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Quote# 92807

[RE: a professor who made her students sign a pro-Obama pledge.]

Interestingly enough, (coming from an engineering background) my first impression was that she’d be some starry eyed blond race traitor. After all, it’s rare enough for females to go into math, and even moreso groids, so what are the chances? Oh, that’s right, apefirmative action! “We need a math professor, you want to do that? We’ll fill in all the paperwork, no worries.” What a disgrace.

Mr Evilwrench, Moonbattery 11 Comments [2/22/2013 4:59:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 92806

[RE: a professor who made her students sign a pro-Obama pledge.]

Is it racist to say I knew that feral’s race the second I read about a pledge to support Hussein?

No offense but have you seen a black being subtle before?

Jay B., Moonbattery 11 Comments [2/22/2013 4:56:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 92777

We must defeat genocide. Starting with ourselves. Here is something - with a couple of additions -I posted from another tread of mine that makes a good introduction to this one.

We have spent decades and trillions of dollars helping other races to help themselves. We have been giving them the support they need to take care of themselves. But it never ends. Their hands are always out. The more we help them the more they hate us. Their hatred becomes more palpable by the day. It is imperative to change our course.

When we clean up a Black neighborhood and leave it to their care in no time it is a mess again. Detriot, Michigan is a jungle. So are the areas around large cities like Cincinnati, New Orleans, Dallas, etc. Open borders is white genocide. White nations are becoming jungles. Zimbabwe and South Africa have become hell holes - with our help. Or failure to stand behind white rule which is just another way of saying our failure to support civilization - regardless where it is in the world. It has reached the point where our dysfunctional goody two shoes behavior brought about by Jewish indoctrination is destroying us. We must battle for control over our own minds.

We have got to clean up our mental attitude, our misplaced pity, our impulse-giving, our dysfunctional ideas of good will toward men, our eagerness to prove we are not racists, or to make ourselves feel good.... It is contributing to our own genocide. It has become an addiction, a mental addiction. It will lead to our death. There is nothing Christian about it. Jewish indoctrination is not Christian. The Lord came that we might have life - not have genocide. We must make that our Master Plan.

Ginnar, Stormfront 17 Comments [2/21/2013 4:25:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 92351

Good strategy for the individual. But if white men care to do anything as a group to resurrect their good society, they must talk less and be more violent. Or at least the clear and indubitable intention to employ violence.

There is no “convincing” our women, or niggers, or jews, or mestizos that our will to power is virtuous or even valid. As men, Force is the greatest weapon we have, which is why it has been defined out of the lexicon of legitimate political action. We must use it.

John Salt, http://heartiste.wordpress.com 24 Comments [2/20/2013 9:51:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Thomas R. Kilburn

Quote# 92763

While I do agree that the Jews generally do seem to have compassion & empathy deleted from there genetics, You have to admit Andrew there are Blonde haired blue eyes Jews, Black Jews, Chinese Jews & of course the typical hook nosed Rat Faced semetic Jews. So to be honest how can they be all that Genetically simlar, I mean you wouldnt call a black man white cause he had a white ancestor 5 generations before would you? So obviously there must be a lot of Planning, theres things going on that are way to complex to not be well organised, whether It be world ecomomics or 9/11 etc etc, Also while I agree the average Jew is Evil & degenerate, there is clearly an elite that are even more evil, the whole ‘Satanism’ stuff is simply Judaism & they do sacrifice Animals & even People. Etheopian Jews for example practice animal sacfifice openly! In my opinion there is a spititual element to this aswell, Im not religious, but do believe in a spiritual component to the universe, there is clearly a dark force on this Earth right Now (call it satan or lucifer or whatever name is irrelavent) & the Jew is this forces Servant. & no I havnt got this from David Kike but my own life experience.

Aryan Jim UK, Total Fascism 22 Comments [2/20/2013 4:08:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 92745

I grew up in Milwaukee, and my pops used to call them "peckerwoods." Summers in Memphis, they where 'white folks."

A friend in NY call them "blank" people.

Living in Cairo, I have NO contact with white people, thugh some Egyptians identify as white so I sometimes have to use "european" (UR A PEON).

I use plain old white people or whites, but I am practicing with un-humans.

I have had delicious experience using it on tourists from Europe who try to bond in the "I hate America" too kind of way, arrogantly assuming because I'm black I automatically would.

I just point out that the un-human "vi-russs" (and I use the tone and inflection of the dude from the Matrix) has infected the entire earth and was germinated in Europe, an the earth and her children are preparing to re-balance themselves by eliminating the threat to our survival, and the cleansing will include the "source!!"

CreatorsCollege, Assata Shakur Forum 18 Comments [2/19/2013 4:13:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 92743

what in the world is a "white person"? that's got to b an oxymoron...like dry rain...or cold sun...or tiny huge...or bright dark...or quiet explosion...or live death...or...WE either need a different language or different definitions but those two words should never be placed that close to each other using one to refer to the other...it defies Hue-man comprehension...

Akyeame Kwame, Assata Shakur Forum 21 Comments [2/19/2013 4:07:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 92717

Is it also a false argument to say America has a leadership problem since we don’t have real, legitimate leaders? Remember, that fat colored female who praised obama for giving her a free sail fawn while laughing and saying “F-*@ Mitt Romney” that fat bitch probably was a poll watcher and vote counter too. They are the ones responsible for the obama regime’s re-election.

Vic Kelley, Moonbattery 20 Comments [2/16/2013 7:41:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 92711

The KKK were never really a hate group anyway.I've seen many whites being lynched by the Klan for committing a serious crime.Hell,i've even heard of stories where if a white guy was beating his wife,he could expect the Klan on his lawn in the early hours of the morning ready to beat the cr*p out of him.

They were really nothing more than a religious group who were the unofficial police force.I've also read that the police heavily relied upon the Klan to bring justice in society during the Klan's heyday.

Didn't blacks also go to the KKK to sort out their problems in their neighbourhood?

Thor9019, Stormfront 28 Comments [2/16/2013 8:28:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 92709

They [the Ku Klux Klan] never did hate anyone, they're just pro-white.

American NS, Stormfront 21 Comments [2/16/2013 8:28:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 92694

I can not wait until hispanics become the majority. Then let the hispanic men suffer the rath of things like affirmative action. There is only 1 majority.....and that is white men. The only ones that can't win by being the best at what they do......not as long as there is a hispanic or black or any other minority that wants a position.......they move to the front of the line. I can't wait for the day to whine and whine about how the hispanic men are discriminating against me......suing anyone who gives a job to a hispanic man over me.
Of course I'll be dead by the time it happens....but its been years and years of discrimination against the white man just because there are more of us.

Ray Haroon, The Daily Caller 15 Comments [2/15/2013 5:08:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 92689

anti-whites are already screaming racism because some people may be upset about the possibility of having a black pope.
You can't understand how much i hate these people, i have a fire inside me whenever i hear/read what this mad assholes say.
I want a German Dalai Lama next! or an Italian catholic as rabbi in Israel! let's see what those non-whites have to say about it, if they don't embrace these ideas it's because they are racist and need to be put in prison.

italian guy, Stuff Black People Don't Like 27 Comments [2/15/2013 4:27:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 92676

Just as the Black is a fierce warrior, having originated in the savage land of Africa, the Yellow is a diligent worker having originated in the highly organized agrarian East Asia, and the White is a contemplative creator, having originated in a frozen land which required innovation for survival, the Jew is a bloodsucking parasite. We don’t really understand his origins, but as long as history has been aware of him, he has attached himself to the societies of others and exploited his hosts for the profit of his tribe.

The Jew is not the only race which has developed as a parasite. The gypsy, probably a genetic cousin of the Jew, has also functioned in this manner, and in Southeast Asia, there is a race of “sea gypsies” called the Badjao, which allegedly used to fish for a living, and now do nothing but beg on the streets. However, begging and scamming are not the methods of the Jew, who is much more deviously intelligent than the gypsy. The Jew, in order to exploit the people it lives amongst, aspires to infiltrate and subvert the entire society, involving itself in all aspects of the social order, from high finance, to business, to culture creation. In this way he not only drinks the blood of his host population, but shapes the entire society to meet his own standards of what is comfortable.

It is important to note the reasons why I believe the Jewish Question needs to be viewed in biological, genetic terms. I do not believe that the Jew consciously understands why he does what he does. Most Jews probably don’t even consciously understand what they are doing, but the intellectual Jews, which do understand that they are purposeful in their subversion and exploitation of gentile societies, almost certainly do not consciously understand why. The UCLB professor, Kevin MacDonald, has explained exploitative Jewish behavior in terms of an evolutionary strategy, and thus an internal biological drive; because they are not adapted to work or to create, they instinctively exploit a host population, and because they play this role of exploiter, they must continually subvert and weaken the society so as to prevent blow-back. Given this, I do not view moralizing arguments as particularly relevant or helpful. The Jew is only as “evil” as any other predatory animal.

That isn’t to say that metaphorically speaking of the Jew as “satanic,” is necessarily counterproductive, but we should keep in mind that snakes and predatory animals, as well as disease, have often been couched in the metaphor of otherworldly evil.

Andrew Anglin, Total Fascism 24 Comments [2/15/2013 4:00:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 92672

[About the killing of Hadiya Pendleton in Chicago.]

Ex New Yorker.....Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Another news story about black children killing each other. Yawn. Just a big "wag the dog" media event. Of course what you don't see is the huge assortment of TV cameras and network camera crew trucks all packed in like sardines. The talking heads from the different channels all reading from their pre-written scripts and cue cards given to them by the government and studio heads in New York. All the trigger words like "guns and violence" but not once is the word BLACK ever used.

It seems to me like a dress rehearsal for another stage show. Same show, different actors. The grieving mother "My baby be daid" and all the knee jerk reactions about guns. At least this time no funeral members got shot. To many GUNS protecting the big shots. Same old same old. Remember, politics and wrestling is nothing but show business. Every body has their part to play. It is like the "good cop, bad cop" game played on a national level and the pod people go along with the program.

More funerals will be coming soon in Chicago with more mothers crying the blues. "My baby be daid. Boo hoo." This time with Swat Teams to protect the mourners. Nothing will change. More killing and death.

No one will ever talk about the real cause of all this carnage. A bunch of stupid fucking single welfare mothers breeding soulless children who's only thrill in life is KILLING EACH OTHER. When you be da killer you done gets respect. When you kill somebody you become a man.

I read the story last night on Yahoo and spent a long time reading the comments. I was amazed at how many people seem to be aware of all the bullshit. Maybe some people are starting to wake up.

Anonymous, Stuff Black People Don't Like 17 Comments [2/14/2013 2:44:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 92651

Ever heard of the Tower of Babel? It appears to me that God didn’t intend for races to be mingled and I think societies functioned fine for thousands of years with Africans in Afr, Asians in Asia… you get the picture.

I do not like seeing my people slaughtered by Africans at such an alarming rate. .Not to mention the horrific and untold countless rapes.

Rejecting multiculturalism is not necessarily about hate and trust me I do reject it. As a matter of fact 10s of millions that came before me in America rejected it as well and I think they were much better off for it. Not until the rats passed the 1965 Immigration Act did we get to experience this Nirvana here in America. ;) We know who the rats are don’t we?

So is the author of the punishment for the tower of babel full of hate?

techengineer11, The Blaze 24 Comments [2/13/2013 4:35:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 92638

I was born in Europe and when we came to America I clearly remember the first time I was touched by a Negro child. I must have been about four years old at the most and I went completely hysterical. My mother was forced to give me a bath because I was so sure that the brown would rub off on me that she couldn't convince me otherwise! True story!

I can honestly say that I don't like being touched by them even though I have worked with them and have rubbed shoulders with them socially where I've had to shake their hands. There are some who are intelligent and well-behaved but there is still something innate in me that is repulsed at the thought of touching them. The same goes for their babies. I can't think of anything uglier and the last thing I could imagine doing is cuddling one of them. I personally think it's natural to feel that way and anything else is the work of social conditioning.

BlancaNieves, Stormfront 23 Comments [2/12/2013 3:40:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 92620

"Why should one group of people assume that their best interests will be taken into account by, essentially, elitists who assume their intellect is superior compared to the masses? Why should women and blacks and gays and other groups be beholden to such governance?"

Okay, I've got an offer on that. We'll do a little experiment. We'll send women and blacks and gays and Latinos to some undeveloped wilderness part of the world (some steppe or mountainous stretch of Central Asia, for example), and if they manage to fight off the locals, husband the resources properly, form a just and functioning government, and then build a civilization that's so awesome and fantastically rich that everyone else in the world wants to move there, then if and when the white males show up as supplicant immigrants, they'll just have to agree to be governed by blacks and gays and women, who will have shown that they in fact know what's best.

Do we have a deal?

(I don't even want to know about the results of this awesome imaginary country, no matter how awesome it turns out. I just want blacks and gays and feminists and Latinos to leave America, and move someplace that they'll doubtless all like so much better wifout de ebil raciss whiteboys holding em down, mon.)

scoobius dubious, Vox Popoli 14 Comments [2/12/2013 4:05:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: OhJohnNo

Quote# 92584

The ethnic English are the only English race and nation. No one else can be off us. The English are white, but that is just part of our ethnicity, culture and identity. It does not mean any white person can be a real English person, even if they would like to be.

Any fool and foreigner can claim to be English, but the real English the ethnic English know it for a fact. Their families are all English, they know as far as they have knowledge of or have traced they are English family history. Those that have some Welsh, Scots or Irish in them still put their English ethnicity first as they know that so many folk of those places are actually of English decent. In some cases by over a thousand years of English living those areas or of the English families moving to those places on mass over the last few hundreds of years.

Anyone here who claims to be English, yet promotes and puts first being British, civic/semi-civic and claims every tom, dick and harry white foreigner (let alone alone any other coloured foreigners) can be English is either misguided or a traitor. They are what they 'claim' to be against. They are enemies of the English and England. As just as much a threat to us as the lab/lib/con, the EU, multiculturalism, islamification and 'immigration' /importation of votes.

Guthlac, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 32 Comments [2/10/2013 6:53:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 92580

I'm English through and through and have stated I am definitely not British but with time running out I'm beginning to change my mindset and with more and more aliens entering our countries I think its time the people of these islands put aside our differences to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight for what is truly ours!

If that boils anyones piss then i'm sorry but i'm past talking about doing something and fed up of playing silly games. My only hope is that those with any bottle are ready to get off of their butts and fight for our homeland. People talk of when the time comes but has it not come already?

If you talk the talk then its time to walk the walk - if not then go find yourself a hobby and stop pissing about because this is not a game. The bloody country is in shit order and far from the dream those brave people of WWII had in mind for us.

If you've got a family, a wife or husband or if you have children and you haven't already become active then you should be ashamed into doing so. Do not let us be remembered as the weak generation which got butt fucked by the EU - be the generation which fought for these islands and the generation which won with glory. The past generation's did it and we must now pay homage to them to ensure our future generations inherit these lands.


This sounds a little hypocritical but the last time we were forced into working together we nearly ruled 3/4 of the world - (however I certainly do not condone that achievement because I believe it is partially to blame for what's happening to us now) - but the point I'm making is that in hindsight if we all work together then taking back our own homelands should be a stroll in the park for us. This is why at present I believe the only thing close enough to be able to achieve this is the BNP.

Yngvi, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 15 Comments [2/10/2013 6:31:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 92555

[About America's first Muslim college.]

This is like in the 1960's, when free slaves wanted to end segregation so 4 of them entered a Woolworth and sat at the lunch counter, the counter was for whites only, it was all a show so they could play the victims of the bad white men.

Now lets take a look at those 4 free slaves, they dressed very nice like white people with a tie, spoke very polite like white poeple, acted very nice like white people. All this helped to dumb down white people to think that free slaves are so nice so polite – lets end segregation and so it happened.

Look at America today, free slaves are not dressing nice acting nice, they lead in crime statistics, mostly black cities have chronic crime, high murder rates, Chicago 500+ murders last year and thats down from 900+ 20 years ago, so last year was good times for Chicago. Lucky us !

Whats worse is since ending segregation now white kids act like blacks !

This muslim college is also just a show in 50 years BOTH ! ! ends of this “Bridge” will look like Syria

Brasil2520, The Blaze 10 Comments [2/9/2013 3:24:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 92545

I am against race mixing same as the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese are.

Everyone here knows this ain't just about Brittany Watts. This is about the defilement, the rapes, the murders, the assault on respectable hi-IQ white woman by savages. How can a race breed successfully when its women are raped into mental ruin if they are not killed. It is bad enough that white women are enticed into relatively peaceful relationships with black men and produce more mixed race children who I find bizarre, ugly and off putting when I see them out in public with their pale white mother. Heidi Klum is a fine example of such white woman derangement syndrome.

I grew up in the 1950s when there were jobs for everyone. I blame lack of jobs for a lot of black male savagery. On the other hand I interact with peaceful male& female blacks every day when I go out and buy things. They are grounded because they are out there working and earning honest money. Blacks that go to church are also more grounded and peaceful.

joe-7k, Stuff Black People Don't Like 30 Comments [2/8/2013 4:40:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 92542

[RE: Nkosi Thandiwe, a black Georgia man who murdered one woman and wounded two others in 2011.]

Here’s just one more anti-white hate-killing and violent assault, because of leftist propaganda denigrating white people.

Note that he talks of his hatred stemming from what he learned in academia where foolish self-hating whites just can’t seem to denigrate their race enough.

Note too that he is acting against people who have nothing to do with his imagined ills and he has suffered no harm himself. He’s so stupid he thinks killing innocent people today is some kind of payback for what his demented, stupid mind perceives as injustices that require retribution.

And it isn’t just the self-hating whites in the MSM, the entertainment industry, and academia who prompt this black killer to do his dirty work. It is the likes of Tavist Smiley, Cornell West, Michael Dyson, Jesse, Al, Farrakhan and the entire CBC in Congress who spew filth and hatred against white people constantly, roiling up the retards in their general population who involve the vast majority.

Whether it is drugs in black neighborhoods, aids, poverty, the levees blown up in New Orleans, on and on and on, blacks are told and eagerly believe everything is a plot by whitey requiring a get even attitude every chance they get.

And they pursue their hatred in reckless abandonment assaulting, beating, mobbing, robbing, raping and killing, all because they have been told it’s justifiable, because of what they have suffered…….which, of course, is stupidity….nothing else.

Independent4233, The Blaze 11 Comments [2/8/2013 4:32:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 92522

They went from slavery, to Jim Crow, to Affirmative Action, to the current welfare state where their heads are stuffed with race-based Marxism. Each with its own style of chains.

Ironically the Jim Crow period was likely the freest and most successful time for Blacks, because it was not imposed uniformly and some could escape it in search of genuine freedom. Unfortunately, rather than simply ending Jim Crow and letting the Blacks experience freedom uniformly, our government stepped in with Affirmative Action to put them back in chains.

M.Wilson, Moonbattery 12 Comments [2/7/2013 4:39:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Zipperback

Quote# 92521

It has been proven time and time again that blacks cannot complete in free and open markets; thus they invariably opt for racial socialism/parasitism. This arrangement works well for them IF and only IF there are enough whites around to provide for their sorry asses.

Dave, Moonbattery 8 Comments [2/7/2013 4:39:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 92512

I agree with everything you said, except about Racist conception. Even in the past, White Racism often had defensive meaning, rather then offending. Japanese as a prominent Asian entity are also Racists, where during WWII they expressed extremely brutal Racism. To day, nobody pays any attention to Japanese Racism. Same we have with Chinese, not to mention Muslims, which are the worse, with exclusively aggressive Racism.

My point is that White Protective Racism is benign. I don't want Black or any other race as slaves or to own them. I have no hostility against Blacks. I just want to keep distance from them for safety reasons.

Hence, White Protective Racism is civilization Defensive Line against intruders. In this context, I am fiery White Racist. I advises every White, get rid of archaic fear being labeled as Racist. Your Protective Racism is our common defensive line and please do proudly pass this value on others.

Among all Races, only Blacks are constantly playing on Race cards for any trivia. In addition, did you notice that there is Racial conflict only in Whites-Blacks relations? Why, because they are like leeches, they can't survive without Whites, not in US nor in their independent banana states. If we would move to Mars, they would try to follow, because no one else would take care about them.

Lew Grandipher, American Renaissance 9 Comments [2/7/2013 4:16:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog
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