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Quote# 123384

David A. French of National Review recently published a piece criticizing the alt-right and Ann Coulter (he even quoted at length this piece from Occam’s Razor). And as can be expected, there was an enormous uproar on social media, with many people criticizing David as a cuckservative since he decided to adopt an African child instead of birthing more of his own children. David French responds here, employing the usual cliches of cuckservatism.

For instance: “We defend a culture, not a race.”

David should really read up on human biodiveristy. Race and culture are inseparable, as I recently pointed out in this reply to Rod Dreher. Race is the root, culture the flower. As Cochran & Harpending argue in the 10,000 Year Explosion (free PDF), race and culture have co-evolved. It’s what others are now calling gene-culture co-evolution. Culture is not some abstract cloud living apart from humans; it’s a part of humans and reflects genetic dispositions. (Some interesting charts mapping the genetic distances between human races are here.)

On to transracial adoption. Take this for what it’s worth, but I’ve heard rumors that Nancy French, the wife, was the one who really pushed for the African adoption. Apparently, she was heavily influenced by cuckservative Russell Moore, a noted “conservative” Southern Baptist leader. Russell Moore has for years been trying to cajole whites into not having white babies but to adopt children of color instead. (Moore also is pro-Third World immigration and criticizes churches that are “too white”). This general trend among mainstream Christianity (which is equally pronounced among Catholics, such as Cardinal Dolan and Pope Francis supporting the Third World invasion of the West) is a maladaptive, suicidal ideology. You essentially have Christian leaders telling their white parishioners that they want them extinguished.

If I were David French and the rumors are true, I’d seriously consider divorce. Even if one is morally opposed to divorce, traditionalist societies have allowed for divorce in cases of infidelity and failure to issue offspring. This would fall under the latter case, since David’s wife is essentially saying she would rather raise the spawn of some random African than David’s own seed. While she may no longer be able to have children, I assume that David is. He could find a fertile younger white wife and further his genetic line. Let Nancy raise the dindu by herself.

But I assume this will never happen and David will remain cucked for the rest of his life.

Alfred W. Clarke, Occam's Razor 5 Comments [1/1/2017 2:44:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Dr. Killjoy
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