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Quote# 138072

FACT: women would rather not be abused by Chad but they would still prefer the same abusive Chad in bed over a nice polite skinny/fat/short dude. Female lurkers, prove me wrong.

Women would rather not be abused by Chad but they would still prefer the same abusive Chad in bed over a nice polite skinny/fat/short dude.

Even if she dumps the abusive Chad, she's only going to move on to the next Chad...not turn to the nice and polite but physically unimpressive loser who genuinely loves her and would never hurt her... because they are not perceived as assertive and strong, but weak and unmanly.

Being assertive and strong are hailed as manly traits, and are recommended in "advice" columns for guys looking to improve their "game". It just comes naturally to Chads and women like it.

Women think with their clits.

throwaway_7812, r/Braincels 4 Comments [6/14/2018 8:38:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138061

Mother's Day should be a day to commemorate Fathers who are no longer around in the majority of American families.

Single parents are the biggest contributing factor to the degradation of American society.

So if you're celebrating "Mother's Day" with no Father in the picture, then you should be spitting on your Mother as opposed to celebrating her.


Ghost, Gab 4 Comments [6/13/2018 9:10:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 138059

France's defence minister has promised to exclude male students at its top military academy who female colleagues have accused of sexual harassment and “extreme misogyny”.

Florence Parly pledged ”zero tolerance" following allegations that a group of up to 60 male students forced out young women attending a preparatory school for the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr.


Her announcement came a month after Libération, the French daily newspaper, published allegations of daily intimidation of females, who endured having their doors were kicked in at night to prevent them sleeping, defecation in front of their dormitories, threats of physical harm and internet postings avowing “death to the fat”.

It quoted a letter sent to President Emmanuel Macron by a female student denouncing the presence of fraternities of ultra-nationalist young men known as "tradis", or traditionalists.

She said that around 60 male recruits out of the 230 at the centre were "willing to do anything" to force her and other female students to drop out.

"I'm ashamed for having wanted to join an army that isn't ready to receive women. I've learnt that having a vagina ruins a career, a vocation, a life," she wrote.

The report also quoted a number of former female students who said that the alleged persecution eventually led them to leave their military training, while homophobic and extreme right-wing behaviour was widespread.

However, Libération said that the punishments failed to tackle the problem at root as only two students faced a potential period of exclusion, one of whom had reportedly dropped out of the school to avoid any damage to his military record.

Unnamed 'tradis' in the Saint Cyr Military High School, The Telegraph 2 Comments [6/13/2018 9:08:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 138057

Muslim girls used to be really modest before and respected themselves, however this generation of muslim girls has really changed, I see them wear hijab but kiss chads outside colleges, they fuck chad behind close doors. so they are essentially wearing the hijab just for their family not for God. Another thing is that I used to think they were virgins and if one day I was to get married, I can marry a nice virgin arab girl, but from what am seeing even if they are virgin, they still probably have given blowjobs to chads and pleased them in different ways. honestly feel all hope is lost.

Akkadian, incels.me 2 Comments [6/13/2018 9:07:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138048

[Experiment] Should we end female suffrage?

Allowing females to vote has essentially resulted in them promoting policies detrimental to the lives of sub8 males. These beasts are allowed to clearly vote for liberal policies (along with their cucks backing them) to further promote damage to society. Should their voting rights be taken away?

Pic related is from the 2016 election

This is saving the West 101. We need much harsher measures at this point tbh.

We're too far gone.

13/06/2018 and I hear that NETFLIX is to BAN STARING on set. Gyms are now concerned about sexual harrassment and will take measures.

Everywhere you turn, men are demonized, women are empowered, there are less and less families and the West needs to import people from overseas to make up the shortfall. The masses won't get how badly society is fucking up until we hit rock bottom. It looks like we have to hit it for the message to be gotten across.

Women's rights will NEVER be rescinded in our society, it doesn't matter how many problems it would solve. Society would rather go down with women being empowered than save all of us from the end of society.

13/06/2018 and I hear that NETFLIX is to BAN STARING on set. Gyms are now concerned about sexual harrassment and will take measures.

The only harassment and staring that will be reported is when UGLY men do it, not good looking men. Women do not mind these things when a good looking man does these things. This is just another attack on ugly men.

gonna be a female president one day ans she will ruin everything

(Submitter's note: At the point of submission, it's 29 votes for and 1 against disenfranching women.)

Various incels, incels.me 5 Comments [6/13/2018 4:34:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138046

Lucky you. I have attraction to adventurous, mercurial types. I have paid dearly for that, but it’s been quite a ride.

I wish I preferred level-headed nice girls, but they bore me, and I don’t treat them as well as I ought to.

But ultimately I think good fatherhood, i.e. benevolent patriarchy, is more important to children’s development than whether or not their mothers are supermoms, which most women are not.

By working to destroy patriarchy, feminists have done more harm to children than anyone else in our society (both meanings of that sentence are true). If people don’t believe me when I say that, I tell them to look up the sexual assault stats for daughters of single moms vs. daughters who live with their bio dads. The figures are very instructive. People who know them should be outraged by feminists and the judges who indulge them.

There are of course scores of other measures that prove my point, but the above may be the most salient to women who might otherwise agree with witches like the lesbian who wrote the WaPo screed (and who actually have a conscience).

Bill P, Unz 2 Comments [6/13/2018 12:06:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138045

The Redistribution of Sex

One lesson to be drawn from recent Western history might be this: Sometimes the extremists and radicals and weirdos see the world more clearly than the respectable and moderate and sane. All kinds of phenomena, starting as far back as the Iraq War and the crisis of the euro but accelerating in the age of populism, have made more sense in the light of analysis by reactionaries and radicals than as portrayed in the organs of establishment opinion.

This is part of why there’s been so much recent agitation over universities and op-ed pages and other forums for debate. There’s a general understanding that the ideological mainstream isn’t adequate to the moment, but nobody can decide whether that means we need purges or pluralism, a spirit of curiosity and conversation or a furious war against whichever side you think is evil.

For those more curious than martial, one useful path through this thicket is to look at areas where extremists and eccentrics from very different worlds are talking about the same subject. Such overlap is no guarantee of wisdom, but it’s often a sign that there’s something interesting going on.

Which brings me to the sex robots.

Well, actually, first it brings me to the case of Robin Hanson, a George Mason economist, libertarian and noted brilliant weirdo. Commenting on the recent terrorist violence in Toronto, in which a self-identified “incel” — that is, involuntary celibate — man sought retribution against women and society for denying him the fornication he felt that he deserved, Hanson offered this provocation: If we are concerned about the just distribution of property and money, why do we assume that the desire for some sort of sexual redistribution is inherently ridiculous?

After all, he wrote, “one might plausibly argue that those with much less access to sex suffer to a similar degree as those with low income, and might similarly hope to gain from organizing around this identity, to lobby for redistribution along this axis and to at least implicitly threaten violence if their demands are not met.”

This argument was not well received by people closer to the mainstream than Professor Hanson, to put it mildly. A representative response from Slate’s Jordan Weissmann, “Is Robin Hanson the Creepiest Economist in America?”, cited the post along with some previous creepy forays to dismiss Hanson as a misogynist weirdo not that far removed from the franker misogyny of toxic online males.

But Hanson’s post made me immediately think of a recent essay in The London Review of Books by Amia Srinivasan, “Does Anyone Have the Right To Sex?” Srinivasan, an Oxford philosophy professor, covered similar ground (starting with an earlier “incel” killer) but expanded the argument well beyond the realm of male chauvinists to consider groups with whom The London Review’s left-leaning and feminist readers would have more natural sympathy — the overweight and disabled, minority groups treated as unattractive by the majority, trans women unable to find partners and other victims, in her narrative, of a society that still makes us prisoners of patriarchal and also racist-sexist-homophobic rules of sexual desire.

Srinivasan ultimately answered her title question in the negative: “There is no entitlement to sex, and everyone is entitled to want what they want.” But her negative answer was a qualified one. While “no one has a right to be desired,” at the same time “who is desired and who isn’t is a political question,” which left-wing and feminist politics might help society answer differently someday. This wouldn’t instantiate a formal right to sex, exactly, but if the new order worked as its revolutionary architects intended, sex would be more justly distributed than it is today.

A number of the critics I saw engaging with Srinivasan’s essay tended to respond the way a normal center-left writer like Weissmann engaged with Hanson’s thought experiment — by commenting on its weirdness or ideological extremity rather than engaging fully with its substance. But to me, reading Hanson and Srinivasan together offers a good case study in how intellectual eccentrics — like socialists and populists in politics — can surface issues and problems that lurk beneath the surface of more mainstream debates.

By this I mean that as offensive or utopian the redistribution of sex might sound, the idea is entirely responsive to the logic of late-modern sexual life, and its pursuit would be entirely characteristic of a recurring pattern in liberal societies.

First, because like other forms of neoliberal deregulation the sexual revolution created new winners and losers, new hierarchies to replace the old ones, privileging the beautiful and rich and socially adept in new ways and relegating others to new forms of loneliness and frustration.

Second, because in this new landscape, and amid other economic and technological transformations, the sexes seem to be struggling generally to relate to one another, with social and political chasms opening between them and not only marriage and family but also sexual activity itself in recent decline.

Third, because the culture’s dominant message about sex is still essentially Hefnerian, despite certain revisions attempted by feminists since the heyday of the Playboy philosophy — a message that frequency and variety in sexual experience is as close to a summum bonum as the human condition has to offer, that the greatest possible diversity in sexual desires and tastes and identities should be not only accepted but cultivated, and that virginity and celibacy are at best strange and at worst pitiable states. And this master narrative, inevitably, makes both the new inequalities and the decline of actual relationships that much more difficult to bear …

… which in turn encourages people, as ever under modernity, to place their hope for escape from the costs of one revolution in a further one yet to come, be it political, social or technological, which will supply if not the promised utopia at least some form of redress for the many people that progress has obviously left behind.

There is an alternative, conservative response, of course — namely, that our widespread isolation and unhappiness and sterility might be dealt with by reviving or adapting older ideas about the virtues of monogamy and chastity and permanence and the special respect owed to the celibate.

But this is not the natural response for a society like ours. Instead we tend to look for fixes that seem to build on previous revolutions, rather than reverse them.

In the case of sexual liberation and its discontents, that’s unlikely to mean the kind of thoroughgoingly utopian reimagining of sexual desire that writers like Srinivasan think we should aspire toward, or anything quite so formal as the pro-redistribution political lobby of Hanson’s thought experiment.

But I expect the logic of commerce and technology will be consciously harnessed, as already in pornography, to address the unhappiness of incels, be they angry and dangerous or simply depressed and despairing. The left’s increasing zeal to transform prostitution into legalized and regulated “sex work” will have this end implicitly in mind, the libertarian (and general male) fascination with virtual-reality porn and sex robots will increase as those technologies improve — and at a certain point, without anyone formally debating the idea of a right to sex, right-thinking people will simply come to agree that some such right exists, and that it makes sense to look to some combination of changed laws, new technologies and evolved mores to fulfill it.

Whether sex workers and sex robots can actually deliver real fulfillment is another matter. But that they will eventually be asked to do it, in service to a redistributive goal that for now still seems creepy or misogynist or radical, feels pretty much inevitable.

Ross Douthat, New York Times 6 Comments [6/13/2018 7:43:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138044

I’ve long puzzled over the fact that most of the concern I hear expressed on inequality is about the smallest of (at least) seven kinds: income inequality between the families of a nation at a time (IIBFNAT). Expressed concern has greatly increased over the last half decade. While most people don’t actually know that much about their income ranking, many seem to be trying hard to inform those who rank low of their low status. Their purpose seems to be to induce envy, to induce political action to increase redistribution. They hope to induce these people to identify more with this low income status, and to organize politically around this shared identity.

Many concerned about IIBFNAT are also eager to remind everyone of and to celebrate historical examples of violent revolution aimed at redistribution (e.g., Les Misérables). The purpose here seems to be to encourage support for redistribution by reminding everyone of the possibility of violent revolution. They remind the poor that they could consider revolting, and remind everyone else that a revolt might happen. This strengthens an implicit threat of violence should redistribution be insufficient.

Now consider this recent news:

Shortly before the [recent Toronoto van] attack, a post appeared on the suspect’s Facebook profile, hailing the commencement of the “Incel Rebellion”. …There is a reluctance to ascribe to the “incel” movement anything so lofty as an “ideology” or credit it with any developed, connected thinking, partly because it is so bizarre in conception. … Standing for “involuntarily celibate”,… it [has] mutate[d] into a Reddit muster point for violent misogyny. …

It is quite distinctive in its hate figures: Stacys (attractive women); Chads (attractive men); and Normies (people who aren’t incels, i.e. can find partners but aren’t necessarily attractive). Basically, incels cannot get laid and they violently loathe anyone who can. Some of the fault, in their eyes, is with attractive men who have sex with too many women. …

Incels obsess over their own unattractiveness – dividing the world into alphas and betas, with betas just your average, frustrated idiot dude, and omegas, as the incels often call themselves, the lowest of the low, scorned by everyone – they then use that self-acceptance as an insulation.

Basically, their virginity is a discrimination or apartheid issue, and only a state-distributed girlfriend programme, outlawing multiple partners, can rectify this grand injustice. … Elliot Rodger, the Isla Vista killer, uploaded a video to YouTube about his “retribution” against attractive women who wouldn’t sleep with him (and the attractive men they would sleep with) before killing six people in 2014. (more)

One might plausibly argue that those with much less access to sex suffer to a similar degree as those with low income, and might similarly hope to gain from organizing around this identity, to lobby for redistribution along this axis and to at least implicitly threaten violence if their demands are not met. As with income inequality, most folks concerned about sex inequality might explicitly reject violence as a method, at least for now, and yet still be encouraged privately when the possibility of violence helps move others to support their policies. (Sex could be directly redistributed, or cash might be redistributed in compensation.)

Strikingly, there seems to be little overlap between those who express concern about income and sex inequality. Among our cultural elites, the first concern is high status, and the later concern low status. For example, the article above seems not at all sympathetic to sex inequality concerns.

Added 27Apr: Though the news article I cite focuses on male complaints, my comments here are about sex inequality in general, applied to both men and women. Not that I see anything particular wrong with focusing on men sometimes. Let me also clarify that personally I’m not very attracted to non-insurance-based redistribution policies of any sort, though I do like to study what causes others to be so attracted.

Added 10p: 27Apr: A tweet on this post induced a lot of discussion on twitter, much of which accuses me of advocating enslaving and raping women. Apparently many people can’t imagine any other way to reduce or moderate sex inequality. (“Redistribute” literally means “change the distribution.”) In the post I mentioned cash compensation; more cash can make people more attractive and better able to afford legalized prostitution. Others have mentioned promoting monogamy and discouraging promiscuity. Surely there are dozens of other possibilities; sex choices are influenced by a great many factors and each such factor offers a possible lever for influencing sex inequality. Rape and slavery are far from the only possible levers!

Many people are also under the impression that we redistribute income mainly because recipients would die without such redistribution. In rich nations this can account for only a tiny fraction of redistribution. Others say it is obvious that redistribution is only appropriate for commodities, and sex isn’t a commodity. But we take from the rich even when their wealth is in the form of far-from-commodity unique art works, buildings, etc.

Also, it should be obvious that “sex” here refers to a complex package that is desired, which in individual cases may or may not be satisfied by sexbots or prostitutes. But whatever it is the package that people want, we can and should ask how we might get more of it to them.

Finally, many people seem to be reacting primarily to some impression they’ve gained that self-identified “incels” are mostly stupid rude obnoxious arrogant clueless smelly people. I don’t know if that’s true and I don’t care; I’m focused on the issue that they help raise, not their personal or moral worth.

Robin Hanson, Overcoming Bias 4 Comments [6/13/2018 7:43:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138037

Trans activism is excusing & advocating violence against women, and it’s time to speak up

Threats of violence against women branded as “TERFs” are increasing — will liberals and progressives speak out before it’s too late?

In January, a woman was photographed holding a sign at the Vancouver Women’s March that included the words, “Trans ideology is misogyny.” This might be viewed as a hyperbolic message for those who consider themselves good, liberal people and who care about a group they have been informed are in extreme danger, and particularly marginalized. And perhaps, if you were unfamiliar with the way women and feminists are addressed by trans activists, you might wonder what statements like this are rooted in. A few years ago, I might have questioned this as well, thinking, “well that’s a bit much, isn’t it.” But as trans activism has gained ground and as I myself — as well as many other women — have begun questioning and speaking out about the aims, ideology, and policies supported in the name of “trans rights,” it has become impossible to deny what is being supported through trans activism: violence against women.

Last week, photographs of an exhibit currently on display at the San Fransisco Public Library emerged online, depicting bloody shirts with the words, “I punch TERFs,” alongside baseball bats and axes, painted pink and blue to reference the gender ideology being touted, some covered in barbed wire, in order to amplify the grotesqueness of the threatened beating. The exhibit was set up by “Scout Tran,” a trans-identified male and founding member of the Degenderettes, a group that now has chapters throughout the United States. The group attends queer and feminist events, including the Dyke March, the Pride parade, and the Women’s March, carrying these weapons, which they claim as defensible activism, but is undeniably a visible threat and incitement to violence against women.

The threats attached to slogans like “I punch TERFs” are not theoretical. Earlier this month, a trans-identified male who goes by the name “Tara Wolf” was convicted of assault after beating 60-year-old Maria MacLauchlan, who had gathered with other women in Hyde Park to attend a meeting discussing gender identity ideology and legislation. Wolf had posted on Facebook about his desire to attend this gathering in order to “fuck up some TERFs.” In what other circumstance would anyone — self-identified progressives, in particular — defend viable threats of violence against women? Sadly, lots.

Liberals and the left have broadly defended violence against women as “art” or “sex,” though perhaps in a less overt way than they have outright threats of violence to feminists who wish to question or discuss the notion of gender identity. Pornography, for example, is one area where violence and abuse is consistently defended on account of it being “sex,” “fantasy,” or “free speech.” The ability of men and their allies to avoid viewing a woman being choked, hit, or gang-raped as “real violence” because it is connected to men’s desire and masturbation is without bounds. Similarly, the notion that a man offering a women financial compensation in exchange for permission to abuse her is framed time and time again as “consent,” regardless of the impact on that woman and the broader message this practice sends to all men and women, everywhere.

What is unique about the approach we’ve seen in the trans movement is that it doesn’t attempt to disguise the incitements to violence against women with rhetoric around “consent” and “empowerment.” The claim is not that this is not “literal” violence, because women like it, or because they consented to it, or because it’s “just fantasy.” Rather the violence advocated for by trans activists is said to be justified on account of opinions, associations, language, or the sharing of articles or links determined to be “wrong” — all of which is dishonestly framed as “violence” (ironic considering where the literal threats and violence are evidenced to be coming from).

The threats of violence against women, on account of having been branded “TERFs,” are frightening not only because we must fear for our physical safety or because of the way these threats act as a silencing mechanism, but because this violence is not being condemned, by and large, by most. Being forced to defend ourselves, alone, with few resources, media platforms, or influential public allies, due to the blacklisting that has occurred en masse in relation to this debate, is challenging, because our voices, interests, and well-being have already been dismissed as we are the baddies who deserve to die.

And indeed, this is where the connection between liberals’ and the left’s treatment of pornography, prostitution, and trans activism coalesce. The way that “TERF” has served to dehumanize women (Bad Women — women who speak unsayable truths and ask questions one is not meant to ask) in order to justify the gruesome violence they are threatened with operates in the same way women are dehumanized in pornography in order to pretend as though they aren’t truly being hurt or abused and, of course, in the same way women were branded witches in order to claim their torture was deserved, on account of their being wicked and dangerous.

Disagreement is not violence. This should not have to be said, yet apparently we must. Violence is violence. And when a group of people are actively advocating for and defending violence against another group of people — particularly an oppressed group of people, like women — there is no defense. At this point, those who accommodate this movement, as it is currently operating, are culpable of something very dangerous indeed.

While the San Fransisco Public Library removed the bloody shirt, they did not remove the exhibit entirely, nor do we know why anyone imagined such a display would be appropriate in the first place. One wonders if they would display bloody shirts with the words, “Kill bitches” or “I beat Muslims” next to a display of baseball bats and axes.

Will liberals and progressives stand up before this gets worse? I fear not.

MEGHAN MURPHY, Feminist Current 21 Comments [6/12/2018 9:13:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 138032

It's obviously clear that women are extremely flawed, both mentally and physically. They embrace evil and shun anything that's good. This is the reason why the good guys in society can't fulfill their biological imperative to mate. Women and dating coaches advise men that in order for you to get a woman, you have to be evil and conniving. But when men follow this advice, the women say they're being mistreated by these men and then society scorns men as being the evil ones.

Don't you see how twisted this society is? We should correct this. Not by changing ourselves(or "maning up") like dating coaches and women suggest, in order to accommodate for the females flaws and wickedness. Neither by trying to fix or reason with women, but by eliminating them completely and creating something new.

This whole mating game is only going to get harder, not easier. Women are like a stubborn virus but we need the cure. Only we can put an end to all this madness for good. Whether this was God or a result of social conditioning that made women this way, it was a mistake. And we as men have to correct it. Nature played a cruel joke on us. Now it's time to return the favor.

TheDarkMessiah, incels.me 5 Comments [6/11/2018 4:02:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138019

Toronto rampage suspect referenced extremist male 'incel' movement

The suspect in Monday's Toronto van attack referenced an extremist "men's rights" movement and praised a 22-year-old mass shooter in a Facebook post made before the attack.

The post from Alek Minassian, 22, has since been deleted. Minassian has been charged with 10 counts in the van attack, which killed 10 people and injured 15 others.

“Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please,” Minassian wrote. “C23249161. The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”

Minassian's message praises Elliot Rodger, the 22-year-old who killed six people in a California rampage in 2014 and left behind a manifesto detailing his anger toward women. Rodger's social alienation and violence have made him a hero in certain extremist, misogynist sections of the internet.

Minassian's reference to an "incel rebellion" refers to the internet's self-described movement of the "involuntarily celibate" — men who are angry, often at women, because they've failed to find sexual partners.

Minassian's post mentions 4Chan, an anonymous online message and image board popular with members of the far-right. Minassian also references "Chads and Stacys" — an internet meme referring to stereotypically "popular" men and women who are reviled by self-identified incels.

Incel forums, including one on 4Chan, often feature hate speech about women. Reddit shuttered its own incel forum in 2017 over concerns about its extremist content.

"I can confirm on background that the post screenshotted in this tweet was real and has been removed from Facebook along with Minassian’s account," a Facebook representative told The Hill.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the attack "senseless" in a statement Tuesday.

“On behalf of all Canadians I offered my deepest, heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of all those who were killed and we wish a full recovery to the injured and stand with the families and friends of the victims,” he said.
Mr Trudeau ruled out terrorism, however, adding on Tuesday that the incident “hasn’t changed the overall threat level in Canada,” though it occurred as cabinet ministers from the G7 countries were meeting in Toronto.

Alek Minassian, The Hill 4 Comments [6/11/2018 8:34:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138018

Men are the romantic sex. All things considered, only men are capable of truly loving another human being.

This is a thought that I've been entertaining for a while now. It started the day I realized most love-related creations have been the work of men. Love poems? Written mostly by men. Love songs? Same. Theater plays about love? Created by men. Romanticism? Mostly a male movement. Even in architecture...some Indian guy is grieving due to the death of his wife and he has the fucking Taj Mahal built. Ed Skalnin is rejected by some dumb girl who didn't want him and he builds an entire park out of coral, he himself alone.

Men are also those most likely to kill themselves over a breakup or infidelity. Men have a harder time moving on from a failed relationship. Ever listened to the traditional music in most countries? They feature stories of men who got their heart broken. Very few talk about a woman going through the same circumstances.

This comedian says it better than I ever could

0signal0, r/MGTOW 5 Comments [6/10/2018 10:17:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138017

I hate all women. I'm tired of hiding it.

Sorry, I said it. 27 years old, about to be 28, been pretty successful in my career up until this point (I work in film), I'm a really nice person that unfortunately wears my heart on my sleeve. Just wanted to find a decent girl to join me in the journey of life, but i've slowly realized over several horrible years that I've been completely brainwashed my whole life into wanting something that DOESNT. FUCKING. EXIST. It's all a cruel societal lie, what I've been fed about the true nature of women. Nobody cares about men. Nobody cares who you are. The millennial woman is truly a cancerous and toxic creature--solipsistic, calculating, and sociopathic in the deepest and most damaging of ways. They take and take and take and offer absolutely nothing in return. Going through the most depressing period of my life right now. Apologies for the rant, I'm just really hurting. Thank you all for this sub, the humor and the truth of it all--it keeps me sane on days I want to end it.

mgtowforeverever, r/MGTOW 4 Comments [6/10/2018 10:17:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138013

Has anyone noticed the lack of empathy women possess?

They don’t care about anyone other than themselves. This is why feminism is such a popular movement overall, it’s a chance for women to gain privileges and gain superiority over men. They make false claims like the wage gap then cry for imaginary justice against the so-called “patriarchy”, what a load of shit.

They especially hate incels, I remember I watched this one YouTube video of an attention whoring female going through an incel forum. She didn’t care at all about the posts involving suicide or depression, she just kept on crying about how the incels wanted to hurt and rape females even when most incels are peaceful.

vladimirlenincel, r/Braincels 3 Comments [6/10/2018 3:20:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138011

Well I do hate men and by extension I do hate trans identified males. I don't see the problem in that. Men are the harbingers of murder evil selfish death. Every woman knows what I mean.

muthafuckigetH, r/GenderCritical 6 Comments [6/10/2018 3:20:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138010

Well, most libfems i've talked with are all about men, and they were defending them every chance they got. They were always bring their boyfriends, dads, brothers or husbands in every conversation about the reality of male violence. My bf is sooo nice, my dad is awesome, you know, so male violence isn't a thing!! Stop being such a paranoid man hater! Misandry is AS bad as misogyny! Women are AS violent as men are, it's not a male issue! Woman are rapists too! Yup. "Feminists" told me that. Not MRAs, "feminists".

So, dear libfems, why are you even calling yourselves feminists, if you don't think that women are oppressed and often abused by men?... I do HAVE a bf, but i know that doesn't mean that male violence isn't a thing! Sure, he respect me, he loves me, blablabla who cares, but i've been abused and raped by men before. I know that men are the fucking problem, it's a fact not an opinion, that most women are better off alone than married with men, and female violence is actually really rare. Even male victims of rape, violence, are raped and abused by other men, not women, not feminists, even the "misandrist TERF" ones! We have every right to hate men, and to stay away from them. We are not dangerous, we are often traumatized women, and we deserve peace. TERF is just the new "feminazi" or "evil man hater hairy lesbian feminist"... So progressive.

cashmerebb, r/GenderCritical 2 Comments [6/10/2018 3:20:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138009

Ever since a recent discussion, I have had a frustration with POMO activism and how incorrect it is in regards to feminism. Another person and I were talking to the group about the need for sex-based hate crime legislation. What we find is it is nearly impossible to get valid and correct hate crime data on the percentage of hate crimes against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. Here is how sex-based hate crime legislation is necessary as a category for LGBT.

Violence against lesbians is generally NOT classified as a hate crime because lesbians are classified as "female or "woman" in police reports therefore not subject to hate crime laws. So reports of corrective rape or gay bashing are instead put in the "women dead files". Sex-based hate crime laws would also put an end to "the women's dead files" because they can not ignore hate crimes in the same manner they do other crimes. This is why trans activists demand that trans women are reported as being TRANSWOMEN, not men or women.

It sparked the usual pomo crap. sex-based laws are noninclusive of trans people "TERFs" even though, like same-sex marriage, transgender people are already protected by the law, it is women who excluded from these protections based on their sex.

The conversation changed into the same old argument. My fellow activist is a "TERF." , "Trans women are women", "She's not a real feminist because her feminism does not include trans women." blah blah blah. Please note: There was no mention of trans men being men or trans men at all. Intersexed people were brought up out of context. The co-presenter was not attacked at all, I'm male, what a shock except to point out incorrectly that I am an alleged male feminist... people keep calling me a male feminist when there is no such thing as a male feminist.

I corrected them on two points during this discussion. 1) Feminism since it's beginning only focussed on female oppression. 2) Males cannot be feminists because it is a female movement. Feminism can affect how a male thinks or moves through the world but we can not claim feminism.

They immediately went to an explosion of talking a feminist theory or feminist writings out of context. Dworkin is the only 2nd waver I can recall that included transexuals. They even quoted the heretic Germaine Greer out of context. What I realized quickly is the misuse of the words woman and gender in regards to POMO TRA/ SJW/ Liberal Feminism vs feminism. At the time of those writings starting with the founding of feminism, being a woman was defined as adult human FEMALE the reproductive sex that produces large gametes and bares children. Gender was discussed as; men (males) patriarchal (male) oppression of women (females). So contextually it has always been solely about fighting female oppression. Trans women are males and trans men are females. Nothing that they quoted proved that feminism is about the inclusion of trans women and therefore the exclusion of trans men. It has always been focussed on reproductive biology if you take a serious thoughtful look at it.

Side note: Apparently I am a frustrating transphobic fag, according to that part of the group. They always call me a faggot.

BigEarthBear, r/GenderCritical 2 Comments [6/10/2018 3:07:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138007

Women were literally created to pleasure men and keep them from being lonely. It is their fault we are like this.

StormlitAqua, incels.me 2 Comments [6/10/2018 3:05:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138000

Trannies are nasty creatures

It always pisses me the fuck off when I see some norman-scum suggest that Incels should think and give a chance towards dating transexual femoids. Seriously. Why the fuck would anyone of us do that? Honestly, I do wonder what goes through the Norman brain when they suggest such degenerate crap like that. Trannies are nothing more than a bunch of mentally ill retards who are pretending to be femoids while actually being men. Which means; they have cawks. Why in damnation would we, heterosexual men, want to get into relationship with another fucking man? We aren't gay in any fucking way. And, this notion still stands towards the trannies who have cut off their cawks. Only a deeply twisted, mentally ill creature would cut their fucking cawks off. Truly revolting.

You know, only in degenerate societies would this regressing behaviour be accepted. It truly shows how humanity have fallen and stopped progressing further when we welcome these creatures with open arms. These creatures should be admitted into mental wards because they are clearly suffering from gender dysphoria.

Brief note: If you're intending to argue how pretending to be femoids while being men and cutting your cawks off is normal behavior; just fuck off. You degenerates are everything what is wrong with this society.

Lookismisreal, r/MaleForeverAlone 4 Comments [6/10/2018 3:00:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 137999

Religion is needed to control females

I'm not really religious, however, I do understand how religion plays a vital and important role in our society. How does it play a important role in our society, you may ask? Well, humans as a group need something to believe in that connects them to each other -- and religion gives them exactly that. It gives people a common purpose and good values to follow. We, as humans, aren't advanced enough to function well enough without any kind guidance yet. We are still far from achieving it. In my opinion, only high intelligent beings retain any kind of morality without religion.

Just look at what has become of our society when people reject religion: nothing but filled with endless degeneracy. Femoid sexual liberation, slutdom, polygamy/polyamory, cuckoldry, abortion, transexualism and feminism is thriving due to the fact that religion is slowly fading away and people are embracing immoral values into their life's. Society as we know it would not last for long if corruption has reached every level of its infrastructure.

Think about it: would femoids act so recklessly if religion was still in play? No, of course not. Religion controlled femoids animalistic instincts and put them on leashes; as they should be. Nowadays we are seeing nothing but a massive imbalancement of promiscuity, fertility and birth rates among femoids due to the so-called "progressive" sexual freedoms and feminism running rampant. It truly is sickening and revolting.

Our society has reached the pinnacle of it's decadence, and it's time to restore the balance by either embracing the Old Testament or Islam. They always knew what kind of hedonistic and degenerate creatures femoids were, and how people in general needed to behave with good ethics and morals. It's time to bring those teachings back before it's too late.

Lookismisreal, r/MaleForeverAlone 2 Comments [6/10/2018 2:59:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138004

Edify yourself: Use the power within to metastasize greatness.

The question is not "why you are an incel", "but why are you are not playing their game". Femoids have something you want, so you have to give them something they want. If you don't have it by virtue of genetic disposition, you have to make it. If you lack the tools to make it, you have to buy their services from them. They are prostitutes because men want to purchase their goods. They are prostitutes and men purchase their goods because that is the most successful reproduction strategy.

You are not cel because you want to be, just as much as she is not woman because she wants to be. The difference is she was born with something somebody wants and will work hard to get. You are born with nothing she wants, so you will have to work much harder than if you had something she wanted.

Yes, there are 3.5 billion of them, all with something the other ~3.5 billion want. You don't possess that quality, but you should be thankful, because now you aren't looking to exchange it for something else. You are blessed because you have nothing to give, therefore you have only yourself to cherish. It is counter intuitive, because the world and your biology wants you exchange you time/energy/labor/property for their service. Realizing you don't have to give any of your things is the the enlightenment of your own free will, a gift femoids do not get because they are tempted to enter into this exchange of flesh. They loose a piece of themselves because they are expected to, but there is no burden upon you, no temptation, no loss of energy and soul to obtain temporary gratification. You are more powerful then them because you retain your essence for yourself. Use that energy for power and for issue of self gratification. Become a man without purpose to the inferior and you will always be superior.

PsychyAnalyst, r/MaleForeverAlone 3 Comments [6/10/2018 8:13:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138003

The evolution of Man and Woman. Why man is self evident and woman is unaware.

The evolutionary instincts of women are completely different from that of men. Men are utility for women because women have a naturally occurring period, gestation, and rearing. There are many factors to the way women evolve and why her behaviors are more instinctively driven from that of her male counterparts, but I'm only going to go over a few and particularly as it pertains to those reproduction traits I've listed above.

A womens' biological clock starts ticking around the age of puberty. That age has been proven to be linked directly to the capacity of the tribe/society to bring children to term and adulthood. If society is not producing healthy adults, then the age of puberty in girls gets younger and younger. This mechanism ensures that women have an innate ability to alter the course of human reproduction if required. Once the clock is ticking, she will experience trauma every month to ensure that she is aware of the opportunities for children. After a while of not having children, hormones kick in that give her thoughts of having children, even if she did not consciously want them. Once she is pregnant, she goes through a slew of other hormones that ensure she is getting enough resources or has the potential for acquiring resources to raise the child. She also undergoes significant changes to her mood and other feelings in order to bond with the child. This produces an unconditional love for the child in order for her to take the life seriously and raise it to successful reproduction as well. For all of these reasons, she only chooses to mate with males that will readily provide her the genetics that procreate healthy children, as well as men that are mentally equipped to dedicate themselves to her cause. Men that are seen as inferior to her do not get to reproduce willingly with her. Also, men do not have any of these problems as they get to reproduce regardless of any schedule or naturally occurring cycle. For this reason, men are disposable in biology and followed through in culture.

The reason why women act instinctively whereas men act practically is because reproduction would be deterred otherwise and you and I would not be here to tell this tale. She seeks men that are practical and devoted because otherwise she would not be able to care for herself and her children and again, you and I would not be here to tell this tale. The reason why she is not made self aware of her own desires/wants/needs is because having children and reproducing are the only requirement to further the race. If it were possible for her to outweigh her own desires over that of her children/future children then she would choose herself because that would be easier and more practical than going through that whole mess and again, you and I would not be here discussing the merits of evolution. Women are made clueless about their desires and choose only the best males that would dedicate themselves to her, work hard and accomplish great things, so those are the males that exist today.

The evolution of the female mind is that it can not understand or be made self aware of a thing-in-itself. The evolution of the male mind is that he must provide for females and give himself to her if need be. Women do not reproduce with men that leave them without resources to carry their children to the age of reproduction. They are in control of what genes make it to the next generation of the species, but if they understood this, they would be less likely to reproduce. They always choose resource gathering for themselves over any benefits expressed to the tribe as a whole, and for that reason allowing them to vote on political issues is dangerous at best and self destructive at worst.

PsychyAnalyst, r/MaleForeverAlone 3 Comments [6/10/2018 8:13:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138002

If women are caring, nurturing humans, that are not ALL exactly the same, then why am I still a virgin?

All 3.5 billion women are the exact same. They literally function the same way as putting in formulas on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Which is why incels exist.

incelery33333, r/MaleForeverAlone 3 Comments [6/10/2018 8:13:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 137997

Why normies are the biggest cucks on the planet

There is literally no other way around it; normans are literally the biggest cucks on the planet. They will accept to be in the most degenerate relationship ever just to get a feel of being less desperate and miserable than they already are, even though the cum dumpsters they are with are only with them solely because the norman cucks provide for them. Here is a list why normans are huge cucks:

• Normans are okay with their partners not being virgins.

• Normans are okay with their partners having multiple amounts of sexual encounters with random men.

• Normans are okay with seeing their partner getting fucked by Chad/Tyrone as he pathetically jacks off to it like the cuck he is.

• Normans are okay with their partners not doing various sex acts with them because its "uncomfortable", even though the cuntrags have done despicable things with Chad/Tyrone.

• Normans are okay with getting into a polyamorous relationship because they are afraid their bitch of a partner will leave them if they don't.

• Normans are okay with their partner talking with other men.

• Normans are okay with their partner having male friends.

• Normans are okay with their partner still being friends with its ex.

• Normans are okay with getting into a relationship with a single mother and raising Chads/Tyrone's spawns as his own.

• Normans are okay with their partner having crushes on other men.

• Normans are okay with their partner talking about its crushes with its femoid friends.

• Normans are okay with their partner flirting with other men. As the cuck brushes it off as "harmless" behavior.

• Normans are okay with their partner masturbating to pictures/videos of Chad/Tyrone, which is basically virtual cuckoldry.

• Normans are okay with their partners being bisexual cunts who actively engages in sex with their own femoid kind.

• Normans are okay with their partner going out with its femoids friend on a "gurls night out".

• Normans are okay with their partners being on degenerate social media applications.

Lookismisreal, r/MaleForeverAlone 9 Comments [6/10/2018 3:28:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 137996

(Emphasis original)

We need a strict Patriarchy in order to put every single woman on a leash. They can not be allowed to have any sort of freedom outside of a man's influence because they can't handle it as we see in Western society.

Every modern western woman nowadays is no better than criminal scum.

When you don't coursely discipline and keep women under control, they go loose like wild beasts and spread their ass cheeks for every second Chad they encounter who then goes on to pump his load in their every hole. Governed by pure lust, as if they have no mind of their own they keep trying to satisfy these basic carnal desires through instant gratification.

There isn't a single shred of long term thinking in their primitive minds so when the time comes where they feel their biological clock is ticking, panic breaks out.

The sly filthy amoral foid then starts to look for a gullible weak man whom she can easily wrap around her finger. At that point, the disgusting used up cumrag who has devolved into a barbarian has lost all capacity for pair bonding. Don't even dream she's a type of person whom you can grow old with. No, she's long past that. Her primary incentive is to gain social points so she doesn't feel left out and also extracting resources from the stupid man.

While the poor husband is head over heels and mistakenly believes he's found a partner with whom he can build a relationship based on mutual understanding and Love, his wife is not sexually attracted to him in the slightest. Every 2 months when the man's been a good boy, he gets his dead starfish sex while she fantasises about her past sexploits with taller, more masculine and above all better looking men. They degraded her, treated her as nothing more than a meathole and she loved every second of it.

Children are conceived. A couple years later she files a divorce because "they grew apart" which really just means the foid has become bored of the bluepilled wimp, telling herself "I can do better than this". Loyalty is a totally foreign concept to woman. For a man with principles, being able to keep his word is akin to his lifeforce. Being scrupulous, consistent and reasonable is what makes a man feel actually human. Women lack all will towards this higher from of being and will strictly adopt whatever that won't ostracize them from society or their social environment. Another thing to note, women are not capable of experiencing cognitive dissonance because they only pay attention to how something feels for them in the present moment and that feeling justifies whether something is right or wrong. Whether it's immoral, deceptive or downright evil plays no part. Usually this is done through thorough applying self-deception and doublethink.

When she's gotten bored of the wimp, the woman turns into an incredibly demanding histrionic dramawhore. She's trying to rationalize everything into being the man's fault upon an impending divorce from her part.

The children then experience a breakdown of the family which brings with itself only detrimental consequences for their future in respect to their mental well-being, education and lifechoices. The profound effects of divorce is well documented in multiple academic studies with single-motherhood making things much much worse because single mothers are horrible and stupid parents.
Women are first of all innately morally deficient and alogical creatures who go loose like rabid bonobo's when not firmly curbed and put on their place by men.

They will degenerate everything that is intelligent and virtuous on their path of heedless destruction because they have no fucking idea what the fuck they're doing. They can not think matters through, they just can't. Woman's entire persona consists solely of the surface it reflects. You can not find anything beneath it, it's void. Her entire persona is an absorption from external influences she molds into what then consists as her core identity stemming from an extreme suggestibility. While women are mere empty individuals who can only act in accordance with the community, man is a higher form of life expressed as a differentiated individuality often referred to as the soul characterized by a strong will for greater truth and a deep connection with all that is. With the universe. It's for this reason that there has never been a single decent female philosopher nor will one ever emerge.

It also gives birth to originality and creativity which is characteristic to man. Woman can only reproduce it. Even among the poor and oppressed negro's of the USA, the blues, jazz, hip hop, rap all sprung out of young black men to draw an illustration. Let's not begin about science, classical music and ancient art. They speak for themselves. Women's achievements (always coming from the most masculine ones) bear no comparison.

Many men today are misled from what has been common knowledge since the dawn of humanity over all human societies ever surfaced. Emancipation of women isn't something enlightened or advanced from earlier patriarchal societies. It's pure stupidity and a product of capitalist policies in need for a larger wageslave force.

From a young age men are indoctrinated into a false idea of women. We are to believe women are capable of having agency, that they too are rational beings with whom we can have deep fulfilling conversations on worldly matters, that they are capable of unconditional love on the basis of who you are as a person instead of what you are, that they can breathe inspiration into your mind from insight on who you are, that women are all so different that there are certainly enough who fit these aforementioned criteria (not a single does). That a relationship where both parties stand on equal ground is possible. All these delusions are further exacerbated by media consumption with japanese animations in particular were the women are often a projection of the male producers their ideals.
A woman's natural inclination is submission and passivity.

She wants to be led, molded and derive her sense of identity of a man she considers to be in a dominant position. When a woman says she likes confidence, she means a man who's narcissism surpasses that of her for example. A woman can't respect a man who does not assert himself as the chief in a relationship. All of this comes easier when the male is taller because greater stature is directly imposing, hence their avid preference for this trait. This puts neatly in picture how primitive women actually are. These are her primal instincts she's incapable of sacrificing for the greater good of a society. If you let them go their own way, they will instinctively over the course of time aim primarily for apex men which will heavily skew the ratio of men and women with offspring. You see a similar instance with wild beasts such as gorilla's and even chimpanzees. In fact, this push can already be observed in "progressive" societies such as Norway where the gap between biological fathers and biological mothers has been steadily widening since female emancipation. Such a social order could never promote a civilised society as it would induce a perpetual competition between men barring them from cooperation.

A woman can not free herself from these impulses, only law and order pressed by men can guide an inherent amoral creature such as woman towards intelligent and virtuous behavior.

I thus propose extraordinary strict and harsh countermeasures for the revival of a full on Patriarchy. Beginning with a law that punishes any woman that engages in fornication through capital punishment. The capital punishment is preceded by stripping the prosecuted woman of her clothes on a public square where she is submitted to hundreds of flagellations. Once her body is covered in blood, salt is added for more pain. This form is public humiliation and inflicting of pain needs to act as a necessary deterrent for any woman who's daring to think of fornicating.

When this procedure has been completed, the woman is put out of her misery with public stoning. This helps with fostering a wider disgust and hatred towards criminals such as fornicators, so young children should be encouraged in participating to the stoning.

I'd like to emphasize once again that I'm advocating for lawful procedures enforced by the State.

We'd also need laws that would ban all women from education, holding public offices, choosing their own partners, participating in politics etc..

They should be banned from pretty much any institution where they can exercise their mindless opinions or choices that could bear an influence the societal structure. Be beautiful, take care of the family and shut up.

Holyheavens, r/MaleForeverAlone 7 Comments [6/10/2018 3:28:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep
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