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Quote# 121455

The Moon represents non blacks..

Because of the essential purpose of each.

Black people are sun people because like a sun, they bring or sustain life wherever they go. Earth would not be in existence without the presence of one. Even the Nazi's new the sun was black, they just had a badly skewed view on it esoterically lol. Kubrick as well also had his own take and presented it as the 'the black monolith'.

'Black' seems to be a recurring theme here lol.

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]
Thread: Eliphas Levi: A history of Magic
Thread: What did the Black Monolith in...

Now, if one examines a moon and its purpose, it is essentially void of life. Basically a desolate rock! This mirrors non blacks because their very purpose on the planet was to destroy life or bring chaos.

Thread: If we are to be "Ordered out of Chaos"...
Thread: Lucifer is representative of Agent Smith
Thread: My Interpretation of "The Great Work"

The moon also has significance to them because unlike the sun which comes out during the day, it appears in its prominence at night. Vampires and Werewolves are also shown to show their true 'nature' only at night and specifically under a moon, by either transforming into a wolf or vampire bat/parasite. The Matrix series also gave reference to this as well when the trio were being lead by the Merovingians wife to the Keymaker. If you look at the Wikipedia link, they talk of this very same bloodline being the origin of the 'black sun' lol.


Thread: Vampire of Consciousness
Thread: Symbiotic Relationships
Thread: A Heterotroph vs A Autotroph

This is important because non-blacks were created in secrecy or darkness (on a island) and the moon is indicative of this.

Thread: The Apple and The Urge
Thread: The Island of Dr. Moreau

You will also realise by taking a glimpse at the animal kingdom that most creatures are nocturnal, which means they only become active at night.

Thread: A Creature is..

Saracen, Godlike Productions 15 Comments [9/4/2016 6:22:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 121449

Texe Marrs is a Christian fundamentalist and conspiracy theorist who has rallied behind Donald Trump.

In the past he has authored books with titles such as “Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis’ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion” and “Conspiracies of the Six Pointed Star”.

On a podcast with another far-right extremist, Mike Rense, Marrs declared that Donald Trump could be an “instrument of God” to destroy the Jews. He had suggested that Stalin had been planning to exterminate the Jews of the Soviet Union, but was assassinated before he could, and that Hitler is unfairly criticised. Whilst he goes on to talk about “Israel” being destroyed, his past writings in which he frequently speaks of “Jewish” conspiracies, which he references in the last paragraph quoted here, as well as the context in which he defends the murder of Jews, demonstrate that Marrs is not talking about political opposition to Israel. He goes on to say:
“Israel is going to be destroyed and it is going to happen so fast we’ll all be shocked about it. It’s going to happen and I’ve been wondering if maybe, let me just say something here, could Trump be the instrument of God in this? He doesn’t have to be a Hitler, he doesn’t have to be a Stalin, he can simply be a good guy.”

“He’s going to have to move very fast against these people”

“[Trump] may be so smart though, and intelligent that he outwits them…he’s their friend, he’s their pal, he’s their buddy and then it’s suddenly, wow. He takes the woman, the whore, so to speak, Mystery Babylon the Great and suddenly he destroys her, in one single hour she will be destroyed”

“I pray they get what’s coming to them”

“These people who have done such horrible things over the years and who, right now, are plotting such horrible deeds against gentiles and others, I hope they get what they deserve. I hope they do and I hope maybe Trump could be the instrument of it.”

In his other work, he has accused George Bush of attending a Black Mass in the Great Pyramid of Giza and claimed that the Clintons are “deep into Egyptian occultism and Masonic magic”.

Texe Marrs, Everyday Antisemitism 8 Comments [9/4/2016 5:34:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 121440

A man described as the “intellectual godfather” of the racist alt-right movement insists he isn’t a white supremacist — and says Republican voters are more racist than the Republican establishment realizes.

Jared Taylor, the editor of the magazine American Renaissance, has been prominently featured in a new Hillary Clinton campaign ad that links her rival Donald Trump to a variety of racists. But Taylor told The Daily Caller that he objects to being portrayed as a white supremacist.

“Presumably a white supremacist is someone who wants to rule over people of other races,” he explained. “We have no such desire. Nor do people on the alt right think that whites are a superior race. In many respects Asians are more objectively superior to whites and certainly athletically blacks are probably superior to whites.”

Taylor previously made headlines after placing thousands of robocalls urging GOP primary voters to support Trump. He said the alt-right movement has been “very very rapidly” growing thanks in part to white insecurities and the Black Lives Matter movement.

“The notion that whites are responsible for the failures of all non-whites,” Taylor told the Daily Caller. “White people get beaten over the head every day with this kind of thing, and they reject that. They also reject the idea that they should cheerfully become a minority in their own country. And things like the Black Lives Matter movement have probably swelled our ranks far more than anything Hillary Clinton could ever do for us.”

In a speech on Thursday, Clinton described the alt-right as “a paranoid fringe in our politics, steeped in racial resentment.” She said the racist movement had effectively taken over the Republican Party.

Taylor said that mainstream Republicans were mystified by the rapid rise of Trump because they didn’t understand the racist views of their own voter base.

“They have been deliberately blind to the frustrations of their natural constituency. They have bought the myths about race. They’ve swallowed that completely. In terms of the interchangeability of races, of the idea that America is up for grabs, that whoever can manage to sneak in more or less belongs to them – they’re no different from the Democrats,” Taylor said.

Jared Taylor, Raw Story 5 Comments [9/4/2016 10:45:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 121438

CNN contributor and Trump campaign surrogate Scottie Nell Hughes accused Hillary Clinton of the meeting the “definition of bigotry” for speaking out against racists and white supremacy.

During a Sunday panel discussion on CNN, MTV correspondent Jamil Smith argued that Trump’s hiring of Breitbart chief Steve Bannon showed that GOP presidential campaign was a “rebranding of white supremacy.”

“I would say that [Breitbart is] part of the white supremacist machine,” Smith asserted. “They are trying to make sure these views become mainstream. And I think, through Trump, they are finding a way to do that.”

Hughes, however, accused the media of “redefining what fair means in this election.”

“Hillary Clinton’s problem, she’s having a problem with engagement,” Hughes opined. “And she’s worried about in November, the same very valuable demographic of the African-American vote is not going to be as engaged as they were in 2008 and 2012 to get out and vote.”

According to the pundit, Trump had been right to call Clinton a “bigot” because the term was not only about racial discrimination.

“Bigotry, if you look at the definition, it’s about someone who’s small-minded and sits there and directs hate towards a certain group,” she explained. “Hillary Clinton’s speech [attacking alt-right conservatives] was all about hate towards a group that, while my fellow counterpart might consider them to be very racist, it’s the exact opposite.”

“These are God-fearing, baby-loving, gun-toting, military-supporting, school choice-advocating Americans!” Hughes added. “And just because maybe there might be some, a part of a very small fringe group [of white supremacists] that read Breitbart — by sitting there and saying the entire website is white supremacy is kind of ridiculous as saying just because you have people that are anarchists and communists that read the Huffington Post, calling that newspaper establishment, [is like] saying that they’re pro-anarchy and they’re against the United States government.”

Smith clarified Breitbart’s role in promoting white supremacy.

“What they present is the view of the white supremacist mentality through their coverage,” he observed. “It’s not necessarily saying, ‘Well, everyone who works there is a white supremacist.’ I don’t know that.”

“The point is to say, what kind of viewpoint did they reflect? And it’s undeniable that they reflect a white supremacist view if you looked over their coverage over the last several years.”

Scottie Nell Hughes, Raw Story 4 Comments [9/4/2016 10:44:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 121418

(A deleted tweet by Donald Trump that was screencapped before being removed.)

Dwyane Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!

Donald Trump, Think Progress 7 Comments [9/3/2016 4:52:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 121417

In a Friday press conference following his homophobic remarks about a state lawmaker, Maine Governor Paul LePage (R) called people of color and people of Hispanic origin “the enemy” and implied they should be shot.

“A bad guy is a bad guy. I don’t care what color he is. When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red,” he said. “You shoot the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority of people coming in are people of color or people of Hispanic origin.”

The governor has offered a veritable potpourri of racist and homophobic remarks over the years. In his voicemail to state Rep. Drew Gattine (D) on Thursday, in an apparent attempt to convince people that he is not a racist, he said, “I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-bitch, socialist cocksucker.”

On Wednesday, he called Khizr Khan, the father of a fallen Muslim soldier, a “con artist.” During a town hall on that same day, he said nearly all of Maine’s drug dealers are black or Hispanic. “I don’t ask them to come to Maine (to) sell their poison, but they come,” he said. “And I will tell you, that 90 percent-plus of those pictures in my book?—?and it’s a three-ring binder?—?are black and Hispanic people from Waterbury, Connecticut, the Bronx and Brooklyn.”

LePage grabbed national headlines earlier this year when he said men named “Smoothie, D-Money, and Shifty” were dealing drugs in Maine. He added, “Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue that we’ve got to deal with down the road. We’re going to make them very severe penalties.”

Among his other comments, he told the NAACP to “kiss my butt,” accused asylum seekers of bringing the “ziki fly,” and told the president to “go to hell.” LePage is an enthusiastic supporter of the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump.

Paul LePage, Think Progress 14 Comments [9/3/2016 4:52:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 121407

Asia for Asians
Africa for Africans

Any sane person could see that MASS 3rd world immigration + FORCED assimilation is targeted at EVERY & ONLY White countries, and it is DELIBERATELY singling out white kids & forcing them into conditions that destroy their race, ethnicities, cultures, and their future.

That's called GENOCIDE under international law

Pro-Whites, Media Matters 8 Comments [9/2/2016 4:33:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 121403

The Republican mayor of Midland City, Alabama got nasty on Facebook after losing her seat to a black candidate in this week’s mayoral election.

“I lost. The ni**er won,” griped Mayor Patsy Capshaw Skipper when someone asked her how the election turned out.

WTVY said that Skipper was defeated by Jo Ann Bennett Grimsley, former assistant city clerk and an employee of the Dale County government for 27 years. She has previously served as the city’s water clerk and county court clerk.

Mayor Skipper was named interim mayor last February when her husband — former Mayor Virgil Skipper — retired for health reasons. County officials voted 3 to 1 for Patsy Skipper to take over her husband’s position.

Voters, however, preferred to see Grimsley at the city helm, casting 233 votes for Grimsley as opposed to Skipper’s 148.

Skipper appears to have made her Facebook timeline private, but posts from 2015 are visible. She posted various pro-Christian and pro-Republican memes, including an image of the White House that reads “I want a White House that honors God. Share if you agree!” and another with a quote by Republican former Pres. Ronald Reagan that reads, “We are never defeated unless we give up on God. Share if you agree!”

Patsy Capshaw Skipper, Raw Story 8 Comments [9/2/2016 4:33:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom
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