Quote# 92676
Just as the Black is a fierce warrior, having originated in the savage land of Africa, the Yellow is a diligent worker having originated in the highly organized agrarian East Asia, and the White is a contemplative creator, having originated in a frozen land which required innovation for survival, the Jew is a bloodsucking parasite. We don’t really understand his origins, but as long as history has been aware of him, he has attached himself to the societies of others and exploited his hosts for the profit of his tribe.
The Jew is not the only race which has developed as a parasite. The gypsy, probably a genetic cousin of the Jew, has also functioned in this manner, and in Southeast Asia, there is a race of “sea gypsies” called the Badjao, which allegedly used to fish for a living, and now do nothing but beg on the streets. However, begging and scamming are not the methods of the Jew, who is much more deviously intelligent than the gypsy. The Jew, in order to exploit the people it lives amongst, aspires to infiltrate and subvert the entire society, involving itself in all aspects of the social order, from high finance, to business, to culture creation. In this way he not only drinks the blood of his host population, but shapes the entire society to meet his own standards of what is comfortable.
It is important to note the reasons why I believe the Jewish Question needs to be viewed in biological, genetic terms. I do not believe that the Jew consciously understands why he does what he does. Most Jews probably don’t even consciously understand what they are doing, but the intellectual Jews, which do understand that they are purposeful in their subversion and exploitation of gentile societies, almost certainly do not consciously understand why. The UCLB professor, Kevin MacDonald, has explained exploitative Jewish behavior in terms of an evolutionary strategy, and thus an internal biological drive; because they are not adapted to work or to create, they instinctively exploit a host population, and because they play this role of exploiter, they must continually subvert and weaken the society so as to prevent blow-back. Given this, I do not view moralizing arguments as particularly relevant or helpful. The Jew is only as “evil” as any other predatory animal.
That isn’t to say that metaphorically speaking of the Jew as “satanic,” is necessarily counterproductive, but we should keep in mind that snakes and predatory animals, as well as disease, have often been couched in the metaphor of otherworldly evil.
Andrew Anglin,
Total Fascism 24 Comments [2/15/2013 4:00:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch