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Quote# 137422

College is Miserable as an Old cel

Holy shit everywhere I go I'm surrounded by Chads and Stacies, hell even the normies are able to talk to women. I'm currently sitting in the study center trying to studycelcopeorrope my way through the day, but I can't help but look at my surroundings. Couples kissing, women showing skin and me knowing damn well if I look I'll be expelled, young, hopeful people. Here I am sitting alone sitting by myself on GLP. Just LOL. Not one woman looks at me, matter of fact no one acknowledges my existence. I'm only here so I don't have to live paycheck to paycheck. IDK, it's just sooooo depressing looking around then examining my own life. I'm sure you unicels can relate well. To make it worse I'm not even that smart. I graduated HS yeeeeaasrrrrs ago, everyone is light years ahead of me. FUCK!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [3/22/2018 1:48:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 137405

Diversity Fail? All-Women Engineering Team Blamed for Collapse of Miami Pedestrian Bridge

The all-women engineering team that designed the ill-fated pedestrian foot bridge at Miami’s Florida International University were highly touted for their advances in a field that is typically dominated by men.


According to Politico.com, Munilla Construction is “about as politically connected as they get in Florida.”

The lead engineer on the foot bridge project is a female, Leonor Flores, who is a graduate of FIU.

Flores led a team of all-women engineers and designers who oversaw the crews that built the prefabricated “instant bridge” by the side of the road using FIU’s own accelerated construction techniques.

MCM partnered with the FIGG Bridge Group, a Tallahassee-Based engineering firm, to move the massive foot bridge into place over 8th Street in just 7 hours on Saturday, March 10.

MCM hailed Flores and her all-women design team in celebratory social media posts on Twitter.com in the hours before the deadly collapse.

But critics say simple mathematics would have prevented the disaster in Miami.

Studies all over the world have shown that boys and men are twice as good at math as girls and women. The gender disparity in mathematics scores explains why there are far fewer women engineers than men in the world.

Sandra Rose, sandrarose.com 9 Comments [3/21/2018 2:58:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 137397

You simply don’t get it do you? Trying to explain what it is like to be incel to someone who isn’t, is like an unemployed person trying to explain why they don’t have a job to someone with a private education and a rich family.

A rich person can never understand what it is like to be poor, in the same way you can’t understand what it is like to be incel. Sexual poverty is unsolvable, some men are just dealt a crap hand in life and women don’t want them. Natural selection in action. You can’t make women desire unattractive men.

Women don’t to hear this, because the standard narrative about sex is women are saints and men are shallow. If there are in fact thousands of perfectly decent ugly men without partners, that suggests women are just as shallow as men.

Hence incel guys have to be monsters, it isn’t women’s shallowness that leaves them alone, it is the fact they are sexist monsters. Funny how many good looking sexists seem to have wives and girlfriends.

Anon, Farrago Magazine 4 Comments [3/21/2018 11:42:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137330

females were never even interested in me even as friends, even in my teen years when internet didn't exist and I was a beta nice guy they were never even interested

that's why looks even determine friendzone, you think stacies are going to bother making friends with ugly males, for what purpose, they are only going to make friends with chads to have sex with them

refmd, incels.me 9 Comments [3/20/2018 9:16:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137325

Males who get sexually taken advantage of at a young age by women brag about it, like it, enjoy it, because males are completely sexual beings with no personhood or soul, no concept of consent or boundaries. People always complain about “no one” taking male “rape” seriously when in reality males themselves don’t take it seriously, men in reality do not care, they in fact really enjoy it. They just pretend to care to act like women are “just as bad” or to blame feminism yet again. “But if it was a girl…” Men and their minions love to pretend that men are women and women are men, but they’ll usually expose that they actually know what they are when they start bragging about being sexually abused; its then that you’ll start to see all the PR they do unravel to reveal sadistic necrophiles.

knaz16, Tumblr 8 Comments [3/20/2018 9:16:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 137297

Muh boyfriend"

Why the fuck do women always have to mention their boyfriend online in everything? holy shit. You read comments and it's all about "Muh boyfriend" "Muh boyfriend" "Muh boyfriend". Shut the fuck up already.

Thread starter anincelforlifelol, incels.me 8 Comments [3/20/2018 9:06:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 137293


Similar to the dishonesty of trying to normalise taking quantities of cross-sex hormones for transition purposes by calling it HRT, 'hormone REPLACEMENT therapy'. You don't get to call it 'hormone replacement'. It's only 'replacement' in women, whose bodies naturally produced oestrogen through their adult lives, and are experiencing a diminishing because of menopause.

Yes, I hate their appropriation of that term, too. They're not "replacing" anything, and they're shitting on everyone who actually needs hormone replacement therapy by equating actual physical medical conditions to genderfeels

counterclockwise3 & owmygenderfeels, r/gendercritical 4 Comments [3/20/2018 9:03:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: kanzenkankaku

Quote# 137289

["Hey ladies, if you're so equal why are you mad about getting raped? Checkmate feminists."]

One of the reasons I brought up the naughty teacher in LA and the contradictions in the law is that something that’s been on my mind is this idea that there is equal responsibility for sex. It’s something feminists will never fail to bring up when one suggests that it isn’t fair that a guy is on the hook for 18 years when he slept with a woman without intending to have a child. What they consider a rock-solid, ironclad justification for demanding the support is “he didn’t have to sleep with her.” Well, no, he didn’t. But take a 17-year-old boy and a mature woman of, say, 29, and who has more control over the sex act? Who is the gatekeeper? If the woman isn’t in any position of authority over the boy, it’s a legal sex act in most states, so she is free to sleep with him if she wants. However, realistically speaking, the woman has far more control over whether sex will actually happen. A boy of 17 has very little self-control over sex.

So why is it that the law puts the burden of child support on the boy when the responsibility for pregnancy lies overwhelmingly with the woman? It’s another one of those contradictions that characterizes feminist thinking.

Another thing that highlights this is the feminist claims of mass rape throughout society. If as many rapes happen as they claim, chances are someone on your street has been raped recently. There must be multiple simultaneous rapes occurring at any given time within your zip code. Can you hear the silence screaming around you? (this is probably what goes through the minds of feminists). Anyway, the point is that if men are so irrepressibly prone to rape and so sexually voracious, and women so prone to being unwilling, then who really is most responsible when consensual sex does happen?

One of the most sacred and cherished rights of feminists is the right to say “no” — that is, the right to deny sex. Do men value the ability to deny sex as much as women? Perhaps when it comes to forced sodomy, but that isn’t a common issue. One rarely sees men marching down the street with placards declaring that “NO MEANS NO,” and when they do, they are generally just holding signs for women. So, if women actually like denying sex, and are more likely to exercise that power, who has more choice when it comes to whether or not a given sex act will occur?

When a woman gets pregnant as a result of consensual sex, who bears the bulk of the responsibility?

Let’s break it down:

Men have a higher sex drive than women
Men have less control over their sexual impulses
Women value the ability to deny sex
Women are far more likely and able to deny sex than men

If the above are true, then barring outright rape, surely women are more to blame for pregnancy than men. So why does the law treat males and females as equal participants in the sex act, and why does policy hold the man to be more responsible? Clearly, the female has more control.

Additionally, it creates a double standard where statutory rape is concerned. If women have more control over whether a sex act will occur, then older women who sleep with with adolescent boys are guilty of a more serious crime than older men who sleep with adolescent females. The adolescent female has more control over whether she will have sex than the adolescent male, who is hopelessly overwhelmed by surging hormones. However, men who sleep with underage females are generally punished more severely than women who do so with boys.

There’s been a lot of hand-wringing over the disintegration of the American family and marriage, but few people dare to point out the obvious reason America is fast becoming a nation of bastards. It’s actually fairly clear: women are not being held to the appropriate level of responsibility where their sexual choices are concerned. In the old days, it was understood that, barring rape, women were more responsible for who they slept with than men, and if they screwed up they had to deal with it. This is why the rate of illegitimacy was so low for so long. However, today, women can get pregnant and receive guaranteed support from not only the government, but whatever random man they permitted to have sex with them.

Holding men more responsible than women for sex has been an abysmal failure, yet the policy remains in place despite thousands of years of received wisdom that lets us know it is a bad idea. Holding men and women equally responsible would be inappropriate as well, but we’ve gone past even that. Without some change in policy soon, the majority of all births in the United States will be illegitimate in a decade or so. The current system, which absolves women of responsibility for a choice that is largely in their hands, and for which they have even more options and tools at their disposal to deal with the consequences than ever, is unsustainable.

CH, The Spearhead 2 Comments [3/20/2018 8:53:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 137288

[I'm honestly impressed with how much of a soft-focus lens Price manages to put on what is basically Marxist-Rodgerism]

One of the most common epithets hurled at men by feminists, and probably the most genuinely hurtful, is that men are upset at women because they are bitter about being unloved. The reason this one hurts more than the typical “small penis” or “mother’s basement” insult is because it is so often accurate to some extent. The best insults always hit a weak spot. It’s true that many men are very bitter about loss of love, betrayal or lack of attention from women. This is why some pick up artists have such commercial success with their ventures, and why men flock to gurus who say they hold the secrets to a woman’s heart.

Actually, if these cruel women only knew, it goes a lot farther than mere heartbreak. The abandonment of men in contemporary society is so comprehensive that a man who has lost a wife or lover not only suffers from the loss of that deep personal connection, but from a fairly comprehensive rejection by society in general. First you lose your wife, then your kids, and then even your own family turns against you in many cases (this is a lot more common than most people realize — American men’s own mothers very often blame them and side with the ex in what is usually a futile effort to maintain contact with the grandchildren). The thrashing you get from the police and courts is just gratuitous abuse; in many cases guys are simply numb to additional pain by that time.

So, yes, these are bitter, unloved men. They are hated and they know it, although many have no clear idea why. They think to themselves “I’m not a criminal… I never hurt anyone… How could this happen to me?” Some can’t handle it. There are many suicides that simply don’t make the news. In a small minority of cases, they snap, and then there’s the “domestic disturbance” situation that has become so routine these days in which a police gunman puts the man out of his misery, as though he were a rabid dog. However, in most cases the men simply accept their doleful fate and live their miserable lives.

I was one of those miserable, unloved men for some time. But not entirely. Circumstance gave me a considerable amount of time with my kids when my ex decided to make her move. She left just as she obtained a good job thanks to my promise to work part-time and take care of the children while she trained for it, and she didn’t want to pay for daycare, so she proposed and received a parenting plan that had me caring for them much of the time she was working. Although being abandoned without any warning was devastating, my children never abandoned me, and despite the horror of separation I had them almost half time. All it took to snap me out of the most morbid thoughts was the sound of my kids’ voice, or the thought of them growing up and wondering why daddy did such a selfish thing as to leave them.

But if it weren’t for that time with my kids, I would have been totally, utterly alone. When I didn’t have them I had no desire for human contact. I really felt that the only people in the entire world who cared about me at all were my little children, aged one and three at the time. I suppose I digress a little here, but I can’t help feel that they were little angels, even if I did have to change their diapers and wipe food off their faces after every meal.

For men who don’t even have that, it’s almost unimaginable. It’s such a shockingly horrible experience that I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, yet here we have feminists taunting men for feeling unloved. And still we have people whining about “misogyny.” Young feminists whose most important concern is the ability to have sex entirely free of consequences, and who shamelessly raise their voices for the right to kill their children in the womb. Lesbian gender feminists who wreck families for profit and sex. Male feminists who boast about fathering children and shuffling their responsibilities onto some duped cuckold, and who malign their fellow men for a crack at college girls.

All that said, men have every right to be angry, and righteously so. But deep down, I think what most of them want is far simpler and more benign than revenge or some political payback. They want some love, some security and the opportunity to be a part of a family. They want to grow old with a woman who is true to them, and to see their children grow tall and strong. It doesn’t always come out that way, and there are those who have rejected the idea entirely, but it’s an ideal that I think most men would agree is worth some effort, if not for themselves then for a better society in general.

So, I’d like to say to the feminists out there that yes, there are men who are bitter and sad about being unloved. Yes, it is often why they malign women, and it isn’t always a pretty thing. But if you really take pleasure in people’s loneliness and despair, you’ve got a cold, dead heart, and no reason to be proud of yourself. Instead of waxing triumphant about unfortunate men’s loneliness and misery, why not work for a world in which everyone can feel loved? Are you woman enough to do that?

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 6 Comments [3/20/2018 8:04:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137287

A girlfriend or wife doesn’t have to have the looks of Giselle Bundchen, the homemaking skills of Martha Stewart or the bedroom skills of a professional call girl to make a man happy. All of these would be nice bonuses, but they are not nearly as important as the ability to make a man feel relaxed, content and appreciated. A woman who is mediocre in all of the former attributes can easily make up for it by being a sweet, pleasant person who takes the edge off at home. Men are surprisingly easygoing that way, but for some reason women can’t figure it out. Perhaps it isn’t in their nature. It may be that being pleasant goes against their instincts, and is impossible for them in our hyper-competitive society. Maybe seeing a man content and wanting for nothing is a disgusting sight to a woman, who prefers an ambitious, striving man. Or it could be that she feels as though his contentment suggests that he doesn’t appreciate her enough, and she has to agitate and badger him into making some display of devotion.


[When you contradict the rest of your ideology by admitting housework isn't a pressing matter that requires a partner to forego careerism]

What is most confounding about the refusal of American women to simply lighten up and stop going after their husbands is how they refuse to do so despite the fact that it would make their lives much easier. The chores issue is a perfect example. Rather than do battle with a man over how many hours are going into housework, why not just ease up on the housework themselves? Lots of women put in nearly twice as much work as necessary, and then expect husbands to do the same. Additionally, do women really need that brand new car? Do they need a mcmansion (with all the attendant extra housework) to be happy? The striving and consumerism in the US is driven mainly by women, who account for over 80% of discretionary spending, and it can turn them into very unpleasant people.


That ad is no exaggeration. Nor was Kate Gosselin’s treatment of her husband Jon. This is the norm in the US, and it’s driven in large part by our women’s status obsession (envy) and consumerism (greed). Perhaps the value placed on economic competition and consumerism is a major part of the problem with our women. Rather than domestic harmony and peace, that new car, new house or new shoes take priority. In days past, this kind of obsession with material wealth was frowned upon, so much so that those with money went out of their way not to make too much of a show of it (and in fact most wealthy people continue to do so), but today it’s about the only “virtue” we have left.

So, I’ll offer a theory as to why American women have become so downright unpleasant over the past few decades. Women’s liberation liberated them not only from restraints on fornication, hypergamy and other sexual impulses, but from the acquisitive and competitive impulses that were also kept in check by old-fashioned morality, and for women these may be stronger than lust. We have to recognize that Western capitalism and consumerism were largely driven by female spending, so perhaps this explains some of the support for feminism from above.

If women are constantly striving for more, bigger, better and shinier, they won’t have time to relax and enjoy life as it is. I suspect this plays a major role in the dissatisfaction wives feel, and explains why they cannot stop pushing their husbands harder and harder. It robs them of the ability to be pleasant, and suppresses their better nature, as they struggle and strive with the frenzied crowd for that next shiny bauble. Today, our women are truly possessed and ruled by the dark forces of greed and envy, which rob them and the men in their lives of peace and contentment.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 2 Comments [3/20/2018 7:39:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 137363

"A special tax on obese women for instance would tacitly acknowledge they are reneging on their side of the social contract by depriving society of the beauty that motivates male participation and helps sustain a workable balance of power between the sexes." - Giovanni Donnatto

chez_grey, Gab 11 Comments [3/20/2018 4:27:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 137231

[Just declare women to be sex slaves and be done with the whole Vaginal-American Labor Embargo dance already]

I added this earlier to a recently published post, but I figured it deserved its own headlining.


A big reason why we have an epidemic of overeducated women tragically delaying marriage and childbirth until it’s too late is because of the reality of female hypergamy. When women gain economic, occupational and social status, their mate criteria rise commensurate to the rise in their self-perceived (or more precisely, their self-wished) SMV. The tragedy is that their high SMV left them in their youth.

Female hypergamy, economic empowerment, credentialism, and psychological projection are a toxic anti-natal stew.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 9 Comments [3/19/2018 5:57:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 137214

I mention soy out of genuine concern. Too few real men in the world. Most are effeminate beta types, and that is caused by being raised by women and drinking soy milk. Be careful out there.

thatbrian, Baptistboard 5 Comments [3/19/2018 5:55:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Kang

Quote# 137211

A Ugandan MP has been told to apologise to victims of domestic violence after saying men should "beat" their wives.

Onesimus Twinamasiko said on Ugandan television channel NTV "as a man, you need to discipline your wife.

"You need to touch her a bit, you tackle her, beat her somehow to really streamline her."

His words have met with strong criticism from social media users, with one leading women's rights group in Uganda saying he should seek therapy.

Onesimus Twinamasiko, BBC News 0 Comments [3/19/2018 5:55:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 137198

[Story] My most blackpilling experiences

Most of these happened within the past 18 months.

I was in class once and I leaned over to the whore across from me and asked if she had an eraser. She looked at me like she was terrified, like I had a gun to her head or I was a monster, and whispered "no". She was a extrovert and a slut so I know this wasn't shyness.

I was once in a grocery store during lunch and two junior girls were walking behind me. I realized that I had forgotten something and turned around. When I did, one of the girls jumped and yelped at the sight of me. I wasn't even very close to her. I didn't know what to do so I froze, looking at them with my half-autistic/half-angry facial expression until they both scurried around me.

A few months ago, as a desperate attempt to escape inceldom, I tried to just make friends with all the hot girls in my grade through social media. Surprise surprise, they all ignore me.

My Instagram account was a great indicator of my inceldom. Most Chads had 1,000+ followers, or a bare minimum of 800. But mine was struggling to keep above 300, and I had to buy followers just to reach that. It was very rare for a male to follow me back and almost impossible for a female to follow me back. I can't believe I still tried after that.

Recently, I was sitting next to another whore in class, and I got a glimpse of how these creatures talk about Chad. Here are some quotes:
"Do you think that Chad is hot?"
"We should invite him to my cottage this summer."
"Chad's dick is so huge."
"Yeah, we all know teehee!"
"I fuck him every weekend."
"Fuck, Chad is so sexyyyyyy!"

Saving the best for last, this one almost broke me down to tears:
I was walking around a carnival in the summer and I saw a beautiful 10/10 girl walking alone. I didn't even show any signs of attraction to her, but as we walked by each other she said "No!" and made a disgusted face while avoiding eye contact. She didn't have a phone in her hand and barely anyone else was around. So do the math.

"jUsT bE cOnFiDeNt bRo!"
"yOu hAvEn'T eXpEriEnCeD rEjEcTiOn yEt!"
"sOciAL ciRcLe gAmE iS LeGiT!"

Sadness, incels.me 9 Comments [3/19/2018 5:13:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137191

A healthy relationship between a male and a female :

1. Female acknowledges her place in society ( in the kitchen making a sandwich, doing the laundry, ironing,) This also means no listening to feminist bs, no following feminist bs, no hating or blaming men.

2. Female does not start drama (eg - faking having something for attention), harass or nag the male.

3. Female obeys the males commands, as he is the superior one ( as per title)

4. Female is loyal and never cheats.

5. No sex toys. Female must save all her sexual lust for when she has sex with the male.

6. Female stays with male till she dies.

7. Female asks for permission/ checks with male first before doing something.

PM_ME_STRIPPERS, incels.me 13 Comments [3/19/2018 4:20:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137190

Here you can check if you're a real Incel.

1. You were bullied in every public school you've been. Private schools doesn't count. + 2 point
2. You're virgin. + 2 points
3. You asked out average femoids who rejected you. + 1 points
4. Femoids lied to you (Either of fake number, cancelled date, fake friendship). + 1 point
5. You've been picked least for sports teams. + 1 point
6. You have been cucked by your own friends. Now you don't have real friends. + 1 point
7. In free time you stay inside because the world got nothing to offer for you. + 2 points
8. Girls laughed at you in school while fielding to the bullies. + 1 point

9. A femoid gave you compliments about your looks (Not included clothes and shoes). - 1 points
10. A femoid asked you out but you rejected her because she wasn't your type. - 2 points
11. You had a real female friend or above average male friend in your life. - 1 points

Now, calculate your points.
0 - 4: Fakecel! Get out!
5 - 6: Failed Normie. You're either a confident manlet, or autistic average person, or just a cuck. You still don't belong here.
7 - 8: Subhuman. You're ugly af, but you do have friends in your life, you just don't have luck with women mainly because of your looks. There's still hope for you.
9 - 11: Incel! You're an ugly Aspie with no life. Congratulations, it's over.

SupremeG, incels.me 7 Comments [3/19/2018 4:17:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137188

what’s even worse is how they expect those that are doomed to be alone to be contributors to society, when they are most likely going to just sui

Raiden, Incels.me 3 Comments [3/19/2018 4:15:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137355

[Two comments on an r/MGTOW thread about a photo of a woman wearing torn jeans]

Whenever I see women wear ripped up clothes like that, I assume she has a rape fantasy. From her subconcious, it's not only about showing skin but having a Man rip her clothes off to get her "off."

Excellent analysis, I never thought of it like that.

Jerseymayan and GemStarCN21, r/MGTOW 7 Comments [3/19/2018 12:54:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TB Tabby

Quote# 137353

Captain Obvious draws the obvious parallel between masculinizing women and a culture’s operative sexual market.

R-Selection necessarily MASCULINIZES women, because under R-Selection, women have to FIGHT their way into an Alpha’s harem.

You could pretty much state it as a foundational premise of Evopsych that you have “Femininity if and only if K-Selection” [i.e. monogamy].

r-selection is the term to describe a sexual market dominated by polygyny, high fertility, lower paternal certainty (and thus lower paternal investment), and usually the sexual or marital disenfranchisement of beta males. Africa is a prime example.

K-selection is the opposite: a term to describe a sexual market dominated by monogamy, lower fertility, higher paternal certainty (and thus higher paternal investment), and usually the sexual or marital enfranchisement of beta males. Northern Europe is a prime example.

C.O. is right that masculinized women — in appearance and personality — are a feature of r-selected societies, because women fight for a few alpha men, toil for their bread, and generally put less effort into behaving or looking womanly because their men are pump and dumpers who won’t stick around for the duration and are just looking for an ass to hump.

In contrast, the men of K-selected societies are romantically inclined to long term monogamy, and seek women with very feminine attributes. If a man is in it for the long haul, he’ll want a woman who herself brings a lot to the bargaining table, and her number one asset is her loveliness and femininity.

[You just stated that it's the other system where women have to work, and you're very eager to talk about how poorly women age ("The Wall"), what the fuck are they bringing to the bargaining table in your K-selection?]

If a nation’s women are masculinizing, that is a portent of civilizational collapse, because r-selected societies are backward, violent societies filled with bitter beta males and bastard children. The masculinizing women are biologically responding and adapting to a change in sexual market norms and functioning, that requires of women a willingness to compete more forcefully with other women for the honor to be part of an alpha’s de jure or de facto, concomitant or serial, concubinage. As a culture’s women become more or less masculine, that culture is likewise becoming more or less r-selected.

Slut walks?


Studies in Patriarchal White Male Privilege?

Bitter spinsters typing Feedbuzz agitprop encouraging younger women to follow their EatPrayCarousel lifestyle?

Preteen glam mags offering tips to younger and younger women how to sexually satisfy themselves and their boyfriends using a variety of sex toy implements?

[There's a lot you could say about that last one, but Cosmo being masculinizing is a new one.]

These and more are the cultural hallmarks of masculinizing women. The West is becoming Africa (minus the cannibalism, but give it time).

CH, Chateau Heartiste 7 Comments [3/19/2018 5:17:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137343

["Hey ladies, if you're so equal why are you mad about getting raped? Checkmate feminists."]

One of the reasons I brought up the naughty teacher in LA and the contradictions in the law is that something that’s been on my mind is this idea that there is equal responsibility for sex. It’s something feminists will never fail to bring up when one suggests that it isn’t fair that a guy is on the hook for 18 years when he slept with a woman without intending to have a child. What they consider a rock-solid, ironclad justification for demanding the support is “he didn’t have to sleep with her.” Well, no, he didn’t. But take a 17-year-old boy and a mature woman of, say, 29, and who has more control over the sex act? Who is the gatekeeper? If the woman isn’t in any position of authority over the boy, it’s a legal sex act in most states, so she is free to sleep with him if she wants. However, realistically speaking, the woman has far more control over whether sex will actually happen. A boy of 17 has very little self-control over sex.

So why is it that the law puts the burden of child support on the boy when the responsibility for pregnancy lies overwhelmingly with the woman? It’s another one of those contradictions that characterizes feminist thinking.

Another thing that highlights this is the feminist claims of mass rape throughout society. If as many rapes happen as they claim, chances are someone on your street has been raped recently. There must be multiple simultaneous rapes occurring at any given time within your zip code. Can you hear the silence screaming around you? (this is probably what goes through the minds of feminists). Anyway, the point is that if men are so irrepressibly prone to rape and so sexually voracious, and women so prone to being unwilling, then who really is most responsible when consensual sex does happen?

One of the most sacred and cherished rights of feminists is the right to say “no” — that is, the right to deny sex. Do men value the ability to deny sex as much as women? Perhaps when it comes to forced sodomy, but that isn’t a common issue. One rarely sees men marching down the street with placards declaring that “NO MEANS NO,” and when they do, they are generally just holding signs for women. So, if women actually like denying sex, and are more likely to exercise that power, who has more choice when it comes to whether or not a given sex act will occur?

When a woman gets pregnant as a result of consensual sex, who bears the bulk of the responsibility?

Let’s break it down:

Men have a higher sex drive than women
Men have less control over their sexual impulses
Women value the ability to deny sex
Women are far more likely and able to deny sex than men

If the above are true, then barring outright rape, surely women are more to blame for pregnancy than men. So why does the law treat males and females as equal participants in the sex act, and why does policy hold the man to be more responsible? Clearly, the female has more control.

Additionally, it creates a double standard where statutory rape is concerned. If women have more control over whether a sex act will occur, then older women who sleep with with adolescent boys are guilty of a more serious crime than older men who sleep with adolescent females. The adolescent female has more control over whether she will have sex than the adolescent male, who is hopelessly overwhelmed by surging hormones. However, men who sleep with underage females are generally punished more severely than women who do so with boys.

There’s been a lot of hand-wringing over the disintegration of the American family and marriage, but few people dare to point out the obvious reason America is fast becoming a nation of bastards. It’s actually fairly clear: women are not being held to the appropriate level of responsibility where their sexual choices are concerned. In the old days, it was understood that, barring rape, women were more responsible for who they slept with than men, and if they screwed up they had to deal with it. This is why the rate of illegitimacy was so low for so long. However, today, women can get pregnant and receive guaranteed support from not only the government, but whatever random man they permitted to have sex with them.

Holding men more responsible than women for sex has been an abysmal failure, yet the policy remains in place despite thousands of years of received wisdom that lets us know it is a bad idea. Holding men and women equally responsible would be inappropriate as well, but we’ve gone past even that. Without some change in policy soon, the majority of all births in the United States will be illegitimate in a decade or so. The current system, which absolves women of responsibility for a choice that is largely in their hands, and for which they have even more options and tools at their disposal to deal with the consequences than ever, is unsustainable.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 11 Comments [3/19/2018 5:11:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137339

The ratio of men to women is more important than the genetic quality or genetic fashionableness of the parents of males.

Even in a society that has nothing but what we would describe as 8/10+ looking males, if the female population is similar to the male population, female hypergamy would yield the same or very similar results to what we see today: the top 20% of those men would still get 80% of the sex, and the remaining 80% would still need to compete for money and status to become betabux. War never changes. Women are hypergamous, this is plainly obvious.

Men are objects to women. Women strongly desire and are primarily attracted to men that are perceived to be "better" or more fashionable than other men; Unlike males' objective assessment of feminine beauty where big tits are big tits, the female's assessment of male attractiveness is driven by how a given man can make herself look to other women in her culture. Even in a system where all the men were objectively good looking, if the female population is similar to the male population, the most fashionable looking males in that system will still attract women disproportionately until women have to resign and settle for betabux.

The only ways to curb hypergamy, the real problem, is to alter the ratio of men to women such that there are far fewer men than women, or have a culture centered around a religion that restricts hypergamy.

Womencantlove, r/Braincels 7 Comments [3/18/2018 12:42:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137321

[To protect freedom, we must destroy it]

White women are against freedom of speech.

White Sharia now.

Matt Forney, Gab 7 Comments [3/18/2018 12:49:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137313

Normie women are typically progressive, feminist liberals. They have to deal with this extreme cognitive dissonance. It's incongruous with their progressive ideals to be effectively eugenicist in the dating scene. It's incongruous with their feminist ideals to be lambasting toxic masculinity in the university feminist club during the afternoon, and fucking a high-T, dark-triad Chad that same night. It's incongruous with their perception of themselves as being morally superior that the fact that they reject ugly men has anything to do with their looks, so they rationalize by claiming that the ugly man had a deficient personality in some way or another.

The blackpill, as you say, would utterly destroy their world view. Personality™ is the tool by which women rationalize their incel-hatred and preserve a semblance of psychological consonance vis-a-vis their dating preferences and their political views.

Normie men are typically cucks and closet incels. Of course, they can't swallow the blackpill because they're not much higher in the dominance hierarchy than incels are. Your typical beta-male cuck just gets occasional strawfish sex from his girlfriend. The idea that she doesn't desire him or that she would leave him for an alpha upsets the beta-male greatly. Rather than channelling his anger in something productive, he pretends to be a pseudo-alpha by shitting on incels online. "Look at me, I've had sex, you loser", ignorant to the reality that as he's wasting away on /r/IncelTears, his girlfriend is letting Chad use all three of her holes in a single night. For the cuck, incel hatred and rejection of the blackpill is effectively a defence mechanism motivated by fear.

TheVertex_, r/Braincels 9 Comments [3/18/2018 12:42:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137301

Some of you are still bluepilled as fuck about women

There are so many of you who believe that there is nothing wrong with women, that the only thing causing you to be incel is the fact that women are just as visual and looks minded as men are. The reason you believe this is because you still have fantasies about looksmaxing one day and getting with your oneitis and living happily ever after.

The reality is that, yes, women care a lot about looks but they are also:
-Low in empathy
-Attracted to evil behavior
-Somehow conceited yet masochistic simultaneously
-Status obsessed
-Low in self awareness and sentience
-Almost identical copies of each other
-Lacking any concept of loyalty

I don't get why so many incels of all people are unwilling to accept the negative qualities associated with females. Come back to reality.

NegroKing, incels.me 13 Comments [3/16/2018 11:19:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep
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