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Quote# 127956

How to cope/adapt/deal with a ghetto/urban/trashy environment?! I'm completely serious with this topic. And before anyone says anything, I don't care if what I'm about to say is offensive.

So, here's the deal: I recently started cosmetology school about 4 weeks ago, and suffice it to say, it's been a complete culture shock. (Well not necessarily a 100% culture shock as you'll see when I explain further). But to put it bluntly, the school is majority Black. And honestly, these people really do act stereotypically ghetto, trashy, and uneducated.

Oh, let thee count the ways: Let's see, 1) they don't speak proper English, 2) they speak with a 'ghetto accent' (freaking AAVE), 3) they can't pronounce big words, 4) I can't prove it but I believe they are subliminally racist of Whites, 5) they're obsessed with rap/hip-hop/r&b, 6) even the very few White girls are 'redneck' or worse 'urban', there's no 'normal' White girls, and last but not least, 7) they have all already severely outcasted me (surprise, surprise). This is all extremely irritating and stressful for me, as far as I'm concerned. Not to mention, I'm a very obsessive person.

As far as the speaking goes: I believe it is perfectly understandable if a person is from another country or English is not their first language, and therefore they do not speak English with a perfect American accent. But for the life of me, I cannot stand 'trashy American accents, such as 'redneck' and 'ghetto' in particular. (Both of which are the trashy accents I am regionally exposed to here in Houston, Texas).

This whole entire situation is giving me a plethora of PTSD, paranoia, flashbacks, nightmares of my childhood in elementary, middle school, and the youth group at church in which I was a quote-on-quote 'White Minority' and received severe bullying and racism from Blacks and Non-White_Latinos just for being White and/or looking White. Ironically enough, I may not even be 'White' depending on who you ask since in all technicalities I am half European half Middle Eastern descent. But since I look more European and since we live in a society that treats you based on your looks, certain Non-Whites think it's okay to give me what they believe is a justified dose of 'Reverse Discrimination'.

FaerieQueene, Anthroscape 3 Comments [6/9/2017 7:46:44 AM]
Fundie Index: -1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127955

White population continues to decrease (% wise) worldwide and whites only make up around 10% of the Earth's population. There are currently 30 million non-whites in Europe, America is only 60% white (lowest population % wise wise since America's census began), white babies are a minority in America, and ethnic Europeans are starting to become minorities in their own city. Interracial relationships (i.e miscegenation) is at an all time high. Non-white immigration to Europe and other majority white countries is still occurring in large numbers. White people have generally low fertility rates overall.

It seems like the extinction of white race is inevitable at the way things are currently going and if drastic action isn't taken soon it seems to be the white race's unavoidable fate. So the question is no longer 'are white people going to go extinct' but "how long" until they perish from this Earth? I would like to hear other posters thoughts on this forum pertaining to the extinction of the white race.

Genetix, Anthroscape 5 Comments [6/9/2017 7:43:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127946

[Source NSFW]

Addiction and the White man’s conquest have a long history together. It was not technological superiority or the use of force that finally brought the once great civilization of China to its knees, but addiction. The slow corruption of the Asian’s own desires, bringing about the ultimate self-destruction. It was humiliating, for the Chinese people. Though they knew their reliance on opium was ruining their nation, weakening it before an inevitable British conquest, and that it was poisoning their bodies, they couldn’t help but continue to purchase and consume the toxic substance, until their wills were sapped and they were utterly defeated.
So, Asian girls, next time you suck a white cock and hate yourself, remember that you’re only fulfilling a tradition. When you try so desperately to resist the urge to submit before the White man, only to fail yourself and wind up on your knees before another conqueror, you’re following in your ancestors’ footsteps. Go ahead and try to fight it. It’s disgraceful, and demeaning. But you’re addicted. And your addiction will always win.

cantfightnature, Tumblr 4 Comments [6/9/2017 4:21:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 127945

[Source NSFW]

Q: Why do Asian women never age?
A: So that the white man can fuck the Asian man’s daughter, wife, and mother. All of nature aligns in favor of our conquest and your humiliation.

cantfightnature, Tumblr 4 Comments [6/9/2017 4:20:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 127919

A white woman in Toronto Canada verbally attacked Asian grocery store employees Friday in a video captured and posted on Facebook, the Huffington Post reports.

“Go back to China. This is Canada, English-first country,” the woman shouted, according to the video. “If you’re gonna work here, it is the law to know English.”

“It is a law to know English, and you know that,” she continued. As in the United States, there is no law that requires Canadian residents know English.

“It is the law in Canada that if you’re going to work here you need to know the English language,” she repeated.

Frank Hong, the teenager who filmed the video, told the Daily Mail onlookers were horrified by the woman’s outburst.

“After three minutes of constant, racist verbal abuse and after trying to intervene, I started to film this video,” Hong wrote in a Facebook post. “Racism and xenophobia isn’t far from us nor has it gone away. As Canadians we think we are safe from these disgusting attitudes and behaviours but we aren’t. It has only gotten worse recently. It seems like some people want to reinstate the Chinese Exclusion Act.”

“No employee who works so hard for so little money deserves this and no human being in the world deserves this,” Hong told the Daily Mail.

Unidentified Racist, Raw Story 9 Comments [6/7/2017 1:38:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Kuyohashi

Quote# 127913

Civil Rights Leaders Worse Than KKK, Neo-Nazi’s, Says Right Wing Reverend

Conservative Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson has figured out who’s to blame for the sprees of police brutality and civil unrest affecting the Nation – civil rights leaders?! “Modern-day civil-rights leaders are the worst enemy of black Americans…These black ‘leaders’ are worse than the Ku Klux Klan and skinheads combined.” He continues, “these people (civil rights activists) have deceived black Americans and enslaved them to programs…They’ve also made them dependent on false leaders.”

Jesse Lee Peterson, Liberals Unite 1 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 127911

Maybe the Zionist bankers wanted to motivate Russian Jews to volunteer to emigrate to Israel and the USA, by designing and also paying for all of the Russian pogroms that you mentioned in your post, above. These bankers possibly thought that there needed to be many more Jews in the USA.

This transfer of Jews may be very similar to the Zionist Transfer Agreement that involved the rich German Jews volunteering to emigrate to Israel, and also volunteering to pay for Israel’s new infrastructure that was to be supplied by Nazi Germany according to the Zionist — Nazi Transfer Agreement.

Nazi Germany enjoyed making the big money profits from this Jewish German Transfer Business of the Zionist Nazi Transfer Agreement.

The real motivation that is hidden and never mentioned about this Zionist Transfer Agreement that involved German Jewish volunteering, is that the Zionist knew that the only possible real motivation behind this German Jewish volunteering could only be by the Nazi persecution of the German Jews.

Why else would rich German Jews want to emigrate to a hostile land where they would have to fight to survive?

By the Nazi’s increase of the persecution of the German Jews, the Nazi’s also increased their Zionist Jewish Transfer business and their Nazi money profits.

B, Real Jew News 4 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127909

The Jewish weaponizing of history is a branch of their “sows ear to silk purse industry” that finds its best expression in Hollywood.

Build Holocaust centers to turn the perps into the vicitims, have your proxies like ISIS, destroy world history at ancient sites like Palmayra in Syria, introduce hate speech laws to shut down freedom of speech.

The Jews are a very unsavory and uncivilized people. I am always struck by the ugliness of their architecture such as the glass vulture at Courrour Estate in Scotland, and the new wing added on to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto by jew Robert Schad. It was voted ugliest architecture in all of North America.

It’s as if there is a deliberate attempt to make the world a more ugly place or maybe it’s just the expression of dead souls.

Ted Gorsline, Real Jew News 1 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127853

(GROIDSSUCK): Accident scene after a stupid apefirmative action hired nigger meets its grisly end by not being intelligent enough to follow proper safety rules....Result? Nigger head got all squishy an' shee-it....

I guess its a good thing the nigger was wearing his safety helmet or it could have been worse.

(SpearChuckinJungleBunny): I'm still trying to figure out what I'm looking at. I see nigger teeth and a nigger chin but can't make sense of what it was, where the body is or what actually happened.

And yet the photo soothes me and makes me smile. Lol!!!

GROIDSSUCK & SpearChuckinJungleBunny, Niggermania 4 Comments [6/7/2017 1:36:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127829

[On the American Liberty 225th Anniversary Gold Coin showing Lady Liberty as a black woman]

$1640 for Michelle Obama? She belongs on a Food Stamp coupon, not a gold coin.

[HB guy, no need for awful and disgusting racial comments. This is not a “white supremacy” blog..]

Munzen, if you want the conversation focused on coins, you should direct your comments to those who allowed “political correctness” to manifest its ugly self on American coinage.

Apart from the hideous design of this coin, the plans for the entire series reek of quotas and political correctness promoted by Obama and his ilk. If you want to return this discussion to coin, avoid this one.

HB Guy, CoinNews 3 Comments [6/7/2017 1:33:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 127905

About time I had some good news to report!

Two dead boons in the same nig family within 2 months — now that’s being efficient.
Good job you teenapers!

Two brothers, both named Jeffery! Did the mammy not know how to spell “Jeffrey?” And since when do niggers name kids “Jeffrey?” Whatever — it’s niggers.
One Jeff-nigger deleted his baby mama, the baby mama’s sister and the grandpa. The other Jeff-nigger “saved” the half-niglet. (Baby mama was Hispanic/White)

Such a good boy! He dindu nuffin!! See the pic of this angelic monkey scratching at the nits in his nappy locks — the face of a brainless moron.

The 2 Jeff-Niggers are now together in Nigger Heaven: a land of endless crack, guns, hoes, malt likker, and chiggun. Glory Be!

MizDaisy, Niggermania 3 Comments [6/7/2017 1:29:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127781

(NigletPiglet): Niggers do not deserve the right to an education.

(Picaninny Rail): The irony of this is that, unlike human students who work their asses off to pay for their college and still start out with tons of debt, these niggers get free grants and lowered admission standards due to apefirmative action. They would not be there in the first place If not for white coddlers.

(baron nighausen): Niggers have no place in a civilised society much less in a university.

(Infidel99): Modern day niggers should be thankful that they are descendants of slaves, otherwise, they would have likely been born in shithole Africa.

NigletPiglet, Picaninny Rail, & baron nighausen and Infidel99, Niggermania 3 Comments [6/7/2017 1:28:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127901

Lets assume you’re who you say you are and your question is legitimate.

Since you’re on this site, we might be able to assume you have a certain awareness.

Some direct questions for you that we expect answers to:

#1. do you fully understand jews, all jews are ultimately the real problem ?

#2. do you fully understand and accept the solution to the jewish problem is extermination ?

#3. are you actively training, procuring necessary equipment and supplies, intel gathering for target acquisition etc. etc. for the necessary task at hand ?

I assure you, your TRUE answers to these questions will be the ultimate determining factor to your fate.

Killemall, Whites Will Win! party 2 Comments [6/7/2017 1:28:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 127900

I call it the Trayvon Martyr Syndrome. It is a wider phenomenon, and a particularly nefarious one. There had been substantial progress in putting racism behind us in America, thanks to the courage of great reformers and real martyrs like Dr. King. But the Obama administration (advised by Al Charlatan) cynically fomented race hate for cheap political advantage and set us back years in race relations. Who knows why? Well, the Left has successfully used the “Law of Attraction” to manifest an ugly race-hate climate that didn’t exist until they conjured it into being by insisting it was real. And it became real. Their cop-hatred and obnoxious demonstrations, invading restaurants and rebuking diners for imagined racism and “white privilege,” had the predictable result: they had goaded the objects of their wrath into the very antagonism they had accused them of.

Or consider the tendency to defend black hooligans and criminals simply because they are fellow blacks, as if to call one a criminal amounts to indicting all African Americans. The most idiotic example of this must surely be a black Leftist official in Baltimore claiming that to call anyone a “thug” is racist. Uh, you mean because there is an inherent link between “black” and “thug”? Who except you is saying that? It is you who are inviting the rest of us to think so!

Robert Price, Zarathustra Speaks 1 Comments [6/7/2017 1:27:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: TB Tabby

Quote# 127754

Black people can do whatever they want, act however they want, say whatever they want, etc., and it's all a celebration of their black culture, or asserting their identity, or being bold, sassy, etc. They are completed protected, and only lose their place at work for the most egregious offenses, and sometimes not even that.

But other groups, especially white people, always have to be on tip toes, walking on egg shells and watching everything they say and do, less they offend someone. Everything is carefully monitored by the PC police, and all of the government and businesses are in on it.

Complete double standard!

I notice this, and I'm not even white! I repeat to everyone who wishes to censor this post - I am not white.

dr. misanthrope, Why I Hate People 1 Comments [6/7/2017 1:25:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 127751

we’re talking about 13 books in the Bible, Romans through Philemon. You ought to write that down. I could really shake you up now, but I don’t know if I oughta wake you up that bad… when you get in the Pauline — are y’all listening to me? — when you get into the Pauline epistles, you’re getting in the doctrine. So why would you get in Philemon when he’s trying to teach you how to treat your slave?… If they should be slaves.

[Makes a fake snoring sound] So you wanna go to sleep?

See, what you wanna do is turn in to TBN [Trinity Broadcasting Network] and listen to them odd birds who don’t know doctrine whatsoever. And then you hate slavery because we were taught to hate that. Because we’re so nasty.

And some of you little whities can’t get it either. If it wasn’t for slavery, those folks would still be in Africa with a bone in their nose fighting lions, and if you don’t like that, you can lump it any way you want. That ain’t a prejudice. That is factual and historical.

Keith Gomez, Patheos 1 Comments [6/7/2017 1:24:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127651

Niggers ruin schools. Nigger monkey animals cannot read. Could you imagine the feeling being a nigger monkey animal, having a small simian brain and not being able to comprehend the learning materials and environment around you? It's no surprise they get all chimpy and tear the school apart. When animals are bored, they do crazy things. It is just in the nigger monkey animals nature.

That's why we shouldn't let nigger monkey animals into human school systems.

NigletPiglet, Niggermania 1 Comments [6/7/2017 1:23:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127626

Texas Teachers Disciplined After Giving ‘Most Likely to Become a Terrorist’ Award to 13-Year-Old Student

It seems as if a few Texas teachers need to go back to school to learn that a joke is supposed to be funny. However, in shockingly poor taste, some Channelview Independent School District teachers reportedly laughed during a mock awards ceremony as they handed out certificates, including one that dubbed a 13-year-old student “most likely to become a terrorist.”

“They just found it as a joke,” seventh-grader Lizeth Villanueva told KHOU.

Lizeth got the certificate earlier this week at Anthony Aguirre Junior High. She said that one teacher signed the certificates—which included superlatives like “most likely to cry for every little thing” and “most likely to become homeless”—while other teachers looked on and laughed.

“She said that some people might get offended, but she doesn’t really care about our feelings,” Lizeth said. “She was laughing about it.”

The award was given out just one day after the arena terrorist attack in Manchester, England.

“I was upset and very mad when I saw the award,” Lizeth’s mom, Ena Hernandez, told the Washington Post. “I was surprised because my daughter has been doing well in the honors program.”

According to the Post, the seventh-grader has been in the school’s honors program for two years and has never been a discipline problem.

“It doesn’t look good at all, especially coming from a teacher, a grown-up woman,” Hernandez added to KHOU. “It doesn’t look good because everything that’s going on right now.”

According to the news station, the principal of the school personally apologized during a meeting at the school. The district, however, declined to confirm the names of any of the teachers present, citing a “personnel matter.” The school released a statement saying that those involved have been disciplined according to district policy and that the incident was still under investigation:

“The Channelview ISD administration would like to apologize for the insensitive and offensive fake mock awards that were given to students in a classroom. Channelview ISD would like to assure all students, parents and community members that these award statements and ideals are not representative of the district’s vision, mission and educational goals for our students.”

Hernandez wants to see the teachers fired or else, she said, “they will continue doing the same thing.”

Meanwhile, Lizeth hasn’t been back to school because she “feels uncomfortable,” the Post reports.

Texas teachers, The Root 3 Comments [6/7/2017 1:23:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: TB Tabby

Quote# 127899

If we can manage to look past [Lovecraft’s] racism, we will manage to see something deeper and quite valid. Lovecraft envisioned not only the threat that science posed to our anthropomorphic smugness, but also the ineluctable advance of the hordes on non-western anti-rationalism to consume a decadent, euro-centric west.

Superstition, barbarism and fanaticism would sooner or later devour us. It appears now that we’re in the midst of this very assault. The blood lust of jihadists threatens Western Civilization and the effete senescent West seems all too eager to go gently into that endless night. Our centers of learning have converted to power politics and an affirmative action epistemology cynically redefining truth as ideology. Logic is undermined by the new axiom of the ad hominem. If white males formulated logic, then logic must be regarded as an instrument of oppression.

Lovecraft was wrong about many things, but not, I think, this one. It’s the real life horror of Red Hook.

Robert Price, RIFuture.org 2 Comments [6/7/2017 1:23:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: TB Tabby

Quote# 127897

[Commenting under "'Van hits pedestrians' on London Bridge"]

That might be a discussion you can have on T_D but realistically, you cannot just deport 3 million people. If you did, it would take years - the UK govt is far in debt as is - and there would be riots up and down the country. And many non-Muslims would take part as it's a direct attack on religious freedom and an overwhelming majority of them do not support these attacks.

My point is, mass deportation, on the scale of 5% of the population, isn't something than can be argued as it's functionally implausible for a govt to undertake.

So the Nazi's can deport essentially every Jew in Poland in less than 3 years in the 1940's, but the UK can't deport basically all Muslims with the modern technology of today? Yeah, once again, typical ignorant liberal who knows nothing about history.

freedom247366, Reddit - r/worldnews 4 Comments [6/7/2017 1:22:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 127893

Give it up. Being a partner of a partner doesn't mean we're to blame. The Chinese have IQs of 105 and would probably come up with wealth without the west, as they've done for millenia. Although, I'd be completely down with gassing the fuck out of them because of what they do to sharks.

ThatFeministGirl, Reddit 2 Comments [6/7/2017 1:20:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 127879

So they could take over other countries and slowly drain them like parasites until the hosts are crippled.

A lot of what's happening in Europe makes sense when you realize that Muslims have quite a lot in common with parasitic organisms found in nature. The similarities are quite fascinating actually. I wonder if they're evolutionary cousins or relatives.

NeoMatrix, FSTDT 10 Comments [6/6/2017 8:34:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127859

Right-wing radio host Jesse Lee Peterson attacked NBA star LeBron James last week for saying that “being black in America is tough” after racist graffiti was sprayed on his home. Peterson declared that James is nothing but a pathetic “girly man” who could learn a lesson from President Trump about how to be a real man.

“What a lying, weak, pathetic, poor excuse of a male,” Peterson said of James. “He is not a man. There is nothing about him that says man. Everything about this guy says girly. No wonder he supported Hillary Clinton.”

Peterson asserted that he didn’t even believe the vandalism actually happened, stating that if it did, it was probably all a “set-up to make it look like the white folks did it, the Republicans did it.”

“I really pity his wife and his children,” Peterson continued. “His children will grow up messed up because they have a weak, pathetic, girly, lying father … The way that LeBron James handled this is a disgrace to mankind and especially to men. LeBron needs to take a look or a lesson from Donald Trump, a real man.”

Jesse Lee Patterson, Right Wing Watch 14 Comments [6/6/2017 8:30:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Kuyohashi

Quote# 127854

The only time the word demand belongs in a sentence with the word nigger in it, is when I'm demanding greater crop yield from my field niggers or any of you humans likewise. I can't wait for the day humanity wakes back up to what niggers really are...obsolete farm equipment.

SpearChuckinJungleBunny, Niggermania 0 Comments [6/6/2017 8:30:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127852

A Louisiana Republican called for a religious war against Islamic terrorists in the wake of attacks over the weekend in London.

Freshman Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) called for violent action against suspected terrorists in a Facebook post, alongside a photo of police taking a suspect into custody after an attack Saturday at London Bridge killed seven people and injured nearly 50 others.

“The free world… all of Christendom… is at war with Islamic horror,” Higgins wrote.

“Not one penny of American treasure should be granted to any nation who harbors these heathen animals,” the lawmaker continued. “Not a single radicalized Islamic suspect should be granted any measure of quarter. Their intended entry to the American homeland should be summarily denied.”

“Every conceivable measure should be engaged to hunt them down,” he added. “Hunt them, identity them, and kill them. Kill them all. For the sake of all that is good and righteous. Kill them all.”

Higgins is a former police captain in Louisiana before his election to Congress in November.

Clay Higgins, Raw Story 4 Comments [6/5/2017 9:33:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom
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