Quote# 142006
Re: PSA: Trannies are organizing on Discord to recruit vulnerable youngcels into their weird feminization cult. Please upvote this so people are made aware
i don't like transphobia, almost all of them ended up like that because they were too ugly to get a gf just like everyone else on here, and no one in their friends circle (if they even had one) or family intervened to help them, they are victims. this is why almost all transexuals are male-to-female and not the other way around. that's just what happens when you're male and society rejects you for no reason. you end up developing weird interests and killing yourself at age 30.
don't bully them please. they are suffering
a lot of people that get sucked into this shit tend to be retards. it's pretty obvious trannies are trying to get as many young males into becoming trannies themselves because it reinforces their fucked up view of themselves and further emboldens their equally fucked up abomination of existence. trying to make yourself into a trap isn't going to change your genetics and that "man gut" is coming one day
I love how they use hyper feminine cartoon characters to depict themselves. No, you look like a bunch of trannies, some of you balding ffs. I mean if you could actually become an real woman I’d even consider it as an alternative to roping, if only to mess with simps and orbiters
Feminization is a massive fetish in anime adjacent communities and this is all the trans-cult is, a group of people with a predatory fetish that somehow managed to to gaslight mainstream culture in to shielding it. Imagine if any other weird fetish, like those people who swim in septic tanks for example, managed to get the support of mainstream media and big corporations?
This is what you need to keep in mind when you talk to trans people, especially MtF who have any interest or past with anime. You are talking to a victim who will most likely seek to reenact their trauma on another.
I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone ever since I discovered the incel community, just seeing all the incel theories, even the craziest, proven true one by one. First, we had the crazy incel theories about how lesbianism is largely a charade and lesbians would turn straight for chad. We got absolutely slaughtered on Reddit for this theory. Then an inceltears defector posted a crazy study showing that lesbians were twice as likely to get pregnant than straight women, thus proving incels right and BTFO ever single Redditor. Next we had incels talking about how transvestism is just caused by gynocentricity and men just wanting to enjoy female privilege. Incels got rubbished again on Reddit because we dared to suggest women were privilege. Now it appears we have been proven right again. I am not kidding, I think incels May be the smartest people alive on earth today.
What worries me is that incels have a couple of apocalyptic theories of how the world would turn out, and judging from their flawless track record, these would probably come true. Let us never forget that incels predicted metoo months before it happened. For those who remember r/incels, there was a series of threads where incels predicted women would go en masse on social media to accuse normies who touches them in the past for raping them because all forms of contact by an ugly Male is rape. Inceltears went on a ramalage calling incels paranoid and that “normal people don’t accuse people of rape just because they ugly you just have a toxic mindset reeeee”. A few months later, the metoo phenomenon was born.
The frustration builds and the sadness creeps but unless you have been feeling like this since childhood you are just being lied to
By your own doing
Few of them are able to become the women they desire because unless you do hormones since before puberty you can’t be a believable woman that can wear anything in the stores most women want to shop in
At best you are imitation crab meat when what you really need to be is the real deal and you can’t
They will never look like the girl they desire to be
Disgusting. Trannies are fucked in the head. I can’t believe society is trying so hard to grovel at their feet and at the same time force acceptance of them into everyone else. And it’s all in the name of...what? Being “progressive?” Fuck that noise. This isn’t progressive. It’s regressive.
It’s only going to get worse from here.
I don't know who is the ultimate mindmaster behind this but this is another way to fuck with real men. I just found out a while ago that transgenders were dating straight men (some of whom were """transphobic"""") who obvs didnt know that they were dating a mutilated man. This is what we have to look forward to if we even have a remote chance of ascending, not only are we competing for the ugliest, lowest actual female scraps any vaguely attractive foid we might find has a high chance of being male. It's over. It's fucking over
thanks for the heads up tho, most high iq posters here won't fall for that shit. It's probably the faggots at cucktears who are more likely to be trans
they honestly are delusional if they think they look like those anime girls in real life. most of these "traps" cover up their faces and filter-up when they take photos because deep down they know they still look like an ugly dude in drags
99% of all traps are UGLY!
Not that Trans are my cup of tea. But one thing I find funny is that MtF trans can get money for webcamming, dominate sports, even fucking win beauty pageants. Proving that being a woman is easy mode. As for FtM, they learn how fucking hard it is to be a man, the are even generally manlets, dickcels (obvious), and framecels.
If I could actually become an actual real woman with two X chromosomes and a vagina and a womb then I would. I would switch to easy mode midway through the game because the game sucks and is stacked against me.
But it is not possible. I have no desire to mutilate my genitals, have a fake "vagina" that is a constantly bleeding pus-filled wound that is forever trying to close, a masculine skeleton and facial structure, deep voice, Adam's apple, big feet, etc. The research shows that post-op transexuals are not any happier, and the rate of suicide goes up.
I think it's really sad how many are being misled by our feminized society into ceasing being men, but not really becoming women either, just becoming these sad depressed mutilated people who are in-between genders and have even less chance of finding love because neither gay men nor straight women want them, with a few exceptions.
No offence...
I like trannies. Honestly, I think trannies are hotter than cisgender females. I just wish they were proincel rather than antiincel. In the tranny lover community we have a saying that, every single female in the future will have a dick. This is because when there will be technology to be able to produce a babe from two sperm and outside the uterus, no one will want a dick-less girl.
some incels,
r/Braincels 4 Comments [1/17/2019 2:24:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 3