Quote# 141871
Poll: 16% of Americans Want to Go Live in Another Country
I think it is safe to assume that 100% of these people are white, because immigrants surely don’t want to leave. And black people sure as hell don’t – they’re barely aware that other countries even exist. In fact, I don’t think you could really say that they are “aware” of that fact, because it becomes too abstract to imagine somewhere they’ve never seen as being real.
So if 16% of the total and only white people answered yes, then that means… do the math.
Probably about a third of whites said “yes, I would like to move to another country.”
Blaming this on Donald Trump is insane. Typical HuffPo gibberish.
Nothing has changed since he has been President, other than that things have gotten much more Jewish because Jews have lost their minds and flexed their muscles.
I cannot imagine that a single liberal can name a single way in which their own personal life has been negatively affected by the Trump Presidency, at all. Let alone in such a large way that they feel they need to flee the country.
It certainly has negatively affected the lives of conservative white people – because again, Jews have lost their minds, they’re clamping down on everything.
Maybe the women said they want to leave because of Trump, because they felt they were morally obligated to say that. I don’t know. Nor do I care about what women think.
But a lot of the men answering they want out is simply because the US has become a shithole country.
I haven’t lived in the US really at all in my adult life, and I miss my people but I’m not sitting around longing to go back.
No Freedoms
People hate living in America because there aren’t any freedoms.
We’re actually living under an extreme form of brutal Jewish tyranny.
For as much as the ostensible American vision is about “freedom,” there is hardly a country on earth that has less freedom than America.
The only “freedoms” that exist that don’t exist in alleged “dictatorships” are “freedoms” to be deviant and depraved – stuff that should be illegal.
In America, you have the freedom to:
Do man on man anal masturbation
March around naked
Be a Moslem
Produce, distribute, consume pornography
Inject your son with estrogen
Inject yourself with fentanyl
Smoke marijuana
Own guns (restrictions apply)
In America, you do not have the freedom to:
Live in a homogeneous community
Send your kids to a homogeneous school
Pray at school
Refuse vaccinations
Drive around without being threatened and harassed by police
Post your views on the internet
Go to a brothel
Go camping on public land
Not have health insurance
Demonstrate in public without fear of being physically attacked and then charged with crimes
Have sex without fear of being charged with fake rape and sent to prison
Safely get married without fear of being divorce-raped
Do anything at all without some license
Hire employees based on merit or other employer preference
Buy bump stocks
Not bake an anal cake
In China, you have the freedom to:
Drive around without being threatened and harassed by police
Drive through any neighborhood without fear of being shot by black people
Walk around at night without fear of being attacked by black people
Post your views on the internet (everything except anti-government)
Keep your bar open as long as you want
Beat your wife (within reason, restrictions apply)
Start your own small business without being taxed to death
Go to a brothel
Live in safe, homogenous communities
Work and make a good living
Get married without fear that the government will give all of your money and your children to your wife in the event of a divorce
Smoke cigarettes in coffee shops and bars
Do things without being asked for a license
Hire whoever you want
Bake cakes for whoever you want
In China, you do not have the freedom to:
Criticize the government
Own a handgun without a license
Do man on man anal masturbation
Produce, distribute, consume pornography
Be a Moslem
So I mean, I don’t know – it’s not exactly a math equation, but it would be a hard argument to make that you actually have MORE freedom in the USA than you do in China. Certainly, on a day-to-day basis, you feel a lot more free in China than you do in America.
Though this is not exactly specific, in America, you have a constant feeling that there is pressure pushing down on you from all directions, and you do not have that in China. At least not as a foreigner. Chinese people do feel a lot of pressure from their parents.
Overall, the argument that there is a higher level of freedom in America than in China or whichever other country is demonized as a non-freedom country by America is stupid, and I think a lot of people feel very oppressed in America.
The Browning
I haven’t lived in America in a very long time, but I talk to people, and everyone says that all these places I grew up in are now overrun with various “New Americans.”
We know that diversity creates a feeling of alienation, and I imagine people want to escape that.
It is not an exaggeration to say that the number one reason that ex-pats give for having left the West is immigration. Granted, that is usually Europeans rather than Americans, because there aren’t very many American ex-pats, relatively. But clearly, the same principle applies.
So I would not be at all surprised if a lot of men answering this poll were responding to immigration. Even if they aren’t consciously aware of it, or willing to admit it, this is the thing that is changing America. Donald Trump – regrettably – is not changing America.
That’s how we all feel. But much worse.
It is deep, soul-crippling alienation.
So it really isn’t a surprise that people want to get out of this mess. Especially when all of these social-engineering programs have successfully broken down family ties.
America was the best country that ever existed, and these kikes have wrecked it completely.
It hurts me to think about what they took from us.
Andrew Anglin,
Daily Stormer 9 Comments [1/7/2019 5:29:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2