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Quote# 138203

I think feminism was never as hated as it is today, gotta ask yourself why. since feminists are usually egocentric as fuck, they won't realize it's a problem in the movement (i.e. using very vocal crazy womyn), that ends in hate from literally every group.
>men hate feminists
>GBT hates feminism
>probably even lesbians hate feminism
>black people hate feminism
>spics hate them
>asians hate feminism
>plenty, actually a shit-ton, of straight women hate feminism

I really don't know any group in society, that doesn't have a respectable amount of people, who hate modern feminism.
no, it's not because we feel threatened, it's because you talk shit and put shame to a theoretically valid movement.

Anonymous, /lgbt/ 1 Comments [6/19/2018 1:15:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138101

Feminists are ruining their own futures. How can any woman feel liberated by having an abortion? That's flesh of your flesh, and bone of your bone, and blood of your blood. How can any woman feel a sense of pride for quitting her marriage? What accomplishment is there in forfeiting motherhood? Television is saturated with feminism. TV commercials often portray men as being dumb, unaware and not as smart as women. In a mythical feminist stereotype that women have been oppressed by men for generations, a malicious attempt is constantly being made by the liberal media to degrade, insult and reduce men to vent contempt and hatred toward them. In reality, men cannot defend themselves against a mythical stereotype that never existed to begin with.

The truth is that feminism is a cleverly fabricated agenda of Communism, intended to subvert American culture and destroy the traditional home unit. AMERICA GET RIGHT WITH GOD!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 2 Comments [6/19/2018 12:32:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Offended By Their Existence Award

Quote# 138097

[Venting] Nowhere to go without having to deal with the female.

Unless you want to stay in your room all day, something which I already do. However, for years females have been encroaching on the personal space of males; whether it be integrating co-ed universities, or the recent foray of women into gaming and card games, which were for a long time male-dominated hobbies. It seems like the female will not stop until she has completely forced and oppressed the male into having to be in her exalted presence for as long as he lives.

It's time for incels and men to stand up against this oppression. We need to make it clear that females are not to be allowed in our spaces - this site is a good start, even though I wish we could do more to limit the viewing privileges of female guests and snuff out female infiltrators who are larping as men. The musical genre of progressive rock is still overwhelmingly male, even though I have started to see the females get into the more mainstream groups such as Floyd or Dream Theater. We need to preserve male identity in gaming, and that means excluding women from servers and other activities. Do not socialize with women in school, refuse to let them into your group until they have to go the university and use the government or law to make you cave. Be relentless.

If we do not stop the female invasion of our privacy, men will start becoming trans and more feminine en masse, and eventually all androcentric identity will be destroyed, leaving us with the world of the female. This is the only shred of dignity we have left; we cannot lose it.

HarvesterOfInceldom, incels.me 5 Comments [6/19/2018 12:31:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138095

[Concerning a video of two fictional women kissing.]

I don't know female traditions but may I assume that that kiss was more like a friendship kiss

Sempy, YouTube 4 Comments [6/19/2018 12:29:59 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 138085

I think this policy arises less from leftist politics and the sheer amount of leeway women get with sexual harrasment cases. Companies don't want to pay out, so they make up these absurd rules in order to prevent this.

No matter what the left says, women are obviously abusing the climate for their own benefit and trying to get a payday and ruin people they don't like. This is what happens when you abandon due process and simply accept the word of someone else.

Secret Asshole, Kiwi Farms 0 Comments [6/19/2018 12:29:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138195

The feminists of Europe deserve to be sodomy raped and killed

Dark days, Infowars 1 Comments [6/18/2018 11:39:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 138192

I decided I prefer the term "rape-slaves" to "sex slaves"

A sex slave is kept around for sex (and thus perhaps could say no), while a rape-slave is definitely getting fucked.

Nathan "Leucosticte" Larson, Incelocalypse 1 Comments [6/18/2018 11:23:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138191

What would you do if you married your daugter

but then she cheated on you with Chad.

I guess she would have to die. A girl who cheats once will cheat again.

If she cheated she'd effectively not be my daughter nor wife anymore. I'd probably cast her aside and let her destroy herself in whatever way she sees fit.

Polycel, Leucosticte and Cancel, Incelocalypse 5 Comments [6/18/2018 11:23:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

If you think you might know anything about who wrote this

Please alert the authorities. I'm not joking.

Quote# 138187

[Life Fuel] Found an empty building near the edge of my town

I found a fully abandoned storage room near the edge of my town, I took a drive at 4 AM to it to bring rope to it, most of it being metal rope with spikes on it

As I was driving I got anxious someone would see me and question what I am doing, the more I drove the more anxious I got but luckily there was no one to see me, when I got there I saw there is nothing to tie a victim to so I will have to bring a chair there and tie them to it, preferably a dentist chair

The building isn't very far away from the road but still far away enough to be safe for relentlessly torturing a femoid since no one will check it and people walking on that road won't see anything suspicious, so after I bring my "torture equipment" I shouldn't need anything else, to be perfectly honest I am both anxious and exited to see a real life experiment on how someone who previously lived a privileged life reacts to months (or years, If I choose so) of unrelenting torture, sleep deprivation, isolation from anyone other than the torturer and boredom of just being tied up and looking at a wall, as for kidnapping the victims I can knock them out when they are sleeping with a heavy wrench, muzzle them and put them in my car

If a femoid refuses to eat/drink so they can die as soon as possible, I will dry drown her, rape her and anything necessary to prolong her suffering, as well as force feed her even tho I don't have the devices that were used for that in prisons

"I have lived a life of pain and suffering, now it's time to bring that pain to the people who actually deserve it" - ER

Matt, Incelocalypse 15 Comments [6/18/2018 7:39:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138170

Girls and their disinformation to the redpill.

Girls do not like to be analyzed. They're machiavellian masterminds in their own concept of inner self. They have to be in order for them to have power. Power through artifice, evasion, resourcefulness and vigilance. They want to be the one who analyzes you, not the other way around. They're value suckers. They invest in you only insofar as how valuable you are. That is all. Transaction or

If you drop a redpill, confronting their artifice in anyway that cracks past it, or any conception of having a clue you will either be cut out, deliberately be manipulated, almost entirely treated as someone to be replaced.

You cannot have an objective perspective/ robotic and get pussy unless you are the Alpha of all Chads with looks. You need to use inference, intuition, dissection and ingurgitate all information. But you need the LMS to get investment. CPW, Charisma, Personality, Wits are the personality which usually take the backseat 95% of the time.

It's all about transaction that's exclusive to you. The PUA are puppets. Fools.

All personality traits must indicate not charm, wits, charisma alone. That comes off as try hard, as a sign of forcing or trying to make validation happen. All personality/ character value must come from things which indicator power, experience, inner strength, ability, unprecedented aptitude, and occasional wit but only wit that gives you the impression of an intelligence that has ability behind it. Intellect without ability is pointless.

Personality traits are an extension of your dominance/ value. Not esoteric sophistication.

Interaction/ Interest/ Investment is merit based. And although the standard of merit is subjective, it falls in with LMS most of the time. So often that PUA tactics are rendered defunct. Only Autistics would invest in it. People who are oblivious to the biological conventions humanity lives by. They're in another world.

Girls are dishonest and stick to their inner agendas no matter what. Their inner desires will ultimately always possibly overstep, overlap, overbear yours. You just need to meet all the marks that is in their criteria to turn them to investment. That's all you can do until we return to an Islamic esque enslavement of women.

Eugenicist, Sluthate 3 Comments [6/17/2018 11:22:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138174

Females expire at age 20.

Another brutal agepill, but this is the conclusion I've reached after observing teens for the past month. Even the basic looking ones mog the fuck out of college sluts. I can't even explain it, their skin just has this youthful glow that gives me tingles. I'm legit losing attraction for women closer to my age. JFL @ the whole concept of "ascending." JFL @ escortcelling. IT'S FUCKING OVER BOYOS

The sad truth is that most females reach peak attractiveness at age 16. It's all downhill from there. Kind of hilarious how our culture discourages girls from reproducing when they're most fertile. No wonder there are so many autists and subhumans these days

fukmylyf, incels.me 6 Comments [6/17/2018 8:40:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138152

Joe DiMaggio (1914-1999) had the right idea... we should all get mad. Joe was upset that his wife was giving her body, which belongs to him in marriage, to pigs to lust upon. I have a lot of respect for Joe DiMaggio after reading this information about him. A good husband should be jealous over his wife; but feminist trash like Marilyn Monroe just accuse their husbands of being mentally-cruel (which were her grounds for divorce by the way). Monroe divorced her husband in 1954, just 9 months after getting married, because she wanted to do things HER WAY.

This is the feminist trap. Most women are vulnerable, just as Eve was deceived the Bible says (1st Timothy 2:14); sincerely believing that women are victims of mental cruelty because of an authoritarian husband who puts his foot down. I'm not kidding. If you read some of the insane Domestic Abuse literature of women's rights groups today, they label husbands as “abusive” who keep track of their wife's activities, demand to know when a wife is coming back, wanting to know where she is going, et cetera. Biblically, every husband has a God-given right to scrutinize every aspect of his wife's activities, plans and life. It is demonic rebellion, which God considers equal with witchcraft (1st Samuel 15:23) for any wife to challenge her husband in this area of authority.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 4 Comments [6/16/2018 1:51:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138131

Thought experient about brainwashing females

I had a thought that females are highly receptive to their surroundings, so it should in theory be possible to brainwash any female into finding you attractive (brainwash means that you BECOME her surroundings). The problem is that it's difficult to brainwash a female, because once she leaves and snaps back to reality (here friends "knock some sense" into her), she realizes you were brainwashing her and she ghosts you.

So I set up a thought experiments:

Imagine you kidnap a young beautiful 18yo girl and chain her to your basement. You keep her chained up, and initially she hates you for it, but you keep treating her well, acting like a father figure to her, buy gifts for her, talk about her feelings with her, tell her she's a wonderful person and kiss her. Then after a year passes by, tell her you are setting her free. Before you unchain her you tell her "I'm setting you free. You can go outside, walk around town, and do what you need to do. If you want to report me and have me sent to prison, I will understand completely. But if you want to come back, we can live together as a married couple and raise a family." and let her out the door. Don't you think in some cases the girl would want to stay with you?

OmegaKV, Incelocalypse 9 Comments [6/16/2018 3:29:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138130

Women's attraction is relative, not absolute

Just watched this video by FaceAndLMS and was kind of disappointed at how he handled the question, although he is not complemlty wrong:


I unfortunately can't type much because there is a 5 second lag between when I type and when the characters show up, but basically I just want to say this: Imagine if the planet was filled with Chads and only guys above 8/10 existed but there is still a 1:1 male/female ratio.

Do you think every guy will get laid? If absolute attractiveness matters then every man will get laid. But no, RELATIVE looks are what matter. What will happen is that the Chaddiest 10/10 Chads will get laid and the regular 8/10 Chads will be incel.

Some guy makes a point that women's perception of looks are biological rather than learned from her environment, and I agree, but that is something completely different! He is confusing nature vs nurture with relative vs absolute. Women have an innate method of ranking men's looks, but it will always be the BEST men that turn women on, because in a competitive environment being the best is what matters for evolutionary success.

The typing lag on this website (and all websites that use the lookism.net forum software) is extremely painful. I just spent 6 or 7 minutes waiting for the last sentence to finish typing.

OmegaKV, Incelocalypse 7 Comments [6/16/2018 3:28:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138124

The Best Solution To Inceldom Is Legalizing Heterosexual Rape

Many people have this extreme aversion towards the act of rape as if there is extreme physical harm or great trauma to the female, even though in most cases there is not because the female is unconscious or tied up. Females certainly want us to believe that rape is a horrible atrocity even though they constantly fantasize about it and love being dominated.

In reality laws against sexual assault/battery are just a systematic form of lookism against men. Females even abuse these laws by falsely accusing men of rape often for money against rich celebrities like Harvey Weinstein, future regret, to justify infidelity or other reasons to suit their own needs. Also it is important to realize a chad or female will almost never be accused of rape or considered a rapist, it is mostly old, ugly or average men.

If we go by the cuck argument of allowing females to sleep around freely this is because it is considered healthy for females to express their sexuality and explore their bodies. The same logic should be applied to unattractive men. How can unattractive males enjoy the gift of their sexuality if every single female rejects them for factors beyond their control such as face, height and ethnicity? It is hypocritical and I believe the only reason these laws exist is to punish and torture us incels to insanity simply because we lost the genetic lottery. It is also worth noting that society prioritizes female happiness and sexual pleasure over males despite the fact that it is us incel males who have contributed the most to the advancement and development of civilization for most of human history.

There must be legislative change regarding this matter, at the very least laws regarding sexual assault which cover a great scope of acts beyond penetrative vaginal sex such as harassment, stalking, kissing, groping and oral/anal sex need to be repealed. What are your thoughts on this matter?

universallyabhorred, incels.me 6 Comments [6/16/2018 2:40:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138113





As a rape victim, I am more than qualified to comment on this topic. Pro-vaxxers who comment will be swiftly dispatched.

Anonymous, Facebook 9 Comments [6/16/2018 1:47:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: pyro

Quote# 138099

Here is my vision of the ideal society for an incel. In this glorious world, females are strictly controlled they have no rights, educating them is banned and they are utilized to cook clean and provide pleasure as necessary. The government takes on an active role in regulating degenerate sexuality, in order to redress historical wrongs a system similar to affirmative action is devised for ugly incel males. The government gives ugly incels cushy high paying jobs in a variety of different administrative departments, which involves managing and controlling the people, all of these agents will work for at least 1 month at the department for the promotion of purity and will have 24/7 access to its female reserves.

What the department does is it regulates sexuality, censors porn, along with stones both adulterers and those who display lustful affections in public, which will be monitored by surveillance. How it regulates sexuality is by ensuring all females are made to wear chastity belts 24/7 from the age of 5, random inspections are done to ensure compliance, also neither the female nor her family would be able to remove the belt easily since the key would be held by the department. Females are also required to wear a shock collar from birth to which both the male members of the family and the government has control over to ensure its submissiveness.

Once a marriage has been arranged to a female it can get its belt removed by obtaining a marriage permit and then a sexual permit. For this the female will need to visit a department office branch accompanied by a male, wait for their turn then be interrogated for legalizing their marriage. Once they have received their marriage permit, the female is escorted to a room where the inspector removes the belt. He then takes both the female's anal and vaginal virginities if the female resists it will be shot beaten or shocked and denied the sexual permit. If the female is in the top 20% of attractiveness, the female will be knocked out and transported to the department's female reserves, and be denied the permit. Otherwise it will simply be returned to the male with a sexual permit.

Under this system ugly males have complete access to the female reserves consequently they gain pleasure from the hottest females, finally the lives of ugly males will be worthwhile we will be given the sexual rights we deserve.

Normie and attractive males also get submissive compliant females that cannot divorce rape their male masters. They may also take multiple wives which are not held in the female reserves. This program will be extremely effective if females are bred in high numbers in relation to males at a ratio similar to 10:1, so every normie or chad male can get multiple females and dispose of their wives freely once aged and hideous, while at the same time ugly incels are able to secure a portion of females in the reserves for their permanent pleasure.

universallyabhorred, Incelocalypse 8 Comments [6/15/2018 2:19:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138098

We are men who are suffering immensely. We have low self-esteem and many of us will kill ourselves. We are also growing as a class. If women had the ability to think about society on a macro level, they would realize that fucking us would help them in the longrun, otherwise we will continue to grow and once we reach 10% of the population, we will actually be able to change things.

All it takes is 10% of the population to radically alter society, and if women don't get on our good side they are going to be sorry. One beta wont be able to fight off ten incels, this isn't a kung-fu movie, we can just shoot him.

SoCalSuifuel, incels.me 4 Comments [6/15/2018 2:16:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138103

Trevor Saunders, Twitter 6 Comments [6/15/2018 12:00:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 138093

If you are a non virgin with a girlfriend and friends then your life is automatically perfect.

You are not allowed to feel sad or depressed about ANYTHING. It's disrespectful to the virgins who actually have a reason to be sad and can't get feel better sex.

SmugMohito, incels.me 2 Comments [6/15/2018 2:31:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138094

at faggots who don't agree that women peak as JBs

Look at this ASMR whore now (around 18 apparently) and some years ago (13-15yo probably).

Women are a freefall from 16.

Also, all "most famous videos" feature she as a JB and she made a video complaining her channel was losing subscribers, kek. Even though she improved a lot in terms of microphones and others equipments (I listen to this shit sometimes to help me sleep, don't judge me; would never give money to internet whores and use adblock).

Mainländer, incels.me 4 Comments [6/15/2018 2:20:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138073

Daily reminder that women are the biggest supremacist group in the world

GucciFangsVampire, r/Braincels 2 Comments [6/14/2018 4:35:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138071

If you are still using social media then you are making women have power over you

If you are looking at women on Instagram, tinder, Facebook or anything like that then you are making women have power over you. You are literally giving them validation and letting them have the confidence boost that comes with rejecting guys like you. Then you end up feel bad and feeling rejected. All of this process happens just by the simple act of looking at women on one of those sites. The only social media site that is okay to look at women on is YouTube.

incelfluffyballs, r/Braincels 2 Comments [6/14/2018 4:35:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138070

"I know an ugly guy who has a hot girlfriend, you guys are full of shit!"

Okay, I dont doubt you. Well, I kind of do, you're probably overstating how ugly he is and overstating how hot the girl is for dramatic effect, while leaving out other important details that make the relationship work (usually money) but I believe the core concept of what you're saying, that it's not impossible for an ugly guy to find a partner.

I dont think anyone here believes it's actually 100% impossible to find someone, but finding someone you're compatable with is another story. You IT folk always talk about how attraction just happens, and you cant force it, so please stop expecting us to drop our standards to absolute 0 just to get a partner. At that point it's basically literal objectification. You see her as only a hole to fuck because theres absolutely no other reason to be with someone youre not attracted to in any way at all.

Most of us dont have insane standards contrary to popular belief. Were not looking for super models.

My standards:

-Around my age

-not morbidly obese


-not emotionally or physically abusive

-3/10+ face

That's not really asking for much at all, especially since I exceed all of those requirements myself.

Anyways, back to the core point. Firstly, the pool of young women willing to date an ugly guy is a lot smaller than the amount of unattractive guys. In the words of SJW's, we face unconscious biases and have to jump through many hoops that the average person, especially woman, will never understand. We face systemic prejudice in the form of lookism on a daily basis. People automatically believe attractive people have better personality traits and the opposite is true for ugly people

Telling us about how you know an ugly guy with a girlfriend and that disproves everything we say is like telling a poor black person that racism doesn't exist because you know successful black people, and its 100% their own fault for the position they are in now.

FireAlarm911, r/Braincels 4 Comments [6/14/2018 4:35:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138063

Will I get back in with god if I don't have sex with my girlfriend on a Sunday?

Lesbians can’t have sex.

wbcsays, tumblr 2 Comments [6/14/2018 12:20:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
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