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Quote# 133071

I'm pretty sure the Jews have infiltrated this site and are pushing all manner of ridiculous conspiracy theories from Flat Earth to Faked Moon Landings. They do this in order to hurt our credibility when it comes to other conspiracy theories that are spot on.

I think it would behoove us to focus on the three main conspiracies, which are very real: The Holohoax, 9/11 and White Genocide

Even if there are others that might be on to something, we have enough convincing to do when it comes to these three. And I would argue that these are also the most important ones to popularize, as the more people believe our interpretation of these events, the more it will hurt the Jews.

w41n4m01n3n, Stormfront 2 Comments [10/16/2017 3:18:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133064

It is your brainwashed Zionist opinion that Israeli Jews are simply engaged in self-defense, when the facts show Israel has ethnically cleansed and stolen ever more Palestinians lands since the birth of the Jewish state, and refuses to draw its borders to this day.

The Jewish predilection to make up their own self-serving facts and narratives when confronted with their crimes is one of the many reasons they're the most despised nation in the history of the world wherever they go. They make up narratives and just keep repeating them over and over until they become Zionist "facts." A Zionist "fact" is worth about as much as a Jewish vow to a goyim sworn on the Talmud.

Sematrix, r/worldpolitics 0 Comments [10/16/2017 1:14:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133038

I went to college in a small town in the midwest. There were about 80 people in the town... Great place to live with great people and very little crime. It's probably in part to the fact that we was 92% white, and only 1.9% Nigger population. I really miss living there, but unfortunately there wasn't as much career opportunity as the big cities. I just came back this week to visit after 7 years of being gone... the first thing I noticed is that there are niggars everywhere! I mean everywhere. They were at every checkout counter and Target, all over the mall, everywhere.

As I started to ask around and do some research, I found that about five years ago they started relocating thousands upon thousands of African refugees to the area. I learned that even the social Services Department were pleading with government officials to stop the influx because they knew the issues they bring. Anyway, crime rates are up, burglary theft and assault rates are up, and there are some real bad things going on around here. damn niggers. I can't believe what's happening to my favorite town.

Massa Wit Da Chimp Whip, Niggermania 4 Comments [10/16/2017 6:15:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133030

[Comment under "Do you want Negroes in our schools?" Mothers' League of Central High School advocating the removal of pro-integration School Board members and the reelection of pro-segregation members. Little Rock, Arkansas, United States. May 1959]

Called freedom of association. If they didn't want niggers in their school they shouldn't have to have them. Furthermore we see now that no matter what amount of money we throw at these shit-skins they continue to drag down whites

Burnthekites, Reddit - r/PropagandaPosters 1 Comments [10/16/2017 1:55:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 133020

Last night a firefighter buddy of mine got a call for a nigger baby not breathing. They get to scene and this nigger is holding the baby. They are trying to get the baby from the nigger mammy but she was refusing. When she finally gave it up it she yelled "doan you her muh bay bay!" Then she opened up her arms and they noticed it was a doll.

The police, paramedic and other firemen searched the whole house and no baby. Turns out the nigger was a schizophrenic looking for attention. He said he was pissed. I would have been also. They ended up taking the nigger to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. He said she insisted her "bay bay" comes to. I would have put the "bay bay" under the ambulance tire after that.

jimbeam, Niggermania 4 Comments [10/15/2017 12:02:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133014

Of course... The jews sincerely believe they will never be able to live peacefully in a host nation until it is multicultural. So what do they do? ... bring the wrath of the host nation upon themselves by attempting to make it to their own liking. The jew will never have peace. Their 'plight' will always be of their own making. No one shares in that blame like they do themselves.

13Echo, Stormfront 0 Comments [10/15/2017 11:00:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133008

I have to disagree with the “chosen people” idea.

There is a HUGE difference between the present day Jews and the ancient Hebrews. Jews are basically descended from anyone who converted to the cult of Judaism or is presently converted.

Some call them Shepardic, Ashkenazi, Khazarian etc. but Jews are mostly descended from the cretins that murdered the ancient Hebrew prophets, murdered Jesus, murdered and persecuted the early Christians, murdered and enslaved other Jews etc.

I do believe that many Jews are directly descended from the ancient Hebrews but are likely to be descended from the ones that got tempted into the cult of Judaism and the worship of pagan idols and the Devil much like King Solomon was tempted.

For Jews to try to pull themselves out of the mud of evil by claiming they are “chosen” and “holocaust victims” of Nazi persecution while rejecting the Holy Spirit and the true Hebrew Messiah Jesus and refusing to repent for their massive sins is like the Devil claiming he is a victim of a cruel God who just won’t leave the poor Devil alone when he promotes lies, violence, perversion etc.

So when Trump talks about Israel forever, I agree if he’s talking about the true Israel of God and not the present Israel of the Devil based on swindling, bribing, blackmailing, stealing, killing the innocent etc. and doing it proudly and very boastfully like the degenerate leaders of Israel and the U.S.

Seek The Truth, Real Jew News 1 Comments [10/15/2017 5:01:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133007

The Jewish lobby has a death grip on the planet, not just the USA.

Just one man (Trump) cannot defeat this lobby, many more people have to face the facts pointed out by Brother Nathanael and several other bloggers and authors about this lobby.

The Jewish elite has stolen technology from us all, beyond your wildest imagination. The satanists always intimidate us with false threats and dangers that do not exist, such as global warming and CO2, or invented by the satanists themselves, by means of the Jewish owned media and entertainment industry.

One man can be murdered, such as Kennedy, but it becomes impossible to kill the resistance against the Jewish lobby, if we all wake up and take back what was ours from the beginning.

If only we repaired our sciences (physics mainly), then we can develop the technology to heal our planet and to liberate humanity from the satanists.

Christ and his teachings about our natural status of equality, about our God given talents, about non violence and love, and about our Divine Father who is the Light and origin of all, will show a way for the 7 billion of people on the planet.

Koen, Real Jew News 0 Comments [10/15/2017 5:01:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133006

Preston Jones thinks the Jews are ‘not omnipotent’.

It is who and what is in them, with them and behind them that so far is ‘not omnipotent’ because such evil forces have been with the world since before Noah’s flood and most decidedly since that time.

That is one side of the matter and the other is that the Jews are still here with almost total power.

Veterans Today could only defeat their Jews controlling the country with military force. That is missing and who would want another Civil War.

The Dragon or Serpent, has featured throughout the world’s history in all civilizations and cultures with their religions of the stars, planets, angels (aliens some call them) and they are demons and supernatural evil powers.

The Dragon was potent during the times of the Roman Empire with its evil Caesars. War was made continually on the Christians and their churches throughout that land.

This Dragon made war on the Woman, the Church of Jesus Christ, and had his success in persecutions and martyrdom with an innumerable people.

Nevertheless, she has been protected until this day, in some form or another. This is apparent in history for despite this Dragon’s successful forays, in making war against her Seed — Christ, and afterwards His seed of Christians, the Church remains.

She sits at the gates of hell but those gates will never prevail against her.

Therein lies the hope of the world.

Without a miracle from heaven in the political scene, it appears the nation could be finished and others with it.

That it is possible to rid the land of the Jews, the basic cause of the mess into which it has sunk, is debatable.

In the past scores of countries have ridden themselves of the Jews but only for a time. They always pop up again in some form or other within each country.

Christians must take a stand against this evil power, this evil force that motivates the Jews, that Dragon, the Old Serpent, the Devil (and his many evil angels). The battle is more than with flesh and blood but against the supernatural powers controlling the nation.

So Christians must also make a stand against the flesh and blood enemies within the midst of their churches and nation.

The blinkers of deceit that darken the vision of very many Christians must be removed. Then perhaps their prayers could save the nation as they act against the supernatural forces and against the flesh and blood Jews within their gates.

The walls must fall down somehow and victory come in some form. It happened at Jericho. Is there to be a Joshua for today?

Irene Bonney Faulkes, Real Jew News 0 Comments [10/15/2017 5:01:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132995

This morning I decided I would go into town to pick up some supplies and groceries. The relatively unfuxated grocery store had niggers everywhere. There were several 'working' there and several more in the 'ligka' department, presumably waiting for some human employee to turn their back so they could shoplift some booze. After grocery shopping I went to the gas station to fuel up the McDindu Machine and two car loads of nogs pulled in. One nog got out of each hooptie and I put my hand on my hip making sure I was prepared should I need added protection.

When I went inside to pay for my pumped product one of the nigger bucks was asking the human female clerk about the smallest condoms they had and wanted to know if they had any smaller, why I have no idea, but was assuming it was for packaging contraband. The sow nigger from the second vehicle wanted to know if the store sold 'Black and Mild' cigars. I paid for my fuel and waited in my vehicle for the niggers to leave in case they would harass the young female human clerk. Just when one nigger from the car would come out another would go in, it was probably better that way so there weren't eight or ten niggers pawing the merchandise in the store at once. When I finally got home I breathed a sigh of relief and thought that I had just returned from a trip to Apefreeka.

Shooty McDindu, Niggermania 5 Comments [10/15/2017 3:58:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132975

Jew media often tries to make Stormfront and WN look like Hitler lovers. While many of us admire Hitler, in the historical context, for fighting the Jews, to keep pushing Hitler into contemporary contexts does what the Jew media does to WN constantly.

Not every current event is Hitler. WN are concerned about Whites and winning White rights in a civil manner. Jews constantly say WN is "Hitler".

"Oh look, Stormfront WN are constantly quoting Hitler, see they are Nazis." It is easy to spot the Jews in the mainstream media out there who try to make WN out to be "Nazis".

ForeverWhiteMan, Stormfront 7 Comments [10/14/2017 1:54:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132961

Not too surprising that the nigger players in the NFL and others have taken to biting the hand that feeds them, again. Yes, I'm talking about this shit that the niggers have taken to where they refuse to stand for the national anthem. Talk about disrespect. If the niggers don't like it here in America they should get the fuck out.

Personally, I was drafted and sent to Vietnam. Then, decades later, the government of the United States sent me to prison for a crime I did not commit. Now, I have no rights in the country I fought for. I'm not resentful of our country, and would never disrespect our flag.

The niggers, on the other hand, have nothing but contempt for the country that gave them more than the vast majority of citizens. They shit on America and have the nerve to disrespect our flag.

Uncle Coz, Niggermania 3 Comments [10/14/2017 3:48:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132958

The kikes have been milking this holohoax for decades, but the holohoax lie is finally collapsing. The kike backed media isn't trusted like it used to be, and now more and more people are getting redpilled about the holohoax. The supposed "gas chambers" were not big enough to fit all those kikes. There is no video evidence of the holohoax. There are no mass graves, and those photos of the "holohoax victims" were typhus victims.

Not one kike died in the holohoax, as it is nothing more than an excuse to slander Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a hero that actually had the balls to fight the kike backed media, and he loved his people. Share this video with your family and friends, and spread the word. Once the holohoax being a lie becomes mainstream, the American Nazi party will actually have a chance to win an election, and America can finally be rid of the subhumans, and can be a land for white people like our founding fathers intended.

European_Pride88, r/WhiteRights 1 Comments [10/14/2017 3:40:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132942

The “Wizard of Oz” movie was first released just a few days before WW II began in August of 1939.

Judy Garland may mean Jew’s God Land, of Israel. Dorothy the Jew was looking for a way ( a door ) to get back home and back into Israel after being kicked out beginning in 70 AD.

Without WW II and the Jewish Holocaust there would never have been today’s new country of Israel, because the Jewish population was too small in Israel before 1933 in order to ever take over the complete total control of and to successfully fight for keeping the land of Israel.

Populating Israel with Jews was tried many times before, and nothing else but the hidden manufacturing and behind the scenes making of WW II ever worked to bring about today’s new country of Israel.

The movie, Wizard of Oz, is about a dream, and the return to Israel for a homeland for the Jews, was only a dream of the Jews in 1939.

Near the beginning, Dorothy falls off the fence and into the pig pen and is rescued by the Lion person. Jews have a big fall in Nazi Germany, and then later the Jews are rescued by Zionism ( Lionism ) by the existence of the new country of Israel.

The twister is a tornado which relates to the number two, and thus to World War Two.

Following the Yellow ( Gold ) Brick road relates to how the US Great Depression was the major stimulus for the economic collapse in Germany and also to making WW II happen.

Many professional people think that the US Great Depression was intentionally brought about, and it was not something unexpected by those who ran the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has admitted on it’s website that the Federal Reserve was the sole cause of the US Great Depression, but the website claims that the depression was unexpected.

Miss Gulch, the wicked witch, name relates to the letters G C H, which relates to the Goyim Christian Church, the supposed evil historical persecutors of the Jews.

B, Real Jew News 3 Comments [10/14/2017 3:25:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132924

I had an interesting incident with a Jewish Man lately.

When I publicly criticized Margo Kaplan of Rutgers U, who called for the legalization of pedophilia as a Communist Jew, I was threatened. I meant no ill will but it was as if because I am a Christian, I am not permitted to criticize anyone.

I have seen from my limited experience, Jews tend to close ranks around even the most heinous Jews. If a Jew, like Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg in New York dares go to the Goyim ie the NYPD and accuses various Rabbis of tolerating open pedophilia, he is threatened with death.

I know you have explained this situation multiple times.

NATHAN, Real Jew News 0 Comments [10/14/2017 3:22:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132893

The Arts, Sciences, and Technology would Improve if all Non-Whites were Deported Today

If all non-Italian people were deported overnight, the Italian nation would see massive prosperity. Around 10% of the Italian population is made up of non-white, genetic foreigners who have no place in the nation. With mass deportations, the arts, sciences, and technology would get back on track, as a correlation to more equitable treatment for white people and an increase in the national IQ.

When you have a sludge of non-whites in your country overall trust goes down. For example, very few people in Mestizo-ized countries care about or trust each other. This is why Brazil, Nicaragua, and Afghanistan will remain  national toilets forever. When you have monoracial countries, like Sweden used to be, people tend to help other because they feel like they are part of an extended family. When people trust each other and help each other out, welfare systems, pensions, 401k’s, etc. actually work.

Multiple studies have shown that Italians have the highest IQ’s of any Europeans (https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country), but unfortunately that IQ is being dragged down by the sludge of Africans flooding the country. The average Italian has an IQ of 102, while the average Nigerian has an IQ of 84. If you have a country full of invaders, then all of the smart people begin to flee to other countries where they don’t have to deal with negro violence, or they expend all of their resources trying to stay safe and not towards innovation. We are literally comparing fresh apples to dried up-maggot infested mangos.

In conclusion, the only viable answer is mass deportations now.

CARLO ABRUZZI, Forza Nuova USA 0 Comments [10/14/2017 3:19:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 132946

The revolt opens in the first pages of Animal Farm.

Philosopher pig Old Major rouses the animals to fight human oppression in the person of Mr Jones, the owner of the farm.

Old Major is Karl Marx and Mr Jones is Czar Nicholas II. The revolt’s the Bolshevik Revolution.

When Jones is driven out, the monarchy ends, and the pigs rule the farm.

Orwell used Moses the raven to voice his hatred of the Russian Orthodox Church of which Czar Nicholas championed.

Moses told the animals of a far-away place called “Sugarcandy Mountain”—”heaven”—to lull the animals into submission to Mr Jones.

But the pigs convinced the animals that “Sugarcandy Mountain” was a lie and Moses the raven had to leave.

Orwell here indicates that the Church was the Czar’s tool to keep the working class hopeful and productive.

Orwell despaired that the Church would again pummel the people into submission when Moses returned when all ended in disillusionment.

The raven is back in Russia today with the revival of the Orthodox Church.

A spirit of optimism reigns and the Russians smile on the future.

For after all, a nation is not a “land” but a “people,” and the Russians are a very different kind of people than Americans.

Dostoevsky foresaw this in his Brother Karamazov when writing, “A star shall rise in the east,” with regard to the Russian Orthodox Church bringing Christ’s image to the world.

“Russian Messianism” in conflict with “Jewish Mammonism”—as it had overtaken Europe—framed Dostoevsky’s vision of Russians being a “God-bearing” people.

In Animal Farm, the revolution, in spite of Orwell’s socialist dreams, proved that the old regime worked better.

Not because it was “old” but because the monarchy was fueled by the image of Christ, which never grows old.

The image of Christ has been obliterated in America, now infested with the air of Jewish mammonism.

Americans have nothing to live for.

The “exceptional nation” lives on food stamps and Jews rule the farm.

Brother Nathanael Kapner, Real Jew News 2 Comments [10/13/2017 2:46:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132945

According to my research the Bolshevik revolutionaries were 80% Jews and 100% freemasons (funny how that crops up again and again). Financed by Jew and freemason bankers in London and their lackeys.

Frankly I find it difficult to believe that those folks so easily lost the reigns of power in Russia, certainly not so quickly and it’s highly probable that they wouldn’t be removed without a serious and noticeable purging.

Whether or not Putin is an Orthodox Christian, I simply doubt that anybody would rise to that level in politics and NOT be connected with organized Jewry or secret societies.

Can someone please explain to me how these players wrested power from the old royalty, slaughtered all opposition, owned and controlled EVERYTHING then all of a sudden magically vanished? Gave up? Moved away?

Giving all the means of production to the same oligarchs who controlled everything before and calling it “free market” isn’t exactly a major power shift by my account.

According to Gorbachev, the “fall” of the Soviet Union was only a ruse (as I’m sure was the cold war). If I’m way off base here, someone please explain to me how these cockroaches were driven out so quickly and without any struggle or purging.

The revolutions of the 18th and 19th century and WW1 were orchestrated to topple to power of the monarchies.

The “enemy” practices the ancient mystery religion of Babylon. The conspiracy is as old as the tale of the tower of Babel.

All people speaking one language is symbolic of a world government (certainly the known world at that time), and the building of the tower symbolizes the belief of Luciferianism/Secular-humanism that through great works, man can become as God or over-top God.

Their goals are threefold. To abolish all nation states, to abolish all religion (save their own), and to shackle “the mob” (that’s us), in a “benevolent totalitarianism”… one world socialist “utopia”.

This has been called the “great work”, “new age”, “new Atlantis”, or “new world order”. America’s destiny is to be a major player in this. The great seal with the unfinished pyramid on one side and the phoenix on the other (look at the neck on that bird… it’s no eagle!).

Why is the pyramid not finished? What does the phoenix represent? This is a big tell that the plan is for America to burn and something to arise from the ashes. Perhaps then “our enterprise” will be completed?

In any event, by my estimation the “clash of civilizations” that is being pushed is that of the Christian world (plus the Jews) vs. the Muslims. Mind you, the Talmudic/Zionist Jews will come through unscathed, but true practitioners of the faith are scheduled to be eliminated if they won’t go along with the new order.

God bless you Brother Nathanael. You are one of the few who are brave enough to discuss these issues and allow such comments.

Jon, Real Jew News 1 Comments [10/13/2017 2:46:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132944

No matter what station in life, the amount of money they have, the location they are at...Nigs just can't learn to show respect.

They are wild, loathsome beast their behavior is a constant reminder that they are of a different species. Niggers...the scourge and plague upon the earth.

Brer Rabbit, Niggermania 0 Comments [10/13/2017 2:46:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132932

After having read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and having read Henry Ford’s The International Jew, I realize that until we throw the Zionist Jews out of our country we will never have anything but corrupt candidates running for the Dem or Rep parties.

On Aug 2, 1492 the Jews were expelled from Spain & 1 day later Columbus set sail for the Americas with at least 6 Jews on board.

So the Jews were here from the get go and have never let their grip go on this country.

The American Indians may have had a better fate if no Jews had ever come to America. If we someday colonize another planet, the Jews will be there to ruin that too!

PS-My best money making job was working for a Jew, but he sure stole anything he could & I regularly walked in his office and called him a mother f***er and he just gave me more money & said shut up.

Now my daughter works for one and she has called him out for bad business practice and he gives her more money and tells her to shut up. On a larger scale, this is how our government works.

Michael Koop, Real Jew News 3 Comments [10/13/2017 11:32:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132931

I think this is a great line of inquiry, and one that deserves our careful attention. Here are my thoughts:

Niggers are only concerned about themselves, and in the immediate here and now. Making a lot of unnecessary noise or speaking in a loud volume is just another facet of the anti-social behavior which has tied the nigger to savagery. Other facets of this anti-social behavior would include things such as:

1) No respect for private property rights. Every nigger will steal, and they are destructive by nature (that's why coon town looks torn up no matter where in the world you are).

2) No empathy for the circumstances of others (niggers are soul-less in this regard).

3) No ability to plan or comprehend the future. A nigger doesn't have the mental wherewithal to understand the cause and effect relationship between what does now and how that will effect it an hour, day, month, or years later.

4) Need for immediate self-gratification. This is closely related to #3, but a nigger can't do without now for the benefit of itself later. This is why they quickly blow their welfare checks or EBT benefits on expensive cuts of meet and junk food, only to be doing without just a few days later.

5) Constant need for attention. They have to be recognized individually no matter the setting. This is why niggers complain or demand special treatment in restaurants. It is because they have to receive constant recognition. Nigger restaurant complaints are very closely tied into the same nigger desires that also make them pursue cheap "bling" jewelry, carjack over "shine rims", or shoot one another dead to get the latest basketball nigger's shoes.

wuscjd, Niggermania 1 Comments [10/13/2017 11:32:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132930

The real question is..

Were these worthless, screechingly LOUD niggers different, read: quiet(er) at a different point in history? I spent the 20th century nigger FREE. I am now in process of making it this way again, after spending the last 10-12 years in a fuxated part of the country, so I have no real knowledge of the nigger, pre-2006.

It seems with this Obama Yo Mama fuck setting these grease apes amok in this great country, coupled with the endless liberal worship/coddling of these vile things, they only really came to existence in the past 15 years.

Now, they are EVERYWHERE, and LOUD. Were they always this way? Or was it the sail foam, looksutme, shit cRap, "urban" worship, constantly represented in media, constantly celebrated "cultcha" disgusting social media satanism/human genocide which is destroying the fabric of society in the name of "diversity" which caused this shit? I mean, history is being re-written daily by the constant oversaturation of liberal/leftist media.

I constantly see pretty white teens hand in hand with greasy shit apes with cheetos hair and that STINK. I see soccer moms blasting obscene FILTH cRap from their minivans. I'm forced to go to meetings about how we cannot discipline (or even say a WORD) to some nigger who won't stand for the flag pledge, much less even discipline them for anything in life, especially me (because I'm an evil WHITE guy), including the NOISE. I exist in some kind of opposite world of everything I've ever known in life. Being quiet, intelligent, successful, clean and cultured is bad.

Flag pledge is bad. America is bad. Europe is bad. Having interest in my Russian heritage is bad. Being Christian is bad.. Being white is completely BAD, being male is bad, being straight is bad. (I am not shaming any orientations, just saying, it's bad, because... everything I am, in the year 2017 in America...is bad.

And THEY will never fuckin' stop SCREAMING. But if we ever say one word... we lose our jobs, lose our everything. God help us.

Shittin' Niglets, Niggermania 1 Comments [10/13/2017 11:32:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132929

Long story short, I bought a cheap car for my inlaws because they were supposedly poor - come to find out they were (illegally!) gambling their money away instead and don't want to be grandparents to their one and only grandchild. When we confronted them about it, they got mad and threw the keys back at me (car is still in my name.)

So now I've got this cheap car (~$2500) that I've put a little bit into (fixed the A/C, window regulators, tinted the windows, fixed the brakes, etc.) Parts didn't cost much and of course my labor is "free." Car is actually very clean inside and out, runs good and doesn't look half bad either. If I can get $2500, I'll be ahead a few hundred and happy. KBB is less than that of course, but this car is relatively low milage for its age.

Good thing is, here out in the country where it didn't flood as much during Harvey, people are looking for non-flooded cars (thousands upon thousands of cars were flooded in the hurricane.) I figure it's a seller's market at this point and I want to take advantage of it. What I need help with is wordsmithing and speaking to potential buyers to avoid coontacts.

I've already put the car up on my local county website on Facebook and had a few people interested in it, but this evening I got a sheboon from Houston wanting to come out and see it. She's already asking if the price is negotiable (to which I said no, of course.) I suspect I'll have to put the car on Craigslist which is why I'm asking for help. I've had good success with transactions on there before, just never sold a car. In fact, we bought this car off Craigslist from a nice young couple.

I don't give a shit about sob stories but I don't want some nigger trying to pull one over on me. I've got a GPS tracker in the car at the moment (that's how we busted the inlaws for gambling their SS checks away and whining that they're poor) so if they run off with it, I'll be able to find them pretty quick. I've sold other stuff before but not a car (other than trading in old vehicles at a dealership.)

Obviously bill of sale is paramount but I figure I'll tell potential buyers that I'll meet them at my local police station for them to look at it (it's not too far for me to drive it there) and only during daylight hours. I don't want a bounced check or any other horseshit payment method either - I'm going to tell potential buyers "cash only" just like the people we bought it from.

Any thoughts on wording the advert to help avoid the groid?

Itakeazero, Niggermania 3 Comments [10/13/2017 11:32:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132917

Indeed, the “new anti-Semitism” makes use of two criteria simultaneously. There is the criteria for attaching the label which boils down to most things which inhibit Jewish Zionist power seeking. Then there is the criteria which attaches to the label, namely, hatred of Jews.

The attaching of the label fulfills two functions. First, it is used as an ad hominem attack to discredit a person’s views without actually discussing them. Second, it is a signal to Zionist (and other?) Jews, and perhaps other Zionists, that this person is to be treated as an enemy.

Keith, MondoWeiss 0 Comments [10/13/2017 1:59:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132915

I've made three trips to a local dentist's office and the first two trips, everything went great. The staff were professional in every way and all white. However, on the third trip, I was led back to a room, was seated and then the dentist came in. Everything is still fine. I closed my eyes after the dentist gave me the shot to numb everything out. He said he'd be back in a few minutes once the numbing agent took effect.

When he came back, he said the assistant would be there in a moment and, to my horror, it arrived! A huge 350 pound obese sow! Where the hell did it come from and what was it doing there?!? I was shocked and wanted to get up and refuse but foolishly didn't. I guess the serious pain from the two cavities affected my judgment as I just wanted the pain to end. The first trip was just for the initial exam. the second trip was for an intense deep cleaning including underneath the gum line to remove plaque. The third trip was to deal with the two main cavities that were bothering me.

To cut a long story short, the stupid sow managed to stab me down inside the throat right below the jaw line where there was no reason for any dental instrument to be! Next, the dumb cow managed to actually stick one of the instruments up my damn nose which made me smack her hand away while yelling, "WHAT THE HELL?!" She ooked, "I sorry." Then, every time the dentist required her to do something with a dental instrument, she'd shove the damn thing in my mouth and start slapping it around like she was using a metal butter knife to stir a pot and kept banging into my teeth with force.

I was getting mad as hell and gave the dentist a look that basically said, "where in the hell did you get this obese, incompetent fuck up from?!" He told her to be gentle in a rather stern voice. Even so, when he requested suction, she rammed the damn thing into the flesh with force causing me to say, "That hurt! Watch it, dammit!." That was yesterday morning and my throat is still sore from where she stabbed me. In any case, thankfully the visit yesterday was all over with rather quickly.

I went up front as I needed an additional appointment but told the receptionist and the dentist both that when I came back for the follow up, if they stuck me with that incompetent black fool as a dental assistant, I'd walk the hell out on the spot and go somewhere else. I repeated everything she'd done to me and they knew I was mad as a hornet and apologized.

The best thing was when I turned to leave, the black sow had obviously been standing there some distance close behind me and heard everything. The look on her face was one of being seriously frightened. I guess this wasn't the first complaint received! In any case, I firmly believe that every bit of pain she inflicted was intentional and she was just being a typical nigger!

When I got home, I brushed my teeth for 5 minutes and then used the strongest mouthwash I could and gargled for a minute or so. To be even safer, I took two strong antibiotic pills (480 mg each) just in case.

NEVER AGAIN!! And I don't care if that upsets some nigge!

Unregistered, Niggermania 3 Comments [10/13/2017 1:59:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie
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