Columbia campus, two days after the school's president and chancellor stepped down amid protests over their handling of reports of racial abuse.

Tension was still high on the campus, where there was a greater-than-usual police presence. Several students leaving the area said they felt unsafe.

Police arrested Hunter M. Park in Rolla, Missouri, which is about 95 miles (150 km) south of Columbia, at about 1:50 a.m. local time (0750 GMT).

Park is a sophomore at Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) in Rolla, which is part of the University of Missouri System, according to a spokeswoman at the Rolla campus. He is studying computer science.

Police said the suspect's threats had circulated on social media, including Yik Yak, where an anonymous post tagged 'Columbia' late on Tuesday read, "I'm going to stand my ground tomorrow and shoot every black person I see."

Hunter Park is pictured in this undated booking photo provided by Boone County Sheriff's Department

"Some of you are alright. Don't go to campus tomorrow," another post read. “We’re waiting for you at the parking lots,” read a third post. “We will kill you.”

Hunter Park, Yahoo! News 6 Comments [11/14/2015 5:14:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 114413

We must kill, first and foremost, the jews. Yes, the travel agent on Main Street, the doctor’s children living down the block, every single jew. As always, we must do so covertly, safely, efficiently, and at the time and place of our own choosing.

Secondly, we must kill Negroids.

Thirdly, we must kill the other invaders. Yes, the Mestizos, the Arabs, the Asians — all nonWhites.

The only message they surely will understand is death. For example, I know from experience that when an Asian student is killed in the USA, that news spreads like wildfire in the home country, and they begin to fear coming here. I saw this both in Japan and Vietnam.

James Laffrey, Whites Will Win! 9 Comments [11/14/2015 5:13:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Jim

Quote# 114409

Watch Jesus come back and be a racist.

Jesus called one woman in the bible a dog, and didn't want to heal her child.

Let's define the term racism first, most don't even really seem to understand what it means:

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

I used to think all racist people were the scum of the earth and ignorant, now I'm almost in my mid 30's and I've realized how stupid being PC and not stereotyping groups of people based on the observations you've observed over and over is not only stupid, but not using the scientific method.

You can also look at the IQ's of various races and see a huge difference, though I don't believe the AshkeNAZI's IQ numbers, I'm sure they likely just cherry picked who got tested for their IQ score average, they would break a cheetah's legs just to claim they are faster then cheetahs, and they are chemically dumbing down the rest of us with fluoride, vaccines, and other poisons.

Man was made in God's image, what does that mean? I'll tell you, "That which is above is like that which is below" this is dealing with the fractal nature of reality, we are far down the line fractals of God, fractals are not exactly like the starting point from which they came from and they progressively get smaller and smaller and more distorted from where they came from, who's image they were made in.

If you it were possible to quantify God (I'm not sure if it is) He would be measurement and proportion, but what proportion and measurement? The Golden ratio, the most perfect ratio. Therefore the closest to God's image would be the closest to the Golden ratio. What would someone closest to the Golden ratio look like? The ancient Greeks built everything to the Golden ratio, weapons, buildings, and of course statues, so look at some ancient Greek statues and you will see that the Golden ratio represented in humans would have a very short torso, very long arms that almost reach the knee and long legs.

Which group of people does this describe? You will find these characteristics most closely in the Scandinavian people, other races of white people are close as well, and then in the Han people (chinese).

The people that are furthest away from the golden ratio, thus far inferior are the Ashkenazi jews, they have extremely long almost serpentine torsos, and are not God's chosen at all, but liars and serpents. They are also the most sickly people on earth, they have so many Askenazi specific diseases and deformities comparatively to other races.

This is the true reason for why you get body scanned at the airport, if you are really close to the Golden ratio, they will take you to the back to scan your hands, what sense would that make, you clearly don't have a bomb in your hand, the hand is a microcosm of the body, if your hands measure to the Golden ratio the rest of you will as well and vice versa. They were looking for a specific person with them who had a lot of bone measurements of 19" (man didn't create the measurements we use, those came down from my guess the word of God) and perfectly proportioned to the golden ratio is my guess, they are likely databasing those who are very close to the golden ratio.

Another way you can tell which races are superior is look at what they've accomplished in the past, the great civilizations like the ancient Greeks, ancient Chinese, Persians, even the people of India built great buildings and innovated so much, and had great scientific achievements. Then you look at where the black races are even today, living in bamboo huts in the jungle, the Hispanic races aren't very much further along then that, and the native Americans didn't advance very far either. The Roman's just stole most of their information from the ancient Greeks, though they couldn't reproduce things near to the level the Greeks had.

You can also tell who are the most hated by the furthest away from the golden ratio group (AshkeNAZIs) by how the world is today. Why do you think every group in the US that has victim status is one of the sub-par groups? The blacks, hispanics, and Jews all have affirmative action going for them, if you are hispanic or black you get to go to college for free, and hispanics are becoming a majority. They also have quotas for them, you must hire a certain percent of them. The only two groups of people that get nothing but stepped on are white males and Asians, Asians are more of a minority in the US then hispanics. The AshkeNAZI's fear those two groups the most and want to keep them down. They also want those races to interbreed with the lesser races of man, as it says in the protocals of zion, they say that was debunked, debunked by who, they give no explanation, just that it's been debunked, lies.

What do you think this flood of refugees into predominately white Europe is all about? This is all part of their plan. What do you think Nazi Germany was doing? They were funded by these same Zionists, they were killing some Jews, but those were real Jews, not these fake ass Serpents calling themselves Jews. They were also killing the best and brightest people they found, intellectuals, professors, anyone who was smart, this is because those people were older souls, more advanced, they want to destroy the old, strongest purest bloodlines.

Reincarnation is real, that is why the bloodlines are so important to the illuminati, you can only reincarnate through your line, When you mate with someone your DNA gets stored in those of your children, and their children and their children and so on down the line until you reincarnate again with the same DNA, though you are an older wiser soul, your body would get closer and closer to the golden ratio each time you reincarnate, if they destroy a lot of the older stronger bloodlined people, those people can not reincarnate again. That is why they want to kill the strongest, oldest bloodlines off, as they would be the ones that could challenge them.

Well that's all I can think of to type right now, I went off -topic a bit and wrote a bit more then I though I would, will add more if I don't get banned, or have the thread deleted or unbumpable, which happens a lot to me here.

This is also the reason why in the bible it was very important to people to marry well, why they got mad at Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman. Why parents cared so much about who their kids married. If you children who are carrying your DNA in them marry one of the lower races, you will be a lesser, and diluted person when you reincarnate.

The bible affirms reincarnation: "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David

How can you be the root of David and a descendant of David? He is saying in a former life he was the root of David, in this life he is a descendant of David, reincarnation.

Autodidactic, Godlike Productions 7 Comments [11/14/2015 4:13:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 114370

As a former preschool teacher, for example, it is hard for me to give credence to a claim that there is something objectionably “appropriative” about a blonde-haired child’s wanting to be Mulan for a day. Pretend play is the foundation of most cognitive tasks, and it seems to me that we want to be in the business of encouraging the exercise of imagination, not constraining it. I suppose we could agree that there is a difference between fantasizing about an individual character vs. appropriating a culture, wholesale, the latter of which could be seen as (tacky)(offensive)(jejeune)(hurtful), take your pick. But, then, I wonder what is the statute of limitations on dreaming of dressing as Tiana the Frog Princess if you aren’t a black girl from New Orleans? Is it okay if you are eight, but not 18? I don’t know the answer to these questions; they seem unanswerable. Or at the least, they put us on slippery terrain that I, for one, prefer not to cross.

Which is my point. I don’t, actually, trust myself to foist my Halloweenish standards and motives on others. I can’t defend them anymore than you could defend yours. Why do we dress up on Halloween, anyway? Should we start explaining that too? I’ve always been a good mimic and I enjoy accents. I love to travel, too, and have been to every continent but Antarctica. When I lived in Bangladesh, I bought a sari because it was beautiful, even though I looked stupid in it and never wore it once. Am I fetishizing and appropriating others’ cultural experiences? Probably. But I really, really like them too.

Erika Christakis, The Fire 16 Comments [11/13/2015 4:12:21 AM]
Fundie Index: -23

Quote# 114321

Jewmerica Sends Troops To Syria

ONCE THE CAMEL GETS his Jewish nose inside the tent, the rest of the loathsome thing will follow:

50 advisers today, 1,000 tomorrow, 2,000 next month. The ‘hymie camel’ just won’t quit.

It’s a Jewish agenda led by neocon kosher armchair Generals, Fred Kagan of the American Enterprise Institute, and Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

blackbird9, WHAT REALLY HAPPENED 10 Comments [11/11/2015 4:04:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114272

COON RAPIDS, Minn. - A woman is charged with assault for allegedly smashing a beer mug across a diner's face at a local Applebee's -- all because the victim wasn't speaking English, according to the complaint.

Jodie Marie Burchard-Risch, 43, was charged with third-degree assault for an incident that occurred on Oct. 30 at the Applebee's in Coon Rapids.

According to the criminal complaint, Burchard-Risch was dining with her husband when she became upset after hearing the victim speaking in a foreign language in the neighboring booth.

Authorities say that's when managers stepped in and tried to get Burchard-Risch to leave.

Charges say she refused, continued to yell at the victim and threw her drink at the woman. Then she "smashed" her beer mug across the woman's face in a "round house punch" motion and fled the scene, according to the complaint.

One of the Applebee's managers followed Burchard-Risch out of the restaurant until she was arrested by responding officers.

Police met with the victim inside the restaurant and noticed a deep cut across her nose, a cut on her right eyebrow and a large, deep cut on her lower lip.

Burchard-Risch was taken into custody and charged on Monday.

Jodie Marie Burchard-Risch, Kare 11 NBC Affiliate 13 Comments [11/9/2015 3:39:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Mech610

Quote# 114246

chinks are nothing but a bunch of no good waste of space rodents! they make me ill just looking at them. hork, pick there nose and smell like shit all the time. get the fuck out of canada

Rockybodhi85, Sara Jaaksola  14 Comments [11/8/2015 4:42:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 114216

WELCOME TO THE MIDDLE EAST…a seething pot for Jews to p-is-s in.

For with Israel’s long-standing ties and support of the Kurds pushing for a Greater Kurdistan, Jews get their Greater Israel vis-a-vis the balkanization of the Middle East, resulting in a depleted, fragmented Syria.

To be sure, if any US troops embedded with the “opposition” are killed during Syrian and Russian operations, Jewmerica will blame Russia as a pretext for a military showdown.

Jews fear Christian Russia and will use the spilled blood of every last US soldier to destroy it.

fogel, Al Jazeera English 7 Comments [11/6/2015 4:00:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114166

[Britain's NHS calls for blood donations from black oeople, who are more likely to have rare blood types]

This site was found advertised by the NHS on twitter...
can you imagine the NHS calling for the English community to give blood to their own community? and are we to thank them for helping to expose the lefty lie of "We all bleed the same blood"?

English Advocates, Facebook 7 Comments [11/5/2015 4:06:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 114149

[Reply to thread: "Join The Mystic Knights of the KKK Here L@@KKK"]

I would join, but I am part cherokee ...and I believe you have to swear before God that you are of 100% white blood, and I could not do that, simply because genetically I am not.

But good luck carrying on the greatest christian organisation in North America there has probably been no greater benefit to survival of the white race, than the kkk.

White preservationist, Stormfront 21 Comments [11/4/2015 4:03:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114148

The media will tell you The KKK is dead, gone, irrelevant. They have tried since the birth of the Klan to downplay the influence and power of the KKK. They also will try to portray us as haters, ignorant. They will ignore the facts. Let me tell you they are the haters. They have engaged in a campaign to destroy our Race, culture, and heritage. They are communist, socialists, and haters of freedom. They have been poisioning our race with their propaganda for the last 140 plus years. They would deny us our heritage and birthright. They trample our Constituition and bill of Rights. They want us to be ashamed of our heritage. We cannot allow this. The time has come to awaken from our hypnotic sleep before we and our children wake up to a hell we can never escape from.

Our mission is to preserve our White culture and heritage but also be relevant to the happenings going on in our Republic today. We must defeat these communist socialist anti-God anti-white anti american enemies within our own borders. It is essential that we wake as many of our fellow White citizens up as quickly as possible and recruit them to our cause. We must set the standards and they will follow our lead. We need men of courage and character who will not cut and run when the going gets tough. God give us men!!

Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona, Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 9 Comments [11/4/2015 4:03:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114147

Platform of the Imperial White Knights:
Enemies from within are destroying the United States of America. An unholy coalition of anti-White, anti-Christian liberals, socialists, feminists, homosexuals, jews and militant blacks have managed to seize control of our government and mass media. This gang of criminals and degenerates has declared war on the hard working, tax paying, White citizens. White Americans have become second class citizens in the country our ancestors built from nothing. The liberal dictatorship seeks to disarm us and leave us at the mercy of savage rapist and murders. Bands of bloodthirsty criminals prowl our streets. They rape, rob and murder with impunity. As our women and children are butchered by these subhumans, the Republicans and Democrats demand that white people remain silent and show tolerance. Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to keep and bear arms are all being taken away. All the mighty pillars of American democracy are being torn down by the left wing tyrants. The Imperial White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan plan to change things for the better. We shall liberate our nation from these savage criminals and restore law and order to America.

TRADITIONAL VALUES: The liberal government and its media encourage our young children to behave like primitive savages. Homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuals, sado-masochism, and every other type of vile perversion is applauded by the scum that control our country. The American Knights demand a return to sanity. We call for a restoration of Christian values to all walks of life.

CRIME: America is the most violent nation on the face of the earth. Major cities like New York, Chicago, Miami, Atlanta and Philadelphia have been all but over run by hordes of savage criminals. The liberal government papers these subhuman and attempts to disarm law-abiding citizens. The American Knights demand that our cities be liberated from these barbarians. We shall remove the killers and rapists from our streets and execute those that deserve it.

ABORTION: Thousands of innocent children are slaughtered each day at Baby killing centers all over the country. The government has made abortion a convenient form of birth control. The American Knights will outlaw this barbaric, satanic practice and punish the sadistic doctors who are guilty of these crimes against humanity.

GUN CONTROL: The so-called gun control bills enacted by the government are nothing but anti-self defense laws designed to disarm law abiding White citizens. The Klan will completely restore the right of all law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.

THE MEDIA: All three of our television networks are controlled by jews. Most of our daily newspapers, magazines and book publishing companies are owned by jew tycoons. The Klan will smash this jewish monopoly of our mass media. We will restore the right of free speech and open debate of political issues.

EDUCATION: America's public schools, colleges and universities have been turned into political indoctrination centers run by deprived liberals, communist and jews in our public. WHITE teachers and students are raped and robbed by niggers and other savages on a daily basis. The Klan will remove the criminals from the classrooms and put them behind bars where they belong. Forced bussing will be outlawed. Prayer will be returned to our schools. All teachers who continue to promote anti-American doctrine will be removed and replaced by decent American patriots.

HOMOSEXUALITY: The Klan will take away all the special rights and privileges granted to homosexuals by the liberal dictatorship over the last few years. Homosexuals will no longer be permitted to adopt children or marry each other. Gay bars, gay nightclubs, and gay bathhouses will be shut down.

IMMIGRATION: Millions of Third World bandits enter our country illegally every year. The Republicans and Democrats do nothing to halt this massive invasion. America is being transformed into a new Mexico. The American Knights call for an end to this madness. We shall halt all immigration from non-White nations and use the U.S. Army to restore integrity to our borders.

THE NEGRO PROBLEM: The Klan is strongly opposed to the insane policies that discriminate against White people in favor of unqualified and lazy niggers. We shall abolish affirmative action and minority quota systems. All unqualified blacks will be removed from positions of power and influence in our government. The Klan will launch a massive campaign to liberate our cities from the black gangs that presently terrorize them.

THE ECONOMY: Jewish bankers and shylocks control the American economy with an iron hand. The American Knights will remove these users from power and restore a Constitutional money system. Taxes will be lowered, the corrupt Federal system will be smashed, and the foreign buying up of our nation will be halted. The Klan will place trained economist in charge of our economy and punish the jew tycoons who have brought America to the brink of financial disaster.

FOREIGN POLICY: The Klan favors a strong foreign policy that closely guards American interests around the world. The Klan will encourage all other White nations to throw off the yoke of zionist/liberal occupation. All aid to worthless third World nations like Israel will be cut off. The foreign policy of the Klan led United States will be: AMERICA FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS!

Imperial White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Imperial White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 8 Comments [11/4/2015 4:03:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114146

As Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klos Knights, I hereby order that all dens, in all states, are to start handgun training and to make sure that all members will obtain concealed weapons permits, before that right is taken from us. This country is being attacked by Muslim Extremists who are out to destroy us! You will never go anywhere without being armed, you WILL know your enemy and where he congregates and with whom, you will learn how to act and react to the danger within. You can expect no help from the Head Muslim in Washington because he is doing all he can to aid and assist ISIS and their ILK --- BE PREPARED - - STAY PREPARED!
Remember it was the Democratic President BILL CLINTON, who signed the order to remove all Guns from Recruiting Stations.

plamonica100, KU KLOS KNIGHTS of the Ku Klux Klan 7 Comments [11/4/2015 4:03:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114139

[Bold and italics original]

"The Absurdity of Hitler-bashing"

It certainly is. Thanks to the internet, the more I learn about the great Adolph Hitler, National Socialism, etc. and fraudulent Jewish holocaust (but not German or Japanese--WWII's true holocaust victims via firebombing and atomic bombs) the more ignorant, ridiculous, ASSinine and ABSURD these hysterical, Hitler-bashing morons sound.


Phil, The End of Zion 5 Comments [11/4/2015 3:55:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114138

How much longer can the cartoonish Hitler-bashing in the media continue to be taken seriously? How ridiculous does it have to get before the spell wears off, and the people realize that it is the media itself, and the Jews that run it, that are our real enemies, rather than the historical “Nazis” that they love to attack so much?

EndZion, The End of Zion 7 Comments [11/3/2015 7:52:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114137

World War II was essentially a war between the two ideologies: Marxism and Nationalism. The United States, unbeknownst to the masses, fought on the side of Marxism, an ideology that overtly attacks and denigrates the nuclear family, in order to elevate the dregs of society above it. As things stand now, in a world where the forces of Marxism have triumphed over those of Nationalism, simply stating that it is healthy for a woman to act like a woman is considered ‘politically incorrect’ and unacceptable, while wearing ass chaps and waving a dildo around in front of children in a ‘Gay Pride’ parade is not.

All 10 planks contained in the ‘Communist Manifesto‘ have basically been fulfilled in present-day America and most other ‘democratic’ nations. Included in these 10 planks is the abolition of private property, a graduated income tax and centralized banking.

Contrast the planks of the manifesto with the 25 points of National-Socialism, which advocated the people’s right to self-determination, debt-free currency, strict immigration laws, generous social benefits for the elderly, an honest press run by devoted nationalists and suppression of destructive and degenerate art. None of this is present in modern American society.

EndZion, The End of Zion 7 Comments [11/3/2015 7:51:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114060

A leftist Marxist political code word for "wipe out Whitey". Multiculturalism is the state religion of all countries that are predominately White. Liberals have no problem with countries like Japan or Nigeria being racially solid, but all White countries NEED diversity!
(An American family driving through London, England)

Kid: Mom, I thought we were in England, this looks like Pakistan!

Mom: You're so insensitive you obviously know nothing about multiculturalism!!

savewhites, Urban Dictionary 13 Comments [11/1/2015 5:18:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
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