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Quote# 131344

(Jodaddy): Hello all. Anyone else notice that there is always a greasy ass nigger on the front of every little piece of academic propaganda? Do they honestly think that I believe that niggers are titans of industry, computer programmers, chemists, and other forms of scientist and technologist. I mean seriously!

My online Linux 1 class has a exceptionally dumb looking mooncricket on the main page of the website. The nigger looks like he couldn't even figure out how to turn on the computer let alone work it. It would be funny if it wasn't so insulting.

(Boocephus): Sort of ironic that most of the people in IT classes are Asian, Indian, or White. I'm in the IT industry and that's what I find so funny about "diversity". IT has plenty of diversity....just not with niggers and for good reason. When I hear the HR HNIC ooking about diversity in STEM jobs my first thought is how many qualified applicants did we receive? 1%? Well, we need to lower the standards to get more niggers. The downward spiral begins.

My company has a VERY HIGH (I'm talking $50K) referral fee for "minority" executives. I've submitted several human Asians and Indians and have been told they didn't qualify. Niggers only. Time to update my resume.....

(Murica1488): I just started reading a book called Hold Back this Day. It's fiction and not specifically about only niggers but there was a mention in the book of a new classroom text, 19th century African Inventions: Steam Engine to the Cell Phone. Almost every governmental policy we have is made to advance niggers and make them feel useful, hence how they've now invented everything.

Diversity only applies to the nigger. All the Chinese, Indian, whatever else, doesn't count. It's only a matter of time before a company has a major disaster because they were coerced into hiring an ignorant nigger over a qualified human.

(I. R. Coon): I have to disagree on this one, I work for a British research institute (NERC) as a field guide, both in Antarctica or the mountains of the UK and Europe, the British equivalent of the NSA, but when I visit it in Cambridge, there is not a nigger in sight, not even as a janitor or security.

And when I'm in the field, like on Antarctica, I never seen a nigger glaciologist, meteorologist, geologist or any other -ist ;-) because even though they got dirty paws, the hate to get dirty in the field. And I hope never to share a tent with them on the ice, since the NERC/ BAS has a 2 people rule regarding field work.

Jodaddy, Boocephus, Murica1488, and I. R. Coon, Niggermania 0 Comments [9/7/2017 11:23:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131343

Niggers would never be served by humans if we weren't forced to by the threat of lawsuits. My step daughter is a waitress and she's young, believes " we are all the same" bs.

However when a party of groids come in they fight over who gets stuck serving them. Most demanding ungrateful pain in the ass customers are niggers. Their idea of a tip is 1 dollar on an 80 dollar tab. Always complain after eating everything trying to get out of paying.

Jiggz R Us, Niggermania 0 Comments [9/7/2017 11:23:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131342

1. My job as a restaurant food delivery man brought me to a chain of fast food restaurants that had been closed for the hurricane to replenish their stock as soon as conditions would allow. The corporate office of this particular chain decided to trash all the food in its stores in the Houston market and restock with fresh, since the power was likely out, but for an unknown amount of time, since the stores were empty. The managers were directed to throw out all of the food, but at several locations the nigger managers had other niggers arriving to load the food into cars to presumably bring home. I was telling one of the nigger managers that my home was looted during the storm, and she replied something like "that be some bullshit, they be lootin' on my street too." So here we have a nigger bitching about other niggers scamming, as she is scamming the restaurant. This was literally said as she was carrying boxes of burger patties out to a waiting vehicle.

2. About a five neighborhhood area where I live became an island during the flooding, with only one gas station open and accessible. I went in to stock up on smokes, and the line was about 30 people deep, and 30 min wait. Everyone was buying food, water, ect. Up the line I see a nigger at the counter, and there is a holdup, of course. Everyone's tension was high because of the storm, and people were getting antsy over the holdup and rolling their eyes and making comments. The holdup- the nigger was cashing in lottery tickets and using the money to buy more, taking it's sweet ass time deciding which tickets to get. All during the onset of a natural disaster.

Pooter, Niggermania 6 Comments [9/7/2017 11:23:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131341

I've held off of posting this because of the length of the story. It's detailed, but lays out the entire nigger "thought" process that leaves nothing to the imagination. Without doubt it was one of the most bizarre coontacts I've had. Here goes....

I travel for work and had an out-of-town meeting on a Monday morning which means I had to fly out on Sunday afternoon. As a seasoned traveler I have no tolerance for small talk with idiots at the airport. I wear my headphones and get in my own little world and ignore the nonsense and people around me. Waiting at the gate and listening to my music this big fat buck comes and sits a few seats away from me. I tried to ignore it until it started tapping my shoulder. I pull of my headfoams and it aksed me if the airlines allow you to wear headfoams in flight. I told him yes, it's not a problem. He went on to explains that's good, because he wanted to listen to the NFL game and pulled out a little transistor radio.

It took me a bit to process what was going on, but then I asked if he meant listing to it on his FM radio. He said yes. So, here's a nigger that wants to listen to his FM radio at 30,000 feet flying 550 MPH across the country. I explained that he couldn't get a signal as radio is terrestrial and doesn't work at that altitude. He looked confused. Said he figured up there the signal would be clear. It wasn't worth my mental cycles to explain the concepts so I just put my headfoams back on tried to ignore it. Secretly I was about to bust at the seams with laughter.

Then it started ooking again. Aksed me if I fly much. It said he hadn't been on a plane in a while. I smiled and tried to look as uninterested as possible. It went on to explain the last time it flew it was surprised at how smooth the flight was. Said at one point it though the plane WAS STOPPED IN AIR BECAUSE OF AIR TRAFFIC. This dumb nigger thought the plane was hovering in the air and wasn't moving forward. It was a serious as a heart attack. I almost fell out of my chair. Once we boarded the only thing I could think was this ape better not sit beside me. It walked passed me on it's way to the back of the plane where it belonged and I breathed a sigh of relief.

This coontact was pure nigger logic from start to finish. Can't make this stuff up. They really are that stupid.

Boocephus, Niggermania 1 Comments [9/7/2017 11:23:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131335

Why dating interracially is degenerate

First off, I like to state that I'm a Blackcel. Why am I stating this? Because the Reddit SJW cucks love to label anyone who has a different opinion than them White supremacists.
Let's be honest here: most of the people who date interracialy aren't doing it for "love" as they claim to. They are doing it to push some sort of secondary agenda that they have, or for some other twisted reason.

Let's look at the reasons why people date interracially;

1) Self-hate

This is the most common reason why people date interracially. They hate the colour of their skin and everything about their race. So, by dating outside of their race they seek to form some sort of validation and acceptance.

You can mostly see this issue with Asian and Brown femoids; also, quite commonly with Black men.

When it comes to White femoids, they are mostly filled with "White guilt", and are ashamed of their entire race.

2) To immigrate to a foreign country and get the citizenship

Asian femoids love doing this.

They tangle with some desperate white man only to convince him to marry her so she can move out of her shit-hole of a country and immigrate to where he came from -- most of the time the US, UK, Canada or some European country.

3) Because it's trendy and cool

Mass media are propaganda machines who promote interracial relationships like there is no end these days. Movies, tv-shows, advertisements, articles, magazine's and etc, consistently feature two people from different races dating each other.

Unfortunately, do to the masses being sheeple, they will accept this and think it's the new fad and the cool thing to do. (Normies love following fads, and are easily brainwashed)

4) To wipe out racism off this world

Normies think that, and I kid you not, by dating interracially and having mixed children is the way of removing racism out of this world.

They actually believe that having only one single race will just end racism just like that.

Then we come to the final reason which is love. But for the most part only a small percentage of people actually date each other due to love.

lookismisreal, /r/IncelReddit 4 Comments [9/7/2017 12:55:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 131325

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

In an interview on “Breitbart News Radio” today, shortly before Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Trump administration would be rescinding the DACA program that provides deportation relief to some undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children, King discussed a tweet that he had sent this morning stating that deported DACA recipients “will make great ‘Peace Corp’ volunteers in home countries,” an idea that he also discussed in an op-ed in March.

King argued that DREAMers who have been deported to their home countries will make a large, involuntary Peace Corps like force that could create the “best economic and cultural development, civilizational development that, say, Mexico could ever experience”:

"I’m making this point that if we shut off the DACA program, and there are 800,000 of them in the United States today, they would deploy—and I use that word that way—back to their home territories, most likely. And they would go back there with a U.S. taxpayer-funded education, many of them the college education, they will have top-notch English skills, they would understand how a free-enterprise economy works, how a generally corrupt-free society, first world works. They would have seen the transportation system we have, the educational system, the research and development systems that we have, how a civilized people interact with each other. All of that would go with them back to their home countries, and wouldn’t that be the best economic and cultural development, civilizational development that, say, Mexico could ever experience?

If these are their best and brightest—some of them are—just give them to these people that advertise DACA and what if their words are right? Send them back home again, it will have far more impact than you’ll get out of Peace Corps volunteers."

Later in the interview, King argued that legal immigration is a “natural filtration system” that has already brought the best people from other countries to the U.S. He also returned to his infamous “cantaloupe calves” remark, saying that “most of these guys that are carrying these packs [across the border] that range from 65 pounds up to 90 pounds or so, most of these guys that are carrying this, they’re younger than 18 years old” and may lie to get DACA status.

Steve King, Right Wing Watch 6 Comments [9/6/2017 12:33:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 131317

The Jews were behind the Holodomor starving of 10+ Million Ukrainians and were the same Jews behind the Soviet Bolshevik Revolution killing 60+ Million in the Soviet Union, and the murder of the Tsar’s family.

The Jews are the biggest mass murderers on the planet yet they have much of the world (Gentiles) brainwashed thinking that they are the poor victims.

We Gentiles are the victims. Real history confirms it. Terror, tyranny, and mass murder of Jewish-ruled Soviet Russia is an example of the Jewish plans for the entire world if their “New World Order” conspiracy comes to full fruition.

Anyone with a functional brain and a minimal amount of intelligence is capable of researching and figuring out it is indeed exactly this internationalist Jewish clique who owns all key positions in European society.

All the major banks, the media, big capitalist compagnies and with all their influence they pull the strings in politics, economy and even in the educational sector.

We are all treated as mere replaceable objects, as slaves by these ethnocentrist Jews who claim they are the chosen people of their Jewish god and others are to be used as cattle.

Well let me tell you something, the social situation has become so astoundingly depraved and decadent, whilst still these Jews HAVE THE NERVE to boast about their power and continue to push guilt complexes only on OUR White children with their complete LIES regarding the holocaust, that indeed people are bound to wake up to reality.

We Europeans need to pay Israel millions for something we are not even guilty of!? While these swines are butchering the Palestinians in Israel for almost a century now? Their hypocrisy has no limits.

Yet supposedly us Europeans are to blame? For what? Because Hitler was that much of a choir boy in treating the Jews excellently, as these Jews know damn well!

They had recreation facilities in Auschwitz, sportsfields and even a swimming pool when you look at the architectural plans of Auschwitz camp complex!

No single documents exist proving at all there was a deliberate plan of exterminating Jews. The Jews were one of the few races who ended up with a higher amount of people AFTER the war than before the war.

YET they have had the guts to use this holohoax lie propaganda to MURDER millions of INNOCENT Europeans on these basis. I can tell you this, We have not forgotten nor forgiven it.

Valkyr, Real Jew News 2 Comments [9/6/2017 12:30:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131316

I’m beginning to think, as I see the Zionist Agenda unfold, unfettered, step by step, that no matter what we try, the Jews will be with us to the end of this time.

Remember what John The Baptist said about the “Generation of Vipers” and Matthew 23 and John 8:37-44?

Brainwashed Christian ministers say, “Oh… that was only John The Baptist and Jesus blasting the few nasty Pharisee leaders.”

NO! Why would Jesus bother with that, if it was a “local” passing thing? As with the “money-changers” in the temple, it was Prophetic.

Scripture says “The Love of money (now, who could that be?) is the Root (the Jewish Banking Root) of ALL Evil. That was also prophesy.

It is written that Jesus said many things which were not recorded (John said it would take volumes). Jesus was a prophet also.

He told his followers that “these guys” will be with us to the end, after the temple is left with no stone upon stone, after the Jews disperse, after they invade and erode civilization after civilization, they will still be with us and be like I have said.

Sounds like the Book Of Revelations, doesn’t it? And, they will be with us until they and their father is dropped into the Lake Of Fiery Recyclement.

You wouldn’t believe (unless you’ve done so) how much my life and outlook has changed since I awoke years ago and realized just about everything I was ever taught and told was a lie, misinformation and brainwashing.

Then, I shotgunned my Jewbox (TV) years ago and woke up further. Kill Your TV!

chalie, Real Jew News 1 Comments [9/6/2017 12:29:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131315

Is it possible for a Jew to be loyal to anything other than their own kind?

Am I wrong to say Jews are the greatest racists of all time? I think what they use to their full advantage is the unity of race.

They preach division for everybody else but they stand alone United. Their unity has nothing to do with a unifying idea or principle, but something far more powerful, their race, their heritage, and all the myths they carry around about themselves.

They purposely isolate themselves. They don’t assimilate. It’s like a deep rooted family unity.

Families have good and bad kids, they might all have different views, but in the end because they are family, they are ultimately fiercely loyal to each other.

Beholden of an ‘us vs them’ mentality, when push comes to shove its that base loyalty, the instinctive type, the only thing right is to stand united with my fellow Jew.

Am I wrong? Am I being too general?

Competing against that sort of racial cohesiveness is pretty tough to compete with.

When you combine that with a radical commitment and obsession to materialism, with the definition of what is right is whatever it takes to get what they want, where the rule of law as we understand it is to them something to bend, break and change to suit the advancement of the race, not only is that very hard to compete with, it is also a threat to the security and safety of the whole world.

Am I overstating the case, or am I just hating on Jews because they are Jews?

The only way to neutralize the threat is for the rest of us to unite on good principles, and based on them attack the satanic infrastructure that has been built up all around us that is choking us to death.

United the Jews stand and we are fallen because we have become so divided.

The Jew who reads this might think, ‘here we go again with the anti-Semitism’, but to be anti-Semitic is to be pro truth, life and freedom. When someone places shackles on you, you don’t apologize for cursing the person who does it to you, you fight back and kill the enslaver.

The Jews got their funky little country. Let them go there in peace, and they can isolate themselves there and be all pure and ’superior’ and s@, just get the f@ out of my country, because they don’t understand what it means to be loyal to the principles my country wad founded on–all men were created equal, and ought to have a clear path to pursue life, liberty and happiness, not to be infringed by and oversized and wicked government and banking system, built by a bunch of Jewish control freaks.

We gave you your little country, so get out of this one NOW. I am gonna count to 10 and if I still see you standing there I start shooting.

Am I overstating the case? Tell me what I am missing?

Jack Morgan, Real Jew News 1 Comments [9/6/2017 12:28:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131314

You really have to scratch your head and wonder if the Jews are not manically suicidal.

They spent the first half of the 1900s murdering thirty plus Ukrainian farmers through starvation and real death camps in Siberia, murdered at least another fifty million Russians through abortion, war and those wonderful Siberian death camps, burned down thousands of Orthodox Christian churches and basically forbid worship of God, and now surround them with nuclear weapons while imposing harsh economic sanctions.

It is very hard to believe that Russians in general like Israhell or Jews at all.

The Jews gave China Chairman Mao, who murdered close to eighty million Chinese, forbid religion and kicked all the peasants off their farms, so they could all be slaves in work camp factories.

They caused both World Wars, are surrounding Russia and China with nuclear weapons stationed in military bases, have ratcheted up the anti Russian and Chinese propaganda to an insane degree, and are pushing as hard as is possible to start a full scale nuclear exchange.

If you see what is happening in Europe lately with the filthy Africans migrating in, plus the totally expected horror in France today, you really have to wonder how much longer before every civilized human on Earth does not completely hate the God damned Jews.

What is most amazing is how only one megaton fusion bomb detonated two miles above Ramallah would essentially end all Jewish life in Israhell, and they somehow expect to go unscathed from all this soon to come mayhem.

Their other centers of concentration, such as NYC, LA and Chicago are most certainly going to be hit with a barrage of nuclear bombs, so what exactly is their contingency plan? If some of them scurry off into COGs waiting for the radioactive decay to die down, do they expect the goyim soldiers and populace in general to somehow bow down and worship them after the shtf?

The best case scenario is for Russia and the US to agree to wipe out Israhell and all cities around the world where the Jews are in high concentration, and then sit down and figure out real diplomacy for a peaceful world.

Unfortunately, that is not going to happen, so say your prayers. folks.

jim, Real Jew News 0 Comments [9/6/2017 12:28:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Dunning-Kruger Award

Quote# 131313

I thought Tel Aviv was the capitol?

Anyway, whatever. The Jews’ claim on Palestine is completely bogus. They just moved into the area and started killing everybody. The Jews ‘advised’ wWestern leaders into bloody wars leaving 10s of millions slaughtered so they can have their Jewish racist state. They *never* would have gotten this far without the help of the USA.

The thing is, the interests of this apartheid state are totally divergent from American interests, and in many case, opposite. Why can’t people see that this Zionist disaster is the 100% cause of most of all the trouble in the world, and surely the central driving force for all the wars?

It is in the *best* interest of the whole world to cut ties with the Zionists terrorist and let them fend for themselves.

Nail biting Zio-christians shake in fear at the idea. “We cant do that! Gen 12:3 says God will curse us if we do!”

Uh huh, so, speaking to an evangelical Judeo-Christian and their way of seeing things, we have nearly 1/2 of the Supreme Court are Jews and they just delivered homosexual marriage to the nation, voting as a bloc. Is this what they refer to as a blessing?

If you look at the facts, the Jews bring a curse, not a blessing. So it is completely bizarre how superstitious evangelical Zio-christians are, and how they betray Jesus by supporting the very thing He got killed for opposing.

The sermonizing about Gen 12:3 has been proven in so many ways to be total Zio spin. The *only* thing that has happened since the Zio terrorists shoved their agenda down the world’s throat - one big fat gigantic curse.

Typical example of how people use the Bible for all the wrong reasons. No wonder people lost interest in the Christian religion. I know I have. The Judaized Christian religion is a total fraud, having no connection at all to the spirit of Jesus.

Christians think they do God a favor by supporting all this terrorism. The blood of every human being who died at the hands of the Zio terrorists is on the hands of every zionist christian. that is 10s of millions, and if they get us all messed up with WWIII (likely) they will be guilty for all the ensuing chaos, death and misery.

Imagine Jesus being forced to show up to shut down the destruction that never would have occurred except for the terrorism, and all these Zio-christian bots, who were the ones that *enabled* the Zio terrorism, then run up to Jesus, “Lord, Lord, ooo, we are so glad to see you here”

Imagine what would run through Jesus’ mind …

The only hope for the world is for every truly spirit led believer to reject Zionism, repudiate all support for the counterfeit state of Israel, and exhort Jews to let go of their false ideas of themselves, and join the human race.

In practical terms, a total, absolute withdrawal of any financial or military support of Israel.

Then we have to go in and disable Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal and capabilities, and repossess all the military hardware, because they are totally insane, and are likely to go down in a ‘blaze of glory’.

BN For President 2016, Real Jew News 3 Comments [9/6/2017 12:28:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131289

YORK, Pa. (AP) - A Pennsylvania state senator seeking next year's Republican nomination for governor says he doesn't plan to apologize for calling billionaire Democratic donor George Soros "a Hungarian Jew" with "a hatred for America."

Sen. Scott Wagner told the York Daily Record on Monday that "everybody's getting their knickers around their ankles over this and there's no reason for that."

Wagner's comments were recorded by an opposition tracker at a tomato festival in Pittston last week.

He says if Soros was Catholic, he'd have called him a Hungarian Catholic, and meant no offense by it. He says his comments weren't meant to be disrespectful or racist.

On Monday, the state Democratic Party described Wagner's comments as anti-Semitic.

Wagner says he has a long record of donating to the York Jewish Community Center.

Scott Wagner, Philly 3 Comments [9/6/2017 3:49:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 131287

[Excerpt of news article entitled German Neo-Nazis Embrace Vegan Cooking, Techno Music, Hipster Clothes]

MUNICH, Germany — Neo-Nazis are keeping their black combat boots and bomber jackets in the closet as they try to force their way into mainstream German society.

Security officials say many young fascists are adopting more stylish and less intimidating images, with some branded "nipsters" after embracing hipster-style clothing as well as techno and hip hop music.

Far-right extremists even recently launched a "Vegan Cooking Channel" on YouTube featuring masked young men preparing simple recipes and providing household tips.

"If the young people don’t find skinhead types attractive, then they [the neo-Nazis] will simply die out, so they have to find something new," said Daniel Koehler, an expert on radicalization who has counseled right-wing extremists in the past. “There are many different ways in which neo-Nazis now portray themselves" that are "not immediately seen as the violent skinhead, neo-Nazi type," he added.

“When they find new recruits, who have grown up with the Internet, a different type of music, a different clothing style, they will bring them in,” Koehler told NBC News.

Issues such as animal rights, the environment, equality for women are sometimes used as a smoke screen by the extremists as they try to lure followers to their scene.

Germany’s far-right NPD party once launched a youth welfare service, which offered to help young people find jobs. It has also tried to bring its extremist ideology to young people through with the release of so-called "schoolyard CDs."

Contemporary right-wing bands such as Kategorie C, which offer "Anti Sharia Team" T-shirts to fans on its website, and rapper Makss Damage, whose lyrics include "Kill these anti-German sons of b******," are among the new generation of artists making waves.

And in April, two far-right extremists wearing Cookie Monster costumes were arrested by police, while trying to lure in young children with leaflets reading, "To be German is cool."

Various Neo-Nazis, NBC News 5 Comments [9/6/2017 3:46:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Salami

Quote# 131279

Some of my fellow employees and I were eating at an Asia buffet that apparently, unknown to us since it's been a while from our last visit, has started to attract niggers. I'm talking morbidly obese sows who literally waddled like drunk ducks to the hot tables (they had come in after we had been seated and plated ourselves). Believe me I was not happy to see this, and my feelings were shared by my co-workers. Sadly, we won't be going back, even though the service is on point and the food is pretty decent.

This one massive sow shuffles past our table and lets out an audible fart almost in the face of my seated buddy (an obviously deliberate act as the more direct route to the buffet was well on the other side of the room). I noticed that it kept looking over its shoulder with a smirk on its face, probably hoping for a comment so it could have an excuse to go Category 4, but it was disappointed when Big Papi didn't even glance up from his phone.

I watched this despicable sack of shit as it stood there for a moment as though it couldn't work out what to do for an encore, then it scuffs away with that 'um um um' noise that sows make when they are offended (or more likely don't get a reaction from YT). This sow was so fat, and its pants so tight, that its gait made it look like it had two basketball sized (and shaped) cuts of shoplifted meat bouncing around inside its drawers. Its pants, by the way, were made out of white stretch fabric with strategic cuts, so the secondary result was that her ass and thighs looked like what happens when toilet paper rips mid-wipe.

The filthy nigger came back with two heaping plates of food and made a comment to the effect of 'you be passin' gas ats me motherfucker', to which Papi looked up from his football picks and replied "I think it was you shitting your pants trying to be funny you fucking retarded bitch" just loud enough for everyone in that section to hear him (and give the sheboon the attention it probably didn't want). She stood there, did that chewing thing that confused niggers do, then couldn't come back with a reply much more original than "fuck you nigger" (even though Big Papi is a Mexican human).

The sow changed its route for subsequent trips back to the buffet (of which it made several while glaring across the room at us) and we were happy to enjoy the rest of our social time and meal without another coontact with the foul suboid biped.

Shitflinger, Niggermania 8 Comments [9/5/2017 10:32:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131274

Niggers would fuck a snake!! This is why this highly diseased infested sub-human species are 10, 20 50, and even over 100 x more likely to be infected with diseases than whites like mersa, aides, STDs, sickle cell, and the list just goes on and on. NIGGERS ARE VERMIN!!

Unregistered, Niggermania 2 Comments [9/5/2017 10:30:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131273

"Clearly, Spencer et al. feel that being white should determine one’s political beliefs. That, of course, is identity politics, the notion that race and/or gender are what defines a person’s politics. This has been a divisive force in our country as the high priests and priestesses of identity politics on the left have encouraged minorities to think of themselves as members of their race and not as Americans. Conservatives have rightly criticized that, and we should criticize the Alt-Right for encouraging whites to do the same."

Telling Europeans that they should just quietly deplore identity politics and ignore their own ancestral origins while everyone else obsesses about their is a de facto demand that Europeans practise unilateral disarmament in the ethno-war while brown people work on their H-bombs. It’s a strategy that can only result in extinction.

czakal, Wordpress 0 Comments [9/5/2017 10:27:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 131246

I was neither born nor raised to "hate" anyone. The use of the word "hate" here is in its purest, most vile form, as it is surely a negative and destructive emotion, and I deny it as part of my natural character. That said, I have determined that cannot really "hate" niggers... I am weary of them. Let me explain. This is the way I see it:

a long, long time ago, far, far away, there was Dark Continent called Africa, free of Niggers. That's right... there were no "niggers at that time. Individual tribes existed I harmony, much like the Native American, hunting and gathering food and other essentials for happy life. There was some war, of course, when the population grew out of control and more land was required for the increase of inhabitants. There were the Productive... those who hunted and gathered and had skills to produce clothing, tents, fishing vessels, etc., and those people were valuable to the community. Tribes had leaders, elders, chieftains Then, as in every society, as the population grew, there became a group of slackers... those who just didn't think their efforts would make any difference. Crime was punished according the its severity and justice not necessarily humane, as we understand the concept of "humane" today.

So, as productive societies expanded, extra farm and ranch help was needed, and some enterprising folks made an industry of "slave transport". If you had a ship, there was money to be made by bringing "cargo" across the Atlantic Ocean to sell to American farmers and ranchers. Tribal elders began rounding up the people of their tribes they could do without... those slackers and criminals and just lazy... and found they could make money by selling them to slave traders. (If I am to believe the story forwarded by movies such as "Roots", I must believe aa continent of people were willing to allow kidnappers onto their land to steal their people by force.)

Keep in mind, there were still no "Niggers". That term was applied later by the owners mispronunciation of "Negro" or in reference to the country of Niger, where many of the slaves originated. Slavery was an industry, and the Negro was merely farm animals like his mule or his oxen, bred like all other live assets, and put to work. But some Negroes went back to the mindset for which they were ejected from their tribes in the first place... they were lazy or rebellious, or had some mental defect that precluded them from usefulness. Oh, but they cost money. A LOT of money for the owner, considering food, housing, clothing, etc., and the slave trackers weren't cheap either, when a slave ran away. This was the birth of the "nigger". Hence, examples had to be made by punishing the run-away or disobedient by whipping or some other type of punishment. Does it make sense that an owner would beat his work animals so that they were disabled from work, as portrayed in "Roots"?

Doubtful. Fast forward to January 1, 1863. The U.S. Civil War, purported to have been waged to free slaves, but in reality, a rebellion by the Southern states in response to an oppressive Government, and slavery became an afterthought, as slaves were popular in the North as well as the South. Take away the slaves, and commerce in the Confederate states becomes non-existent. That was the plan, and the U.S. Government took the high road and made slavery the main issue. On January 1, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation was made into law, making free people out of slaves, most unable to read or write, or even count. (Sure, some rich blacks owned slaves as well as whites, but history doesn't speak of that, as it doesn't suit the narrative that ALL blacks were unequal.) Now, the right thing to do was ship all the freed slaves back to Africa, including the niggers, but America still had a growing population that needed food nd cotton, and all sorts of farm products. So, as the dark people multiplied, so did the nigger, and he became the "American Nigger", a breed unique unto itself.

You see, I call the American Nigger" unique because nowhere else on Earth has the AN had opportunities afforded them as those in America. Welfare programs have rewarded their excessive breeding by increasing benefits with every niglet they produce. Add in the many support organizations such as NAACP, CORE, UNCF, BET, Congressional Black Caucus, Miss Black America, on and on, and the AN is empowered to feel entitled, especially after four or five generations of lazy, criminal, and abject uselessness. Yes, my friends, I am weary f the American Nigger. I am weary of hearing "MF" in every other statement they make in public, having to look at their underwear above their pants hanging below their black asses, the rap music blaring from, their car stereo at every gas station. I am weary of trying to understand the mumbling and slurring of my language. Hey... let's go back to the "Hate" thing just a minute. I said I don't want to hate anyone, but is it fair to hate the natural traits of a people?

The culture? The mindset and the... well.. the differences. Is that nice enough? Basically, I'm weary of being vilified just because I'm a white man. I never owned a slave and I never met a slave. Matter of fact, my forefathers would probably have worked alongside niggers in the cane and cotton fields. They weren't rich or privileged. I'm weary of being called racist and white supremacist. I would never support, encourage, or condone harm to anther human being. Truth is, I have preferences. I prefer socializing with white people. I prefer living amongst white people. Shopping, eating, walking and driving amongst my own kind. "Preferences"... let me have mine without judgement. Is that too much to ask?

RIP Wm. Shockley, FSTDT 7 Comments [9/4/2017 11:49:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131257

I am still not talking about heredity and genes, but I can't understand why we live in a country where brain researchers write about learning and the need to develop skills during your early childhood when it's denounced as racist if that knowledge is applied to people from archaic cultures who weren't educated or who didn't go to school.

DIPL.PÄD., PI News 0 Comments [9/4/2017 11:39:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 131249

I have a dilemma and would like some advice from my fellow NMs. I feel awful for the people in Texas and what they've been through. I'd like to donate to help the relief efforts but a lot of the coverage I've seen has shown nigger filled shelters and niggers ooking about the rain.

Since I pay taxes, in good conscience, I can not give fucking niggers another cent. Is there any white only charities or churches? I haven't been able to find any.

Murica1488, Niggermania 6 Comments [9/4/2017 11:37:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131248

I found a new barber this year. I took off early one day in May to renew my plates for my truck. I'd been needing a haircut for a while but was working long hours and just couldn't find the time. After I got my tags I went back to the barber shop I passed a few blocks from the DMV. As it turned out it was a father and son shop, old school. I asked for a regular haircut and the old man didn't ask me a bunch of stupid questions like, "What's your phone number?" I got that every time I went to the place I had been going to.

They said that's how they identify my in their system so they'll know how to cut my hair without asking, then proceed to ask me how I wanted my hair cut EVERY FUCKING TIME! They swore they weren't selling my data but I know they're lying through their teeth. Anyway, the old man cut my hair just fine without wasting any time and I've been going there ever since.

I went there Saturday and the son cut my hair. While I was in the chair a nigger walked in axing fo a hay cut. He told it he doesn't cut blacks hair. That started a cat 1. The nigger automatically pulled the race card, so the barber said, "Ok, you want me to cut your hair, pay in advance, and I don't want to hear any bitching about how fucked up your hair looks when I'm done." The nigger thought better of it and went shuffling out the door muttering some niggerbabble about 'rayciss booshit.'

After the nigger left we had a nice conversation about goddamned niggers and the fucking trouble they cause. He shuddered at the idea of putting his hands on a niggers greasy head pubes, and I'm delighted to know there's no nigger funk where I get my haircut.

When he was finished I gave him a $20 bill for a $12 haircut and told him lunch is on me today.

Runnigger, Niggermania 0 Comments [9/4/2017 11:37:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131247

So this weekend the weather was nice, I had some errands to run and shopping to do, and the car needed an oil change. I headed over the quick lube place in the next city over where they usually get me in and out in less than twenty minutes and have an all human staff; haven't ever encoontered a nigger there.

I dropped off the car with the tech, told him which service I needed and went to the waiting room. Ah, crap. Sitting in a chair was Contravarious and his nigger braids, pants too low showing off his skivvies, and of course his cRap music playing on his phone speaker.

Well, shit. I shot him a couple dirty looks but no dice on turning down the volume. Thankfully the other tech came in and called him up and the chimpout began.

"Mr. Jackson, that's going to be $45.24 today."

"Waddafuck? Why it be so much? It's just earl."

"You got the premium service with all fluids topped off and the interior wipe and vacuum, sir."

"Naw, naw, y'all be doin' dat sheeit fo' free! I ain't payin' no ekktra fo' dat!"

The tech again explains (Give it up, brother, that nigger can't understand how to pull its pants up; it's not going to understand your bill) what the bill covers.

Nigger is still refusing to pay.

The nigger throws a fit, demands the "manajah" who shows up, asks the tech what's going on, and after hearing the tech explain, says, "Then tell him to have a nice day and put a mechanic's lien on the car until the bill is paid."

I laughed out loud.

Nigger turns around and shoots me a dirty look.

Nigger finally pays the bill but not before the threat of wrangling occurs and the tech picks up the phone to summon them.

When the nigger is gone, I smile at the tech and say, "And this is why I live out in the country." The tech looks around a second, smiles and says, "Dude, if we could turn the niggers away this would be the best job. Every single problem customer is a nigger, man."

Yep. That's pretty much why you don't do business with niggers.

On the plus side, minimal coontact, my car was done shortly after that, spic n span and fresh oil and filter, and I gladly paid the bill and thanked them.

Y'know, cause I'm a normal human person.

Jysander, Niggermania 7 Comments [9/4/2017 11:37:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131236

World War II was by far the bloodiest and most destructive war in human history. Many people wondered whether all of the death and destruction caused by the war had been necessary.

The so-called Holocaust was used by the Allies to demonize Germany and prove that their war effort was necessary to defeat such an evil nation.

With the liberation of Ohrdruf, Buchenwald and Dachau by the American army and the liberation of Bergen-Belsen by British troops, large groups of Western observers confronted the horrors of the German camps for the first time. The gruesome scenes of huge piles of dead bodies and emaciated and diseased surviving inmates were filmed and photographed for posterity by the U.S. Army Signal Corps. Prominent newsmen and politicians were flown in to Germany to see the harrowing evidence at the camps for themselves. The horrific scenes in the German camps were used by the Allies to justify their participation in the war.

The Holocaust story has also been used to justify the creation of the State of Israel. There were at least 33 massacres of Palestinian villages during Israel’s “War of Independence.” Zionist forces were larger and better equipped than their opponents, and by the end of the war over 750,000 Palestinians were ruthlessly expelled from their homes. As Tom Segev writes:

“Israel was born of terror, war, and revolution, and its creation required a measure of fanaticism and of cruelty.”

Entire cities and hundreds of villages in Israel were left empty and repopulated with new Jewish immigrants. The Jewish immigrants numbered 100,000 in April 1949, most of them survivors of the so-called Holocaust. The Palestinians lost everything they had and became destitute refugees, while the Jewish immigrants to Israel stole the Palestinians’ property and confiscated everything they needed.

The so-called Holocaust has also been effectively used to induce guilt in the German people. As British historian Ian Kershaw writes:

“Decades would not fully erase the simple but compelling sentiment…‘I am ashamed to be German.’”

Friedrich Grimm, a renowned German authority on international law, was shown samples of new leaflets printed soon after the war in German to be distributed by the Allies throughout Germany. Describing German war crimes, the leaflets were the first step in the reeducation program designed for Germany. Grimm suggested to an Allied officer that since the war was over, it was time to stop the libel. The Allied officer replied:

“Why no, we’re just getting started. We’ll continue this atrocity campaign, we’ll increase it till no one will want to hear a good word about the Germans anymore, till whatever sympathy there is for you in other countries is completely destroyed, and until the Germans themselves become so mixed up they won’t know what they’re doing!”

The Allied campaign to make Germans feel guilty concerning the so-called Holocaust has been highly successful. German guilt is so powerful that it has caused the German government to make enormous reparations and offer humble apologies to the Allies. Millions of German expellees have paid reparations to survivors of the German concentration camps even though these German expellees had their land and personal possessions stolen from them.

The Holocaust story has also been used to cover up and ignore Allied crimes against Germans after World War II. German deaths after the war can be divided into three groups of people. The first group is the German prisoners of war (POW) in both Europe and the Soviet Union. The second group is the German expellees, and the third group is the Germans already residing in Germany. While no one will ever know exactly how many Germans died from 1945 to 1950, it is certain that the deaths far exceed most traditional estimates. The great majority of these deaths were caused by the lethal policies imposed by the Allies against Germany after the war.

The Allies have also been declared guilty of not doing more to prevent the so-called Holocaust. German guilt for the so-called Holocaust has resulted in massive reparations being paid to Holocaust survivors and the State of Israel. German reparations to Jews were discussed from the beginning of World War II.

“The idea [of reparations] seems to have been in the air from the time the war started, apparently sparked by the punitive reparations payments imposed on Germany at the end of World War I. Ben-Guiron received a memorandum on the subject as early as 1940. Berl Katznelson spoke of it publicly toward the end of that year. By December 1942, there was already a private organization in Tel Aviv called Justicia that offered to help Nazi victims draft compensation demands.”

The Holocaust story is described by many Jewish leaders as a uniquely evil event. An example of this view was expressed by Abraham H. Foxman when he was the National Director of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith:

“The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God’s chosen children and, thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation.”

Michael Goldberg confirms that the Holocaust story has become a religion to many Jews:

“As the Holocaust has become many contemporary Jews’ master story, so, too, its perpetual observance has become their paramount Jewish practice, its veneration their religion. And as with any organized church, this Holocaust cult has its own tenets of faith, rites, and shrines."

Israelis are obsessed with the history and heritage of the Holocaust. A 1992 study of Israeli college students found that close to 80% of those asked identified with the statement, “We are all Holocaust survivors.” The so-called Holocaust has become a way for secular Jews to feel connected to their Jewish heritage.

The Holocaust, which is remembered ritually through the observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a major means of creating solidarity among Jews. While some Jewish communities experience conflicts among Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Jews, they set aside their differences and join together to remember the so-called Holocaust. Any truth in Judaism’s slogan of “Jews Are One” manifests itself ritually on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The alleged genocide of European Jewry has been used to justify the Allied war effort, to establish the State of Israel, to justify Israeli violence against its neighbors, to induce guilt in both Germans and the Allied nations, to cover up and ignore Allied crimes against Germans, to allow Jews to receive massive reparations from Germany, and to create solidarity in the Jewish community. The extreme importance of the Holocaust story in advancing Zionist/Jewish interests ensures that this falsification of history will continue in the future.

John Wear, Inconvenient History 5 Comments [9/3/2017 2:17:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131235

I've reached the tipping point, and it happened with the desecration of the Confederate monuments by the savages and those who love them. I am not from the south, born and raised in Northern California, but my heart goes out to my people in the South. Stay strong!

The bellicose and psychopathic behavior of blacks was something I've always managed to shrug off. Until now. In recent years, however, this skin color bullshit has been foisted upon me without my consent and against my will. Examples of which will be forthcoming.

Legislated diversity and forced integration is failing, IMO. So I come here to do the only thing I can - bitch and complain about life, in close proximity to animals whom I dislike, distrust, occasionally fear and am forced to share territory with, at gun point. There's more to it than mere decorum. I think it closer to the carefully orchestrated genocide of the Caucasian race. This concerns me.

Niggers. Smart niggers. Stupid niggers. Nice niggers. Mean niggers. Important niggers. Nobody niggers. Nigger teachers. Nigger cops. Nigger soldiers. Nigger doctors. Nigger politicians. Nigger bosses. Nigger co-workers. American niggers. Foreign niggers. The niggers I've considered "friends" (at NO point in my life have I ever called a nigger "friend"). Maybe a part of me has died. Maybe I've finally awoken...

The savages bite the hand that feeds them and tries to help them. There is no hope for them. If one has a grasp of history (as I like to think I do) one would recognize that.

Pardon the rambling post, I'm just free associating :^b

Over the tipping point now. Let the fun begin...

Dragline, Niggermania 1 Comments [9/3/2017 2:17:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131234

[From "Is Mississippi Still Burning?"]

CNN aired a special report last night called “Is Mississippi Still Burning?” about the James Craig Anderson hit and run murder in Mississippi.

If you haven’t been paying attention to CNN lately, it has abandoned its traditional pretense of objectivity as its White audience has fled to FOX News and MSNBC. When the Black Undertow was burning down Britain in August, Anderson Cooper was on the scene in Somalia feeding starving black people.

“Is Mississippi Still Burning?” is the latest in one of these “special reports” by Soledad O’Brien that cater to African-American and Hispanic racial consciousness. For those of you who are keeping score, CNN has already aired a “Black in America” documentary and “Hispanic in America” and even a “Black in America 2.”


The title of the CNN documentary refers to the Hollywood movie “Mississippi Burning” which was a 1988 crime drama about the murders of Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and James Cheney in 1963. Paul Kersey has written at great length in Hollywood in Blackface about how film has been used to manipulate White racial attitudes.

As Mississippi natives well know, there was never a “Mississippi Burning” in the 1950s and 1960s. With the exception of the Emmett Till murder in 1955, the Ole Miss riot in 1962, and the Medgar Evers assassination and the Schwerner, Goodman, and Cheney murders in 1963, there really wasn’t much violence in Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement.

In reality, Mississippi was controlled by the White Citizens’ Councils, which were ideologically opposed to Klan violence, and which preferred to rely upon economic and political pressure to fight the Civil Rights Movement.

Gov. Haley Barbour was heavily criticized last year on the Rachel Maddow Show for drawing attention to the inconvenient historical fact that the White Citizens’ Councils were committed to non-violence and that there really wasn’t much violence in cities like Yazoo City because of this. As Taylor Branch points out in At Canaan’s Edge, The Meredith March Against Fear in 1966 was a major defeat for the Civil Rights Movement.

The only time in American history that Mississippi has ever been burned to the ground was the time that Gen. Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Army through Corinth, Vicksburg, Jackson, Natchez, and Greenville. Thousands of Mississippi natives lost their lives in the War Between the States trying to defend their own homes from the Yankee invaders.

At the terminus of that conflict, General E.D. Osband and his platoon of black Union soldiers decapitated the government of Mississippi in Jackson in May 1865. The Confederate government of Mississippi was dissolved by a presidential proclamation from Washington.

That was how Mississippi was forced to rejoin the United States. For the next ten years, the White citizens of Mississippi endured a military dictatorship and negro-carpetbagger rule under the tyranny of Adelbert Ames. Previously one of the richest states in America, Mississippi has remained one of the poorest ever since it was destroyed by the U.S. Army.

The CNN report on Deryl Dedmon spends a lot of time dwelling on the Confederate monument in Brandon, the Confederate flag that is still in the Mississippi state flag, and the whiteness of the Jackson suburbs.

(1) Confederate monuments were erected across Dixie from Virginia to Texas by the generations that lived through the thirty years of misery, occupation, and racial integration (1866 to 1896) that followed the War Between the States.
(2) The Confederate flag in Mississippi honors the heroic sacrifices of the University Greys who suffered 100 percent casualties at Gettysburg.
(3) The Whites in Brandon live there because Jackson has been transformed by the Black Undertow into a black hole that is 70 percent African-American. Hinds County is 61 percent African-American.

The black crime in Mississippi and Louisiana (and now South Carolina) is now so bad that these are the only two states in Dixie that deliberately hide their racial crime statistics which are collected as UCR data and sent to the FBI to be published in their annual reports.

In Georgia, African-Americans are responsible for 85 percent of robbery. In Alabama, African-Americans are responsible for 90 percent of interracial rape. In South Carolina, African-Americans are responsible for 75 percent of homicide.

Just how bad is black-on-white crime in Mississippi? We don’t know the details because the state government is hiding its own statistics from the public, but we can make an educated guess from several well known incidents.

Consider the horrific case of Charlotte Parker, a 9 year old White girl with pigtails, who was sodomized and raped by the negro Robert Simon, who was shot three times in the back and once in the hip, and who died of smoke inhalation when the black intruder set her home on fire in 1990.

Charlotte Jo was literally burned alive by her negro rapist along with her mother and father. To my knowledge, that incident has never prompted a CNN Presents special report. CNN was also mysteriouly silent on the Wichita Massacre and when a flash mob of hundreds of blacks pulled Whites out of their vehicles to beat and assault them at the Wisconsin State Fair.

When are we are going to see Soledad O’Brien do a report on “Is Chicago Still Burning?” or “Is Philadelphia Still Burning?” or “Is Detroit Still Burning?” We watched the Black Undertow burn down the United Kingdom this summer without comment.

If the James Craig Anderson murder proves anything, it proves that Mississippi is still smoldering. White Mississippi is seething over its racial and ethnic grievances. The racial atrocities that have been committed there have not been forgotten.

In 2001, Gov. Ronnie Musgrove’s effort to adopt a new state flag was defeated in Mississippi, 64 percent to 36 percent. In 2008, 89 percent of White Mississippi voted against Barack Hussein Obama, who won a smaller share of the White vote than John Kerry. In 2010, White Mississippi threw out two Blue Dog Democrats from the House because of their alienation from the Democratic Party.

Hunter Wallace, Occidental Dissent 4 Comments [9/3/2017 2:16:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 131212

handschar: 'Whilst it was Roosevelt who banned Muslims from entering America, Hitler welcomed all Muslims into the Reich. The Wehrmacht was tasked with rebuilding all the mosques that the Communists had destroyed.

Whereas Trump is merely following hundreds of years of historically American and British hostility toward the Muslim religion, Germany had good relations with Islam for over 200 years. The entire Muslim world and the Third Reich was ready to confront the common enemies of National Socialism and Islam. Please note this fact.'

kasper: 'I have been in the WN camp,

thanks to aryanism.net i really woke up and saw how dumb so called nationalists are

They actually wasting 90% of their resources drawing mohammad getting fucked by a goat or whining about how Muslims treat fags and don’t like feminism?

Jews often say The quran and mein kampf are the same but according to WN and islamophobes it must be “white genocide”

well read the quran and make your own mind
for example when allah call jews for apes and pigs, he is right'

handschar and kasper, Aryanism 3 Comments [9/3/2017 9:48:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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