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Quote# 135214

As an Incel, whenever you talk about how being an Incel is the worst suffering known to man you are quickly shut down by normantards as they would try to lecture you on how Inceldom is nothing compared to the different kinds of suffering that other people go through, especially femoids who have been raped. To which, I heavily disagree with. Inceldom cannot be compared with rape because rape is nothing compared to being Incel in the slightest.

When it comes to rape, femoids bring it on themselves. If these creatures could act as respectable beings without being total degenerates, things like rape would not occur towards them. Unfortunately, the femoid nature doesn't allow femoids to act as respectable beings. Therefore, these cunts would deliberately put themselves in bad situations only to get what they deserve. But little do they know that, if they didn't act like a total sluts, dress extremely provocatively, or get drunk beyond measure they would never befall such a predicament. Which is why, rape cannot be compared with Inceldom. Incels don't bring Inceldom on themselves, nor do we have certain things we could avoid so we don't turnout as Incels. Why? Because how we look is predetermined and completely out of our control.

Unlike Incels, the femoids who have been raped have the luxury getting unlimited amount of validation, sympathy and attention due to the fact that they simply cry and moan about their experience whatever the chance they get. Also, cum dumpsters have specialized rape crisis centers made towards them to help them overcome their "unfortunate" rape experience thanks to the taxpayers money. But what do we Incels have? Nothing. There are no specialized centers for Incels to overcome their various situations, nor do people sympathize us or give us validation whenever we talk about our painful suffering; we are just hated and mocked endlessly.

The fact of the matter is that, even after being raped, femoid rape victims are still found immensely attractive, they still get into relationships, and they still live normal lives. But when it comes to Inceldom, there is no escape. You will always be sexually unattractive to the opposite gender, you will always be rejected and hated by society and you will never be able to experience what it is to have a normal life. Unending agony is the only thing we will experience until the day we die; all because we happen to be born as ugly males. There is literally no greater suffering than being Incel.

Lookismisreal, Incel.life 17 Comments [12/16/2017 2:44:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 135213

Trans girls are superior in every way. They take pride in their femininity and appreciate it in a way no real woman ever could. Like if someone gives a 16 year old a car v.s. a kid that works all summer to earn one. The one that works for it will always appreciate it more. Same with trannies.

They have to work for it so appreciate it more. Also a tight, clean boi P****y is a lot cleaner then a bacteria filled axe wound the dried and caked blood and rotted seamen in it for weeks on end. Trans girls are cleaner and sexier and actully understand loyalty and devotion.

Emotions real women are not capable of comprehending. Expecting a woman to understand would be like expecting a dog to understand algebra...it is ridiculous to even expect it of them as they cannot fathom it.

Mikeula, Kiwi Farms 8 Comments [12/16/2017 2:43:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135207

The trouble with Rotherham is not that white girls were raped and beaten, but that Muslims get exemption to be manly as women understand manliness, and whites and Hindus do not.

The Rotherham girls were raped, threatened, and beaten all right, but they were also complicit in the violence.

For the most part, the pimp, rather than aggressively forcing his women into prostitution by the threat or actuality of violence, is aggressively, but unsuccessfully, attempting to restrain them from prostitution by the threat or actuality of violence, and to the extent that he goes along with their prostitution, is just being the dancing monkey, pretending to be in charge so as to retain some tattered shreds of manliness despite being massively cuckolded.

Human female sexuality is closer to feline female sexuality than to chimpanzee female sexuality. Apes are primarily vegetarians, but we are descended from killer apes. Even when sex involves quite dangerous violence against women plus infanticide and plenty of it, as it rather often does, human females are massively complicit in that violence and infanticide. The women that pimps go through the motions of oppressing are topping from the bottom, and pimps are more accurately understood as the cucked and oppressed victims of lustful bawdy women.

Prostitution is frequently in substantial part an alarmingly enthusiastic and endlessly continuing search for a male who is alpha as women understand alpha – which manliness and alpha character is in substantial part is demonstrated by criminal violence against women and children and being able to get away with violence against women and children.

Even when sex involves a lot of violence against women and children, as it often does, it is the pimps that are the real victims, being brutally cucked by their lustful women.

If a girl is being sexually trafficked, there is absolutely no way the pimp can stop her from wandering off with one of her customers, and whores do this with great regularity. The client is trying to “rescue” the girl from prostitution and her brutal pimp and human trafficker, but she then tries to turn him into a pimp and cuckold. Hence the saying:

“You can take the girl out of the bar, but you cannot take the bar out of the girl.”

Reality is that all the power is in the hands of the whores, not the pimps, which deeply frustrates the women, who are endlessly searching for manly power and authority in all the wrong places, and not finding it. Everyone gets hurt, no one gets their desires fulfilled.

The Democrats prefer to import Jihadis, criminals, and whores. Jihadis and criminals because they can be relied upon to vote Democratic, whores because they will become cat ladies who can be relied upon to vote Democratic. As a rationalization for importing whores, they implemented the “blue campaign”, which defined illegal immigrant whores to be victims of human trafficing, which the government proceeded to “rescue”.

The purported “victim-centered approach” – as opposed to criminal-focused prosecutions – was mostly a fraud-enabling way in the spirit of asylum/refugee fraud to give a bunch of illegal alien women yet another zero-scrutiny way to claim a victim status that was a free and quick golden ticket to a green card. Cf: U Visas). “Some evil man trafficked my humanness here and took all my documents which are totally from a country that is both unable and unwilling to cooperate with your investigators.”)

Men who come here to kill us and take our stuff will reliably vote Democratic, and women who are whores will remain single, and thus reliably vote Democratic.

Hence the striking and conspicuous preference for importing criminals, Jihadis, and whores.

Two incidents with a woman:

I protected her.

We were walking along a little used path in a semi rural area when a dog charged us barking furiously. She would have run, in which case the dog would have done a large circle around me and attacked her (a barking dog always wants to attack from behind) so I tightened my grip on her, and turned to face the dog while sweeping her behind me like a sack of potatoes and prepared to strike at the dog with my free hand and with one foot. The dog, seeing my focused immobility, the steady predator gaze of the tiger in ambush, abruptly spun around, tucked its tail between its legs, and fled.

Heh, I thought. Massive display of protective manliness. She is going to remember this fondly.


Wrong again!

She totally and completely forgets it.
I endangered her:
“Why”, I ask, “are we at the kiddy pool?”
“I cannot swim”, she replies.

I pick her up.

“Hey, put me down”, she screams. She then realizes that I carrying her off to the adult pool. Her screaming redoubles.

She then realizes that I am carrying her off to the deep end of the adult pool, and realizes I am going to throw her into it. She screams and struggles.

I am doing this in front of her family, in front of several male members of her family. The trip from the kiddy pool to the deep end of the adult pool requires me to walk past the security guy, who is responsible for order and safety.

I am old and at that time was rather fat. She is young and slim. I am walking very briskly, so, obvious sexual predator forcibly abducting screaming young girl, or at least a guy being disorderly and endangering safety. To avoid triggering his white knight impulses, I totally ignore him, and keep my gaze steady on my destination, so I don’t know how he reacted. As usual, when I act with confidence and determination, as I have learned to do in the presence of fertile age women, no one gets in my way.

I toss her in, shortly thereafter get laid like a rug.

I really do not like violence against women all that much. The incident with the dog was way more in accord with my sexual fantasies. Truth is, I had been warned there was a dangerous and aggressive dog in that area. I had no way of knowing for sure that I would be able to intimidate it or defeat it, but was confident I could. I have plenty of experience with dangerous and aggressive dogs. Dogs, like humans, can tell if you are seriously considering killing them and think you might be able to accomplish it. It was totally a setup to give effect to my sexual fantasies. But I am a dancing monkey, and I do what it takes to get laid. Eggs are dear, sperm is cheap, so male fantasies do not matter, and female fantasies do matter. That is just the way the world is. Women do not particularly want protection, and are disinclined to cooperate with males who protect them. The early James Bond movies reflect male fantasies. Female fantasies involve motorcycle gang leaders, vampires, demons, and serial killers, and men have no alternative but to play along. I must dance, and women call the tune.

The Rotherham problem was not Muslims out of control, but women out of control. The cure is not to restrain Muslims, but to restrain women.

For women to reproduce successfully, they have to be under male authority, and in the modern world, they look for that authority and do not find it.

Female behavior makes total sense from the point of view of evolutionary psychology when you reflect that the barista with an advanced degree in women’s studies and one hundred thousand dollars in college debt will probably become a cat lady, but if Islamic State was militarily victorious, and auctioned her off naked and in chains at public auction, would probably have seven children and twenty grandchildren.

It also makes total sense if you take the story of the fall seriously. It is the curse of Eve. “thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

It also makes sense of female voting behavior. Single women have no country. They want us to be conquered, they want their male kin to be castrated, so they can finally get into the possession of someone strong enough to own them.

Whenever someone talks about rape in the sense of the female not consenting, implying it is perfectly fine and completely normal if she has sex without her father consenting, or engages in serial monogamy, he is normalizing a morally degenerate male fantasy that fails to correspond to observed female revealed preference.

Women perceive protective manliness as something as natural as the sun rising in the east, and aggressive male dominance as an extraordinary gift from heavens to be adored and worshiped.

Which makes total sense from the point of view of evolutionary psychology, since aggressive male dominance is likely to result in being auctioned off naked and in chains, followed by seven children and twenty grandchildren, while protective manliness is likely to result in becoming a cat lady.

Female sexual autonomy results in defect/defect equilibrium, the equilibrium of whores and pimps. Nobody gets what they want. Queen Gwenevere cheats on King Arthur with Lancelot, King Arthur finds out, Camelot falls because of internal disunity, and everyone gets killed.

Protective manliness that protects the sexual autonomy of women, protective manliness that protects Queen Gwenevere’s sexual autonomy, is not only unappreciated by women, but is white knighting, is wicked, evil, and morally degenerate. The curse of Eve is that women should not have sexual autonomy, and endlessly look for a man strong enough to take it away from them.

Be that man.

In order to reproduce successfully, women need to be conquered and subdued. Her owner can then safely invest in her. With female sexual autonomy he cannot, so he does not. Her bearing children for her owner, means her holding hostages against him, thus cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

Jim, Jim's Blog 8 Comments [12/15/2017 12:20:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 135205

I'm calling it

these anti-pedo white knights are actually OLD HAGS behind their monitors. they cannot attract that 6-digit per month earning alpha male that only have their eyes on those fresh young teen girls. they use pedoshaming tactics to shame men in the hopes that they could steer their attention at them. in vain I'll add.

they want attention too you know! they want the lion's share! they want their bills paid! they want men to pay for them and give NOTHING in exchange.

or they are simps and manginas.

Tentacle Grape, Steam Community 1 Comments [12/15/2017 12:16:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135172

It is supremely ironic that the only place progressives reject the benefits of gender diversity is marriage. Nothing can make a marriage more diverse, in a truly meaningful way, than a man and woman (except an interracial marriage! – which makes beautiful children too!). For progressives a woman, as a female member of the human species, brings untold benefits to an all-male corporate boardroom, to an all-male congress, to a student body, to an all-male workforce. But a woman brings nothing (nothing at all!) to a marriage. To deny this is to condemn same sex marriage to second class status. There is only one way to eliminate this cognitive dissonance, and that this to call into question and then destroy very concept of male and female itself. And as night follows day this is happening. It is no accident that the transgender activists leapt into action as soon same-sex marriage became accepted. These activists are not just looking for a safe, private place to use the bathroom. The very labels male and female, men and women, ladies gentlemen are anathema to them and must be destroyed. For example at Vassar College, the transgender activists are not satisfied with additional single use bathrooms that the college has provided - they deface the bathroom doors by taping over the men and women signs. At campuses nationwide there is an assault on the English language itself with respect to pronouns. At Michigan, students can request a pronoun of choice, and professors can be disciplined for not using it. This is a logical outcome of same-sex marriage. Indeed it is an attempt at a post-implementation fix for a flawed concept.

David Docetad, Jeff Atwood's blog 5 Comments [12/14/2017 3:14:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: pyro

Quote# 135170

So regarding divorce we’re just doing the same as the Muslims but putting it in the woman’s hands.

That ought to work out great in the long run!

Bill P, Unz 2 Comments [12/14/2017 11:43:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135166

Taylor James Lehmann, Pharyngula 7 Comments [12/14/2017 6:25:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: TB Tabby

Quote# 135156

I hate cunt femoids who douse themselves in perfume

Stupid bitch looked back at me as if she was contemplating whether to spray it with me in such close vicinity. I didn’t realize what was going on. Next thing I know there’s a strong scent of perfume and i can feel it getting all over me. The bitch kept spraying like 6 times. Obviously she is spraying herself but it’s going everywhere and making my nose burn. She could have just not sprayed any at all but she needs to attract Chad. Fuck this shit. They use all these artificial things to ENHANCE their looks, etc. and then they tell us subhumans that our personalities are the reason we can’t get a girlfriend.

underøath, Incels.me 9 Comments [12/14/2017 6:18:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 135146

Remember how I used to believe we could stop the rape of respectable women by limiting rape to sluts? Well, now I have a new idea on how to stop the rape of respectable women without sacrificing sluts.

It's simple really, you will never stop men from wanting to rape women. 58% of men are just the ones who will admit that they wish they could legally rape a woman. Thing is, for men at least, sex is a basic need. It's like food or water. Only someone with either an exceptionally strong will, access to it or has something wrong with them won't do anything at any risk to get their hands on food and water.

No amount of laws, enforcement, education or punishment will stop men (and some women) from wanting to rape others. Normal men (and some women) will always resort to rape when sex is taken away from them unless they have Buddist monk level willpower or are asexual.

So the only way to help solve this problem is to wake up, smell reality and realize that we can't create a rape-free utopia, we just have to do the best we can to fix the problem 99% of the way.

To stop most rape, we could just campaign the government to take all the worst male and female prisoners who have murdered, abused children, raped, etc, and turn them into public sex slaves.

This way, only piece of shit men and women who no one loves or cares about will be raped and no innocent people will ever have to suffer again. Plus, they'll get extra punishment for the crimes they committed. It's a win-win situation.

There will also be tons of other side benefits such as saved money on rape prosecutions that can instead go towards things like building the southern wall or strengthening our military.

Please don't say your voice doesn't matter, because it does. Campaign the government to do this for the sake of every innocent rape victim who has suffered.

Peace! Make America great again!

RetroSpriteResources, DeviantArt 10 Comments [12/14/2017 6:14:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 135110

A feeble, inpatient femoid mind doesn't have the necessary intelligence to teach or lecture students in any kind of subject whatsoever since their IQ's have been stunted since childbirth. Due to this, these creatures never go beyond the textbook to teach anything new to their students because they don't have the mental capacity to do so. They are also extremely unimpartial when it comes to judging students since they tend to be influenced by things like friendship or their liking of the parent of the student. Most of the time they would side with their kind, in which, they would give much better grades to femoid students rather than to male students. This injustice would go further to a point where they would create a much more closed atmosphere in the classroom to make male students uncomfortable by filling their heads with feminist and SJW propaganda -- this can be experienced in most of the education centers in today's society.

I believe that femoid as teachers should be demolished since they contribute absolutely nothing to students these days. However, they can be of use when it comes to the practical side of subjects like biology simply by having sex with the male students. Every femoid teacher should be instructed to have sexual intercourse with their male students, in which they can give the students a much more comprehensible knowledge about sexual education. They should also be instructed to give more extra practical lessons to Incels because if these cum dumpsters had their way, they would only be fucking with the Chads/Tyrone's who are in the class. Any bitch who doesn't want to comply with such should be sued and sacked from its job.

Lookismisreal, Incel.life 7 Comments [12/14/2017 6:04:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 135162

Social constructs purely exist only in the mind of an individual and how the individual recognize and communicate about objects that exist in the natural world. Thus, when it comes to concepts like consent, it can be regarded as a social construct. Therefore, just because one person did not give consent to have sexual intercourse it cannot be considered as rape because it only registers as rape in the individual's mind. I mean, when animals engage in sexual intercourse, do we consider it as rape? Of course not.
What we need to understand is that not only consent is a concept made up by humans, but we should not forcefully force our arbitrary, subjective and tyrannical views on other people when we say that consent is needed, when in reality, it is really not. There is literally no justice in forcing made up social constructs on others when nothing in the natural world implies that consent must exist for an act to be legitimate.
Due to these moronic consent laws existing, we have come to a critical point in time where hundreds and thousands of innocent men die as virgins due to the fact that we are not able to override these said laws. There is no greater injustice than this.

Looksimisreal, incel.life 10 Comments [12/13/2017 10:26:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 135141

Femoid organisms have nothing in value to say at all. Why their irrelevant and useless opinions/views are regarded in high manner is something which bewilders me to this day. We are talking about a bunch of creatures that does not have the intellectual capacity to give an opinion that is valuable to anyone in any sort of manner. Anything that comes out of their cum ridden mouths is always a complete lie since not only are they are pathological liars, but the truth is their enemy. Which is why, getting any form of advice or suggestion from these bitches is nothing but futile. False hope and delusion is the only thing these cunts will give you with the absolute shit they say, and they are very good at it as well. Honestly, if cum dumpsters want to help us they should shut their mouths and spread their legs for us; which is the only thing these skanks are good for.

Lookismisreal, Incel.life 11 Comments [12/13/2017 7:12:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 135136

The relevancy of this post will probably be moot by the time it’s published, but I’ve made some points about our current climate of anti-sex prudishness that deserve consideration, so here ya go.

I’m glad Trump came out in support of Roy Moore. The man’s travails — stoked to an incomprehensibly vitriolic froth by Nasty Womanhood, Inc and the Jewish Interest Media — are emblematic of the man-hating culture that suffuses us. Do I think it’s a leetle weird for a 30 year old man to actively seek to date late teenage girls? Sure, but it’s not criminal (not as long as AOC varies state-to-state from age 14 to 17….I can’t take a statutory crime seriously if all it requires is a hop across the state border to decriminalize the charge), and certainly not worthy of national coverage knowing that it would hardly have made the local news in the 1970s (which really could have been a millennia ago given how much American culture has changed since then).

30-year-old Roy Moore’s preference for teenage love isn’t a radical aberration or departure from the spectrum of normal male sexuality. It’s out on the tails of normal male sexuality, but not off the curve into abnormality where actual paraphilias (e.g., pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality) exist. NEWSFLASH: Men prefer young women, at minimum younger women than themselves, and men with power and social status that are naturally attractive to women will be better able and willing to fulfill their desire. At the margins, this means there will be HSMV older men who will date 17 year old Southern Roses, and some of those men will be actively pursuing a marriageable young woman with plenty of residual reproductive value to provide him with the large family he wants.

Roy Moore has four children with his wife of forty years. As far as we know, he has been faithful to her the whole time, and she adores him. His wife is fourteen years younger than him. This indicates that his youthful exuberance pursuing teen girls was part of a conscious desire he had at the time to find his One True Girl and marry her.

As long as there are teenage women with shapely figures telegraphing the opening of their prime fertility windows….


…there will be men of all ages ogling them. Some of those men will have the mate value and the immunity to social expectation to win one over as his own. Roy Moore’s preferences were within the sphere of normal, naturally evolved male sexuality. To dumbly conflate his dating history with that of pedophiles and pervert potted plant masturbators cajoling actress whores with a bit of the ol’ quim pro quo, is a slanderous joke and reveals a deep-seated discomfort with and spite toward the Darwinian contours of male sexuality and male romantic longing.

FYI it’s not all that unusual or uncommon for an adult man to get tripped up by the apparent age of an especially voluptuous teen woman. Unless a man is in the habit of asking all 0.7 waist-hip ratio women for their IDs, there’s a chance one of them might conceal being a barely legal vixen.

Related, some men (maybe Moore) either physically age more slowly or retain a light-heartedness of spirit that belies their age, which both makes them more attractive to and more attracted to younger women. It’s not the rule, but it’s a fairly notable exception.

Say what you will about Roy Moore, at least his girls agreed to date him (even if they retconned a discomfort 40 years later). The Synagogue of Seediness doesn’t bother with the formality of mutual agreement, they just passive-aggressively jam tongues down throats “to rehearse our lines”.

In sum, if you believe every recollected detail of the ancient allegations, only one woman at the time was underage (barely) when Moore asked her out on a date, shared consensual 2nd base foreplay with her, and drove her home when she wanted to leave. The rest of his “accusers” — aka bitter aged cows who regret not being the woman Moore married, all of whom with shitty personal relationship histories and connections to thecunt’s #SheMenstruated cat lady symposium, retconning their bloom of youth trysts with Moore into criminal acts — were legal age at the time of the alleged May-December violation of the feminist code of acceptable intersexual conduct.

You may think it’s icky for a grown man to consensually date barely legal teen girls, but that doesn’t make it criminal. There was a time when, while not quite the social norm, such couples weren’t all that unusual and nobody much blinked an eye when they encountered one. We all know of our own or someone else’s great-grandparents with big age gaps who started popping out kids when great-grandmama was seventeen.

I doubt Moore’s janey-come-lately accusers really were all that scandalized by his come-ons in 1977. Here’s a rule of thumb I use to determine the validity of a woman’s sexual misconduct accusation: If she waits more than ten years to tell anyone about it, she wasn’t all that bothered by the infraction when it occurred. If she waits forty years, it’s a political hit job exploiting a radically changed anti-sex feminist cunt climate.

But it is fair to ask why Moore would, if reports based on memories of contemporaries from forty years ago are accurate to the tiniest detail (they’re not), pursue questionable if mutually consensual age-disparate relationships with teenagers to the exclusion of older women, and risk the specter of social ostracism. Some say it’s because Moore was emotionally stunted and socially awkward — a 1970s proto-sperg — who wanted a deferential and awestruck teenage woman for company unlikely to challenge his self-conception or strain his capacity for mature adult banter.

Maybe, but probably not. I think he just liked ’em ripely hot, and didn’t much care about “relationship complementarity” as de-sexed ür-bugman Will Wilkinson might put it. This notion, held dear by both white knights and feminists, that men who date younger women are secretly intimidated by strong, independent, empowered older women is why I say betacels and bitterbitches have a lot more in common than they’d willingly admit.

Psychologically emasculated white knights who gripe about “power imbalances” in the workplace between male bosses and female subordinates, or in society between older high status men and younger inexperienced women, can’t seem to fathom or accept the reality that female sexual desire is different than male sexual desire, and women are typically attracted to powerful men. Two to tango, chumps. Men are aroused to provide for and protect vulnerable, deferential women, and women are aroused by strong men to whom they can safely and happily defer. Even to whom they can submit. Perfectly equal relationships are also perfectly passionless relationships. Sexual polarity is the lube of love. Male power and female admiration provide the sexual frisson that magnifies feelings of love and creates a solid foundation up;on which to build up a lifelong commitment.

Other theories for Moore’s focus on finding a teen fiancee that I’ve read hold more weight for me.


Character matters, and it looks to me that Moore’s accusers have the lowest of character, which rightly calls into question their veracity. Their low character doesn’t disprove their allegations, but it certainly is a leading indicator that they’re telling lies, or at best telling politically embroidered quasi-truths.


Well, you know, (((comedians))) get a special dispensation. (For the record, I have no problem with Jerry Seinfeld dating a legal 17 year old hottie. Men work hard to acquire status, fame and power FOR JUST THIS SORT OF OPPORTUNITY.)


That’s one of the better analyses of Moore I’ve read. He had an epic case of blue balls, and he wanted that feeling of young love that was denied him for so long. Are we going to lynch the man for that? If so, then you may as well criminalize men and castrate us all, because our dicks and our hearts aren’t going to cooperate with the anhedonic low T androgynarchic shrewtopia the hag collective wants to impose on society.

The next #resistance narrative is taking shape. Already I have shitlib acquaintances telling me, “How is it Ok that Trump can get away with groping women but no one else can?” You knew this was coming. Frankenwinestein was the sacrificial lamb to the gods of NeverTrump.

I’m near certain that Dem leaders and Cuckryans sat down with Frankenstien and said “Look Al, the photo is bad, you’re gonna have to resign, but look at it this way, you’ll go down a martyr, we’ll use your sacrifice to take down Moore and Trump. This is how you can do the most good.”

It’s pretty clear to me that the leftoid fuggernaut, caught off-guard by Pedowood, scrambled to segue from Chosen perversion to smearing the good names of Gentile anti-establishmentarians. Jizz up the waters enough and people forget who the worst perps are.

That’s why I have been consistent in my assessment of these decades-old sexual harassment allegations: mostly a bunch of Regret Fling griping from post-Wall women with a few genuine victims sprinkled in to give the moral panic a veneer of legitimacy. NeverForget that the overwhelming majority of these sex abuse accusations have been leveled against male feminist shitlibs, so what we are seeing is a moral panic started by shitlibs and feminists that they are DESPERATE to enlarge beyond the scope of the ghetto of male shitlib perverts.

Libs trying to tie Trump to #MeToo should be made aware of their telling silence and support when Hillary was running smear campaigns against Bill Clinton’s accusers. And in Bill’s case, one of the women, Juanita Broadderick, has been saying since day one he raped her.

It would be funny if, after every GOP establishment eel turned on Moore and the combined force of the jewish interest media lobbed their artillery at him, he still won. Biggest middle finger to the Globohomo Uniparty and to Schoolmarm Feminism this side of Trump’s election.


When you accept that the GOPe cuck elite really truly hate the heartland Americans they pretend to represent, you’ll understand their behavior and be able to predict their future actions. The Uniparty is real, and they are feeling the heat. Moore, please.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 12 Comments [12/13/2017 4:09:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 135126

Damn, I realize that this is so much longer than I intended it to be. Sorry! So I used to be someone in support of trans people, I actually found it inspiring that trans people were willing to flout convention and be whoever they wanted to be despite what society says they should be. To me it represented the dawn of a future of acceptance and freedom. I fully bought into the idea that they are trapped in the wrong body and that they are the gender that they believe they are. The very first thing that popped that naive bubble was when I realized that the only trans people that you see in the media, the only ones who are getting support and respect, are trans women.

I thought to myself, why, since men are the ones with power in society, is it not trans men who are visible, leading the movement? I asked this question on another internet forum, and someone answered simply, the reason trans women are getting respect is because they are actually men, and the reason trans men are virtually invisible is because they are actually women. At that moment I had the uncomfortable realization that despite having transitioned, trans people are still afforded the amount of privilege and respect, or lack thereof, that the sex they were born with accrues. That was the first small puncturing of the rosy bubble.

Then I became friends with a guy who had previously identified as trans. He was no longer trans when I met him, but there was still so much cognitive dissonance going on. The following is going to be a rant about him that I need to get off my chest. He told me when we met that he was in depression in his teens and 20s because he wanted to be a girl and that he almost transitioned in his mid 20s, but didn’t go through with it because he realized that he wouldn’t pass as female transitioning this late in life. At first, I found the story interesting and felt bad that he had felt trapped in the wrong body for so long and had hated himself.

But… then I realized that a lot of things didn’t add up. I had always thought that most TIM are trans because they have typically feminine interests, feminine mannerisms, are often gay etc…. but he had none of this whatsoever. He is masculine, there is NOTHING feminine about him. Had he actually transitioned he would have been the butchest woman alive. I asked him about this and he said, “well, I thought I’d just be a tomboy girl.” His interests, way of moving and speaking, way of communicating and relating to the world, to women, EVERYTHING about him was stereotypically nerdy heterosexual male. He told me that he didn’t start to desire to be a girl till he was 11 or 12.

I also found it odd that he watches almost exclusively typical straight male sci-fi and superhero movies. For example he loved the creepy male fantasy film Passengers. If he actually feels like a woman, shouldn’t he be identifying with the female characters in movies, not the male characters? If so, why does he only watch movies that are from male perspectives, where the women aren’t fully fleshed out and are viewed as romantic/sex objects? Despite being a typical guy, he viewed himself as feminine. He would ask me, am I feminine, is my face feminine? When I would tell him, no, there’s nothing feminine about you, you are masculine. No, you’re face isn’t feminine, he’d become offended.

I went to a ladies night at a club with him, and I realized that it was inappropriate for him to be there and I told him this. His response was, “you don’t get it, I don’t feel like a man, and maybe there are some bisexual women at the club” I said very firmly to him, that it doesn’t matter how HE feels, he IS a man, and therefore it’s not appropriate for him to be there and even if there are bisexual women there, they didn’t go to a ladies night to meet men. I tried to explain to him that sometimes women just want to be with other women and away from men. He protested that it was unfair to exclude him and that he didn’t believe in gender anyway. Then the whole controversy over the female-only screenings of Wonder Woman came up. I chatted with him about it and he said, “when you’re othered by a group, you suddenly feel very disconnected and isolated from them.” This just astounded me that he is protesting about being othered by a group that he IS other to! You’re not a woman!

When I met him, I thought that the fact that he had considered himself a woman for so long would make him more sensitive and understanding of women, I was wrong. His so-called feeling like he’s a woman had NOTHING to do with identifying with actual women. If it did, he would watch movies with female protagonists, he’d have female friends etc. He would have felt himself a girl pre-puberty. Instead his desire to be a woman came from sexual fantasies, he told me how he would watch porn and imagine himself as the woman.

His insistence that female-only places are discriminatory comes from a complete lack of understanding of what it’s like to be a woman in the world. It is not discriminatory for women to want spaces where we can actually feel free, because like it or not, we are always restricted when around men because they are stronger and more aggressive than women, and are often looking for sex from women. Even a town with only females, or a business that hired only women, would not be discriminatory, because women are placed at that much of a disadvantage to men, just because of our biology. He didn’t understand any of this.

His insistence to be included in something he doesn’t belong in shows a lack of respect for women and our experiences. His belief that he’s feminine comes from a denial of actual women, who are the ones who are actually feminine. There are some men who are feminine, but he was not one of them. If he had knowledge of the way women relate to others, move around the world, engage in conversation, he would realize he isn’t feminine, but I guess he had never observed women closely enough to realize he isn’t like the majority of them. His trans-ness didn’t come from feeling like a woman in any way. That was all bullshit. It came from his own narcissistic desire, with a total lack of acknowledgement of actual women and that we are in fact different from him.

This made me realize how dangerous denying gender/sex is. Gender/sex affects all of us. With small exceptions, there are two kinds of humans, and the experience of being the two kinds are very different. His denial of this is childish and self-serving. He was a pretty cool guy in many ways, but this was a wedge that couldn’t be surmounted. This friendship made me realize that a denial of gender also means a denial of feminist issues. At the women’s march, there was a group of girls holding up a sign saying, “men are afraid that women will laugh at them, women are afraid that men will kill them”. I pointed to the sign and said it was true. He became offended. I told him I wasn’t talking about him at all, but that it IS a reality of being a woman. He just wouldn’t have it, he thought I was trying to make him feel bad about being male by pointing out that sign. I wasn’t trying to make him feel bad, I was just pointing out a sign that was true, should I have held back because he’s a guy and his feelings might get hurt? How are we supposed to have a conversation as a society about rape, sexual harassment, and violence, when men whine that their feelings are hurt when you point out that men do the majority of these things?

Since then I have also come to realize that a lot of people who transition do so because they don’t feel accepted as a gay person. For example, the singer Charice who has transitioned to being a man. When she first transitioned, I felt happy for her, because I thought she was finally getting to be her true self. Then someone pointed out the amount of abuse she got when she came out as a butch lesbian, and that transitioning to male was probably her attempt to escape that abuse. I am not inside Charice’s head, so I can’t say with certainty what is motivating her, but I think that person was probably right and that makes me very sad. So all of this combined with recent attempts to erase the word woman to say “person’s with uteruses” and the push to get anyone who identifies as trans on female sports teams etc etc, has made me realize this trans/ a-gender movement is erasing women, erasing us a category, erasing the protections we have, erasing gay people. I have realized that it is not a progressive movement at all, but another form of males getting to do whatever the hell they want at the expense of women.

mangosplumsgrapes, r/GenderCritical 7 Comments [12/13/2017 3:45:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135085

What is the youngest you'll fuck if there's no age of consent? I find 12yo attractive and I don't feel like a pedo at all. Some of them look really grown up.

jesus man, how could you even feel attraction towards a kid.

If she's attractive I feel attraction. 100 years ago in a non-cucked society it was ok to fuck a 12yo.

What the fuck dude? You realise r/cucktears will use this as proof we are all pedos?

Why the fuck do you want to fuck a 12 year old child?

Why do you care about opinion of those idiots? And 12yo is far from being a child. I at that age was ready to fuck all of my attractive teachers and girls hit puberty even sooner.

Yeah, 12 is below AoC in almost every country. And really, that would only turn them into whores even faster.

Age of consent means nothing. It was made only to somehow secure the virginity of an unmarried girl. If she was married sex was allowed anyway no matter her age was.


But whores don't really get more mature with age. When they hit age of 13 only thing they develop further are tits.

There is a disturbing number of people here saying 12-14.

there is a disturbing number of cucks who think it's wrong

gay_fag, Incels.me 15 Comments [12/11/2017 3:09:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 135084

(I am Leaving this Forum. And Also Other Incel/MGTOW forums

I realise i am just tormenting myself coming on here and stressing over shallow issues.
I want to be happy.

Looks and women and forums like this make me unhappy.

So I am going to focus on things which make me happy and healthy.

I hope you guys find peace and happiness as well.)

I've been there, and it's nothing but cope.
You'll be back man, there is no leaving this wretched place.

Cya in an hour bud.

Second Coming:
Only sex will make you happy and healthy, and this will continue to elude you regardless of your presence here or elsewhere online. I wish you the best of luck in future, but denying yourself access to a community of likeminded individuals may not have the positive effect you think it may.

Good riddance normie. Now if only that asshole zyrros could leave then this place would finally become great.

I have done that many times before. Eventually I always come back to this sad bee nest that is our community (first time in incels.me but i used to reddit). You will swallow the blue pill, tell yourself to "do something positive"...you will join the gym, improve your eating, get better clothes.....while telling yourself that "this time will be different, because this time you do it for you, not to be attractive" . Little by little you will notice how all your new goals...whatever they may be, revolve around the one you claim to have forsaken...get a girl.

- I always wanted to play an instrument -> you want to be the guy at parties with the guitar, the one who gets laid
- I go to the gym to be healthy -> you go to the gym like everybody else, to look good.
- I will read more, get more conventional entertainment -> you will notice how once the veil of society has been lifted, it is hard for you to relate to their shit.

Eventually you will notice how unfair it is that, despite all the effort you put, a guy who has to put zero effort, but is attractive, is the one who gets laid. Sure that guy will think he puts effort...but you will know the truth...and that truth will unleash your desire to join us again.

Assorted incels, Incels.me 11 Comments [12/11/2017 3:09:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 135083

[Why there are more women in biology than other pure sci fields?]

Biology is the easiest science. All you do is memorize your notes. Women aren't capable of logical and rational thinking that is required for Physics and Chemistry.

a-virgin-nigger, Incels.me 16 Comments [12/11/2017 3:09:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 135081

DEAR BLACKCELS: if you havent tried being a "THUG" you are 100% volcel

seriously, do pushups/situps for 3 months, put on a wifebeater and a durag.. roll some blunts, make a soundcloud, put the link in your bio on tinder/insta whatever--- you are guaranteed to find femoids that want to smash you simply because you fill their niche

asdfcel, Incels.me 5 Comments [12/11/2017 3:09:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 135043

No, it isn’t an awakening as of yet. It will be an awakening when Americans realize en masse that the idea of gender equality is a remarkably brazen con job.

Bill P, Unz 5 Comments [12/10/2017 4:10:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135057

Thank you for this post. It is absolutely vital that parents know that there is another viewpoint and that they don’t have to quash ALL of their natural parental instincts and agree to permanent, serious medical procedures for their children. I very much agree with you that “trans-supportive” parents sincerely believe they are doing the right thing, but the truth is – they’ve been bullied and buffalo’ed into it by a society that presents only one alternative.

Would parents feel any differently if they understood that NONE of these medical procedures has been subjected to long-term testing and research, and that there is NO evidence that transition will lead to a better long-run outcome for their beloved children? This is also one of the first times I’ve ever heard that someone calmly and rationally expressing a different viewpoint merits a police call. Is it actually that threatening to hear there is another way?

I appreciate your bravery. As a life-long “good girl,” I’m not sure I would have had your courage. I hope that your actions, and this blog post, will at least begin to plant some seeds. Parents must learn that there is a different way here … a way that will involve going against the tide for a while, but will ultimately protect their children’s lives and futures much, much better than transition. Thank you!

worriedmom, 4thwavenow 4 Comments [12/10/2017 4:07:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135056

First, thank you both SO much for writing this and validating us parents. It is nearly impossible to get proper therapy for children like mine who are suffering when the entire profession has been misguided by their professional associations and the endorsement of the “affirmation only” approach. Add to this the medicalization factor (gender therapist tried to scare me into putting my child on hormones) and this is no innocent passing fad. The indoctrination of entire school systems left me with no choice but to homeschool my daughter. I hope your blog can be submitted broadly to shed some much needed light on what is really going on.

I would love to ask you a specific question about treatment recommendations. My daughter is on the autism spectrum and highly gifted. She beginning identifying as transgender at the age of 13 after attending a school presentation where 5% of the students identify as trans. No signs of BPD or any significant mental health issues or trauma — and definitely heterosexual. I took her (ignorantly) to two gender therapists where all they did was affirm her identity and tried to scare me into putting her on hormones. I did (ignorantly) allow her to socially transition. After (finally) realizing the truth, I no longer support the name change and pronouns and threw away the binder. I withdrew her from school to homeschool.

It has been three long stressful years and she still thinks she is a boy. She sees a therapist who shares my belief, but we are both at a loss as to how to address the gender issue. Do you have any specific recommendations for therapists and parents of ASD teens? The rigid thinking makes this particularly difficult. Some parents I have talked to believe it is important to confront their kids with the truth and show them stories of detransitioners to help dissuade them. Others believe it is better to ignore the gender issue entirely and focus on strengthening the relationship. Any guidance you might recommend would be greatly appreciate.

Thank you again!

FightingToGetHerBack, 4thwavenow 9 Comments [12/10/2017 4:07:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135022

It should be mandatory for all femoids over eighteen to preserve their anal virginity, in which, all Incels would get the chance to deflower at least one cum dumpsters anal virginity. It does not matter in anyway even if these bitches are either in a relationship or married to someone, they should strictly preserve their anal virginity for Incels at whatever cost. If in someway, a bitch is to disregard this and do as she pleases, she will be lashed harshly multiple times only to be gangraped for not complying.

Lookismisreal, Incels.me 11 Comments [12/10/2017 4:06:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 135008

Back in the good old days, whenever a man had a daughter, his vision was to raise the creature right with good morals and ethics and prepare it for its future husband; so it could not only be a good wife for its husband but also a good mother for its children. However, as society progressed and became much more decadent, the father figure forgot the role he had to play in his daughters life and how to appropriately raise his daughter without it turning out to become a raging, degenerate slut.

The fathers in this modern degenerate society have clearly lost their way. Not only do they support the degenerate behaviour of their daughters, but they are also completely fine with it. I mean, they are okay with their daughters dressing provocatively in public, they are okay with their daughters whoring themselves for money, they are okay with their daughters putting up half naked pictures on social media applications, they are okay with their daughters getting drunk and acting like total degenerates, they are okay with their daughters promiscuous sex life, they are okay with their daughters losing their virginity to someone who they are not married to, they okay with their daughters having multiple boyfriends and etc. This all is the direct result of fathers becoming ultimate cucks who do not know how to properly discipline their daughters.

Hypothetically speaking: if I was a father and my daughter acted like a complete degenerate slut, I would beat the ever living shit out of it. Not because I hate my daughter, but simply to discipline it and turn it away from temptation so the bitch wouldn't end up a single mother with Chad/Tyrone's spawns. Then again, even if fathers were to do this and raise their daughters in the most appropriate way possible, there is a still high chance of the cunt ending up as a slut since modern society is too corrupt and has things like feminism and other indoctrinating groups to brainwash impressionable femoids. And knowing how weak willed bitches are, they will easily fall to the false teaching of these groups in which will sway them away from all the good they learnt. It's honestly better for these cucks to not to raise any daughters at all.

Lookismisreal, incel.life 14 Comments [12/10/2017 4:04:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 135054

@Topshop knows Trans-activists will damage their shops if they don't allow men to change their clothes next to women changing their clothes.

@Topshop also knows women will not damage their shops if they do allow men to change their clothes next to women changing their clothes.

no_name_yet123, Twitter 3 Comments [12/10/2017 4:04:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134989

Some artists are beyond Crazy. Some of the kids on here (Under 18, you're a kid) are mentally challenged (and I don't mean like Autistic kids and such, I'll explain further along) when it comes to their apparent sexuality.
Look, I have many Gay friends. None of which are Artists (thank the gods) but even THEY think the kids on this site have lost their (BLEEPIN') minds! Just because you're 13 and can post nearly anonymously on DA that you're a Pansexual, or you're a Lesbian, or a gay boy, you are still just that: A girl or a boy!! Not a Woman or a Man, but still a flippin' kid! You have no idea where or what you'll be doing by the time you turn 18. Yet you feel the need to shout to the (artistic) world here, that you are liberated and free, and want to be accepted by the LGBTQ club?

Kiddies, a word from a wizened old man; GROW THE FUCK UP FIRST! Turn 18, have a REAL Relationship that involves having a Same Sex relationship. Especially you Gay boys out there. The first time you strut your stuff into a gay club, and leave with a swinger who's a few years older than you, will be your REAL wake up call...

Good luck surviving that...

And to you Lesbie girls... The first time you run afoul of a Bull Dyke, and she twists you this way and that, you'll seriously rethink your early teen years, and wonder what the F*** were you thinking??

Just an FYI from a guy with a half century under his belt, and friends from all walks of life...

writingscifi65, DeviantArt 1 Comments [12/10/2017 4:03:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
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