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Quote# 132231

A few months back, after I finished work, I met an colleague outside of the company. I saw her a few times before, so we said Hi and had a little chitchat. She told me that she was running late for her train when she saw the car key in my hand. She asked me if I could give her a ride and I said yes. So I drove her to the train station, we had a little bit of small talk you know the kind of conversation people have who don’t know each other too well.

I dropped her off and she thanked me, telling me how sweet it was that I gave her a ride. She said if I wanted to grab lunch sometime with her and I answered, sure yes, give me your phone number so we can arrange a meeting. She said she would message me through the company email program. Well its been two months and I’m still waiting.

Now learn from my mistake: I wasted time and money one a female that forgot that she owned me one the moment she came home to her Chad bf. A female is not entitled to your help, especially if she gives you nothing in return.

EconomicsofSex , r/incels 14 Comments [9/28/2017 9:44:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132230

Yea I learned this. Problem is, we need to uncuck ourselves after decades of being fed lies, about how femails are good people who care about personality. I don't help femails since I get nothing in return.

I was outside my uni still sitting on campus where it's protected by gates. This was a few Mondays ago. A woman dropped something through the gate. She called me over and asked me to get it.

I just ignored her. It's bad enough I wouldn't get sex in return, but she was calling me in a really rude way. I ignored her, and I continued to read posts here like I was doing before. The landwhale had to walk around and find a way in the campus. LOL.

zielony4, r/incels 3 Comments [9/28/2017 9:43:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132228

For those of us who wagecel, here's a nice blackpill: Try observing the interactions the women have. in the workplace. Even if she's 2/10 or lower, she will be get all the help she needs by asking other white knight guys. (side note: how do you think that cute receptionist keeps her job despite doing nothing all day?)

If she looks halfway decent, she barely works at all b/c she has a retinue of beta orbiters who will do anything to make her work day easier b/c they think she'll owe him something later. LOL. You can tell how easy they have it by constant grin and relaxed demeanor they have, while most of us guys are about to have a breakdown b/c of stress and constant deadlines/pressure.

I ignore every woman at work, and lots of 'em are hot (I work in a huge office building with 500+ people). Not even eye contact lol, because when I do they either act grossed out or just roll their eyes. The best part is that when I don't make eye contact, they get really pissed off and stare at me b/c they're used to friendly warm smiles from all the beta cucks. Earlier this week one was staring at me so hard that she ran into a wall and dropped her papers. I just walked right past her with a huge grin. Made my fucking day.

Just remember boyos -- even professional salaried women have life on easy mode. Despite being independent money-making womanes, they still are hopeless without an army of doting males at their command. And most importantly -- they crave your attention, even if you're a subhuman incel. Your attention is your only power you have over them -- don't give 'em any and watch how pissed they get.

p1004_, r/incels 10 Comments [9/28/2017 9:41:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132210

[From "Icelandic Women are Filthy Whores: Five Fast Facts You Need to Know"]

Each time we’ve gone live on the clearnet, I’ve given a story of the crazy and often psychologically painful things I’ve had to do to get the domain. I became a Russian 1337 haxxor. I married an Arabian call center princess. I dropped a verse on a Gucci Mane album.

This time though, it was a whole other story. To get the Icelandic TLD, the male population requested I come to the country to teach them how to deal with their women, who they described to me as “a bunch of filthy fucking whores.” They had read many of my articles on feminism, and told me that if anyone could fix the problem of Icelandic women, it was me.

I’ve been here in Iceland ever since .at went down, researching the problem and trying to come up with solutions. Every time I think I’m close to a breakthrough, however, I hit another roadblock.

What I can say is that in my time here, I’ve learned a whole lot about the nature of Icelandic women.

If you’re a man and you’re planning to travel to Iceland for any reason, you can never truly be prepared for the feminist hell that is Iceland, but it’s better if you know what you’re getting into.

Here are five fast facts you need to know.

1.) Icelandic Women will Not Shut the Fuck Up

Before you see her bloated, puffed-up face, her flabby gut or her glazed-over eyes, or smell the rank gin on her breath, you’re going to hear the Icelandic whore’s motor mouth.


2.) Icelandic Women are Fat

The only time an Icelandic woman stops running her mouth is when she is stuffing it with cakes and fried schnitzel.

Icelandic women make American women look thin. Hell, Icelandic women make whales look thin. One theory as to how they got this fat is that their fathers, husbands and brothers just started stuffing them with food to get them to stop talking.

Another theory is that they are so self-absorbed, that they can’t even imagine another human being existing – let alone the idea that another human being has vision and would be turned off by their arm-flaps and turkey-gobbles.

The worst part of all is how they’re all constantly rattling on about how they’re “on a diet.”

3.) Icelandic Women Cannot Suck a Dick Correctly

The men here don’t tell me about how their women won’t stop talking or how fat they are, probably because Icelandic men are a bunch of primitive farm people who have never been in a country like Afghanistan where women know they’d better keep their

lips zipped or they’re gonna be drinking oatmeal through a straw.

No: Icelandic men complain that their women cannot properly perform blowjobs. They say to me “I read in the magazine, the sucking is to bring joy, Mr. Andrew, but when my gf goes for the suck, I am lucky if I’m bored.”

Men here tell dark and harrowing tales of biting as well of Icelandic women drunkenly falling asleep mid-suck and locking their jaws. One man I spoke to had to have surgery.

However, the larger whole of women here outright refuse to suck dick at all, suffering from what is clinically known as “suck refusal” – a condition under which a feminist refuses to suck on dicks because she “doesn’t feel like it” or worse “thinks it’s degrading.” I have also heard stories of women texting during bjs.

4.) Icelandic Women Age Terribly Due to Smoking, Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Even if you do find an Icelandic woman who isn’t a whale, she is still going to look 62 by the time she’s 26. This is because Icelandic feminist culture is utterly depraved, and involves absurd levels of smoking, drinking and shooting, snorting or smoking drugs.


5.) Icelandic Women Fuck Nigger

Most people do not actually know that “Iceland” is a country, and in fact think it is a part of an expansion pack for World of Warcraft.

That is indeed what I thought, until I was offered a domain there.

However, the few people who do know it is a real country know that it is famous because of a nigger with AIDS who fucked like 35% of the country’s entire female population.


Try to avoid Iceland, if at all possible.

The women are the worst in the world.

Furthermore, if you register a domain for a website in Iceland that some dumb bitch thinks is mean, they will call the police on you.

Andrew Anglin, The Daily Stormer 11 Comments [9/28/2017 9:29:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 132158

Constraints on female sexuality enable the full flowering of femininity. Absolute license corrupts femininity. It’s a more complicated relationship between sexual restriction and license for men. Constraints on male sexuality channel machismo to beneficial ends in a patriarchal culture, but demoralize men and corrupt their masculinity in a gynarchy such as we live in today in the West. The ideal society is one which recognizes the essential psychosexual differences between the sexes, and abides different standards for men and women that on the whole permit more license for male sexuality and more constraints on female sexuality.

What women want is license, as Cato correctly stated. License is different than freedom in that it grants the recipient a reprieve from personal responsibility and from the consequences of one’s actions. License means basically the removal of moral agency, so when women demand license what they are demanding is blamelessness. This is the end game of feminism: a child-like sheltering from opprobrium and expectation for women, and all duties imposed and consequences borne for men.

Equalism is the ideology of regression past the wean.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 2 Comments [9/28/2017 9:15:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 132195

We need to take the knee to DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD!

Alveda King, Christian News Wire 6 Comments [9/27/2017 11:54:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 132189

"Unless we need a fucking sandwich, stay the fuck out of our way."?

Canadian Bearded Hillbilly, Youtube 6 Comments [9/27/2017 10:20:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 132181

1. Develop and/or mimic a sex-satisfied, not a sex-desiring, mental disposition.

Women don't consciously agree with this but their psychological firmware nevertheless insists on being attracted to men who are already getting laid. This is a very primal form of pre-selection as her mind conducts this subconscious logical syllogism: "I don't know whether this man is fit for reproduction but the fact that there are signs that he may be already getting laid (he's not desperate, he's barely trying, he's already happy and cheerful) would suggest that other women have already made the assessment that he is."

There are two differing and mutually compatible ways of cultivating this sex-satisfied state (abundance mentality). One is to actually induce it by having sex with women regularly, going as low on the SMV totem pole as is needed to get laid. The other is to mimic it by artificially altering your behavior and demeanor to match the patterns of someone who is getting laid. There is no shame in this: Just avoid like the plague any behavior that she could identify as needy, desperate, or sexually frustrated. This requires you to constantly watch yourself, which is exhausting, so I don't recommend adopting this 2nd technique exclusively.

Heartiste illustrated this point well when he said (paraphrased) "When you don't know what to say to a woman, imagine that you're already lying in bed with two of them." There is a lot to be gained by haggling your way down in the sexual marketplace just so you can be getting laid regularly. I am open to the idea that other male personality types might prefer to not have sex at all than to have sex with a low-SMV female but I would argue that that preference is born of low testosterone or an over-reliance on masturbation and pornography. There appear to be two camps in TRP. One says "fuck women" and the other says "fuck women." I am of the latter.

2. Treat her as if she was born to serve you.

The most attractive combination of psychological traits in a man are narcissism and happiness. The latter has some overlap with our discussion about sex-satiety but the former is separate.

Narcissism for our purposes here is delusional self-confidence and reckless self-interest. It's the characteristic of a man who has massive double-standards regarding himself versus the women he dates, and he knows it, and he laughs when he's called out on it. Developing a specific, strategically deployable form of narcissism with respect to the opposite sex is tricky and every man will integrate this property into their existing social personality differently, but one trick I've found useful is to use a sort of affirmation or article of faith to undo and rewire the beta programming that the mind uses when interacting with women.

An anonymous comment in the manosphere once described it this way: "Act like you are the star of the #1 reality show of all time: cameras following you around and millions watching it because you are so damn interesting." In short, brainwash yourself into believing that you're a god. Eventually you may learn that this lie is actually true.

Learned-narcissism mirrors pre-selection closely. In pre-selection a woman doesn't have enough information to know whether you are fit for reproduction so she uses the judgments of other women to make that evaluation. With narcissism and delusional self-confidence, a woman doesn't have enough information to know whether you are fit for reproduction so she uses the judgment that you have made about yourself to make that evaluation. I assume it goes without saying that a woman isn't consciously considering you as a reproductive mate when she's discovering whether she wants to fuck you. This is all subconscious psychological phenomena that she herself has no direct awareness of. All she consciously experiences is a desire to fuck you.

While betas exist to serve women, women exist to serve alphas. Sometimes this dynamic is subtle; othertimes women will explicitly enjoy being or feeling used up by their alpha male partners. Treat her a little bit like she exists to serve you to establish the desired alpha-to-female relationship pattern.

3. Ignore anything and everything she says that you would have preferred she didn't say.

The most efficient and benevolent method of extracting the desired value out of the interactions you have with females is to punish and reward her by giving and withdrawing your attention. Counter-intuitively, ignoring a woman when she acts or speaks in an undesired way is more effective in disincentivizing than is confronting her verbally or even using physical violence.

This is because ignoring a woman communicates a greater readiness to withdraw from her permanently. This demonstrates value and instills insecurity in her; whereas verbal confrontation communicates to her that she is his only option and that he's more inclined to try to control her than he is to merely gravitate away from negativity and undesired behavior and in the direction of other females from whom he knows he can procure a preferable relationship.

If a girl you're interacting with asks an unwanted question or makes an unwanted statement, flatly ignore it. I'm not suggesting that you fold your arms like a frustrated kid and give her the silent treatment. I am suggesting that you literally act exactly as if she had not said it at all. This is frame-reaffirmation. It's the most effective and efficient way of dealing with her bullshit and is especially preferable to verbal confrontation if either of you are prone to the slippy slope of escalating negative emotions.

There is a recurring and compelling sentiment here that the sexual marketplace is a zero-sum game. I believe this is only the case when men fail to learn how to calibrate male-female interaction patterns to satisfy the self-interested nature of the male and the alpha-pleasing instincts of the female—instead of the self-interested nature of the female and the female-pleasing instincts of the male.

SLMC1, r/TheRedPill 8 Comments [9/27/2017 10:16:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132178

All femoids are sluts. It does not matter how old they are or how well they were raised -- they will always be slave towards their primitive instincts which is integrated deep inside of them. They will always crave for more cawk even when they are in serious relationships -- it's a never ending thirst that never dies down. The thirst itself is everlasting.

They hop from man to man and engage in dozens of meaningless sex acts in hopes of finding answers to questions that does not exist. Femoids have become tainted and broken because of that fact that they cannot control their urges and because our current society supports and encourages them to take part in slutty degenerate behavior, which is why modern society is degenerate and which is also why we need a system that controls their every move. A system where the beast is always inside the cage and is never let out without any kind of supervision.

In nature, femoids are polygamists. But that will only lead towards the downfall of society itself. Which is why we need a system where monogamy is forced upon the femoid species. This concept needs to be brainwashed into their primitive minds since they are children, and failing to comply will result in very harsh punishments. Examples needs to be made out of these slutty whores to show the rest how going out of line is very unwise. Femoids need to be aware that there would be consequences for their ever increasing degeneracy.

A society which gives femoids immense amount of rights and which promotes slutty behaviour is a decadent society which is rotten to its core. But a society where femoids are controlled like the animals they are are a thriving society which is filled virtues and morals.

Lookismisreal, r/incels 10 Comments [9/27/2017 10:08:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132177

A lot of people come here, subscribe, and start participating without giving a serious thought to what the Red Pill metaphor means. We have a lot of cool Red Pill art, banners and symbolism. Yet hardly anyone bothers to figure out what it all means. Why? Because most people are brain dead zombies incapable and highly averse to complex thought. People would rather enact a predesigned narrative (Matrix) then independently respond to life's stimulus.

By using the Matrix metaphor we're claiming that The Red Pill can only function via uncompromising rejection of the Blue Pill. Only with full rejection are you free of Blue Pill influence and capable of truly acting freely. The Matrix film makes this point very clear, which is why we chose to use the metaphor in the first place. There are no half measures here. In other words if you're making posts about acting like an asshole without being an asshole or are concerned with what the vagina person will think of your Red Pill reading, you are a loser and an imbecile. You have failed to comprehend the meaning of Red Pill. You lack the capacity to participate and should fuck off to less intellectually demanding activities like Sports Ball, Game Of Normies and navel gazing.

How does total rejection work in the real world? Let's say for whatever reason you are being shit-tested. Some mindless vagina drone is flapping non-sequiturs out of her labia. What she's saying doesn't logically make sense and isn’t factually representative of what happened. All of the symptoms of a shit test. So before you open your mouth and keep frame, you begin by holding the emphatic belief that all women are illogical emotional child people. 99% of the time they're either hungry, sleepy or need a time out. Nothing a woman says matters by virtue of it being said by a woman. It is with this mindset of absolute chauvinism, that you should enter or refuse to enter the interaction.

Likewise the same methodology can and should be applied when dealing with women and dick-women who aggregate themselves into political movements. Feminism, Egalitarianism, Antifags, namely any ideology not comprised of macho macho men. You wouldn't argue with the Alzheimer's crew at the nursing home. So why are you concerned with the ravings of some freak who doesn't believe in gender, due to a lifelong hormonal imbalance? Occasionally societies like to make crazy people feel important by listening to them. The Greeks did it with the Oracles. Now the West is doing it with Gender Studies dykes. Your Gender Studies professor admires Che and Fidel, however if they were alive today they would gladly execute her for being a maricón. Postmodern art painted with 9mm onto a brick wall. Anyone who admires their executioners is bat shit crazy. Don't argue with them, smile and nod just like the nursing home. Emphatic Rejection.

This brings me to my last point. If you don't emphatically reject the Blue Pill, you are going to have a very bad time. In the operating room of life you are cutting with a dull scalpel. Children, women and the mentally feeble don't understand the world, so they must rely on social cues. They are the stupid kid in class who has no idea what's going on. They might not know anything about calculus, but they can definitely copy off the smart kid. Their understanding of the world is based off of others reaction to it. They are inherently dependent people. They need to test those around them in order to know who to depend on. The more you compromise with their stupidity the more they will believe in their own stupidity and in turn, the more stupidity you will have to deal with. Explaining to a child why she doesn't need the candy bar is just an invitation for more childish bullshit.

The truth is radical, it's not democratic. If the sky is blue and 99% of the population believes it to be yellow, compromising and saying that it's green isn't helping anyone, least of all you. We live in a feminist Cuck-Fag society that promotes a Cuck-Fag dating strategy and a don't offend anyone morality. The Red Pill is an emphatic rejection of both. Going half Cuck-Fag isn't going to help you. There is nothing noble about compromising with idiots. You have to go all the way. That's what the Red Pill is all about.

GayLubeOil, r/TheRedPill 7 Comments [9/27/2017 10:08:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132174

Voting is a far too strenuous and intellectually engaging for a feeble femoid to comprehend and negotiate. They all have a retaliative personality and not a mindful or a methodical one which makes them way too emotional and not rational or logical enough to have the correct mentality to make hard decisions. While also considering the fact that most of them are not intelligent and allow their emotions to take over because they are weak and cannot think distinctly. They always have the tendency of getting their emotions in the mixed when making hard decisions which should make people wonder why they were even allowed to vote in the first place.

There is a reason why they are called "feel good voters". If Chad was to run for office, they would all gang up and vote for him solely due to the reason of him being attractive. Femoids wouldn't give two shits about all the dirty shit that he has done even though its out in the open to see. Also, let's not forget how these bitches would just vote for a candidate simply because the candidate being a femoid and nothing else. Is this the kind of species that should decide who should lead countries? Of course not. Femoids are nothing but dubious creatures who only about themselves and themselves alone. They don't care about other people who are affected by their stupidity.

Femoids have not earned the right to vote. It was given to them by desperate cucks and because of that we are all paying the price. Hopefully, someday femoids would lose their rights to vote and it would simply go back to the way it was always supposed to be: only men being allowed to vote.

Lookismisreal, r/incels 7 Comments [9/27/2017 10:04:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132173

There have been a string of posts recently, about how much black women, white sluts, asian whores all suck. But the demographic of military women should not be ignored.

Let's start with the lower enlisted women. They join any military branch and are surrounded by tons of men for every women. Naturally, they are even more inclined to only being attracted to Chad. They will listen to Chad's every command, and ignore their superiors if they are not attractive. These women are also likely to live among the men in the shared living quarters. In the navy, they are cheating on their husbands/boyfriends. In the army/airforce/marines they live in barracks/dorms, and the term "barracks train" has arisen to describe what happens when a women has multiple gangbang her. They will work their way up the chain by fucking or flirting with men of superior rank.

Next is female "leaders". They will favor the Chads that they are in command of. If you are an unattractive male, do not expect any leave being granted. You will be given shitty details while Chad sits on his phone all day (texting females). Women do not have the mental capacity to plan a mission and executive it successfully. Every time they try and lead a mission, a man must take over and lead it while she remains nominally in command.

Female "leaders" will try and get you to exercise more, or do better at your job, all while being unable to meet the incredibly low minimum fucking standards. They can't go one hour with doing physical work without complaining and pulling out their women card. They will get pregnant and find any reason to get out of missions. When ships go out to sea, they will get covered in seamen, and when the ship ports, they'll have fun with the guys in the local area (as long as its a popular sex tourist destination like where black men are). On deployment they will give men blowjobs for them to take their guard duty.

Letting women into the military was one of the worst decisions made. How are you supposed to respect a women, salute her, and listen to her orders when she gets fucked by men? How can you be commanded by someone whos entire purpose is to get bent ever, reamed by large cocks, and have random dudes pump a load of hot jizz on their fucking faces?

HalalApple, r/incels 9 Comments [9/27/2017 10:03:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132172

We are all led to believe that rape is the most violent and cruel crime committed against femoids, and humanity as a whole. We are consistently reminded on how repugnant and malevolent it is -- but what they are not telling us is how the thing that is called rape is a way of femoids to get attention, validation and the support that they want. I mean, just think about it: whenever a femoid gets raped, the creature goes on to cry and moan about it until the end of times solely due to the fact that she knowns that people will always pity her and give her love and attention; even though she's completely over it.

You'll often see them writing books and becoming motivational speakers to tell the whole world how they should be pitied more -- ignoring the fact that they could have avoided the predicament if they didn't get drunk or dress like sluts. It shows you that whatever it maybe, society is always supportive towards femoids. But that cannot be said towards the countless of innocent men who get falsely accused and convicted due to these creatures.

Femoids can accuse men of rape falsely and without any evidence only to just get away with it -- and because of this hundreds and hundreds of men are falsely convicted every year due to the uprising of false rape charges. Their reputation destroyed, their families and friends disown them, no company will ever hire them, and all because they were falsely convicted. These poor souls lose their very life's due to the evil cunts that are femoids.

Once a man gets falsely convicted there is no going back. His life is over. Even if he was later released after proving his innocence, there will always be a group of people that will look at him in a bad way because of the fact that they still think he is guilty. It's a literal death sentence. Yet femoids still have the audacity to tell people that rape is the worst crime out there. No, it isn't, you cunts. It never will be. One day you will all pay for the crimes you have committed and the innocent men you put behind bars. Judgment day is coming.

Lookismisreal, r/incels 2 Comments [9/27/2017 10:03:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132161

“strengths of order, thoroughness, detail-orientation,”- Seriously?!!
have you ever tried to explain something complex to a female? dude they’re idiots, even with 145 IQs they are functional morons. TALK TALK TALK is all they are good at

Colleen Pater, Unz 12 Comments [9/26/2017 11:33:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 132159

[with regard to whether or not women in Saudi Arabia should be allowed to drive]

Al-Luhaidan added that driving could have a reverse physiological impact on women and could affect her ovaries and push the pelvis higher as a result of which their children are born with clinical disorders of varying degrees.

He further stated that 33% female drivers caused car accidents in Arab countries as opposed to 9% male.

Sheikh Saleh Bin Saad Al-Luhaydan, Riyadh Connect 7 Comments [9/26/2017 11:28:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Citizen Justin

Quote# 132137

So, for the past four years, I've been living in fear of people outside of professionals, educators, and the closest of family and friends (the family and friends have been uniformly supportive) while trying to cope with my transidentifying daughter. It has been isolating and painful and I've spoken about her mental health issues and our difficulties getting her treatment without mentioning the trans piece, because of the social climate.

I am politically moderate and independent, but I live in a VERY liberal part of the country and a large number of acquaintances and people in my social circle are very liberal and have posted things on FB and made known their position on the type of people they think don't want to transition their kids or teens or who have issues with allowing anyone to identify as women and all the attendant things we often discuss here. Which is transphobes and bigots and people like that should be the first against the wall, what with their language exactly the same as violence. The opprobrium is rather frightening.

Anyway, long story short, I have THREE daughters and this weekend discovered that my youngest is toying with trans-identifying. And now, as someone who was trying to help my other daughter deal with deeper and more important issues and buy her time for her brain to mature (and who, as a very young legal adult, seems to not be focused on the trans stuff, thankfully), I find myself dealing with this all over.

And, as I was talking to a staff nurse at the psych hospital, how is it that something (teen girls who think they're boys) which was almost completely unheard of when my children were born is suddenly so prevalent that 2/3 of my kids have started thinking this way as teens? How can that be a real, organic thing?
And, while this just solidifies my position that this is socially contagious and a coping strategy for hopelessness and questioning and searching, it also makes me tired.

And I reached out to a couple of people who knew the story about my older daughter and I filled them in on the trans piece. And both of these people assured me that, while they are not (thankfully!) dealing with this issue, they have seen the rise of it as they find it confusing and they think I'm doing a good thing in protecting my kids.

I think it was good I talked to women, and I think it's good I took the risk. They are both good, decent humans and it was good to realize that there are good people who are not immersed in this, but who do see it and who aren't convinced that this is something which should be growing in prevalence. Anyway, so this isn't all about me, has anyone else taken the risk -- mentioned their feelings about pediatric/adolescent transidentifying? Discussed that the transactivist agenda is using kids and teens to propel their control over women and women's spaces?

hellamomzilla, r/GenderCritical 11 Comments [9/26/2017 10:50:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132123

[The first thing you see when you visit this site]

An Introduction, Of Sorts

Call me Niceguy.

I like to think of myself as a decent human being. I buy drinks for my friends when we go out. I help others when they're going through tough times. I treat animals kindly. If I could jump off the screen right now, I'd go and make us both a big bowl of popcorn just so we could sit down and enjoy it together. In short, I'm the kind of guy that others refer to as "nice."

Women have often asked me to fix their computers, prepare their taxes, help move their furniture, or assist them with their homework. They'd ask me to pick them up when they'd missed the last bus, they'd ask me to loan them money when they were in a jam, and they'd ask me to bring snacks in the middle of the night. And since I'm nice, I was always happy to help. Unfortunately, none of the women I put myself out for were ever interested in reciprocating. Help was suddenly unavailable whenever I was the one who needed it. "Oh, you're such a good friend!" I'd hear each time I was exploited. This wouldn't bother me so much except for the fact that refusing requests to be exploited was always met with a wall of disapproval.

Guys like me were brought up to believe that if we always tried our best, and were beacons of kindness and generosity in a world filled with thugs and cads, we would inevitably find a girl who would love us and accept us for who we were. Instead, those traits seemed to disqualify me from any sort of romantic arrangement, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone here. Whenever I'd ask a woman out, she'd inevitably tell me that I was far too much like a brother to her, or that she didn't want to spoil our friendship. Such rejections were always followed with sincere assurances that when I eventually found a girlfriend, she would be so lucky to have a guy like me. Yes, a woman of grace and understanding was just around the corner, merely awaiting my displays of affection to fall right into my arms.

Well that's a myth. A fraud. A big damn lie. Now that I live in exile from my native culture, I can see that dating and romance in the West is a heavily skewed affair. It sees love and romance almost strictly in terms of what the female wants. What the female expects. What the female demands. The male is mere fodder. He needs to step up to the plate and work hard, and he needs to change to suit his woman's needs. She on the other hand, should just be herself, no matter how horrible or deceitful that may be.

So, if you'd like to know more about this site and its history, click here. If you'd like to chat to like minded men and women (yes we have supportive female readers), click here. Most importantly, if you'd like to tell me how much you hate me (and if you do, I suggest you don't read or try to understand anything on this site), then please click here.

Niceguy, Niceguy's Land of the Losers Page 7 Comments [9/26/2017 8:12:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 132114

An Oklahoma Highway Patrol official reportedly told women that the best way not to get raped by an officer was to “follow the law.”

In recent months, an Oklahoma Highway Patrol officer and an Oklahoma City Police officer have been accused of repeatedly raping women, often during traffic stops.

After a Tulsa County sheriff’s deputy was arrested last week for sexually assaulting a woman while responding to a 911 call, Tulsa NBC News affiliate KJRH decided to ask the Oklahoma Highway Patrol how to stay safe during a traffic stop.

The department noted that troopers should always be in uniform, and that women were allowed to keep their car door locked, and to speak with officers through a cracked window. A trooper should rarely ask a person to come back to the patrol car, OHP advised.

“There are certain situations where we do that,” Capt. George Brown told KJRH. “If someone doesn’t have a driver’s license on their person. We asked for an ID or driver’s licence, if they can’t provide it, rather than stand outside the car writing [a ticket], which puts us in a bad location, we may ask a female back to the car so we can get her information.”

The KJRH anchor said that Brown concluded with this advice: “The captain says anything that happens inside a troopers car is videotaped, and he says that supervisors do review those tapes.”

“He says the best tip that he can give is to follow the law in the first place so you don’t get pulled over,” the anchor added.

Brown told KWTV that OHP was working to regain the public’s trust.

“There are entirely more good officers than there are the few bad apples that exist out there, and we want people to know that,” he explained. “We have a lot of good troopers, a lot of good officers out there doing a lot of good things daily, and we want to continue that and have the public continue their trust in us.”

George Brown, Raw Story 10 Comments [9/25/2017 10:57:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 132097

women are gay

women are all lesbians and thats why they feel no compassion for men they use us for status and then go eat psusy its gay

Fruitgushers2011, r/incels 14 Comments [9/25/2017 1:47:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 132088

In this mad, mad, mad Marxist world of ours, leave it to Sulzberger's Slimes, in the immediate aftermath of the murder of a New York City female police officer, to praise the "progress" that has been made with regards to the hiring and promoting of female police officers.

From the article:

"And across the nation, women have pushed their way into policing’s most demanding jobs. To them, Officer Familia’s death was seen as a grim signifier of their growing front-line roles."

There are now 6,394 female officers on a force of just over 36,000 in dangerous New York City. That's almost 18%. The percentages in other cities that are even more dangerous are about the same and growing -- with more and more of them being killed "in the line of duty" every year. This is all part of the "progress" that "women's liberation" has brought to today's miserable, manified, modern woman. Thusly "liberated" from the "yoke" of marriage and traditional family life, the loony ladies now get to dress up in blue, carry a gun, chase bad guys through dark alleys, and then get killed -- often with their own gun.

A blast from the past, from the article, about a hyped-up event which your New York metro-area high-school aged reporter here remembers very well:

"In the early 1980s, the New York City subways were forbidding, with robbers lurking in graffiti-covered cars. Very few women were on patrol, but Officer Irma Lozada took one of the most dangerous jobs: She hid her badge and draped fake gold chains around her neck, courting robbers to come after her in some of the most desperate parts of Brooklyn.

It was on one of these plainclothes assignments in 1984 when something went terribly wrong: Officer Lozada chased a suspect, got separated from her partner and was killed after the suspect wrested her service revolver from her and shot her twice."

She became the first female officer killed in New York City history. So jolted was the police force by her death that, in the aftermath, some officers spoke of women being better off reassigned to office jobs, several people recalled."

Yes indeed, you've come a long way, baby!" How's it workin' out for ya?

In a healthy pre-Marxist society, dead officerettes Irma Lozada and Miosotis Familia would have been home cooking dinner for their husbands and checking the kids' homework.

As it was with the mentally sick reaction to the death of Officerette Lozada then, so it is again today with Officerette Familia, who was shot and killed execution-style by an admitted cop-hater, just last week. Rather than reassess this abominable practice of sending women off to fight criminals and enemy soldiers, the unisex Marxists act as if it's part of the normal course of business and continue to praise the "progress" that these misguided police-gals and Marine-ettes are making.

The societal perverison of cultural Marxism / libtardism offers oppression to women, not "liberation." How much happier, safer, and alive would Ms. Lozada and Ms. Familia had been if they were stay-at-home wives and mothers. Of course, given how the corresponding economic hands of Marxist taxation & the Fed's debt-currency racket make it increasingly impossible for a woman to stay home -- because a huge chunk of her husband's earnings (if she even has a husband), are taxed and inflated away -- these ladies are often forced to work. How hypocritically ironic it is that the Left condemns the Taliban for banning women from the workforce, as we here in the oh-so-enlightened West essentially, through economic policies, ban women from becoming traditional housewives!

Even when faced with the horrible murders and ghastly battlefield casualties of the fairer sex, very few of today's "men," especially those in the public realm, will dare to question the perverse policy of depriving strong men from 18% of police jobs just so that mostly infertile women can take them, and get killed. Chivalry truly is dead -- as is sanity!

The Great One (that's Hitler for you all newbies and normies) had a few observations on this matter. And his truth, no matter how out-of-fashion it may seem to the modern libtard, will always be the truth. Tell it Great One, tell it:

"If I think to myself that a woman should make an appearance at a trial, then I have to say: if that were a woman close to me, and if I wanted to imagine my mother were still alive and has to sit in front of a murderer in a court and decide the verdict,... never, never! We don't want that.

I do not want a uniformed female police officer to walk around and run after scamps or criminals. These are things we naturally don't want. Then they say, 'Excuse me, you don't allow women in the parliament as well.' Certainly, but only because I am satisfied that the parliament does not raise the value of women, but it would only degrade her. I also removed the men from parliament because they were all rotten. (Reichstag laughter)

Then they say, "Why not put some good women into parliament." Because they would turn rotten too. (more laughter)


A women's regiment of snipers is being trained in the Soviet Union... grenadiers in Spain (pre-Franco). All I can say about this type of female equality -- I have experienced war. I know how hard it is. I know how many men’s nerves have been shattered by war. I have often seen them return by the dozens, doddering, completely ruined and broken. The idea that a girl or woman should take this upon herself --- I could have no respect for German men then. As long as we have a healthy male gender in Germany, no female sharpshooters or grenadiers will be trained in Germany. That is no equality, but rather, inferior rights for women because it is much harder for her than men. We won’t do it – because for us, the woman has been the most faithful work and life companion of the man at all times."

Hitler: "The catchword “Women’s Liberation” is merely a phrase invented by the Jewish intellect, and its contents are marked by the same spirit. The German woman will never need to emancipate herself in an age supportive of German life. She possessed what Nature gave her automatically as an asset to maintain and preserve; just as the man, in such an age, never had to fear that he would be ousted from his position in respect to woman."

No wonder why women loved Him so. The Great One cherished and protected them from the "progress" that Jewish-Marxist "liberation" offered them.

Boobus Americanus 1: It' a shame what happened to that female police officer.

Boobus Americanus 2: Indeed. Unfortunately, such tragedies are the price for the tremendous progress that women in law enforcement are making.

Sugar: "Progress, my asss, Bobusss!! Thesse deluded dames sshould have sstayed home and raissed a litter -- like I did!

Editor: How come your kitty children never call you? The bastards.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 14 Comments [9/25/2017 1:40:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 132064

And this "children can't give consent", haha, the fuck is that? Children aren't chairs or walls. Of course a child can express consent

caamib, EIVIND BERGE'S BLOG 10 Comments [9/25/2017 9:53:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: xavier

Quote# 132063

The fake MRAs are now actively trying to silence me for speaking out against hateful feminist sex laws -- that is how invested they are in feminist sex-hostility and abuse hysteria. But I will not shut up and I will keep calling my self a men's rights activist, which is a label they have no right to monopolize and pervert.

Eivind Berge,  Eivind Berge's Blog 3 Comments [9/25/2017 9:53:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: xavier

Quote# 132047

So many transsexual males seem to want to be allies to women but if you can't handle the fact that we want you to stop calling yourself one of us and identifying with our oppression then aren't you really in it for yourself as opposed to our liberation?

Feminist Memes for Radical Women, Facebook 10 Comments [9/24/2017 1:44:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132046

If a man constantly wants to wear a dress he needs a visit to a psychologist, not "inclusiveness". Interesting how homosexuality is still being supported as something normal here when it's always been and always will be a disorder. You can sympathise with sufferers but passing it off as normal will in fact create more sufferers.

Konstantin Batanin, Facebook 11 Comments [9/24/2017 1:43:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132044

Trans are not women ! They are trans. Their situation in term of body social place, childhood, life expériences, mental state are different from women.

Women do not need surgery to live. They love their sex.

Hense trans are not women.

Sacha Traviata, Facebook 5 Comments [9/24/2017 1:43:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie
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