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Quote# 109843

God created all people equally deserving of His love but it is a fact that many majority black countries are a mess e.g. Haiti, Zimbabwe, Congo, Rwanda whereas all majority white countries are fully functioning democracies with full human rights and effective economies. Your very honest essay is what is needed to rebalance the many fibs from political correctness that prevent all people from seeing the world as it really is and then moving from that to do good. I suspect you are very well educated and a converted Christian. A brilliant essay.

Trevor Llangollen, Daily Telegraph 5 Comments [6/21/2015 11:44:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 109842

“Rachel Dolezal's lie has told us more about white people than black culture.” But then I guess we will soon have plenty more lies told about white people as a result of the dreadful shooting in South Carolina.

An obviously disturbed young man, very similar if not identical to those who, in another geographical zone, volunteer to fight for the butchers of Islamic State, goes on a murderous rampage.

And yet unlike the latter where the whole liberal establishment bends over backwards to deny and disassociate any wider corporate or collective responsibility of Muslims for the atrocities their co-religionists commit, the same liberal establishment will have no hesitation in putting the collective blame on whites generally for the Carolina killings.

colin harrow, Daily Telegraph 4 Comments [6/21/2015 10:33:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 109838

It's the sickness of whiteness.

Whiteness is a sickness in the U.S. It leads to, produces, a type of delusion and profound moral ignorance in the people who categorize themselves as "white" (like other people who say Jeebus talks to them, or that they're Napoleon). People of good will should reject whiteness. Denounce it. In the words of the incomparable Sarah Palin (!!) refudiate whiteness.

Silencio, Daily Kos 8 Comments [6/21/2015 2:48:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 109837

They (Native Americans) had access to all the gold, silver, iron, water, trees, etc., that the white man had, yet it was the white man who built the greatest, most advanced society in the world. If that sounds like racism, so be it. It is also factual. Most Liberals don’t like facts; they like fantasy or faith in old, discredited theories that informed people discarded years ago.

If the white man had not beached his boats on the sands of Jamestown, Plymouth Rock, and Cape Cod, the Indians would still be huddled around their soot-lined tepees warming themselves over a fire made by rubbing dry sticks together. They would still be burying their dead children because of childhood diseases, and maybe the air would be cleaner if the white man had never come, but who would be alive to care?

Don Boys, CSTnews 9 Comments [6/21/2015 2:46:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 109836

Before getting into the Indians’ story, I need to “clear out the underbrush” so we can see the forest. One writer wrote of white men who “took over their [Indian] world,” but where did he get the idea that this world [America] belonged to the Indians? Need I remind you that merely living on the land does not confirm ownership? The Indians had lived here for hundreds of years but were still living in crude homes; eating and warming themselves over an open fire; and letting their old people die alone without help.

Don Boys, CSTnews 8 Comments [6/20/2015 7:54:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 109818

We Klansmen and Klanswomen are very proud of our race and our heritage, you of the Aryan race should be too. The Klan saved this great nation before and it looks like we will have to save it again. Yes, you read that right, the Klan saved this nation. You won't find much about us in the current educational systems history books because the Zionists don't want you to know. They control what our children's history, as well as all, books teach them. They don't want you to know the truth about how the Klan was the first legal policing system in this nation. The Klan served and protected the citizens of this nation and tried to keep them from harm. The Klan separated good from evil. But that's not important right now. Right now, I want to talk about what we need to do now to secure the existence of our race and a future for White children. The 14 words that ring true today as when they were first coined by Mr. David Lane, may he rest in peace.


Now getting back to the truth about the Klan. We did save this country before during the reconstruction period after the war of northern aggression. The rights were taken from the white people and the blacks, carpetbaggers and scalawags were running rampant destroying our way of life. We as a people, were already tired of fighting, we needed something else. Someone to step forward and take control of this mess. And there was someone, someone named Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder of the Klan. He saw what was happening and stepped up and formed the Ku Klux Klan. They managed to get the people back in line, got all things back under control, and long story short, saved this nation. And we are going to do it again! Praise God!

Grand Dragon, Original Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan 7 Comments [6/20/2015 3:09:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 109817

In the Invisible Empire, I am the Exalted Cyclops of the Original Knight Rider Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. I would like to thank you for your interest in our organization and visiting our site. We are one nation under God, a white Anglo Saxon race who is slowing becoming a minority in our own nation. Why is this?Our nation is of free speech but there are a lot of people in our country who use the right of free speech to twist things around to meet their own agenda and needs. The belief that a white race should mix within other races has been twisted and glorified by the Jews and the media. Everywhere we look we are exposed to inter-racial relationships and are shown that all is well and it is a wonderful thing.

If we refer back to God’s word in the book of Leviticus Chapter 19 vs. 19 “You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you.” When I look at this verse closer it makes me believe that animals are examples of Gods true meanings. They are not exposed to the “right of twisting our freedom of speech.” They do not watch television, movies or read the newspaper. They are unaware and not brainwashed by the outside world to believe that it is ok to mix among races. They have stayed true to God’s word. If you look at animals you know that cattle don’t breed with pigs, dogs don’t breed with cats and birds don’t breed with reptiles and so on. When something of this tragedy does happen it is because it is forced upon them or done by some scientific creation which in turn is done by humans not our creator or what he wanted.This then destroys the pure race of the animal, and the very same principal is being drilled into the heads of every man woman and child in America and around the world. That it is ok to mix breed, pollute our country with mongrels, drug addicts and homosexuality, take prayer out of schools and anything else to destroy our great nation and our youth. This then becomes what people believes is the right thing to do, But then in reality all it is doing is what it was designed to do and that is destroy the pure and innocent.

We as Klansman and Klanswomen must do as much as we can to educate what is left of the white Aryan race to stand up and help put a stop to all the nonsense before its to late. I understand that restoring America to what is right and the way it should be and what so many has died for to be right will be a very long and hard road. But if we all stick together as one I also believe we can and will make a difference in bringing America back to what it was once intended.

Things have changed a lot since the last restoration of America so we now find ourselves battling many other different ethnic groups who are trying to put us white Americans on our backs and we shall fight this by defending this war in 100% legality until we are pushed so far that we may need to resort to another plan.

Exalted Cyclops, Original Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan 5 Comments [6/20/2015 3:09:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 109816

We don't harass or intimidate any person of another race. We do not have time for ignorant behavior. We are a law-abiding organization with Christian beliefs and we feel our race is, and has for a long time, been taken advantage of.

Our Ancestors built this great nation, and as white, Christian, legal American citizens and taxpayers, we feel as the quality of life for white Americans is deteriorating rapidly. Our own government has almost taken God completely away from us and is only interested in taking control of our lives. Whites are quickly becoming the minority race with all the race-mixing out there, and for some odd reason, some whites, possibly like you, aren't trying to do a single thing about it. Some whites are so comfortable in their own little world, that they don't even realize what they, their children and their grandchildren are facing, let alone understand that we, in order to survive as a race, need to remain separate from the non-white races in this nation.

Learn the truth, before it gets too late for you, yours, and all us of the Aryan race. Our Founding Fathers would not be happy with our nation today. You know it and I know it. Help us do something to protect our U. S. Constitution, our nation, and preserve our founding white, Christian race. Think of your future generations, think of the past...

Serious inquiries from white, Christian, men and women of good moral character, with Christian values, and reasons are always welcome.

Our contact information can be found on our "Contact Us" page.

If we are Racists for believing God's word and being proud of our ancestry, our heritage, and our race, or for being proud of who we are and everything we, alone have accomplished... Then let it be so!

We aren't doing anything any different than the blacks, the Muslims, the Jews, and so on, and so on,and so on... So then why are we discriminated against?

Original Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan, Original Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan 2 Comments [6/20/2015 3:09:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 109801

FANTASTIC!!! And so it begins, Civil War 2 is in full swing. And the White man is going to make the Holocaust look like an Easy Bake Oven. Its over for the African race. FIRE AT WILL.

Africans are not human, Yahoo! Comments 8 Comments [6/19/2015 5:53:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 109792

[On husband of Muslim family that seems to have joined ISIS expressing his grief in public]

I think the men are secretly crying tears of joy that those ugly munters have left them and won't be returning, and that they will now be able to get back to the serious business of rogering some naive white schoolgirls.

nedley, Daily Telegraph 4 Comments [6/19/2015 5:38:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 109773

As a former basic bitch libertarian, I remain sympathetic to them. I do in fact believe that the general framework of a minarchist society by far results in the greatest prosperity and happiness for its citizens. I also believe that such a society can only be maintained if women and the poor have no voice in government, immigration is held below 1% (probably well below), and some adequate of connecting ideological poison (such as Islam and Communism) to treason. That's why I don't openly identify as libertarian any more.

Hateful Heretic , The Right Stuff 13 Comments [6/18/2015 6:44:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 109746

You know it’s truly saddening to think about what has been done to Black people. This is the only race of people who will choose to help another race instead of their own. We have become some of the greatest defenders of White Supremacy and many of us don’t even realize it. We value White life so much that we don’t even consider tragedies “tragic” if someone white isn’t involved. The other day I overheard two Black people talk about how ruthless Hitler was to the Jews during the holocaust. I couldn’t help but notice that they didn’t mention anything about what he did to Blacks. Why? Because Black People have always valued White life greater than their own. So what he did to Blacks doesn't matter, It’s what he did to whites that was fucked up. Black people will discuss the Jewish holocaust all day and won’t say a single word about Black people. We will attack our own people for speaking about Slavery and call them “Racist” or “Hate Teachers” but won’t say anything if you discuss the Holocaust. This type of thinking has been passed down from generation to generation that is why today you have Black people who will start fundraisers or charity events when things like Sandy Hook occur but won’t do shit when an innocent Black boy gets killed by a racist cop. As @Solar_Innerg once said, the only reason Black people get mad at things like Sandy Hook is because White children are involved. White Supremacy has been deeply embedded into us and that is why this war against the system is so difficult.
Written By @KingKwajo

SanCopha League , Facebook 3 Comments [6/18/2015 5:16:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 109745

The more I see of these bullshit ass “kumbayah we’re all in love” kind of pictures, the more I realize that the underlying message they’re TRYING to convey is, “The true picture of love, is loving white people”.

Notice you don’t ever see two POC together as some sort of anti-racism ad.

You don’t hear the stories where the white person in the couple ditches the POC when they decide they want to “get a serious relationship”.

You don’t see the part where the relationship goes fine until the parents of the white couple pour out enough racism, and the white partner either decides to give up on the relationship (finding other “reasons” of course), OR, refuses to check their parents and just asks the POC to endure the unbearable.

You don’t see the part where the couple raises a kid and the white parent is ill-equipped to teach the child about what they need to do for survival against the bullies, the teachers, the strangers, the police.

You especially don’t see any part where this fucking magical kiss changes police violence, health care disparities, differences in pay rates, differences in hiring rates, differences in promotions, microaggressions, bank loans, murder rates, or incarceration.

But hey, a white person is kissing you, don’t you understand that the Heavens have parted, the Divine has come to Earth, the Good Word has poured forth and why would you worry about living safely, in health or wanting to be paid for work - shouldn’t you be grateful that THE WHITENESS HAS DEEMED YOU WORTHY?

The Kumbayah Myth is built on white supremacy.

As long as white supremacy is part of your idea of a relationship, you don’t have respect, or love, involved in any actual way.

Bankuei, Tumblr 10 Comments [6/18/2015 3:09:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 109727

Karl Marx, the Frankfurt Institute, National Socialism, there's no coincidence why they come from the same place.

Germans hate themselves. They can't sit down for longer than 10 seconds without wondering what they're doing wrong. I see it every day here. Intellectual collectivism, the Antifa movement, the anti-Pegida movement now, it's all a very simple projection of self-hatred by the ethnically insecure.

One of the greatest blunders in history was the unification of Germany under Bismarck. The preservation of Prussia, Bavaria, and others as distinct entities would have prevented large-scale wars by Germany, and provided a level of nationalism necessary to function as an immune system against such ideologies. Add two defeats in world wars, and it's no wonder why Germans are scared to walk around in their own skin.

Blick Mang, Roosh V Forum 9 Comments [6/17/2015 6:02:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 109691

One of the most common criticisms leveled at The Philosophy of Rape is that rape is TNB (Typical Nigger Behavior) and that human men should not reduce themselves to the level of niggers by raping.  This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of The Philosophy of Rape.  At The Philosophy of Rape, we rape for a cause.  We rape to punish harlots, feminazis, and other female vermin who need to be corrected.  Niggers rape because they are primitive animals who cannot control their baser urges.  We can control our urges quite well, which is why we rape with considerable finesse and eke out specific targets to be raped, taking great care to ensure that we won’t get caught.  Niggers take no care to not get caught; their savage, undeveloped primate brains cannot understand anything deeper than “MUH DICK MUHFUGGA BIX NOOD”.  The common nigger monkey could never wrap their head around The Philosophy of Rape and the purpose that the Philosophy serves in society.  We are not a movement about just randomly raping anything that moves, with no consideration for who we rape.  We are a movement that aims to correct specific targets: in particular, harlots, feminazis, and females who do not know their place.

Niggers rape anything that moves, and niggers tend to rape targets like old ladies and virgins.  We, on the other hand, target specific females for rape.  We do not rape females who know their place and fulfill their roles as the property of men.  We do not target little old ladies knitting at home or virgins praying at church – those are the sort of women that niggers tend to target.  No, we, on the other hand, rape with a specific intent, and that intent is to the benefit of society.  We rape harlots.  We rape feminazis.  We rape whores who do not know their place.  Our holy army of rape warriors participates in corrective rape rather than primal rape. We are bold, righteous warriors dishing out punishment on filthy sluts, and taking society back from the scourges of harlotry and feminazism.

The Philosophers of Rape, The Philosophy of Rape 35 Comments [6/16/2015 3:26:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 109678

What kind of stupidity propaganda is this?
These Indian savages didn't have any kind of country, government, just creatures living scattered on this huge continent, not being able to create anything, and now the country which was created by a White man should belong to the savages from anywhere they like to come and be here and have a piece of the pie?
And thousands and thousands on the Face book pressing LIKE this evil lie?
Who is doing this?
Why They are trying to demoralize us with this shameless lie, taking away the history of the blood on sweat the White people shed while building this country?

piltene, Stormfront.com 13 Comments [6/16/2015 2:45:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 109640

You have it wrong. Far from wanting a a slave population of blacks, etc the South Africans bankrupted themselves building up adjacent countries (homelands) with superb infrastructure, airports, universities, harbours, etc in the forlorn hope that they could persuade the black population to move there. Unfortunately, even at the height of Grand Apartheid, blacks from every part of Africa were fighting to gain entrance to South Africa, just as they are now camping at Calais.

WetThrust, Daily Telegraph 10 Comments [6/14/2015 3:31:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 109635

[Answering question "What gives Jews an advantage over whites?]

They're shameless, they have no moral scruples, they're willing to go as low as they need to to dominate everyone else.

If a man offered to take an old lady's grocery bags to her house, and then when he got there pulled out a knife and robbed her, would that be because he's intelligent or has a better religion or whatever? Nobody in their right mind would argue that. So why do people do it with Jews, if that's exactly what they do on a larger scale everywhere they set foot in?

The frankly diabolical things Jews do to stay in power would never even occur to whites. Does it ever occur to a white person to write a newspaper article with the specific intent of hurting another person for no good reason? Does it ever occur to white people to use administrative or media privileges to promote lifestyles they know 100% are destructive to individuals and society as a whole? Do the majority of whites have a compulsion in their souls to leave the world uglier and worse than they found it?

Sure, there's bad white people who do the above, and they're a strong minority, but no majority. We historically banish or punish them, while Jews make thugs, sociopaths, and gangsters their community leaders. Then, with the gold they wield, they're able to not only break the white dirtbags and traitors out of our prisons and insane asylums, but go even farther by appointing them to represent our side in their "interfaith dialogues".

Joe_Smith, Vanguard News Network 8 Comments [6/14/2015 3:27:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 109622

For anti-White Jews, it's much better if Whites are neo-pagan than Christian: this is easily confirmed by Jewish-owned Hollywood's practice of churning out a plethora of anti-Christian movies, but no anti-pagan ones.

Enza Ferreri, Enza Ferreri 9 Comments [6/14/2015 3:21:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 109614

[The British police force has its own pagan association]

The Police Pagan Association...... gladly beating and arresting white racist Heathens for the sake of diversity and the ethnic cleansing of those dirty Anglo-Saxons.

Paganism is a faith for all colours, creeds and beliefs....... now let's all feast on some Halal meat, and don our Jewish skull caps whilst we dance around Irish clovers.

Rainbows, I see rainbows and pride. GAY pride, oh what joys our government provides. I shall adopt two male African babies and several female Indian girls if you please. I give thanks to Elton John for his enlightenment into adoption. I have bummed my partner several times, and he has never given birth. Why Odin? Why would you make us infertile?

Seaxan, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 7 Comments [6/14/2015 3:02:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 109613

A fourth grade teacher in Texas has “apologized to the appropriate people” after she defended resigned renegade McKinney cop Eric Casebolt in a Facebook post calling for a return to segregation.

According to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Karen Fitzgibbons, a fourth grade teacher at Bennet Elementary in Wolforth, Texas, took to Facebook on Tuesday to express her frustration with the outrage in McKinney, Texas and nationally after a police officer was videotaped violently manhandling a 14-year old girl at a pool party and pulling out a gun on other unarmed teenagers.

Fitzgibbons wrote that the she was “ANGRY” the cop had resigned and blamed “the blacks” for causing “racial tension,” complaining that all the commotion had pushed her “almost to the point of wanting them all segregated on one side of town so they can hurt each other and leave the innocent people alone.”

“I’m going to just go ahead and say it … the blacks are the ones causing the problems and this ‘racial tension.’ I guess that’s what happens when you flunk out of school and have no education. I’m sure their parents are just as guilty for not knowing what their kids were doing; or knew it and didn’t care. I’m almost to the point of wanting them all segregated on one side of town so they can hurt each other and leave the innocent people alone,” Fitzgibbons wrote in the since-deleted post.

She continued: “Maybe the 50s and 60s were really on to something. Now, let the bashing of my true and honest opinion begin….GO! #imnotracist #imsickofthemcausingtrouble #itwasatagedcommunity.”

When asked about her now deleted rant, Fitzgibbons told the Avalanche Journal that she hoped the whole thing had blown over already as she had “apologized to the appropriate people,” even though Fitzgibbons insisted that her words weren’t actually “directed at any one person or group.”

“It was not an educational post; it was a personal experience post,” she added.

According to the Avalanche-Journal, Andy Penney, director of public relations and information at Frenship Independent School District, confirmed that District knew of Fitzgibbons’ post and that she remained a fourth grade teacher at the elementary school.

Karen Fitzgibbons, Salon.com 3 Comments [6/14/2015 3:01:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: LyingForJebus

Quote# 109596

The Cossacks suffered the loss of many sons. Over the past 1000 years they have defended the white race on it's east gate. Here are some of it's old men re-enacting how they used to dance in their mountain camps before encountering the Turks in the morning. These people are the ones who protected us from Asians advancing into Europe. These are the ones who deserve all white nations recognition. Hail Cossacks!

dan b, stormfront 5 Comments [6/13/2015 6:51:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 108456

They're rebels without a clue.

High school students wearing prom dresses and tuxedos posed with a Confederate battle flag, an assault weapon and a rifle with a tactical scope at a Denver prom over the weekend.

Eight Chaparral High School students, three of them displaying the flag and the others either holding guns or pretending to, posed for the offensive photo shoot that circulated on Facebook, KDVR reported.

"When he got out there he was surprised that guns were brought out and the Confederate flag was brought out," the mom of one teen told KDVR. "There were other parents there fully supporting it and taking pictures."
A group of students from Chaparral High School in Parker, Colo., took a prom photo posing with a Confederate flag and rifles.

The anonymous mom spoke at the school, located southeast of Denver in Parker, Colo. She called the teens immature but said the parents encouraging the brash photo bordered on being racist.

It's unclear if the Chaparral students were disciplined for the Saturday stunt, but fellow classmates were not amused.

"Clearly, that's not OK at all," one student not involved with the act told KDVR. "I don't know why they would pose with that flag."

Chaparral High School students, nydailynews.com 10 Comments [6/13/2015 3:59:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 109573

JOIN TODAY! Call [phone number]

If you are a native- born white American Citizen, 18 years or older White person of temperate habits, of Christian Faith, and believe in White Supremacy and 100% Americanism please fill in below.
You must fill in the online application first then mail in application for approval. We will contact you while we are waiting on application. Looking forward in speaking with you soon. `If you need a application mailed to you please contact me at the contact us page.
??If you do not mail application off to [address]. You are not a valid member till application is Received.
?Please print off application below.?
Thank you Imperial Kommander /..\manda

Imperial Kommander Amanda, Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 8 Comments [6/12/2015 3:28:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 109572

?The Loyal White Knights is a law abiding Christian Organization. We stand for pride in our race; and what our people have done past,present and future. We stand for freedom of speech, law and Order. We are here to protect our family,race and nation. To exemplify a pure patriotism towards our glorious country. We are always looking for good WHITE PEOPLE to join the Fight. Our Government for the past few years have been working hard to bring in the New World Order. They have already took God out of our schools. They have already passed Hate Crime Bills to silence the word of God on Gay marriages.These bills keep preachers from talking about Homosexuals in the churches.The Government is allowing all these illegal immigrants into our nation. While true Americans are having a hard time finding a job. The Government's pockets are getting fat off of cheap labor. America's unemployment rate is at an all time high; but our Government still refuses to build a Wall across our borders. Which the American tax payer has already paid for. Our T.V. which is government controlled tells everyone not to worry; everything is going to be just fine. We have a Black President now and he will fix everything. The truth is he has the same agenda as any President we have had for the past 20 years. To protect the Terrorist state of Israel with American tax payers dollars. Even though Israel has an arsenal which is never to be checked by the U.N. unlike Iran who is always being threatened. Israel has killed way more Arab women and children than the supposed 6 million Jews of Nazi Germany. They have their own DEATH CAMPS set up in the Gaza strip. While Americans never hear of it through our Media. ?? The Klan has saved America once before during the Reconstruction era; so shall the Ku Klux Klan do it again. We are out there every day in the American streets reaching more and more people everyday.We are every where at all times spreading the truth of God and fighting for our race &nation. We are fighting to be free in this America that our forefathers fought and died for. We are taking a stand to make sure that our children have a chance in this world. Our children have no chance to make it now if we don't stick together and fight for WHITE PEOPLES RIGHTS. The Blacks have the NAACP the Mexicans La Raza and the Jews have the ADL. We whites all across America have the Ku Klux Klan; fighting for a Brighter Whiter America. Exodus 33:16 "so shall we be separated, I and all thy people,from all the people that are upon the face of the earth." We are a traditional Klan and believe the Government is leading America down the wrong path. ?Our Founding Fathers built this nation on Christian Ideals. While the U.S. Government of today has turned its back on God and the American people. We in the Loyal White Knights of the KKK say its time we put America first and its people.The Government Controlled Media has tried to destroy the Klans image but yet we still carry on. The Ku Klux Klan has been here for 150 years now and will be here 150 more. As long as there are still true Americans with the fear of God in there hearts and the Love of Law and Order in there minds; their will always be a Ku Klux Klan fighting for Truth and Justice. ? Quad Semper, Quad Ubique, Quad AB Omnibus,

Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 8 Comments [6/12/2015 3:27:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: TimeToTurn
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