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Quote# 112603

If you don't think MLK was a lolcow himself maybe you need to get off your fucking SJW high horse and stop idolizing communist extremists who cheated on their wives.

DuskEngine, Kiwi Farms 7 Comments [9/6/2015 7:58:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 112564

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called Pat Buchanan "a recidivist anti-Semite who doesn't miss an opportunity to show his fangs," in response to remarks he made about the Jewish faith of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan and the religious makeup of the current court.

Buchanan wrote in his May 14 syndicated column, "If Kagan is confirmed, Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of theU.S.population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats. Is this the Democrats' idea of diversity?"

Buchanan continued, "Not in living memory has a Democratic president nominated an Irish, Italian, or Polish Catholic … What happened to the party of the Daleys, Rizzos and Rostenkowskis?"

Pat Buchanan, Anti-Defamation League 8 Comments [9/6/2015 4:19:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 112542

Antiracism (i.e. Equalism/Blank Slatism) is only one of many US religions. It was dominant only during Reconstruction and the latter part of the 20th century. It’s already losing steam again. It most recently reached its intellectual/cultural peak in the 1970s, and its power peak in the 90s. Since then it’s been hanging on through increasingly repressive measures.

Faced with a credible challenge, it will crumble. This will probably happen when the system built on Equalist principles fails spectacularly, and that should occur pretty soon. We already had a taste of it with the subprime mortgage bubble and subsequent collapse. Whatever comes next will be a bigger fiasco. Maybe it will be some dramatic upheaval in our cities when the boomers begin to retire and entitlements no longer become feasible, and the antiracists themselves bring about the reversal of the urban revitalization that’s been ongoing since the mid 90s. The recent events in New York over the Eric Garner incident demonstrate that cities are currently resting on a pretty fragile foundation. One major riot combined with a demoralized police force could set off a chain of events leading to the collapse of the progressive power base.

Bill P, Unz 1 Comments [9/5/2015 5:27:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 112538

I Am A Racist

Far too many whites are afraid of being called racist by the very people trying to destroy us. This, to me is nothing but raw cowardice. You are nothing if you refuse to stand up for your beliefs.

What good is it to spout you agree, to other racists? There's no challenge in that. There's no impact in doing that. It's a nice, safe way for cowards to vent, where if attacked publicly they can easily deny it and back down.

A true hero of the race makes a public commitment for his beliefs. He says to hell with his detractors and shouts his views from the housetops proudly. He takes on the consequences of his actions like a badge of honor. This always puts fear into the hearts of the craven and hypocrites alike. For a man that has no fear of their words is a man to fear. He has the power to change things. And this is the last thing our enemies want, especially at this stage of the game.

Right now the Jews are smug in their successful bid to outlaw all forms of racism. Liberals decry it as if it were on a par with molestation or child abuse, when in fact the practice is as old as humanity itself. In fact it is still openly and shamelessly practiced all over the world by many cultures, yet you don't hear our enemies rallying against any of them, now do you?

That's because it's not part of their agenda. The liberals act as if racism is a moral issue, and treat white practitioners as if they are immoral lowlifes. The real immorality is their hypocrisy. Our Jew controlled government and media have outlawed racism because they want to outlaw any and all resistance to their agenda to flood America with third world trash. If we are browbeaten into not responding, they can continue their evil plot unchallenged.

That is the real agenda behind the anti-racism campaign in not only this country, but every Anglo nation on earth. These same Jews and power brokers say and do nothing about it in the other countries they control. That's because they're dark races. And if they want to be racist toward whites it's fine with them. Lately however, they've started going after Japan.

Why? Because Japan has become a staunch ally of the white nations. Its entire livelihood comes from them. Japan has a national and racial cohesiveness very similar to the one we used to have here before the Jew inspired invasion of our nation. And the key to this strength is their refusal to allow other races to immigrate. And the Jews are starting to really turn the screws on them, just like they did to South Africa and Rhodesia, and we all know how those nations fared under
liberal control.

If they can get Japan to knuckle under and start immigrating blacks, Moslems and other lowlifes, it won't be long before their nation becomes the same kind of boiling cesspool of racial strife that ours has become. Integration and diversity are two sides of the same cancerous sore. It will destroy America and any other nation that follows that suicidal philosophy.

The Japanese know this. They're not stupid. Their leaders are well aware of the global Jewish cabal and its evil goals. They can see quite clearly what this monstrous lie is doing to us here, and they want no part of it. This nation of ours was created by white Anglo-Saxons for Anglo-Saxons. Not for Asians or mestizos or Moslems, or Jews, or blacks. And that perpetual propaganda line they pump out about this being a "land of immigrants" is pure, unadulterated horse shit. We allowed Anglo-Saxon immigrants. That's what our immigration policy stood for, and what our Founders intended from the very beginning.

But having a deliberately dumbed-down public that knows so little about America's history that it's an open shame, the public is easy prey for the lies and twisted facts the enemy is teaching them. By their standards, all of our greatest national heroes...including our Founders, are guilty of hate crimes and that evil old racism. Racism is a race's cultural and genetic survival weapon. Remove it and that race dies. The Jews know this very well. This is why they practice it themselves with a ruthlessness. But once again the American public remains completely ignorant of this fact. All according to plan.

Every single time a nation has allowed mass immigration it has died. Every time. There has never been a single nation that survived. Ever. Mass immigration is what destroyed ancient Rome, Greece, Babylon, and a host of other nations and cultures. But so few of our people know anything about history that they know nothing of this, or that all that "joys of diversity" crap and "diversity makes us stronger" tripe is a bold faced lie.

Japan is not the only nation that openly practices racism. So does Red China, the Koreas, and most of South America. And again the Jews say nothing. Not part of their agenda. The Jews have an agenda that's on a par with the worst schemes of the Devil himself. Let me give you an example of just how far these bastards have taken their plans. Below is a list of all the nations the Jews have forced to implement anti-Semitism and anti-racism laws. And most of these carry really nasty penalties as well, all thanks to the Jews that have insinuated their way into their various halls of power:

Czech Republic
New Zealand

Notice anything about these nations? That's right. They're all White.

The more we dig into the truth of things, the more we uncover those stinking Jews, and the fact that everything they do is geared to destroy us. When some Jew, or politician, fool liberal or black gets onto you for your views, give them the finger and tell them to sit on it and rotate! Racism is not only our right, it's a necessity for survival! And I'll be deep fried in hog fat before I ever change my views.

How about you? Remember who you are and where you come from. Remember your roots and the sacrifices our forefathers have made down through the ages to see that our race survived the assaults of these bastards. We will never surrender. Ever.

Alexander M, VNN 7 Comments [9/5/2015 5:26:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 112513

ROANOKE, Va. — The words are a part of everyday conversation — “swinging” by an address and going out in the “field.”

But in the twisted mind of Virginia gunman Vester Lee Flanagan II, they were pure racism — and saying them became a death sentence for Alison Parker.

The 24-year-old white reporter, who was murdered on live TV along with her cameraman, used the phrases as an intern at ­WDBJ TV in Roanoke in 2012, according to an internal complaint filed by Flanagan, who was black.

“One was something about ‘swinging’ by some place; the other was out in the ‘field,’?” said the Jan. 21 report by assistant news director Greg Baldwin, which refers to Parker as Alison Bailey (her middle name).

Parker was never disciplined over the remarks, but Flanagan never forgot them.


Trevor Fair, a 33-year-old cameraman at WDBJ for six years, said that the words Parker used are commonplace but that they would routinely set Flanagan off.

“We would say stuff like, ‘The reporter’s out in the field.’ And he would look at us and say, ‘What are you saying, cotton fields? That’s racist,’?” Fair recounted.

“We’d be like, ‘What?’ We all know what that means, but he took it as cotton fields, and therefore we’re all racists.”

“This guy was a nightmare,” Fair said. “Management’s worst nightmare.”

Flanagan assumed everything was a jab at his race, even when a manager brought in watermelon for all employees.

“Of course, he thought that was racist. He was like, ‘You’re doing that because of me.’ No, the general manager brought in watermelon for the entire news team. He’s like, ‘Nope, this is out for me. You guys are calling me out because I’m black.’?”

Flanagan even declared that ­7-Eleven was racist because it sold watermelon-flavored Slurpees.

“It’s not a coincidence, they’re racist,” he allegedly told Fair.

Vester Lee Flanagan II, New York Post 7 Comments [9/4/2015 5:00:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 112484

A little more US history then, to bring you up on events, back then.

Blacks committed 5,000 race riots 1963-1973 to "Win" their civil rights laws. IE Terrorist laws. Here's a few.

A few of the many, many riots of 1964.

1. New York City–July 18-23–1 killed–144 injured–519 arrested– 541 stores damaged! (16 days after CRA of 64 was made Law)

2. Rochester–July 24-25–4 killed–350 injured– 976 arrested–204 stores damaged. (22 days after CRA of 64 was made Law)

3. Jersey City–August 2-4--46 injured–52 arrested– 71 stores damaged. (31 days after CRA of 64 was made Law)

4. Paterson–August 11-13–8 injured–65 arrested–20 stores damaged. (40 days after CRA of 64 was made Law)

5. Elizabeth–August 11-13–6 injured–18 arrested–17 stores damaged. (40 days after CRA of 64 was made Law)

6. Chicago (Dixmoor) August 16-17–57 injured–80 arrested–2 stores damaged. (45 days after CRA of 64 was made Law)

7. Philadelphia–August 28-30– 341 injured–774 arrested–225 stores damaged. (59 days after CRA of 64 was made Law)

PS. How blacks got their civil rights laws p#$%$ed.

From Congressional Record, as DC burned 1968. Rep. Edwards of Alabama

“In this atmosphere of violence, riots, looting, and burning, charged with emotions, we are asked to legislated. People are saying that now we must p#$%$ the civil rights bill. And we are told that it must be done now ---- without proper debate. Just p#$%$ it and get the riots stopped. But what happens then? Where does it stop? Must we p#$%$ a new law every time there is a riot?”

Plus, Blacks killed more White US Military officers in Viet Nam than the 'enemy' did.

‘News Flash’

US military racially fractured, very volatile and at war with itself! Federal Governments Power crippled!

Historian Terry Anderson of Texas A&M University: “The US Army itself does not know exactly how many .... (white) officers were murdered. But, they know of at least 600 were murdered, and then they have another 1400 that died mysteriously. Consequently by early 1970, the army [was] at war not with the enemy but with itself.”

“We were at war stateside, as well. I was among 6,000 soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division that occupied Washington DC in the aftermath of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. #$%$#$%$ination, April 1968. Black troops made up about half of the divisions line units. We were aware that the near-lily white New Jersey National Guard had gone on a killing rampage on the streets of Newark the previous year, and we made it unmistakably clear to white soldiers that no harm was to come to the DC (black) population. Nobody got hurt. The Black soldiers of the 82nd had the “critical m#$%$” to kick #$%$, (mutiny) if provoked.” Glen Ford

Adrian, Yahoo! Comments 7 Comments [9/3/2015 3:28:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 112478

Marine Le Pen calls for end to legal immigration to France

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has called for an end to all immigration to France, legal and illegal. In a speech aimed at rallying her Front National (FN) ahead of regional elections, she failed to mention her father's explusion from the party but did lay into immigrants, Islamists and President François Hollande.

"They don't tell you this but the immigration situation in France is totally out of control," Le Pen said at a meeting to mark the start of France's new political season. "My aim is clear: to stop immigration both legal and illegal."

The FN's programme officially calls for immigration to be limited to 10,000 people per year but Le Pen went further, declaring, "We need national borders for France."

Undocumented immigrants should not receive state-funded medical care and social security payments to asylum-seekers should end, she said.

Repeating a demand she made after the 21 August failed attack on a high-speed train from Belgium to France, she called for "all foreigners on file for links with radical Islamist movements to be deported", adding that "radical mosques" should be closed and their imams be thrown out of the country if they are foreigners.

Hollande was a "do-nothing president", she told her audience in the village of Brachay, where she 72 per cent of the votes in the last presidential election.

The current farming crisis should be solved by scrapping the Common Agricultural Policy, Le Pen said. "No compromise is possible with the European Union."

The FN president did not mention this summer's bruising battle with her father that resulted in his expulsion.

Jean-Marie Le Pen has announced his intention of turning up at the FN's summer school in Marseille on 5-6 September.

The new party leadership is unlikely to give him a hearty welcome.

Marine Le Pen, Radio France Internationale 11 Comments [9/3/2015 3:24:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 112463

(About the shooting of Alison Parker on live TV in Virginia)


All of these black people that have been killed within the last YEAR have had their videos and pictures posted all over the internet and were constantly seen on TV. OVER AND OVER AND FUCKING OVER. BUT NOW YALL FEEL WHITE PEOPLE’S MURDERS SHOULDN’T BE TELEVISED? WHY NOT? IS IT TOO DISTURBING?

When a gunman legally owns a gun and shoots black people, yall don’t say shit about gun control. But when a black, legal gun owner shoots 2 white people. All of a sudden. Y’all want gun control?

Then y’all want to complain about how BLACK people are not outraged over the murders of white people?! We’re y’all outraged by all of the fucking police murders? NO! All y’all care about is that straight, white people, can own guns and are safe regardless of what crimes they commit. Don’t fucking say all black people don’t care because I know some do. But I don’t see y’all speaking out against police brutality so why does any black person HAVE to stand up for white people? White people raise fucking money for these killers of innocent black people but y’all want us to stand up over 1 upset black man with a legally owned gun? NO. That is blood shed on your side now. Deal with it like we’ve been trying to all these years.

Shit pisses you off doesn’t it?

What the fuck is that? Y’all really fucking think white people’s lives matter way more. Y’all are sick.

live-love-libra, Tumblr 7 Comments [9/2/2015 11:44:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: BigD1987

Quote# 112438

(In a thread about 71 dead bodies found in a truck in Austria.)

Well, there's 70 unwanted (probably moslem and fertile - but they don't say) migrants they needn't worry about. I guess when wearing a burka, a closed up truck can get pretty stuffy. Thank goodness for that.

TwinbrookNine, City Data 8 Comments [9/1/2015 4:48:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: ScrappyB
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