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Quote# 128138

The Japanese are such sell-outs to the fucken Westerners. They lost their true sense of identity as a minjok and nation, too much brainwashing from western Hollywood media. The West is very Anti-Asianism, so we shouldn't even ally with these countries. Western people (Whites, Blacks, etc.) love to mock and ridicule Northern Asiatic people because of our successful attributes like high intelligence and wealth. Of course, this isn't racism, right? :lol: This is why Korea needs to be pan-nationalist and anti-western. There's always been a struggle for dominance in world stage between East and West and Korea needs to win this struggle by pushing more technological and scientific advances so we can better prepare a future world war against the West.

maripgan89, Korean Sentry 6 Comments [6/14/2017 2:49:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128137

My brothers, my heart burns for the love of our people and I'd like to give a sermon (lol)
Not much I say will be new to you, but I bare my soul to you.

I am a newcomer. I was born in Seoul, but grew up in America. I returned a few years ago to learn our language, our culture, and the way of our people.
It has been a wonderful spiritual journey.
Even though I will never be "full Korean" and always be ???, I have a deep sense of kinship to our people and a connection to our sacred homeland.
However, now I live with almost a very deep fear for the future of our minjok...

Race is real.
I exist. Our people exist.
Our way of life is superior to that of others.
We have a right to exist and to enforce it.

We can all see what's happening in the West.
Whites are called "racist" for wanting their own homogeneous homelands and flooded with third-world savages and propaganda to promote race-mixing, white guilt, white privilege, self-hatred.
Their birthrates and populations are dwindling.
Their once great civilizations, like America and Europa, are on the decline and I predict race wars to erupt in the next 10-20 years.
It's happening to the mighty caucasoids who essentially conquered the world.

It can happen to us.
It is happening to us, the early stages.
We are following the West's neoliberal delusions, following America and losing our identity to globalism.
If we believe this egalitarian bullshit that we are all equal, don't insist on our identity, fall for the lie that discrimination is inherently immoral, don't have enough children, don't keep in touch with our roots, then we will open the borders, let our women be taken by foreign men, and make way for "new Koreans."
Cultural Marxist influences will find a way to condemn us for having "Korean privilege" and we will have "Korean guilt," like whites are brainwashed into believing they have "white privilege" and white guilt.
We could turn into Sweden or some other fucking ?? cesspool like Paris, if we're not vigilant.

God dammit, we are not perfect. I have my personal grievances with Korean people, I do. I'm a very individualistic person, that's my American side.
I used to shun Koreanness and identify myself as strictly American.

But these days, I can feel the savage heart of my ancestors beating inside me, their blood flowing through my veins.
When I walk outside and I see our people walking in the streets, speaking Korean, it is a beautiful sight I did not have as a child, as I was one of very few Asian kids growing up.
When I see Korean children run and laugh and play at the playground, it is so beautiful.
Even with all its problems and the daily grind, South Korea has peace and prosperity that our ancestors never saw.
Sometimes I truly think this is paradise.

Out of a world of 7.5 billion people, there are only about 80 million Koreans. That's 1% of the total human population. We are a minority. I feel a strong sense of kinship to complete strangers, other Koreans walking on the street, getting on and off the bus. It's strange.

There is nothing more important to me than the unification, health, peace, prosperity and enlightenment of our people.
There is nothing more beautiful than Korean children and the sound of their laughter.

Imagine if all that was gone. Imagine if we became extinct. Imagine if there were no more Korean children.
We should never take these things for granted, our very life.

It makes me sad to see Korean people so tired, miserable, going to work, arguing with each other, glued to their phones, glazed with apathy and boredom.
Slaving as cogs in a machine in this industrial society.
To see how cold we can be to one another.
Getting stuck in the day to day routine of just trying to get by.
Wearing suits instead of hanbok, a cityscape that overshadows our traditional Korean architecture, in our desire to modernize and be like the rest of the world.
Our women becoming whores and delusional feminists and our men weak, emasculated, cowardly, incompetent.
Victims of pain and unconsciousness that cause pain and unconsciousness to each other.
Slowly losing our identity into the globalist melting pot.
As dark and sinister influences creep into our society and threaten our future and what little freedom we have.

We need a spiritual revival, a political revolution, a deep call to personal enlightenment and nationalism.
I pray to our ancestors and I bow down to them everyday.
I exercise and I practice self-defense. I always try to improve myself in every way.
We must turn inwards to our deepest hearts, meditate, improve ourselves in every way, be prepared for war, train, and have children.
Otherwise this Illuminati New World Order Globalist Establishment or other peoples may take it away.

You may not like Hitler, but I found these words of his inspiring:

“The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people.
And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight!
And never slacken!
And never tire!
And never lose courage!
And never despair!”

In the past, I hated being Korean.
Now, I love our ancestors.
I love our people so much.
I would fight and die for our tribe.

Even now tears flow from my eyes in love, appreciation and admiration for our ancestors and our people.
Brothers, we must take action and do all that is within our power to secure the existence and independence of our people and a future for Korean children.
We must speak up and warn our people of the lies of neoliberal globalism and diversity, find our roots, love and treat each other with dignity and respect, build strong families and communities.

For the glory and honor of our ancestors, for our people, for our minjok and all the virtue, joy, and love within our spirits.
For all that is right and true and beautiful in this world, to set an example for other peoples to follow.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Korean children.


basedKRN, Korean Sentry 5 Comments [6/14/2017 2:49:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128136

They have no regard for others. I'm going to have a heart attack on the day that China has humanitarian staff to help countries hit by natural disasters.

They love to step on others and pass the leg. It is the Chinese Human Nature.

When Koreans go to Korea, they buy enough coffee to sell in Korea. The coffee is cheap here in Brazil, but it is quite expensive and appreciated in Korea. But the Koreans do not stink like the Chinese in such an essential commodity as baby milk.

You need to be very heartless and inhuman to treat your peers like doormat (or shit).

Shockwave, Korean Sentry 1 Comments [6/14/2017 2:48:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128119

Japanese girls; I really REALLY don't like you.

Noor Jaan Metalsson, Facebook 8 Comments [6/14/2017 2:47:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 128127

[On Puerto Rican statehood]

At a minimum, we believe a large majority must become fluent in English for statehood to be even considered.

ProEnglish, ProEnglish 3 Comments [6/14/2017 1:59:43 PM]
Fundie Index: -1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128124

So far my experience with Asians go, I have met a few who were genius. They could fold any Rubik cubes or whatever else of these 'nerdy' things in no time. This Chinese guy I met had around 145 IQ, it was proven, and could solve any riddle and so forth. However from toxicity in the jewish universities, he could never get ahead of simple thought patters inscribed to him by the jews, which limited him severely. He could analyze any concept and solve any riddle, but he could not make a riddle to explain what I observed plainly.

There are also creative Asian creative geniuses but the point is that this is not the norm. It is rare, but it happens. They are also very masterful when it comes to perfecting already existing objects, and maintenance of them. Honda motors is one example. Nobody is able to overcome Honda or other such Japanese serious enterprises for this reason. They didn't invent the automobile but they really developed all the necessary details.

With an initial creative push, they can take it from there with stuff. Jews on the other hand are a disaster, they can never do anything. A jew never found anything on this planet that he hasn't copied from someone else...

Another Asian girl I had met long ago, she learned native languages so quickly, it was crazy. She would sit for over 8 hours on end, learning and learning. Asians are very skilled in learning things that way, and very determined, at least from what I saw. Therefore they topple systems which give them this ability, like how the system is nowadays. Looking back, I never met a stupid Asian either. Nor an ill mannered one. If they are given the initial tools they can take it far. Maybe it's the one's I encountered, but just relating my experience.

I also never met an Asian with race inferiority complex or any such other mental cripples. They just seem to cleverly devote energy into self-overcoming instead. They are also far more serene and civilized in all their movements than other people who are far more lousy, noisy and so forth. It seems race achievement also has given them a natural sense of self confidence. They just don't have this inferiority complex, or even give a shit to compete so to say. They are kind of on their own path. At least the majority doesn't seem to have this at all.

They also totally enjoy vacations in the west, know to respect art and culture, and they are never dirty, untidy and disastrous where they go such as foreign countries and so forth. Obviously not everyone is the same, as with anything, but the vast majority is like that.

Also I never saw an Asian whining in any race debate. They simply know who they are and so forth. They don't compete for bullshit identities, bicker, or waste time for no reason. They just don't give a crap because they just understand nature. So they waste time advancing instead. I can't say about places in China as I have never been there, and also, it's Communist.

Just relating my experience with Asians over the time. I don't really have many if any negative things to say. And I doubt most people have. Mostly if not all are positive.

Also reading Asian history with the Samurais and so forth, plus seeing the info they have preserved and the culture and so forth. They have my earned my respect. I read of a few people around the block with history, and I have seen they actually also raised the Serpent and anything else, reaching very high states of awareness, consciousness and power with it. Reaching super high Siddhi levels and other stuff. Kikes razed Tibet for a reason...

It's true the Alt-right and many others have turned a lot towards Asia or Japan specifically. But you can't really blame them either, there are things to look for here and people like the Japanese are a good reminder for people to get their own act together. Japan is one of the most highly developed places on earth. Much more than a few European capitals. Therefore what does this show...racial and cultural cohesion = success.

However I don't think most Whites get it that way, the paradigm of Japan has been over-pushed into nonsense, and used by many shills to promote light memes that lead nowhere in the end.

Common in Asians also is to have a sense of duty, which many other peoples and such don't have so built in. Hitler commented on the importance of such sense in the Table Talks. Duty is important and without this inner understanding of sense of duty nothing goes nowhere.

The only bad thing is that if they fall under bad rule, they don't shake it off easily, neither the trends of such, such as now in during Mao's Communism. This is a necessary leftover of the mentality of loyalty, which the jew turned against them, like they turned White's individuality. They study their victims well...

Hoodedcobra666, Joy of Satan 1 Comments [6/14/2017 1:59:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128100

To those who are paying attention, there is a lot of anti-white sentiments in our culture and they seem to be increasing at a dramatic rate year after year. You can see this article written that seeks to ban whites from holding elected office in student governments in Britain. Considering Britain is a natively white country, the audaciousness is astounding. That it is published in a mainstream newspaper, rather than some fringe blog, is even more concerning. In another example, a student banned white men from her organization then claimed she wasn’t racist because racism is a quality unique to whites. Sure. Or racism is a word used to attack whites by other ethnic groups, and that power isn’t as helpful if whites can use it too. There are plenty of other examples, but this drives the point home. A significant portion of society hates white people, and white males especially, and would like nothing better than to turn us all into second class citizens; in our own countries. Enough people agree with this that they can publish such articles and opinions in mainstream outlets. It isn’t clear that they won’t succeed either.

Knowing the attitudes of these people towards myself and people like me makes it very clear that they are my enemy. They want to see me and my kin reduced to nothing politically, socially, and economically. They probably would love to see us all dead too; though they usually avoid stating this preference publicly. Usually.

I didn’t ask for this. I have never gone out of my way to inconvenience anyone because of their race or gender. I would have loved to continue on neutral to the whole business of identity politics. This sort of increasing and outspoken aggression has convinced me to take a side. My side; which in this case means my people’s side. Since whites are being attacked as group, they must resist as a group. There are still many whites who have yet to realize this important turning point in their attitudes, but as the rhetoric against whites continues to increase, so will the willingness to “pick a side” increase. In theory, people will tend to pick the side that best promotes their personal interests; at least when things become saliently dire. In this case, that means picking the side of anyone that promotes a positive white identity; and if you look around there are preciously few groups with such a message. Given the candidates, I worry that this may end up very badly for a lot of people. Still, if forced to do so, I will choose which ever group is available and has its interests aligned with my own. If there is only one group which will protect my person and my interests as a white male, then the choice will be a no-brainer based purely on self-interest. Here’s to hoping against worse case scenarios, though.

One method of attempting to turn the tables on enemies, hopefully well before anything nasty happens, is to take their rhetoric and reconnotate or redefine it. By redefining racism as something justified and worthwhile, by showing drastically contrasting stats for criminal acts for example, you could make it so people no longer have to dodge the accusation. In fact, they may even embrace it. The attack term thus looses its claws and can even become an asset. There are many terms which could, with variable levels of difficulty, be redefined in such a way (racism has a long way to go, though). Some time ago, there was a very good article which conceded “white privilege” as a concept worth discussing, but that it was not something that white people just got because they happened to be white. White privilege is a normative commons that white people as a group earn by foregoing opportunity costs. For example, stores where whites are the main customers can leave their merchandise out in the open and unguarded because whites as a group accept the opportunity cost of not stealing. As a group they support the normative commons of having open selections. Some other ethnicities support similar normative commons, and may even have commons unique to them, while others do not. The groups who do not support such commons and regularly steal items from stores are faced with straight-forward results; merchandise is kept behind the counter or there is a heavy security presence. Is this racism? Well, racist is just another word for someone who accepts the reality of group differences, so I guess so. Nothing wrong with that at all.

This is a nice bit of white magic, but I think we can go even further. White privilege can be more than an abstraction; it can be a consciously pursued policy. Basically, white privilege is something whites should actively work towards granting other whites. When given a choice, say you have a project and have a series of different people to choose to hire, choose the white male. Choose the option that keeps the benefits within your in-group. Clearly the government limits choice for many businesses, but there are still opportunities where white males can be consciously favored by other white males. Do so every chance you can get without running afoul of the law (or when the eye of Sauron won’t spot you). We must still render unto Caesar, and thus follow the laws even when they are absurd, harm ourselves, and harm our group because we are not in a position of sovereignty, but that doesn’t mean we are completely unable to act. (The restrictions suck, but it is what it is).

The way I see it, as a white male I do not owe anything to anyone who hasn’t earned it. I especially do not owe anything to groups of people who regularly and without shame call for using the government to increase the difficulties for me and my kin; in the countries that were single-handedly built by MY ancestors, not theirs. Anyone who has applied for a job in recent years gets a constant reminder of anti-white discrimination on every. single. application. I think the constant reminder of the state of things is what is most frustrating. Businesses are forced to preferentially hire minorities over me, regardless of relative merits. If I can go out of my way to return the favor by discriminating against the people who discriminate against me, then I will. Quite happily I might add.

Even so, I realize that most people of any group are just trying to get along with their lives. I do not, and do not advocate, going out of the way to inconvenience or harm them. What I am advocating is going out of your way to benefit your in-group whenever possible. Given a choice, pick the option which ends up helping the white male. The other people are merely left at a neutral position; or to pursue similar treatment from their own co-ethnics. Undoubtedly they receive it all the time. Other than whites, all groups do this as a normal part of their lives and culture; and there is nothing wrong with it. There is no reason we shouldn’t also.

Recently, I was faced with such a decision. I needed some work performed and I posted a job to a forum asking for applications. I was given 10 or so options to choose from. Most of the applicants were ethnic minorities from other countries and two were white male Americans. As far as quality of work goes, most seemed perfectly capable of completing the project successfully based on their portfolios. Some of the foreign labor even had more references than the white males. At the end of the day I decided to use racism to help me with my decision. I gave the job to one of the white males, and the deciding factor was his identity as a white male. I couldn’t be happier with the results of the contract either. It exceeded my expectations.

Though granting white privilege purely to benefit your in-group is worthwhile on its own, it also increases the probability you will be the beneficiary of a higher quality performance or have better work completed. As a group, you know that whites have a long history called western civilization in which they collectively performed very well. There are exceptions, but you increase your probability of success by choosing someone from a group with a good track record. Not to mention group differences in IQ tests. By that logic, you could also use racism successfully in choosing whom to hire even when a white male isn’t an option. Northeast Asians, like the Japanese, would also be very likely to provide good labor. So would ethnic Indians (dot, not the feather). By applying your knowledge of group differences discriminately, you are more likely to get the quality you want. Though, you still have to work within the bounds of the law.

A person who utilizes white privilege in their business dealings is moral because to benefit your in-group is moral self interest. I am not saying that someone shouldn’t have to earn their white privilege, they do, but if they can then you help yourself by selectively helping them. Or, that would be true if most whites would act this way because the benefits would eventually hit everyone in the community. It is something worth working toward. In addition, you are also more likely to get higher quality work, and are less likely to be screwed over. European high trust societies mean that whites generally are more trustworthy as a result of their genetic inheritance. As savvy as Asians are at building civilizations, there is a reason they prefer to invest in governments, banks, and other institutions that are primarily European run. As a group, Europeans tend to engage in corruption less often and therefore their money is safer than with their own co-ethnics.

So be proud of your white privilege. Be proud to grant white privilege. Its a good thing, use it. You’ve earned it.

Atavisionary, Atavisionary 1 Comments [6/13/2017 9:55:51 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 128091

Blacks don’t care about the so-called ‘N-word.’ They care about manipulating whites with false guilt, fear and sympathy.

Jesse Lee Peterson, WND 4 Comments [6/13/2017 1:20:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128070

You can't fix idiocy with education. The historical fact is Mao purged Chinese intellectuals and this genetic bottleneck event left them with selectively bred new Chinese people. They are better to be indoctrinated from socialist government, not educated.

ArcusImpetus, Reddit 0 Comments [6/13/2017 10:29:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 128063

So although South Korea will not maintain its complete “racial purity” indefinitely into the future, it is not facing the “Great Replacement” or wholesale dispossession taking place in the West. Nor does South Korea have to contend with huge settlements of hostile populations which can’t or won’t integrate into First World societies. The half-ethnic Koreans of the future will have at least one Korean parent, they will come from a variety of different backgrounds; most will have two Asian parents and be physically indistinguishable from the rest of society. Generally, Western-style identity politics usually results when there are groups of people that have the numbers to separate themselves from the larger society and are clearly physically distinct from the majority population.

Jeremy Cooper, VDARE 2 Comments [6/12/2017 7:47:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 128056

I was preparing for an essay in English class on Friday i was looking up ideas and taking notes on what to do. First i wanted to do my favorite football team and write about them but unfortunately my teacher said "Because of Sectarianism in Scotland we cannot allow you to do that". So i was already angry since i had spent the last 45 minutes taking notes on that. So i thought for a while and didn't have a clue what to do but somehow i went from football to White nationalism. My teacher suggested i do a comparison between WN and BLM but there was no way i was doing that. So i thought for a bit and finally decided to do. How there is a difference between being a WN and being a White Supremacist. So i wrote down a few things i know and the day was up.

My teacher had no problem with it at the time and i thought well at least when i read it out in front of the class i can change a few students minds but then on Sunday at like 12:00pm my mum gets an email saying I've had further problems with being racist and that the school will not tolerate it and my parents are already constantly questioning me now this the school just don't sit back they like inflicting arguments on people. They said in the email. "Educate your son on minorities" Well whites are a minority in this world so me studying White nationalism surely passes that.

They have no time for white kids. Always making adjustments for the other 5% of the kids. You want to eat Muslim Food. We will start serving Muslim food in the cafeteria. If you want us to teach Islam instead of Christianity we will. They are taking over our country without even firing a shot. Our schools are falling at their knees waiting on their next request. There is nothing happening to stop it. My nephew is 2 and the way i see it she will be going to school in a burka because that will be the new school uniform soon.

Jay99, Stormfront 7 Comments [6/12/2017 7:45:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128055

So I attend a decent vocational school. The other day I was walking in the hallway when I spotted a shirt that said "Black and Proud" (Basically looked like this). I kept walking and was thinking "Okay, well if that's allowed then I'll wear my shirt". So the next day I wore my "100% White 100% Proud" shirt. I was about to pass the black guy who wore that other shirt the day before, but he sees my shirt and starts chimping out. He got in my face and began yelling a bunch of gibberish at my face and proceed to call me a "cracker". I tried to ignore him at first, but he was creating a scene and wouldn't move; so I instinctively said to him "Get out of my way, n*gger".

He said "**** you" and went and reported me to the office. I got called down to the office later that day. The principal told me I am not allowed to wear my shirt. I explained to them that the black kid wore the Black and Proud shirt, and instead of listening to me so they could address that with him, the principal changed the topic to what I said to the black kid. I told the principal about the kid getting in my face and calling me a cracker, and right away the principal said "Okay, have a nice day". I am sick of this double-standard bull**** in today's society. Blacks get away with too much ****.

ZenTheSkinhead, Stormfront 2 Comments [6/12/2017 7:45:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128054

Jews are the ones afraid!

They have never not been afraid for the past 2K+ years. They hide their fear and cover it with comedy, laughs, jokes, ridicule, blame, shame baiting, threats etc.

They’re are Satan’s lackies ALWAYS promoting deception and lies! At this very moment they are pondering the possibility of wrestling liberAhole Calif away from the Union.

Conversing with China about global warming behind our Presidents back. Refusing to abide with orders - they are testing the waters to see how much they can get away with. Just like a spoiled rotten child reaching into the cookie jar before his hand WILL be slapped!

Nope, NO doubt about it folks - Jews are scared right now! Scared to the point that they are shape shifting AGAIN trying to distract with this “Sharia” law is coming to America LIE!

STOMP your foot at a Jew and he will IMMEDIATELY know what that means, and try to shame you for it while he retreats defeated/caught like spanked spoiled brat (worm)!

Do that to a CHRIST-ian and he’ll most likely challenge you to a fight!

I don’t fear Satan, I have God on my side! +++

Zionien, Real Jew News 2 Comments [6/12/2017 7:45:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128042

No, I'd disown them. And I'm pretty sure that almost everyone secretly finds interracial relationships to be weird and offensive, they've just been brainwashed and browbeaten into pretending that it's perfectly fine.
My White older brother married a girl from Hong Kong that he met at UC Berkeley, and it pisses me off every time that I think about it or when I see his wife and his weird looking hapa kids even though I'm friendly and smiling on the outside when I'm around them. And White/East Asian interracial relationships are probably the least offensive interracial pairings since both Whites and East Asians have high IQs and civilized genes.
Engaging in miscegenation with blacks will have a dysgenic effect on our race and is equivalent to beastiality in my mind. You might as well be having sex with a gorilla. Why would you want to give your offspring an inferior brain and hideous phenotypical features? I can sort of understand why liberal "anti-racists" would want to be in a relationship with a black person in order to make a political statement, but genuine attraction? Their skin tone, hair texture, facial structure, and behavior is just so unappealing. Fuck liberal street cred; you could never convince me to find a black woman attractive even when I was borderline Antifa.

CertifiedRabbi, Reddit 3 Comments [6/11/2017 11:46:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 128029

Shocking footage shows a woman singing 'Vote Labour, let's get the Jews out' at a polling station in Borehamwood.

The footage - which we have decided not to publish - shows the woman chanting outside Manor Way at around midday.

Several people walk past having cast their votes in the General Election.

Leader of the Hertsmere Labour group Michelle Vince has made a complaint to the police about the racist slurs made.

She said: "We are horrified and shocked that anti-Semitic behaviour has occured outside a polling station in Hertsmere.

"This is not a vote that we want. We are asking to see images of the person and if they are a member of the party they will be expelled.

"We are asking for this to be investigated and we will always challenge this behaviour as racism of any form cannot be tolerated."

Anonymous, Boreham Wood & Elstree Times 6 Comments [6/11/2017 10:12:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 128028

To warn people of the wickedness of Jews and their hatred for Christians.

They were true adherents to the Faith of Abraham. They were true Israelites, just as the Catholic Church, which was founded by Jesus Christ, is the true Israel. The Jews who conspired against, rejected and crucified Jesus Christ, and still reject Him, today, became the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 & 3:9). They ruptured themselves from Abraham and his fullfillment - the Catholic Church. They're outside the ark of salvation, today, just as many ealier Jews who worshipped & offered sacrifices to Baalim instead of the true God as foretold by the prophet Jeremias. The modern Jews, and since they rejected Christ, exhibit the genetic curse stemming from the events in Matthew 27:25, hence they're not of the same phenotype as Christ and the early Hebrews, and, arguably, they're not of the same genotype, especially after the Diaspora, which was also punishment from God for their rejection of Christ.

Salvation is of, not "from", the Jews. That means the early Hebrews - adherents to the Faith bestowed upon Abraham - were saved for worshipping the only true God. The verse in John 4:22 ("salvation is of the Jews" spoken by Christ) refers to the Israelites who, due to their huge sins, had been delivered by the the Lord into the captivity of the Assyrian king. Subsequently, nations were sent to inhabit Samaria, but the Lord showed all nations that he had not delivered up His people because of a physical weakness, but solely on account of their sins. God sent lions into the Samaria to persecute the new inhabitants. When the Assyrian king learned of their predicament, he sent them a priest to teach them the law of God. However, they never fully withdrew from irreverence & sacrilege. Many of them returned to worshipping their idols while worshipping the true God at the same time (basically polytheism).

The Haydock Bible further explains, "It was on this account that Christ preferred the Jews before them, saying, that salvation is of the Jews, with whom it was the chief principle to acknowledge the true God, and hold every denomination of idols in detestation; whereas, the Samaritans by mixing the worship of the one with the other, plainly shewed that they held the God of the universe in no greater esteem than their dumb idols. (St. Chrysostom in St. Thomas Aquinas)"

Yes, which is why He called the Jews who rejected Him, and still reject Him, today, "the Synagogue of Satan who call themselves Jews but lie". In rejecting Christ they rejected their own Mosiac Law and prophesy that He fulfilled, hence they ceased being real Jews.

Yes, but the Synagogue of Satan refers to her as a "hair dresser whore", and they sought to kill the Apostles before, during & after Pentecost. They still persecute the Church to this very day, hence why I posted this thread.

Let's back up just a bit. Firstly, in order to stay in Abraham's tree, the Jews had to believe in Jesus as the Christ. Their rejection of Him ruptured themselves from that tree. What part of "for you are all one in Christ Jesus" don't you understand? It means only people who are baptized into Jesus Christ with water and spirit, and believe in Him, are saved, despite their race, sex, economic status or other demographics. But the key is they must be baptized into Christ and live His teachings. You also conveniently omitted verses 26 & 27 (calling for both Faith and Baptism, which logically lead to the truth in verses 28 & 29 proclaiming we are saved in Jesus Christ. So if a Jew continues in his faithlessness and rejection of Jesus Christ, and he doesn't get baptized into Him, how does that Jew put on Christ? How is he one with faithful, baptized Catholics in Christ? He isn't. When he dies, he is damned for eternity.

St. Paul is telling us in that verse that Jesus Christ destroyed the genetic supremacy requirement, which the Jews still believe and teach about themselves to this very day, for salvation. This salvation and higher status reserved for Jews is the real racism, not the "Nazism" Tall Tale that's indroctrinated into the masses as a tactic to deflect attention away from racism inherent in Antichrist Judaism.

St. Paul also tells us the Jews are murderers of the prophets and they killed Jesus Christ, and they're adversaries to all men. (1 Thess. 2:14-15)

Here are some saints' teachings about the Jews:

"[...] God hates the Jews, and on Judgment Day He will say to those who sympathize with them., "Depart from Me, for you have had intercourse with My murderers!" Flee, then, from their assemblies, fly from their houses, and, far from venerating the synagogue, hold it in hatred and aversion." ~ St. John Chrysostom

"If someone should kill the beloved son of a man, and then stretch forth their hands still stained with blood to the afflicted father, asking for fellowship, would not the blood of his son, visible on the hand of his murderer, provoke him to just anger instead? And such are the prayers of the Jews, for when they stretch forth their hands in prayer, they only remind God-the-Father of their sin against His Son. And at every stretching-forth of their hands, they only make it obvious that they are stained with the blood of Christ. For they who persevere in their blindness inherit the blood-guilt of their fathers; for they cried out: "His blood be upon us, and upon our children (Matthew xxvii.25)." ~ St. Basil the Great

"Since this wicked generation did not know that it should repent, but daily became more wicked, its last state was worse than its first ... The evil and adulterous generation of the Jews were to be condemned because of their hard and unrepentant hearts." ~ St. Bruno

"Jews are cursed and covered with malediction as by a cloak. The curse has penetrated them like water in their bowels and oil in their bones. They are cursed in the city and cursed in the country, cursed in their coming in and cursed in their going out. Cursed are the fruits of their loins, of their lands, of their flocks; cursed are their cellars, their granaries, their shops, their food, the very crumbs off their tables!" ~ St. Agobard

"I knew in my faith that the Jews were accursed and condemned without end, except those who were converted." ~ Bl. Juliana of Norwich

"One who dies a Jew will be damned." ~ St. Vincent Ferrer

Basically, this means Catholics must avoid partnering with these kinds of sneaks (albeit a Catholic org of clerics but obvious infiltrators) embarking on a subterfuge against the Church, despite their facade of "good intentions". It's no different than the earlier fathers and saints telling us to avoid Jews except when telling them of the necessity in accepting and believing in Jesus as the Christ.

You invert reality. This video shows Jews blaspheming Our Lord Jesus Christ and hating Christians, but you expend the energy and time being an apologist for Christ-hating Jews, and project the real racism and hatred manifested in world Jewry onto me or other Catholics.

You lose, Jew.

Croix de Fer, Cathinfo 1 Comments [6/11/2017 8:12:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128003

The official position of the Alt-Right is that we want to create a White ethnostate in an unspecified part of North America, but I really think that people like Richard Spencer are just arguing for that in order to make the Alt-Right look less threatening. I personally want to turn the entire country into a White ethnostate with maybe some exceptions for existing Indian reservations.
Almost every single city in this country was founded and developed by White people over hundreds of years, so there's no way in hell that I'm ever going to support surrendering these cities. They rightfully belong to us just like Japanese cities rightfully belong to the Japanese.
And we're not stopping with America. The Alt-Right is a global movement for White people. We want to turn every single White country on this planet into White ethnostates. From Canada to Europe to Australia/New Zealand, we want to preserve all of these countries for the White race and create a new White alliance like NATO in order to ensure our racial security and prosperity.
Another reason why I don't think that a return to racial segregation is extreme enough is because I don't want any kind of financial or government connections to non-Whites. Low-IQ "Hispanics" (Amerinds/Mestizos) and black people tend to have inferior standards of living all across the entire world (including within America). They're always going to be like human leeches sucking off of our success. I'm sick of transferring billions of dollars in White wealth to these evolutionary dead-ends every year, and I'm sick of them having a voice in how we should govern our societies.
I also don't think that racial segregation within a country is sustainable in the long term if you try to divide White countries up into ethnostates. Eventually people of color will flood into our zones again because we create the best societies and their own societies are backwards cesspits. Eventually some liberal cucks will come to power again and open the floodgates to the darkie hordes. Or the non-White ethnostates in America will allow in mass non-White immigration from the rest of the world and create a kind of unstoppable human zerg in order to overrun the White ethnostates within America. That's why we need geographical buffer zones with non-Whites and a new national constitution which revolves around preventing our country from getting swamped by non-Whites again.
As to mixed race families; I personally support making miscegenation illegal again.
And as to mixed race people; here's what I recently posted about this topic.
It would probably depend on how White they looked and acted, their IQs, what the races were of their parents (hapas are probably the least offensive, while mulattoes are probably the most offensive), and how supportive they were of Alt-Right ideology. The most extreme scenario is that they'd be humanely deported. We're not calling for anyone to be violently exterminated. The Alt-Right is a religion of peace.

CertifiedRabbi, Reddit 4 Comments [6/11/2017 8:11:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 128011

(OHCA): I figured those DNA kits are kike schemes to convince the weak minded that everybody has some blood of the inferiors in them.

(PG): I think I understand what you are saying, and I have suspected that. I have thought that the main purpose of this is to serve geopolitical ends. You can see it from the commercials where they say "I got tested, and learned that am from all nations". "Then there is the one where the lady says she discovered she is 25% native american, which is doubtful. If someone was 25% native american, they would know it, because they would probably have some cash coming their way. I suspect they are twisting the results to promote minorities, particularly the ones the jews are currently weaponizing against majorities(because that is the name of today's game). And, all of this serves globalism and not nationalism/sense of roots. I would definitely not trust the result of these tests in terms of interpretation.

(Croix de Fer): You hit the nail on the head. Also, the Christ-haters are collecting as much DNA as they're able from the population through these fronts for the purpose of developing deadly & highly communicable pathogens that target specific genotypes, while having the least transmissible & pathogenic effect on the Synagogue of Satan, or while developing a vaccine or inoculation ahead of time for themselves.

OCHA, PG, and Croix de Fer, Cathinfo 2 Comments [6/11/2017 7:06:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128005

[Source NSFW]

lol. race “play” emerges directly from unavoidable reality. “how did you get into raceplay?” “well I kept on getting fucked by white guys and then remembered white men have constantly been winning throughout history so”

cantfightnature, Tumblr 0 Comments [6/11/2017 6:25:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 128004

[Commenting under "Well that Global BDS movement is so strong I am sure it just killed WW at the box office...."]


You know what you should do? Write an article about the uss liberty, dancing Israelis and the Babylon Talmud of moloch!

That will learn me some truth!!!!

If only you could have given that info out to all those poor fools who went to wonder women!!!


You must miss the stench of the ovens, I' d bet they remind you of grandma.

Didint anyone tell you? David Irving proved there where no ovens you big silly!

You need to get back to your books on the liberty, the holohoax and the secret temple of moloch

I thought you where woke?


There might not have been ovens in the past, but there will be in the future.

AhdoanbilivtForilido and throwaway5566443322, Reddit - r/conspiracy 5 Comments [6/11/2017 6:24:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 127985

Basically, anything that tells White history - even if it's just a Thor/Robin Hood type legend and not stone cold fact - is being retold and having non-whites inserted in to key strategic roles. I dunno if it's being done to actually try and convince people that we have always been one giant happy family or if it's aimed at convincing the newer generation or if it's done to make the non-whites feel better about the fact that they don't really have any impact or role on or in White history or some other reason or a combination of them all, but that's what happening.

Our history and our legends are being distorted beyond all recognition and it won't be long before their true origins are lost.

Bev, VNN Forum 5 Comments [6/10/2017 3:57:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127973

"The Duke Common Experience Selection committee", I think we can tell some grizzled old hardliner communist from 1950 comes up with these titles. That is what is so messed up, you got these 70 year old jews who've been raised from birth, training to hate the goyim at 5 years old now in charge of these armiess of lobotomized transgenders and women who have no functioning cerebral cortex. Almost nothing but pure medulla oblongata programming, they stop breathing if they encounter 'racism' and will fight to the death.

(Vanguard News Network Forum on the Duke University controversy.)

B. Army, VNN Forum 1 Comments [6/10/2017 3:49:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 127971

[Source NSFW]

Fun game: convince an Asian girl you’re a devoted feminist and anti-racist. Then powerfuck her like a whore. Right as she’s confused about whether or not this was a good idea, hold her arms behind her back and shout “White Power!” as you cum.

cantfightnature, Tumblr 7 Comments [6/9/2017 3:15:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 127953

So i was just wondering is it the same for everyone.washing lies but its actually getting out of control where i am because today at school (or yesterday depends when i finish typing this) We had speakers in from the local mosque to talk to us about Islamophobia but basically it was a joke. For the first 20 minutes they just a i know that no matter where you go you will be subjected to brainttacked Whites and justified recent terrorists attacks by bringing up events that happened more than 50 years ago. I learned pretty quickly that it wasn't about Islamophobia it was just Anti White Propaganda. They went onto talk to us about how we should come out to them after the talk if we were Islamophobic and that it was just because we were angry and depressed at our current life.

I am angry i am depressed but that's only because i look at my great country with a great historic past being ruined by terrorists who call themselves refugees. I couldn't believe many people at my school buying it and looking happy that they came and its only going to get worse not going to be long before my school start teaching Arabic. Which by the way the speakers suggested the kids should start to get used to. Why should i get used to a foreign language that i don't care about nor do i have any interests in learning it. The thing that annoyed me mostly but is that my school is like 95% White Why do we care about Islam. It's bad enough having a mosque in my town but now their trying to infiltrate the School to. I toke RME on this year unfortunately I'm not allowed to do it anymore but we had 4 classes per week.

Jay99, Stormfront 3 Comments [6/9/2017 3:11:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127935

In my own opinion on this article, I was telling you that you would lose 2016 and had lost other state elections because of the economy long before. This is all sour grapes long after the fact. Half of this article is spent explaining 'racism' of the election, where really this IS a white country and won't ever be anything else. The heart of the country is white workers, all party platforms come to that side first, always. It is not racist to think so, it is fact. You have gotten so far into a supposed future Latino population shift, but I think the interests of middle class workers cross all sides and races, sexes even.

Jim schwartz, nytimes 1 Comments [6/9/2017 3:10:09 PM]
Fundie Index: -1
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