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Quote# 128683

Citing Trump, Dr M says against mass immigration from China

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 20 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad denied today that he is against foreign direct investment (FDI) due to racism, clarifying that he opposed such move from China as it allegedly leads to massive immigration.

The former prime minister said even the rest of the world feels so strongly against mass immigration, highlighting United States president-elect Donald Trump’s suggested deterrent border wall against Mexican immigrants.

in“I categorically welcome FDI from China as I welcome FDI from any country. What I object to is the kind of FDI from China,” he said in a blog post.

Dr Mahathir said China is not investing in Malaysia’s manufacturing industries, but instead is acquiring land, building settlements, towns, and cities that will later be sold to Chinese nationals who will come and live here in the millions.

“It is this massive immigration that we object to. If the project is by Indians and a few million Indians are to come and live in Malaysia, we would also strongly object,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said the same situation currently happens in the Europe with many objections against refugees.

“Mr Trump wants to build a wall to prevent Mexicans and other South Americans from migrating into the US. They have police patrols and guard dogs to keep out these foreigners.

“That’s how much nations are against mass immigration into their countries,” he said.

Calling himself “pro-Malaysia”, Dr Mahathir warned that the Chinese will compete against local businesses, eventually taking a large chunk of the economy.

“The Chinese are welcome to invest in industries in Malaysia. But just as we would not welcome mass immigration of Indians, or Pakistanis or Europeans or Africans into Malaysia, we have to adopt the same stance on Chinese immigration into Malaysia,” he added.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak accused Dr Mahathir of committing great slander against the federal and Johor governments with his comment on the Forest City project in Johor Baru.

Najib dismissed Dr Mahathir’s allegation that 700,000 Chinese nationals would be brought to Johor under the project and granted Malaysian citizenship.

Mahathir Mohamad, themalaymailonline.com 1 Comments [6/30/2017 11:18:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 128676

Koreans will never forgive what these monkeys did. Not only did they massacre and colonize Koreans, they were the main perpetrators for why Korea is divided today. My grandfather was an independence fighter in Eastern Manchuria aka Gando, fighting the evil Japanese. Now, half of my father's relatives is on the other side of border. Korea should reunify and invade and take over that monkey island. Fuck Japan! We can never forgive these backstabbing monkeys.

xcreaturex100, Korean Sentry 4 Comments [6/30/2017 1:30:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128675

Most articles from the juden media when commenting on Whites becoming a minority in their homelands.
They gloat about it.

Gleefully cheering on White Genocide as if it is the triumph of the century.
And to the majority of non-Whites it is.

Just wait until the civilized first world that Whites built crumbles into the $hithole.
Like these parasitic destroyers made of their own countries that they ran from.

AmericanRobin, Stormfront 1 Comments [6/30/2017 1:30:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128674

This is not bold. This is a perfect example of the kind of rampant stupidity running through the black community. Young blacks believe with all their hearts and minds that they are bulletproof. They sincerely think that no white man can or ever will punish them for their arrogance. I wish to God that there were still a few old blacks alive. Ones who could clue them in on the truth. Ones who remember the Big Boss Man.

That mean ass white Man who would not tolerate any crap. Let a black snake whip crack on the backs of a few of these mouthy spooks and it would be positively amazing how their actions and attitude toward whites would change. There wouldn't be anymore of this profanity splattering around in our cities. It would be all Yassuh, Nosah Mistah white man suh. Let me be blunt. I do not want blacks to like me or get along with me. I don't need them involved in my life in any way. All I want is respect. If you wont respect me for being a white man, you will damn sure respect me for being a Bad Ass white man.

DomTxn, Stormfront 4 Comments [6/30/2017 1:28:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128672

Only the stupidest ignoramuses still puke out the 6 million lies holohoax $hit, dave, and a lot of them are gulag-death-camp-loving Jew reds.

These Commie Jew Bolshevists would never have murdered 62 million Christians (cf. Solzhenitsyn, or do you think he should be censored too) if the Chancellor had been allowed to eradicate the Cheka scum.

benzion kook, Real Jew News 2 Comments [6/30/2017 1:26:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128665

I'm black dude...

And no there's not more for anyone, the same sluts go for all sorts of primitives and the rest become cat ladies...

I'm married to a black goddess who gave me two black princesses and two SONS. Nobody in my family ever race mixed.
And I've never wanted a white woman for me. It's you primitives who dream about white sex slaves because you are slaves.

YOU GOATFUCKERS ARE A TUMOR IN EUROPE AND YOU WILL BE REMOVED, either willingly or via laser guided shells and missiles (among other things).

Trust me I know about those things, and I've seen how you guys can't even hold high altitude mortar positions when just slightly peppered with 20mm from down below.

Parasites, ticks, leeches and snakes, that's what you are.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 2 Comments [6/30/2017 6:46:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128653

[OP of "What's the difference between a Nazi and a nigger?"]

One loves welfare and the other...o shit, triggered!

CapitalJusticeWarior, Reddit - r/Physical_Removal 6 Comments [6/30/2017 6:43:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 128642

Yup, she sure seems nice enough. Maybe one day you'll have kids who will kinda look like you, but really won't. Maybe one night quietly lying in bed you will hear the faint sound of your ancestors rolling in their graves because you dumped on your heritage, dumped on what they fought for, and dumped on them.

It is not ok to just date for a while either. That shows a lack of integrity, and a lack of leadership. You must be an example to others, and holding hands with the non-White girl shows others that is ok. Weaker people may follow your path, and thus you contribute directly and indirectly to our destruction.

Merlin, Stormfront 3 Comments [6/30/2017 6:40:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128640

Dear White “Africans”:

Africa is not your home continent

Their culture is not your culture

A person that breaks into another’s home, hurts the inhabitants, and then decide that hey, maybe they’d like to stay here for a bit and run the place until they turn it into a shit hole for the house owners is not the “Resident” of the house, or even a guest at this point. They are still invaders that have decided to settle into the place they took from the owners.

You guys are nothing more than modern-day settlers, so please shut the fuck up.

twinkle5twinklelittlestar, Tumblr 4 Comments [6/30/2017 6:40:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 128648

As Christians, we recognize that the Bible commands us to be kind to ‘the sojourner within our gates.’ But this assumes the ‘sojourner’ is here legally and is not a threat to innocent Americans.

John Eidsmoe, Christian News Wire 5 Comments [6/29/2017 12:47:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128610

Isn’t it the Jew’s dream to enslave all of humanity and keep only 500,000,000 submissive powerless Crossbreed slaves so Jews can have their second world and live in heaven on earth?

Denny, Real Jew News 9 Comments [6/28/2017 1:43:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128609

I’d say the Zionist Jews and their giant rats nest in the Middle East is far more important to either the Democrats or Republicans than America.

I went to the flea market today and one of the dealers started bragging about being a U.S. military veteran.

So this guy came up and thanked her for her service. I recognized the guy as a seller of pornography.

He promotes sexual pornography in which drugged up females are forced to preform for Jews behind the cameras while she promotes violence pornography in which drugged up U.S. soldiers are forced to kill innocent Christians and Muslims for the Jews that masterminded the 911 attack.

Seek The Truth, Real Jew News 5 Comments [6/28/2017 1:43:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128607

GOD ALMIGHTY is not an oppressor.

He gives man free will. Free will to choose. The Jews being a greedy/controlling lot have chosen that they would prefer to just “handle” things as they see fit and essentially play their own “g-d”, but there are consequences to poor decisions in life!

For the Jews to claim they are “g-d’s chosen” people when they have been hated for 2K+ years by most and have essentially created their own hell on earth is absurd.

They just want it both ways, but you cant serve mammon and GOD at the same time. It is becoming apparent that their time is of reckoning is once again, and finally close at hand!

GOD ALMIGHTY gave man free will, but the disobedient Jews of today’s arrogance just gets in the way and if they don’t accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah/Saviour - there WILL be Hell to pay!+

Zionien, Real Jew News 2 Comments [6/28/2017 1:40:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128606

Jews are determined to prevent another charismatic leader similar to Hitler from taking power in America.

Its so evil how they convince people to lose faith in God and their own country.

It’s.. it’s Anti-Christ.

We really need to unite under Christ in America rather than be divided and fight with each other.

Unity is the only way to defeat the Jews. No more Right vs Left nonsense.

Christopher, Real Jew News 4 Comments [6/28/2017 1:40:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128605

It’s a real shame that Israel bans any music/operas written by Richard Wagner. There’s nothing anti-Jewish in any of this composer’s works, so it has to be that he’s Adolf Hitler’s favorite composer.

Naturally, a good deal of Wagner’s compositions are martial in nature, especially regarding the Valkyries. I’m glad you wrote an article about this composer and set the record straight, even though Israel won’t be allowing Wagner’s music to be played by orchestras anytime soon .. It’s Israel’s loss, nobody else’s.

I’m still sad to hear that you’re still having financial difficulties due to your banishment by PayPal. The service, naturally, is owned by a Jew, and he hates the fact that you’ve been preaching the Word of Jesus Christ, both in missions across the country, and in your Articles/Videos.

This Jew wants to destroy you financially, and banning you from PayPal’s his only way to do it. However, I’m glad you’re standing up to him and doing God’s work in spite of his efforts to stop you.

I pray every day that you’ll be able to continue your work unimpeded and will be sending a donation to you within a week.

God bless you now and forever.

Eileen Kuch, Real Jew News 3 Comments [6/28/2017 1:39:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128604

From my experience Jews are kind of restless and love to create problems out of nothing.

They have no home, spiritually and culturally, Just like Jesus told them. Repentance is something from hell for them, that’s why they will put a lot of energy into not-repenting, making stuff up just so never ever admit the truth.

It’s almost funny, the sad part is that these nearly psychos control too much.

KC, Real Jew News 0 Comments [6/28/2017 1:38:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128603

Last Saturday I had to take my daughter to the DMV to get a state ID card (she's flying to visit her grandmother for a week and cannot get on the plane without it.)
Now, my daughter and I got to witness some cat 2 or so chimpouts, for example:

Niggers arriving with the wrong paperwork (or no paperwork) for whatever license/permit they were applying for.

Niggers arriving with at least eight fambly members and taking up seats meant for people who had actual business there. (niggers can stand as far as I am concerned.)

Loud (and I mean LOUD) yelling into their obummer phones about whatever bullshit that goes through a nigger's mind.

Document seizures. There is a sign that says if the documents look suspicious that they will be confiscated. There were three that day that we saw and every time it was a nigger that was probably being looked for by the police or domestic relations (child support), and the chimpouts were ranging between cat 1 and 2, I suppose depending on how much money they spent on the documentation that didn't look right.

My personal favorite, though, was after about four hours of waiting, and listening to niggerbabble, she finally gets her number called, and we go to the counter. Some nigger gets called to the counter beside us, and while she has finished giving her information and proper paperwork, she starts to slouch a little, and I tell here to stand up straight...apparently the nigger beside us thought I was talking to him so he flaps his blue gums (what it said I have no clue) but I told it I was talking to my kid and it needed to mind its own business. Turns out he brought in a blank medical certificate form and expected to receive a CDL that day (more improper paperwork) so it left ooking and eeking about how 'this be rayciss n sheet'.

When we finally leave, with her newly minted ID, she told me that she had once thought I was exaggerating regarding the feral pavement apes, but not anymore.
hopefully this lesson stays with her.

CrotonKnight, Niggermania 3 Comments [6/28/2017 1:38:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128597

"white genocide" will be the name of the spiciest option at my wing restaurant

Frank Furtschool, Twitter 2 Comments [6/28/2017 1:26:36 PM]
Fundie Index: -4
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 128583

Soon, Western libs will have to get comfortable with the live-streamed sight of mass African die-offs.
Will they have the stones to deny their pathologically altruist compulsion?
Or will they take that final suicidal plunge into the abyss printing up 5 billion "welcome africans" signs?
Stay tuned!

Heartiste, Gab 2 Comments [6/27/2017 9:50:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 128580

(Coon's Bluff): My work vehicle was unfortunately wrapped up in a multi vehicle accident, no fault of mine and no one hurt. My driver door wouldn't open so I look over to the passenger side thinking that's my way out. Simultaneously I'm on my phone calling the office. A nigger buck appears out of nowhere on the sidewalk looking at me and mouthing something like, "Yous ok, yous needs hep?" I put my palm towards the groid and keep emphasizing that I'm OK and don't need any help.

I soon realize the groid was not in one of the cars involved. Just some nigger bum wandering the streets. I managed to get out of the vehicle and notice the gorilla shuffling to each car offering to "hep". I whipped out my phone and started taking pictures of the scene, keeping a wary eye on the helpful turd. Looked to me like it was waiting for an opportunity to lift a purse in the confusion. I maneuvered into a position the get the helpful felon in my camera shot. The jigaboo instantly grunted something to the effect that it didn't want to bees in no pikchurs. Bingo!

I asked it, "Are you a witness?"

"I sho iz!"

"Well, the cops are on the way and they'll want to talk to you."

When the officer arrived he spoke briefly to the spook and sent him on his way. So much for being a witness.

(Jimbeam): I dont trust niggers at accident scenes either or at all for that matter. Many will act like they were involved in the accident to sue or will rob groggy or unconscious victims. As for the cop talking to him. Sometimes they will just take down the information of the witness and let them leave. We witnessed a car accident in Chicago. We helped out till Chicago fire showed up. They transported the patients. We told the police we witnessed everything and they just took down our information and they let us leave.

(Quantavious): That nigger was looking for a car it could jump into and then claim it was injured in the accident. Niggers love insurance fraud almost as much as they love KFC.

Coon's Bluff, Jimbeam, and Quantavious, Niggermania 6 Comments [6/27/2017 9:35:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128579

Got a chance to do some prime people-watching at the Seattle Central Library (that big glass-and-steel building with the was-the-architect-drunk odd angles downtown); normally I do my fancy book learnin' in Kent, but the economics and history section there is so small that I think I may have actually read every book of interest on that shelf.

So I headed to the big city, where you could read a book every day for a lifetime of triple-digit years and never get through them all. Found a book on the Great Northern Wars ("A Warrior Dynasty" by Henrik Lunde, the only thing Swedish about this tale) to enjoy.

The price paid for this literary find was an army of feral, homeless niggers who couldn't pronounce the word "library" if you tied them down and had R. Lee Ermey screaming at them that they wouldn't be allowed to go until they stopped saying "liberry." Outside the front, pavement apes begging for gibs. Third floor, idle, shifty niggers with nothing to do with their time except leer at the cute human girl working behind the reading-recommendation counter (not that they can read, so they'd have nothing to talk to her about besides their dicks), possibly only held in check by a security guard who looked like he could be Mike Pence's long-lost brother watching them in that way that white law enforcement does when there's niggers about.

Fifth floor, public computers; humans searching for jobs, niggers stinking out the joint and, I wish I were kidding, a buck actually watching porn on a public computer. I guess the library's filtering software missed a site.

Moving up, the "book spiral", floors 7-10, where they keep the nonfiction. White dudes playing video games on their laptops...and niggers sleeping or causing trouble. It was like I'd left a library and entered a multi-level Museum of TNB.

And finally, just to add a bit of insult to injury, the library has escalators that you can go up between the floors I just mentioned, but because of a design quirk, you cannot go from Floor 6 to Floor 5 going down without using either a fire-exit stairwell or an elevator.

And the elevator ride down after I got my book? A nigger so foul-smelling that when he got off at the floor with the bathrooms, his stink lingered the entire rest of the way down, a vile pall like the stench of a morgue with a broken refrigeration system in Miami in July.

I had my fill of coontacts for months, and the whole thing reminded me why I recused myself from being a front-line gentrifier in Pioneer Square and fucked off to the suburbs this past month. I'm happier here, where if I choose my locations well for errands and such, I can have a nigger-free day.

LawrenceOfAperabia, Niggermania 4 Comments [6/27/2017 9:35:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128572

Islam is determined to take over America and put us under sharia. They are working on that plan as I speak via sperm, speech, and sword. They are multiplying like rabbits while our growth rate is static. They are using free speech to deceive, defile, and destroy us.

Don Boys, BarbWire 4 Comments [6/27/2017 9:32:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128567

I feel so sorry for you poor white people in america having to daily deal with those barbaric niggers,i have seen the monsters on youtube performing on the streets, on the trains, they are totaly crazy, i hate them, us white people are generaly good people, its tragic to have these filthy evil savages living around us,and taunting us, we dont have the amount of trouble with nigs here in britain, but we have had the bastards rioting a few times about the police pulling them over in their pimp cars, but we do still have nasty incidents with them now and again,they are terrorising people everywhere with their ugly black faces and violent ways, when will our goverments see the truth and do something about it, it surely cant go on much longer, niggers are killing people all over the place, it has to be stopped, this vermin race is now out of control.

nignog disliker, Niggermania 4 Comments [6/27/2017 10:27:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128566

We only bash niggers here. No bashing of other races, religions, sexualities, etc. Niggermania is unique in that we allow all people to join and we only bash niggers. Please don't bash Jewish people, gays, mudsharks, Asians, Hispanics, etc. This is Niggermania, we bash niggers.

Tom Shelly, Niggermania 4 Comments [6/27/2017 10:26:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128560

[Source NSFW]

How to measure superiority? Is it technological achievement? Victory in war? Beautiful art and culture? Strength? Speed? Cock size?

The white man doesn’t spend much time with this philosophical question. He’s too busy conquering the world and watching its women fall on their backs before him.

cantfightnature, Tumblr 1 Comments [6/27/2017 10:23:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew
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