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Quote# 134868

This rant has been brewing a whole so I apologise for length. I've been wrestling with my beliefs and feelings on trans ideology. For the past while I've been doing a lot of mental gymnastics to try to justify what I thought was my position of "rational trans ally." I thought I was maybe some kind of "EX-TERF" because I started to buy into this idea that being critical of trans ideology was always hateful and since I loved my trans friends I had to be wrong. I tried to "re-educate" myself. I read up on lib fem sources and tried really really hard to silence the critical part of my mind.

Every time a TIM in my life acted with obvious male socialisation I tried to explain it away with "oh she's not been long transitioned and this is just my bigotry talking." I can't do it anymore. I hit peak over and over. ALL of the TIMs I had been friends with tried to muscle in on #metoo. I have no doubts that trans people are just as likely to be victims as anyone but this was different. They would step over natal women and shout about cis-centrism and cry about cis privilege when these women were discussing awful awful assaults. One actually said they wished they had a pussy that could be grabbed.

I've been watching Contrapoints videos, keeping up with their transition, sympathising with a lot of it but time and time again they would say or do something that was just so MALE that I wanted to scream. Today Contra started raising money by selling tickets to a "debate" between 3 TIMs run and hosted by literal, Holocaust-denying fascists. And Contra isn't the only fascist-supporting TIM I've encountered. They're always white and middle class and late-transitioning and obviously fetishistic MEN. I want to scream. I can't play this game any more. Men are colonising our spaces and claiming we're the oppressors. I think I've hit my final peak.

GCnewb, r/GenderCritical 2 Comments [12/5/2017 10:40:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134864

Democrat Mayor of New Brighton, MN, the tubby post-menopausal schoolmarmish Val Johnson, is emblematic of the shitliberal establishment in predominantly White regions of the country. Here she is caught on video having an emotional breakdown ranting about the phantasm of “White privilege”


Female brain gone insane.

This is your political party on estrogen, hot flashes, and dying ovaries. The feminization of the Democreeps means more crazy cat ladies virtue signaling like lunatics about all the browns and blacks they “look after” while haranguing White men about their privilege and misogyny. The mass influx of bitter hags and wrecked sluts into politics has been a disaster for the West, no doubt about it.

What’s more pathetic than this cunt’s psychotic break in the video, if that’s possible, is the collective reaction of the four UGH WHITE MALES sitting there taking hot splooges of this broad’s insanity to their faces. Not one of these “””men””” had the balls to tell this shrike to shut the hell up? You know they were all thinking it. At least, you hope they were thinking it; maybe shitlib White men are so utterly emasculated that this feels like normal to them. They would feel adrift without some rancid cunt shrieking like a banshee about how evil and stupid and entitled they are.

Anti-White feminism is a civilization-wide shit test, and men are failing it, badly. What the country needs more than ever is one man with brass ones to jab a chadfinger in one of these cunt’s porky mugs and tell her off. “There’s no such thing as White privilege you stupid old shrew, and if you keep it up I’m gonna throw you out of a helicopter!”

The Emascunations of the West are feeding the delusions of our worst people, and so naturally we are getting more shitty people behaving even shittier than ever running things into the ground. When the eunuchs guard the cunts, civ death is close at hand. Alexis de Tocqueville warned that America would turn into a country of masculine women and weak men, and that’s exactly what happened. The crazy cat ladies, homos, and ball-less wonders are at the helm, steering the ship of state straight into the litter box.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 6 Comments [12/5/2017 10:33:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 134863

Women Exist To Provide Pleasure

The fact that they refuse to fulfill their duty towards us means they are unworthy of existence and deserve to be eradicated.

universallyabhorred, Incels.me 8 Comments [12/5/2017 10:31:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134848

Ldev says: I THINK its worth bearing in mind the following in regard to the age of consent and the inbred paedophilia that has occurred throughout the British Establishment- in particular with the ‘Royals”-who are the biggest organised crime mafia on the planet.. Professor Richard Wortley and Professor Stephen Smallbone, both of whom state that prior to the 1900s girls married very young,
“In Medieval and early modern European societies, the age of marriage remained low, with documented cases of brides as young as seven years, although marriages were typically not consummated until the girl reached puberty (Bullough 2004). Shakespeare’s Juliet was just 13, and there is no hint in the play that this was considered to be exceptional. The situation was similar on the other side of the Atlantic; Bullough reports the case in 1689 of a nine-year-old bride in Virginia. At the start of the nineteenth century in England, it was legal to have sex with a 10 year-old girl.” [2]-AND King Richard II in 1396 when aged 29 year of age married 6 year old Isabella of france…KING Edward III, aged 13, married Philippa of Hainault when she was AGED 55…. CURRENTLY- usa- 1957 a 22 year old Jerry Lee Lewis legally married his 13 year old cousin…In the state of Virginia, it is officially still legal for girls as young as 12 or 13 to be brought to a courthouse with evidence of a pregnancy and wed, a practice that has come under increased scrutiny ..In Virginia itself, according to state health statistics, more than 4,500 minors were married between 2000 and 2013, including about 220 who were 15 or younger.the minimum legal age of marriage for girls worldwide reveals that the US is one of the lowest on record, with several places – including Massachusetts – allowing girls as young as 12 to be wed with the consent of a judge.

holocaust21 says: Thanks for the information. So this shows that it is COMPLETELY NORMAL throughout the ages for older men to have sexual relationships with very young girls. Thus the case for abolishing the age of consent is a strong one.

Ldev says: clearly thats your interpretation- the point i was making is that for centuries there have been child raspists making LAWS in the usa and uk and that continues today-satanists have always been at the head of this-the only connection to feminism is the Rockefeller Foundation who began sponsoring it in th e1960’s and introduced ”intersectionality”- intersectionality is the racist and sexist notion that only black women can be oppressed and that all white people have ‘white privilege’ and therefore a white woman is never oppressed as much as a black woman…complete divide and conquer rhetoric that does as it aims to do- divide people and move the emphasis away from who is reallly doing the expolitation and oppression= the banking plutocracy and zionists who are actually satanists and who rape children because their ninth circle satanist beliefs are that it replenishes them through taking blood and sexual power from the young who have the most to give them that-DO THE RESEARCH..http://www.vanderbilt.edu/ICI/director.php

holocaust21 says: What you call “child rape” is actually normal male sexuality. It can’t be rape if it’s not forced.

Ledev and holocaust21, Word Press 5 Comments [12/4/2017 11:00:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: FSM

Quote# 134831

Pride festivals are nothing but a display of how degenerate and immoral humanity has become. Seriously. Never in my life have I ever seen so much degeneracy in one place. Just one fucking look at it would tell you how filthy and raunchy these festive are. Faggots and dykes wearing provocative clothes out in public, degenerates twerking, kissing and rubbing each other to the whole fucking world to see. Absolutely revolting.

To make things worse even small children are forced to watch this degenerate shit-show. I honestly wonder what goes through a parent's mind when they think that it's okay to take their children to a parade where people act like total fucking animals without any morals or ethics. In a sane society, the parents would be arrested for exposing impressionable children to perverse and amoral lifestyles bcause it is nothing but psychological abuses towards children.

Lookismisreal, Incels.me 11 Comments [12/4/2017 3:15:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134835

Apparently, feminist femoid cunts are trying hard to demolish prostitution, or preventing it from being legalized because they are in the notion that legalized prostituion promotes femoid sexual trafficking. To that I say: who the fuck cares? Femoid are sexual objects in nature, so men utilizing such objects to its greatest ability should be celebrated and encouraged, not downright shunned or rejected.

The real reason that feminist femoids are trying to do this is not because they care about femoids who are taken as slaves -- they couldn't care less about them. It's because they want to maintain the monopoly they have in the current sexual market. I mean, just think about it for second: men who are not able to get pussy for free/or who are not interested in relationships have to resort themselves to hiring prostitues to fulfil their deserves. If that option is taken away from them they will have no choice but to settle with some 2/10 jabba the slut cuntrag to get some action once a months while beta providing her in return. Incel men on the other hand, who are not even able to get into a relationship, will have no choice but to starve to death without even experiencing what pussy feels like.

Seriously. Fuck feminists. Fuck feminist supporters. Fuck femoids. Stop trying to take away the only option we have to experience some pleasure, you cunts.

Lookismisreal, Incels.me 10 Comments [12/4/2017 10:47:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134830

What ISN'T rape:

- If a female dresses like a whore, goes out with the intent of committing degeneracy and gets itself "raped" then it's not rape, it's just public property being utilised. No different from pissing in a urinal or putting something in a trash can.

- If a female is not a virgin, it's not rape. If a female has allowed itself to be defiled already then another defilement won't make any difference. If you consent to being defiled and used then you have no self respect and deserve non-consensual defilement too.

What IS rape:

- If a non-degenerate virgin woman is sitting at home in her parents' house, taking care of her little brother on a Friday night instead of being an alcoholic whore is a victim of a break in where the perpetrators see her and decide to rape her, taking away a part of her she was saving for her future husband and no one else, that is rape.

- If a woman is married and has only had intimate experiences with her husband. This is the only time it is permissible for a woman to be a non-virgin. If a man rapes her after this, he is guilty of rape, assault on the husband's property, theft (stealing her sexuality) and of a grave insult to the husband.

Situations like these are the only time rape is a bad thing and should result in grave consequences, such as execution, for the perpetrators.

SaintMarcLepine, Incels.me 12 Comments [12/4/2017 2:26:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134797

This is because of the fact that modern society sees pedophiles an sex offenders in the same way that Nazis saw the Jews. In these days us “normal” people are the Nazis and the pedos and perverts are the Jews. We discriminate against them as strongly as Nazis did the Jews. To the point that we have them register on a list just like the Jews had to. This heavily restricted and stripped their rights like the Jews.
Supporting or allowing them on your platform would get you into as much legal trouble as a regular German did when supporting the Jews.

amozabael, Tumblr 4 Comments [12/3/2017 10:01:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 134795

The act of giving rights to femoids was the biggest mistake mankind has ever done. The world was a much better place when literal cum dumpsters knew their place. But the beta cucks had to ruin it by giving them rights, and due to such degeneracy have spread rampantly to every corner of the world. Now these bitches are in the notion that they are somehow equal to men, the delusion is nothing but strong with them. Here I will list the benefits of not giving femoids rights:

+ Femoids will be treated as second class citizens (as they always should be)

+ Femoids will not be treated as equal to men (Cum dumpsters being equal to men is nothing but a feminist dream).

+ Femoids will not be allowed to drive (More life's will be saved from the hands of these evil creatures).

+ Femoids will not be allowed to access the internet in any sort of manner. (The internet has done nothing but ruined these primitive creatures).

+ Femoids will not get the right to vote or run for office (they don't have the capacity to think logically and make hard decisions without getting their emotions involved - so this is to the better).

+ Femoids will not be allowed to be judges at court or hold any high ranking job of any sort.

+ Femoids will have to wear clothes that are not provocative and which hides their skin (too many femoids wearing revealing clothes and have the audacity to scream 'pervert" at men.)

+ Femoids will have to stop using fakeup entirely (No more trying to fool men by being deceptive).

+ Femoids will not be allowed to interact with men that they do not know off (this limits their chance of branch swinging).

+ Femoids will not be able to go anywhere without any male supervision (you can never trust cum dumpsters since they are always up to something).

+ Femoids will be treated as property (femoids will have to obey whatever their owner says to them).

+ Femoid sexual freedom will be demolished in which they will equally be distributed among men to avoid the chance of men being virigins (the ever rising male virginity epidemic will die out of this).

+ Femoids will not be able to divorce their husband (men are the only ones who has the right to initiates divorce).

+ If a Femoid commits adultery it will result in the bitch getting flogged and stoned alive in public.

+ Femoids will not be allowed to give their irrelevant opinions or views on matters (even if they do give it will count for nothing).

Lookismisreal, Incels.me 16 Comments [12/3/2017 10:01:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134793

Think about all the incel men that were driven to suicide by their cruelty or the fetuses that were murdered through abortion just to satisfy the female's twisted lust for chad. You are murderers each and every one of you you have way more blood on your collective hands than an incel ever will including shooters such as Ellliot Rodger and Marc Lépine. Next time you accuse incels of being violent, twisted mass shooters look at your own red stained hands, stained with the blood flesh and guts of innocent incels whom you denied basic rights whom you abused and exploited. Millions of us were forced to die due to your cruelty and you expect us to still worship you, you are truly scum of the earth.

universallyabhorred, Incels.me 7 Comments [12/3/2017 10:00:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134769

No one thinks males who identify as trans “girls” are female, they treat them as males, special and worthy of attention, no one treats female children as special. We are raised to be polite and to center males, I certainly don’t see TIMs being raised to cater to other males, they will certainly be raised expecting girls and women to pander to them, sorry not sorry, we don’t worship in the transcult.

Zuzanna Smith, Feminist Current 3 Comments [12/2/2017 3:32:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134761

A 2013 study using the original Kinsey sample has unearthed the reality which was alluded to in the Rind study. There is no difference in emotional reactions between minor-adult relationships and adult-adult relationships. They both enjoy the sex and have negative reactions at the same rate. Well, actually that’s not entirely true. The study found that for boys who had sex with adult women vs men who had sex with adult women the underage boys actually enjoyed being fucked more! Pretty cool, huh? So this is actually evidence that should ENCOURAGE underage sex as preferable to overage sex.

Not sure how this study previously passed me by, but thanks to the world’s most dangerous political dissident, Amos Yee, I just noticed it.

holocaust21, Resisting the coming 21st century holocaust – Men's Rights, Youth Rights, Sexual Rights 3 Comments [12/2/2017 3:31:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: jed kewl

Quote# 134773

Well, any population with an alleged suicide rate of 41% is definitely not composed of healthy organisms.

Insanity by definition involves mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality.

Transsexuals are so divorced from reality that they do not know what sex they are and suffer from delusions that they are the other sex.

Transsexuals perfectly fit the definition of insanity.

Hanakai, Feminist Current 4 Comments [12/2/2017 1:58:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134772

I really don’t understand where all of this transgender bullshit is coming from. It seems as though men have completely lost their minds. Power certainly does corrupt and these lawmakers and their fem-men constituents are becoming more delusional everyday. Men are rarely forthcoming with their reasons behind anything they do, but they must provide some sort of explanation for this current fuckery. It is possible that this is all a move to legitimize male sexual fantasy of watching females urinate, defecate and change soiled tampons. One would think that with the wide variety and accessibility of porn and prostitution, men would have an abundance of opportunities to view female genitalia. Maybe the transgender phenomena has taken off because females are opting out of the feminine gender script and these fellows are filling the vacuum.

Whatever the reason, there are several issues facing humanity that are more important than the worldwide effort to further enable male orgasms. Our fragile profit-driven economies are teetering on the brink of collapse as they require infinite growth on a finite planet. The earth is reaching its carrying capacity for the human species. Global patriarchal cultures have contributed to this by constructing human systems which enslave females and force them to become sperm receptacles. Almost all of the upheaval in various countries can be attributed to population overshoot and resource plundering. Humanity is desperate to keep our industrialized civilization going. When nations are resorting to petroleum extraction through hydraulic fracking, tar sands and deep-water drilling, industrial society and current population levels are unsustainable.

The main tenets of patriarchy are feeding males and facilitating their orgasms. Someone once said “not all men have power, but everyone in power is male.” They control everything--the military, resource distribution and human reproduction. Women can do nothing to stop this. We are stalled in a state of inaction because we are birthing babies, caring and catering to males and trying to earn money in de-humanizing employment. Most women do not even value each other and some prefer the isolated familial cages of domestic slavery.

I don’t think patriarchal systems have always been so widespread. Humans have existed in their current evolutionary form for about 200,000 years. We are fragile creatures. We do not have sharp claws or teeth. We do not run or swim very fast when compared to other animals. Our survival as a species has been attributed to our ability to cooperate within social groups. But right now, no one is cooperating. Men only work together to destroy and women have long since abandoned our mother/daughter bonds. We don’t have to look far to see where these bonds still exist within other mammalian societies. Female elephants still follow the matriarch to sources of food and water. Female chimps and bonobos congregate together on the forrest floor with their young. I think we can trace the beginnings of this culture of death and exploitation called patriarchy back to the origins of monotheism around 5,000 years ago.

Allowing males even more access to gazing upon, raping and killing females is not going to move humanity forward. We are going backwards and I think we have passed the point of no return. Oh, and to all of those fem-men in the US maybe you need to stop trying to get into women’s spaces and put your energies toward forcing red-state medicaid programs to pay for transgender medical needs and enact laws to prevent LGBT discrimination.

Safa, Feminist Current 5 Comments [12/2/2017 1:58:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134770

No doubt because employers do not want to hire insane people who are delusional and out of touch with reality. Further, transsexual men pretending to be female have a very high rate of criminality generally and as sex offenders particularly, and these are not the sort of folks an employer wants to hire.

If transsexuals would, instead of seeking surgical mutilation and to twist reality to fit their delusional system, get therapy to put their delusions to rest and learn to love themselves and their wonderful bodies as they are, then they would get hired on the same basis as normal people.

Hanakai, Feminist Current 4 Comments [12/2/2017 1:56:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134766

Men are superior to women and therefore have more responsibilities than women. Women are superior to children, and therefore have more responsibilities than children. Superiority means "leadership over" due to increased maturity and reason, it does not come with a connotation of hate. Women do not hate children because they're superior to them in the same way that men do not hate women because they're superior to them. Although plenty of men have their hang-ups with women (just as the reverse is true.) Men are more mature than women, who are more mature than children. This is about a hierarchy of maturity, of which men are at the top. The less mature you are, the less reasonable you are. You wouldn't want an immature person in charge of you, and assuming you found someone competent, you wouldn't say you were equal to the person in charge of you.

The problem with people today is women have been told it's bad to let a man be in charge of them, and men have been told to treat women as equal partners rather than subordinate dependants they care for. You are superior, and you have to be in order to be eligible. That's reality. For the sake of ego preservation on her part, she will want to think of herself as your "first mate" or "partner", but you're not the captain, you're the ship. Without you there is nothing, no base nor foundation. She relies on you VASTLY more than you rely on her, and any functional relationship between a man and a woman is always based on this model.

It doesn't mean she's not important, it means you're depended upon more than you depend on her. It means the distribution of burden is disproportionate in order to reflect your difference in maturity, your burden is greater because her need is greater, her need is greater because she is more immature, and by extension of being less mature, less competent. In fact, it's dangerous for you to depend on her emotionally, but the reverse is perfectly acceptable and fine. This is the burden that comes with being at the top of the maturity hierarchy. Emotional loneliness. Accepting you cannot confide all your deepest secrets and fears, not unless you're a schmuck who wants to see your relationship fall to shit. Women are so upset they're not really equals that they're completely ignorant to the fact that not being the final person everybody depends on is a privileged position.

That when push comes to shove, women want someone to lean on and someone to blame, that true equality to men is something they could never handle. Like a child who wants to stay up late and eat unlimited amounts of candy, they only see the privileges of being a man, not the burdens. Notice how women always go on about maturity in a way men don't seem to give a fuck about They're like the damn maturity police. This reminds me of little kids who insist they're grown-ups out of insecurity. "Women are equal to men!" touted by women is the same infantile narcissism as a child claiming "I'm not a little kid anymore!". It stems from the desire to be taken seriously by people you're less mature and capable than. This is all ego, remember you will find the truth in action rather than words, for in words they claim equality to man, but in action they demand superiority from him. In relation to the statement "women are children", this is hyperbole, what /u/redpillschool concretely means is "women are childlike" - if they weren't, you wouldn't want them. Feminine charm comes from a certain present-orientation, feminine beauty comes from a lack of ageing.

Women play up innocence and play down their cunning because this is what makes them attractive to men. Innocence is an inherently childlike quality. Men don't try to seem innocent because it's not masculine, things that are childlike are inherently unmasculine, but they aren't unfeminine. Why? Because women are closer to children than men. Stop thinking this is some way of talking women down or some sad attempt at dehumanisation. It isn't. It's a truism regardless of whether it suits your sensibilities. Shrewd women constantly leverage the appearance of innocence to get people to help them. Women pout, men don't. Women have strops, men don't. Women cry more than men. Women are less rational than men. In summary: women are more mature than children, but less mature than men. You can teach a woman to behave well, but she is still a woman and so requires discipline in the same way a child does. She craves it. She will not "be good" because "she's a good woman" she will only "be good" because you convey authority, and in order to convey authority, you must be superior, superior meaning more mature and more competent. This is the natural order of things. Egalitarianism is an indoctrinated ideal, it is normal to you because you grew up brainwashed by feminist garbage, but it is not normal in nature, and it is not indicative of reality.

Women's childlike qualities are not just physical (smaller, less hair etc), but their neonatality is likewise echoed mentally. The hottest women have greater neonatal traits than uglier ones. She's not your psychological equal. You can love her, care for her, even depend on her for small things, but she's not your equal and never will be. As Schopenhauer said, she is somewhere between a child and an adult, an adolescent perhaps. If you can't accept that, if you need to believe in the feminine ego porn that she's your equal in every which way, fine. But that doesn't mean TRP is wrong, it means you're unable to accept an aspect of reality that discomforts you.

IllimitableMan, r/TheRedPill 8 Comments [12/2/2017 12:53:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134764

In as late as 1880, the AOC in the State of Delaware was 7. Google it if you don’t believe me. I guess they were all “pedophiles” back then.

Mar73, Resisting the coming 21st century holocaust – Men's Rights, Youth Rights, Sexual Rights 6 Comments [12/2/2017 12:52:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: jed kewl

Quote# 134762

What pedo-hysteria folks do not seem to understand is that it has a negative effect on girls as well. Girls in their true phase of peak attractiveness (12-16 years old) actively seek out older and powerful men who will dominate them, both sexually and otherwise. They genuinely enjoy being dominated, yet fanatics have criminalized these interactions.

Graroz, Resisting the coming 21st century holocaust – Men's Rights, Youth Rights, Sexual Rights 7 Comments [12/2/2017 12:52:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: jed kewl

Quote# 134757

I went to an ikea the other day for lunch and the other people around me sickened me. There was a woman in front of me who was some kind of mildly ethnic euro white I guess with horrible chin and eye area talking about her husband, there was an old woman with a degenerate piercing I didn't even know possible, most young men looked like the worst stereotypical numales. It's sickening. And /pol/ has the audacity to be white supremacist. I guess I'm privileged to be a disabled shut-in so I don't see this every day.

I take pleasure in the knowledge that these people will fucking die some day. But unfortunately many may breed.

not_here_for_points, r/incels 5 Comments [12/2/2017 8:27:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134755

Femoids are a hive mind, who are incapable of any kind of rationality. They are simply untamed beasts that act solely on primal instincts and urges, which is why they cannot be considered as humans in whatever manner. Therefore, they should be treated as resources, in which, they're only purposes should be satisfying men's desires and serving men whenever they are asked to. However, this does not mean that cum dumpsters would be raised in very harsh environments and such. Because what's the point of a broken resource that doesn't supply what you need whenever you require it?

To achieve this kind of egalitarian society where femoid sexual and reproductive resources are optimally utilized, all bitches must first be raised with a single purpose since birth; which is, serving men. It is then that Indifference in affection towards men can be conditioned to femoids, in which they will have sexual intercourse with men, regardless of the mans appearance. It is then that Inceldom will finally be cured and Incels themselves would no longer exist.

Lookismisreal, Incels.me 9 Comments [12/2/2017 8:27:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134741

Humanity is too corrupted. We must destroy it and recreate the species by having sex with untainted 5 year old stacies that we will raise.

incelman, Incels.me 12 Comments [12/1/2017 3:35:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134727

While femoids are to blame for alot of things, beta cucks are also equally to blame. They are the ones who enable bitches to act on their degeneracy; they encourage it and support it wholeheartedly as well. Let's also not forget how beta cucks love to inflate cum dumpsters egos by validating and complimenting them consistently without end. And due to such, femoids feel entitled only to date Chad/Tyrone since they are in the notion that they are too good for men in their own footing. This in turn has created a large imbalance in the natural order, and should be restored to it's natural state before things escalate to get much worser.

The best way to resolve this ever increasing issue is as follows: every beta cuck should be gathered up in a line where they are forced to put their genitals in between a steel drawer. Then, the drawer would be slammed hard while their gentials are still in between them. This process would be done multiple times until the cucks balls and dick finally falls off. Once done, and if they are still kicking, they would be given a metal rod that they would also be forced to insert into their ass. The speciality of this metal rod is that, once it is gone all the way through, it will activate itself in which sharp metal-like spikes would explode outwards from it, grievously harming the cucks rectums. Finally, they would be taken away and put inside an isolated cell where they would most likely die bleeding to death; unless of course, they haven't already died yet.

Lookismisreal, Incels.me 14 Comments [12/1/2017 8:05:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Antiincel

Quote# 134688

Marital rape does not exist -- and the only reason why such a term even seem to exist is because it gives femoids the opportunity to marry some desperate beta cuck in an effort to secure its financial security while never having to have sexual intercourse with the cuck. Even if the cuck complains about the absolute lack of sex in the marriage, the bitch would just file for divorce rather than engaging in sexual intercourse with its husband. When this happens, the cuck would have no choice but to pay alimony/or child support for the useless creature even though it did not give anything to him in return.

I personally, am in the firm belief that, if a wife were to refuse to have sex with its husband, then the husband should have every right to fuck the ungrateful whore without it having to consent to the act. Honestly, in these kinds of predicaments, the husband should never even bring himself down to ask permission from his partner to have sex because men own femoids; especially their wifes. A cum dumpster should, and must, provide sex for its owner whenever he requests such; which is only fair due to the fact that men provide security (financially and physically) towards their wifes. So, if the wife can't do a simple thing like giving sex to its master whenever he wants it, then their is literally no use of the bitch.

Any femoid who refuses to have sex with its husband due to petty reasons like, "I'm tired" or "I'm not in the mood to do it" should be lashed hard multiple times, only to be hate fucked until it begs him to stop. That will teach these useless cum dumpsters to know their place.

Lookismisreal, r/incels 10 Comments [12/1/2017 8:04:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Antiincel
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