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Quote# 133144

Glad to see you’re back safe and sound +BN. I’m looking forward to seeing if Trump will allow a 30+’ (Satan’s Pitchfork) Hanukkah Menorah to take up room on the White House lawn this CHRIST-mas.

Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins and it’s ALL too clear how Jews get when they aren’t in control! It’s simply amazing how they are able to be so paranoid and yet so arrogant at the same time.

Zionien, Real Jew News 0 Comments [10/22/2017 10:19:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133142

Holocaust education can be considered one part of the Holocaust industry. Besides ideological aspects there are also commercial aspects with many individuals and organizations making money from the teaching and related aspects. Many schools, universities, and other educational institutions in the Western world teach the standardized politically correct version. This may occur at all ages and often repeatedly at different ages.

Besides traditional classroom teaching this may involve paying "Holocaust survivors" to give speeches, making journeys to the numerous Holocaust museums and the Holocaust camps, and so on. In addition, there is an industry of organizations which sell advice to teachers, lobby organizations which lobby for more Holocaust education and more money for this purpose, interest organizations for teachers, and so on.

Criticisms have been raised against the exclusive or predominant focus on only the Holocaust, while ignoring or downplaying atrocities such as those against Germans during and after World War II, the killing of 100 million by Communism, or specific events such as Lazar Kaganovich starving millions of Ukrainians to death in the Holodomor. Another aspect is the often very emotional and manipulative methods used in the teaching and which are openly intended to indoctrinate students to have politically correct emotions and feelings.

Metapedia, Metapedia 0 Comments [10/22/2017 10:18:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133141

The alleged “Holocaust” of 6 million Jews at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is one of the most egregious and outrageous falsehoods ever perpetrated against mankind.

Jewish propagandists and their lackeys in western governments have foisted upon the world a completely baseless, manufactured narrative, of a wide variety of ridiculous claims and impossible events, all to advance the Jewish agenda of world domination and subjugation.

goyimgazette, The Goyim gazette 1 Comments [10/22/2017 10:17:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133140

I have to say that Baquack Obamailure wasn't even black. First of all, he knew who his father was, AND he was half-Kenyan. American niggers don't know ANYTHING about their ancestry. They also aren't first generation Americans.

Obamailure has about as much in common with the common nigger as an IQ above 85. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, was much more like your typical nigger rapist. He was the first true black president.

NiggersAreFilth, Niggermania 0 Comments [10/22/2017 10:17:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133290

My definition of 'hate crimes' is when mooz-limz and Afri-Cants (who shouldn't be there in the first place), attack Whites.

MekongDelta69, Disqus 5 Comments [10/21/2017 10:40:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133288

Yesterday on the NPR BBC network there was a segment about how Jewish soldiers and citizens in the UK organised themselves to fight against Oswald Mosley and his fascist group before and especially after ww-2. They even went to Israel to fight the British and the Palestinians there.

Then they came back to London and fought against the fascist there again. They also helped the Caribbean immigrants fight Oswald Mosley's fascists in 1960s. If not for these jewish people pushing for diversity, there would be none of these problems in the UK and in the western world.

bobjo, Disqus 0 Comments [10/21/2017 10:37:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133285

[Transcript: Two white girls with dark makeup all over their faces, with the caption "me & @kinkystyles are niggers this Halloween :)"]

DopeBieber and kinkystyles, Twitter 5 Comments [10/21/2017 10:36:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 133276

So the niggers get in because they are niggers, the professors will HAVE to give them great coursework grades unless they wish to be accused of racism and pretty much any behaviours (for want of a better word) will have to be tolerated by the humans otherwise they will need to be punished for being racists.

Now now Mary, Detritus only wanted to rape you - you had no right to say "No" to him - I suggest you apologise to him properly and then go back to his room - and as for you Graham, if Latrine wants you to take her to the prom and then "show her a good time", unless you want to be kicked out for racism, I suggest you say yes and buy her the prom dress (and weave) that she wants.

But.... after all this coddling, I am not sure who they are going to get around the examination part - which (at least USED to be) assessed by an external organisation. Are they going to allow the niggers some "guidance" when sitting their exams to ensure they didn't "misread the question"? If not, then how will the niggers finally pass?

Fancy that - a nigger with a degree - about as useful and meaningful as Knighting a slug - still I guess it will appease a few niggers and stop them chimping out - "Iz gots my Englush Degree n sheet, Iz be important and clever now"


Just get a broom nigger, let me show you how to use it again.

GMT, Niggermania 1 Comments [10/21/2017 10:29:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133275

They "redistricted" my school about five years ago. What was once a new, flourishing, upwardly achieving student body of generally well behaved white students with a few token niggers, is now a full on nigger warzone. They've ruined my school, my job and it's only getting worse. I can count my white students on one hand, out of the 115 students I have. It's all loud niggers.

Best part? We're not even allowed to discipline them, or write referrals, because the STATE said our district had a "disproportionate" amount of niggers being suspended. This is happening everywhere in this country. Niggers are magical. If you dare tell a nigger to put away his crap music and porn/weed sail foam during class, you'll get in trouble, and fired.

We can't even fail niggers anymore. Skool be free wifi an food an shit. Education is over, in this country. It's all sail foams and chance to run around, screaming, stuffing your face and throwing trash on the ground before and afta "band" noise and sports, and nobody can do anything about it, lest dey mama scream at da skool board.

Shittin' Niglets, Niggermania 0 Comments [10/21/2017 10:29:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133274

I've noticed lately that the number of people viewing our main TNB forum here on average has gone up by about a hundred compared to what I've seen in the past. As I write this it is at 385 viewers and I've never seen it that high. Makes me even more proud to be a Niggermaniac, which I will be until the day I die and into the afterlife I will still think niggers are rotten, idiotic, ugly, useless violent pieces of crap.

It's safe to say that Nigger Fatigue has increased in the past few weeks. It's driven primarily by the Nigger Felon League's pet nigger monkeys kneeling. Nigger Lives Don't Matter and Antifa Ape Attacks play a role but the "bread and circus" crowd control activity known as football is the central reason. No self-respecting human being should waste their time watching a bunch of baboons smash one another chasing a ball, switch to the human-dominated sports, there are plenty of options.

I don't take offense to niggers kneeling while White, Hispanic and Asian Americans stand and proudly show respect for their country and all that the flag and the Anthem represent. Niggers should kneel when humans are around anyway, I mean why would you expect animals to stand and show respect for a song unless you specifically trained them to? We used to have niggers very well trained but they're slipping out of control. I say let them act like the jutting-jawed bootlip retard jungle beasts that they are, so more and more humans wake up from the Magic Nigger Myth perpetuated by all forms of media and by our schools.

SpearChuckinJungleBunny, Niggermania 0 Comments [10/21/2017 10:29:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133273

Used to be a 411 operator. Every time it was a nigger calling they were axxing for something stupid like McDonald's (who the fuck calls McDonald's on the telephone? Hahaha!), and their retard level IQ was dripping from every word. They can't pronounce city names and street names correctly ("Harthorn" when it should be "Hawthorne", "Toe-entz" when it should be "Torrance" and so on), and they more than any other group called back to lie that they got the wrong listing and wanted a refund on the charge.

A REFUND?!!! KOMPUTAH???!!! Almost everything humans do is truly beyond a nigger's grasp. They are great imitators, most primate species are, but give them an IQ test and they'll use the test paper as a napkin to wipe the BBQ sauce off their chicken-bone-sucking sausage lips.

SpearChuckinJungleBunny, Niggermania 1 Comments [10/21/2017 10:28:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133259

A few years ago, I had a money order to pick up at a Western Union store.

I had used the particular store before, but haven’t dealt with this particular nigger behind the counter. It was a young coon. All dressed up in a spiffy uniform, doing it’s best to hide the shitbeast within by sounding all civilized. “Ahm sorry suh!” “Ah cants do dat suh!” “Dat be against uh rules”.

I couldn’t pick up the money order because I had an out of state drivers license, and according to the coon, I had to have an in state drivers license, which was of course nonsense.

Despite claiming what “da rules be” it was clear that this particular dindu had no clear idea what the rules really were. Kinda like having a monkey read the instruction manual to a car. It might figure out that “shiaat” happens if it turns the ignition key, but no real understanding of what is really happening, and what to do next.

I finally gave up arguing with him, but not before casually saying: “Fine, fine... No reason to be a nigger about it!” (Even though I wasn’t a full on Niggermaniac yet, I couldn’t resist the temptation to get back at him.)

The change in the spear-chucker was as sudden as it was violent. The facade of civilization, the “suh”s and any pretense of being a harmless magic negro was instantly gone, and the halfwit expression in his eyes were replaced by raw, ape-like fury. For a second it felt like I’d been transported hundreds of thousands of years back in time, to an African savannah.

“WHADDAFUG YOUZ BE SAYING IMMA MOFUGGINGFUGYUUP MOFOGGA” He started eeking and ooking, jumping up and down and shaking his fist as if holding an imaginary spear or human bone in his hand. Alas, I didn’t stay to enjoy the rest of the chimpout, and was already halfway out the store before he bellowed out his first “mofugga”.

Apefrican, Niggermania 8 Comments [10/20/2017 1:56:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133253

The sins of the European Jewnion are bad.

The Germans had the saying that those who will not work cannot eat. This saying was upheld by all of my Catholic family. I would visit my relatives on the farm during School vacation and was always put to work and worked hard.

That those who will not work shall not eat comes from the Christian Bible. When the Europeans got lukewarm they forgot the written commandments and now they feed the lazy and the exploiters. Pigs have returned to their vomit apparently.

Coldstar, Stormfront 3 Comments [10/20/2017 1:25:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133252

Well, it seems to me that there isn't much mixing in Europe as opposed to the arab and black populations just getting bigger very quickly

The longer it continues, they will start influencing politics more, demanding more, etc

I think the chance that arab and black muslims take over countries like sweden is much higher than making everyone mixed race

This could really backfire on the hook noses IMO

Fascist Canuck, Stormfront 1 Comments [10/20/2017 1:24:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133239

czakal, Wordpress 3 Comments [10/20/2017 9:58:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 133237

Yes, I agree it's time to treat jews with contempt (along with many others I must add), and stick to helping our own.

Their religion is based on the fact that anyone who is a non-jew is practically vermin that should be enslaved, and that the world belongs to them and them alone.

It's high time that we rid this scum from white countries, and they can take all the non-whites with them

ElHammer, Stormfront 0 Comments [10/20/2017 9:47:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133236

Every Jew, during their various "festivities" such as Passover and Yom Kippur, curses all of Mankind. They stand and say, "Curse the goyim. Curse Mankind. Death to Mankind."

They have been doing this for 3,500 years, ever since they wormed their way out of Babylon.

Think about it: All the "friendly" and "nice" Jews that you have been told exist, all curse you and your religion and your country and your very existence, year after year, day in and day out.

The Jews are cockroaches and vermin, pretending to be "holy."

And all Jewish politicians do the same, joining their nest of fellow kikenvermin during Jewish "High Unholy Days" in cursing the very people who vote them into office.

James Gregory, Stormfront 3 Comments [10/20/2017 9:45:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133235

Take the time to study the Jewish faith. These people openly and proud declare themselves the Chosen People of God. They believe in their hearts and souls that they are better, smarter and granted by God dominion over every other race on earth. What else can you expect from these arrogant filth?

DomTxn, Stormfront 3 Comments [10/20/2017 9:43:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133230

Black on Asian crime is an epidemic, but you knew that already. In fact, Blacks specifically target Asians to rob and burgle because they are known as hard working and keep cash at home due to their distrust of banks. Check out Colin Flaharty's channel on youtube because as much as you'd likee to throw shade on this site for censorship, there is a national "black"-out in reporting on the epidemic of black on white crime while the MSM perpetuates the hoax of white racism against blacks. The Truth is a sword!

Blacks are the most racist of all the races!! Well, at least whites and Asians are smart enough never to walk through an inner city Sec. 8 housing project at night because you know they would be harassed and violently assaulted. Not so for the black man and his black privilege where he can walk in any white city and not be viciously assaulted or have any fear whatsoever that whites or Asians are going to attack him based on the color of his skin alone.

Jack McGriff, Disqus 1 Comments [10/20/2017 9:42:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133229

That's irrelevant to White parents telling both sons and daughters to be careful around blacks—in fact, to avoid being around blacks at all—which is very sound advice. It's also sound advice to avoid hiring blacks or renting property to them.

Floridian, Disqus 5 Comments [10/20/2017 9:42:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133226

Would you say the same if it had been a man burned by a nigress? Probably not. The root of cultural Marxism is that it takes away self-responsibility. You are responsible for your own damn choices. This slut made her choice. No Jew pointed a gun at her head and told her to suck this nigger's dick. Make stupid choices...win stupid prizes. This is the base of natural law.

You are simply defending this slut because you still believe that women are sugar and spice and everything nice. This was your blue pill programming. I see this all over the alt-right. They put white women up on a toadstool. This is why the large MGTOW movement does not support Alt-right.

knightwhosaysneet, r/WhiteRights 0 Comments [10/20/2017 9:41:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133225

Something all of us here can have fun with is when we’re at Wikipedia to change “CE” to AD; and “BCE” to BC.

It draws off resources they’d rather have occupied in broadcasting Jewish lies.

And “CE” must be pretty important to the Tribe as they expend considerable energy pushing it.

Also, when you come across some Jew at Wikipedia being ID’d as a “German” or “Russian” (a frequent trick) change it to “Jew”.

Citizenfitz, Real Jew News 4 Comments [10/20/2017 9:40:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133224

INTRODUCTORY NOTE: Let us preface this by saying that we are not “anti-Semitic” and we desire the conversion and eternal happiness of all Jews. We condemn all forms of racism, etc. As Catholics, we also hold firmly that no Jew (or any other non-Catholic) can be saved without baptism and the Catholic faith; and we work to expose Jewish domination and evil Jewish enterprises in the world, which (one must say) constitute the main power of the secular conspiracy. That being made clear, there are some interesting facts about the Holocaust which we’d like to share with our readers. This is relevant to how a Catholic should consider many events in the world today and in recent history.

This file will contain three things:1) quick discussions of facts which contradict the official “Holocaust story” (as well as interesting video and audio links); 2) news links which show how the Holocaust hoax has become the super-dogma of the nations; 3) comments and discussion from readers about this issue. Combined with the control and influence of the Jews, the Holocaust hoax has effectively created a world-wide ambience in which even supposed Catholics and Christians are terrified at the thought of offending Jews or questioning their beliefs.

It’s illegal in at least 14 countries to deny the official “Holocaust” story. Holocaust denial is illegal in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland. Think about that for a moment, and then ask yourself who is really in power. It’s illegal to question the official story of the “Holocaust,” even though it’s perfectly legal in those countries to deny the Divinity and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That means that those countries are truly Jewish states, for their laws uphold and imprison those who deny beliefs dear to Jews, but not to people of other religions.

Most Holy Family Monastery, Most Holy Family Monastery  2 Comments [10/20/2017 9:40:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133221

Sixteen years after an English court discredited his work and the judge called him “antisemitic and racist”, the historian David Irving claims he is inspiring a new generation of “Holocaust sceptics”. On the eve of a major new Bafta-nominated film about the trial, Irving, who has dismissed what happened at Auschwitz concentration camp during the second world war as “Disneyland”, says that a whole new generation of young people have discovered his work via the internet and social media.

“Interest in my work has risen exponentially in the last two or three years. And it’s mostly young people. I’m getting messages from 14, 15, 16-year-olds in America. They find me on YouTube. There are 220 of my lectures on YouTube, I believe, and these young people tell me how they’ve stayed up all night watching them. “They get in touch because they want to find out the truth about Hitler and the second world war. They ask all sorts of questions. I’m getting up to 300 to 400 emails a day. And I answer them all. I build a relationship with them.”

Irving v Penguin Books Ltd was one of the most infamous libel trials of the past 20 years. An American historian, Deborah Lipstadt, had accused him in her book, Denying the Holocaust,and Irving, then a somewhat respected if maverick historian, sued her and her publisher. The film, Denial, with a script by David Hare, is released at the end of this month and stars Rachel Weisz as Lipstadt and Timothy Spall as Irving. It depicts how Lipstadt’s legal team fought the case.

James Libson, a junior solicitor in the case and now a senior partner at Mishcon de Reya, said that the verdict seemed “momentous at the time”. Lipstadt won, with the judge concluding that Irving was an antisemitic, racist Holocaust denier. He was forced to declare bankruptcy and his scholarly reputation was shattered. “We really thought the verdict marked a line in the sand,” says Libson. “That it marked Holocaust denial as a done subject. We’d proven it, conclusively, in a court of law.

“We naively thought that the internet would help that. All the material from the case was published online and we thought that would provide sufficient answer to anyone who could possibly doubt it. Whereas, of course, the internet has actually done the opposite.

“I wasn’t aware until recently of how Holocaust denial has now taken off online again to such an extent. I was really excited to watch the trailer for the film and I couldn’t believe the number of absolutely vile comments beneath it – about the holohoax and so on, more than 4,000 of them. It’s incredibly disturbing. It’s actually way worse now than even Irving was because they’re so abusive.”

Libson was assisting Anthony Julius in the case – another Mishcon lawyer who had made his name representing Princess Diana in her divorce. Irving lost the case – and another that he brought against the Observer over a review by Gita Sereny – but speaking from his home in the Scottish Highlands, a 40-room mansion near Nairn provided by an anonymous benefactor, he says that history has “vindicated” him.

“History evolves. The truth about the Holocaust is gradually coming out. And this is thanks to the internet. It’s how this new generation finds me. There’s a general belief among people out there that they are being misled. The people I’ve called the traditional enemy [Irving’s term for Jews] are very worried about this phenomenon. They don’t have a handle on it.

“Newspapers are dying. And the internet is suddenly there. And they don’t have an answer for it. It’s like some ugly weed they don’t know how to deal with. Eventually they will hack it down but by then it may be too late.”

Google, which owns YouTube, has come under pressure for disseminating hate speech about Jews and promoting Holocaust denial after the Observer revealed that its top results for searches around the Holocaust were directing people to denial sites. After weeks of pressure, Google agreed to make changes to its algorithm, but they are far from comprehensive. Google auto-complete still suggests the Holocaust is a “lie” and a “hoax” and still directs to neo-Nazi websites such as Stormfront, where Irving is considered an authority on the subject. He also has a presence on Facebook, where his page has gathered more than 7,000 likes.

Lipstadt said the idea that Irving had been vindicated by history was “preposterous”. “There was nothing, zilch, in the historical claims that he made. We proved that. But this is the world we are living in. Where facts don’t matter any more … and it’s absolutely terrifying.

“I’ve no idea of knowing if his claims about his newfound popularity are true or not but you’d have to be living under a rock not to see that this proliferation of racism and antisemitism is being disseminated by the internet. “This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It’s about truth and lies.”

Irving, however, says that he is speaking to people who have lost trust in mainstream sources of information. “It’s all to do with this phenomenon of people not trusting what they are told by their governments and newspapers. They seek around to find someone who provides some remedy to this. And they find me. “I am part of the remedy. It’s not just that I’m selling huge amounts of books around the world. One of the big changes of the last two years is the amount I’m getting in donations.

“It used to be small amounts, and they still come in, but people are now giving me very large sums indeed – five-figure sums. I now drive a Rolls-Royce. A beautiful car. Though money is completely unimportant to me.”

His new fans, he says, are the same people who in the US are supporting Donald Trump, who he believes will make a good president and “has his heart in the right place”. Though, he says, he is also impressed by the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. “The Labour party is tearing itself apart with these allegations about antisemitism,” he says, “but Corbyn seems like a very fine man. Maybe it’s because he’s near my age, but I’m impressed by him.”

David Irving, The Guardian 3 Comments [10/20/2017 9:38:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133207

Mekan Kolasinac, the Chairman of the German Left Party in the City of Saarlouis, has called an MP from his own party a “sneaky Jew” on Facebook.

Kolasinac called the head of the federal party, Bernd Riexinger, a “sneaky Jew”. Describing Jews with pejoratives such as “sneaky” ties in with long-standing antisemitic canards; antisemites often accuse Jews of being duplicitous and manipulative, pulling the strings behind events. Kolasinac’s comment is not just an off-hand insult, but an expression of an insidious form of antisemitism.

Kolasinac admitted making the comment, but said that he regretted having done so, addressing his “Jewish friends” in the statement.

The Left Party is a populist left wing party that often takes an anti-Israel stance. In 2010, neo-Nazis praised members of the party, including MPs, who refused to stand for Shimon Peres. At least one MP from the Left Party, Christine Buchhloz, has supported terrorist organisations Hamas and Hezbollah as organs of “legitimate resistance”.

Mokan Kolasinac, Everyday Antisemitism 1 Comments [10/19/2017 3:42:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie
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