Quote# 139455
(Comments on Dystopian Trans Future (feel free to contribute)
We are going to get transracialism too, now, like it or not. Put it on the record that I called it and wait two years--nice, polite liberals will start listing "cisracial" as one of their privileges by 2020. Soon after that it will be a free-for-all and either identitarianism will collapse under the weight of its own bullshit and the left will start to rebuild, or some far worse form of backlash will render it all irrelevant.
I can't wait until people start wriggling out of accusations of cultural appropriation by saying they are transracial, and SJWs have to just sweat it out.
Women's sports will elbow out women. Identifying female biology as female will be forbidden. Public discourse will avoid the term "woman" (
except when it applies to trans women), embracing instead a list of ungainly alternatives: nonmen, menstruators, bleeders, uterus-havers, and so on. No one will know whether female infanticide is happening anywhere, since birth statistics and census data will no longer indicate biological sex.
All medical research recognising sex differences is labeled as transphobic and unfunded. As a result female specific medical conditions will be left under detected and getting efficient treatment will be even harder than it's now. Also all future drugs will be less effective and even potentially dangerous for women.
Assertive, powerful, or otherwise badass women in fictional works, historical accounts, gaming, etc. will be retroactively deemed to have unknowingly been transmen all along, depriving an entire generation of girls of strong female role models.
They already have been at revistiionist history for a while. Did you know Joan of Arc was a trans man. Trans historians have gone back through Women's History and trans-manned anyone who dressed in men's clothing. Not taking into account, that it was the only way women could find work. And Queer Historians have queerified LG Liberation Movement and History. Thus erasing the contribution to Liberation Movement. Especially frustrating since straight ppl are calling themselves Queer.
nd tomboy/butch girls will be forced to take hormones at 7 to become men. Because if you wear pants and play sports you’re a boy.
Men win. There's already engineers at Google who upon transition got promotions, and "diversity posts." The first senior engineer evah. Oh, they were very much into a prostitution type Twitter thing as well.
Of course, they'll take jobs away from women for the reasons you state. Women will play the Marthas and the wives enabling this.
Politically, less likely. I'm honestly not voting for someone who insists on being a woman when he's actually a man.
A small subset of "straight" men have a fetish for passable TiMs with "fully functional" equipment. For neovags, not so much. The Madame Butterfly thins is a myth. In Transdystopia, TiMs will have each other, maybe one with a penis, one with the neovag.
Surrogacy will go offshore as it has been. Really, that's among the most ridiculous exploitation there is.
In transdystopia, TiFs get into San Quentin, raped, then miscarry.
In transdystopia, older women are unwomen, unless they're Caitlyn Jenner.
Under his eye.
Various TERFs,
r/GenderCritical 4 Comments [8/3/2018 2:20:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep