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Quote# 135914

We are the only ones capable of going to a heaven

In theory, Stacies are worse than child rapists and terrorists, because they are torturing virgin men, gang-banging with many many men at a time, gobbling on Chad/Tyrone cock and are impure. Even Elliot Rodger is better than the average roastee, as he freed Incels from their sadness.

In theory, since Japan are the country of incels and have the highest suicide rate world wide, stacies have racked up a higher kill count than the murderers in the world. So average roastee < Charles Manson and Kony in terms of ethics and they get away with it because the betas are mesmerized by their looks.

heroinfather, incels.me 3 Comments [1/12/2018 9:11:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135902

The latest numbers on American birth rates are in, and they yield only one reasonable conclusion: All of us need to start having more babies or else the upcoming demographic tsunami will consume our nation, cripple our social programs, and leave us with a future so bleak that our only source of joy will be the moment we’re chosen to receive the sweet, fatal kiss of the Obamacare Death Panels, the Trumpcare Firing Squads, or the OprahCare Hemlock Squadrons.

Perhaps I’m overstating the danger a bit, but the point remains: Americans need to raise our sagging birth rates. One of the best ways we can do so is by reversing the trend of Americans waiting longer to get married. So, apart from tearing down America’s institutions of higher education, which tend to slow down the recitation of wedding vows, how do we do that? It’s quite simple. We tear down the Friend Zone.

Every year, countless young men find themselves trapped in the Friend Zone, a prison where women place any man they deem worthy of their time but not their hearts, men they’d love to have dinner with but, for whatever reason, don’t want to kiss goodnight.

Being caught in the Friend Zone is an inarguable drag on fertility rates, as a man who spends several years pledging his heart to a woman who will never have his children is also a man who most likely won’t procreate with anyone else during that time of incarceration. Free him to find a woman who actually wants to marry him, however, and he’ll have several more years to sire children who will laugh, create, sing, fill the world with love and, most importantly, pay into Social Security.

Quite simply, for the sake of our future, the Friend Zone must be destroyed. For the Friend Zone to be destroyed, women must accept the following truths: you don’t have any guy friends and, in fact, you can’t have any guy friends.

Hans Fiene, The Federalist 13 Comments [1/11/2018 2:42:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 135896

She’s [Susan Wojcicki] a typical female authority figure: a tyrant. What does it matter whether the rationale is dressed up in maternal feelings? Maternal priorities have terminated some 60 million viable babies in the United States alone since 1973.

As for tipping my hat to that woman, I don’t think so. I wouldn’t take off my hat or drop my guard for a second around that type. You take your hat off in church in deference to your Lord Jesus Christ. At least that’s what I learned as a kid. Not some worldly woman with hundreds of millions of dollars.

Bill P, Unz 4 Comments [1/11/2018 12:29:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 135892

Adding to my previous post, if someone did “molest” my child who was under 7, I would not get too mad about it

Chinzork, The World's Most Taboo-Breaking Anti-Feminist Blog 8 Comments [1/11/2018 12:26:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: X

Quote# 135891

I think female education should only focus on teaching them to be good sex slaves or prostitutes.

Any further education for nearly all females would be detrimental IMO, both for civilization and for the females themselves.

The very few females who would benefit from more education can get it from their owners, if the owners choose to let them have it.

Chinzork, The World's Most Taboo-Breaking Anti-Feminist Blog 10 Comments [1/11/2018 12:26:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: X

Quote# 135890

Modern feminism is a weapon for undesirable jealous females to restrict the partner choises for both adult males and young females. For me, if I am going to be attracted to a female with sagging breasts and a loose vagina, she would have to be a female I was attracted to since at latest her early teens.

americanrifleman09, The World's Most Taboo-Breaking Anti-Feminist Blog 2 Comments [1/11/2018 12:25:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: X

Quote# 135884

See, this is why AI is going to be a disaster for the FI. These idiots that twist themselves into a pretzel rather than recognize the obvious truth – female ability is lower – will find it increasingly impossible to cover up the truth that AI forces everywhere.

As another example :

In response to a comment at her site complaining about divorce theft, Susan challenged “Provide stats for this or shut up.” I provided stats, and Susan was furious. Later she claimed one of my commenters threatened to track her down and harm her. When I asked for a link to the comment so I could address it, she wouldn’t provide me one.

See, a woman lets emotion take the place of cold, hard facts. I can count on one hand the number of times a woman used graphs and charts to maker her point, which is why they get so angry when a man who likes graphs and charts (Dalrock, in this case) presents them and proves the woman wrong.

AI will not back down, and will simply plow through all this, exposing an endless array of politically incorrect truths.

In fact, it is already beginning :



Even if it doesn’t work, and AI ultimately does its own thing, surely efforts will be made to coerce the humans into making AI toe the line?

By definition, humans can’t do that. Advanced AI (like Deep Learning) delivers a result without explaining how it did it. Humans cannot strip out the fact-based approach to insert feminist-approved garbage.

Upthread, we see an art gallery faggot say that female artists sell less, and he automatically asserts that this is ‘misogyny’, when the real reason is fundamentally lower female talent. AI will cut right to the real reason.

Plus, when human jobs are vanished by AI, female jobs (which are repetitive, require little agility, and often make-work) are far more vulnerable.


By definition, it is tasked with performing a certain task or process more productively than a human, and will often have to find the path on its own (Deep Learning). Any attempt to hammer lower-productivity beliefs into it will, by definition, not work, or competing companies using unsupervised AI will rapidly outcompete it.

Observe the growing raft of whining about how AI is coming to ‘sexist’ (aka logical and productivity-prioritizing) conclusions :


“I don’t have a dystopian view of AI. I don’t see killer robots. I’m so much more focused on the narrow applications, and I think that if you look at every single one of those narrow applications there is a chance that it negatively affects women. I don’t think artificial intelligence is the issue here; it’s the additional issue rather than the cause. ”

Only a woman could refer to herself in every single sentence in an article that is supposed to be about technology.

Anon, Dalrock 6 Comments [1/10/2018 11:42:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 135883

False. They don’t abandon it even then, since women do not grasp cause and effect.

How many times have I pointed out that there is NO organization of even a few paternal grandmothers who protest that they lost their grandchildren when the daughter-in-law kicked the father (her son) out. Remember that when a father loses the right to see his kids, the paternal grandmother loses her grandkids too.

Yet, of all the millions of cases of this, where is the SMALL organization of grandmothers against default daughter-in-law custody? WHERE?

This, more than anything, tells us that women have no business possessing power or the right to vote. They can’t even think three steps ahead.


This is precisely an example of where Artificial Intelligence (eventually) will make it harder for this type of blatant unfairness, as AI will not be capable of treating men and women differently.


AI is tasked with an end result, and will always find the most productive route.
PLUS, blue-pill betas don’t know that they are blue-pill, so they can’t figure out why an AI that is tasked with treating people fairly suddenly delivers much worse outcomes to women vs. what everyone is used to.

Come on. Anyone who thinks an AI can be programmed to put the FI ahead of productivity (even if the competitors of that business are using AI for productivity) is just as clueless as a feminist who thinks the imaginary ‘pay gap’ can be fixed with legislation.

Anon, Dalrock 3 Comments [1/10/2018 11:40:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 135882

[Multiple quotes from the same thread by the same fundie]

This, in fact, proves the foreign women aren’t that great either. Why?

Because if they were, they would flood into the Anglosphere to get all the money and better men that are to be had.

In the US, since 70-80% of government spending is a transfer from men to women, the average adult women gets $40K/year (and this is just direct resources) in some form or the other from the government. Individual results vary, of course, from women who get very little, all the way up to Sheryl Sandberg. But in most middle-income countries, not only does the average MAN earn just $10,000/yr or so, but few jobs are available to women at all, and those are usually low status.

It makes astronomically good financial and marital sense for attractive women from EE/LatAm/SE Asia to come here by the millions. But they don’t.

Women are so pathetic in economic thought that even this massive arbitrage opportunity does not inspire them to flood into the Anglosphere. There is no industry where an uncompetitive company earning so much will not attract competition, but with women, it is true.

America is, arguably, no better for a man than Mexico, Thailand, or Poland, since here there are millions of men who have to fight the court system just to see their kids (a concept unheard of outside of the Anglosphere). But for women, the benefits are so astronomically high that if women were capable of proactive thought, this imbalance would correct quickly.


The American man does have higher MMV. But women are too stupid to do what would happen in every other market – go where the low-hanging fruits are.

I mean, millions of illegal MEN came from Mexico to work in low-status labor here. Why didn’t some of the better looking but still poor women of Latam do the same, just to land an American man?

The fact that the American man has to devote months or years overseas for a foreign woman is itself testament to female inferiority of thought. They don’t even move to pursue obviously better opportunities (a few Russian woman are the exception, but almost all of them that I know did eventually divorce their BB American husband).


Interesting. I always thought that before puberty, boys and girls were equally capable, mentally, whereas puberty is where a female actually goes backwards in certain attributes (since her entire psychology has to orient towards the SMP of 10,000 BC).

But for all the talk of how ‘foreign women are better, even if you bring them to the US’, any basic economic normalization would lead to the wide world of women coming in to feed at the trough that so many Western Women are gluttonously consuming from.

Like I said, in the US, about $40,000 is transferred from adult men to adult women each year. This is several times higher than what a girl in Poland or Mexico can earn on her own, and much more than even her future husband can earn there.

Would you not move to a country where the government was transferring a huge amount of money to you with no strings attached, and the entire society was rigged to inflate your SMV? If you said yes, that is because you think like a man, not a woman.



So the only reason foreign women don’t move here is that they don’t understand long term economic reasoning?

Yes. Next Question.

Don’t you think maybe attachment to their homeland, culture, family and not speaking the language might play into that decision? Also we are far more risk averse.

As if men don’t have these attachments or impediments. Thanks for inadvertantly disclosing that men are not seen as fully human.

Women are ‘risk averse’, but immigration to the US is much riskier for a man than for a woman who can even slightly focus on the goal of getting an American husband and extracting government goodies already flowing to women in a torrent.

Sorry, but you don’t have a good understanding of how women think, even after all these years in the ‘sphere.

Anon, Dalrock 8 Comments [1/10/2018 11:39:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 135881

[Multiple comments from the same thread by the same fundie]

Not to bring up an old topic, but the diffusion of Artificial Intelligence into many decisions across business, government, and more will make this much harder to sustain. Particularly when democracies fudge numbers to conceal female flaws, but a non-democracy like China does not.

Anon, Dalrock 4 Comments [1/10/2018 11:36:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135880

Hey, this took longer than I expected :

CBC : Cryptocurrencies are sexist.

Gee, an advanced technology that is very, very mathematically complicated. 97% of the participants are men. Hence, women show up and demand an extortionary cut.

Ray Manta will like this.

If anything, this is another example of how women are increasingly become obsolete. Whatever you think of cryptocurrencies, they are not ‘sexist’ unless you think mathematical rigor and technological complexity is ‘sexist’.

More and more examples of women complaining about technology will occur, as women become more obsolete*.

*Mangina/whiteknight/cuckservative men are also obsolete.

Anon, Dalrock 6 Comments [1/10/2018 11:35:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135866

Slut purge

In recent times, we can see a distinct influx of sluts in the society we live in. This, of course, is the result of the sexual freedom and liberation femoids received fifty-eight years ago. Since then, femoids have been released from the shackles they were tied in and let loose to the world to plague it with the toxic degeneracy they hold so dear. To combat this ever rising problem, serious measures should be taken place. To which I propose: a slut purge, or a slut-hunt, if you will.

Every few months or so, a mandatory purge will take place, where Incel men would gather in gangs and seize non-virginal femoids - as they are worth less than a virginal femoids in every way. Once seized, these non-virginal cum dumpsters will be brutally raped and beaten to bloody pulp, due to them slutting around and acting like total degenerates. Afterwards, an Incel would be able to take one or two sluts home to keep them as sex-slaves, depending on how many cunts survive after getting severely beaten. The holding of this purge will not only discourage bitches from slutting around with different men, but also provide an incentive for them to remain as virgins until they get into a serious relationship.

Lookismisreal, Incels.life 19 Comments [1/10/2018 10:17:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 135864

HBD students know why plenty of East Asian women are attractive. And any idiot can see that in today’s America fewer of them are fat slobs compared to white women. And as Roissy will remind you, men chiefly want young, thin, hot– other considerations pale. So of course some “alt-right” men get “asian” women– they choose a nice armload ahead of a racially-chosen harridan with a FUPA.

Audrea Lim is almost comically folk-marxist and desperate to fit in with her chosen social circle of crooked Democrat politicians, angry lesbians, sneering queers, and soy-boys. She hates Jews (wrote an entire book on it), resents whites, and probably hates Chinese men because most of them are contemptuous of her politics and couldn’t care less about her scribblings, and the rest are limpdicks. East Asian men are notably less interested than White men in the intellectual accomplishments of women. Many White men enjoy witty conversation with women– Asian men not so much.

Lim probably would like to be the Amy Chua of the Left but is headed for Ellen-Pao-hood instead.

Poor Lim. She has chosen a social circle where all the straight men are Ta-Nehisi Coates or Bill Clinton or Anthony Weiner. She doesn’t want to give up leftism after working so hard to master its catechism, so she want the non-Leftist men who make her loins tingle to come over to her side– and foolishly thinks race-baiting them is the way to accomplish that. Her crazy plan is classical SJW: slander everybody on the right to scare attractive people into conforming to the left. The problem is that the most attractive men– those with manly qualities– won’t fall for it. They naturally resent the blackmail. So the harder Lim works, the more she ends up in rooms full of race hustlers, faggots, and creeps.

Wants Young, Thin, Hot!, Lion of the Blogosphere  5 Comments [1/10/2018 10:15:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 135863

Asian women are the female group that is most advantaged by fashion & makeup (and they know it). When you see most asian women without eyeliner, powder, and clothing that emphasizes their figures, they often look like little boys. They keep themselves thin, and have long hair, but it’s out of necessity to maintain any level of femininity.

Panther of the Blogocube, Lion of the Blogosphere 3 Comments [1/10/2018 2:21:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135861

Man attracting attention: “Look at how awesome this thing I’m doing is!”
Woman attracting attention: “Look at how cute I am doing this thing I’m doing!”

Compare male and female fitness models on billboards advertising kickboxing schools:
Man: “As a result of lots of kickboxing-exercises done in this here school I can defeat you in a fight!”
Woman: “As a result of lots of kickboxing-exercises done in this here school I’m super-cute!”
Man: “My shoulders are powerful enough to drive this here fist right through your face!”
Woman: “Look how flat my tummy is! Don’t you just want to impregnate me right now?”

Garr, Lion of the Blogosphere 10 Comments [1/10/2018 2:19:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135855


After hiei bested koenma at his pants shitting game, kuwabara and hiei went to the strip club where they were greeted by dirty yukina the hottest stripper in the joint along with her manager slave master steve. Hello boys what brings you to this sexy joint said dirty yukina as she rubbed against kuwabara. Kuwabara immediately gained a massive stiffy in his pants. Yukina took a long look at kuwabaras long hot manmissle and immediately stripped off his clothing. Kuwabara and yukina went to the private vip room to have hot nasty demon on human sex. Hiei decided to do what he does best, fuck multiple hot strippers and snort copious amounts of cocaine. Nasty patty, a stripper hiei met last month, walked over to hiei and said hello hiei I’m ready for your massive manmissle. Lets fuck said hiei with the zest. So hiei and patty went into another vip room to have dirty god fearing sex.
Meanwhile a grotesque figure leaped out the ventilation shafts. It was fat fuck. Fat fuck was killed by hiei after ripping off his face penis by penis and getting shat in his mouth. Through black magic cybernetics, and Illuminati dark science, fat fuck was more grotesque than ever before. His face now contained 700 wart covered penises on his face and body. His eyes were a bloodshot red crying out a green liquid from his tear ducts. Grrr *vomits* that hiei will pay said fat fuck with rage. Hiei you will pay for killing me.
Meanwhile hiei and patty were having hot nasty sex on the cum stained vip bed. Mmm hiei I feel so hot said patty ready to climax. Me too hot baby said hiei ready to explode. OHHHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOD said hiei as he blew his load inside patty with the force of ten thousand nuclear bombs. Hiei that felt soooo good said patty as she orgasm. Hiei I need to tell you something said patty. What is it sexy said hiei. It’s over for you said patty as she ripped off her mask to reveal nebacanezzerr. Nebacanezzar was the evil Jewish wizard lord who was the son of the late legendary jew rat yusuke.

Incelman II, Incels.me 16 Comments [1/10/2018 2:18:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 135852

7 Ways Modern Women Treat Men Like Dogs

Corey is an iconoclast and the author of ‘Man’s Fight for Existence’. He believes that the key to life is for men to honour their primal nature.

For all the feminist criticism of men supposedly treating women like dogs, it is actually today’s feminism-infected women that are treating men like domesticated animals.

While the majority of women still prefer masculine men for relationships, I’ve been noticing how more and more women today are defying their biology for ideological reasons and are pursuing long-term relationship with men they’re not even attracted to just because they are supplicant and effeminate. If this trend continues unabated, I expect the entire male population to turn into weak and feckless bonobos who grovel around to serve female interests.

Observe the following comparisons to see how men are being turned into dogs for both women and the state:

1. Dogs are optional

Dogs as pets are optional. People get a dog only when they want one; it’s not a necessity. Men today are also increasingly becoming an object of utility for a woman rather than a man whom she forms a bond with for a nuclear family. She will marry a man when she wants to (if at all) and she will dump him when she feels like it.

2. Once attached, dogs offer unconditional loyalty

If you want a picture of what the feminists want from men, just imagine a world where all men are male feminists.

Once dogs have a human to call a master, it doesn’t care whether he is a scumbag, loser, criminal, or homeless. Dogs are faithful no matter who their master is and what he does. In fact, they’re so loyal that they’ll even remain with an owner that mistreats them. And that’s exactly what feminists want men to be.

If you observe the rhetoric of the feminists, you’ll notice two general themes: first, the desire to be free from all criticisms. And second, for men to believe them and “support” them no matter what. Feminists want their prospective low-testosterone boyfriends and husbands to fully accept them for who they are no matter how disgusting, slutty, crass, and toxic they are. They want their men to show unconditional loyalty so that they can openly cheat on them and brag about it. And men, if they don’t want to be called a misogynist, must never question their partner’s past or present behavior and remain faithful even if they’re treated like garbage.

3. Dogs do what they’re told

Once the owner has secured his dog’s loyalty, he can train it to behave on command. Some owners enjoy the power they have over their companions and they will order their dogs around for fun.

Western women today have discovered that there are truck loads of desperate men who will do just about anything for them to win an ounce of female approval. These women have successfully used men to take them out on expensive dinners (only make fun of them on their blogs afterwards), buy pizza for them for free, shovel snow for them, and so on. The women who order these men around like dogs didn’t even have to train them as they’ve already been conditioned from birth by the society to do what women tells them to do.

4. Dogs are treated for good behavior

Dogs need to be treated to reinforce good behavior; the same is true when you want to domesticate men as second-rate citizens.

Women understand just how desperate the general male population is for affection and sex. Women today are leveraging this power over men to make them behave the way they want them to, rewarding these simps with faked compliments so that they’ll continue being good boys.

5. Dogs defend their masters

One serves a man, the other serves the government and its harem of women.

Besides companionship, the main roles dogs play is to defend their masters. In spite of all the calls for equality, the reality is that women still expect men to defend and save them. The men suffering from white knight syndrome will go as far as sacrificing their own lives to rescue women they don’t even know.

Feminists also don’t mind that many men are serving the police and military force to serve their alpha boyfriend: the government. Women are innately attracted to power and the government is the new protector and provider of women that grows bigger and stronger each day while ordinary men are becoming weaker and irrelevant.

6. Dogs are neutered

Although men aren’t getting physically neutered the way dogs are, other methods are being employed to psychologically castrate men. This includes the epidemic use of ADHD drugs to tame boys, ridiculous laws aimed at controlling men’s sexual interactions with women, and the overall cultural currents to shame masculinity while promoting all sorts of degeneracy that dilute it. Today’s wives don’t even want to get sexual with their husbands.

7. Dogs that are not domesticated are pests

“Masculine men are organizing a meeting? They must be rapists!”

When a dog is not owned by a human being, it is considered a pest that needs to be controlled.

Men today who do not submit to the feminist agenda are constantly attacked as being losers, sexists, misogynists, rapists, and so on. In today’s feminist society, you either serve the female imperative or you’re a Neanderthal who is out of touch with the times. Steps are already being made to control every aspect of male behavior in public.

You should also remember that dogs are natural pack animals (think of their cousins, wolves). By being removed from the pack, they become isolated and dependent on their masters. Can you see how the same applies for today’s men?

The Differences

In addition to being dogs, men are also expected to serve as drones to keep the feminist nanny-state running.

In spite of all the similarities, there are differences that need to be addressed.

First, unlike dogs whose owners house them and feed them, men are not supported by women. Women are free to throw men away like used tampons or divorce their husbands to extract their cash. If anything, men are usually the ones who must provide for their wives.

Second, whereas dogs are under the responsibility of their owners, men are expected to be fully responsible in all their interactions with women. It is the man’s job to ensure that a woman is giving consent even if both parties are drunk; it is men who must watch over their own behavior to ensure that what they say is non-offensive and conforming; and it is men who must ensure that women feel perfectly safe and comfortable in all their interactions. If you so much as walk past a woman in the wrong manner, you’ll be accused of rape. Again, it is the man’s responsibility to ensure that he is acceptable enough to share the same space as women, not the other way around. Feminists want “equality” without accountability.

Are men becoming collectively domesticated?

The domesticated cows we see on farms didn’t end up the way they are now naturally. It was through thousands of years of herding and selective breeding that they became smaller, more passive, and accepting of their conditions. But the fact is, it doesn’t take thousands of years to transform entire species. In this article which I recommend you read, a Soviet project to domesticate foxes have shown that it only takes several generations of selective breeding to transform wild foxes into effeminate and tamed versions of themselves.

The global testosterone level around the world has been mysteriously dropping for the past few decades. While chemical toxins in all the products we consume and come in contact with has been given as one possible explanation, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that we as species are gradually becoming emasculated at a genetic level through the selective breeding process. In other words, we are becoming socially engineered to be effeminate. It’s not something impossible when you consider that easily tamable beta males, the sperm donors, are usually the males women select as their mates after they themselves are done riding the cock-carousel. I think it’s a factor we should consider besides the emasculation through cultural degeneracy that we’re already familiar with.

Men are supposed to be men unleashing their primal energy through raw adventure instead of getting tamed into submission. I have no doubt that the systematic domestication efforts of today is what is causing collective male nihilism, depression, and frustrated energy. Men who are awake must allow themselves be men.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Corey Savage, Return of Kings 8 Comments [1/9/2018 12:11:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 135851

10 Feminist Fantasies That Could Become A Reality In The Near Future

Corey is an iconoclast and the author of ‘Man’s Fight for Existence’. He believes that the key to life is for men to honour their primal nature.

Around 2013 when I first discovered the manosphere, I knew things were bad in our society in terms of sex relations along with the corroding effects of feminism. But at the time, I didn’t appreciate just know how bad. In just few years since then, I’ve seen enough madness to know which direction we’re headed and it doesn’t look good. We already live in a feminist society and the harpies are pushing to make things even harder for ordinary men who just want to get on with their lives. The following will demonstrate what will happen to our society if we were to give into all the demented demands of today’s feminists.

Although this article is meant to highlight the craziness of it all, note that many of these concepts are already starting to take shape in our societies to become a reality.

1. Expansion Of Hate-Crime Laws

“You can’t save Mary Jane anymore, Spiderman. It’s ‘benevolent sexism’, and therefore, a misogynistic hate-crime.”

In England, trying to pick-up a woman or even just whistling at her is considered a “hate crime” if the woman gets upset by it. It is a real possibility that this law might spread to the rest of the West and expand to include other misogynist offenses including: looking at a woman (what feminists call “stare rape”), calling a trans-woman a he (there’s already a similar law in New York), arguing with women online, manspreading, mansplaining, helping a woman, and so on.

2. Consent Forms

Since women get to dictate the terms of all sexual interactions, consent forms will have to become a necessity in the future. And not just for sex, but in all forms of interaction like being able to approach a woman on the street. Maybe an app will be developed where a woman could consent to sex, conversation, or being looked at so that she could screen out all the low-life misogynists who want to compliment her for her looks.

3. Anonymous Rape Accusations + 100% Belief In Woman’s Testament

All men are rapists; we need to believe her because she’s a woman. It’s a perfect circular logic.

Feminists claim that the reason we live in a patriarchal rape culture is because our society discourages rape victims (always women) from coming forward and also because their words are not taken seriously. So, what they’re proposing is clear: rape accusations should be done anonymously and the “victims” should always be believed against evidences that are biased because… patriarchy.

Men have already lost their jobs, kicked out of school, jailed, and even murdered for false rape accusations while their accusers faced no legal consequences (and got to keep their anonymity). So, we’re not really that far from reaching that level.

4. Feminist Re-Education Camps

This book is not a mandatory reading in kindergartens yet. What more proof do you need that we are all oppressed by the patriarchy?

With feminism taking over the educational institutions and already working to reprogram men to serve the system, it won’t be long before men who have been found guilty of misogynist hate crimes to end up in re-education camps. We already have sensitivity training in jobs while colleges are adding courses on toxic masculinity to re-define what it is to be a man on feminist terms. It probably won’t be long before “toxic masculinity” is added to DSM as a mental disorder (in place of homosexuality) and treated like a disease in mental health institutions.

5. Government-Sponsored Feminist Tribunals

Canada already has an actual social justice tribunal.

Since it’ll be difficult to charge men of bogus hate crimes against women with nothing more than a woman’s feelings as a proof, the government may introduce tribunals similar to the kangaroo courts in universities and HR departments at workplaces, all in the name of creating a harmonious society free of hate. Those who enter these tribunals will also be destroyed by the media and have no chance of being employed and be subject to permanent social ostracism even if they’re found not guilty.

6. Systemic Castration

As I’ve mentioned in my other article, docile and compliant dogs are the ideal that feminists aim for in their efforts to domesticate men. A significant number of boys are already on ADHD medication to have their behaviors controlled while male sex offenders are given chemical castration. If all men are violent hooligans and rapists as some feminists claim, then the next logical step is to let the government control men’s testosterone levels to an “acceptable” level. Note that we already have many parents who are letting their children take hormones to alter their “gender.” This practice will likely become more common in the future.

7. Non-contact Sex

“She did not consent; I must not touch.”

Feminists have been so effective in terrorizing the beta males that many of them are afraid to interact with women in any shape or form. Consider that we already live in a world where walking past some deranged woman will get you accused of sexual assault. In the future, all physical contact with women may become sternly discouraged or even forbidden that more men will retreat to porn and sexbots as alternatives. Haptic technology for sex is already being developed to pave the way for a culture of non-contact sex.
8. Bachelor Tax

Did you think you pesky “MRA’s” could escape the gynocentric order by refusing marriage and going your own way? With the drop in number of men who are manning up that coincides with the rising number of single mothers who need to leech the welfare state, it’s not too unreasonable to expect a push for bachelor tax that will penalize men who refuse to put a ring on an aging, post-slut sow.

Knowing that it will cause a major backlash, the bachelor tax will probably not come into being in an obvious way. Instead, it will be introduced under the guise of supporting the poor single mothers and helping to foster families. Heck, considering how men are the primary tax payers while women are the primary beneficiaries of the welfare state, you could say that we already have a gynocentric taxation system in all but name.

9. Polyandry

Women already practice ‘Alpha fucks, Beta bucks’ strategy. So why shouldn’t an empowered woman be allowed to do it openly without shame?

With the institution of marriage already destroyed and with many men already accepting cuckoldery as the norm in the form of “open marriage,” women may as well be allowed to have multiple husbands. And why not? We already know that there are far too many men for the number of women in our society and that those lazy men should do more to support women. Is it that crazy to have one husband for sex and another three for money? I’m sure many desperate simps will have no issue sharing a wife with several other men as long as they get some cuddling action when she’s not too busy banging her more attractive husbands. The implementation of bachelor tax, mentioned above, will also make marriage more desirable.

10. Concentration Camps For Men

The final solution to the testosterone problem.

If the above measures to protect women and ensure equality are implemented, it’s likely that all the misogynists will grumble in anger and resist them. If that is the case, it might be best to take the advice of the feminist, Julie Bindel, and place all men in concentration camps. No man, no problem! If you’re wondering how feminists could even achieve this, know that there is already an army of goons called the police who will gladly do as they’re told to maintain the gynocentric order.


As I’ve said in an older article of mine, feminism is practically a terrorist movement that demands more and more political, social, and cultural oppression of men for the sake of radical women who play the eternal victim and cry for never-ending privileges. While you may think that the above nightmare scenarios are over-the-top and unlikely to happen, I bet those who lived just few generations ago couldn’t have imagined what we’re witnessing today either. Feminism, by colluding with the government, will continue to grow like a tumor and it will not stop until you make it stop.

Remember that if we don’t fight back, no one else will.

Corey Savage, Return of Kings 9 Comments [1/9/2018 12:11:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 135841

My name is Tom Grauer and here at the Daily Antifeminist I’m going to advocate and propagandize for a genuine pro-sexual worldview. I’ll stake out the most extreme (and most correct) position about the issue of “Pedophilia” and call for the absolute abolition of all “Sex Crime” legislation, including and especially Age-of-Consent / Statutory Rape laws, “Child Pornography” laws, and “Underage Prostitution” laws. I also support the conmplete abolition of schools aka “kid prisons.”

THE DAILY ANTIFEMINIST, The World's Most Taboo-Breaking Anti-Feminist Blog 8 Comments [1/9/2018 4:54:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: X

Quote# 135837

BoomerCons and other males who like "strong women" are latent homosexuals. The idea of a "strong woman" is sickeningly deviant to a normal heterosexual male. According to God, women are to men as minor children are to their parents. Gen 3:16.

Accordingly, these two pictures are equally degenerate:

Todd Kincannon, Gab 8 Comments [1/9/2018 4:47:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 135832

Absolutely. This is fraud as much as changing the birth date or place. If it was accurate at the moment of birth, then it is carved in stone. If a person decides to change something later about their appearance, tough. You don’t get to defraud other people by falsifying your birth certificate.

Reality bites. You should leave it alone.

What disturbs me a lot about this whole “trans” fantasy is how it will affect the dating scene. These people lie. Heck, their whole life becomes a lie once they cross over. And now we have the government colluding in that lie and providing cover up by falsifying birth documents? What do they do with the original, stuff it down the memory hole?

I am teaching my kids to recognize the “trans” people we see around town. Some are so convincing that, at first, they don’t believe me. I have cautioned them that they must learn to spot gender impersonators. The worst thing in the world would be to date one of the and not know.

mom of young patriots, Free Republic 10 Comments [1/8/2018 4:30:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135831

And I bet they all wear makeup. They just don't make young men like they used to. Too many effeminate men in the world today. Too many Pajama and Soy boys. It ain't natural or normal at all.

At some point this will come back to haunt these lost generations in a big way.

They may even become slaves to a stronger more male dominant culture, say, Islam for instance.

Strangely enough; these effeminate young men might even like that. Sad. Very Un-American.

Boomer, Free Republic 8 Comments [1/8/2018 4:30:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135822


They also need to investigate on these women that live off welfare and they can work women now days has it in there heads that they can have a child and immediately live off the state I disagree with that I'm sorry if anyone gets offended then block urself thanks William

William Shannon Snyder, Facebook 5 Comments [1/8/2018 4:28:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 135816

Below the level of extravagant male wealth, money doesn’t make a huge DIRECT impact on women’s attraction to men. If a man has a nice car and condo, no economically self-sufficient careergirl will be wowed by that. The benefit of money comes from the confidence it instills in men, which women DO love.


If modren Western women are indeed switching to an r-selected reproduction strategy — i.e., focusing on short-term hookups that advantage cads over dads and chads over NOWAGS — then a man’s earning power will have a smaller impact on female attraction than it historically has had in more patriarchal (aka Regulated Monogamy) times when women weren’t paper pushing corporate whores who could afford their own mortgages and streaming pussyhat entertainment packages.

Of course, this will not end well for civilization. When the big bulging mass of beta providers realize they can’t leverage their provisions for a loyal young babe who isn’t saddled with a porn star’s sexual history, they will drop out of the mating market and make just enough to satisfy their immediate needs. Then after the fiat economy collapses from the disengagement of its most competent and conscientious men, there goes the female workforce it enabled, and we’re right back to the primordial patriarchy of young, chaste, dependent women locking down that beta provider while she still has miles of virgin road left on her hodometer.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 6 Comments [1/8/2018 4:28:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 135780

Women on the most part are nothing more than children... that is what happens when a gender operates specifically in the emotional. Women have failed as mothers, wives, and in the work place... They then blame men for their failure... Irresponsibility, lack of integrity, lack of honesty, no honor, self centered, egotistical, and more (on the average...). that is why society saw the greatest advances in the 1800's. Women were indeed protected and actually had a great life... look at the laws of the time... do some actual research (Blackstone's commentaries on husbands and wives...) Yes men that are logical are better at making decisions... except single women and mothers today have destroyed male self esteem and identity. If you don't like what men are today then look in the mirror, there is your answer. K-9 all woman controlled brainwashing boys not to be who and what they are, TV, destroying the model of men and boys. Women cannot create or design or develop in the way that men can and do... yes, we need to go back to a time when women were happy and healthy because men were responsible and in total control. Even now with women having more control and power then ever in the history of the US women are more unhappy and have to live and exist on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills... Why? because they cannot handle the power and the control psychologically/emotionally. they were not biologically or neurologically designed to be or replace men and their role as leaders. women are emotionally focused... meaning they aspire not for revenge, for selfish interest, for financial control, self enrichment... they don't care a damn about children other than how they can use the children in getting what they want. They don't give a damn about humanity as a whole because they are only interested in themselves and what they can take... they are not self sacrificing and the garbage fiction of womens roles on the TV is just that a fiction to brainwash and manipulate women into thinking they are something that they are not.

Joe Krimson, Youtube 8 Comments [1/8/2018 4:26:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: FSM
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