Quote# 90342
With a bisexual miscegenated egotist in the White House, and the heir presumptive as the GOP candidate, who believes (unofficially, of course) in polygamous marriage (to many women), these stats are a macrocosm of the Prez Debate tonight.
Yup. I’m voting Anglo-Saxon.
Let the AIDS degenerates, who started the whole thing, by fornicating (But not adulterating- they’re ontological equals in Africa) with monkeys in Africa, bring home to roost their bestial behaviour, by these stats.
Separate, but equal? Not after the Obamanation, that’s for sure. Unequal ALL THE WAY, Baby.
Fr. John+ ,
Occidental Dissent 19 Comments [10/27/2012 3:05:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog