Quote# 51207
And your proof is? How about putting your money where your mouth is?
Find me proof that there were gas chambers at the camps.
Find me proof that there was a systemic plan to kill all the Jews.
Find me proof that 6 million died in the camps.
Find me proof that they had the means to cremate 6 million bodies.
Find me proof that the corpses put in pits were Jews and not Germans.
Find me proof that the museum presents all evidence as it stood during the war.
Find me proof on which they base that number on of 6 million.
Find me proof that all the stories told at the trials were in fact the truth.
Find me proof that the Germans lied in their accounts of the final days of the war.
Find me proof that Jews were total victims of the fascists and not sold out by their own leaders.
Find me proof that the Russians did not fabricate evidence to convict Germans of war crimes.
Find me proof that the showers could have possibly served as gas chambers.
Find me proof that they had no showers, just delousing chambers and gas chambers.
Find me proof that they have not been shouting 6 million at the first WW.
Find me proof that there was ever any Zyklon used in the "showers turned gas chambers".
Find me proof that since the only camp to have a gas chamber was on the Soviet occupied
side they did not alter the showers.
Find me proof that the Russians were not trying to shift the blame to the Germans for crimes they had committed during the war and after.
Find me proof that Gemar Rudolf, Ernst Zundel and other researchers are wrong in their scientific analysis of the evidence gathered from the walls of the "chambers".
Find me one scientist who would debunk what these researchers have presented.
Find one reason why this issue is sacrosanct.
Find me one reason why the " graves" were covered over in boulders as "artwork" when historians suggested digging at some sites to verify the claims of thousands of bodies put in pits.
Find me proof that there were less Jews in Europe after the war than before.
Find me proof that they sent the Jews to camps to exterminate them across hundreds of miles when on site executions would have been more efficient.
Find me proof that they did this secretly when they summarily executed many others openly and without the slightest hesitation.
Find me proof that they tried to cover this when they blew up their munitions storage but not the "gas chambers" or their records?
Find me proof from the archives kept by the Soviets for decades before turning them over in 1984 that any genocide was policy.
Find me proof that the Jews who were nothing more than slave labor and even had a brothel and pool in their camps were sent there to be killed.
Find me proof of the genocide orders when the German Command complained to camp directors of the high numbers of deaths from disease among the inmates and demanded they take better care of them.
Find me proof that they above all others were systemically killed.
Find me proof that they were not impeded by their own Zionist leaders to leave Europe.
Find me proof that the "confessions" made by Nazis awaiting the gallows were not extracted by torture.
Find me proof that Jewish witnesses found to have committed perjury were punished for their sending innocent people to the gallows.
Find me proof that Jews who were placed in positions of power after the war did not commit atrocities themselves in the treatment of former Nazis and German civilians.
Find me proof that man's inhumanity to man did not involve the destruction of a nation to create another one.
Find me proof that the Jewish organizations did not interfere with historians and scientists in their quest to verify or debunk claims made from both sides.
Find me proof that man's inhumanity to man does not also involve bearing false witness and executing people for crimes they did not commit.
Find me proof that this inhumanity did not extend to Germany long after the war and now stands on the brink of becoming a global one.
Find me proof that the holocaust story is not just a club to beat nations out of money and subject them to the servitude the Zionist leaders demanded of their gentile hosts.
Find me proof that the holocaust story was not hatched by the Jewish leaders to force the world to give them Palestine.
Find me proof that the Zionists did not refuse the offers made to relocate them.
Find me proof in the form of a directorate, document stating the German policy of the genocide of Jews.
Find me proof that they did not die of starvation and typhus as did millions across Europe and the Balkins and that the majority went to "gas chambers".
The burden to defend this story rests on those making the claims.
The holocaust deniers have sufficiently proved their points and were promptly prosecuted and imprisoned for it.
When you can prove the claims and justify the executions for those claims, then you have done something.
Until then, the defense of these claims by the same methods the Jews employed to make them at the "Nuremberg circus"is BULLSHIT
(And, of course, the next poster promptly gives him the emoticon for a salute.)
WAR ON YOU forums 10 Comments [10/30/2008 7:00:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: ozznova