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Quote# 139489

eating a pussy = cuck

but once is probably allowed just to know

but still

eating a pussy = cuck

The thought of eating pussy puts me off tbhtbh

Eh, I guess it's just something I really like. I drool when I see girls, so maybe I have an oral fixation.

Also I'm not grossed out by the human body; I revel in how disgusting it can be. I could fuck a girl's asshole while she's shitting, decapitate her head and fuck her eye-socket, or watch her turn blue as I strangle her with her own stinking intestines - what the fuck do I care?

Also... how can I say this - I like playing with women. I want to manipulate her psychologically and physiologically. I love the idea of bringing girls to mind-frying orgasms, but a close second is my desire to torture them til they go insane. Causing effect in girls is very satisfying to me; probably because I feel so powerless in my life!


The End, incels.me 6 Comments [8/4/2018 4:19:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139488

Eating pussy is for betas. In fact I remember seeing many Craigslist posts of desperate betas offering "pussy eating service" it's literally just another form of alpha fux beta bux. Chad doesn't eat pussy, she sucks his dick and creampies it.

NotQuiteChadLite, incels.me 6 Comments [8/4/2018 4:19:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139487

eating a pussy = cuck

but once is probably allowed just to know

but still

eating a pussy = cuck

uninstall, incels.me 5 Comments [8/4/2018 4:18:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139481

Fake femcel is ALMOST redundant. I will admit that some older women, and black women can be too ugly, too masculine for any man to want to commit to. They can still get sex, but not LTRs.

What does every man want? Sex.

What’s the expected outcome out of a relationship? Sex on a consistent basis.

You know how pathetic men are and what kind of shit they are willing do to have the slightest chance with a woman. So why wouldn’t a man want a LTR with any woman?

Case closed.

Hopecel, r/Braincels 0 Comments [8/4/2018 1:44:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 139472

Women trying to be political is like fish trying to swim in a thick jelly-like substance. Why is this?

Women can not say true to their political beliefs, and are automatically biased, even more so than most men could ever be. Let's take democracy, government by the people and for the people, where the popular candidate wins. Women may initially look at this concept, and say "sure, this is good". But their tone will quickly chance when the people elect a 4/10, instead of the competing 7/10 candidate.

Women can not be of any political orientation, belief or ideology, because they will always trade their own values for Chad cock. Nationalist women are quick to give up their self-proclaimed "respect for the father/motherland", if this means selection by high SMV men. Overtly globalist, feminist and "liberal" women, the so-called "SJWs" will stop complaining about "oppression", "discrimination" and all perceived unjusts, if they would be chosen by a 6'5 with 9/10 face and a body of a Greek God.

TL;DR Women will always betray their politics when Chad comes into the picture.

fellofix, incels.me 4 Comments [8/3/2018 12:39:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139470

I wish teternal suffering upon females, they are the reason of my misery amd i wanna watch them burn in a sea of flames.

Anger, incels.me 7 Comments [8/3/2018 12:38:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139455

(Comments on Dystopian Trans Future (feel free to contribute)

We are going to get transracialism too, now, like it or not. Put it on the record that I called it and wait two years--nice, polite liberals will start listing "cisracial" as one of their privileges by 2020. Soon after that it will be a free-for-all and either identitarianism will collapse under the weight of its own bullshit and the left will start to rebuild, or some far worse form of backlash will render it all irrelevant.

I can't wait until people start wriggling out of accusations of cultural appropriation by saying they are transracial, and SJWs have to just sweat it out.

Women's sports will elbow out women. Identifying female biology as female will be forbidden. Public discourse will avoid the term "woman" (except when it applies to trans women), embracing instead a list of ungainly alternatives: nonmen, menstruators, bleeders, uterus-havers, and so on. No one will know whether female infanticide is happening anywhere, since birth statistics and census data will no longer indicate biological sex.

All medical research recognising sex differences is labeled as transphobic and unfunded. As a result female specific medical conditions will be left under detected and getting efficient treatment will be even harder than it's now. Also all future drugs will be less effective and even potentially dangerous for women.

Assertive, powerful, or otherwise badass women in fictional works, historical accounts, gaming, etc. will be retroactively deemed to have unknowingly been transmen all along, depriving an entire generation of girls of strong female role models.

They already have been at revistiionist history for a while. Did you know Joan of Arc was a trans man. Trans historians have gone back through Women's History and trans-manned anyone who dressed in men's clothing. Not taking into account, that it was the only way women could find work. And Queer Historians have queerified LG Liberation Movement and History. Thus erasing the contribution to Liberation Movement. Especially frustrating since straight ppl are calling themselves Queer.

nd tomboy/butch girls will be forced to take hormones at 7 to become men. Because if you wear pants and play sports you’re a boy.

Men win. There's already engineers at Google who upon transition got promotions, and "diversity posts." The first senior engineer evah. Oh, they were very much into a prostitution type Twitter thing as well.

Of course, they'll take jobs away from women for the reasons you state. Women will play the Marthas and the wives enabling this.

Politically, less likely. I'm honestly not voting for someone who insists on being a woman when he's actually a man.

A small subset of "straight" men have a fetish for passable TiMs with "fully functional" equipment. For neovags, not so much. The Madame Butterfly thins is a myth. In Transdystopia, TiMs will have each other, maybe one with a penis, one with the neovag.

Surrogacy will go offshore as it has been. Really, that's among the most ridiculous exploitation there is.

In transdystopia, TiFs get into San Quentin, raped, then miscarry.

In transdystopia, older women are unwomen, unless they're Caitlyn Jenner.

Under his eye.

Various TERFs, r/GenderCritical 4 Comments [8/3/2018 2:20:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139449

You can be an ally. You cannot be a feminist, that means having a voice in the fight for female liberation from male oppression. It makes no sense to give voice to men (the oppressors) in feminism (liberation from men)

Just like straight people can only be allies to the LGB. I'm bisexual, therefore those are my rights to fight for. You can be an ally. I'm white passing, but not white, so I do have a voice in ending institutional racism, but I need to always be mindful of my white passing privilege and I will never take up resources for PoC.

BlindNationality, r/Ask_Radical_Feminists 11 Comments [8/2/2018 3:15:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139448

They can be feminist allies but never a feminist. There are plenty of reasons, too many to list. Here are a few main reasons,

They never experienced what women experienced. They are biologically different. They often think about their own gains, but selfishness is a tool of survival of the fittest and natural selection, all humans are selfish. That is a major reason they cannot be a feminist.

Trust issues are the number 1 obstacle from accepting males as feminists, it's difficult to accept a male as an ally, even harder to accept a male as a feminist.The word feminism comes from feminine and ism. It's female centric. There are no rules and laws to govern what a male feminist can or cannot do. We need a sovereign state / land for that.

Feminism is a lifestyle, you cannot turn it on or off easily. Males don't have the equipment and social atmosphere to engage in feminist conversations. Women are generally uncomfortable with men when we disagree with them, they might get angry or upset and that makes honest conversations difficult.

Most male feminists expect women to pay half in financial expenses, but women are at disadvantage, males should pay more than half. Male feminists are within a female-centric group, they must agree with female ideas to keep the male feminist label.

valerieisfun, r/Ask_Radical_Feminists 5 Comments [8/2/2018 3:15:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139447

Trans is not about men believing that they are women.

It is about men violating our boundaries, putting us in our lower place by reminding us that they hold our right to privacy, that they can revoke that right at anytime. That's why majority male governments are allowing men to violate our spaces. Men like to violate us.

In ten years, there won't be all of this upheaval from men LARPing as women. But the damage will have already been done. Men will have taken over everything that we gained for ourselves. I predict that men will take over our scholarships, teams, positions and they won't even attempt to look "feminine". It's being normalized. Men won't stop on their own and we won't stop them.

XXisBornFemale, r/GenderCritical 1 Comments [8/2/2018 3:14:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139446

I really don't know anymore. Yes, fads pass but this one is too much of a victory for patriarchy - access to women's spaces and resources, destruction of women's safety, ability to determine what is woman, reinforcement of gender roles (which had been in decline), feminism is dead cause now the most oppressed women are men, etc etc....

But, if it passes, my question is what does that mean to gender identity laws, that are quickly being adapted around the world? Will governments undo their politics of allowing men in women's spaces? Will they undo the laws that determine that self-determined gender identity overrules biological sex? I don't see that happening, like I said, it's too good for patriarchy to let go of.

soberwitch, r/GenderCritical 1 Comments [8/2/2018 3:14:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139445

This happens more often than you guys think.

Spend any amount of time in the adult industry, and you'll see how fucked females truly are.

There is a reason there are 500 female pornstars to 1 male. In fact, tons of female pornstars complain about it, basically, 20 dudes get ALL the pussy in the porn industry.

Women are whores at the core.

vapednationed, r/MGTOW 6 Comments [8/2/2018 3:14:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139443

Honor really is a male abstraction, but not all men are honorable. The only difference is that women really have no need for honor and feminists work hard to ensure that remains the status quo.

A man without honor has to really walk a minefield to not have it all explode around him. Lies built on lies, schemes that could collapse any moment, dealing with loose ends, bullshitting answers at work constantly, etc. Hey, it's a skill learned like any other but there are MANY incentives for a man to walk life with honor rather than without (avoiding jail is a good one).

Women, on the other hand, have the pussy pass. This golden ticket allows them to do, essentially, whatever they want and the media/government just goes along with the ever-changing feminist narrative. It could range from crying her way out of a ticket to fat/slut shaming, paternity fraud for beta bux to false rape accusations, to the #MeToo phenomenon to cover up her dick-sucking interview skills. Such a pass kinda made sense when women had far fewer legal rights, but that time has long passed. Women are adults and children at the same time, whichever one benefits them at that moment.

rebuildingMyself, r/MGTOW 3 Comments [8/2/2018 3:09:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139439

"Incels aren't entitled to sex". What do you think to this slogan being used a lot by the media? Yet the government is giving out free condoms to 16yo high schooler's and college kids. How many boys vs. girls are using those condoms. You know the answer: 20/80 rule.

I think I am entitled to sex. I don't have any serious ugliness or disability, I attended college once, I am not fat, but still not being seen worthy of sex makes me angry. People my age are already married some even have teenage children. I am totally clueless about the selection criteria of women nowadays. They have sex or marry with some guys that I would not expect even had a single relationship. However, they obviously had. Everything in the current society seems to be fucked up. A man with a job and who takes care of personal hygiene and clothes , and isn't fat or disabled used to marry and fuck a passable woman automatically in the old days.

- Now a Norwood 5 is a disability.
- Now a man working in a factory 9-5 and paying his bills and owning his own house and being more intelligent than normies is "disabled" because he hasn't been to university.
(a low status job is a disability in the eyes of women, basically)
- Now being below 5'10 as a white male is a disability
- Now not having facebook or a social network is a disability.

Bangkok or bust, incels.me 12 Comments [8/2/2018 3:09:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139434

Dystopian Trans Future (feel free to contribute)

What will happen in the future, once "transwomen" are fully recognized as women?

-They will take scholarships and programs spaces away from women, because of course their struggle to identify with femininity is more oppressive than anything a woman experienced

-They will take political office spaces away from women

-They will take jobs away from women. Why hire a biological woman, who might get pregnant and reduce efficiency, when you can hire a "woman", fill in that diversity quota, and get more efficient labor?

-Men will finally be convinced that "neovaginas are better than real vaginas." Due to all the plastic surgery to make "transwomen" look like porn stars (huge boobs, facial reconstruction, injections, perfect levels of estrogen), men will find "transwomen" more attractive as well, because they fit the stereotype of what a woman is supposed to look like. They have the added bonus of understanding what it was like to be a man too, so men will choose to have relationships with them instead of real women.

-Real women, out of jobs and out of relationships, will now be left to do one thing - being paid to reproduce. Men in relationship with transwomen will come to women and pay them to be surrogates (whether "artificial" or "natural" - basically, a prostitute that you impregnate)

Once again, men will find themselves in power, and finally find a way to push women back to what they think is their biological purpose - to reduce and to serve men.

What do you think will happen in a dystopian trans future?

cherieblosum, r/GenderCritical 5 Comments [8/2/2018 12:58:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 139430

Is there anything more hilarious than a miscarriage?

99% of miscarriage are from used up, white roasties who waited until their mid 30s to have a kid. They're cucking their husband (hopefully) with chad and when they do get pregnant, the baby won't form correctly in their STD ridden, filled with countless BBC, hotdog in hallway wombs.

You can't grow a baby in a garbage dumpster so naturally a few months out from the pregnant she learns the kid doesn't even have a head or some fucked up shit.

If you're a white woman, your miscarriage is a fucking hilarious. The whole world is laughing at you and your trash baby that pulled his own plug so he didn't have to be your kid.

mylifeistrash, incels.me 11 Comments [8/2/2018 10:54:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139424

I would like to debate moralfags.

Seriously, the lawcucklodry is getting out of hand.
Give me specific, logical reasons as to why:

1) grown men being sexual with teenage women is a bad thing
2) redistribution of the vagina (as a form of capital) is a bad thing
3) revenge and retaliation against normans is a bad thing
4) the rape of promiscuous women is a bad thing
5) the practice of white shariah law is a bad thing

PhenomSkillz, incels.me 10 Comments [8/2/2018 8:08:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139420

Why does the female species keep bitching and bitching for more?

First they had it good under patriarchy. Then they demanded sexual freedom, abortion rights, birth control, etc. Now they want to legally take action against sub8 men who approach them and disguise the whole EVIL act as “protection from harassment.”

These foids will keep bitchin’. They want this; they want that. It’s fucking insane how entitled they are. They even want to be able to date chad as landwhales and not be “body shamed.“ They cry about “muh we still need feminism” when they can easily sell their SHIT online, take feet pics in return for money, or just make an internet post for validation and help.

Seriously, fuck women man. They are nothing but a wicked and depraved species.

PhenomSkillz, incels.me 9 Comments [8/2/2018 6:26:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139410

Both the Guardian and Telegraph have been running a series on social media and the mental health of the young recently.

Both manage to (wilfully) miss the elephants in the room : 1) a pornsick generation of boys and young men demanding that they get to enact their sexual violence on women and girls plus the consequences of that for girl's and women's health and well being, and 2) the way that the transgenderists have created a cult that sucks in the most vunerable of these young women and then further abuses them by pulling them away from reality, denying them appropriate help and with the promise of glorious redemption by transing to their "true selves".

endthewoo, r/GenderCritical 4 Comments [8/1/2018 2:42:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139409

If women were in charge I could walk down the street at night, because males would behave themselves. But no, I can't. Males have stolen the night from us. If women were in charge I would not have to deal with male fuckery day in day out.

I would not have to worry about sexual coercion during sex. I would not have to worry about being harmed or killed if I reject male sexual advances. And technological progress would have happened if women would have been in charge too.

Misanthropia, Feminist Current 3 Comments [8/1/2018 2:41:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139396

Women today who are quick to argue the issue of wifely obedience are brats, rebels and ought not be married lest they destroy some poor man's life. Police aren't there to serve and protect any more. That was 40-years ago. Cops today are hired to enforce the law, right or wrong. They're there to enforce the rights of everyone, including same-sex perverts, abortionists, pornographers, gambling casinos, boozers and other reprobates. They'll sell their soul for a paycheck. Many seek to be cops to abuse others. Cops are frightening these days because they often have no sense of decency, honor nor respect.

Every conversation about wifely submission always condescends into a hypothetical argument about abusive husbands. The truth is that the same feminist rebels who always bring up some elusive coat-hanger incident to justify legalized abortion, are the same women who always use abusive husbands as an excuse for wives to disobey their husband. No wife who doesn't believe in strict obedience to her husband can be a Proverbs 31 wife. It is sad that millions of people are being directed by K-LOVE and other apostate religious groups to Proverbs 31 Ministry that doesn't even teach women to OBEY their husbands. They are part of the feminist movement destroying America. People don't want an authoritative Bible anymore, so they throw away the precious King James Bible and use a homosexual New International Version instead.

David J. Stewart, God Loves People 7 Comments [8/1/2018 12:31:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139394

It´s now ILLEGAL to not be a CUCK in Europe

(In France, your wife can cheat on you and get knocked up by another man and there's nothing you can do about it. If you try to do anything about it you will be fined and sent to prison. Germany plans to institute the same law soon. Being a cuck is now law.

Fucking kek the West can't burn down soon enough. Literally more degenerate before the fall.)

Getlooksordie and Anonymous, incels.me 6 Comments [8/1/2018 10:13:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep
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