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Quote# 115997

I will start caring about the Jews when u carry about my Ukraine people u killed over 8-12 million IN holdomer
I will care when you stop forcing illegal and legal immigration into America and euro cities, when in Israel it’s a crime to be a refugee and u will be jailed and then kicked out, if the Jews don’t beat your ass first
I will care when you stop invading Palestine
I will care when you fight in Iraq and Afghanistan using Jewish soldiers and Jewish men and women, instead of using Americans to fight your fucking war
I will care when you stop using black men with white women in all your “Jewish ” movies, shows and commercials, while promoting blacks families and other ethnicity’s with “their” people
I will care when u say you want equality, yet your give blacks affirmative action, which means white unemployment
I will care when u stop forcing cultural diversity, which means white genocide
I will care when u stop taxing me a Christian for your “k” or “p”, or “U” ON OVER 5000 FOOD PRODUCTS TO SHOW THAT THEY’RE KOSHER, AND IF THAT COMPANY DOES NOT ABIDE YOU CALL THEM ANTI-SEMITE
I will care when you admit that whites were slaves first, under Charles the 1st and King James the 2nd, and the black Barbary pirates and north Africans enslaved over 1.2 million whites
I will care when you turn Zimbabwe back into Rhodesia and answer for the 90,000 and counting white farmers you helped killed with your blood money and finances to help take out the apartheid
I will care when you stop the modern slavery in Africa for it’s, minerals, chocolate, and precious stones, all at the hands of child slaves
I will care when you don’t attack US NAVY SHIPS like U.S.S. LIBERTY AND KILL MORE AMERICANS
I will care when you don’t bite the hand that feeds you and killed my British brothers in the “ KING DAVID HOTEL BOMBING”
I just want to farm and raise my kids and read books and be left alone. I don’t want the things you want. but the way thing are going I wont live long enough anyways, LOVE ALL OF HUMANITY!!!

Allamericanlovingsoldier, Kvetchandkvell 12 Comments [1/12/2016 7:02:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 115957

LePage responded to a question about how he was tackling substance abuse in Maine. He began talking about how much of the heroin is coming into Maine from out-of-state drug dealers.

“These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty … these types of guys … they come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they sell their heroin, they go back home,” LePage told a large crowd. “Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue we have to deal with down the road.”

Paul LePage, Portland Press Herald 7 Comments [1/11/2016 4:22:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 115939

This Trudeau guy seems to have the right idea, given how it's single young men who usually become a problem. Considering how the majority of the migrants are single young men, barring them from entering Europe and deporting the ones already here would also solve the uncontrolled immigration problem to a large degree and restrict immigration to fathers with families, women and children, who are more likely to be in legitimate need for asylum and less likely to cause trouble.


Interestingly, there seems to be a co-relation between an excessive population of young men and civil wars, political instability and general violence and lawlesness. Considering how these places also tend to have a sexually-repressive religion, cultural norms that forbid sex outside marriage, condemn prostitution and other forms of sexual release, have high unemployment and low education levels, require men to pay a large bride-price in order to get married (which many cannot afford for the aforementioned reasons of unemployment and poor literacy), and there's a general shortage of females of marriable age anyway, no wonder there's a plentitude of sexually-frustrated horny young men with raging hormones looking for ways to vent their frustration.

Unsurprisingly, many of them who come to Europe with it's population of spineless emasculated men who are too accustomed to rely on authorities for justice and too pussy-whipped and beaten down to defend their women find Europeans and especially their womenfolk easy prey for their destructive urges, which is further aggravated by the inaction of authorities.

Imperium Sidhicum, Nationstates 2 Comments [1/10/2016 4:18:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 115901

There is no reason to single out one party – that is, no good reason. The Yugoslav war, the war fought by Clinton against the Serbs, was a large social experiment: how do you sow discord among brothers (Proverbs, 6) and turn a multi-ethnic state into a warren of quarrelling communities. The result was satisfactory, for Clintons. The biggest US military base in Europe came into existence. A wealthy independent socialist state was broken into many miserable statelets; all of them applied for a place in the EU; Russia has lost its potential foothold on the Balkans.

The politics of genocide were played to its utmost extent in the Balkans, deligitimising one of the sides in the internal conflict. The Slavs were subjected to an international tribunal of total dishonesty and bias. Their leaders died in jail. No accusation of real genocide has ever been proven, but the West’s right to judge and decide has been affirmed.

Israel Shamir, Counterpunch 6 Comments [1/8/2016 6:19:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 115861

[you know antisemitism pushes jews away from supporting our struggle? antisemitism is the reason isr*el was created in the first place. maybe consider rethinking how you choose to advocate for our people?]

We don’t want the Jews’ help. All they care about is hoarding money and stealing land. I will never trust a Jew.

good-night-zionist-parasite, Tumblr 5 Comments [1/7/2016 4:26:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 115859

kurt cobain must be shunned and erased if the white man wants to recover

The gews paid handsomly to give whitey a new sound. To give whitey a new type of music to listen to. The 70's and 80's had inspired so many with enthusiastic positive music. Everything seemed ro be going well when suddenly a little known band named Nirvana came along with a new sound. The sound of pure negatively, self defeat and self hate. The gews had paid the music industry off handsomly to promote a swing in pop rock music to change whitey from upbeat and confident to self defeating and self hating. Ever since Nirvana rose to fame its been 20 years of negative soundin pop rock music. Every song on the radio is a sad self defeating ode to Nirvana. This is all part of the agenda to make whitey sad about everything.

Meanwhile when Nirvana was singing to every 17 year old about how sad life is and how life is meaningless on the other side of the cities the black peoples music was funky upbeat exciting and wild and suddenly an entire race of women turned their heads and started worshipping the african american music. It was by design. Pay money to promote positive black music and negative white music. 20 years later and every pop song from blaxk people has been inspiring or intense in a dominant way and every pop song from whitey has been self defeating or irratically angry avout nothing .

By the way every black rapper out there is buying their beats from gews that produce those beats. In the black community you are considered made when you can afford to buy some beats from whitey or gews. Those beats are not coming from blacks. None of them. They dont know how to use a computer let alone make a beat.

What all am I trying to say? Im just saying thay Kurt Cobain needs to be erased from the histoey of pop music. It made no sense for the entire white world to have to be forced to listen to such horrendously negaticlve self defeating music coming from a midget drug addict. White people do not want to be represented by a short drug addict in their true hearts.

Id love to construct a summer festival called "nirvana" it would be a festival where the world buries cobain and repent his vile demonic music and flush away his existance while people all dance around listening to underground positive music. Its tike white american youth start to be subjected to the positive music of our fathers. The caucasian race is rapidly dieing because of kurt cobain's nasty impression on our souls.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 17 Comments [1/7/2016 4:26:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 115858

1965 was the pinnacle year for the white man - it's been downhill ever since!

1965. The nation oozed positivity and can-do attitude. Being a hard worker was rewarded, no-one had any illusions about socialism, we had a strong military and we successfully faced off the Soviets all around the globe. We were about to go to the moon, women knew their place in the society, mixed marriages were rightfully frowned upon and homosexuality was a strict taboo. Kids and teens obeyed their parents. Black people lived happily in their own niche and there was peace.

It's been downhill ever since. The white blood has been diluted via racial mixing, young kids are running wild with parents unable to control them, there is absolutely no ambition, everybody wants to slack off and there's absolutely no vision for space exploration or other major causes. Big corporations rule the world and we're mere serfs for them. If the elite could have its way, we'd be replaced by robots and cyborgs who'd work for no pay and we'd be quickly erased as "useless eaters". Confused people think they can change their sex. Homosexuality is not only accepted by promoted. Black people, muslims and other races are forcibly introduced into the white population to further weaken it and turn us into similar "we don't want to work - just give us free stuff!" leeches.

WTF happened?!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 14 Comments [1/7/2016 4:26:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 115800

We aren't killing any innocents in Kashmir. We are only killing terrorist, rapist Muslims that are trying to destroy out country. We are fighting for our freedom from Islamic oppression by killing those who try to bomb our Hindu men, women and children and rape our women, and sell our children into slavery. All this behavior is encouraged in the Quran. Muslims are not humans as long as they follow Islam.

kartashok, Listovative 12 Comments [1/4/2016 4:08:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 115771


Niggers are very, very averse to work of any kind. The nigger's most prominent anatomical feature, after all, its oversized buttocks, which have evolved to make it more comfortable for your nigger to sit around all day doing nothing for its entire life. Niggers are often good runners, too, to enable them to sprint quickly in the opposite direction if they see work heading their way. The solution to this is to *dupe* your nigger into working. After installation, encourage it towards the cotton field with blows of a wooden club, fence post, baseball bat, etc., and then tell it that all that cotton belongs to a white man, who won't be back until tomorrow. Your nigger will then frantically compete with the other field niggers to steal as much of that cotton as it can before the white man returns. At the end of the day, return your nigger to its cage and laugh at its stupidity, then repeat the same trick every day indefinitely. Your nigger comes equipped with the standard nigger IQ of 75 and a memory to match, so it will forget this trick overnight. Niggers can start work at around 5am. You should then return to bed and come back at around 10am. Your niggers can then work through until around 10pm or whenever the light fades.

Cocaine, Sluthate.com 14 Comments [1/3/2016 5:06:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 115766

Re: Black Africans are Genetically Closer to Bonobos Than to White Humans

This is confirmed by common sense logic.

The single-most defining human characteristic is intelligence.

Average fully human (i.e. White) IQ: 100

"Pure" African negro IQ: 67

Chimpanzee IQ: 45

Negro - Human IQ difference: 33 points.

Negro - Chimpanzee IQ difference: 22 points.

Negroes are closer to chimpanzees than to humans in the defining human characteristic, intelligence.

Note: Koko, a gorilla, had a tested IQ of 90 (a higher IQ than Mexicans, Turks, Pakistanis, Indians, American Indians, Arabs, Syrians, and, most obviously, negroes -- all of which Merkel is flooding into Europe and which Obama, the negro, is flooding into America). From the standpoint of compatible intelligence, it would make more sense to flood Europe and America with gorillas than with the above nonwhites.

Tenniel, Stormfront.com 14 Comments [1/3/2016 5:02:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 115758

This white issue is completely stupid. All races have a rabble at the bottom and a minority of very smart men and women at the top. Even Edward Gibbon wasn't a fan of pure equality and many passages in Gibbon are a brilliant summary of many positions which are today, well, unfashionable. Gibbon recognised the problem with race mixing, state mixing, barbarian mixing.. You get the picture.

Anyway, the problem here is that Tito Purdue isn't one of the elect and so he embarrasses himself with the ridiculous praise to racism. His ancestors were probably white slaves like my ancestors and your ancestors.

Now on to the civilisation issue. Jared Diamond is completely wrong when he argues that the Sudanese or the Congolese are just as clever as the Indo Europeans. All races had genius', but the very top of the pyramid, the John Von Neumam, the Einstein, the Maxwell, Newton, Bach, all those guys were European.

Please look at electricity? We see Japan and Hong Kong, awash with electricity, and it does look like there was a Japanese James Clark Maxwell and Japanese Faraday. It looks like the Japanese invented or discovered electricity, agreed? But it is an illusion. The conquest of electricity wasn't achieved in different parts of the planes, neck and neck, as it where.

So this isn't a race issue. Like I said, all races have a rabble at the bottom. Yes you have higher mathematics in India and higher mathematics in China. Yes the Chinese had factories and great technology before the Europeans. But the very very tip of genius, the Henri Poincare's, the Tesla's, are missing from those races.

Moises Pittounikos, RSTDT 7 Comments [1/3/2016 4:53:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Zachski

Quote# 115710

The victims of persecution used #BDS as means for justice once before

Adnan Sadiq, Twitter 10 Comments [1/1/2016 6:37:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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