Quote# 133109
The other day, my girlfriend and I, along with another friend of ours, were watching a Hollywood TV movie. It was quite a good film, but at one point, my girlfriend remarked on the disproportionate number of niggers that had been cast.
All three of us are NM’s, though the other two don’t “do” forums, so they’re not members on here. After the film finished, we continued chatting about the unbalanced portrayal of nogs in film and on TV generally.
We came to the following conclusions about casting:
Main hero and/or heroine.
Still likely to be human, as most US and British films are aimed at an English-speaking human audience. The makers want their viewers to be able to identify with the characters. For that reason, there are not many films made in these countries that feature Asian or Oriental leads; not that there would be anything wrong in principle with that. Productions from Asia, China, etc., naturally favour a cast of their own race. Nothing wrong with that either.
Hero/heroine’s best friend or trusty sidekick.
This is where the misrepresentation comes in. The UK population comprises about 8% Asian and only 3% nigger.
In the USA, you have a much lower percentage of Asians, but a large percentage of people of European or Hispanic descent. You also have the native Americans, though these are very much a minority, at 1.6%.
You also have a higher proportion of niggers, at around 14%.
So, statistically, you would expect the best friend character to be either British or possibly Asian, in the case of the UK, or white US, Hispanic or European, in the USA. Yet this character is almost certain to be a nigger.
There are many examples, such as the James Bond films, in which Bond’s CIA ally, Felix Leiter changed colour at some point from white to black (he was definitely white in the books) and “The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” in which the hero, Arthur Dent’s friend, Ford Prefect, is a nigger. Again, he was a white Englishman in the book and original TV series.
The trusted authority figure; this could be a cop, lawyer, doctor etc.
Subsidiary characters, who have a minor role in the plot.
Between about 25 and 50% nigger, though in the film that we watched, it was quite noticeably higher. This figure is out of all proportion to the percentage of nigs in both US and UK society.
The villain.
Human. Always. Under no circumstances whatsoever, will a nigger be portrayed in a negative way. If the action takes place in a corporate boardroom, you can expect the 25 - 50% nigger population that I described above… unless the board is that of an evil corporation bent on environmental destruction, suppression of human rights, etc., in which case, there will not be a nigger in sight.
Clearly, the reason for this massive misrepresentation is to maintain a PC agenda, and try to install a general acceptance of the nigger as being just another type of human. Future historians will probably wonder why we, in the 21st century, went to so much trouble to do so. As do I.
Niggermania 6 Comments [10/17/2017 4:14:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie